APPLICATION Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol]. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Jan \-Vinters Department of Engineering and Public Works September 12, 1991 Mr. Chris Cutro City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: 2.0 ACRE C-l PARCEL, BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD Dear Mr. Cutro: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled 2.0 Acre Parcel. Boynton Beach Boulevard pursuant to the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code (Ord. No. 90-40). There is no set plan of development of this parcel. To support the rezoning application, the traffic study assumed the parcel will be developed with a 34,848 square foot medical office, to be built-out in 1992. Based on this assumed development plan, the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regarding the determination of the County Traffic Division, please feel free to contact Dan Weisberg at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~Q/)--:Jf~ ~~ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Acting Assistant County Engineer RECEIVED CRW:DW cc. Ken Rogers, P.E. File: TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review SEP 17 PLJ\NNING DEPT. h:\traffic\diw\boyn6 "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" Box: 21229 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 ." '=':; rHlnred on (f!cycled paper ---.._-~._--~._..._--..~-----... '":' ".> """." f . i .......-- " " AF'r-IDA'JIT , . STATE Or'PLORIDA >, ) ZS ) COUUTY OF PALH CEACU .~ DEFORE HE THIS DA\' PER!:::O!lAL.L ". APPEAREIJ DEVRA NEWELT, SWORn, DEPOSES AIm 5.1.\'5: , WHO BElllO DUL.Y ThB~ ~he Bccompanying Proper~y Ovn&rs L~s~ ~e, ~o ~he ben o:t: his/he-r k.nov~edge, ts COlll:p~e't.e- and En:::cura,1::c. l~s't. o:t: B~~ prope-r't.y ovnere, mB~~~ng eddrescea end. property con~ro~ numbers .as recorded ~n ~he lo't.es~ o:t::t:~c~e~ ~D~ rol~B in ~he Coun't.)~ Cour1:.house- :t:or Bl~ propert.).. vi1:.hin five hundred (.:500> :t:ee't. o:t: 'the belo.... descr~bed parce~ c.d: lend. The property in ques1:.~on ~6 legally descr~bed as :t:olluvu~ SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" legal Description for 2 acre parcel which is the subject of this application. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Sworn A. D. , 1:.0 end subscr~bed be:t:ore me- t.h~s 19S,L. lLP'-l:h day 0" ~ NOTARY ::::I::A1.. a't. Large ~~Ttt~~~~~~ ~t,k~~~FLORIDA. . CONDED THRU NOTARY PU L' AR. 2. 199~ B fe UNDERWftll"""'D.!.-" Hy Commission Expires: -G- Revised 10-3-91 f.~Jt~~~~:~j'.;~~? I:..~.,.~.~...:. ".~." ' /' .\ \:. :: i' Legal Description for 2 acre parcel which is the subject of this'application. EXHIBIT "A'" -, ; DESCRIPTlON ,'; .. ,A parcel of land lying in Section 29, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described a~ follows: Beginning 'at the Northeast corner of lot 41, Block 2 of the pl.t "Replat of First Section Palm Beach Leisureville" as recarded in Plat Book 28 at Pages 201, 202, and 203 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; Thence South 01012'55" East along the East line of' Lots 35-41 of Block 2 of said "Replat of First Section Palm Beach Leisureville", a distance of 411.46 feet; Thence North 88024'52 East, a , distance .of 199.68 feet to a point of intersection with the We.st line of the Plat of "Lal<e Boynton Estates Plat 4-A" as j' recorded in Plat Book 14 at Page 69 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; Thence North 01035'08" West along said West line , a distance of 464.67 feet to a point of intersection with the South Right-of-Way line of that ' 106.00 foot wide Right-of-Way for State Road 804 ('.Boynton Beach Boulevard~) as shown on the State Road Department Map SR-804 Section 93640-2175 and recorded in Road Plat Book 2 at Page 220 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; Thence Westerly along said south Right-of-Way line along the arc of a circular curve to:the left whose radius point bears South 13058'39" East, having a radius of 1857.08 feet. a 1 central angle of 3058'45", an arc length of 128.97 feet to a ' point of tangency; Thence South 72002'36" West continuing along said south Right-of-Way line, a distance of 75.11 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Lands situate in the City of Boynton 8each, Palm Beach County, Florida. ! Containing 81,120 Square feet / 2.0000 Acres, more of less. . I j, i ,. .. " Subject to easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants, and rightS-Of-way of record. . , , " Rev; sed 10- 3- 91 - -- .