APPLICATION 'J /: . '. .~ C I T Y o F BOY N TON B E A C H PLANNING & ZONING BOARD ANNEXATION APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required. ) PROJECT NAME: ~TQ(')~ 7?A,n;i::;l g S'..irP(Y ~ - AnA~)<t","-+~lC"Y\~Jfo-~ AGENT'S NAME: ADDRESS: 3"390 JJ. O(Al l:'f;' x',c: ~..)'( J 7Jc.('<i-Y ~cch) FL 3"3 Y83 OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) Rjc h!;- or.!::. r, T h<:7YYl,],) con f ADDRESS: c>-- ..s ~V~ PROJECT LOCATION: t:~ 5; (not legal description) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) o;Q Dix~ *This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl ( 3 ) C I T Y 0 F BOY N TON B E A C H APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR: REJECTION: ORDINANCE * REJECTION: AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: 00 NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA Name of Developer fOWner: 'R1C-~"CJl T~"Ol'.. / C\\()W"'-c-C) Pv'T ! Sff(YCc Area of SUbject Property: Sq. Ft. or o.~~ Acres Estimated Present Population: 0 Existing Zoning: CG- C-J.( Density Allowed: N/A d.u.'s Proposed Zoning: Density Allowed:~d.u.'s EXISTING UTILITIES: Water: NLL( Wastewater Collection: tv/A. Solid Waste (garbage): N/r1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl (4 ) STATEMENT OF USE Existing Use: Co rn yY") C('C ,. 0-( Proposed Use: IV/A JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: A/7/7C:Kcr-r;Oyr ?'JrO-'n-'7 -- ()I{;.f~r- ,~ru;c:2c.... J*-G~""7 vror--'+y I EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED Lv f 'T'S, ;;<:"-~~ 0/;..dJ.s Ej -k..-rC:5 A me:- #") ck~.tZ P /~ ~ / / o-c'CCI'(c-C jY1"1! -f~ --fie. 'j:)b--r rkh-c\o{' =-h r;.? /f-, -I-t~ .J . . 0(f)C> c "-"f ~<. r: k r- ~ c/ r/~ c ;,~c eJ; + Coe-,r r ;-;7 0- n.(L o{err 'fo-I rn &Q-C. ~ C G C n T;Y F L 0= COy-c Cc:>'ct2 t'YJ P /o--r ( ~c k C) 1;+ 7:J 73. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl \5) .: a:'~J' 'J., ~ I; \_" -~ ;0 if: '. ,,:,; \l.'1 n rJ V-. ,~-'-' '" =~'""l . -:: _." ~h;.; \ D ,1: ~ . ~ ..:( .'. ~ !~.~ Mil ~ ...._..-':7.\-. .- ]fll1/i' . 1\ 't::: :~ -- \, .',:: 1~' , ~ _ I' ;::: .-.::.- \ \I' \ =," "'..,., I . c--- _~ ~'i::: I ~\\' r \:'i,'J~ 1~rt 'j JIll ~~~i~b~~~ ,\ .: ..~",) ).,,\, : c,~'~l~~~', .-' T . -..,. 1 . ~ 1 . . . -- - - M"! . -. .. ~ ..' . "'." 1 : . ~.:; ~7'. ~.., - ~l-t" ~ -', ~(F~lj ~ 'l- " ~= ,- .j.. "., I'\~ '"' , ; 1T ,.,1' ~ \'"'- _., ,tlt.-. ,!.\' "'"', ,,~"',,' ~ . , I -' ,~o \ '_'... r: ." ,.' .' ','" '\i;; 1fI : . ~~~' . ~_ \ ~ . "!.:, J( '~t'. "" .~~ ~~ I ti '{ .-::::: .... l' .,~~:n:: _..,,-,,~~..'''' , ..~ ," ~ . .. "" . ~ ' ;' '1 . ''''I.... . . . '1'- , ':.::;,,;~ <l\o~; ,Ii ..' .. . ,,> E!t ~ -" -- .. " '. E;. . , :" "\ \ ''';\. _ . :': r.: " . . . .- . " . . ': ,':t '-" ,. . .. .;, i'i' " \ k 'I?' '~1[~ ',' ~ 1,. ..' ,~.., ,.~- '\.' u:;::;. 1" ~ =- s ..' \\I. ..., ~;~ - ~. .t ~~ . ~~l~ l_~ .. ' . '" ,.'i'\1 " 1 .", .,..' "..." . 'K" _ . " ~ · , ~'ll . ..., , . , '-k"".'" .. '" ' . '""~ 1......7~ ! ca ; ~ "..~. ~lLw (. O~... '. ~- h .If, .;~ I;: ," . Y ~ s ~~~~,,_""'": 'f!'L.\\' . t:.il .~ '.i'...~ : l~'if.P. "o.l~ i~:1~ - i1! ~\:? it !._.1:~: ,mt:f.l\ .~~ ~~~ \\. ~'~;-':i~~:' ;-; .'; 1? ~)~:~ ~ ~ · . "r~~ ~t1 ; II} :lri. 1\ . GO.... _1l4a ~'ll;'\'lt. _N: ~I.. .~,...~ .. L' ~~ \:.- '.. I ....,,1~'" _)j' _ . ....~... r -' . ...., '" ,'" ..-: -,' ,. ,..- I.. :-(a".\~. ~'~. 't~' lI>~'~~~)l'\\J!l:~~.~~'~.t. {,.~;J.i""r~ll~i~l.-".}l~; .~\.:. ~f'--v .. ..~ .,.. .. 'i."t~. ,I to- '11 ,;~:;:;O.. '~' _J~~- . 1!=5=\<I \. .. c: . ~ ~ -. ~ ...." ~ .. '. "" ..' . ~'" .'" , n VI...... '\I', · " :.... ..,.." .. ,--,<1.1.- ",.' f'- .. . \ ;h :- i "' , .' ll'fr~: · ." "., ."'. . '-l-n- r !Ii \\\l\l'3; I " c J. , _ ~l. 1 ~B0~ ", ...: .. r, -:;ot:::\ .I~-::':'~" r~: ;..~~~~' I-:-\I~! S I! , ~ tWf(~ .-...~-" -, .' ~ ~J . 0 i/ I ' _ ." ~ '. ~, ..' '.~". "" q 1 J _ _ .j"~ ~~ ,_ :}.~,.; 'f',' ,,;~.f.~ ' ~ I ...... ~~j~ . r ..' ~Jt' ~ . . ~\tL ~..~ ~ L 1"- C\\ 01 801,,\Oft ..aeh ,,1"f\\l\t oepat\cntf\\ ,,- .- ~ame of Develo~ent/OMner s~ade in the area. n thiS maP and l~ Locate the sUD1~ct propertY 0 _ l\?RIL 1991 ?L~N~~NG PEP~RTMENT ~:l\nn}(.1\.ppl (6 ) OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. Annexation Program, see attached water service agreement SIGNATURE OF OWNER(s) OF RECORD SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Richard E, Thompson, Broward Pump and Supply Co. TYPE NAME OF OWNER ( s) TYPE NAME OF APPLI CANT 3390 N. Old Dixie Highway STREET ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS Delray Beach, FL 33483 CITY & STATE CITY & STATE TELEPHONE NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER FAX NUMBER PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl (7 ) APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (I) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. APPLICANT IS: x OWner Annexation Program, see attached water service agreement SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Optionee