REVIEW COMMENTS Cl:'TY OF BOYR'l'OH BEACH COHCORREHCY MANAGEMEIft ORD:IHAHCE EXBHP"l'l:OH S"l"ATUS 1. Name of Project MOTOROLA PID/KIDSTOP 2 . Address or Location North East Corner of the C-16 Canal and " Congress Avenue ~-'~--. -.,.-""",-, '%"..--.- 3. Property Control Number 4. Traffic Analysis Zone 424 5. Type of Development Order or Permit DRI 6. Date of Approval (or last time extension) January 7, 1980 7. Expiration Date and Conditions (if any) N/A 8. Type of Use: _ Residential _ Office _ Retail _ Restaurant -1L Day Care _ Nursing Home-ACLF _ Church --X.. Industrial 9. Number and Type of Units or Square Feet 825,000 square feet I . ' (Total constructed-519,'291 sqft with approved day care) 10. Exemption Category A18 11. Exemption Status (By Facility Type): .--- NOT APPLICABLE X X X X X X NOT EXEMPT EXEMPT a) Potable Water b) Sanitary Sewer c) Solid Waste d) District parks e) Recreation Facilities f) Neighborhood Parks g) Drainage h) Traffic Circulation X X Planning/form.doc/10-90 00 M (Kt Ha~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SCAPE REVISION APPLICATION (CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS UNDER $100,000) OWNER/APPLICANT'S NAME ~4 b-e:;7);:> SUBMITTAL DATE zr- OWNER/APPLICANT'S ADDRESS OWNER/APPLICANT'S PHONE NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS PERMIT NO. ~ ~/3iJTRB NO. 9Z-GJ~ Describe the specific changes to the plan you propose: 1. Reason(s) for change: ~ 'I (JoQ:>,rt"M- /V~'r &~k.u;- 2. Identify section(s) of landscape code affected by revis ion: ( '7;0 CL>,u.J>fA-~~-::' C>>-I/V' I' NITV7~ 70 NH"-;~ 3. Specific plants specie(s) and number changes: - ........... PLAN'l" 1. ';OJ<fX -:!i-",-r/;- 2.. _ :L 4. 5. - E)-;.1 NUMBER /cSO REPLACEMENT ~ ~ t'" ~ !.M--- --- 4. What is the compared to dollar value the original /to/ Z- ~ cost of the proposed revision as cost? ~ Revised Cost $ /CtJ / Z. ;-- Original Cost $ *IMPORTANT: Provide approved TRB drawings so that proposed revisions may be compared to original approved plans. / '-- \LA...CV--'lCIoo.--. ~ --' . ~& H\UL~ ;';,NJ.' South Florida Water Management Distri t .O.o....".,.c...:--.. . 3301 Gun Club Road - P.O. Box 24680 - West Palm Beach. FL 33416.4680 - (407)686-8800 - FL W A TS 1.800-432-204:i CON 24-06 ~ejulation Uepartment ApPlication No.: 930415-4 May 14, 1993 Mendel Mark 7245 South Military Trail lake Worth, Fl 33463 APPROVED Fll HAt 1 4 1993 WPB Dear Permittee: SUBJECT: Notice of Intent to Construct Works Modification to Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification No.: 50-00931-S Permittee: MENDEL MARK Project: MOTOROLA DAY CARE CENTER Location: PALM BEACH COUNTY, S17/T45S/R43E This letter is to notify you of the District's request of April 15, 1993, to modify the above Discharge Certification. This action is taken Chapter 40E-40, Florida Administrative Code. 5Jsed on the information submitted which includes surface water management system design plans signed and sealed by a Florida registered Professional Engineer, a modification to the above referenced Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification ;s in effect for this project subject to: agency action concerning your referenced Permit and Stormwater pursuant to Rule 40E-1.606 and 1. Not receiving a filed request for a Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, administrative hearing, 2. the attached 12 Standard limiting Conditions, and 3. 5 Exhibits. Should you object to these Conditions, please refer to the attached "Notice of Rights" which addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a public hearing or other review of the proposed agency action. Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you in accordance with the "Notice of Rights", we will assume that you concur with the Distr1ct's action. P~ECEIVEp' Gvverning BO,lrd' Allan Milledge. Chairman. Miami Valerie Boyd. Vice Chairman - Naples Ken Adams. West Palm Beach James f.. Nail - Fort Lauderdale Annie Betancourt.. Miami Franklin B. Mann - Fort Myers Leah G. Schad.. West Palm Beach Frank Williamson. Jr. - Okeechobee Eugene K. Pellis - Fort Lauderdale .IAY 1& '. PLANN'NG DEPT~" ..., Tilford L. l reel. Executive Director , - Thomas K. MacVicar. Deputy Executive Direcl MENDEL MARK Subject: Notice of Intent to Construct Works May 14, 1993 Page 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTlFYthat a IINotice of Rightsll has been mailed to the addressee (and the persons listed in the attached distribution list) no later than 5:00 p.m. this 14th day of May, 1993, in accordance with Section 120.60(3), Florida ~tatutes. Sincerely, ~ /}--- Carlos A. de Rojas, P.E. Supervising Professional . Surface Water Management Division CR/kt/l d CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P 253 288 725 Enclosures ~ FORM 0537 ~10'87 South Florida Water Managemenf District GENERAL PERMIT NOTICE OF RIGHTS This Notice of Rights is intended to inform the recipient of the administrative and judicial review which may be aVl mandated by sectjon 120.60(3). Florida Statut.s. e. advis.d that although this notic. is intended to b. comprehensive. tl procedures set forth h.r.in have b..n the subj.ct of judicial construction and int.rpretation which may affect the admini! judicial review availabl.. R.cipients are th.refor. advised to become familiar with Chapt.rs 120 and 373. Florida Statutel judicial int.rpr.tation of the provisions of th.se chapt.rs. 1. If a substantially aff.c....d person obj.cts to the staff's r.comm.ndation. that person has the right to requ.st an admil h.aring on the proposed ag.ncy action. Th. substantially affected person may requ.st .ith.r a formal or an informal as s.t forth b.low. Failur. to comply with the prescribed time periods shall constitute a waiver of the right to a h.a.l 2. If a substantially aff.cted person believ.s a g.nuin. issue of mat.rial fact is in di~ute, that person may request a form~ pursuant to section 120.57(1). Florida Statutes. by filing a petition not lat.r than: a. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS PUBLISHED BY THE APPLICANT. within fourteen (14) days after mailing of the proposed ag.ncy action or b. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS NOT PUBLISHED, within founeen days after receipt of actual notic.. Th. request for a s.ction 120.57(1). F.S., formal hearing must comply with the requirem.nts of Rul. 4OE-1.521 Adminlstrativ. Cod.. a copy of which is attached. P.tltlons are de.med flied upon r.ceipt by the District. F substantially comply with the provisions of Rule 4OE-1.521. Florida Administrativ. Code. shall constitut. a waiver of th a 120.57(1) h.aring. If a petition for administrative hearing is not timely flied, the staff's proposed ag.ncy will autol mature into final agency action. 3. If a substantially affected p.rson beli.ves that no issu.s of material fact are in disput.. that person may request an hearing pursuant to section 120.57(2). F.S.. by filing a p.tition for h.aring not later than: a. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS PUBLISHED BY THE APPLICANT, within founeen (14) days after mailing of the proposed agency action or b. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS NOT PUBLISHED, within fourteen days after receipt of actual notice. A request for informal h.aring shall be considered as a waiver of the right to request a formal s.ction 120.57(1). F.S.. ht request for a section 120.57 (1 ). F .5.. formal hearing not in substantial compliance with the provisions of rule 40E- 1.52' may be considered by the District as a requ.st for informal hearing. If a petition for administrative hearing is not tim.ly staff's proposed ag.ncy action will automatically mature Into final agency action. 4. Pursuant to section 373.114, Florida Statutes. a party to the proceeding below may seek review of a Final Order rendert permit application b.for. the Land and Water A~judicatory Commission. as provided th.rein. Revi.w under this s initiated by filing a reQu.st for review with the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission and serving a copy on the Des of Environmental R.gulation and any p.rson named in the Ord.r within 20 days after rend.ring of the District' However. when the ord.r to b. r.vi.w.d has statewide or regional significanc.. as d.t.rmin.d by the Land an Adjudicatory Commission within 60 days aft.r r.c.ipt of a r.qu.st for revi.w, the commission may ~cc.Pt a r.quest fe from any affdcted person within 30 days after the r.nd.ring of the order. Revi.w under section 373.11<4. Florida SU !;mited sol.,y to a d.t.rmination of consist.ncy with the provisions and purpos.s of Chapt.r 373. Florida Stat~tes. Thl is appellate in nature and limited to the r.cord below. 