LEGAL APPROVAL ~~ .J. , , -......J , I CITY ot BOYNTON BEACH ~._--- .. .. L- '-;':"" -~..."_..-:':':".~"'''- . "."""',' ' :~",:...gE.~~~~t:r=. : .:..'....~,: ,--'" .' --_. .-.'..--.--.--- ....-r..:'ffiI.' .' , '. :'" ,.;.. - .. 1iI"'-'1; 'r'-~ rnJ <.:, ..' , .~t. ' ~ "... a.. ....;:.~I..rJ" I . . ....~.~ ~:~ "" jitD' -,.. ,=_~.:,~ _. , .,.:..!.'t.~..~~. 4 ._'~ t' ~ .~ .' ~~.. _ --r.s.:._.~'l'\j:......' __..-..0.: ,,' .t.. ~.. 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (407) 738-1490 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR ,; .1 , August 25, 1988 Roland Yates, Construction Engineer McDonald's Res~aurant 5200 Town Center CircJe, *600 Boca Raton, FL 33432: Re: McDonald's Restaurant-Revised CU Our file #: 114 Dear Mr. Yates: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 16, 1988, the ,City . Commission approved the Conditional Use Applicat~on, Site Plarr, and shared parking request referenced above, subJect to staff comments with the fpllowing exceptions: 1. Comments in the Staff Report pertaining to layout and design of the outparcel. ~ b . k' t' Memorandum from the Pu l~c Wor s D~rec or. " . 2. In addition to staff comments, copies of which are attached, the commission is requiring that a Hold Harmless Agreement be submitted to the Utilities Department for both the sewage air relief valve and the proximity of the building to the existing 16-inch water and sewer mains. Also, the Commission has included in its approval the CAB approved landscape plans for the Congress Avenue Medians adjacent to Catalina Centre. After you have amended your plans ..to reflect the stipulations p~ease have the appropriate Department Heads initial the atta~hed slgn-off sheet, prior to your submission to the Building Department for permits. " .~-~--,------. ',1./.\' - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Roland Yates, Construction Engineer, McDonald's Corporation, requested the following parcel be considered for CONDITIONAL USE to construct a freestanding MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT AND DRIVE THRU FACILITY at the following loca- tion: Legal Description: CATALINA CENTRE - Plat No.2, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 56, at pages 43 and 44 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, the leased outparcel, more fully described as follows: Commence at the Southeast corner of said Section 18; thence South 880-56'-29" West along the South line of said Section 18 for 60.07 feet to a point on the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue as recorded in Official Record Book 3560, pages 1115 through 1120, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; the following course being along said West right-of-way line also being along the East line of said Parcel "B"; thence North 010-44'-21" East for 401.20 feet; thence North 880-15'-39" West for 26.12 feet to the Point of Beginning of the hereinafter described parcel of land; thence North 010-44'-21" East along a line parallel with and 26.12 feet West of said Westerly line of Congress Avenue for 86.71 feet~ thence North 430-15'-39" West for 18.79 feet; thence North 880-15'-39" West along a line parallel with and 20.00 feet South of the Southerly line of Tract "A" of said Plat of Catalina Centre - Plat No. 2 for 47.59 feet~ thence South 010-44'-21" West along a line parallel with and 87.00 feet West of said Westerly line of Congress Avenue for 100.00 feet; thence South 880-15'-39" East along a line parallel with and 120.00 feet South of said Southerly line of Tract "A" for 60.88 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Lying and being in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida and containing 6,000 square feet or 0.1377 acres, more or less. Address: 1799 North Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL Applicant/ Agent: Roland Yates, Construction Engineer McDonald's Corporation 5200 Town Center Circle, #600' Boca Raton, FL 33432 Owners: Walboyn, Inc. 8132 West Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33434 project: McDonald's Restaurant A HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WILL BE HELD AT CITY HALL, 211 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY, COMMISSION CHAMBERS, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. ALSO A PUBLIC HEARING IS SCHEDULED BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION, CITY HALL, 211 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY, COMMISSION CHAMBERS, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1988 AT 8:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS, ON THE ABOVE REQUEST. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any-decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testi- mony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH pc JULY 22, 1988 cc: Mayor and City Commissioners City Manager City Attorney City Manager's Secretary Recording Secretary /'" J Illh~_f~~IIIlf~IIQ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH .' p I, RICHARD H. CRITCHFIELD, a duly licensed attorney in the State of Florida do hereby certify that I have examined the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida through April 27, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. and hereby further certify that the record titleholder of that certain parcel of real property situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described in Exhibit II All attached hereto and made a part hereof is: . Walboyn Development Corp., a Maine corporation subtect to that certain mortgage in favor of The First National Bank of Boston dated March 10, 1987 and recorded March ]9, 1987 in Offieial Records Book 5211 at Page 1491, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Sworn to and subscribed before m~~:t~~~:?:.::~~ ~-1iry PuoT, c tJ My Commission Expires: tlolarv Public, State of Florida ~y Commi!slon Expires Marth 10, 1.991 Bondo:J lhru Troy fllin. hl~Ul"nco Inc. I.. EXHIBIT II A" Tract A of CATALINA CENTRE PLAT NO.2, according to the Plat therf.lof, recorded in Plat Book 56 at Page 43, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. .' ::J 00 o '"' :;" . -~ t\J 00 00 0- r- nJ ~ CD fI') U') ~ ::f CD N (..) ~ ;1 Doe\IM1ICK"f ,. N ~ ' , . J.t."i'~l. Yax t4. Cl'~~fl0rl" DEED THIS DEED, dated this JQ1h. day of December, 1984, by Riteco Development Corporation, a Florida corporation (IIRitecoll), and by B. D. Rawls, .169 E. Flagler Street, Suite 1430, DuPont Building, Miami, Florida, as Trustee for Martha Field Fite under that certain indenture of trust known as The Martha Field Fite Trust, dated the 12th day of September, 1984, recorded in Official Records Book 4376, page 1612, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and as .' Successor Trustee for Janet Field Riley under that certain indenture of trust known as The Janet Field Riley Trust, dated the 3rd day of February, 1981, recorded in Official Records Book 4376, page 1581, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, (IIRawlsll), hereinafter collectively called the Grantor, to Walboyn Development Corp., a Maine corporation, 8132 West Glades Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33434, hereinafter called the Grantee. WITNESSETH: That for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, said Grantor do hereby grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release and convey unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns in fee simple forever, all that certain property situate in the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT IIAII, attached hereto and made a part hereof. .r~ ~~g }?~ ~) ~ SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to taxes for the year 1984 and subsequent years; to all applicable governmental regulations; to restrictions, reservations and easements of record (it not being the intent hereof to reimpose the same). JY~,.,\ 1 '. and Q:) the N 00 :::t- O 0... ~ N :f- :f- eD AND Riteco does hereby fully warrant the title to Parcels 1 2 (as shown on Exhibit IIAII), and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except as above noted. AND Rawls does hereby covenant with Grantee and Riteco that at the time of delivery of this Deed, Parcel 2 (as shown on Exhibit IIAII) was free from all encumbrances made by Rawls, and that Rawls will warrant and defend Parcel 2 against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through or under him, but against none other. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor have executed this Deed Prepared by: l.~~~to: DAVID S. PRESSLY, ESQ. P.O. Box 3888 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 ; . ./ 5' the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: - ,.1.. (1) (2 ) ~ (l)~ R. p~,-, (2), '.i., ~ ~. RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BY: I , . s Vlce-President ~ (\IIIICli "L.. '. \" \~, r; ( ~'.',.., (CORPORATE."~~~"""',I..>'\ {2/ij"'~-JL ~':. :~~. .: \ : __ ~ <'., \.~ ~ t I ,,1. . " - ,..- . " f ~. 'r"". : 'r. ~-. '. (,)0.' (r;< 1'.. .. ." <.: .(, , . ..(~tl '" ..,' ~ ." <". lit ,..- ...../ J' ' . ~(' \" .; .,1. . .J l . "'"' (j Uo~ B. D. Rawls, as Trustee under The Martha Field Fite Trust and as Successor Trustee under The Janet Field Riley Trust. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 18~ day of December, 1984, by HOWARD WADE RILEY, III, as Vice President of Riteco Development Corporation, a Florida corporation, on be~alf of the corporation. ,.," '.',' (:. - , .~~,.tNOTARY SEAL) ".- .".. c' ."0 ....~ ...' . :(r~-f:/ \~.'...\ ~ <,' ,. < . "- .- t. '. ... " \ r, .. \ /~ ~ll~j ':"0 ..~ . ... , . (S (" . ,c ('~::~ 4, ( . ~ STkT~~OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE utWUl.1. ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: ROTARY PUBLIC ST^TE o~ FLORIDA MY COMMISSIOM EXP. DEe 14,19S8 BONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UNO. , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 19~ day of December, 1984, by B. D. RAWLS, as Trustee. --- "'" ~~(!i-l 1(/ L@<.!tVc-e.eQ_ NOTARY PUBLIC ..(NOTARY SEAL) ...../ t ~IL ~/ /' '\'.., ... . '\t. .' " . :: ",' , . . ,. . -~. I ~ ' ( I '-.", "-\ " (/ ,,:,,'.ce ( 1/""",. 'q JO 1- :) l.. D 'U ~ t- ~ ) \~. ,;0. ,"'(\ .:. ~ My Commission Expires: NOT ARY PUP.IX ST:" IE OF FLORIDA MY COM/\\:SSiON EXPi~C5 JUNE 26 1937 BONDED THRU GENERAL INSURANCE UNO :::t- oo :::t- o 0- ..c ru :1- ::t- co / ./" ,) h~'rcet.- \ A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 19, THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 880 56' 2911 WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 60.0t FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 3560, PAGE 1115 THRU 1120, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE WITH A BEARI='JG OF SOUTH 00 12' 52" EAST, ALONG THE ABOVE MENTIONED WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS A VENUE A DISTANCE OF 285.12 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE I POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE ALONG THE AFOREMENTIONED RIGf:lT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 958.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE L-16 (BOYNTON CANAL); THENCE WITH A BEARING OF .. SOUTH 880 57' 17" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 843.01 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH .. A BEARING OF NORTH 010 44' 21" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 165.47 FEET TO .;\ POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 440 47' 08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 45.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 610 181 35" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 92.01 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 010 44' 21" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 292.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 880 15' 39" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 128.16 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 670 00' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 134.18 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 030 44' 57" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 119.99 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 880 t 51 39" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 70.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 010 44' 21" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 130.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 530 30' 00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 49.16 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 010 44' 2111 EAST, A DISTANCE OF 122.94 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 870 17' 06" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 183.26 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOCTH 860 52' 20" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 430 32' 36" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 36.37 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 890 47' 08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 278.10 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 440 47' 08" EAST, A DIST ANCE OF 35.36 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 14.41 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD. E"xt+r~T-"f1" ( p~- \) ''(;7'.'