~'------. ----.----- TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 2.0 ACREi C-1 PARCEL BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 20,1991 Prepared By: K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 ( FAX ) 9 6 9 - 9 7 1 7 '}.o r? ql IV' LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS FIGURE 3 DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC FIGURE 4 TOTAL TRAFFIC FIGURE 5 MODIFIED TOTAL TRAFFIC FIGURE 6 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES APPENDIX APPENDIX A ADOPTED THRESHOLD VOLUMES APPENDIX B ONE PERCENT (1%) OF THE ADOPTED THRESHOLD VOLUMES APPENDIX C HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D MAJOR PROJECT LIST INTRODUCTION This office has been retained to prepare a Traffic Impact Analysis which has been prepared to accompany a Rezoning Petition for a 2.0 acre parcel which is located on the south side of Boyn- ton Beach Boulevard, west of Old Boynton Road, in Section 29, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, in Boynton Beach, Florida. This Analysis has been performed in order to determine the volume of traffic expected to be added to the roadway system as a resul t of the approval of this project, the effect that this traffic will have on the capacity of the roadways in the area of the project and what roadway improvements, if any, are necessary as a result of the approval of this project. This Analysis has also been performed in accordance with the standards and criteria as established in the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of Palm Beach County, Ordinance #90-40. Existing traffic counts, which were available from the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Palm Beach County Traffic Division, were used when applicable and these counts were augmented by twenty-four (24) hour machine counts and peak hour hand counts performed for this office. SITE INFORMATION The subject petition is requesting that this parcel be rezoned to Cl, Office and Professional Commercial District. This district allows for a limited range of office and non-retail commercial uses. This petition is requesting a change in zoning classification which is not accompanied by a specific site plan or planned use. This parcel of land was subject to a previously unsuccessful petition to rezone this parcel to allow for a drive-in convenience store and a farmer's market/garden center. Access to this site will be via a single driveway entrance onto Boynton Beach Boulevard. A median opening presently exists on Boynton Beach Boulevard which directly aligns with the pro- posed driveway entrance. The site is located in relation to the major roadways in Figure 1. f.XISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS The major road serving as access to this site is Boynton Beach Boulevard. In the immediate area of the site, Boynton Beach Boulevard exists as a six lane median divided arter ial roadway. The existing roadway average annual daily volumes and the existing roadway capacity in the project study area are shown in Figure 2. GENERATION As stated, this petition is for a non-specific use. There- fore, in order to address the expected traffic impact associated with this petition, it will be necessary to address the most traff ic intense land use. For the purposes of this report, it shall be assumed that this property shall be used for a medi- cal/dental office building. The C-l Zoning District allows for a maximum of 40% floor area. Thus, for this 2.0 acre parcel, the maximum building area allowed is 34 J 848 square feet. For the purposes of this report, the most intensive use allowed for this site is a 34,848 square foot medical/dental office. -2- -ft'.IU: IilfP-"r...PHICS Jla..o 3^V ':::l w > c( 3^'V o z C\J C'J 3: z OH 3~N3~MVl llVHl a "- " k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fL o > -1 co z o I- Z >- o CD OH 11'VV\I o -1 o lS3H:JV3S 96-( ;;;'~ ~I :I: U c( w CD SS3~8NO~ z o I- Z >- o CD A~V llllv.! LOCATION MAP w > c( :I: l- ll) :;: en date AUG 91 figure 1 .H~".l[ .EP.OG.......IC' ]11941) ~IO ~r coO <DCII C')O ~O CIICII ~C') ~O ...C') lS3l:l:JV3S 3^'" CIllO w cnO > ~C\l <( 010 C\lC') 0 ~ > ...J CO gS-1 010 w ~O C')C\l > cnO <( ~C') z 0 ..... J: CIllO "'10 