Richard E. Thompson Broward Pump & Supply Co. TYPE NAME OF APPLI CANT Lessee 3390 N. Old Dixie Highway STREET ADDRESS Agent Delray Beach, FL 33483 CITY AND STATE Contract Purchaser TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl Annexation Program, see attached water service agreement/deed ( a ) AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to wit: (Give legal description) Annexation Program, see attached deed/water service agreement (attach an additional page if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. Annexation Program, see attached water service a~(~~GNJ:TURE OF OWNER) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl 'j :1 J<M-14-:1993 2:28pm 93-183824 ORB -7752 P9 697 f II. ......11. II II .U , I II .,. .ii.GREEHEtlT F')P W,ii.TER SERVICE OUTSIDE THE CITY LHIITS ~~hrs agreement. fil:lCie 011 tins cJS'-I/ ';'~ / , 13 9.2 ':)y :l.l1c1 be t we en B~ ~ ~y ,.f~ Cb J.~' , her~lnafter c3.11ed "CUSTCHER", .1nd t e cu:y ot E;OYlltOll Be:1.ch, a mUlllclpal corporation of the Stat~ of Flor1da, hereinafter ,::alled "CITY". day of the tile \HTlJESSETH that the ('UstOIPE-t-. his heirs and aS81g1'S, fl'l' and 111 consideration of the privilege of receiving water servi::e frcm the Municipal Water System agrees to the following: 1. The City agrges tc provide Customer with water ser~l:es irom its Municipal Water System only as necessary to service the project described in the Applicatioll for Water Service Fubmitted by Customer. The Customer has spec1f1ed that there will be .~ EqUl valen t Res iclen t tal Connec tJons and the City hel"eby agrees to sel-ve those 03 Equivalent Eesident1al ConneCC1ons. 2. The custol.ler agrees to pay all costs of engineering, mat'?rial, labol", 1llstallat1on and inspect10ll of the facilitle:~ as required by the City Code to provIde service to the Customer's pr~miEes. The Customer shall be responsible for installatioll and conformance with all applicable codes, rules and regulations of all se~vice Ilnes upon the Customer's p~emises and all SUCII lines shall first be approved by the Director o~ Utilities and subject :: tel inspection by City EngIneers. The City shall have the option of ei ther requiring the Customer to perform the necessal'y wOl'k ,n .1 the Ci ty may have the work performed in which case the Custc'mer :will pay in advance all estlmated costs thereof. In the event lithe City has such work performed, the Customer will also advance 'Isuch additional funds as may be necessary to pay the total actual costs. 3. Any main extens10n made under the Agreement shall be used only for the Cust~mer, unless permIssion is granted by the Ci ty of Eoynton Beacl1 for other party or parties to conllect pursuant to the Code of Boynton Beach. :1 4. Title;:o all mains, extensions and other facilities Ii extended from th2 City Water Distribution System to and ulcluding !i she metered service to Customer shall be vested in the Ci ty !I exclusively. II 5. The Customer agrees to pay all charges, deposits, and :Ira~es for service and equipmenr. in connection with water service :,outs ide the City 1 imi ts appl icable under Ci ty Ordinances and loa te :; schedules which are now appllcable or as may be changed from time .:to time. 11 ti. Any rights-af-way or easements in this area shall be :i pruvided by the Customer. :1 I 7. It is understood by the Customer, and shall be binding : upon tile ':ustomer I his tl-ansferees, grantees, heirs, successors .and assigns, that all water to be furn1shed, supplied, and sold un :ie~ tllis Agreemel1 t is made ava113.bl e from sla-plus. I f the surpl~s does not e~lst at the tlrne of Customer's actual request f(jl commencement of G'::l-'IlCe, as d<:!term.Llled by the City' S Dlresto~ (>! UtilitIes, then this City, wlt!1out liabllity, may l-efuse to lniti3.te selovice to tile subject premises. ORB - 7752 P-3 698 '3. The Cu~,tomer further agrees in consideration 0f tho? privIlege of receiVIng water serVIce f~om said City, that the e~{ecution of this Agreement IS consIdered to be a voluntary Pet i tion for Anne}~a t Ion pursuant to See t Ion 171. O~ 4 f) f the FlorIda statutes or .:l.llY successor or amendmellt thereto. Furthermore, should ~ny other general law, special act or local law be enacted Wllich provides for voluntary or consensual annexation, this Agreement shall also be considered a petitionary lequ8st for annexation under sucn other laws. The premises sllall be subject to annexatIon at the option of the CIty at any time they are eligible under anyone 01- more of the :\bove referenced laws concerning annexatIon. Customer WIll inform any and all purchasers of any or part of thIS property of thIS voluntary petition for annexation and its applIcabilities to such purchasers. 9. The Customer acknowledges that this covenant f0r dEne}:atlcn is inC€llded to be and H: hereby made a covenant nlnning with the land described III "Exhibit A", attached heret-=> and made a part nereof. This Ayreement IS to be recorded in the PublIC Records of Palm Beacll County, Floric.a, and the Customel.