- . ~:r.' :~:lf~:. fc &. 0:., t r ~ ~. ~. ~ { << N_ ~. .'I'i'. :.;' 4::~~;.' .' 'J",,*': ...... " ~~f .' "C"-,,~,,",,;t... ." ~.w.'~'. ' (ffi' 'z&j'~' ...._.'. ., ..>, . ~j~f.; , 'V~. ~;""", i,;L r: .'Xc :.9.. '1 ,:.<<, 1<'::.;.$.; :~_-: .,,( :~i . 'I~~ ~,. ;0 '. .~. ," "..i.A ~o~ : . 1Il co ::t- o 0.... ..c C'\J ::t- ::t- m \ , / " it~ " .1. .' : '?O-)ul- ~ - " A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANG'E 43 EAST, AND IN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CO\iMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 19, THENCE WITH A BE:\RING OF SOUTH 880 56' 29" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 60.07 FEET TO A POINT; SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 3560, PAGE 1115 THRU 1120, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 00 121 52" . EAST, ALONG THE ABOVE MENTIONED WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 285.12 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A -BEARING . OF SOUTH 440 47' 08" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 35.35 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH' A BEARING OF SOUTH 890 47' 08" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 278.10 FEET TO A ..POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 430 321 36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 36.37 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 860 52' 20" WEST, A DIS- TANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 870. 17' 06" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 183.26 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 010 44' 21" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 831.30 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE v WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 880 15' 39" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 254.01 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 080 541 22" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 65.20 FEET TO A POINT IN A CURVE BEING CONCAVE TO THE NORTH, A RADIUS OF 600.00 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 840 40' 39" EAST, A CENTRAL At'GLE OF 70 10' 02" A DISTANCE OF 75.05 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 880 15' 39" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 199.34 FEET TO A POINT; 'THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 460 44' 21" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 35.35 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 010 441 21" EAST, A DIST ANCE OF 626.20 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 11.36 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD. RECORO VERIFIED PALM BEACH COllNTY FLA iOHN S, DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT "A '\ 8<ttJ:$.TT- , (P:... ~) :~s.::'" .~ ::.;'/, :.m-::;"; .~r.~:~," 1';;-;:\ ::i:'~:~>.' f .~, . -( \ 'm' ;y ~'. i ]'. I: I ,.~ :!. m: I ~-~ f 1:, ;s-. v ,;; .~ (..:--.' ,', i': :::: 'X- '\ .:: ;; ,.' ,. "I.t '.:.:. 'j, ,. 4 . .' I ~ GROUND LEASE '!able of Content. 1. Prem.lses ,.",. I . . . . . I . t . . . . . , . . . t . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . , I . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I . I' 1 Z. Lease ~rm ..,.,.,. t . I , , . . t . . t . I . . , t . t . . I . . , . t . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . I . . . . . . I . , . . . I .. 1 3. Rene .,........,.... t . , t , . t , . . . . t , . . .f . . I . t . , I . . . . . . , t . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . t . . . . I I . . .. 1 .... .Landlord's Warranties and Covenants ...0 0 I . . 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 o. 0 0 0 000 0 . o. 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . . . .0 . . . . .. 2 A. Zoning.."...,..., t, . . , . . , , , , , . , . . . . t . . I . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . , . . . , t . . t . . . I . . . ...~ B. UtllltJe.s...., t . . . . . . . , . I . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . I , I . I . . . . . .. ~., C. Demolition.... t . . , . , , . I . I . , . , . . . . . . . . , , , . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . I . , I . . I . . , . .. 2 D. Possession.....,.. I . . . . . . . , , t , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , t . , , , . . . . . . . , . . . . I . . I . I I . "' 2 E. 'J!ax,es...""..", t , , t t . t . . . I . , , . . . . , . , t . . . . . . , . , . . . , , I . . , , , . . . . I . I I I I I . . . t t .2 P. Covenant of Title and Quiet Enjoyment . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 ; 0 o. 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 .0 . . 0 . . . . . .. 2 G. Covenant Not to Compete .0.. 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 .0.0. . 0 0 o. . 0 00. 0 0 . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . . . 0 . 0 . .0. . 0 . . . . ''3 H. 'I1:nant's Remedies. 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . '. . . . . . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 . . . . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . . . . . . .. 3 5. 'I1:nant's Covenants . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 A. Rent. .'~ t, t . . . t . . . t I . , . . I . I . t . t t . . . t . . t . I . I t t . . I . t . . . . . , It' . . . I . I . t . . t t . . . t .. 3 Bo . Liens and Encumbrances o. 0 . . . 0 . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . .. 3 C. Insu~ce and Indemnity 0 . . . . . 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . . . 0 .. 4 00 Repairs . 0 . . . . . 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 . . 0 . . . . . . 0 . .0 . 0 . . . . . . : 0 . . . 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . . . .r.. 4 E. UtUities 0... 0 0 . 0 0 : . . 0 . 0 . . 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . . ; '.. 4 p. Compliance wl~h Law. . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . . . 0 . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . . . . . . . .. 4 6. Right to Terminate ................. 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 A. Permits. 0 . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 . . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 B. Evidence of Title ................................... 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Co Survey. 0 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 O. . SoU Tests 0 . 0 . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 E. Payment 0........ 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 P. Damage or Destruction .. 0 . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . 0 . . 0 . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 7. Use, Alterations and Titie to Improvements . O' .0 . 000 . . . 0 0 . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 8. Assignment and Subletting 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . . 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . .. 6 9. Mortgaamg of Leasehold Estate .. . . . . 0 . . . 0 . . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 10. LandlQrd's Right of Re-Entry ........... 0 0 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . ; . . 0 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 11. Holdin~ Over ....... 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 . . 0 . . 0 0 . . . . . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 12. Condem.''lation . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . o. 7 13. Option to Extend .. 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , . 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 8 14, 'I1:.t's Right of Pirst Refusal to Lease 0 00' . 0 0 0 . o. . 0 0 .0 0 . . . 0 : 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . . 0 0 0 . 0 . .0' . 0 8 15. Option to Purchase and Right of Pirst Refusal to Purchase 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . . . . 0 8 16. 'n'adc Pixtures, Machinery and Equipment. 0 . . .0.0.00. . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 0 000. . '0' . . . . . .. 9 17. Recording .. . . . t , I , t . . . . I . . , . . , . . t . . . , . . . t . . . . I . t . . . . . , , . t , . t . . . t . . t . t . . . . t . . . . t 9 18. Subordlnation 00 0 . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 ;..... 0 0 . 0 ; 000 0 . . . 0 . '. . 0 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 . 10 19. Miscellaneous Provisions .00 0 0 . . .0 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . o. 0 . 0 . 00. 0 . . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 . .0 . . . . . . 10 A. InvaUdlty 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . . 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 . 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 0 10 Bo Successors, etc. . . . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 . 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . 0 0 0 . . . . . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 C. Writing t. t . t , . , t t . . . t I . . .' . . t I....... , .... . t . . t t . , . . . t , . t . . It' . . . I . . . . . . I . , . t , . t , I 10 D. Construction 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . . . 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 . . . 0 10 E. Notice o. 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 . . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . 10 20. Rule Aplnst Perpetuities . 0 . . . . . 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . 11 21. Con1Uct ot Interests .... 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 0 . . 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . 0 0 . 0 . . . . 11 . 22: Authority to Sign o. 0 . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 11 23. Addenda and Exhibits 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . ~ 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . : 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . 0 . 0 0 . . . 11 GI.-365-2/86 ISU, . , \ \ '. GROUND LEASE THIS LEASE 11 made and entered into this 19th day of February 19 88 , by and between WALBOYN DEVELOPMENT CORP.* (or its assi gns) , (the "Landlord"), of the City of State of 1='1 OR TnA 1odlvldual, the marital status is MCDONALD'S RESTAURANTS OF FLORIDA. INC. F'I n~ T nA corporation (the "Tenant"). BOYNTON BEACH , a 1='1 mnnA ,County of PALM BEACH corporation, or it an , and ',' a *a Miami Corporation 1. PREMISES. Landlord, (or and in conslderation of the covenants contained in this Lease and made on the part of Tenant, does hereby demise and lease unto Tenant, and Tenant does hereby lease from Landlord, the parcel of land which is located in BOYNTON BEACH , County of PALM BEACH , State of FLORIDA , having a (rontage of not INITiAL s than 1 ~~ (eet on CONGRESS AVENUE , containing not less &: DA. Io, I 1 , .600 ' square feet (not including roads or pubUc rights-at-way), being mare particuiarly dbed in EJdllbit A, together with all of Landiord's easement rightS and appurtenances thereto, all . ulJdJngs and improvements now located on the property, and all necessary easements and appurtenances f.41( 10 Landlord's adjoining and adjacent'land, highways, roads, streets, ianes, whether public or private, 0" ~ reasonably required far the l~stallation, maintenance, operation and service of sewers, water, gas, drainage, ~c98ectricity and other utilities and for driveways and approaches to and from abutting highways, for the use and benefit of the above described parcel o( real estate, including the improvements to be erected on the, pr?perty (cC?lJectively referred to as "Demised Premises"). If Tenant has the Demised Premises surveyed,' then, at Thnant's aptian, the parties shall execute a recordable amendment by which a survey description shall be inserted in lieu at the description contained in Exhibit A, but Tenant shall not be obligated to lease leas than is described above. 