z "'\0 U "'0 >- "'0 <( ",0 C')C') 0 C')C') <DC') C')<O C')<D W co <0 C')~ CD C')~ CD C\l~ 3^'" SS3l:l8NO:J cnlO ~O OC') "'<0 C')~ Ol:l llV~ 0 ...J 0 3:JN3l:lMVl z 0 ..... Z >- 0 CD o z C\/ N ~ Z Ol:l a k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. lIVl:l.L " x ~IO Lf)0 OJ I'- Ol~ ,;:;?;~,,~~';":':;l ,:,,:-:..;,...;.;.:.:, . UJ <010 ~ cnO OC') CII<O C')~ ^l::lV.Llll~ EXISTING ROAD CONDITIONS J: ..... Lf) ~ rJl w ~ :;:) ...J o > o ...J o UJ: i:i:rJl u.w <(0: 0:J: .......... C)O Zw o ;:: h: z ~o UJ x 0 <!J w <( LU ...J <DIO cnO OC') CII<O C')~ date AUG 91 figure 2 The generation for this use shall be determined based upon a generation rate obtained from "Trip Generation - Fifth Edition", Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1991. The project genera- tion can be calculated as: 34,848 sq.ft, @ 34.17 tpd/l000 sq.ft. = 1,191 tpd As shown above, the total maximum additional average daily traffic expected to be generated by this project based upon a medical/dental land use at full buildout and 100% occupancy is 1.191 trips per day. TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION The traffic distribution for this project was prepared according to an examination of land use and travel patterns in the project study area. Based upon the preceding, the general- ized traffic distribution for this project was calculated and is shown below: NORTH 23% EAST 22% SOUTH 23% WEST 12% The distributed traffic volumes for this project are shown in Figure 3. In accordance with TABLE 2 of the Traffic Perform- ance Standards Ordinance, the Maximum Radius of Development Influence for this project has been determined to be two miles. As such, the distributed traffic was brought two miles from the site or until the distributed traffic was less than one percent of the roadway's capacity. -3- lS3Cl~V3S 3^,\>' W > <( ~IN ...0 0 N'" ~ > ..J ~I~ al U)I~ 00 ...... <>>... .... ... 96-1 "'I'" W 10(0 > ~~ <( ~fll.lIl( ftf"'UIGRAPMICS l1lQ." 3^V Q Z N N ~ z GCl 3~N3ClMVl llVCll a " ~ k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. z o f- Z >- o al :I: o <( :Olg W ...~ al Gel llV~ o ..J o ';:?.,.:'"~::~:: ...'......~-"'" <>>1'" w ...(0 t: (O~ C/) <>>1'" "(0 ...~ SS3Cl~NO~ co I'" "'(0 N~ z o f- Z >- o al }.!:IV' 11 11 VII DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC I f- 10 ~ en W ~ ::> ..J o > o ..J o O:I: u:en LLW <(a: a::I: f-f- f-O OW Clwf- Z ..., a.. UJ 00 C)a:Q W a.. <( -l <>>1'" ....(0 (O~ dote AUG 91 figure 3 EFFECT ON CAPACITY The Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordi- nance #90-40 delineates very specific criteria which must be met prior to any Site Specific Development Order request being ap- proved. The traffic performance standard for all major thorough- fares in Palm Beach County consists of two tests. The first test is the Link Buildout Test. This test requires that the project not add traffic on any road link in the radius of development influence which would cause the total traffic to exceed capacity of the adopted threshold volumes at Level of Service "D", (shown in Appendix A). The buildout period for this project has been established as 1992 by the developer. Thus, to meet the Link Buildout Test, the total traffic on all links in the radius of development influence should not exceed capacity during the buildout of the project (during 1992). The total traffic is defined as the sum of the existing average, annual, daily traffic, the project traffic, plus the background traffic. The background traffic is further defined as the sum of the historical growth, plus traffic generated by Major Projects, which are in excess of 10% of the capacity of the affected roadway link. The total traffic volumes are shown in FLgure 4. The 1992 projected traffic has been determined by taking the sum of the 1990/91 MDT, plus the projected historical growth, plus the traffic generated for Major Projects which are in excess of 10% of the roadway's 1 ink capaci ty. The histor ical growth calculations are shown in APPENDIX C. The major project traffic volume calculations are shown in APPENDIX D. -4- IIIIfll..8lf RfPaOG,A"P"IC5 1'1'.~ 3 A 'v' w > <l: l.S3~:::>'v'3S o > ...l 10 96-1 I 0(')01(')0 vl/')V (')0 (') v 0 eX) (') l/') (') eX) (l) v VV I I (l) C\l l/') \ (') 0 l/') ...... l/') eX) 0 ~Ol/')"" ......(') C\l .... (') (l) (') (')V I I Vl/')(l)\l/')O l/') 0) eX) (') 0 0) l/') (l)...... ___ n..'