CORRESPONDENCE rrne City of 'Boynton tJ3eacli P!annine & Zonine 'Dtpartnunt 100 'E. t.Boynton 'Bu:z& 'Boukvarrf P.O. '130:(310 t.Boynton 'Btadi. 1foritUJ. 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, TJU: (407) 738-7459 July 27, 1993 Broward Pump and Supply Co. 3390 N. Old Dixie Highway Delray Beach, FL 33483 Gentlemen: Thank you for providing me with the appropriate legal documentation that I had requested. In addition to the application for annexation, which you previously endorsed by signing the agreement for water service, we will process concurrently the application for land use amendment and rezoning. This process simply involves changing the land use classification and zoning on your property from Palm Beach County's designations to the City's designations. I have enlosed the signature page from this application for your review and endorsement. When you have signed the enclosed signature page from this application, return it to me so that we may complete the remainder of the applications for you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 738- 7490. I thank you in advance for your continued involvement in this process. Very truly yours CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ! 71~Lf! Z. 7C1~'~' Michael W. Rumpf, Senior Planner Enclosures C:BIlOlfPUMP.AIIX tJ.ne City of r.Boynton r.Beac/i Planni11fJ & Zoni11fJ tJ)epartment 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi. 'Boulevard P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, :Jlorida 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, :J!U; (407) 738-7459 June 23, 1993 Broward Pump and Supply Co. 3390 N. Old Dixie Highway Delray Beach FL 33483 PCN: 00-43-46-04-17-000-0450 Dear Property Owner: Thank you for contacting us in response to the letter I sent to you in October, regarding the City1s annexation program. It is my understanding that you have an agreement for water service with the city, which also constitutes a petition for voluntary annexation. Although this agreement may have been enacted prior to you purchasing this property, the agreement stays in effect for as long as water is provided to your property. According to this agreement, the annexation clause is to be activated by the City at any time once the property is eligible for annexation under State law. Since a substantial portion of your property is now contiguous to the city's boundary, your property is eligible for annexation. Furthermore, as indicated in the city's annexation program, your property is located in one of several unincorporated enclaves that have been targeted for annexation into the City. Since this program is beginning with the annexation of those properties whose owners volunteer to do so, your property will be annexed at this time, pursuant to the above described petition. Although the City will relieve you of any responsibilities related to this procedure ( i. e. completion of applications, payment of application fees, etc.), we will need from you two (2) copies of the legal survey and warranty deed for your property. Once these documents are received, we will begin the necessary procedures. You may provide the necessary information to Michael Rumpf, senior Planner, at the above address and, if you have any questions he may be contacted at 738-7490. I thank you in advance for your participation in this progr?m. CC:mr -',-'HZXLI!:T, liCO _ "RECEIVED Sincerely, ~ /) ;'. '--'//1 -'~#I1 h.,--- if. Scott Miller !City Manager \ ',. JUL 16 pl,ANNlNG DEPT. t. - Jlmenca s Gatewal./ to the quifstream - -