5. A party who is advers.'y affected by final ag.ncy action on the p.rmit application is entitled to judicial review in the Court of Appeal pursuant to s.ction 120.68. Florida Statutes, as provided th.rein. Review under section 120.68. Florida in the District Court of Appeal is initiat.d by filing a p.tltion in the appropriate District Court of App.al in accorda! Florida rule of app.llate Procedure 9.110. Th. Notice of Appeal must b. fil.d within 3b days of the final agency actil 6. Section 373.617(2). Florida Statutes. provides: Any person substantially affected by a final action of any ag.ncy with respect to a p.rmit may seek r.view within 90 days of the r.ndering of suCh d.cision and request monetary damages and other relief in the circuit court in the judicial circuit in which the aff.cted property is locat.d: however, circuit court review shall be confined solely to det.rmining wh.ther final ag.ncy action is an unreasonable exercise of the state's polic. pow.r constituting a taking without just comp.nsation. Review of final ag.ncy action for the purpose of d.t.rmining whether the action is in accordance with .xisting statutes or rules and based on component substantial.vidence shall proceed.in accordance with Chapter 120. 7. Please be adVIsed that .xhaustion of administrative r.medi.s is generally a prer.quisite to appeal to the District I Appeal or the se.king of Circuit Court review of final agency action by the District on the permit application. no howev.r. exceptIons to the .xhaustlon requIrement. The applicant is advised to consult lh. case law as to lh. reQuirel exhaustion .xceptlons. 40E-1.S21 Initiation of Formal Proceedings. .I (1) Initiation of formal proceedings shall be made by petition to the District. The term petition as used herein in application or other document which expresses a request for formal proceedings. Elich petition should be printed. typ otherwise duplicated in legible form on white paper orltandard lega' size. Unless printed. the impression shall be on one paper only and lines shall be double-spaced and indented. (2) All petitions filed under these ru.es Shall contain: (a) The name and address of the District and the District's file or identification number.Jf known; (b) The name and address of the petitioner or ~tItIO"''''; (c) An explanation 0' how each petitioner's aubatantiallnternts will be affected by the District's determination (d) A statement of when and how petitioner received notice of the District'. decision or Intent to renoar a decis (e) A statement of aU disputed iau.. of material fact. If there are none. the petition must so indicate; (f) A concise ltatement of the ultimate facts which petJtioner believel entitle petitioner to the relief sought as w rules and statutes.which support petitioner's claim for relief; (g) A demand for the relief to which the petitioner deems himself entitled; and (h) Other information which the petitioner contend. is material. (3) Upon receipt of a petition for formal proceedings. the District shall review the petition for the degree of complla subsection (2) and shall accept those petitions In substantial compliance therewith which have been timely fUed and whic dispute which is within the jurisdiction of the District to resolve. If accePted. the District shan designate the presiding offi District shail promptly give written notice to an parties of the action taken on the petition. and shall ltate with particu reasons therefor. (4) If the District designates a Hearing Officer assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings as the presiding ofl District Clerk shall forward the petition and all material. filed with the District to the Division of Administrative Hearings. I notify ail parties of its action. Specific Authority 373.044. 373.113 F .5. law Implemented 120.53(1). 120.57 F.5. History - New 9-3-81. Formerly 16K-1.09(1). 16~-1.112(1) through (3). '8K-1.1~. " ...~.~~----------- LIMITING CONDITIONS 1. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROSECUTE THE WORK AUTHORIZED IN A MANNER SO AS TO MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE IMPACT OF THE WORKS ON FISH, WILDLIFE, NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATER QUALITY! THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY MEASURES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, INCLUDING FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILL MATERIAL PLACED AROUND NEWLY INSTALLED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTRIENT LOADING AND SEDIMENTATION IN THE RECEIVING WATERS. 2. WATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT AS REQUIRED. PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED MAY INCLUDE THOSE LISTED IN CHAPTER 17-302. IF WATER QUALITY DATA IS REQUIRED, THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE DATA AS REQUIRED, ON VOLUMES OF WATER DISCHARGED INCLUDING TOTAL VOLUME DISCHARGED, DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE. 3. THE PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND OTHER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. IN ADDITION, THE PERMITTEE SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL AND SPECIAL DISTRICT AUTHORIZATIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION OF WORKS AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. 4. THE OPERATION PHASE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFIES THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE ,BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIGN APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT THE CERTIFICATION AND NOTIFY THE DISTRICT THAT THE FACILITIES ARE READY FOR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL. UPON APPROVAL OF THE COMPLETED SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE SHALL REQUEST TRANSFER OF THE PERMIT TO THE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. . 5 ALL ROADS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FLOOD CRITERIA. 6 ALL BUILDING FLOORS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 7 OFF-SITE DISCHARGES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE MADE ONLY THROUGH THE FACILITIES AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. NO ROADWAY OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMMENCE ON-SITE UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE PERMITTED DISCHARGE STRUCTURE AND DETENTION AREAS. WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PROJECT SHALL BE THROUGH STRUCTURES HAVING A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR REGULATING UPSTREAM WATER STAGES. STAGES MAY BE SUBJECT TO OPERATING SCHEDULES SATISFACTORY TO THE DISTRICT. 8. NO CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPTABLE TO THE DISTRICT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND HAS AGREED TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM. THE ENTITY MUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER ALL WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THE SATISFACTION OF THIS CONDITION, THE DISTRICT WILL ISSUE AN AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION. 9. THE PERMIT DOES NOT CONVEY TO THE PERMITTEE ANY PROPERTY RIGHT NOR ANY RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED IN THE PERMIT AND CHAPTER 40E-4, FAC. ~--,~---~-_._-_.~-_..~--~-- LIMITING CONDITIONS 10. THE PERMITTEE SHALL HOLD AND SAVE THE DISTRICT HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, CLAIMS, OR LIABILITIES WHICH MAY ARISE BY REASON OF THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE OR USE OF ANY FACILITY AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT. 11. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED BASED ON THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED INFORMATION WHICH REASONABLY DEMONSTRATES THAT ADVERSE OFF-SITE WATER RESOURCE RELATED IMPACTS WILL NOT BE CAUSED BY THE COMPLETED PERMIT ACTIVITY. IT IS ALSO THE REPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE TO INSURE THAT ADVERSE OFF-SITE WATER RESOURCE IMPACTS DO NOT OCCUR DURING CONSTRUCTION. 