- and all subsequent transferees, grantees, heirs or assigns of Customer shall be bound by tins AnnexatIon Agreement. 11). It is 3.greed that the City shall have no liability ~n the event there IS a reduction, impalrment or termination in \'l/ater serv~ce t~ be provided under this Agreement due to any prohibitions, restrictions, limitations or reqUirements of local, regional, state or Federal agencies or other agencies llaving Jurisdiction over such matters. Also the C~ty shall have no lIability in the event there is a reduction, impairment or termination of water service due to acts of God, accidents, strikes, boycotts, blackouts, fire, earthquakes, other casualtIes 01' other circumstances beyond the City's reasonable control. :! 11. The Customer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Boynton Beach, FlorIda, Its Mayor, Members of City Commission, Ofi~cers, employees and agents (both In their individual and official capacltiesJ from and against all clalms, damages, lawsuits, and expenses including reasonable attorneys' fees (whether or not ~ncurred on appeal or in connection witl) post judgement collection} and costs rising out of or resulting from the customer's obligatIon under or perfo~mance pursuant to th~s Agreement. 12. It is understood by Customer and by the City that the attached site plan "ExhibIt B" has been reviewed by the City of Boynton Beach for compatibility With the CIty'S comprehensive plan as it relates to land use and densi~y, found to be generally acceptable to the C~ty and is to be the guide for development cf tins subject land. In the event that the s~te plan is not approved, there shall be no commitment on the part of the City to serve customer if a subsequent s~te plan results in a change in land use, density or an ~ncrease in equlvalent residential connections. 13. No priot- or {:'resen~ 2.greeir~nts 0r l-epresentations shall be binding on any of the parties hereto unless incorpol-ated in this Agreement. No modif~catlons or change in th~s Agreement sllall be valid upon the parties unless in writing executed by the parties to be bound thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the and seals this d~ partles_ her~have day at CORPO T 0 set their hands , 19 9.:1 OWNER: ~ ~~~ As to 8orporat~on (Customerl OR8 - 7752 r9 699 "' , - t'\ . FOE CORFORATION rJOT'.JP.IZATI(Jt1: ( :::.'0 r.Ii~rate Sea 1 ) / STATE OF - . . COUNTY !qt-. - 0 I HEREBY CERTIFY tllat on this day, bf IOl':: me, all or f icer dUly authorized 1n the State aforesa1d and 111 the Coun:y aforeljpid to take acKnowled ements, personally appeal-ed L)eM/'~ T: and / tI well known to me to be the PresLdent and Sec etary respectively of the cOl-poration named In the foregoing Agreement and that they severally acknowledged executillg the same in the presence of two subscribing wltnesses freAly and voluntarLly under authority duly vested 1n them by saIj cOlporatlon and that th8 seal affIxed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this ?--i day of /1. PI2-) L 19 --j -3, . - l t \, ~\.. I \ d'-..c 1 Pu.olic ..~ ... -- J ~ A .:Oflc;E Ff~t~.ANi)EZ '\0~~';"'i ~unl.':-~~ot~ o~ ;'::onoa .\1v Ccr- 'T'15S'OI~ 1:~r.)li6S ~EC 3001995 COM~.' # CC 172~98 , My Commission Expires: ~ , \ . ~~ .... WITNESS: "" '/71 alll ((~'}tJ4c()!..~- / r. . U the CITY OF BOYN~ BEACH, FL -~~j '. ~~~ar' f" ATTE~~~~ J-. C1 ty Clerk ~ J . _. '. STATE OF LOR IDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH (C~r.P; Sealo,) ,.' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before ~~ ~Ji~fje~r duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to 1!!;::'DuM)~ #~.en7€A//N<b , Mayor and .:svZ/9,v'NE m. ~.,<?vsc:: , City Clerk well i known to me the forego~ng agreement and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witllesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said City and that the City seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said City. WITNESS my hand and last aforesaid th1S . ~.fW II , , 191.2.... , tNot,ary Seal) > , I ; ~ , . I. ,: . ..~ ~ , , ~ . ~ . <'C r.~\,., . '/'. . ~ " official seal in the County and state 8 day of '. ~~. fJ)z~~~ (.J Notal-Y Publ ic My Commission Expires: leotary PI:!!fic, S~at, of Flt:rH2 My Commini<ll1 b::,b~ ht!. "11, 1994 Iond.J ThrLl fro/, fain . l"i~r;v'lC' il'lc. '. "J,. ." ", .' , . City Attorney I -. - ~{. c_R/W Li/le FF '. ~l _ _ .~.C RR. L ~ ~ ~~ . 9~4?;;-- - rl"d Pk . (j l&.:' t ~. _ . - . ..... - ~~' , . - ~ C): 9L 0 DIXIE LJIA/y '6 <:S(J. , . I f7Yy,~ ~Q:) , ~. C:) , ~. to -. . ~ : : dLt I.~ 9643 I ~u'/I_,I.L:'I . , ,]Q.. . ,~ -:-. ..- · J4/8 ::: rof)/b . . C! f<) , C"' 11/1 r , ~ eo. ,; AOl'r I.'-LJ : -:.... == ~ . [JI/lldl/JfJ ~ ) 10 .J ... .------- -". . .-. '. ORB 775:2 P9 700 "EXf RfCORO VERIFIED DOROTHY H WILKE , RK OF THE COURT - PB CGUNT'l, Fi "'7--} ! . 