2. LEASE TERM. Tenant shall have and hold the Demised Premises for a 'term commencing on the date at the last execution of this Lease and ending twenty (20) years from the date upon which the McDonald's restaurant reterred to in this Lease is opened far business to the pubUc. When the term of this Lease 11 ascertainable and specifically fixed, or otherwise agreed to by Landlord and Tenant, Landlord and Thnant shall enter into a supplement, suitable for recording, which shall specify the actual date tar the expiration at the original term of this Lease and tar the commencement of accrual at rent payable by Tenant. I 3. RENT. Tenant's liability {or rent shall commence to accrue an the date when Tenant opens for business., or within twentyone days after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or '~1th1n 180 days after issuance of a building permit, which ever happens first. Tenant, in consideration of the covenants made by Landlord, covenants and agrees to pay to Landlord as rent 'for the Demised Premises the sum of see attached Dollars (I ). per annum payable In equal monthly installments of I Dollars ($ ) per month, payable one" each on the 15th day of every caiendar month for the then current month. In the event that the commencem~nt date of the rent shall be on .a_ day other than the first day of the month, the first rental payment and'last rental payment, ifapplicablc,.shali.be adjusted for the proportionate fraction of the whole month. ... . . 4? -=....DJ\v'. · Landlord's InJtials 1 Tenant's lnltials . . (iE,565-ZI86 15155 ~ . : , ",.'":>.~". ":-,.- "....~.. . , . '0 ... .; . ...... ,': "" RENT ADDENDuM.' RENT: Lea... pronUses to pay to Lessor annual rent, in monthly installments, according to the following lChedule: A. From the rent commencement date until the end of the month following the end of the fifth leue year (u defined below), the sum of $65.000. 00 per year payable in equJl monthly installments of $ ;. 41 6 67 for the then current month. B. From the first day of the month next following the commencement of the sixth leue year until the end of the month following the end of the efghth lease year, the sum of . 72,800.00 . per year payable in equal monthly installments of , on the 15th of every calendar month . 6.066.67 I on the 15th of every calendar month for the then current month. c. From the first day of the month next following the commencement of the ni nth . lease year until the end of the month following the end of thee 1 eventh lease year, the sum of . . 81,536..00 6,794.67 per year payable in equal monthly installments of , on the 15th of every calendar month for the then current month. D. From the first day of the month next following the commencement of thetwe'l vth: lease year until the end fou~teeBth' 1 e~SIft1eYiJ\h of $ 91',320.00' per year payable in equal monthly installments of $ 7 , 61 0 . 00 on the 16th of every calendar month for the then current month. * For E & F see p'age attached. The first The term IIlease year", as used above, shall mean a period of 12 consecutive months.~>>J(~ 1~>>>>Xll~~~I1(<<~)(*<<~~<<c(6b'~X~>>P.MK~~k~~~~>>roJOiK~ ~~XJ(l~)()OXI(~.x@:~)(<<>>>>~)(~J(X~Mf():<<<<>>J~)lJt~~~~XnJl~~Rm~mX ~>>ltd~~X~>>Q)(;>>.)(hXxt;$~>m))Jt):<<~~Jt1(~mgR~~X~K~~~RJU{' i xt(to)1XXa:i>>>>Kt(~X)()(~~X~X~~i1#.X<<<<PXQ~~)Ix~~W:X>>~~~JII~<<~~>>Jflttx.XX A1,/H lease xear shall begin on the date of rent commencement. " 04 78 OPTION RENTS: '8ii Lei'" exercises the options to extend provided for in this Lease, Lessee promises to pay to Lessor annual rent, in monthly installments, according to the fo~owing schedule: A. During the first 3 ....year option the lum of $ 128,855 per year payable in equal monthly installments of $ 1 n, 7~7 QI; Ii B. During the second 3 . year option the sum of $ 144.944 per year payable in equal monthly installments of $ '?, n7S 67 \ . C. During the third 3 year option the sum of $ 1 63 I 043 per year payable in equal monthly installments of $ 1 ~,;Rn Q? . D. During the fourth 3 . year option the sum of S 183.401 per year payable in equal monthly inst~ents of $ 1 I; l2A3 42 . . E. During the fifth 3 year option the sum of S ?nn I ~n1 per year payable in equal monthly iU~t~ents of $ 17,191.75 F. During the sixth 3 year option the sum of $ 232.061 . . per year payable in equal monthly installments of $ 1 q, ~~A 4? G. . During the seventh 3 year oQ1;'lPn the sum of 261,037 per year p~y~ble in equal rnOftWfy~nstallmaents of 21~753,08' tI~ .. MrD 11111 , . . . . . ~-' CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~1 ,... , .;. , ,...., I ~ .. .. ;. ,"t.. -r --- '"T-_ ~._-- ~ '-~~e:~~1E~i~~~~.~~";;'~- ,'~i~.t;l':' ,__'.. , .: :~;~~~-r:~' ~1~:' . . .- ~-~~<~ .. .~:..!;{~'1i~. Jif t' ..~ .' ~~.. - . ~~.~",,~--!.:." ~". i' . -'-: 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (407) 738-7.490 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR , I . August 25, 1988 Roland Yates, Construction Engineer McDonald's Res~aurant 5200 Town Center Circ;e, *600 Boca Raton, FL 3343~ .. Re: McDonald's Restaurant-Revised CU Our file *: 114 Dear Mr. Yates: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 16, 1988, the City Commission approved the Conditional Use Application, Site Plarr~ and shared parking request referenced above, subject to staff comments with the following exceptions: 1. Comments in the Staff Report pertaining to layout and design of the outparcel. , .' . Memorandum from the Publ~c Works D~rector. 2. In addition to staff comments, copies of which are attached, the commission is requiring that a Hold Harmless Agreement be submitted to the Utilities Department for both the sewage air relief valve and the proximity of the building to the existing 16-inch water and sewer mains. Also, the Commission has included in its approval the CAB approved landscape plans for the Congress Avenue Medians adjacent to Catalina Centre. After you have amended your plans ..to reflect the stipulations, please have the appropriate Department Heads initial the attached sign-off sheet, prior to your submission to the Building Department for permits. " . 'Si, ..__..._-~ ------ IYJJ.1X 0 4 1988 Rent (continuedi: E. From the first day of the month next following the commencement of the 15th lease year until ~he end of the 17th lease year, the sum of $102,278 . per year payable in equal monthly installments of $8,523.17 on the 15th of every calendar month for the then current month. F. From the first day of the month next following the commencement of. the 18th lease year until the end of the~ lease~, the sum of $114,552 per year payable in equal monthly installments of $9,546 on the 15th of every calendar month for the then current month. * the end of the month following H~ ..-' '. ~ 4. LANDLORD'S WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS: Landlord covenants, represents and war- rants as follows: assist lessee to obtain A. Zoning: That Landlord shall, If necessary, use its best efforts to ^ (he approval of aU pubUc . and governmental authorities as to all matters relating to zoning, subdivision, iot splits, dri ve thru permi t or similar requirements for use of the Demised Premises as a McDonald's restaurant in accordance. with 'ICnant's plans and specifications as will permit Tenant to obtain all necessary permits, licenses and approvals referred to in Article 6A below; and that Landlord shall pay and bear all costs for any off.site improvements and dedicate any easements required by any public authority as ~condition to the granting of any approval or permit. reasonab 1 e B. Utilities: That all water and gas main~ electric power lines, sanitary and storm sewers are located in a public right-of-way and within 3 feet of the property line o( the Demised Premises and are available and adequate (or Tenant's intended use. If any o( the utilities are not located within 30 feet of the property line or are not available and adequate, Landlord agrees to extend utilities meeting"Tenant's specifications to the Demised Premises within thirty (30) days (rom the date that 'ICnant notifies Landlord that all necessary permits and approvals have been obtained and Tenant delivers its plans and specifications (or the utilities tQ landlQrd~ 1 d 1 i h d 11 exis t ing signs C. Demolition: That Landlord shal emo s an remove a , encroachmentst if anYt located on the Demised Premises within thirty (30) days ~)(~~W~XRm~RJ9:~k~x~>>txm;(\I(mo:~~niX9(UX<<U~1(<<X!(<<~X>>X<<M!lttni - \, . )fM~~MRM~~~>>K~~~~)$~~K~~IO~~_~)(~"it~OnttIX*Xt(x tAR 0 4 19~~\I(~:fX\~W)(lO(:g(~~~~XXMlltx.x>XlXCC')4KKmc~))~MN~XX~~)$))nf;(tc)(C(~t(;:~~oext( _l(n~x~~>>)::Qm(t4l(<<~~)$):':X~XX1X~/llJJl$I.)lWtKXK~>>):~~I'~~)()tl) ~<<~IO)OO(l(~~~K)nt)( ~~:i)X:4)(~$(1tt;'ltl.xt(<<Xf.ll~ct>>X ~K~IXt(<<c("~X~16)(cf ootY3()()(a(~a'r)y ~m~RR~~~~~~x~~~~~.xRm:f~~xj(~~J{l>>l(~<X~)("9tw.<M, and from* D. Possession: That the Demised Premises are free and clear o( all tenancies, whether oral or written, and that Tenant shall have sole and actual possession (rom the date of last execution of this Lease. ~.~XtiOO(~~~~>>n<<>>>>:4x~~Xi(:@)OOtXfiyaoo(JUu4rec~:txmm~>>>>).1 ~~~~)f~JOOOOst~~~JffA'~<<m~:'}llXX~~~~~~9t~iX~J{l>> lU(~WX"KJ(~~,,)m~~iX~X~X"lm~X~~XX1P;Qx\XW~~<<~<<Q(<<~l(Q(to<<<::'A1I(l(~~))):~ ~~K;(Ml<~f< thI.: :tX~<<Q(~ ~~~))Xm~X~ XMllt)$>>Xt( ~~)tl(Q(}llMn}llN)CX~ ~)))(<<OC)OX :'HX)t1tl($( X X~RM~>>~\I(~~XkK~~"llt~<<<<<<~~~"<<<<~~~}ll~XMK~~~>>X~~~~~ See Tax Addendum ~ \ P. Covenant of Title and Quiet Enjoyment: That Landlord is well seized of and has good title the Demised Premises and all improvements located on it on the date of this Lease, (ree and clear of all , .? Hens, ~ncumbrances, easements, tenancies and restrictions. Landlord warrants and will de (end the title 04 198&ereto, and will indemnify Tenant against any damage and expense which Tenant may suffer 'by reason of any deiect in the title or description of the Demised PremlsesXk)(~<<~)11ijeOa>>wet~16X:ttgllXX<<X ~1C~ICX~Xt(t4~X~~<<<Wt)t~)e~~>>mKXi(16X~~Wtf;QXx.X<<~~:1C:tXot~~~Mit ~~~~mwm~4<~~i~~~xmIxIx~~m~~m~~~~~Jeec}(~Jtk~x~~~ )$)t~i(~X~XO<~ltj(lOO(tf~jCt~).1~~~>>~ Landlord shall provide 'ICnant with any and all non- disturbance agreements, in form acceptable'tO Tenant, (rom any underlying lessor or holder of an encum- brance. -:y~- ~ \~j\~ *the date Tenant nntifies Landlord that all necessary permits and approvsls have been obtained. /,fAR -rJDI. JMif.... v't'",cSpmdlord's Initials' 2 It..d fU.b GL-365.Z/86 15155 '. . . -. . Land lord covenants-.and-agrees (i) that the property G.Covenant Not To Compete: known as the Catalina Centre as shown on Exhibit B now or hereafter owned, leased or controlled, directly or indirectly, by Landlord or,ifx..ndlord is a corporation, any subsidiary of Landlord, sha 11 not be 1 eased, used or. occupi ed as a I . XXXXXXxxxxRf<mpx~~~Rf<m~){99:fx9m~Kxm~M9(9(moc~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~X~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~'fII.~~~m~J(R9t~XX d6H:Kjij(H~>>Yc*}f~~~~~i!cX:tlt)t}tX:>>16lOO(~a Wendy IS, Haedee IS., BurgerK i ng, Kentucky~ Fri ed eating facility; and (U) that, if during the term o( this Lease, Landlord shall own or control any land other tha9 Chi eke n the Demised Premises, which land Is adjacent or contiguous to the Demised Premises, or which constitutes a parcel or parcels out o( which the Demised Premises are comprised, that any building(s) or other Improvements constructed upon such other land shall be set back as requi red feet (rom the public rights-of-way, provided however that the restriction set forth in this subparagraph (Ii) shall not be applicable (a) with regard to existing improvements on land owned or controlled by Landlord as of the date o( execution of this Lease, or (b) with regard to any improvements existing on land which subsequently comes under Landlord's ownership or control on the date that Landlord acquires such ownership or control. It is mutually agreed that the covenants set (orth in (i) and (li) above shall run with the land. Landlord agrees to provide legal descriptions of all property involved and execute recordable documents, if required by 'ItIWlt, to effectuate the (oregoing. l<<~K~~lIl~oti(XlXXK~if~~~)t~)(X)6l6.}f~~~J:~HX ~;(\I(~<<<<X9(~~~~MmtXMM!ltl(O<~X~x<<~)(m~x~<<cXX<<<<X~)(IOM.~~>>xt(~lCli(XX qOOUO~~~~R~X~kmK~m~\I(cA~MJ:JX~~)4)Q(.}(Mm~~)(~<<mQtX~~~~<<<<Q(~>>):"tJX9(X~!(XX IWW~m~~J(J(i~~~~~~)f)t~k)(RJOOt~~m~~~){~m~)u{lx~~X ~X~#)("1n1~\It~x~~~:(m)(~XiXlX<<X~X~~IX}IOO(<Ml(~M<<0<<X~>>XIO.~XW1<~N~MX~~)( X ~~~xwt)(e{ac}f~<<<<MlrO:~~&l~~"**~~~:i~i(r~~XK~~~.xXW~XX Jf~~XlX~<<mX~'x See 3A. H. Tenant's Remedies: Landlord acknowledges that Tenant is relying upon the above covenants, AR n L1 representations and warranties in executing this Lease and that matters so represented and warranted are - 798j12terial ones. Landlord accordingly agrees that i( Landlord does not cure or diligently commence to cure a default within ten (10) days after written notice (rom Tenant, any breach of warranty or misrepresentation shall be grounds for Tenant to elect, at its option, to terminate this Lease or cure Landlord's defauit(sli:<<c% ~XJ(~~<<WK~JQ(~xk~>>){*~m~~X~>>){~~XJ{~>>>8(~M~Wm~~~XM\I(X~XX ~~~m~~~~~~~~m~K~K*~*mm~K~~~~*mfm~K~~~R~~ll~X~){~ ;(K~~)m~\I(:0:"MH~~~*k~m:4XRm~XX1X*XK~~~9(~\I(~n( 5. TENANT'S COVENANTS: Tenant covenants and agrees, during the term o( this Lease and (or such further time as Tenant, or any person claiming under it, shall hold the Demised Premises or any part thereof: A. Rent: To pay the reserved rent on the days and in the manner as provided in this Lease. B. Liens and Encumbrances: Not to allow the estate of Landlord In the Demised Premises at any time ~uring the term to become subject to any lien, charge or encumbrance whatsoever, and to indemnify and keep indemnified Landlord against all such liens, charges and encumbrances. It is expressly agreed th~t lCnant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to create any lien, charge or encumbrance upon the . . ." - . estate of Landlord in the Demised Premises, -except as provided (or in this Lease. Tenant reserves the right to bond over any such lien, charge or encumbrance. 