12. PRIOR TO DEWATERING, PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR APPROVAL. INFORMATION SHALL INCLUDE AS A MINIMUM: PUMP SIZES, LOCATIONS AND HOURS OF OPERATION FOR EACH PUMP. IF OFF-SITE DISCHARGE IS PROPOSED, OR OFF-SITE ADVERSE IMPACTS ARE EVIDENT, AN INDIVIDUAL WATER USE PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT SEVERAL MONTHS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE WATER USE PERMIT APPLICATION. - _.._--,._-~-~~----_.~.._-'--- "--.L/ I I l---A'VE t8 ~ MOTOROLA B ,nnr. Ay, Harlow. Aw t.I7 Iwanho. Aw ~ KIt.', An ~ Loth." Aw i ~ Marlow A. rr ;Z 19 ".. - . J llf" N IV( . 1-, Awp ~ I >' Avp <, .., " Aw, I , Piane'er Cllnal r.: rk BEACH MALL . . c:( po. '" - 5 - .. .. ./ LOCATION MAP: lNOT TO SCALE) ,~ ' * 'I.' ORlGIf\!/\l s: ~p~~~jTTAL APR 1 5 b.)J \teM 1-\ Loc,o...-f\or\ ~ WPB A Jt\c, (A ,?O EXI-{(Ct T I )II S~:l3~IH:ltfV ,,,cd S3J. "IOOSS" 'Ii "'''ddOn>l InN'A" aNI. ...~ IJ." "'0_01011 . U _ III fl II I III I LmllilU _ ..~ "-.. ...~:. ":2L:.~:.:.:~_.._:_:..... _~' \';'"'_: ::.. ~~:..:. :~.'/';:-."'~1:"~-:~;;~.:....; :.:~~ , I. w > 04: o z ('II ('II ~ Z I ]I dOJ.SOI)I 100N:lU"0 UO!. 'NO ... ~~ -=-~~ !I I'll ~ i_ j. 'I ~ il:! . ._.~ , 'IHln II 00 i! Iii ~' II I,. ())NC. ~(l) a: UJ I I UJ I ~, , ~ I : ! UJ . !. ~ I i'l ~ I ,I,' ~ II . 'i I. I" I; iiI ..,- \ ......, ----~-'" ~ fiir:ll Iii ~ I~ h;1 1,1 . ! I j ~ ,I I , I . I I Z <t -.J a.. l.&J ~ <! Z <t a:: o o Z <! ~ ~. <!! 0..- ~ ---- , i i I ... I! " \ I I~~. ! ?II a ~ 1 ~ ~ s 1111 I ! I . g ! II i I / ~ ~ il II _ uc ~::';)~F<l. .:........ .': ~ ~ ....... \ ; :: ...:..:~: \ . . 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' MOTOROLA DAY CARE CENTER PERMIT SUMMARY SHEET APPLICATION NUMBER: 930415-4 PERMIT MODIFICATION NO. 50-00931-S LOCATION: PALM BEACH COUNTY, SI7/T45S/R43E OWNER: MENDEL MARK ENGINEER: METRIC ENGINEERING INC PROJECT AREA: 1.86 ACRES DRAINAGE AREA: 1.86 ACRES PROJECT USE: COMMERCIAL FACILITIES: 1. PROPOSED: Proposed is the construction of a surface water management system to serve a 1.86 acre day care center. The surface water management system will consist of inlets, culverts, swales and exfiltration trench. Overflow will be into the Motorola, Inc. master surface water management system. PROJECT LEVEL: DRAINAGE BASIN: C-16 RECEIVING BODY: MASTER SYSTEM ENVIRONMENTAL: ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY The project site currently contains landscaped grasses. No wetlands or other environmentally sensitive features exist on the site. Adverse impacts to wetlands are not anticipated as a result of the proposed construction. TOTAL ACRES TOTAL PROJECT 1.86 PREVIOUSLY PERMlnED THIS PHASE 1.86 acres Exhibit tf STAFF REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST PROJECT: MOTOROLA DAY CARE CENTER APPLICATION NUMBER: 930415-4 PERMIT MODIFICATION NUMBER: 50-00931-S INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Reviewer: X Carlos A. de Rojas. P.E. X VirQinia A. Sinn X Anthony M. Waterhouse, P.E. X Robert G. Robbins T. Bates X B. Colavecchio M. Cruz J. Giddings J. Golden F. Lund R. Mireau P. Rhoads R. Rogers M. Slayton D. Thatcher W. Van Voorhess X P. Walker - Comp Plan Div X K. Wallace A. Waterhouse X Area Engineer X Day File X Enforcement X Field Representative Office of Counsel X Permit F i1 e EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION X Applicant: MENDEL MARK X Applicant's Consultant: METRIC ENGINEERING INC X Engineer, County of: PALM BEACH X Engineer, City of: BOYNTON BEI'.':H X Local Drainage District: LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT COUNTY X Palm Beach -Building Division -Environmental Res Mgmt. -Health Dept. -Land Development Div. -Planning Div. Res & Analysis -School Brd., Growth Mgt. -Zoning Division, (J . MacG i 11 is) BUILDING AND ZONING DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION OTHER X West Palm Beach David Sinclair Dept of Natural Resources (K.Alvarez) Div of Recreation and Park - District 7 F.G.F.W.F.C. Port St. Lucie Planning Division S.W.F.R.P.C. - Glenn Heath Sierra Club - Central Florida Group EXHIBIT ~ ATTEN: APRILLE DAY MEMORANDUM TO: Chrstopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director . FROM: Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~2i ~ DATE: 3-3-93 2ND RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - Isi Review Project: KIDSTOP II I have no objections concerning the plans submitted for the above referenced project. C:FORSTER.IST 'fiv MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public works Director Vince Finizio, Admin. Coordinator of Engineering Richard staudinger, Gee & Jenson Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill cavanaugh, Fire Prevention officer Michael Kazunas, utilities Engineer Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator DATE: March 2, 1993 RE: Kidstop II - Second Set of Amended Plans A second set of amended plans for the Kidstop II have been submitted. Attached are copies of the first submittal of amended plans and the most recent submittal. Please review the reduced site plan and if you have any comments on this plan, please forward them to the planning and Zoning Director immediately. A full size set of plans for the proj ect are available in the Planning and Zoning Department for your review. m ~ .'..-a'. ClO.) .OUI01;1 .H~IIOM IllY' ]I U::>.UIH::>l:IV 'V'd S3.LVI:>OSSV Ii nVddOn)l . ~ i , . l!lU It: ,... '.' ~~ .1 I" ,. hi~ 1,:,1 .... ~ t.~ ~ .t .~ . I I w...o,~ ...:..... IICU.II"O. _UY ._1 .... ._ YWlIO~_ J[ dOJ.SOI)l mi' tllw j 1I, i!ll ~.!. "Ji, ;Itl!! i 'Iii "h 1:1; !!'i lQljl'1 11"i j,lll~!ii !i'l', IIIW1!: ~I:l !1 !f! !Ill I~, IIl.-" il I,ll ,hi' H'ji II if ' rJ' t!! lm~ I! Pj!1 , II~! ll~! Ihl" !I'lir-.1H !I,II, I lIe,hil!!'1 : !jj~1 ,11.ht Ii 11r. I h bH I U I' ,. j 1'1",' ;~ 11, I~i Ii' lulll Ui ~i: :i'1 jl_, u lj:. iiM !illlllli ".,11"1 ""liI 11',111" d 11111 i ~ I d ~:~ it Jil!! Ii ~iil I'l 11111 hJ :t;~ : m!l; 'l~ 11ltJi i! II! Ii d lIt-! I iJ. I' IiI il!I'1 ~i I;~.! ~ ~I! 11':I~! t,! "I' "i II'!, 'I, ii, Ill! UI ;lll!r~j I!!I /)! ,I: I !P. I_~IJ '~I !' J :!1 I ai IIP-II_ !::! ;U!::: I' '," " ..; g~ I ;il iii > <C Q Z N N ~I ( ... I . I ! :J: ~i ! !1 4i : jlls. l ,I I': II ". i jih I i" Iii ,1.1,'; i Ill;, ; If, ?. ,', 'I ' ijl!l I .,. ~ i p~ 1, 1! ~lJl ,lll 1,1:';; l'j Ii i.j:H . ~ !i~I~1 . l' d I 1 !l!, u I~'" il JI 'iifl ""I ",:I,i! 'I ,llll l'ii' 'i"I'I: !,. II Iljjj ,111," II Nil II iil J III'~ nq:tl ! ~! ~ I !r. ! ~' . ~'I.,I I I ! I I i 1!!1' tit! IJ li.J' '~ . i~' .tln J :1;1",' .}lj :1 : in l~hl I,~: ! 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TU: FROM: IJA'T'E: HE: pg 1 J -' FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-211 PLANNING DEPAE'I't>1ENT FIRE DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 19; 199~ IvlOTOROLA - KIDS'I'OP II - SITE PLAN - SECOND REVIEW THE PROPOSED EIRE HYDRP,NT LOCATiON is APPROPH.IATE. ~d:~A~~P&~ ( 'tJJ..LLLAj'.~ D CA rANAUGH; FPO I BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT REceIVED FEB 1 9 1993 MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 93 - 090 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director ~ h,- r7c; DATE: March 3, 1993 SUBJECT: Kidstop II - Revised Site Plan Based upon the conceptual water and sewer plans received by this Dept. yesterday, we have no objection to this project moving forward in the approval process. Please, however, be advised that permits will be required from the Palm Beach County Health Unit for the water and sewer systems to service this property. Engineering plans and permit applications must first be approved by this office before being forwarded to the Health Unit. Please refer any further questions on this matter to Mike Kazunas or Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Mike Kazunas J. Scott Miller, City Manager Mike Haag, Planning Dept. Don Jaeger, Building Official File .-. RECEIVED. MAR a · PLANNII~G DEPT~ '\ ~-- - .. , .' ATTEN: APRILLE DAY MEMORANDUM TO: Chrstopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: 2-19-93 site Plan Review - New Site Plan - 1~~ Review DATE: Project: KIDSTOP II AT MOTOROLA I have no objections concerning the plans submitted for the above referenced project. C:FORSTER.IST RECEIVED FEB 1 9 1993 ,. ATTEN: APRILLE DAY MEMORANDUM TO: Chrstopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent DATE: :; - J 6 .