> (J') or-"-('I') --'- ........ I 3AV o z C\l C\l ~ z a~ 3:::>N3l:lMVl llV~l. J1 ~- . k s. rogers, consulting engineer, Inc. west palm beach fl ---~-~-_._---_._-- - -~----_.._----- IW (l) O)l/')\O 0 I- l/')'-l/') C\l0- o (l).... eX) (') (j) C\l T'" (') (l) (') (')V I z o ~ z >- o 10 :I: U <t W CD SS3l:l8NO:::> al:l llV~ o _J o z o ~ z >- o CD Al:lV 1111~ TOT AL TRAFFIC UJ > <l: :I: ~ 10 ~ en UJ ::E :;) ...J o > U 0 u.. ...J u.. 0 uu<l: :I: ~~a: en u..u..~uuJ <l:<l:O~a: a:a:zu..:I: ~~:;)<l:~ (!)~o~o zua: uJ -uJ(!)...J~ ~...,::'::<l:o.. o ~ou ~O Z xa:<tOO UJ uJ 0.. CD ~ <t (!) UJ ...l I (l)0)1O\00 1O.-l/')C\l0 O(l)...eX)M C\l ...M(l) M MV I date AUG 91 figure 4 The total traffic volumes for the buildout year of 1992 are shO'..Jn with the roadway capacities in Figure 4. Reviewing the total volumes and the roadway capacities in Figure 4, it is seen that on the roadway links within the radius of development influ- ence, the tota I traff ic does exceed capacity on the following roadway link: ROAD BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD LINK 1-95 to Old Boynton Road Article V, Section 2(E) of Ordinance #90-40 states that 1-95 shall be addressed only if Net Trips on 1-95 are greater than one percent (1%) of the Level of Service "0" MDT volume. As this project does not generate more than 1% of 1-95 Level of Service "0" MDT volume, 1-95 will not be analyzed as part of this re- port. The projected volume as shown in Figure 4 for Boynton Beach Boulevard does not accurately reflect the volume of traffic which is expected to be on Boynton Beach Boulevard in 1992. There are two on-going roadway improvements which will have a significant impact on the volume of traffic on the section of Boynton Beach Boulevard west of 1-95. The first is the extension of Woolbright Road (S.W. 15th lwenue) from Congress Avenue to Military Trail. According to a traffic analysis prepared by the Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), an average of 3,000 trips per day are expected to be diverted off of this section of Boynton Beach Boulevard when this link of Woolbright Road is opened. This link of Woolbright is expected to be open during 1991. The second road project is the interchange on 1-95 with N.W. 22nd Avenue. This construction has recently commenced and is expected to be finished by mid 1992. -5- Previous estimates made by this office concluded that an average of approximately 5,000 trips per day will be diverted off of Boynton Beach Boulevard once this interchange is opened. The modified total traffic has been recalculated for this link and is shown in Figure 5. Reviewing the modified total volume for Boynton Beach Boulevard, it is concluded that there are no road- way links within the radius of development influence where the total traff ic exceeds capac i ty. Therefore I this project meets the provisions of Test #1. The second test a project must meet is the Model Test. According to the Model Test, a project cannot be approved if the total model traffic, which includes the project traffic, exceeds the capacity or the adopted level of service of all the affected roadway links within the project maximum radius of development influence. According to TABLE 2B of Ordinance #90-40, the maxi- mum radius of development influence for this project has been determined to be one mile from the site. TABLE 2B further states that, if a project has a maximum radius of development influence beyond the directly accessed links, only those links beyond the directly accessed links upon which the project adds more than 3% of Test 2 network capacity need to be addressed, This project's maximum radius of development influence does go beyond the directly accessed link of Boynton Beach Boulevard. However, from Figure 3, it is seen that this project does not generate more than 1% of capacity on any roadway link. As such, only the directly accessed link of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to Congress Avenue needs to be addressed. According to the most recent Model Test (Test 2) data addressed in a memorandum from Allan A. Ennis, P.E., Palm Beach County Traffic Division, dated July 19, 1991, this link of Boynton Beach Bou I evard is not listed. Therefore, it is cone 1 uded that this project meets the Model Test. -6- .4!