481./5';' -- I'd Pi: ~. _J 9~-421.. -__--t;CI_Pk' 4Z196-b ~ r' ,...-:>../ "{;."1 .::> . .... r:.. ~ .~ . ~ .r.." "0 - /.J.Gc - ~ ~~AIJ.x '. j4 2" .~ ~----~ . . . Q) : C\J. O'i. C). tf). bO./'" ~ ~I II- ~ , . . h... CJ -....J ct' '- ~. Q) C) f'c) . . . . ! .'tl! ~ I f ~. j " I, . J/:' r . , I. ."Iff fI ' . ~ ~ C\J ~ . Q) h.... . CJ G (J ~ . l'r) --.J . ~ . . ~ . . . ~ ~ -- . del. &111' -;;-- c.':':' . . . /.//[ ,,~ .....,.: 96. 43 .... J _._ J<< (';;'/, . - - ~ TRACT 'A" ~f7C ~ C;O- ~.J- Yt,-(Jy. -/7-~tJtI-t?~ aallllAL ....... ..0..." IItOliftI ..._ "AS IlIO'I' .... TI'!L& ......aD M .... auavI..oa . IAI....-rl. alGHT8-0P.N"U oa .UIl.VATIOllI or ..:0.0. . LI'.1GAL ocaclll"IOll I"" ..._ rualllUID I' ftl eLl..". suavll' ..... ..___ MIT. TIll ..1.1.... TElllueAL I'rAIIOAaH POll au.VIW lULl al""-'.'), &LI!:VATlotll atlOWtl ....m. ...10 011 11.0... U",* UIIL... OTII....... ttOTlEtH eMIl I Me. 5M011111 ....lIOII ."SliI ON ...-oat) '~T OIl o.m c:.u.IA ......... M......l.. 1lIO'I'D1 I ALL PIlOl'DTW COAIIUI A.. IIlOII RODe. OIl _A.L UII..... one....,. fIOT8D. - --- FOUNOATIOM or UI..,IIIO MlILOIIIIII LI.. IIlLOIt lUapACa IlIO'I' LOCATIO. 1 1I~RB8V CQTln TIt^T TUB fLoAT a'aoNN HUlON IS ,. TRUK AND COltRECT RBrRK8~N'r^TlON 01' ^ SUMYEY MAOI UNO" MY OIRBC'I'IOII AND THAT 'AID IURVIV 18 ACCURATI TO TIlB BEST OF MY KNOWLIWGE AND BILIsr, AND UN~8 ~"WI8' 8"~N, T"&a~ Aal NO V1818L~ ,INCROACHH8NTS. 11m VAl,lD "I~ 8OVlroARf SURVSY LOT 45 t~.",oN~t~"; AMENDED PLA T OF TRADE WINDS ESTATl. .. j. /i/- PALM BEACH COUNTY /MllGlsTJIUSD LAND DATE: /2- /7-8SISCALf: / -"-:: SO' IPLAT ale 2/ IPAGE: 73 I ~U~VEYOR MO. 111S RICHARD L SHEPHARD a ASSOC., INC. PO. BOX NO. 759 310 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOYNTON BEACH. PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA PHONE 305- 737-6546 F.a /75 PG. 35 DRAWING NO. .-)t-- M-85-/2- '\~54 . 0::0 _(I), P -0 ~ ~!-~3i" '" a. O~tD- ."f;;~:;) Q><g.~ ::0 )> () o' 0C ::0 0 ii" Z-- =i..,,5::u () -j ~ g' o --; " .. cm-Q. ::0 0 =i g:W ~ WARRANTY DEED FROM INDIVIDUAL TO CORPORATION DREW'S FORM R. E. 34 Manuf,.........'ed and far .ale bv The H. & W. B. Drew Campany JQcksonyifle~ Florida m~~t 594 PAGE 711 This 1ltlfarranl~ Jeed Made the 27th day of January HENRY o. OLSON and JANET L. OLSON, his wife hereinafter called the grantor, to BROWARD PUMP AND SUPPLY COMPANY, Second Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida a corporation existing under the laws of the State of address at hereinafter called the grantee: A. D. 19 61 by 305 N.E. Florida , with its permanent postoffice (Wherever used herein the terms HgrantorH and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations) lftljitnesstlh: That the grantor, for and in cons ideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, re- mises, releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, viz: c.Q .. Lot 45', TRADE WINDS ESTATES, Amended Plat, according to the plat thereof on file in the o:ffice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 21, at Page 73. :::I':: 0- ..., 1O ("") , .~ ..... Co> >- , <I: t- ~% 1 ~ ::;) ....0 -< (..') ... t"oooI S'I ATf:: of FLOHI(JA ~OCU~EN!);~~~TAMP TAX __-- fEa-2 6" ~;:.~"&..( <l'J'.4r..~.~-. - ~I;"'t.,.!". - I 4 B 0 -::;_~ E '~-~~.' COMPTROtlER \ . - >. . Pb.19 ~. l! . '-:::~:'!?.:..'. a:I """' u..- :. _1 . Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any- wise appertaining. To laaue and to laold, the same in fee simple forever. Rnd the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully wurrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 19 60 ?S -- .-___H, ....... . ~TP__l!jj' (, ED STP I 2-:;:.- .... d U ~~ fiX c~. If-' 1 ow In llfltitness llfltheteof, the said grantor has hereunto set th and and seal the day and year first above written. / ~~n.d, "aknn;rV~::'=n nn ,. nn.nnnnnQnQt;n~n. nnnnnnnnnnnnn'n.n'~n___ nZf2. .L~~nn. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH } I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personalIy appeared HENRY O. OLSON and JANET L. OLSON, his wife to me known to be the person S described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged before me thatthey exec'I.~~~.,t~e same. WITNESS my haI\d, '~nd J>fficial seal in the County and State last aforesaid this --3 1 ~ January., A.....ri..-r9\6b. .."(,'/// () :.' t... ~ A . < ":... ~...~ p . t ;:~~~~: t/~. ,:: ~ 'i~~~:::~~~"~~~~'..' , s'r ; ;' "'JJI~11111.' /. ( 4/,- , , l- \. / .., I '. day of r.,t Pk. ; E: R/U Lill~ ~ n...t.- .EC R.I? I ~ ~ ' L~ . __~_ 9~4P;;'- rrd. Pk__ (oJ 1...: ~____. ~ C) 1 a .. --. ....... . . ~~: ~o O/%/EHWY IC) . ~<:::): . :C) ~C6' :c:s I~ I .-- -- .d.t.t . -- --."\0.. ~ALJd ~ ~ ~ 0\ C) ~ I'f) h... C::> ...J ~ '- ~ 0) (J f'<) Jtf.~ r..... !748?td -- , \ rei Pi( ~"----s!?!'..!:"~_ ~ 4.?/ ~6 f:r-1J.;{ '1. r~ 'J ~-p 0- __ ~.