- 0; "1 RE: .JfViJ Si te Plan Review - New Site Plan - ~ Review Project: *il)$"((lp 11' AT /}fl)fOIf()(,,,L} , The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced project. There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project. ( RECEIVED FEB 2 2 1993 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #93-040 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Review - Kidstop II At Motorola DATE: February 18, 1993 Having reviewed these plans for Kidstop II at Motorola Public Works finds no concerns. REier MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator DATE: February 9, 1993 RE: Site Plan Project: Location: Applicant: File No.: Review - New Site Plan Kidstop II at Motorola NW 22nd Avenue, 1150 feet Mark and Joan Mendel 718 east of Congress Avenue The following comments are in response to the submittal of the site plan for the above referenced project. The comments for the project will be discussed at the February 11, 1993, Technical Review Committee meeting. The site plan was reviewed for consistency with the review standards specified in Section 8 of Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Part III, Land Development Regulations of the code of Ordinances. The applicant shall amend the drawings and documents to show compliance with the following comments: 1. What does Boynton Beach File #684 stand for? The correct Planning and Zoning Department file number is #718. 2. Specify on the elevation view drawings the color of all exterior finish materials. 3. Specify on the elevation view drawing the type of material and color of the roofing material shown behind the entrance facade. 4. Add the sidewalk that is located along N.W. 22nd Avenue to the section drawing titled AA shown on Sheet C2 of 2. 5. Submit twelve (12) copies of a current survey of the day school site. The survey shall match the property dimensions shown on the site plan. 6. Add City of Boynton Beach to the substitution note #3 found on page 3 of the landscape specifications. 7. Show on the Landscape Plan the continuous visual barrier hedge required around the perimeter of the north, east and west sides of the vehicle use area. Specify on the plan and incorporate into the plant list the fOllowing material specifications: spacing 24 inches on center, height 18 inches at time of planting and type of specie. No less than fifty (50) percent of the total number of required hedges shall be a native specie. 8. Incorporate into the plant list a distinguishable symbol that identifies the native specie material. Note: No less than fifty (50) percent of the total number of required hedges and/or trees shall be a native specie. 9. Show on the Landscape Plan the location of the fire hydrant and drainage structures. 10. Specify on the site plan the overall setback distance from the leading edge of the bUilding (overhang counts) to the north, south, east and west property lines. 11. Amend the drawing to show and specify the required greenbelt twenty-five (25) foot wide peripheral greenbelt. Forty (40) foot is not applicable to this site. show on the Landscape Plan with a distinguishable symbol a line that delineates the location of the peripheral greenbelt landscaping from the required site landscaping. To: Christopher cutro Re: Kidstop II at Motorola Page Two 12. place a callout and dimension on the Landscape Plan that specifies the maximum spacing of trees along N.W. 22nd Avenue will not exceed forty (40) foot on center. This note is for the trees directly north of the parking spaces, not the trees that are part of the peripheral greenbelt. 13. Revise the site signage to comply with the design of the existing Motorola signage or request a modification to the Motorola PID signage standards. See attached Section 21-30 of the Sign code. 14. Specify on the plan whether the facility is private to Motorola employees or open for public enrollment. 15. Due to the fact that the day school is in line with the antenna and pager test location site located at the south end of the Motorola project. Provide for review documentation regarding the effect that the pager test site (electromagnetic radiation) will have on the day school site. 16. Prior to approval of the site Plan Review there shall be a master plan modification approval for the proposed site and use. The master plan modification will require Motorola to submit for a proposed change to the DRI. contact Sally Black, Review Coordinator, Treasure Coast Regional planning council, (407) 221-4060 for further information. -=::::::::- ~ 21-30 BOYNTON BEACH CODE Sec. 21.30. Signs permitted in planned districts. The following are the general requirements for signs in planned districts (PUD, peD and PID), for specific allowable signage see the regulations for each similar, regular zoning district. (a) Purpose and intent. The purpose of this section is to en- courage continuity for signage in the planned districts, while allowing for flexibility with respect to type, color, number, location (exclusive of setbacks) and design of signs. The general requirements for each planned district can be found in the similar corresponding regular zoning district in this sign code. The approval of signs in planned districts require the submission of a sign program for the entire project as part of the site plan approval process. Prior to issuance of permits, the sign program must be reviewed by the community appearance board. (b) Sign program. All requests for approval of a sign program shall be filed as part of the original site plan approval process or as a modification to the approved site plan. All applications shall be filed by the sign owner or his agent, with the appropriate fee and shall describe and set forth the following: (1) The type and number of signs or sign structures. (2) The square foot area per sign and dimensions of struc- tures. (3) Three (3) sealed copies of the site plan showing sign location, sign elevations and construction details, such as materials, colors, wind resistance requirements and structural details. (4) In addition to the above, one (1) set of colored sign elevations with all copy shown in the type style to be used. (Ord. No. 91-1, ~ 1, 1-15-91) Sec. 21.31. Special signs. (a) Temporary project development signs. Large areas under development shall be permitted two (2) signs not to exceed a com- bined aggregate area of two hundred fifty (250) square feet. Such signs shall be located in accordance with the requirements con- Supp. No. 47 1504 ~ 21.21 BOYNTON BEACH CODE etic considerations which must be met and are therefore subjec.t' to view by the community appearance board when require}l( e scale of the sign must be consistent with the e of the uilding on which it is to be placed or paint and the neigH orhood in which it is located. Howev , in no case shall it ceed the size provided for in other. ections of this chapter. (b) The overall e ect of the configurat' n or coloring of the sign shall be co istent with the munity design guide- lines. The configu tion and col s shall be complementary with other signs al ady on e building and on adjacent properties. Where question arises regarding the inte retation of this chapter he most restrictive interpretation shall revail. I erpretations of this chapter shall be made by lCial or designee. (Ord. No. 91-1, ~ 1, 1.15-91) Sec. 21.23. Setbacks. All signs must meet a minimum ten-foot setback measured from the property line to the closest surface of the sign. 