3 if Tenant's Initials ll.J) .." Landlord's Initials GL.36HJ86 m53 G. (continued) If one or both of these covenants be brokent one-half (1/2) of all payments required to be made by Tenant under this Lease shall be abated for so lon~ as such breach continues. The total sums thus abated shall be liquidated damages for such breach. and not a penalty, the parties agreeing that Tenant inevitably must sustain proximate and substanial damages from such breacht but that it will be very difficult, if not impossiblet to ascertain the amount of such damage. In addition to this remedYt Tenant shall be entitled to injunctive and other appropriate relieft whether under the provisions of this Lease or otherwise. friAR 0 4 1988 3A ---------- C. Insurance and Indemnity: At Its own expense to insure and keep insured, (rom the date o( actual possession, the building and Improvements constructed by Tenant on the Demised Premises against loss or damage by fire and other casualties normally covered by standard fire and extended coverage policies (or not less than ~ n e h ~gPle~~ ( 1 OO~ ~( their actual cash vaiue in responsible insurance companies licensed in the state in which the Demised Premises are located. Subject to the terms o( this Lease, such insurance is to be made payable in case o( ioss to Tenant, Tenant shall also maintain and keep In force for the mutual benefit o( Landlord and Tenant general public liabUitr insurance against claims (or personal injury, death or property damage occurring in, on or about the Demised Premises (other than easements and common areas under the control o( Landlord) to afford protection to the limit of not less than $1.000,000.00 with respect to bodily injury or death and to property damage. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord, ~X~Tm,a certificate o( insurance and of any renewals. Further said'insurance is'to provide that landlord is to be notified at least 30 days prior to any cancellation by insurer. Tenant (urther agrees to Indemnify, defend and save Landlord harmless from any liability, loss, cost, expense or claim 'Of any nature resuiting from any damage to person or property arising out o( the failure o( 'ICnant, or 'ICnant's agents, employees, servants, licensees or contractors, in any respect, to keep the Demised Premises (other than easements and common areas under the control o( Landlord) in a safe condition or to comply with, and perform all oCthe requirements and provisions oCthis Lease. Landlo.r,!:! shall give Tenant prompt notice of any obligations arising under this Lease and Tenant shall have the right to defend, settle or otherwise compromise any such claim. . ' D. Repairs: To keep the Demised Premises in a safe and good condition and repair, subject to ordinary wear and tear and to Landlord's obligations herein, if any. E. UtUities: To pay when due all charges (or all utility services used on the Demised Premises, F. CompUance with LaWI To comply with all governmentai laws, rules and reguiations applica- ble to the use, development or operation o( the Demised Premises. 6. RIGHT TO TERMINATE: A. Permits: Tenant has entered into this Lease in the expectation o( obtaining, after expiration o( all applicable appeal periods, all permits, licenses, permissions and/or other authorizations (collectively called "permits") necessary for thi,t~9sJ~unction upon the Demised Premises of a complete McDonald's restaUrant facility, including Tenant'~igns an% a special service window, built according to Tenant's plans NITIAL and specifications ,as approved by Landlord as provided in the Addendum for Building ~ DATE and Construction* and for the operation o( the facility upon the . Demised Premises, seven (7) days a week. Tenant agrees to apply (or permits without unreasonable delay after last eXecution of this Lease and Landlord agrees to execute'such documents, make such appearances fiR 01 and do such other things as Tenant may reasonably request. Tenant or Landlord may (but shall not be 190abllgated to) cancel this Lease if, after first application, permits are denied or are not obtained within .one hundred eighty( 180days. It Landlord eJ(.cts. ~o cancel this Lease as provided in this Article 6A, Tenant shall have ten (10) days after receiving Landlord's written notice of cancellation to waive, in writing, the permit contingency, If Tenant does not waive the permit contingency, this Lease will terminate and be of no further (orce and effect, ten (10) days after Tenant's receipt o( the notice. In the event permi ts are not obtained with one hundred eighty (180) days, tenant shall have the right to extend for an additional sixty (60) days to obtain said permits providing that tenant has used due diligence and is not in default under the lease~*IA tAe c~eAt TeAaAt waives or extends, their reAt shall t~cR'commcRce aRd be a~e aRS ~~a91e as of the sate of the date Te"~"t ~a~tes or extends ef wAicAoycr tAe~e ~~. ~~ Landlord's Initials 4 Tenant's Initials * L-36HI86 ~ v 15153 *including without limitation septic tanks and or sewer disposal system in connection with the facility deemed necessary or desirable by Tenant. **In the event Tenant extends this datet Tenant shall pay Landlord the sum of $5t4l6.67 per month for 2 months as consideration for the 60 day extension. overing the date of recording of the Memorandum of Lease as provided in Article l7t howing title to the De~ised Premises and app~~tenant easements in Landlord. C. Survey. 'ICnant may order a current certified tOpographical survey by a licensed surveyor ,'.J within thirty (30) days (rom the last execution of thJ$ Lease. ;n" 0 4 1988 . '., B. Evidence of Title: Concurrent with execution of this, Landlorfd ~as provided Tenant with a copy of its title insurance policy. Tenant is r~e t~ immediately obtain its own title insurance poli~y~lfJom~asJll~eai~~rl~~~~uch company of its choice and at its own expensel'Vi'th111 '1'1'xt..en.~l.7JfJllay'8 xrom the execution of this lease.* Tenant shall advise Landlord of any defects disclosed by Tenant's title report that would affect Tenant's use and enjo~~nt of tpe Fremisf'. Landlord shall have thirty (30) days therefrom to, W~d ~~oh.~itc&n lJ<alilCi ltefects*~r t~l''I!li1\ate taia lease vita9\:lt- It the survey discloses unsuitable or interfering easements, party wall agreements or encroachments,' I or that the location, area, dimensions and shape of the Demised Premises are not as represented by Landlord, then 'ICnant shall have the right to terminate .this Lease and declare it null and void an-d of no Asrthet force and effect within forty five (45) days from the date of the execution of this lease. eta.rube. this right h ~~a:1Ved . (30) D. SoU Te.tI. This Lease is (urther contingent upon 'n:nant obtaining, within thirty days (rom e date of.last execution ot this Lease, such boring and percolation tests as may be required to determine the phyalca1 clw'acterlstlcs, including the water table of sub.strata, at the Demised Premises. It the reports ) f. A . \, '* 1988lndJcare, in 'IC~t's sole Judgment, that the soU is contaminated or that the Demised Premises are unaatlaf2ctOry for 'ICnant's intended use, Tenant may, at its option, declare this Lease to be null and void and of no further force and efCect within forty five (45) days from the date of execution' of the lease. Otherwise, this pre7isiea is ~aived. we ~~K~~~Y~NY~~M~Y~Y~YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYX (IXiixXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYXX~~llVMJII""HY~1YlfMy,yll~JftYN~Vt6YM~~ . . i.: ** If such defects in titl~ are not so cured within thirty (30) dayst Tenant maYt as its option, terminate this Lease. if .J /,i;. HJ- Landlord', Initlals 5 'ICnant's Initials ot,5&iM 1"55 F. Damage or Destruction: If the building on the Demised Premises shall be damaged by fire or other casualty during the last five (5) years of the original t~m of this Lease or during any extension of the term, to the extent of 50~ or more of the actual cash value of the building, Tenant may, at Tenant's option, to be evidenced by notice in writing given to Landlord within thirty (30) days after the occurrence of such damage or destructiont elect to terminate this Lease as of the date of the damage or destruction, whereupon Tenant shall, upon Landlord's written requestt demolish and remove the damaged or unusable improvements and fill, grade, pave or landscape the demised premises in a safe and sightly manner and pay Landlordt in lump sum the present value of remaining years left on the lease. 7. USE. ALTERATIONS AND TITLE TO IMPROVEMENTS: Tenant shall have the right to use the premises for the operation of a Fast Food Restaurant or similar restaurant so long as the leases between Marsha1ls' and Service Merchandise and Landlord are in effect. Tenant shall thereafter have the right to use the premises for a restaurant or any other lawful use that does not conflict with a existing covenant between the Landlord and another Tenant in the Catalina Centre. Tenant shall have the right to make alterations, additions and improvements as are approved in writing by Landlord to the exterior of the building. All of such alterationst additions and improvements constructed by Tenant or such subtenant during the term of this Lease or any extension shall be and remain the property of Tenant or any Subtenant. as the case may be at all times during the term of this Lease and, any extensions or renewals. Tenant and any subtenant shall have the right to remove any such alterationst additions and improvements at any time during the term of this Lease or any extension or renewal, and for a period of thirty (30) days after the termination of this Lease, or any extension or renewal t by lapse of time or otherwise and, for such purpose, to enter upon the Demised Premises. Howevert Tenant shall not be required to remove any such alterationst additions or improvements, and Tenant's failure to do so after the expiration of such period of thirty (30) days shall be deemed to be an abandonment and_ the same shall, at such time, be and become a part of the real estate with title vesting in the owner of the land. In case of removal of any building by Tenant or any subtenant occurring at or after the termination of this Lease, Tenant shall level the area formerly occupied by any building so removed. 8. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING: Lessee may, without the consent of Lessort sublease or assign this Lease to a ,wholly owned subsidiary or franchisee of McDonald's Corporation. Lessee may not assign or sublease this lease to any other party without the written consent of Lessor, which concent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Lessee and all guarantors shall remain liable for the payment of all rent and the performance of all terms, covenants and conditions agreed to by Lessee regardless of assignment or sublet. Any demand for increased rental or modification of the terms of the Lease by Lessor as a condition to the granting of consent to an assignment or sublease shall be deemed unreasonable. Landlord's Initials 7483J C;/' ./ ..., Tenant's Initials 6 --' r:xmKx.um<<)WJ()OOt~~acX)(f4~ac:t)t~*t:~~~:6f~~lOO<W~y.~~~l< ~)(f(~~~~JOO<~~XX~:'~K~mK<<~>>):;gext(>~~t(~~>>~t(tc>>Xtt)))(~O<X >>)t_<<k<<~~Ml(C$)O)tXOOX~<<xmex~~$4IOK~:<<)t)1)$X~~~XX@t)(~~~)(~OO:ooamH~A'S< ~M~X<<~)Uti(j(tiXKac~O:~u.1X)UUf~n:CYdt"XifK~W)i.)CKK~~~~~U >>~Mtc<<. ,x:xnuYce)l~KJetW)t-rgtit~~~~~~~~~~~'i*~~~~YdPt~~ cWfd(Ba~*'tK~;U~~l0:r~~~lf.44~wy.~xm J(@..:UC~~~XCiXX<<<<~K>>~IB~)(KM~et~~ IXmKK~)(~l~n}(xr.0:16l(~K)()6X~~)(~j(lWd(~~**W'd<HJl:U}<)6X~K~ )C<<=~~t4XMX<<IOX~lJJ))))~X~MI'~~XK)(XlXcXl:(~Xct:4xet~~X~W~}d)lj(~~ ~~X:'.~~)(MXX'M~O(X~~KXW$Xxtt~M~~W~OOO,~~<<.X~~~lOOt~lEX t~~~>>n:~xJOOW(~xX<<~lOOtXXt4)fKlet~~~~~~)(lQi1XU~XXXX 10. LANDLORD'S RIGHT OF RE-ENTRY: I( Tenant shall fail to pay any installments of rent promptly on the day when they shall become due and payable, and shall continue in default for a period of ~il~,L. - ", twenty (29J"s after written notice by Landlord, or I( Tenant shall (all to promptiy keep and perform any ~"lllj other unrm..ive covenants of lh~., ~e7; llrJCtly In accordance with the terms of this l.e2se aQd sh2l1 , t irt 3D) . .