CORRESPONDENCE Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite l00A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 October 4, 1991 Ms. Tambri J. Hayden City of Boynton Beach Planning Dept. 200 N Seacrest Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 Re: Boynton Beach Boulevard 2 Acre Parcel land Use Amendment/ Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Our Project #421.10 Dear Ms. Hayden, Pursuant to your letter dated September 27, 1991 please find enclosed the additional and revised information requested. Additional copies with all corrected application information is being resubmitted as well as complete copies of both applications, traffic, property owners, etc.. Please review this information and contact me if you have any additional questions or comments. Sincerely, ~J~ Collene Parker CWP/cdd cc: David levy RECEIVED BY: DATE: , 'ITie City of 'Boynton 'Beach -.;;;::- .....-- 100 'E. 'Boy" tOIl 'Beacn 'Boule van! P.o. '.Eo>;. 3 10 'Boynton 'Bauh, J'foritfa 33425.0310 City:J-{af{: {-IOn i 34.8111 J":U: (40i) 738.7459 September 27, 1991 Ms. Collene Parker Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum place, Building 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Boynton Boulevard (Tradewinds) Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment File No. 644 Dear Ms. Parker: Please be advised that the submittal of the above-referenced applications requires supplementing with the following information: 1. Applications and submittal materials are required to be submitted in two copies (page 1 and 3 of the land use amendment/rezoning application and page 1 and 2 of the comprehensive plan text amendment application). Therefore, an additional copy of the items below is needed. a) both applications b) warranty deed c) agent authorization d) traffic study e) affidavit for list of property owners f) justification statement g) water and sewer analysis h) comparison of impacts statement i) tax maps showing 400 foot radius for property owner notification 2. The proposed land use category on page 2 of the land use amendment/rezoning application must be changed to "Office Commercial" to correspond to the C-1 zoning requested. (Please provide an additional copy of the revised page 2 to replace the original page 2 of the application on file.) ;' Ylmern:a's (jateway to tne yulfstream Ms. Collene Parker -2- september 27, 1991 3. Regarding the justification statement, the issue of whether the subject property is economically undevelopable under the existing zoning has not been addressed. (Please provide an additional copy to replace the original statement on file.) 4. A conflict exists regarding the comparison of impacts statement in that this rezoning has not been viewed as a "site specific" rezoning. However, the traffic study submitted analyzes the trip generation of a 34,848 square foot medical office bUilding on the belief that this use is the highest traffic generator of the uses allowed in the C-1 zoning district. Although, Palm Beach County has determined, after completing their review, that the study meets the traffic ordinance (see attached response from Palm Beach County, dated September 12, 1991), they will require a new traffic study to be submitted at the time of site plan review, if site plan approval is requested for a use other than medical office, or a different square footage. This is because Palm Beach County has indicated that since medical offices are not the highest traffic generator of the C-l uses, rereview of traffic must occur if this rezoning is not site specific, thereby allowing the property to be developed for any use within the C-1 zoning district. If the applicant does not choose to limit this rezoning to a 34,848 square foot medical office user then based on the County's response and the city's concurrency ordinance, I recommend that paragraph 1 and 2 of the comparison of impacts statement be amended to state such and to include the list of C-1 uses from the zoning code. Also, paragraph 2 is incomplete and paragraph 4 erroneously mentions "both facilities". Concurrency review of drainage levels of service will be conducted at the time of site plan review. 5. with respect to the traffic study, please do not submit future traffic studies for applications directly to Palm Beach county for review. Both courtesy reviews and required reviews of traffic studies by the County is coordinated by the City for projects within the City. Based on the County's 30 day traffic study review period, required prior to the City processing land use amendment/rezoning applications, these applications have been scheduled for public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission on November 12, 1991 and November 19, 1991, respectively. Submittal of the information requested within this letter is needed as soon as possible to adhere to this schedule. Ms. Collene Parker -2- September 27, 1991 6. The warranty