'Where a building is closer than ten (10) feet from a property line, a free- standing sign can have its leading edge one-halfway between the property line and the building. Wall signs can be on the building surface. When an accessway intersects a public right-of-way or when the subject property abuts the intersection of two (2) or more public rights-of-way, all signage within the triangular areas de- scribed below shall provide unobstructed cross-visibility at a level Supp. No.4 7 1496 SIGNS ~ 21-24 between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet. The triangular areas above referred to are: (a) The areas of property on both sides of an accessway formed by the intersection of each side of the accessway and the public right-of-way line with two (2) sides of each triangle being ten (10) feet in length (or more when determined to be necessary by the building department), from the point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the end of the other two (2) sides. (b) The area of property located at a corner formed by the intersection of two (2) or more public or private rights-of- way, with two (2) sides of the triangular area being thirty- five (35) feet in length along the abutting public right- of-way lines, measured from their point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the other two (2) lines. (Ord. No. 91-1, ~ 1, 1-15-91) 21-24. Signs permitted in residential zoning district he following signs are permitted and regulated in resid ial zonin districts:] (a) One ) customary plaque not exceeding two ( In area. (b) On plots co aining permitted nonresi tial structures or uses, a flat 0 reestanding sign, nQ exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet area will be pitted. A flat wall sign must not be highe than ten ) feet, nor a freestanding sign higher than six fee uch signs may advertise the main use of the premise nly. (c) Temporary real estat sign (1) Single-family,' One (1) real state sign not exceeding five (5) squ e feet in area an no taller than four (4) feet is wed per street fronta (2) Multi ily or commercial: One (1) al estate sign not exc ding thirty-two (32) square feet' area and no t er than six (6) feet is allowed per str t frontage. ondominium or residential development may e ct single aced name signs on each side of all entrances on Sl walls sup!>. No. 47 1497 SIGNS ~ 21-28 not exceed ten (10) percent of the exterior wall face u n which they are attached, Each entrance from the blic Oght-of-way into the mall will be allowed ate-sided fr standing sign not to exceed thirty-two (32 quare feet in a ea per sign face. A freestanding sign compliance with ction 21-26(b) will be permitted i ieu of the above referen d entrance signs. (c) (b) (d) Nonilluminate Identification s' s shall be permitted on the rear door business establish ents, provided they are limited to ree (3) square feet in a. (e) One (1) al estate sign advertising "Fo may e placed on the premises and s 11 not exceed thi -two (32) square feet in area, nor six (6) et in height. e (1) such sign is permitted for each stre frontage, Ord. No. 91-1, ~ 1, 1-15-91) Sec. 21.28. Signs permitted in industrial zoning districts. [The following signs are permitted and regulated in industrial zoning districts:] (a) One (1) real estate sign advertising "For SalelRentlLease", may be placed on the premises and shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, nor six (6) feet in height. One (1) such sign is permitted for each street frontage. (b) One (1) freestanding sign, not exceeding sixty-four (64) square feet in area, advertising the use of the premises. This sign shall be predicated on the basis of one-half square foot of sign area for each one (1) linear foot of street frontage, with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. (c) One (1) or more fIxed projecting or flat wall sign(s) which advertises the use of the premises, provided that for the Supp. No.4 7 1501 ~ 21.28 BOYNTON BEACH CODE projecting sign, the sign and its supports shall not extend more than three (3) feet beyond the face of the wall, nor shall either sign extend above the parapet of the building or beyond the building corner. The maximum area for this signage shall be predicated on the basis of one (1) square foot of area for each one (1) foot of linear building frontage, (d) Nonilluminated identification signs shall be permitted on the rear door of business establishments, provided they are limited to three (3) square feet in area. (e) A directory sign, not exceeding eighteen (18) square feet in area, is permitted, This directory sign can not exceed a height of six (6) feet and must be placed within the building setback area. (f) Lots which have uses which front on 1-95 may be permitted additional flat sign(s) subject to the limitations imposed in section 21-28(c) if the building is designed to front on 1-95. For purposes of clarification, fronting in this section means that the building entrance faces 1.95 and no garage doors are visible from the Interstate. Additionally, the area be- tween the use and the interstate must be landscaped as if it were fronting on a street. (g) Directional signs, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, nor five (5) feet in height, with a limit of four (4) signs per lot, located at points of parking lot ingress and egress. (h) Temporary business identification signs shall be permitted instead of other wall signs permitted in this section. One (1) temporary sign for a maximum of thirty (30) days, can be permitted when a certificate of occupancy has been is- sued pending the approval of a sign application, if at the time of the certificate of occupancy, an application for a sign permit has been submitted to the building depart- ment. (Ord. No. 91-1, ~ 1, 1-15-91) S 21.29. Signs in the central business di~ttick-'--- [The 0 ing signs are permitted andy.egulated in the central business distric D) subject to .appf'oved guidelines:] ~. (a) One (1) real estat ..- dvertising "For SalelRentlLease", may be plac n the preml d shall not exceed sixteen (16) s e feet in area, nor six t in height. Supp. No.' 1502 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTME~T MEMORANDUM #93-017 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Review - KIDSTOP II DATE: February I, 1993 The Public Works Department has no problem with the Site Plan Review for KIDSTOP II at Motorola. ~~ Public Works Director REier ..-.... ~O ':{ '~~ "i ' ,,-.f'"".,... '\ -,. ."... V ',,~~;....,} \.... . ~ 1 - ,~~~ ~t. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-039 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. City Engineer DATE: February II, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments Kidstop II The Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach has reviewed the Kidstop II site plan and offer the following comments: I) Traffic circulation is inadequate. The applicant shall modify this site to separate day care traffic from Motorola's main drive- way traffic. 2) Realign or eliminate south access inter-connection to Motorola's parking lot from the day care center. 3) Provide an adequate drop off area on site, reference safety of the children. 4) The applicant should consider providing a separate driveway inter- secting with NW 22nd Avenue (Gateway Boulevard) or provide a four lane entrance at existing driveway in order to separate traffic flows. ~7 ~ IC~ Staudinger, P.E. VAF:WRS/ck xc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager RECEIVED fEB 1 1 1993 BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-032 February 10, 1993 THRU: Chris Cutro Planning Dtf'r ctor Don Jaeger Building 0 icial TO: FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRC COMMENTS - KIDS'l'OP II AT MOTOROLA The Building Department has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project and submits the following comments: I. The sign must comply with the 10 foot setback requirement of Section 2l-23 of the Boynton Beach Sign Code. 2. Please advise the applicant of the requirements in Section 21-25(b) regarding the maximum square footage of the sign and section 21-30(b)l, 2, 3 & 4 of the sign Code. 3. A handicapped accessible walkway from the main street to the building entrance is required, per the Handicap Code. #/~ Al New ld 738-7480 AN: bh R~GEIVED FEB ! n 1993 KIDSTOP FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO_ 93-207 WDC 'PO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~'ROM: FIRE DEPARTMEN'I' DATE: FEBRUARY 3: 1993 H.E: TRC - SITE PLAN KIDSTOP II AT MOTOROLA 1300 NW 22 AVENUE FIRE HYDRANT(S) TO CONFORM TO CITY SUB DIVISION REGULATIONS - i.e. - NO PORTION OF ANY COMMERCIAL BUILDING SHALL BE OVER 200i FROM A FIRE HYDRANT: SHALL BE PROVIDED. 