~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9643 f~ tt.:: ~ -. ~ --'fa' -. --. ~../1~..x I----~ - . Mf8 .C!WJ ~~ ~ ... <::l ~ ) Iii '-- foO./iJ f Sf off flJS ~/JlldJi7J ~I~ 34.2.3 IJO.ffIJ IM/'kl; ~LA It- f t; IWT" t [I 'If 7 fj 1 ~ C\J 0) C::> f'<) ~ ~ h.. CJ ~ 96 4.3 """I~--- del ('fit; ~ TR4C T ''.4'' GlllDAL .,..., PRo,an ..... sa_ SAS IIOT .a. TITLI llAJlCIqD BY ".a IUltVUOR POll &ASBMDITB. IUOH7tl-OP-IlAY. 011 .UUVATIOllI OP a-=ollO, LBGAL DaSCIIIPTIOII .IIOWII ...._ PUlUII8..ao av na CLIIIIT. SURVaY 8NONW H"_ "..,. TNa MINIMUM TacNNICAL 8TA.uARD8 FOR'8URV.Y RUL. JI""-6.01, .....VATIOMa 8IIOWII ...... BAl. ON ".0... DATUM UIILU8 0'I'ItltRWI88 NO'I'1tD. BEARING ...... If..... 8A.~ ON RIDCOIIO 'LAT 011 DIm CA"'" UN..... OTHUNUI IkJTBO, ALL 'ROI"DTY COIl..... loR. IIlOIt Roue. 011 "AIL UIIa.a.OTIIIUlWI.8 NOT8O, POUIIDATIOII OF Ul"11IO IIUILOINll. LYING ICLOIf suarACa IIOT LOCATIO. 1 URRIBY CERTIFY THAT TIIB PLAT 8110NN HBRBON IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION Qt' ^ 8UNVEY HAD<< UH08R MY DIRECTION AND THAT SAID SURVIY 18 ACCURATE TO TIIB BEST OF MY ~NOWLBDGE AWD a.Llar. AND UN~8,~&RWI8J '"~f THBR~ Aa~ NO V1818L~ ~NCROACHMBNTS. 'l SORVlrr LOT 45 AMENDED PLA T OF TRADE WINDS ESTATES PALM BEACH COUNTY DATE: /2- / 7-85(SCALE: / "= 50'lpLATBK: 2/ (PAGE: ? 3 RICHARD L SHEPHARD a ASSOC.. INC. Po. BOX NO. 759 310 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA PHONE 30~- 737-6546 I" VAItJD Ifl~ ~TT~r'" b/fL C / l..{STUaD LAND I / iuaVIYOl MO. 3ae5 _~LU'_ F.a /75 PG. 35 DRAWING NO. M-85-/2-75 qoo I I21T'})1' 1 S ~"^ 00- t.r3~l.t6-0~~/7~ C)OO-OY50 f3R.oc.JftR.D f(Jt1f ..5 SUP!?t'! Ct:J. 3310 ,AI.~,D tDJxl.tE HIA.J"Y' Or=l-J?./ly 8EAc..n, F:L -'5 Star .S""'v12~bs.. 'I"1fC.TlJEfZ.S III L-TD. Oo-c.r>-Yb-oY-~O-ooo-I050 8/'55 11. 11/L..liA-l!.y 7~JL P.!3CH.G'PrfZ..f)EN5/FL ~3<J oo-Cf3- '-!G-oy-oo- tJoo-/o"5/ 00- y~- v6' 0 '{- 00 - 001....- 0030 oo,Yl-1...{6-0Y-oo- 00'2..- ooYo 00-"13- y6-otr-oo- 001...- (;)050 00- Y3- Y(;,-ol.(-/7- 000- 0 YOI OO-Y3-Yc:'-oY-t7- 000 -0 7'~2- OO-l.{'!>- Vc::'-ol[-{7-o00 -oyo3 t) 0 - '-13 - 'y 1, - 0 Y -/7- 000 - 0 'f "3 0 00 - Y') - Lf 6 . 0 '-f -/7- 00 0 ~ 0 <t 10 00 - (fJ- erG -oY-17- 000 - o'rG 0 00- '-[3- Y6-oY-17-ooo -()52..0 C}o.tr3-Yf::.-o'-!-t7- 000 - 0'530 or::r'fJ-Y,{,- oct-fl- DOe) -o5c.;/ 00 - Lf:5 - Y b- Ocr- r7-voo - 0'5 Go . /I /f /J /f · MOStE"0 GwfZ.J1t .1-1. 32.5'0 A;. rfi.[)E.K.fIL Hwy. f)E.LR~y BEA~ FL 3.3Y'~ .. /'1IH<.S Co /,/./C. e..-5 '1'2... S. Fpp'E/2IrL HOlY. #-/1 yo,/AJToA./ J3CltrL 3 JY3: . C;UL-FSTKEA-11 ~o8> I t.-E. Ho~E. ESrJftTES L-7f). 'j. Fe~j) /10R.b~tV RoTH qooo -rOv.JlJ C-EAJ-rER.. #5"55 5ouTHF/E:LdJ,I1J 4'807;. . M17'R..ftcRo ('JOSE /1. i- STEPHItA/IE.. ,4. , /60;'0 OJ<EE.Cf{Ot$~E. 1(1). L-ox/HiITTCHF3E./FL 357-7 . GHENT, ,fOrl/l-' /1. t. .H.4t!./AA./IJe.... .2.~~ Ul/)CE- '::PPA...; CAdfY '])E.t.J4tfy ZEfl-CH, Fe.... :5:l YVy . CFf- R...P 10/ rUIl 11 U IJD 0 34Go N. OL-J)f)/y.,~ HWy. f)p-~A-Y f3E.ACHJFL :1.3 Y8 . G1ZEER. w. c. .€t. Hflt/PE.. S. / 302--'5" CHV!?-CHILL. 1J'}Z. '$OYAJTON $Et'fc"lFL J'3't~ . $7AfCf(, 2. JOHN .;:. JOt4A/ A. 'P.o. Box o/~2- VG-OZ,,"y 'BE-ItCH/ Fe.... 337''1'(' . f/lf/?S Co nJ C . Zt5'-1'Z- S. F~_'D.t2f2..AL. ffIN;. #- /t1 'SaYJ.ffop 13C~FL 33 . Pfrf<.:>otJ5 I1-t<..THvR. 1=. J1?. J:. IfR-THVf( rpftR..:JoNS III , 62-'5 Sl/}JSH/IJF-.. 1)'F-. 'DELf<Ay BEAC.H, FL 33'-1 . Ci<ft-eEP'1 vJ.c. ,t }{IIUD;;. S. )OZ~ CHu(<..GHILL. [)J2.. 13oY/lJToA-l Bt=It~FL 1S'I. .IfItTEL 'PAASHU13t11t1 K.. 71<. ";. CEWfJUi ?/qHr J1OTo!?- LoJ)GI 335 b N. F~1J1!5-?-..IlL.. Hwy. f)E'-f(!+'( IJ.EACtj / FL- 33 y~ . CiH~l...Jr J.I1. It ,4-'/Ftf<./~NNE M. .t WIL.l-I14M E, :t C44/1?E wi T 3'1'fo N. FE.J)~"J2:AL H(}J'I. VSLRfJY -BMCH,FL J3Y "'U V L U I , " OJ I I NO ",.NAl 8 'tbll HU)1"l 1''''','51 HIM ~MCEL' I . 3 A' IH O~ GEH VOL 101115 n.oo 1.....1".1 IU. P I~I ~CH VAL I 107115 I nu.~o I :WA "I. 00 . OTAL "91. ~. \l". U f' uII.n ~3 ~. O~ 00 001 0131 rOT ~onRT J ~'~"~3J W ,~O 'T or I ~OO 'T to ~HD I 11 000 7.00000EH TO. "'''(0 I "'UGIHI. GDHI or I .,., 'T a, H '1'.1 rT or UILDG' "'" ,.a030jCH T.'i ",,". I I DnUY nACH rL GO'" LT , LYG M or rlHD CHL H. aT.L II"" I Nau NOl u~nl.LI Y~ II au "" P 0115 PIC 001 HITD 25000 110'." .CUI O. I CH E.H 25000 I, ~al7 UH 115.75 IH VAL , O~,,, 71.00 1.....30'.1 CH ....L 10""- 1331." t W. 1 ".00 I OTOL In'.17 I ..................... r.L TA.ES ............................................................................................................................. .. ............ ............ ITIHS HOH.I......L NOH EX T.. I../DD DUT IW./DD H.IHl Ln~.~ TOTAL CO HUHIC TO. OTOL T..U 3101'.0' G'TOT'ICHOOL ~ '~"7~ '21~.\l .00 '13.H G'TaT'GEHU.L ~ '~"7~ 3100.11 .00 .00 0 "71. U ~" ... t~"I.61 r.-7'S>n .."'. S TAT E OF F LOR IDA . '. HA..M.lM ftL~U~~ft ftL~~ ~ftU~LftIT IRK RULL ~~L" .LR~" ~UU"IT TL~III["':: ~~~L "U, ", .1"1 71.00 "31 ... 1170.32 3070.01 AI ~3 ~6 2'1 ..Qi'LI'!.ll.--llllll.L...!l.ll.Q!.IHION OF PROPERTY AND OTHER INFORMATION .~ ... ,.....OUNT .....u..o. "" o 001 0110 CH.NI INTI~P~IIEI INC ~-~6-~3 " .ND I 6~02S 7.0000~EN T.~I 313'.71 I 3010 S rEDU.L HMY S 230 'T or N 1".1 'T 0' W UILDGS II3'~3 ,.S030~CH T.. ~30'.1~ ! 