deed, applications and affidavit reference an exhibit "A". Two different exhibits "A" have been submitted with different legal descriptions. Please clarify or label distinctly to distinguish between them. If the City Commission approves the transmittal of the land use amendment to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), you will be required to submit to the Planning Department, prior to transmittal, a description of the availability of and demand on public facilities, pursuant to 9J-l1.006(1)(b)4 of the Florida Administrative Code. This can be submitted earlier if desired. In addition, a submittal fee of $500 is required at that time for this rezoning which requires a concurrent land use amendment and which requires transmittal to DCA (reference City fee schedule). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ~" I -/ /<--r>.jL k9.iiy dw,-, / TAMBRI J. HEYDEN Senior City Planner TJH:cp Ene. Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Jan \Vinlers Department of Engineering and Public Works September 12, 1991 Mr. Chris Cutro City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: 2.0 ACRE C-l PARCEL, BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD Dear Mr. Cutro: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled 2.0 Acre Parcel. Boynton Beach Boulevard pursuant to the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code (Ord. No. 90-40). There is no set plan of development of this parcel. To support the rezoning application, the traffic study assumed the parcel will be developed with a 34,848 square foot medical office, to be built-out in 1992. Based on this assumed development plan, the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regardi ng the determi nat i on of the County Traffi c Division, please feel free to contact Dan Weisberg at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER d:rQ./r-- ?f~~ ~~ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Acting Assistant County Engineer RECENED CRW:DW cc. Ken Rogers, P.E. SEP 1 'l PLANNING DEPT. File: TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review - h:\traffic\diw\boyn6 "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" Box 21229 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 ro. T:6d prmted on recycled paper K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER. INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 August 20,1991 Mr. Dan Weisberg, P.E. Palm Beach County Engineer's Office Traffic Division P . 0 . Box 24 2 9 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis Boynton Beach Boulevard Dear Dan: Enclosed please find one (1) copy of the Traffic Impact Analysis prepared for the above referenced matter. This copy is being forwarded directly to you for your review ~nd comment in an effort to expedite your review. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions. Very truly yours, ~~-s K.S. ROGER P.E. KSR/jr Encl. CC: Mr. Chris Cutro Mr. David Levy Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miller ,,=-:c:._. 437 Belmont Road Butler, Pennsylvania 16001 120 N. W. 10th Court Boynton Beach, F1 ori da 3343~, Suzanne M. Kruse, CMC/AAE City Clerk 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 iJ " Attention: Planning and Development Board Re: Rezoning request-South Side; Boynton Beach Blvd. This letter is being sent, due to our absence, with the utmost sincerity and concern as property owners at 120 N.W. 10th Ct. (Leisureville) Boynton Beach, Flori da 33435. r'ly vlife and I, 1 i ke most resi dence owners of Leisureville, have an investment which represents a major share of our savings that we have planned for and provided in our property and home. As we are looking foward to the years which should be peaceful, relaxing and enjoyable - suddenly \ve have become a\vare of the "conflict" to all of the above planning! Our concerns are for our safety and security, both physically and mentally, and also to what extent will this zoing change effect our property value and thus our investment. The physical safety refers to both bodily harm and to the break in damage to our house. Likewise, the mental conflict of security involves nany; such as the intrusion of privacy; offensive lighting and noise (24 hours a day); offensive display of waste products which includes garbarage and foul odors from various vendors of commercial usages. To all the above will come the perpetrators of our homes and bodily harm. None of these problems have been a concern in previous years past. All the tax dollars collected from "The Morton Group" (should this zoing change become approved) could not begin to provide for the unforeseen discords which would be invited by granting the zoning change to "Commercial", ~ RJM/pt ::.':':':..:: oD :av.::.. ~~~ -hLL ~(~ If: 1 v1t Ca:Ji;v ~7 ~E! ~ I L- vt/frIlj Cf'fl THOMPSON - MILLER Funeral Home, Jne. 12~ EaSl Sorth Str....' . Bu.l..r, PA 16001 412 . 287 . 3706 RICHARD J. MILLER D"'''''~1,...l".....