4tz/t~ /{J&~~ Z WILLIAM D CAVANAUGH: FPO I BOYN'I'ON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT RECEIVED FEB- 5 1993 MEMORANDUM Utilities #93-040 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Di FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: February 3, 1993 SUBJECT: Kid Stop II at Motorola File 718 Site Plan - First Review Attached, for the applicant's use, are plans showing the water and sewer facilities nearest and available to the project, The developer has several options to obtain access to utilities: 1. A private water service and force main can be run to the east side of Congress Avenue in an easement obtained by the applicant from Motorola. Fire protection must be addressed. 2. A water main can be constructed within the right of way to the water main along the north side of NW 22nd Avenue with dedication to the City. This will require a jack and bore installation and permitting from Palm Beach County Roads. The force main can be constructed within the right of way to the force main on the west side of Congress Avenue or to the gravity sewer in the Shoppes of Boynton. If the Shoppes of Boynton alignment is chosen, additional easement may need to be obtained from the Shoppes of Boynton to maintain the required separation of water and sewer. If the Congress Avenue alignment is selected, than a permit from the County is required. 3, Any combination of the above or another alignment can be considered for approval. Due to the complexity of these alignments and the possibility these plans will include the extension of City maintained utilities, we request the additional information enumerated in Section 26-16, IlPrerequisites to approval of development permit", (copy attached) be provided prior to second review. ll~<=]sI"JEI> ... fa 4 ...... PLANNING DEPT.: .! '. - ..__ _ -i~ Christopher Cutro February 3. 1993 Page 2 Backflow prevention will be required on both the domestic water and fire protection lines in accordance with City Ordinance 90-51. Please inform the applicant to contact Mr. Mike Kazunas or Mr, Peter Mazzella at 738-7460 to discuss the details regarding this matter. 19b Attachments xc: Mike Kazunas Peter Mazzella Skip Milor File Utility Engineer - 4 hours Admin. Assistant - .5 hour S 26-15 BOYNTON BEACH CODE approved by the municipal officers above indh"ated and it shall be mandatory that any changes or alterations in said proposed plans and specifications designated by said officials be effected prior to issuance of subject permits. (Code 1958, ~ 30B-l; Ord. No. 80-10, ~ 1, 4-1-80) Sec. 26-16. Prerequisites to approval of development permit. In connection with review of any proposed plans or specifications above described by the designated municipal officials, the following shall be determined: (a) That the size, location and design of the pipes, pumps, lift stations or piping intended to serve the area shall be sufficient to insure adequate flow and pressure, based upon the size, height and density of the subject development. In addition, it shall be affirmatively determined that the off-site utilities are sized to comply with the Master Comprehensive Utilities Plan of the city; provided, however, that if said compliance requires any oversizing of the pipes or piping necessary to serve the subject development, the developer (or developers) by joint written agreement with the City shall finance the needed areas' off-site utilities to a capacity necessary to serve the property of the developer (or developers) in accord with the master plan and; any oversizing of said off-site utilities constructed in accord with the master plan shall be initially financed by the developer (or developers) unless, in response to the developer's request, the city council agrees to fund the oversizing costs in an amount equal to the oversizing costs plus fifteen (15) percent administrative cost to be paid by the developer (or developers); additionally provided that the owner may pay the costs of such oversizing with such costs to be accounted as a credit against the owner's capital facilities charge pursuant to section 30B-4(G) hereof. In addition, the proposed system shall provide adequate fire prevention needs and adequate safeguards in the proposed system to 1788 "', i'J '.'" '-:-. ". Iff ... WATER. SEWERS AND CITY UTILITIES S 26-16 provide emergency service in the event of accidental breakage and loss of pressure within said system as determined by the city. (b) That the proposed water system contain sufficient provision for fire hydrants with relation to distance between said hydrants and proximity to structures within the proposed development. Further, that said hydrants will be located at points within the proposed development to enable ready and direct access by mechanical apparatus of the municipal fire department or if within the county, the appropriate fire district. (c) The size, type, number and method of installation of any water meter or meters proposed to be installed or added to the municipal water utility system in connection with any building project as hereinabove described, shall be determined and approved prior to installation thereof by the municipal utilities di- rector. In addition, all required water meters serving the proposed development shall be placed at locations which will enable municipal personnel to efficiently service and read said meters and developer shall grant permission and legal authority to the city for the p(.:'pose of city personnel having access to said meters. (d) It is not the intent of this chapter to guarantee, for an extended period of time, adequate capacity to serve the developer's (or developers') property, however, the written agreement to be executed with the city will state the time period of the guarantee. The capital facility charge will remain as it is at the time of the execution of this agreement during the time period of the guarantee and will thereafter be as from time to time amended. (e) The capital facility charge credits will be separately accounted for in either the water portion or the sewer portion of the city's utility fund, and will not be 1789 . 26-16 BOYNTON BEACH CODE interchangable used toward the other's obliga- tion. (Code 1958, ~ 30B-l; Ord. No. 80-10, ~ I, 4-1-80) Sees. 26-17-26-26. Reserved. DIVISION 2. CUMULATIVE PROVISIONS FOR EXP ANSION OF WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS Sec. 26.27. Scope. The city has accepted the responsibility to provide water and sewerage services within its "area" as a regional service agency as designated by the Palm Beach County Area Planning Board; roughly from the Atlantic Ocean and west to the E-3 canal, and from Hypoluxo Road on the north, south to the north city limits of Delray or as specifically delineated by the area planning board. (Code 1958, i 30B-3; Ord. No. 80-10, ~ 1, 4-1-80) Sec. 26-28. Feasibility study. When a developer and/or property owner requests in writing utilities service from the city, a feasibility study, the cost of which shall be borne entirely by the developer and/or property owner, for the extension of utilities shall be conducted by the city's engineers. 8aid feasibility study shall include an analysis and estimate of: (a) Projected operation costs; (b) Projected maintenance costs; (c) Projected revenue, related to this project. The city council shall authorize such feasibility study when the developer and/or property owner shall escrow with the city monies sufficient, in the discretion of the city, to conduct said feasibility study. (Code 1958, ~ 30B-4; Ord. No. 80-10, ~ 1, 4-1-80) Sec. 26-29. Proposal and approvaL (a) All projects submitted by the developer after a feasibility study and/or property owner proposing any 1790 /' M E M 0 RAN D 'J M 93-024 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning and Zoning Directo~ FROM: Donald I. Thrasher Lieutenant Community Relations Division DATE: 2 February 93 SUBJECT: Site Plan Review - Kidstop II at Motorola I have reviewed the above site plan and find all to be satisfactory. ~~ ,~ Donald I. Thrasher Lieutenant Community Relation Division -- DIT/dmj RECEfVED FEB 2 - 1993 ATTEN: APRILLE DAY MEMORANDUM TO: Chrstopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ~ '-5-93 O' FROM: DATE: RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - 1st Review Project: tci fJ.stoF ff A -r lhtS{'Otfo L4 The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced proj ect. There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project. MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT, NO. 93 - 090 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, utilities Director ~*,.' I/. /. ,~ "- r -' -;- DATE: March 3, 1993 SUBJECT: Kidstop II - Revised Site Plan Based upon the conceptual water and sewer plans received by this Dept. yesterday, we have no objection to this project moving forward in the approval process, Please, however, be advised that permits will be required from the Palm Beach County Health Unit for the water and sewer systems to service this property. Engineering plans and permit applications must first be approved by this office before being forwarded to the Health Unit. Please refer any further questions on this matter to Mike Kazunas or Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG!PVM b c : Peter Ma z z e II a xc: Mike Kazunas J. Scott Miller, City Manager Mike Haag, Planning Dept. Don Jaeger, Building Official File RECEIVED. ~ ""AR J .. PLANNI..G o EPT'! \ - . -11- MEMORANDUM Tu: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator DATE: March 2, 1993 RE.: ::;ite plan Project: Location: Applicant: File No.: Review - New Site Plan Kidstop II at Motorola NW 22nd Avenue, 1150 feet Mark and Joan Mendel 718 east of Congress Avenue The amended plans for the above referenced project have been submi tted and reviewed. The comments from the original set of comments have been satisfactorily corrected on the amended plans. The applicant shall submit working drawings for permit review that depict the project in compliance with the city of Boynton Beach code of ordinances and the following comments. 1, Amend the total number of parking spaces provided as stated within the project data to match the total number of spaces shown on the site plan. 2. Revise the site signage to comply with the design of the existing Motorola signage or request and receive approval of a modification to the Motorola PID signage standards, 3. On the Landscape Plan show the ten (10) foot line-of-sight triangle required at both sides of south driveway that connects the Kidstop site to the Motorola roadway system. Place a note on the plan that describes the following: landscape material located within the triangle areas shall be installed and maintained at a height that will allow clear and unobstructed visibil i ty between the space of thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet above the elevation of the driveway. 4. Show on the Landscape Plan the continuous visual barrier hedge required along the perimeter of the west side of the ~ west vehicle use area. Specify on the plan and incorporate in~o the plant list the following material specifications: spacing 24 inches on center, height 18 inches at time of planting and type of specie. No less than fifty (50) percent of the total number of required hedges shall be a native specie. 5. Show on the Landscape Plan the location of the drainage flumes and relocate landscape material accordingly, 6. Submit for review and approval a cross-access agreement signed by the appropriate parties. 7 . Prior to the proposed improvements being made to the new Kidstop II site, Motorola shall submit for review and approval plans depicting the proposed modifications to the existing Motorola site, ~ 'r I 11 J,...},/'p ~ MiJ;nae 1 E. Haag MEH:ald C:KIDSTUP.2ND ,-{ - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-064 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio, Deputy City Engineer DATE: March 1, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments Kidstop II at Motorola Second Set of Amended Plans The City Engineer and I have reviewed the above referenced second submission and herein provide your office with the following comments: I) The southeast edge of pavement for the main service road shall be aligned in such a fashion as to provide a 25' minimum separation between the subject service road and the southwest edge of the one-way entrance into the Kidstop II facility. This minimum distance separation shall be accomplished by relocating the west edge of pavement of the one-way drive 3' east, thereby providing for a 12' wide one-way drive which will discourage two-way traffic. The southwest corner radius of the one-way drive would then be reduced to a 2' dimension. 2) A std. 1I0NE-WAY/DO NOT ENTERII sign shall be placed along the right side of the travel lane at the southwest one-way drive, opposite a similar sign depicted along the left edge of pavement. 3) North of the depicted flush concrete walkway, within the one-way drive/parking lot area, the applicant shall provide for the installation of two IINO EXITII signs, placed in such a manner as to discourage vehicles using the main north parking facility from entering into an area with opposing traffic movements. 4) Internal directional arrows depicted upon the plans, being situated within the stamped concrete entryway, shall be relocated from this area westward a sufficient distance to place the directional arrows on asphaltic concrete surfaces. ~ ~ ~. ~~~:...~ Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer (as directed) r"') -....... _. r; .,"rOo' ..... ....-- ~ ~ ,--" J MAn 2 '~""J .~';it - i:J~,J c .- - r') SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION March 1, 1993 Project Name: Kidstop II Applicant: Mark and Joan Mendel Agent: Robert E. Kuoppala, Architect Location: Northeast corner of Motorola P.I.D. - south of N.W, 22nd Avenue (Ga~eway Boulevard) and East of the E-4 canal Land Use plan Designation: Industrial zoning Designation: P.I.D. Planned Industrial Development Type of Use: Day school facility Number of Units: N/A square Footage: site: 80,984 square feet (1.859 acres) Building: 10,760 square feet Description of Project: Mark and Joan Mendel, the applicants, are presently under contract with Motorola to purchase the 1.859 acre site to construct the Kidstop II dayschool facility. The site will be subdivided from the Motorola project which is a planned Industrial Development P.I,D, established in 1979. The dayschool facili~y is open for public enrollment and will be designed for approxImately 185 children and 26 employees. The building is approximately 10,760 square feet in area with the front of the building facing north along Gateway Boulevard (f, k. aN. W. 22nd Avenue). The proposed structure is a single story building that is divided into classrooms, offices and other dayschool facilities. The site is located in the modern design district as specif~~d in the Community Design plan. The design of the building complies with the modern design theme as described in the Community Design Plan. rhe color of the bUilding does not match the Motorola building, however, the modern design theme does not have a list of specIfic colors to chose from, Therefore, the city is left ~o determine if the proposed colors are acceptable. The site is designed with the parking and traffic circulation path located to the north and wes~ of the building. The Kidstop II site does not have a separate entrance driveway leading to the site from Gateway Boulevard, however, vehicles that enter the Kidstop site will share the Mo~orola east driveway that is located on Gateway Boulevard, The Motorola driveway entrance is attached to the on-site priva1:e access aisle roadway system that leads to the Motorola facility. The existing roadway system will be modified to accommodate the Kidstop site. There are two driveway entrances leading to the Kidstop site that branch off the Motorola internal roadway system. The playground area is located adjacent to the east, south and wes~ sides of the bUilding. The playground area is enclosed with a SIX (6) foot high chain I ink fence. The remainder of the site IS landscaped with a mixture of trees and shrubs, The landscaping is conslstent with the specifications listed in the Landscape code. A for~y (40) foot wide strip of land located along the perimeter of the north and east sides of the Kidstop site is dedicated as ~he peripheral greenbel~. ~ome of the landscape ma~erIal tha~ presen1:ly occupIes the greenbelt area will be relocated to 1:he Mo~orola Sl~e and, as no~ed on ~he plan, a majority of the eXIsting material will remain In place and be llsed to meet the requirements of the landscape code for the Kidstop Sl~e, -/- staff Report - Kidstop II Page Two Concurrent with the site plan approval is a request by the applicant to have the City consider allowing the signage for the Kidstop II project to become part of the Motorola P,I.D, signage (see Exhibit "A", from R. Kuoppala, agent for the owner). The sign code specifies that Planned Developments such as the Motorola project implement a sign program that encourages continuity of signage for the project while allowing for flexibility with respect to type, color, design, number of and location of signs. The size of the proposed freestanding sign is consistent with the specification listed in the sign code. A colored elevation view drawing of the proposed freestanding sign will be on display at the meeting along with photographs of the existing Motorola signage, The Motorola project has several directional signs placed throughout the site and two business identification signs located on the site, one installed along Congress Avenue and the other located along Gateway Boulevard. The two business identification signs are monument signs and the size of each sign is approximately one-hundred and twenty (120) square feet each side. There are no signs mounted on the Motorola building. The elevation view drawings of the Kidstop II bUilding do not show signage located on the building. Approval of the sign request would create a sign program for the two sites at the Motorola P. I. D. The following comment is in response to the request for a sign program modification: The applicant shall submit a reduced site plan drawing of the entire P.I.D. site. The drawing shall depict the location (Setback distance from property lines), size, color and type of material of the existing permanent signs located on the Motorola and Kidstop si tes , This comment may be corrected by submitting the above drawings as supplemental drawings to the permit documents when the applicant requests the Kidstop II freestanding sign. Review of Departmental Comments: Please find attached the comments from all reviewing departments. The Technical Review Committee recommends the project proceed forward through the approval process subj ect to the following comments: Engineering Department Memorandum #93-064, Building Department Memorandum #93-039, p~lice Department Memorandum #93-039, utilities Department MemorandUm #93-090 and Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum dated March 2, 1993. Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Department recommends that the Planning and Development Board find the plans acceptable and forward same to the city Commission with a recommendation to approve, subject to the applicant submitting working drawings for permit review that depict the project in compliance with the City of Boynton Beach code of Ordinances and the attached staff comments. C:KIDSTOP.POlD -1- ATTEN: APRILLE DAY MEMORANDUM TO: Chrstopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: 2-19-93 Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - l~~ Review DATE: Project: KIDSTOP II AT MOTOROLA I have no objections concerning the plans submitted for the above referenced project. C:FORSTER.1ST RECEIVJ=r') FEB 1 9 \993 ~ ~ " )4- -- J- f r- >- ~ (,0 o >- 'V m ~ >- z .. :::-; 2 ~ i= . i; ! Ji: i! F m j~.~ ~~ H H n H ~ 1~ ~H ~: 1~:~ ~~~~:;l Hi ~~ HUll ~i : ~~ m ! ~!.1~:- l! f:'i ~;i _ _. __ r f . t_ 1.. i 'i ~. t= !~ : ,; ; ~~ ; It!' f ;; ~ 'i ;, ~ ! il!l! im~ : ~t < , !;= ! ;!.' !. ~ M ii .. ., ...... I I ;; _.%.. _ f = ...-........ j: i l~ is IJ: ~;!rj~~rl..rl I _ I ~--I~ h It ;; !:I! :;li! I . i I' .. .. i IU I! J ~ .:'~I-r~.tl~ I "( " 1""11 . t- ; ."- . " .. '11 . 1 ! ,'i-I,.;lli jfii!nHlll1 .:1;1.:1 ill :; - ; I . I . -- ..,.. I ... -.... ..-: .. _.. _e... ., .. . ~ . i : -.-------.. I at! . .... . .. ... " ..., ... .. ... -.. :: .-....... I -- ::':'!~!"" -.. -....--........ .. -. :::: ...... . . .. . ,.. ~l t ! ~ :l ~ !i1~nql:1 . ~ . . . ~ ~ n . i ~~ ~ " t ;j .. ' n ". " !j ii ~; II f-, (J- ~ r,OJ-' .. " ;\ ~ ~ . , ~ ~-=-== .;:;-- ~ .. _ ..,... ..y....... KIDSTOP. ....-... 11ft ..... .._ "n_ ..YIIT_ HAC_. PLO_A ~I ,/ti i' ' :"'--' Ii : ' :. ~ I . ~~ . : I ~ ! i ~ !, . --.... ~;i~f ~~~tr 1; \ .. ~~ ---~ ! 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ARCHITECTS I! ...... _oaTH. 'LORIO" (..." 41...... A -I L)"'- [mID ,-'-'\.IMI 1'--11 ~ IVlnl KIDSTOP II . ~ .... - r-ll ~----! '/ I ~. C2I 'f@ .,7 P R I .1 -I n f') ~/~ ~ ~ d~' 'f_.L ':..)(, I' G r.r\;;;"''::: ,t] ..... IN (I rj1~.J: 6'.1.. .:= I --; /: :rq/ L~~ '(v'l11 ',,-I ~ __ ,: Z -"'...~... .-- --..--... / "- ~.~ c3: .. .. .: .\ \ '<~y-,- ~: \i~~;>~<< ':: \"\ -1J \ ~W~~ it GJ"SlTE \ - .J (.:. ..;' ( ~; ---l MK OF \~ \ . UAN --PIS -}JI - j , \ UMOTOROLA~J3>Q"L ~ ~1 / - .----- / : is I~' t \-\/ ,~ f ,J ~~ -~ -~ ::t::::. =~ -==- - ,;::: .t:= l::: 'g..... ~~ ~... ,. \ ,\ ~ ,..---....... '--"\' .~.,/ ' UMEL' -........~~TY' ('ell'! LIM\15 , \ \ \ \~.~ ~ bt R. ~~-- -- .-,'J' w. -~. \:.t ...... \ ~l :J 1\ =li~ ~ ~-le=-~ I..r:r. ;;. I L- --.- ~W~.\\I-- · l ~ ~! ~ : : \ I" UJh; \ ~ i, 1-;1 . " ~ 1 1 ~ i~ \': rill t!) ~ ~ {~ ~ z~ \. , }.:-:l o. (- 1\::-- C !.1 . ~ \ '. ; ~; ..e7J!"~~LOYNf~'/' .' .,lr~J~~ c-I~ '~'\\~;~~R'I~.~:~l~~~I~~\ / ,t-l ~~' '- I-~ ->- .J \:\ .;-- r D- -'., [- /~ : ~-\t. E : _!t-~ f-t: '\ ~ '-II : ~ )" \ \\: \~ :,:::. L- ~ ' ,,",\' --. ~ - I Ii ... 3 :. \ ~ . "0,.~ >- -- -'- . . . _, ~ '~ '--" "~\~, 1_ I ~l-- . I :- - ~ '. '0\ · ~ '-.... >-.... 1(('\ .~\~'B';~TDf.~~ l _.:\ R, AA '\ '>-i,~:l~)f:' 1\ \_~ \ j"J ~ ~ J ~ ~'. ~ \>- >->-,:: c: - <\ \ ~ ~ 1 ~ . II ! .\ " \ ~ ': It:. r "c' :~ ~ ~__ ()l.>> /30,,,,"'" iW. _ J L i .\:0 I:::l- I ~ R" p,' lipl: R 3 I I ., I r T LJ · ,. 'ff '. g A.- G '-- ~\ n; \ ~1(9?~1 j.J: t '~I ... d - '" I IIIP!!! ~I f} h ~~~ ~.~ ~ "Jj .~ 1 l/~/ 0" 1/8 MIL~S 7~-: '; I;~\ ~.l t::, - ~I .\. I' 'v I '" ~ . W 'i<,'t.,rON. 6'A'~ ~'. ~ . \ \ \ \ I. --1~. '-' ...-J.#~':~ '1 ~\VZ::\~ '0 400.800 FEET - - e . El '. ",] ~ PLANI\JIN /0 ..... _-; :3 _ ~ . _.~-__ I&. --- \ J ..... ~ ~ -' ~ ~ '1 1 .-4 _ r 1 _ -I' ~ ..;a ~" . !": R.-. L)E~'AR'~'MEN':' loif..M()~ANUUM NC. ':!':'-.:: 11 ...J.. ',,:, __ ... - " - ,..-" L .::. ~~ _~ R ~ >~ ~ ~. = . . r. .'l - - .. ~ : ~ r ."- [" t _ . L.. t"" _~ ... _ -., t- LL - )1 ~.~ 2~f;!\ - :.t._...~:,~~\ p_".':~-,{14 i'Hr. E-;:~lJ:~.d_ ~_~-.l :: lrcc.. rl': '-}:-:_~_!~ " ~..-..J:.:.~.l.' _ ~'~4 ~ .l;.FtJr1,~~,~"- i.-,. &/k;--4--(~?' N~:~(?~j . fIj . ._ L . .-~..l"_ ~.J C-_~.'"J J-.';~.'~ {--:::--. ~ / \ ..., ' - TCT'( '\." _....,-, .~. n I.-' 1 _ 4 1 '~./;" J _ .l.... .-.... . .. . , ~ ~ .' - RECEIVED FEB 1 9 1993 ~ ~ -IC: - BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-039 February 19, 1993 TO: Chris Cutro Planning Director Don Jaeger ~~ Building o~cial Al Newbold Deputy Building Official THRU: FROM: RE: TRC COMMENTS - KIDSTOP II AT MOTOROLA After reviewing the amended plans for the above referenced project, the Building Department finds that a handicapped accessible walkway from the main street to the building entrance is still not indicated on the plans. Since this requirement is mandated by the State Handicap Code, building permits for this project cannot be issued without this sidewalk appearing on the construction documents. We recommend that the project be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board since all code requirements will be determined at permit review. dfr<<A3?/ Al Ne old AN: bh Q Q KIDSTOP -7- M E M 0 RAN 0 U M 93-039 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Donald I. Thrasher Lieutenant Community Relations Division DATE: 18 February 93 SUBJECT: New Site Plan-Kidstop II at Motorola I have reviewed the above listed site plans and I recommend the following: 1. North exit driveway be a right turn only sign. (City Ordinance 5-l42C) tfUl~ Donald I. Thrasher Lieutenant Community Relations Division DIT/dmj REcr:rVCD FEB 1 8 1993 - /,1 ~ R~""'-'\ ! :::,\_,t:.. ,; ED FEB 2 2 1993 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM *93-040 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Review - Kidstop II At Motorola DATE: February 18, 1993 Having reviewed these plans for Kidstop II at Motorola Public Works finds no concerns. REier " ~. -7--- A. .EN: APRILLE DAY MEMORANDUM TO: Chrstopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent DATE: ,P - / 6 .' '-j '1 RE: .,(1 ,IV ~J Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - ~ Review Project: ,*",D$IC'P d AT ~~1c/f'oG~.!) r The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced project. There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project. ~ ~ " - /3 .-