10VNTON IE.CH 'L I'D rT or GOV LOT I W a' rIND 00 OT.L ~~nll I I c 33~3'C.N.L , E 0' ST ~D NO , IEING I PARCEL NO , .S IN ORII36P2~3 I ACRES S.LE YR 7J ORI 2'I~ P I~" 01 ! 1.~6I7rUN I 37'3.70 EN V.L ~~n61 I 61-311-0 CH ....L ~~nll I M. I 1711. " OTAL I ~OOO. 23 o DOl 0361 'A~NETT W ROV "."'''''3, N 61. I n 0' GO'" LT 1 " AHD " 03' 7.0000 EN TAxi 137.2' , 650 S fEDERAL HWV LVG W or SR , ~/W UILDGS '.6030 CH TO. In.21 POHPAHO IE.CH FL IALE VR '2 O~. 7"~ P 1111 00 OTAL " 03' 33062 AC~EI 01 I I. ~617 UH 770." EH V.L " 03' 11-311-' CH V.L " 035 I 1"" 2211. ~I o 002 0010 "-00000 ~-~6'~3 TH PT or SIll 0' " .HD 1561 000 7.0000 EH T.. 10917.01 CEDAR GRO...I INV HV GOV L T I , H I/~ or SW I I~ UILDGS '.6030 CH T.. I~"O." ~20 I DI.IE HWY , ~. Dr HE I/~ W OF n. N I/~ or 00 OTAL 1561 000 COR.L GA'LES rL SE ,,,,, a, "N , "", I I 12 OF 331~6GO'" LT 3 , SI I/~ OF GO... LOT ACRES ~'.50 ~ tCOHT ~'.50 .CRIII 01 S.LE YR 10 OR' 337~ P 0056 .. ~617 UN 131".6~ EH VAL 1561 000 II- 31~' 2 I CH VAL 1561000 OTAL 39136.'~ o 002 0060 HORSCO INC ,." .", · ... " " '" f" .HD I In~. 7.0000 EH T.. '02.6~ 25~1 S FEDU.L HWY , 19 167.13 " a, TR A HARKED HOT UILDGS '.6030 CH T.. 1131. ., 10YHTON IE.CH rL IHCLUDED IH P'21P~5 , 73 'EIHG 00 OT.L 1115~1 33~35PT or GOV L T 2 SALE YR 'lOR. 6'72 P 1607 AC RES 01 I. ~617 UH 1091.02 EH VAL Iln~1 11-310'7 CH V.L tln~. OTAL 3132." I I IARRET T HG 11 IH DR' 001~ P - 01" .............................................................................................................. .. .- ......... ................. . ....... ....... ................ ITEHS NOH' EX' VAL HOH EX T.. E.A/DD DEIT SW./DD NAIHT L IIRA~ TOTOL CD HUHIC TO. OT.L T..ES ~ 22215'1 21~0~.U .00 27... 'I L ~ 2221551 15602.61 .00 .00 0 3577'.22 1117 .31 "652.53 , 1602.0' 2166.~~ "10. ,~ h ~3 U O~ 0 PIC Oil I-I ~I ~3 ~6 O~ 0 HORT rll PIC OlD 71.00 5757.06 2~". 26 3371.33 "". " O~ 0 PIC 000 1707. ~~ 71.00 8t15.1~ 1190.78 "62. '3 II ~3 ~6 2-8 O~ 0 PIC 010 ZIti." 78.00 71~3.'0 2-8 'L TA.ES l0650.6I .1' ~3 ~6 O~ 0 ;. ~_...._...... ': f' G-TOT'SCHOOL ~ ,G-TOT-GEHU. I -rrorrT] F LOR I 0 A--nGII~"R R~"~ ~RunR 1 T If'll' lll:ULL ....L" 'L~l;;" I!;UU"'T TI."III[ .,C flW -wo-;----ntn"1 'fllfl"=1 OI.UO." STATE OF NAMI~7-.2WRI~llll.~~PERTY AND OTHER INFOR.M.AI101i ,.....ou.... ......, --...-.-. ----.------.- -.-.-. !313." I O. ~3 ~I O~ 0' 000 001 I PREILI GARY. , JAHET L 'ARRETT HEIGHTS " AHD 7050 7.0000 1223.73 3'0~ , IEAC~EST 'LVD LOT , lLEIS E II FTI UILDGS ~09l~ '.1030 I 'OY"TO" IE.CH rL I.LE YR 17 DR, "70 P 07.0 HX OTAL ~IOH HORT GII 33~3' I. ~II7~U" PIC 001 HITD 15000 ~I"'Z. ,,, ACRES 01 CH EXH 15000 "'.07 EH V.L Z303~ 7'.00 1.....3~1.0 CH V.L Z303~ W. 1".00 ,,... II OT.L 1".51 '21~.U ~. ~3 ~6 O~ 01 000 001' rURlS IHIL H "~RnT HEIGHTS 91 .HD '1502 7.0000 EH TA. 3'0.93 '''5.17 , WU"'U _D E II FT or LTI I , I. ALL LT 3 UILDGS 37630 '.1030 CH TAX ~11.~' SPRIHGFIELD H. , W II FT Dr LT ~ 00 OUL '0'32 011 07..LE YR n OR' 1021 P 0"3 PIC 001 '6~ t. 3. ACRES 08 " ~68"''''UN '12~ " ACRB z.nO'17"1 ~Ol ~l ~, O~ '1 000 O~'O KAY CEE A"N OF 10YNTON IEACN INC '0 10. "n 10YNTON lEACH FL AC RES P...C 0" 2.nO'''S'2 AHD 'L OF TR.DE WIND EITI LTI ~, & ~2 & W Zl, FT OF LTI S~ & " 11~ZSSALE VR 11 ORI ~07' ~ "IS fOI I ~=: =t I t'l ! ~'l I COI ~G.TOT-SCHOOL , ~G - TOT. GENERAL I TEHS ~ ~ NON E. TA. nll. n SO,". n ................a...................__.....____......................................__... L URAR . 0 12'72.S1 TOTAL CO NON.E.'VAL 722011 722011 EAA'DD DEIT IWA'DD HAINT .00 'I~.S~ .00 .00 00 "" S TAT E 0 F F LOR IDA ~~ ~L~L "~U".~ IT Tlfr1!1lI:L t NAME OF OWf-iU. .t;~'~H:r.~TI!1JTONJ;lF PROPERT~ A~DOTHER INFO 01 ~l ~I O~ '7 000 0.70 ,,"'11' AHND 'L OF TRADE WIND AGA'E IIILE CHURCH INC LT .7 10"' OLD DI.IE HWV SALE VR'O au 53'1 IOVNTON lEACH H ~'C 071 ACRES /.., .. 2.no.,,, .7 O. '7 000 0..0 GULFSTUAH HOIlLE HONE . FRED HORGANROTH .000 TOWN CTR . 555 SOUTHFIELD NI "C 021 ACRES z.no"$7.1 01 '1 " 0... 1 '7 000 ono IARNETT W ROV . 660 , FEDERAL HWV 'ON'ANO lEACH FL NORT FI' ',e 0'0 ACRES 2'170'ZOJ" 01 ~l .6 O. 2' .21000 . ~ 72" 5752" 5 7 52~ ~ 5752" "", I. ~617hUN 1013.07 IWA 6S.~' @." rOTAL 327. .!S 7. OOOO~EN T~)Ci '6 ,. 6010~CH TA.! ',e 'WA 1'2.20 .OTAL l'Z.20 -,,, " ..~~~icr;~;...r~;~~.;~;~;. 61'r,7' I "017.2~ ! I ! .....L" .t...{,;1"'I l..UU"IT --~~~~~". AND ' UILOOSI OTAL ' HaL u[ CH ERN I EN Y"'L I eM Y"'L! I I ......l......... ESTATES 00, ~. II ~~~DGsi ' ~~;~: OOrOTAL "1"2 ~ _ ,~~~~s~~~ 7.0000GEN TAR: '1'2.'~ '.1010ICH TAR "'0.'2 ~ , 100 11'" eOI GEN VAL! seH VAL; ESTATESANENDED ~L OF TRADE WINDS ESTsk,ILAND : L TOL 11 ~I TO 51 INC P tUILDGSI SALE YR.. au 51'2 , 0717 ~OOTOTAL ' ..a075 I , . l.~l fOI GEM VAL: ~CH VAL: ANNO 'L OF TRADE WIND ESTATES ~'I~AND LT " 'LESS RD R'WI ,UILDGS! 11012SALE VR'2 ORI 72" , '211 OOrOTAL fOI GEN VAL seH VAL GULF STREAN ESTI 'L 2 RE~LAT ORI' 0012 AS IN 01 '1 '6 O~ 2~ 000 00'0 HINNICK DONALD a . LINDA I. GULF STREAN EITS 'L 2 DONALD a 'R . ~UTTA N NINNICK RE~LAT OF PART '1~1 IW 21TH AVE LOT' NO"T K20 10YNTON lEACH FL 11'ZISALE VR 12 ORI 1710 PIC 001 ACRU 2'170'2'5'1 , .. 01'''' , 11"2 , '1"2 672150 7. 1'2 1'tJ&IJZ I. "17hUN l;WA TOTAL 7.0000~EN TAR '.60JO~CH TIiUci tilL AND 5601 7.0000GEN TAR IUILDGS ~I'lS '.1010seH TAR .OOTOTAL 557'2 P "3'7 COI 8. '617"UN ~EN VAL S57~2 eH VAL "'"2 SWA rOTAL PG.TOT'SCHOOL ! PG-TOT'GENERAL .... -. - -...... ......... .... .............. .~........... .......... .................. .,. .,... ................ - -........ -.. lTENS NON'ER'VAL NON ER TA. EAA/DD DEIT SWA'DD HAINT LIIRARY TOTAL CO NUNle! TAR . ,,,.,,, '0701.", .00 50'0.27 !, ' ~ ",~", 7802,13 00 .00 [.fO 21S~S.I' "]J.'l PAL" .L"~I"'I ~UU"IT ."'". S TATE OF 'FioRIDA-~n-nA" mmlT'""TlI1rllllt.L NAME OF OW!\jU.,.APll.ft:nO..!!I:c..R[.ulO'~ 01 '1 ~6 O~ Z. 000 OOZO ILLIL[V RONALD [ . ~ANE E no S[ l.rN AYE 10YNTON lEACH 'L NORT cro '/C 001 ACRn z.no.n, 'Z 01 '1 ~6 O. Z. 000 DOlO LARION CARLTON H . DORII N ~OO S[ l.rN AYE BOYNTON IEfIlCH F'l '615.20 1S2.01 51 ~ I .0' S20S.1S '''tl.67 J,O. " 515.25 HZ.06 "'.00 ,~, 6. "Slf OTAL TARES 32,... ,~ -,.olf ~T P~1ir' l<O. ~ n. GULF ITREAN E'TS 'L 2 Rt'LAT OF 'ART LOT Z Jl.1S'AL[ VR I' ORI "'1 ... .. -l..----~.:~-~ll utlJj,i.Tf r-- aMoOUN' t.---!.!l~O~'_ i. IYP, ,. AND nil 7.0000~EN TAR 2'7. , 7 UILDGSi 't7''tJ '.IOJO CH TAR 257. ,. HR OTAL 5602' POI" " 01 H'TO i CN UH GEN VAL peH VAL II~~~~DGS H.tOTAL "-- GULF 'TREAN ESTS PL Z REPLAT OF 'ART LOT J 33~J~SALE YP 77 OR! 2'~2 ~ p , '?tt.. H~c;l''i nooo ZSOOO I. ~U7"UN 2U.7S l' 026 1'026 IWA , ".00 tOTAL 85' . 16 ..11 I 7.0000GEN TA., 2'Z. IS "527 '.6010SCH TAR 252.0Z '~""0 ~G'TOT.S' , ~G - TOT' GI o. ~,c A S NAM 01 ~l " p,C 01 ~l .1 P'C 01 U " p,C PG'TOT.se ; PG-TOT.OI Olj )lIJ~ S NAM 01 ~l " NORT p,C 01 ~ J " "'\,0 \ U t ~U1UUL , ~,. 101. GENUOL ill Ii' Jl'l'l .00 .00 !.Iv MUINI '176.00 00 Ill'1IU 111~1I 'OIO.Z~ 717.3' 3' .",... ST A TE ("-F'-"FLORIDA--1fn"Il~~. h~~ P'.UP'UIT T~~ ROLL NAME OJ::o..WRU~~~-~~!lllJLN Of~Y AND OTHER INfORM \. j tiN 'l~ I , 0 IUfl1L CU 1_l3~3.6I nUN I (. r HI. n.n TL..... .,C ""'lII~.----".-,.,tt ~~L" .L"~" ~uunlT 01 ~3 ~I O~ I~ 000 00'1 CHRIITO~HER 10.UEL J . ~30 IE 3~TH AvE 10VNTON lEACH fL LAU.A IGULr STUO. ESTS ~L 2 RE~LAT or ~on E ~ rT or LT , . W " rT or 33~3'L T I SOLE V. 77 OHI 2712 ~ '2" .on 103 ~'C 001 ACREI 2'170'I~I'1 01 ~3 ~I O~ 2~ ODD 006' GENIHEI.E. r.ONK x . .OUDE . ~~o IE 3~TH OVE 10VNTON IEOCH rL ~'C 000 GULr IT.EO. EST I ~L 2 .E~LAT or ~O.T E 2 n or L T 6 33~35S0LE Y." ORI 11.5 ~ '''~ OCRES 2'170'252'2 ~I ~3 ~6 O~ 2~ 000 0070 GENSNEI.E. r x . . .O.JO.IE GULr STREA. EITI ~L 2 ~~O IE 3~TH OVE RE~LOT or ~ORT 10VNTON IEACN rL LOT 7 33~3'IOLE Y. 77 0.1 2766 ~ 0'" ~'C DO' OCRES 2'170'151' , 01 ~3 ~6 O~ 2~ 000 0010 LEONI.UNI JOHN 5 . ~AT.ICIA I GULr ST.EA. ESTI ~L 2 '132 ~LEAIONTVIEW D. E RE~LAT or ~ORT JACKIONVILLE rL LOT I NORT U05 32225SALE V. I' ORI aO'3 ~ '21' ~'C 00' AC.ES 2'170'26~'6 i I J ~ (................ - ................. ..... ............... .... ......................... ; , ITE.S NON'EX'VAL NON EX TAX EAA'DD DEIT IWA'DO .AINT LIIRAR -~G.TOT.SCHOOL ~ '3516 1'1.7' .00 357.00 1 fG' TOT 'GENERAL ~ '3586 a". '2 .00 .00 3 ! " AHD UILDGI HK orAL HSTO 01 CH EX. EN VOL CH VAL " AND UILDGS 00 OTAL 01 EN VAL CH VOL " AND UILDGS NX OTAL NSTD 01 CN EXH EN VAL CN VOL " OND UILDGS 00 OTAL 01 EN VAL CN YAL o "MOUN' TOTOL co "'0.13 6511 37550 ~~'31 25000 25000 , "31 '''31 M''''O' ~.:!:.-_::::.: ,n." ", .... I 01 ~ 300 300 I. ~Il7rUN ~WO rOTAL 7.0000~E'; TOKI: ,.603nl CH TAX , , U' ~L I ~,I(L ') 3U6.20 ,G' ; 'G.' 1.0617 UN 300 300 7225 ~3"3 50761 OTAL 7.0000 EH ToX '.6030 CN TAX w 161.n . ".00 6I1.n 2.' 0 2.11 01 0 25000 25000 2"61 2"61 1."17 UN WA "'.00 OTAL 765.05 01 0 7225 00355 07saO 7.0000 EN TAX '.6030 CH TAX r 2.55 7.53 110.31 2~7. ., OI~ 1.0617 UN 07saO 07saO WA OTOL ,;;;.. r 211.22 333.06 0".'2 H' r ~02, ,. "',00 1311,'2 OTAL TOXES r' .. : jo"T' : ". T' 2703. n O'lIO' STATE OF FLORIDA I'{A-M K~~U~~ft K~ft~ ~"'U~LKIT T~A ~ULL DI'1O ~~L" .L..~" ~UU"IT 01 03 ~a O~ 2~ 000 00'0 ALA. .ONA..ED I . rAZIA SID IE 3~rN AVE 10YNTON lEACH rL GULr ITREA. 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'J' ~ r -' J I If":} ~o <;..~ ~ r- . __ c; ~ :z. .-/ - () pUrlJ!J/ B- ~ "11 _(~~) !l).v \ ...J'-- -./-, --- ( I"~ '. ~ G/ - t~ 1.. t"':-- f, i -"' ------ ~ .-----..---------------- ~~-~--_.~-<-~ .- I . , . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type All Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Cc Project Name: X'fCw<::~r~ t1'mf' ! ,"4Jrp(y - Anne.)(o...-Ircm 'lfcyo.. 'rvI Type of Application (check one) 2. a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment Only ~ c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Address: 33(0 ~rc'J L.