{ '.tel f "t~lt()all.t~HICJ 1119A() 3^'<J ---1 ....oj w > < 3^'<J a z (\J (\J 3: z OtJ 3~N3tJMVl l/'<JtJl a \.. ~ k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fL o > ....J CD ..... I OMooIMO VIt)VO MO M v 0 0 co M It) M co 0 (l) v ___vv I z o f- Z >- o Q) O!::l llVl^l a ....J o lS3!::l~V3S S6-1 '~:-":-)..:::::::" -.............. UJ l- (/) J: U < w Q) SS3!::l8NO~ z o I- Z >- o CD A!::lVlllll^l MODIFIED TOTAL TRAFFIC w > < J: I- 10 3: If) I- Z W ~ S2G u..::J u.."" uu<o u:u:o:< u..u..f-z <<00 o:o:z- 1-1-::J0 C)f-0::J ~~ffi~ o 1-..., ~ If) Z ~ouz UJ xo:<o C) wa.Q)U UJ .J ..... I OMOOIMO VlOvO MO MvOO COM 10 M co 0 (l) v ---vv I w ~ ::J u....J _0 u..> u..o <....J 0:0 I-J: ....J1f) <tw 1-0: OJ: 1-1- 00 ww !;1;b:: 00 00 ~< date AUG 91 figure 5 CO~1PARISON OF GENERATION The existing zoning classification of this project, R1-AA PUD, would allow for a maximum of 15 multi-family dwelling units. Using a generation rate of 7.0 trips per day per dwelling unit, the:: existing residential zoning for this 2.0 acre si te would allow for a maximum average daily traffic generation of 105 trips per day. The proposed maximum use, a medical/dental office comp 1 ex J is expected to generate an average of 1, 191 tr ips per day. Thus, the proposed maximum use allowed under the C-1 Zoning Classification would generate up to an additional 1,086 trips per da i', PEAK HOUR The peak hour volumes generated by this project were calcu- lated in order to determine what site related improvements, if any, will be required. The peak hour volumes were determined by use of a formula as published in "Trip Generation". A summary of the expected peak hour generation is shown below: P.M. PEAK HOUR GENERATION Ln(T) = 1.069 Ln(X) + 1. 190 Where: T Total P.M. Peak Hour Volume X = Floor Area in 1,000 Square Feet The directional distribution has been observed to be: 40% ENTER 60% EXIT P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUME ENTER EXIT 146 Trips 59 Trips 87 Trips These peak hour volumes are shown in Figure 6. Based upon a rev iew of these peak hour vol urnes shown in Figure 6, it is con- cluded that no additional turn lanes are necessary as a result of the approval of this Petition. -7- "Ell.....! ".I'aooA"'I'MtCI 31n40 l1 k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. RD '- '-' is HJ.B MN o > ...J lD ~~ ::~: -----l ( ~ I ~ en I l_____-1 :x: o ..s: uJ lD z o I- Z >- o lD PEAK HOUR VOLUMES w ~ ::l ...J o > a: ::l o o :I: Z :ll:: W ~ o Q.. W ~ .-oJ Q.. co C\I \. date AUG 91 figure 6 CONCLUSION This report has been prepared to be submitted as part of a request to rezone this site to C-l. No specific site plan has been presented as part of this request. Thus, in order to deter- mine the maximum impact of this request, it has been decided to analyze the impact of the largest building allowed in this zoning district combined with the most traffic intense use. For this purpose, the traffic generated by a 34,848 square foot medical / dental office building was analyzed. This possible use was found to generate an average of 1,191 trips per day. This project meets both the Link Buildout Test and the Model Test of Ordinance #90-40. This project, therefore, can be ap- proved in accordance wi th the 1990 Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Code (Ordinance #90-40). -8- APPENDIX APPENDIX A ADOPTED LEVEL OF SERVICE (AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC) ROADWAY Two Lane Four Lane Divided Five Lane Undivided Six Lane Divided Eight Lane Divided Six Lane Freeway TPD 13,700 30,200 30,200 46,300 60,000 110,700 APPENDIX B ONE PERCENT (1%) OF THE ADOPTED LEVEL OF SERVICE THQRPUGHFARE TYP~ MINIMUM VOLUME (TRlPS_p.~j~__ DAXl Two Lane 137 Four Lane (Divided) 302 Five Lane (Undivided) 302 Six Lane (Divided) 463 Eight Lane (Divided) 600 Six Lane (Expressway) 1107 APPENDIX C HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS TWO ACRE C-l PARCEL ANNUAL GROWTH 1990/91 1992 ROAD I LINK RATE AADT AADT DIFFERENCE BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD: 1-95 to Old Boynton Road 4.47% 45,340 48.380 3,040 Old Boynton Road to Congress 2.61% 32,056 33,311 1, 155 OLD BOYNTON ROAD: Boynton Bch Blvd to Congress 10.62% 9,954 11,540 1,586 APPENDIX D MAJOR PROJECT TRAFFIC 2.0 ACRE; C-1 PROJECT THERE WERE NO MAJOR PROJECTS IDENTIFIED IN THE PROJECT STUDY AREA WHICH ARE EXPECTED TO ADD MORE THAN 10% OF THE ADOPTED THRESHOLD CAPACITY ON ANY OF THE ROADWAY LINKS WITHIN THE PROJECT'S MAXIMUM RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE.