APPLICATION --.- \ '" .. .- SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION D77 city of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board .' ' This application must be filled out completely and acc~rately"--'~ '\, and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. ./ -S:-'~" <.. (,/.7 ....y , I " ~. ~:,'-=:~? I. GENERAL INFORMATION ,1. Project Name: CATALINA CENrRE '. 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): W1\LOOYN, INC. .. .. . ... ~ Address: 8132 West Glpdes Road Boca Raton, Florida 33434 Phone: (305) 487-4900 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Tom McMurrain Address: 8132 West Glades Road Boca Raton, Florida 33434 Phone: (305) 487-4900 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: W1\LOOYN, INC. Address: 8132 West Glades Road " Boca Raton, Florida 33434 (305) 487-4900 \ Phone: . '6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. i , Planning Dept. 10/92 .. 8> ...: f. -. -... P'1YC 2 D 9'9 7. "lhat;: is applican~'s intcrest in the premiscs affected? <Mner/Developer (Owner, Buyer, '~essee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) B. Street Address or Location of Site: 160 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 9. Legal Description of si t~/Property Control ,: See Attached Survey .' - ... 10. Intended Use(s) of Site: 110 tel . 11.- Developer or Builder; WALl3OYN, . INC. 12. Architect: CURRIE SOINEIDER l\SSOCIATES AlA, PA 13. Landscape Architect: SUNNYSTATE NURSERIES 14. Site Planner: OJRRIE SOlNElDER ASSOCIATES AlA, PA SIIEREMETA & ASSOCIATES IS. Engineer: 16. Surveyor: SIlERENE:l'A & ASSOCIATES 17. Traffic Engineer: KIf.tLEY-1I0RN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 18. lias a site plan been previously approved by the City Council for this property? Yes '. 19. Estimated con'slruction cost of propo!.:C'll improvements sllO\.]n on lhis site plan: $2,000.00 ..t .... Planning Dept. 10/82 ? ;. .,' / I ~ -., t:) "" . ,/ Page 3 '. II. SITE DATA The following information must be 'filled ~ut be~ow and must appear, where applicable, ~~}~iX~~~?~~=~.~~_~~ si~e pla~ . ..... 1. Land Use Cateqory.shown in the Comprehensive Plan Local Retail Commercial 2. Zoning District ~rcn of Site 9.6~7 C.3 ~.'.::'!"'!~ ' 413,797.72 R*,!. ft.. ~~ ... 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown i. Other (specify) -0- acres -0- , of site j. Total Area of Site 9.631 100 , of site . * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of SO ft. by SO ft. S. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building 41624 Area (-building footprint") sq. ft:. 10 , of site ., I b. Water Area -0- sq.ft. -0- , of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of pUblic' private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 224,761.82 sq.ft. 271411.02sq.ft.. 53 , of site ~S3 , of site 7 , 0 f 8 i te P 2% required /C -d. Total ~mpervioua Area e. Landscaped ~rea Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq.ft. per interior ,parking space required-- see Sec. 7.5-35(9) of Landscape Code) . 33162 . sq. f,t.' . 8900S.F. required ~ ~ - - - .. - - ..-. - - .. -... - - Planning Dept. 10/8 . , ft. Total Floor A~ea 95.810 sq.ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units N/A dwelling units a. Single-Family Detached b. Duplex c. Hulti-Family (3 + . attached dwelling units (1) Efficiency (2) 1 Dedroom (3) 2 Bedroom (4) J+ Bedroom d. Total Hulti-Family e. Total Number of Dwelling Units' o. Gross Densitv .--- , N/A dwelling units . . ' , . ' --- dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units --- ...-.. --- --- .... .9. Maximum Jleiqht of Structures on Sl~e Dwelling Units per.Acre 45 feet 4 stories 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of nequired Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces . xl.25 149 Hotel Rooms-1DS x2 10 1\rT suitea36 , . b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan 185 36 ., . 225 90 Seat Lounge" 1/2.5 90 . 1~2.s 1 ~ ~450S.F. Heeting Roomu296 seats- ...' 36. · 74 'Seat Rest.- .:l . . EKtra Spaces 20 Extra 438 9 of which are handicapped Planning Dept. 10/82Total ~pacQs /I I . IV. NISCELLl\NEOUS Page 9 ' lJ?, 1. The following materials must be submitted in one (1) copy: l\.check, payable to the City of BOYrtton Beach, as per the attached fee schedule. (check) 2. For projects that generate at'least three thousand (3,000)' vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic i~.?~ct .n~~ly~i~ ~~~t be =ub=ittcd. 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or ~ns submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) kn9wl~4~ and belief: This app~ication will not be accepted unle~s-s1 e~cco~d~ng to the 1nstructions below. \, !,' -- ~ G -Z7'~ S1gnature f ,wner(s) or Trustee, Date or Auth~~zed Principal if property is own~d by a corporation or other business entity. VI. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signature of Authorized Agent (. ~ S~ Da e ~ (I) '/'(We) her~by designate the above signed person as (my) (0 r) author~zed-agent:~n)regard to this application. \ ; 9----~-_.:-~ b . Z7-~ S1gn ture of Owner(s) or Trustee, Date or AUfh~~iVPrincipal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning~& Zoning Board Community Appearance Board Cit;y Council Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Date Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: .. Additional Remarks: /J P1nnning Dcpt. 10/02 . , , .' . ....~ ( 09? DESCRIPTION: A portion of: CONGRESS LAKES-PLAT NO.1 (P.U.D.), as recorded in Plat Book 46, page 129 of the. Public Records of Palm Beach County: lying in Section~19,"TOwnship 45 South, Range 43 EastJ City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, FloridaJ being more particularly described as follows: ~ DEGINNING at the Southeast (SE) corner of said plat of Congress lakes: thence South 00-57'17" West a distance of 5S0.45 feetJ 'thence North 01-44'21" East a distance of 217~31 feetr thence North 46.44'2l".East a distance of 83.78 feets thence North 01-44'21" East a distance bf 298_32 feetJ thence North 67.00'00. East a distance of 9.49 feetJ thence North 03.44'S7~ West a dis- tance of 94.36 feetJ thence South 8S.1S'39" East a distance of 144.80 feet, thence North 01.44'21" East.a'distance of 215.S0 feet: thence North 85.47'00" East adistance.of 209.54 feets thence North 44.47'00" East a distance of 35.36 feet to a point on the West right-of way line of Congress Avenue, thence South 00.12'52" East a distance of 958.27 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. . . ~aid lands situate, lying and being in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach Coutny, Florida and contain 9~637 acres, more or less,' . . ., ., . .~'::lJ.CI>~1I , '/~