~ continue In default for a period of days after written notice by Landlord o( default and demand (or performance, then, as often as any such event shall occur, Landlord may (a) declare the term ended, and ,enter into the Demised Premises and expel Tenant or any person occupying the same In or upon the ~ 04 1988 Demised Premises and repossess and enjoy the Demised Premises as in Landlord's (ormer estate; and/or (b) re-Iet the Demised Premises, applying the rent from the new tenant on this Lease, and Tenant shall be responsible Cor no more than the balance that may be due, should a balance exist: XK)(ttKt<<<~<<t(~~K)$ Lg~x<x~~m~~x~~~~t(X~~J:t4l(~~~K~KXt'(<<)oXW~MK~@)>>>>):X~t(t(:>> ~~xtxMM~~M~>>~~~~~)O~~tX)(~XX1>>xoo()(Wk~C6;(lX~~)lM~nt(mtX)O~>>XXX~<<<<iX>XOOf , , dlt*x:(~;{m:fXl~~Xk~J~MI-m.X<<~~)Q~X\l(X~~):~JQ:\I(~tX1~~XIX<<K~~~~m~~ ~~~~~~){"~~){k9{'1:9fm..~,,Jf~9t~~~"KmxJf\l(w~kx ;:i:TIAL ~ DATE 11. HOLDING OVER: If Tenant continues to occupy the Demised Premises after the last day o( the term, or aCter the last day o( any extension of the term, and Landlord elects to accept rent thereafter, a tenancy (rom month to month only shall be created, and not for any longer perlod'at a rental of twice the monthly rent for the previous expired term. 12. CONDEMNATION: If the whole or any part of the Demised Premises is taken or condemned by 2I1Y competent authority (or any public use or purpose during the term or any extension o( this Lease, 'ICnant reserves unto Itsel( the right to claim and prosecute Its claim in all appropriate courts and agencies for an award or damages (or such taking based upon its leasehold interest lii~l&~~~~~Ai&ings t al~erations ~nd improvements :W~KRIUO~'~)f:XX~ without impairing any rights o( Landlord for the taking o( or Injury to the ~enion. Tenant shall have no claim against Landlord and shall not have any (:;; '"\119afaim or right to any portion of the amount that may be awarded or paid to a"lJ 1 ~~ .of the Demised Premises shall be taken or condemned which, in the sole Judgment of Tenant, Is sufficient to render the remaining portior:' ~~~itable (or its continued use or occupancy, then Tenant may, at any time, either prior to or within a period- o( sixty (60) days after the date when possession oC the Demised Premises shall be required by the condemning authority, elect to terminate this Lease, *Anything contained in this Lease to the contrary notwithstandingt if any default shall occur other than in the payment of moneYt which cannot with due diligence be cured within a period of thirty (30) ddayst and Tenantt prior to the expiration of thirty (30) days from and after the giving of the noticet commences to eliminate the c~use-of such defaultt then landlord shall not have the right to declare the I~'- term ended by reason of such default. MJ'., . .' ~,r Landlord's Initials 7 ;iit~ZJ16 1,51 " I" 'v IHTIAL !I: DATE ~ Tenant's Initials .. ... option to purchasc the Demised Premises is conferred upon Tenant by any other provision of this Lease, may as in alternative to such termination of this Lease, elect to purchase the Demised Premises in accordance wl(h such purchase option, except that there shall be deducted from the purchase price to be paid for the Demised Premises all of Landlord's award from the condemnation proceeding. In the event that 'ICnant shall f.ul to exercise any such option to terminate this Lease or to purchase the Demised Premises, thcn and in elthcr such event, this Lease shall continue in effect with respect to the portion of the Demised Premises not so taken, except that the annual rent payable shall be ,revi ewed for possi b 1 e adjustment (not necessarily on a prorata basis) provided that the tenant demonstrates to the Landlord that the condemnation has reduced the quantity and usefulness of tpe property and has resulted in a reduction in the Tenant's income for the remainder of the term. ' Tello.nt will, with all due diligence andc:at its, own cost-and expense, repair and restore the Demised Premises. 13. OPTION TO EXTEND: Landlord grants to Tenant the right, privilege and option to extend this Leue for St"nl 7 ) successive periods of THREE .. 3 ) years each, upon the same terms and condi. tfons-contained in this Lea$e, upon ootl$:eJn writing to Landlord of Tenant's intention to exercise each such one nunared e1Qllty option, given at least 1 SO I days pribr to the expiration of the term or preceding extension of the term, l<~m~JJX~mmfi~~"~~.M~K~~;{tn(x~~mmm~~~~x~w ~~cOO<~~Hi'o<~~m)fltle(~~~)t)t~)(H*W:o:om)$~/It)etlf~~~XX . ~m'~~~~~~~~~~RK~X'I.~~1efnR~~~~~m~~~~~~~~JX~~~Ktt.X~~~1fR ~MXJ(~~}(I6)@Kilta(<<lt):otM;:IC~~X<<O<~l(~~X~MX<<~)4~l():X((ootl(~;(lOlI!te:I$X ~~"J("~~xR~m)f~~R*Jtx>~m~fO{m}(w~RJ(~~~~~;(~~~~X ~~~HH~~X~~~>>lfX~~l(<<<<~~~XK~M~~~X~~~))KXX~~KX~~~Kl(<<Xl>>X~~XOCl~X ~t(~tQ(<<<<X<<)t.)(ttX"~~~XX~:4bJt:~~>>~Jgff;t~~~~7J.X~XwmmH'x *d~~((c:4)oo(~~<<<<<<<<X~:9~X1(~J:~~J4XJ(~~~~~Xh<<:~~J(KX~Xm~~~~~x ~~~~~~gJt"R~)OOOOt~~1X~K~1XW~~~~. ~)rJ>>nmXIQXJ(1OBOBXJIXXHX>>UGmxm~~!.u.xmBmt:~xl'~~ ~~~~~~I~~~~~~H~~~~~~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~~~~XXXxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx m>>~~h~XI~~1X<XtX~knX){~~\I(~~M~R~~~~get~~~RM~R~~m~~~ ~~mxtNmxJOE:x~KiJm~XnX~~"~X~~~~R~x~~~~~xm~~l~~~m~x~lxRe ~~~R~:e(~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xm~,p,{n~~~~~~~X ~J(Jlq()f~~~K1Xm~X'J~~~~~~t!X~~xm. lX~m:'I~J(~~m~wx~'n~~~~M*X~~~*X~m~;f~a~~~~x ~Jlm~)l~'Xl1~~<<~mm<~J<JlUX~mmX~~X~,,~~g~~m~~){~~~~~~~X'X ~t(t(~IOJ:;$))~~~~kX'~mt(~~~~~K~~Jt:~,.;(.,,,,~)g(Jfm~~KhXim1XWk~J{<< ~~WX",;~~~~~~:a:~~XD:o<<<~t~m~x~~m~ml{~XX1X nt~I~~~~R~J<**~~am~~nR~~~~~~:f,(~~~mm~~~~~~R~1!1.x , ~f(~R~~~~~n~~1!I.~~~m~~R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1!1. ~"~~Jt~k~~:(i.(~m~~~~fl~~M1f~~~~;.>/. ~~~fJ~~~~~R~~~~~k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~~R~~x ~c.- Landlord's Initials 8 Tenant's Initials 0L-365-2116 I'''' .' . II the lAIR. ,'lee and SR ik. same terms IG II'l)"O\teh elfer, ~. YP'<<YV'~m'RM~lfH'lfyMtYo'IW~,YlY1rrl'Al:llQ6fYll'llCiJ1&~lJJi"~UI~it~ ~, .. ,. I}{ITIAL l' . 16. TRADE FIXTURES, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT. Landlord agrees that all trade fix. "- 'D\TE i cures, machinery, equipment, furniture or other personal property of whatever kind and nature kept or ill w~d m me Dem~d Premises by lenanl* :~ :: ~: 'E~E~ : :~: ::aRt dud_g .:~'.::::.:f,:~:.~:'::,::~=~d::.T;:::t:_~: Rat i; aefaul: a:d t:e p.ap..ty .a. qR 04 1988 Upon request of Tenant or Tenant's assignees or any subtenant, Landlord shall execute and deliver any real estate consent or waiver forms submitted by any vendors, lessors, chattel mortgagees or holders or owners of any trade fixtures, machinery, equipment, f4rniture or other personal property of any kind and description kept or installed in the Demised Premises by any subtenant setting torth the fact that Landlord waives, in favor of such vendors, lessors, chattel mortgagees or any holders or o~~, any Uen, claim, interest or other right superior to that of such vendors, lessors, chattel mortgagees, oWners or holders~'\1'la may bs r&lIle....ea' BY Tenant or TC1'I.ant' C '..enaera, lC8~8, mgrtS&S88.. 8tQ. Qur1Rg the term of the leas. provided Te~~ acfault.aBa the p%eperty ean Be removes without samaging the premises or any buildiBI taC%&8n. IITIAL = DATE J . .... 11;\ i~ 4 1988" UTlAi.""\ ~ DATE 17. RECORDING. Tenant and Land~~rd.~gree to execute and record a short form or memorandum of thJsLease as soon as Tenant has obtained an approved survey and legal description of the Demised *or Tenant's subtenants shall not become the property of Landlord or a part of the ~~alty no matter how affixed to the Demised Premises and may be removed by Tenant or Tenant's subtenantst in their discretiont at any time and from time to time during the entire term of this Lease and any renewals. '" I ' I J ~ ** See Page 9A. ~-- :!I.(i.,-Landlord's Inltials . ......" . ,Ill J. . 9 Tenant's Initials 01".56,.2116 IS'" . 16. (Continued) Landlord Ihall further acknowledge that property covered by such consent or waiver form. ilpersonal property and is not to become a part of the realty no matter how affixed <<a itt and that such property may be removed from the Demised Premises by the vendorst lessorst chattel mortgagees, owner. or holders at any time upon default by the subtenant in the terms of such chattel mortgage or other similar documents, free and clear of any clai. or lien of Landlord. Tenant agrees to promptly repair any damage done to the building by removal of these items. 9A -- -- ----- ~ -. , . Premises including appurtenant easements, if any. The cost of all documentary stamps or conveyancing. transfer tax and recording fees shall be paid equally ,by the parties. 18. SUBORDINATION: The parties agree that they will, upon written demand by each other execute such instruments as may be required at any tlme and from time to time to subordinate their respective rights and interests by virtue of this lease to the lien of a first mortgage, mortgages, trust deed or deeds. now or hereafter at any time placed by the landlord on the real estate and by the Tenant on the building. See Page lOA. 19. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. . . A. 1nl'alld1ty. If any term or provision of ihis Lease or the appUcation to any person or circum. stance .hall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Lease, or the application of such term or provIsion t~ persons whose circumstances other than those as to whIch it is held l~wlId or uneritorceable, shall not be affected thereby. B. Successor., etc.. The terms, conditions and covenants of thIs Lease shall be bindIng upon and .hall inure to the benefit o( each of the parties, their heirs, personal representatIves, successors or assigns, I:Od shall run with the land; an~ where more than one party shall be lessors under this Lease, the word "Landlord" whenever used In this Lease shall be deemed to include all lessors Jointly and severally. c., Wridnaa No waivers, alterations or modIfications of this Lease or any agreements in connec- don with this Lease shall be valid unless in writing duly executed by both Landlord and 'ICnant. O. Couuuct1on. The captions appearing in this Lease are inserted only as a matter of convene ience lAd in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or intent of such paragraphs of this Lease or.in any way affect this Lease. Any gender used shall be deemed to refer to any other gender more grammadcally appUcable to the party to whom such use of gender relates. The use of singular shall be deemed to include the plural and, conversely, the plural shall be deemed to include the sipgular. ~\ B. Notice. If, at any time after the execution of this Lease, it shall become necessary or convene ient (or one.ofthe parties to serve any notice, demand or communication upon the other party, such notict., demand or communication shall be in writIng, signed by the party serving the same, sent by registered or cerdtled United States mall, return receIpt requested, postage prepaid and (a) if Intended for Landlord, shall be addressed to: WALBOYN DEVELOPMENT CORP. 8132 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON. FLORIDA,.. 33434, ATTORNEY' RICHARD CRITCHFIELD 81S0 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON. FLORIDA 33434'. ~ \I'~- Landlord',lnltlals 10 Jf . 'ICnant's Initials I Gw&2J16 IS1SS 18 (continued) Landlord agrees to provide Tenant with any Non-Disturbance Agreements deemed neces.ary by Tenant, covering any lenders or underlying fee owners. Such Non-Disturbance Agreements will provide that so long as tenant is not in default under this Lease. Tenant shall not be disturbed in its peaceful enjoymaot of the demised premises pursuant to the terms of this Lease. Tenant agrees to subordinate its leasehold estate to future mortgages or encumbrances only on the condition that the instruments creating such mortgagea or encumbrances contain an apt provision recognizing the existence of this Lease and agreeing that this Lease shall not be terminated or otherwise affected in the event of a foreclosuret sale or default under such mortgages or encumbrances. ~. 01~~ lOA " md (b) It Intended (or 'Itnant, shall be addressed to: . McDonald's Plaza Oak Brook, Ullnols 60521 Attn: Director. Real Estate Legal Department or to .uch other address as either party may have furnished to the other in writing as a place for the service ofnottce..Any notice so mailed shall be deemed to have been given as of the time It Is deposited In the United SCltCI mall. 20. RULE AGAINST PERPETUITIES: If this Lease has not been previously terminated pursuant to thc terms and provisions contained herein and i( the term o( this Lease and/or the commencement date tor rent hcreunder shall not have been ascertained within five (5) years from the date appearing on Page I of lhJa Lease, thcn and in that event, this Lease shall thereupon b~come null and void and have no further force md effcct whatsoever in law or equity. . ... 21. CONFLICT OP INTERESTS: Landlord and (if Landlord Is not an indiVidual) the party(ies) ~CUtlnl this Lease (or or on behalf o( Landlord, or as a representative of Landlord, hereby represent that, to thc best of hislherl their knowledge, he/she/they, or any person connected directly or indirecfly with LancUord Is/are not (art) ageru(s), employee(s), servant(s), suppller(s), lIcensee(s) or officer(s) of Ten~t or any subIJdlary, affiliate or parent corporation thereof, or related to any agent, employee, servant, supplier, . .Uccnacc or officer of Tenant or any subsidlary, affiliate or parent corporation. The parties executing this Lease'acknowledge that the foregoing representations are and shall be relied upon by Tenant as inducement to enter Into this Lease. 22. AUTHORITY TO SIGN. No employee or agent of 'Itnant or 'ICnant's broker, if any, has a~thority to make a lease or any other war~nty~ representation, agreement or undertaking. The submission oflh1s document for examination and negotiation does not constitute an offer to lease or a reservation of or option tor the Demised Premises, and this document wlll become effective and binding only upon execution and delivery by Landlord and an ~uthorized officer of Tenant. All negotiations, consideC2tions, ,rep~ntIt1ons and understandings between the parties are incorporated in this document and may be modlfted or altered only by agreement in writing between the parties, and no act or omission of any employee o~ agent of the parties or any broker, if any, shall alter, change or modify any of the provisions of lhJa Lease. ,1\ ~3. ADDENDA AND EXHIBITS: This Lease includes the following Rider(s) and/or Exhibits, which .hall take precedence over conlUcting provisions (If any) of this Lease, and are made an integr:tl part ot this Lease and fully Incorpor:ued by reference: Exhibit A (Legal Description) q A{ Tenant's Initials - 1ht1- Landlord's Initials OLoJ6So3J16 1tIS5 " J.ANDLORD AND TENANT, by their execution below, indicate their COrlSCnt to the term5 of this LcaIe. LAN~ l/ALBOYN .. ,(;vL- DEVELOPMENT CORP. v(( (seal) (seal) (seal) DATE OF , EXECUTION: 2/jq\9d , Landlord's Federall.D. 1 'or Social Security I: TENANT: M DONALD'S RE S,/URANTS OF FLORI~A t By: 6-1 0~ Vice President INC. t.. DATE OF EXECUTION: \ (-r '. ;[ lccl ~ri f 'I /f~ .- L~ - 'i (--. (ATTACH ACKNOWLEDGMENT CERTIFICATES BY A NOTARY PUBLIC) ,\ , " O..."'5-3J16 .,"S 12 .:,.,.. I....':.t " . . EXHIBIT "A" . t LEGAL DESCRIPTION (INSTRUCTIONS: Use deed legal description, It available, and skelch. All easements to be reserved or panted by Landlord must :also be described. Iflot and block numbers are used. a subdivision map or sketch mUlt be attached.) .' , ,. S' c ~ , . . -,J, . ..' . ~ g _. ;.. ,." ot~ ~' - or' w I - 0) !" I/) r- eo CD (I) ,. - I.~ '1 ( .~ .~~ ., ,res .s S '..J.'21- W 130.00' ,. . , .' .. . . :10. . . . . ,.~ The above described pro~ny is aU or pan ot the property conveyed to Landlord by deedt dated I book t . 19 I recorded at pase docwnent no. , volume on . .. county records. , 19 . in [he ,.' ,. . f .' '. '. . , \.,. , . CD If . , ,.,,,,' .......' '. . .' ..... "~ .' ., ,. ,.'. .: : '. .-.,':. . ..... \ ~ . ... '.:: :"~.;.. ~ ." . " ,.... . ......:- ~:'" '. . . ,... . '.'~ ~1.~~"",: t ,~~ ,:: :.',; ....:..'t:.';.::'i.~i~~. " ....., ~ ".' ;<~~ .,. '.......\".. I. " . II .', .~. ' ,::;. t;...,:j;\ 1 !. !'. ~ )-' '- Co - :J: >< 1.1,1 . . !,2. . .. , ... '..:.~' : ~ .:' '.' .' '.. I' , ~... ".~ t. , , ~ .;i ....,. ~;'.' .' ,.,.... 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McDONALD'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT I ITATI O',ILLlNOI5 COUNTY 0' DuPAGB 55: Deborah Connors , a No~ry Publlc in and tor the county I, IAdICltC atorcaa1d, DO HEREBY CERTIFY ehae Seymour Greenman Vlcc-Pra1dcnt, and Michae 1 J. She , Assistant Secretary of McDonald', Corpondon, a Delaware corporatJon, who arc petlonally known to me to be the same persons whose . ... ~ lie IUbIcrlbed to the toregoing fNtrument as such VJce-President and Assistant Secretary, rcspectivel}', appcarcd bcIore me th!I.cSay in person and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and deUvered the $ald InStrument, ,as their (ree lAd vo1uAtiry Ice as such Vice-President and A.ssistant Secretary, respectively, and as the free and volun~ry act o( said c:orporadon tor the uaes and purpose. ther.eln set forth. . Given under my hand and notarlal seal, this 4 t h March 88 day 1. ,.,19 " :, 1 /l Jv3!~ ~. / Notary PubUc My eom~,..lon expires " " 1/27/91 ""~-'-:"'7 -r- .:~,'~; : :~z:'~-=..:L-..-. ACKNOWLEDGMENT · INDMDUAL C;-;-ICi':'l S:".l ;J DEBORAH CONNORS I NO" ARV PUBl.1C 91 ATE Of, Illlt,'::lIS C~~;:"!I::SIO:! tIP J.\N?;.~991 ...' .'" " ~O' COUNTYOP "". , 55: ': ,I. . lAd .tate atorca1d, 00 HEREBY CERTIFY that and , a Notary PubUc in and tor the county of who (is)(are) personally known to me to be cbe amc pcnon(.) whose name(.) (is)(are) subacrlbed to the (oresolng fNtrument appeared before me this day in pcrIOA and acknowledged that ( he)(they) .lgned, sealed and dcUvered the sald instrument as (h Xthcir) free and TOluAtiry' act (or the use. and purposes therein see forth. Given under my hand and notarlal seal, this day o( ,19 Notary Public My commlulon cxplr~s II I . . ACKNOWLEDGMENT. CORPORATE " I STATB OP COUNTY OP 55: , a Notary Public in and for the county I, , , . and RUe atori:Ia1d, 00 HEREBY CERTIFY that PraldeaC,- ~ , Secretary of ' , ,a(n) corporation, wbo are pctIOIWIy known to me to be. me persons whose names are lubscrlbed iC)' the' foregoing fNuument as such PraIdem tds,""taty! respectively, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and ~thc IIld instrument as their tree and voluntary ace as such Presidene and Secretary. respectively, and as the frco lAd m.aaal')' ,ace ot sald corporation (or the uses and purposes therein lee tanh. ..'.' GllcD UDder my h2nd,and notarial seal, this day ot ,19 . , t,_ " NOtary PubUc .., ~...,.~ cxplrel I . , , , . , . '''" .0 tl 'TAX ADDENDUM WAI~~~ I~~~o'ffl,p~N~l{~ TO A LEASE dated(Les;o~t~~YMtgoNIE~~s RESf~~~::rs nt' t'lnOTnl1. T~.r (Lessee). 1.' Ezeept u provided in. Paragraph 5 below, 'Lellee .hall pay prom~t1y and before they beeom, de1h1quent all . ~. ..,.~., . ".' : 0 ...:.;. taxes imposed at any time dunng the term or any ~tfOD of thlI Lease~ upon or against the Demised Premises, including the land and all buBdh,p, 'furniture, fixtures, equipment and improvement. now or later located on the property,lawfully assessed either in the name of the Lelsor, fee owner or Lessee. For purposes ,- Of tblI 'lU Addendum only, the term "Demised Premises'! ,hall not be deemed to include any tllCleut areas. Lessee's nhU~ation to pay taxes shall com:mence to accrue on theroent ~OIIIIlencement, .date~, in' ,ac:eordance:iwittl paragr~p'ht;~"8f::pg.:'" F of.': 1 ease~'" ,. t f '0 , ~', 0,: I ~ .' .0,: . 0 ' , , 2. Lessor 8hall use its best efforts to obtain from the t~g authorities a separate .....lID8Dt for the land and buildings comprising the Demised Premises. If such separate 1I...lmlDt Ihall be obtained, the real estate taxes payable by Lessee .hall be paid by Less'ee ' dfrtctly to the tuing authority. Lessor agrees to give Lessee prompt notice of a separate li...lmtDt to allow Lessee to avoid penalties. If LessOr shall b. unable to obtain such lIj)_arate us~ent, and the tax.bill covering the Demised Premises shall include property in addltioD to the Demised Premises, Lessee shall pay a fraction of .the tax bill to Lessor eaJ=1ated In ~ following manner: (A) in the case of land, If there is no 8eparate assessment for the lIDd comprising the Demised Premises, the numerator of the fraction shall be the land area ot the Dem!sed Premises, and the denominator of the fraction shall be the total land area . of the prpperty. covered by the tax bill; (B) in the case of bulld1ngs, if there is no sepatlte ".UlmlDt for the building(s) on the Demised Premises, the numerator' of the fraction shall be the area ot the building(s) on the Demised Premises, and the denominator of the fraction shall be.the.total arel of all buildings located on the property covered by the tax bill. Lessee shall pay 1tl1har. within forty.five (45) days after Lessor notifi81 Lessee of the amount thereof and fuiDJlh..Lessee with a copy of the receipted tax bill and the calculations by which Lessee's ahare hu been determined. Lessor shall pay the tax bill when due, In no event shall Lessee be Uable for interest or penalties. In the event Lessee, for any reason except the fault of Lessee, pay. . penalty, Lessee shall be entitled to deduct'the amount from subsequent rental pay. menta. ,8. A prorata adjustment shall be made with respect to the commencement and ending of Le....'. tax liability if the commencement or ending of Lessee', liability does not coincide with the tax year. 4. Les... shall have the right, in its own name or in the nam~ of Lessor, to make and pl'OIICUte'appl!cation(s) for abatement of taxes or appeals for correction of assessments, and ~ IIfNI to cooperate fully with Lessee in this J'egard. Lessor &g1'ees to sign all necessary m.trwDeDtI in connection with such application or appeal and. in addition, h~eby appoints Le....ltl.,ent-in.fact for purposes of such signature, which shall be an agency coupled with ID mterelt. Lessor shall not settle any such application or appeal without Lessee's prior written approval in each instance. " 0.. ., . 6,,' Notwithstanding anything contained in this Lease, Lessee shall not. be under obllga. tioD ~ 11&1 any part of any franchise, excise, estate, inheritance, income or similar tax which is or may become payable by Lessor or which may be imposed against Lessor or against the , I'tDtI p~able under the Lease or upon the income or profits of Lessor by reason of any law now hi force or later enacted. , ~nltlals il Lessee's Initials '. , '0. . . ... . . , " T.WI86 UIDII'MI " SHOPPING CENTER LEASE ADDENDUM THIS ADDENDUM is attached to an forms a part of that certain Lease Dated February 19. 1988 by and between WALBOYN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION as LESSOR. and McDONALD'S RESTAURANTS OF FLORIDAt INC. as LESSEE. 11 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY A. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee a portion of the real property in the City of BOYNTON BEACHt County of PALM BEACH, State of FLORIDA described in Exhibit B. attached hereto. hereinafter referred to as the "Shopping Center". B. A portion of the above Shopping Center includes the site for McDonald's Restaurant (hereinaftert with the following described easements, referred to as the "demised premises") to be erected by AS PER ATTACHED, having a width of and running a depth of t located as shown on the plan/survey of the Shopping Center dated , attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A. The exact legal description of the demised premises based upon the certified survey provided in accordance with Article 6C. shall be Incorporated herein by Amendment. 2. EASEMENTS A. Lessor hereby grants to Lessee a nonexclusive easement to use all of those portions of the Shopping Center designated as common areas. parKing areas and driveways on Exhibit B during the entire term of this Lease and any extension thereof for the benefit of the Lessee, its invitees. licenseest assigns, subtenants. and patrons, in common with all other tenants of the Shopping Center. Lessor agrees to maintain the parking area, common areas and drives. and the parking areas. common areas and drives. located within 100 feet of the McDonald's Restaurant site shall not be changed without Lessee's consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, as shown on Exhibit At Lessee may erect curbs and install landscaping in order to define the demised premises and the Shopping Center as approved by Landlord from time to time. B. Lessor hereby grants to Lessee non-exclusive easements to use portions of the Shopping Center as may reasonably be required now or in the future by the Lessee for the installation. maintenance and repair of sewert water, gas, electric utilities and related facilities and storm water drainage. If any of the aformentioned utilities are supplied. install or otherwise controlled by the Lessort Lessor grants Lessee, its successors and assigns. the right to use coupled with its easement said utilities and related facilities; and Lessor covenants and agrees to maintain the utility lines in good condition and repair for the Lessee. C. Access to the Premises is as shown on Exhibit liB" and any changes that are made by Landlord as may be required by the City or other governmental agency or needed to be made for safety or for other improvements shall not be such' as to interfere with or inhibit the normal flow of traffic to the Premises. However. the parKing areas. common areas and drives located within 100 feet of the McDonald's restaurant,site shall not be changed without Lessee's consent. which consent shali IIU~ ;,.~ \J1lreasonab1y withheld or delayed. -- 7483J The title Insurance requirements contained in the lease shall apply to the aformentioned easements, and Lessor and Lessee agree to cooperate to obtain non-disturbance agreements, consentst waivers and other agreements from lienholders, mortgages, tenants and any other party with superior rights that might interfere with the rights, duties and obligations contemplated by this addendum. 3 . LOT LIGHTS D. . Lessor agrees that the lot lights located within 100 feet of the demised premises shall be lit during the morning and evening hours while the Lessee's business is open, as natural light availability dictates. Lessee shall have the right to approve any changes or alterations to the lot lights located within 100 feet of the demised premises during the term of this lease. 4. MAINTENANCE OF PARKING AND CCM<<>N AREAS A. During the entire term of this Lease and any extension thereoft Lessor shall maintain and repair the entire parking and common areas shown on Exhibit B. This obligat10n on the part of the Lessor to maintain said parking and common areas in good condition and repair shall, without limiting the generality thereoft include the following: (a) Maintaining the surfaces in a level, smooth and evenly covered condition with the type of surfacing material originally installed or of similar qualitYt use and durability; (b) Removing all papers, debris, snow, icet f11th and refuse and thoroughly sweeping the areas to the extent reasonably necessary to keep said areas in a neat, clean and orderly condition; (c) Placing, keeping in repair, and replacing any necessary appropriatedirect1on signs, markers and lines; and operatingt keeping in repair and replacing when necessary such artificial lighting facilities as shall be reasonably required; (d) Maintaining any perimeter walls in a good condition and state of repair; (e) Maintaining all landscaped areas, making such replacements of shrubs and other landscaping as is necessary, and keeping said areas at all times adequately weededt fertilized and watered. 7483J !NIw] ,~ D MAR 0 4 1981} 2 5. Should Landlord fail to make the election provided for in the preceding subsection, Tenant shall indemnify Landlord for the loss of rent by a payment at the end of each month during the Lease Term representing the difference between the rent which would have been paid in accordance with this Le~se and the rent actually derived from the Leased Premises by Landlord for such month. 6. Any obligation imposed by,law upon Landlord to relet the premises shall be subject to the reasonable requirements of Landlord to operate the Shopping Center in a harmonious manner as a first-class shopping c~nter. 7. Nothing herein contained shall limit or prejudice the right of Landlord to prove for and obtain in a proceeding for bankruptcy, insolvency, arrange- ment, or reorganizationt by reason of the termination, an amount equal to the maximum allowed by any statute or rule of law in effect at the time when, and governing any proceedings in which, the damages are to be proved, whether or not the amount be greater, equal to, or less than the amount of the loss or damage which Landlord has suffered. 8. It is mutua Hy--agl"eed by and be-twee respective parties hereto shall and they hereby do waive trial in any action, proceeding or counterclaim brought by eith hereto against the other on any matters whatsoever . ng out of or in any way connected with this Lease, the relati p of Landlord and Tenant, Tenant's use or occupancy of the Leased lses, and/or any claim of injury or damage, and any emergenc atutory or any other statuatory remedy. Should ,Landlord see course to equity to enforce any of its rights under thts Leas enant agrees to waive any defense which it might otherwise have t and10rd has an adequate remedy at law. Tenant further agrees that" shall not interpose any counterclaim or setoff in a summary proce . g or in any action based, in whole or in part, on non-payment 9. Land10rd-;nay, but shall nO~f;,flb,lj.,gpjl:3t% to, cure, at any time, without notice, .any default by Tenan~aunaer tn;steasei and whenever Landlord* so elects, all costs and expenses incurred by Landlord*in curing a defau1tt including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees, together with interest on the amount of costs and expenses so i~~urrpd ~ ~ae maximum rate permitted by law, shall be paid by Tenantl~ t<a~d1'bV-O*?m demand, and shall be recoverable, as aaaitioRal riRt, by Landlord,' and as a deduction from rent due by Tenant. 10. No failure by Landlord to insist upon the strict performance of any covenant, agreement, term or condition of this Lease or to exercise any right or remedy consequent upon a breach thereof, and no acceptance of full or partial rent during the continuance of any such breach, shall constitute a waiver of any such breach or of such covenant, agreement, term or condition. No consent or waiver, express or implied, by Landlord to or of any breach of any covenant, condition or duty of Tenant shall .be construed as a consent or waiver to or of any other breach of the same or any other covenant, condition or dutYt unless in writing signed by Landlord. J'1;;\ v' /fJ4f( o ~ J9c9. '8 DEFAULT ADDENDUM THIS IS AN ADDENDUM TO A LEASE dated February 19. 1988 between HALGOYN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (Lessor) and MCDONALD'S RESTAURANTS OF FLORIDA. INC. (Lessee). 1. If Li6see is adjudicated a bankrupt. or if Lessee makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditorst ort if in any proceedings based upon the insolvency of Lessee. a receiver of all the property of Lessee is appointed and not discharged within ninety (90) days after appointment. then Lessor may terminate this lease by giving notice to Lessee of its intention to dQ so. Howevert neither bankruptcy, insolvency. an assignment for the benefit or creditors nor the appOintment of a receiver shall affect this lease or permit its termination if Lessee (or someone claiming under Lessee) performs all of its covenants in this lease. 2. This Lease is upon the condition that if Tenant shall neglect or fail to perform or observe any of Tenant's convenants and if such neglect or failure shall continue after written noticet in the case of rent for more than twenty (20) days. or in any other case for more than thirty (30) days; or if the leasehold hereby created shall be taken on execution or by other process of law. thent and in any of said cases. Landlord lawfully may. immediately or at any time thereafter and without demand or further notice, enter upon the Leased Premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole and repossess the same as of Landlord's former estatet and expel (forcibly if necessary) Tenant and those claiming through or under Tenant without prejudice to any remedies which Landlord might otherwise have for arrears of rent or for a prior breach of the provisions of this Lease. and upon such entry this Lease shall terminate. In case of such terminationt Tenant shall indemnify Landlord against all expenses or loss of rent (which shall be deemed for the purposes of this Section to include the payments arising out of such termination of this Lease). 3. Items of expense for which Tenant shall indemnify Landlord shaTl include, but not be limited to, all costs incurred in collecting amounts ,due from Tenant under this Lease (including attorney's fees, costs of litigation and the like); all amounts to which Landlord is entitled; all reasonable costs incurred by Landlord in attempting to relet the Leased Premises (including advertisementst remodelingt tenant's allowances and the like but not the refixturing of the Demised Premises) and all Landlord's other reasonable expenditures necessitated by the termination. Tenant's indemnification shall be due and payable immediately upon notice from Landlord that an expense has been incurred. without regard to whether the expense was incurred before or after the termination of this Lease. 4. Landlord may elect by written notice to Tenant within sixty (60) days following such termination to bl indemnified for loss of rent by a lump sum payment representing the difference between the amount of rent which would have been paid in accordance with this lease for the remainder of the Lease Term and the fair rental value of the Leased Premises for the remainder of the Lease Term. estimated as of the date of termination. (For the purposes of this lump sum payment, calculation only, the amount of rent that would have been paid in accordance with the Lease for the remainder of the Lease Term shall be the product of all rent paid or payable for the Lease Year immediately preceding the Lease Year in which the Lease is terminated multiplied by the number of full and fractional years from the date of termination through the normal expiration 'of the Lease Term.) Should the parties fail to reach an agreement in writing as to the fair market value of < 'the demised premises at the end of the regular term. the fair market value of the land shall be estimated by two qualified MAlar SREA real estate appraisers with experience.in .appraising leasehold interes~;, ~..~ ~~ be appoi nted and compensated ",by T.enant and the other to be appoi nted and compensated by LandlOrd. Landlord and Tenant shall appoint their appraisers within 15 days of the end of the primary term of the Lease. 1ft within 30 days from their appointmentt the two appraisers can agree to an appraisal of value not differing by more than 15~. then an average of the two appraisals shall be used for the fair market value of the land. If the two appraisals differ by more than 15~. then the two appraisers shall appoint a third appraiser chosen from a list of three appraisers designated by the National Headquarters of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers. The three IU r'lIAL I &: DA I L M II 0 " , .,.. ~ - . -- appraisers so appointed shall then, within 30 days from the date the third appraiser is appointed, estimate the fair market value of the land. The decisions of the appraiserst or a majority of them, shall be binding upon the parties. If the appraisers, or a majority of them, cannot agree on the fair market value of the land, the fair market value shall be determined by adding all three estimates of fair market value and dividing the total of all three estimates by the number three. The fee of the third appraiser shall be split equally by Landlord and Tenant. The land value shall be established based upon a definition of fair market value as the price which an average well-informed Buyer will pay and an average well-informed Seller will accept, knowing all of the uses to which the property can be put, without duress on either party. The standard market data approach technique for valuing vacant land shall be used by the appraisers. All comparable sales shall be appropriately adjusted. and the written reports shall indicate the reasons for the adjustments so made. In the event that adequate comparable sales are not available, then a land residual techniquet as defined by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, shall be used. The real estate income component used in the residual technique shall be the economic rental for hypotheticated improvements, but in no event shall any business income be considered in the analysis. If, at the end of the Lease Termt the total of: (a) the rent which Landlord has actually received from the Lease Premises plus (b) the lump sum payment is less than the rent which would have been paid in accordance with this Lease, Tenant shall thereupon further pay Landlord the amount of such difference. 7483J AI/.JI( 0* /a, ~C' COMMON AREA ADDENDUM COMMON AREAS, THEIR USE AND CHARGES \ 1. CommGn Areas. Landlord shall make available (or cause to be made available) from time to time such "common areas" (including but not limited to parking areas, drivewayst truckways, delivery passages, truck-loading areas, access and egress roads. walkwayst foot bridges, landscaped and planted areas and pUblic rest rooms) as Landlord shall deem appropriate. Landlord shall (or shall cause the same to be done) operatet manage, equip, police, lightt repairt replace, and maintain the common areas for their intended purposes in such manner as Landlord shall determine, including but not limited to the maintenance requirement on Page lA of the Shopping Center Addendum. and may from time to time change the size, location. nature and use of any common areas and make installations therein and move and remove the same. However, Landlord shall not change without Tenant's consent, the parking areat common areas and drives located within 100 feet of the McDonald's Restaurant. 2. Use of Common Areas. Tenant and its concessionaires, officers, employees agents, customers and invitees shall have the non-exclusive right (in common with Landlord. the aforesaid Occupants of the Shopping Center and all others to whom Landlord and said Occupants have granted or may hereafter grant such rights) to use the common areas as designated from time to time by Landlord, subject to the 100 foot mentioned restriction above in paragraph It subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as Landlord may from time to time impose. Tenant agrees after notice thereof to abide by such rules and regulations and to use its best efforts to cause its concessionaires, officers, employees, agentst customers and invitees to conform thereto. Wherever Landlord has reserved the right in this Lease to enact rules and regulations governing the shopping center and the demised premises, such rules and regulations shall be reasonable and applied uniformly and equally to all tenants throughout the center. Tenant shall upon request promptly furnish to Landlord the license numbers of the cars operated by Tenant and its concessionaires. officers. and employees so that Landlord can police the parking in common area. Tenant shall not at any time interfere with the rights of Landlord or other Occupants of the Shopping Center. or the concessionairest officers. employees, agents. customers, or invitees of Landlord or of such other Occupants to use any part of the parking areas or other common areas. All vehicles of Tenantt of Tenant's concessionaire if anYt or their respective officers, agents or employees, may be parked only in the employee parking area(s) of the Shopping Center designated by Landlord. Tenant or its employees shall only be required to park in employee parking areas to the extent such areas are actually designated and are sufficient to serve their existing needs. 3. Common Area Expenses. This lease shall be a net lease to Landlord. Tenant shall pay to Landlord in the manner provided in 4. Tenant's pro rata share. as defined in Section 4 of all costs and expenses or incurred by Landlord during the Lease Term (including appropriate reserves) in operating, managing, policing. lighting, repairingt replacing. and maintaining the Shopping Center. Such costs shall be limited to: maintenance and repair; cleaning; costs and expenses of planting, replanting and replacing flowers and landscaping including costs for sprinkler system and striping. In the event the Lessor fails, after 10 days prior written noticet to repair and maintain the parking and common areas and utility lines as aforesaid, Lessee may. at its option. repair and maintain part of all parking and common areas and deduct its costs therefor from rental accruing thereafter. 7483J " ''1..., ...... .1 'J :t ~c9B COMMON AREA ADDENDUM (continued) COMMON AREAS, THEIR USE ANO CHARGES . 4. Tenant's Pro Rata Share and Payment. Subject to the succeeding sentence. Tenant shall pay to Landlord as reimbursement for the cost thereof Tenant's pro-rata share ("Tenant's Share") of such common area maintenance costs. Tenant's Share shall be four percent (41) of all such common areas expenses of Landlord at the Shopping Center. Landlord agrees that Landlord shall not contract for the performance of the common areas maintenance at rates above the market rate for such services. Landlord further agrees that all charges, billed to Tenant. evidencing the performance of the work on the common areast shall be the same for all Tenant's of the Shopping Center. Landlord shall provide Tenant with "Landlord's Estimated Common Area Maintenance Computation", which shall be Landlord's estimate of Tenant's Share for each year of the term. On the first (1st) day of each month during the term of this Leaset Tenant shall pay to Landlord in arrears Landlord's Estimated Common Area Maintenance Computation. If Landlord's Estimated Common Area Maintenance Computation paid by Tenant to Landlord exceeds the actual Tenant's Share for that year of the termt the excess shall be credited by Landlord to Tenant against Landlord's Estimated Common Area Maintenance Computation payments due for the next yeart if any, of the term or refunded to Tenant if such excess occurs during the last year of the Lease. If Landlord's Estimated Common Area Maintenance Computation paid by Tenant to Landlord is less than the actual Tenant's Share for that year of the term. Tenant shall remit such deficit amount to Landlord within 30 days after written notice from Landlord. At the end of every year. Landlord shall provide Tenant with a statementt certified correct by Landlordt in reasonable detailt setting forth_all costs expended by Landlord during the preceding calender yeart for the common area maintenance. Tenant shall have the right to examine the books and records of the Lessor within 60 days after receiving Landlord's statement. In the event there is a discrepancy of more than 51 in the maintenance costs set forth in Landlord's statementt Tenant shall have the right to adjust its proportionate share accordingly and pay the lesser amount, and landlord shall reimburse Tenant for the cost of the audit. 5. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is specifically understood and agreed that lessee shall have no obligation or liability whatsoever in connection with the ownership. maintenance. or management of the parking area, malls and common areas involved, and the Landlord shall manage, operate and maintaint at its cost and expenset during the entire term of said Lease, and as it may be extendedt an insurance policy or policies which will insure Tenant against injury to persons occurring in, on, or about said parking area. malls and common areas, the liability under such insurance to be not less than One Million Dollars ($1 tOOOtOOO.OO) for anyone accident or One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for property damage. Landlord shall cause to be issued to Tenant proper certificates of insurance evidencing that the foregoing convenants of the landlord have been compiled with, and such certificates shall provide that if the underlying insurances is cancelled or changed during the policy periOd the insurance carrier will notify the Tenant twenty (20) days prior to the same. 7483J MAR nA .~~ tHTIAL 3: DAm ~ ( ~R 041988 .- BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL ADDENDUM 1. Prior to the commencement of the construction of any building or improve- ment. or alteration or additiont constructed or placed upon the demised pr~mise~. lessee shall submit all exterior plans, specifications and eleva- tions showing the general placement of its buildings. initially and ultimate- ly. with set-backs from all lot lines, location and dimensions of parkins areas. dt'iveways and service areas, to lessor for its approval from an appearance standpoint to insure that the buildings and improvements con- ~tructed upon the demised premises are harmonious with the architectural design and materials of other buildings and improvements then existing or in the process of construction in the general vicinity of the demised premises. le~sor shall have twenty (20) days after receipt of lessee's plans and specifications to give lessee written notice of, and the reason for, disapproval. Failing such notice. lessee's plans and specifications will be considerad approved. 2. For and with respect to the premises, it is understood and agreed t:~at ~a) no buildings(s) or structure(s) shall be erected within this Out ParcC!l containing in the aggregate more than 7tOOO square feet of floor drea; (b) no bu;lding(s) or structure{s) shall be erected within this Out Parcel which shall be greater in height than the lesser of (i) one story or (ii) eighteen (18) feet (provided, however, that said building may have a small 0~namenta1 tower exceeding eighteen (18) feet in height provided the total hp.ight of any such building, including such tower, does not excp.ed twenty-four (24) feet in height measured from ground.leve1). 3. In regard to signage it is understood that there will not be a Pylon (or Stand Alone) Sign and any and all signs will be limited to those affixed to the building which must have the prior approval of the landlord. which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. This restriction shall not apply to Tenant's directional signs or menu board. ~<../ GUARANTY OF LEASE McDonald's Corporation, a Delaware corporation for ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged does hereby guaranty to Walboyn Development Corporation payment in full of all amounts due to Lessor under the lease (the "Lease") be~ween Lessor and McDonald's Restaurants of Florida, Inc. as Lessee dated T February 19t 1988 covering the leased premises located at the Catalina Square Shopping Center in Boynton Beach, Florida including but not limited Ci.harges to Basic Rent, additional~, interest, attorneys fees, advancements by Lessor.under the Lease and any and all other monies which may be due to Lessor as Landlord under the Lease. This Guaranty shall be deemed . continuing and irrevocable. McDonald's agrees that its obligations hereunder sec,ondary: M shall be absolute and pr1mary and shall be complete and binding on McDonald's At( 04 100 hereof!r va8 execution '~ereef aRd 6Y9jeet t~ ft~ ~~ftaitigRE prst8d8Rt to M,g8Rl1~'E. perfe,lfIum.e P'l.., .....nder. No act or omission by Lessor shall affect or impair this Guaranty of Lease and Lessor shall have no duties to McDonald's in connection with this Guaranty of Lease. In the event Lessor has made no claim on this Guaranty of Lease within ten (10) years from the date hereof, McDonald's obligation hereunder shall cease and terminate. Dated th1 s 4th March day of .$ebJ tie-I .y, 1988. SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: ~~/O~t ~ness // .--" I *after Lessor has exhausted all remedies against McDonald's Restaurants of Floridat Inc. as Lessee -. '. I'::,.... " ,....~ :- ,., -, ." ~ . ,.? -: -~ 3 ~ ;~ I ,'4X '~. X~ " ~I~ , Mc~on~ ! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN t~;* <);-0" ::~' < ,";'; -"0:-:- -.~ .)'. ,'f ;< :::( .~:: .L -:il' McDonald's Corporation McDonald's Plaza Oak Brook, Illinois 60521 Dor.CI 0,.1 Number (3l2) 575-6385 This letter will serve as an attorney opinion that Seymour Greenman, Vice President and Assistant Secretary of McDonald's Corporation, d/b/a McDonald's Corporation, a Delaware Company is empowered under resolution of the Board of Directors of the corporation to grant a power of attorney in connection with any permit, zoning or land use application for the constrution or remodeling of any McDonald's Restaurant. HO/ao/4l22J Sworn to before me this '25 day of /U ,':1 !./. .., , 198 I . ~~L~~ ~~tta.J:~!' C e ctary Publi., State cf rio/Ida My Commission Expires Sept. 13, 1989 t..dld Th,. Troy fain ~ IIO'once Inc. Very truly yours, McDONALD'S CORPORATION ~&L7r Haydee Olinger Regional Attorney Real Estate/Legal Department POWER OF ATTORNEY Th is Power of Attorney is made on February 10, 1987 BElWEEN: the Principal. Se)mour Greenman. Vice Pres ident and Ass is tant Secretary whose address is McDonald's Corporation lXle McDonald's Plaza Oak Brook. III inois 60521 individually referred to as "I" or "my." AND: the Agent. Roland Yates Whose address is McDonald's Corporation 5200 Town Center Circle Suite 600 Baco Ra ton. Fl or ida 33432 referred to as "You." GRANT OF AUTHORITY: I appoint You to act as my Agent (called an attorney in fact) to do each and every act which I could personally do to represent McDONALD'S CORPORATION. d/b/a McDonald's Corporation, a Delaware Company, in any permit zoning or 'land use application for the construction or remodeling of any McDonald's Restaurant. POWERS: I give You all the power and authority to do any act which I might do if personally present and acting in connection with any of the forego-ing matters; and covenant and agree to hold harmless any person who may a,ct in rel iance u pan the au th ority granted to my sa id a ttorney-i n-fact hereby. This power of attorney shall remain in force and effect for a period of two years from the date hereof. " J} J ,.' <, . . ) 00;--- I:.,. / )0 I \ ../ r~cOONALD I S COR PORATION. d/b/ a Mc[))na 1 d I S Corpora17ion. a Delaw~re Company ,~'!~ //lU/r7J/t.SEALl . Vie res 1 en t an Assistant Secretary Witnessed by: r I <' I I 1.,( /', t.' STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF DuPAGE S5: I. Mary1}T1 G. Rodgers. a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Se)1l1our Greenman. Vice President and Assis- tant Secretary of McDonald's Corporation. d/b/a McDonald's Corporation. a Dela~are Company. who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is. subscribed to the foregoing instrument as such Vice President and Assis'tant Secretary. appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed. sealed and de1iverecr'the said instrument as his free and voluntary act as such Vice President and Assistant Secretary. and as the free and voluntary act of sa id 'corporation for the uses and purposes. Given under my hand and notarial seal, th is 10th day of February. 1987. ~~~~ 9-~? ary~ . odgers, 0 ar u 11C MY commission expires May 9, 1988 4122J