$..'I'dl Pu m D 1 s'-' pp!y I ' AI. O/~ D;K;e.. I-fc..::,y , --r - p~/y-~y Aeo-c.f, FL 33Y8'3 ( r (Zip Code) Phone: FAX: 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): (11/4 Address: (Zip Code) Phone: FAX: 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: J?; Co f. tr r.,Q ~ r..4ovn .Do .;-~. (5 ro ()o- rcQ ? <.J fYJ p J. -S <-AO (y I / s' I ' Address: o-/:x::, V ~ (Zip Code) FAX: PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:LandUse ( 2 ) 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) : *This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel: (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) #LL! 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: C=~5~5;~ 4' o/dZ 1);-k~'C:- .J/,.J v. /rY' //~ rni/~ Ik:.'Y"--r1, c:/' GJ{skeo-rYI BlvJ I ' . 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: (G r rs- 7:-o.c(Jc..-t.),'l'1.fJ / 6";-o--/"~ s Ame\~cO~ Plo---r-- ~ 6c"C.~,,()' '17 ~ to ~e.. lY---r / J -f{,t!~Ic::.- "'( aYJHk. /-r'1 f'l.e c:rr:e~ nf Ae C kr-K <6'( de. L; rC- '-, f Cae;...y f-" ;" 6--" Ll ~r R /' r>? 23~c..J Co"-'n Iy, F L ~&e.t2 in Plc---r l3,oc,}( .;JI" ;~7 ~?' 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): O.0~( 12. Current Zoning District: CG- 13. Proposed Zoning District: C _.~ 14. Current Land Use Category: C;/S 15. Proposed Land Use Category: ~(,lC:.'<C'-( ('.rtVY\>fV\..~rc.~.,,-( 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: N/A 17. Developer or Builder: N/A.. 18. Architect: AVA Landscape Architect: Ai/A 19. 20. 21. 22. A{fl AI/A - N/A site Planner: Civil Engineer: Traffic Engineer: 23. Surveyor: N/A PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:LandUse ( 7 ) III. APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above sta":e>me!lt.c; a.nd any sta'tements or Showings in any papers or .plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to ~\\"struc;;:s below. , ::h~~ "k.II:)~ Signature of Owner(s) r Trustee, Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. V. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signature of Authorized Agent Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse \~54. 0:::0 o -8(2), r- ." rrI '- ~ a. ::tI' 3:1 ;11:> Or g'5' "'T1r'1'l~O ~xg.:t Xl ):> () "(')" n;:ooii" C4~- ~r1'l~:::C ~--/:<8' 2~::J.3 - 0 0. ~ ~W 7f" WARRANTY DEED FROM INDIVIDUAL TO CORPORATION DREW'S FORM R. E. 34 Manuf"....red and for sale by The H. & W. B. Drew Company Jacksonville, Florida .' m~~~ 594 PAGE 711 This 1I1tarranty lleed Made the 27th day of January HENRY o. OLSON and JANET L. OLSON, his wife hereinafter called the grantor. to BROWARD PUMP AND SUPPLY COMPANY, Second Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida a corporation existing under the laws of the State of address at hereinafter called the grantee: A. D. 19 61 by 305 N.E. Florida , with its permanent postoff;ce (Wherever used herein the terms "grantor" and Ugrantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the su(:cessors and assigns of corporations) 1I1titnesstlh: That the grantor. for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. hereby grants, bargains, sells. aliens, re- mises. releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in Palm Beach County, Florida. viz: f.&:I eo. Lot 45, TRADE WINDS ESTATES, Amended Plat, according to the plat thereof on rile in the orfice of the Clerk or the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 21, at Page 73. ::E: 0- \I) LI' (V) --ill , .~ -'- o >- .~ .-- coZ 1 ::.E ::;J .jO oCt (.;) Itlo. I. ......1 p S'I ATE: OF FLO-~I(JA DOCUMENT~~~~TAMP TAX - -Y:*~"'~? == FEa-Z'6~~~'k'.r~.f--':".~";;' ;::: - <. ~. - yO< I 4 B 0- ;::: - /..... ,I'-i. == - r ~~_ - FOMPTROllER ,~,~-_ ~ Pb.19c:ll ::::<:.::~:... -: c--..J co I...J ~ Together with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any- wise appertaining. To }taue and to }told, the same in fee simple forever. Rnd the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully wu.rrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances. except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31. 19 60 .~ .. __Lf:-2.... :.) T P._JJ,l~p,:., ED STP P ~,,~::. ,." {.J c' :{f.'1X ,~' 't, 7 .", In 1lifilness 1lifhereof, the said grantor has hereunto set th first above written. Sign'dn~"I':~I'V~~~~ and and seal the day and year nZ?. .. .Ld?~n.." STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared HENRY O. OLSON and JANET L. OLSON, his wife to me known to be the person S described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged before me thatthey exeC"l,~e4"t~e same. WITNESS my ha,,<!, ',;mdpfficial.seal in the County and State last aforesaid this -3 I .s:t--- January., A;,:ti..!9,66 ..,' .> "'r . >.:):.:" ;-: . ~.~ . ':.><\ ;~: ~ ,.., -: .. 1'" .~i ,......;: ()...; I" . .... day of (f"\ : . ~ ~<i--~ V~ , G OVVv~ ............C:.S..................................................;:..........................\.--. bry Pv6lte, Sfet' 8f "opt H,'1I \ My CommissIon Expires, 9, 19t:,:4 Bonded by American Surety o. , \. f , t L- I . l . I ~ "7 "..'. . . ) '. .'1 .. -"'~ ('r',:,- """. ..... . . . II ~ ., c-"'~' "' ,) t .' I: "I!IJOllillll