REVIEW COMMENTS r J r:"~f" r\, C <::.., (~~~:. '- Vi::'':. FROM ::.-.::: \ \. ..:.~)o j.~=- CI ~"-;""" .._- i -:-:., ~'--"" " I ..\ r , <""",,- SUBJECT: /~1 !'L)J .' j /.', ",. 4>.: "1..'~ "... " "" ,,' ,,,'j i- ~OLD . \ \. "c 'LJ~_) f'j"\. \'-:::::;q... __'-;--~- ,.~_ ~-i'::'1,;::'I": \'y '" ~~~~:..:.::.. . I I': ~__ C';' ~- ......, t. \ ,--:.._ .J I l( ~>\ ~ c.,':" ":,:.'~ /';). /< '-'. 'I (G L.J -r /' RETURN TO SIGNED II REPLY t..~;~~<.': / ..' / / f..,....,,~. (./ DATE: ;}'/ SIGNED .'-? "i .,::~..,.<. --/ Item # F269 Grayarc. P.o. Box 2944.. Hartford.. CT 06104,2944 @ Wheeler Group. Inc. 1982 L..:::. c..~ 7 '.;.) ". ,j I, I..... .J t~'-, ,- TO i=!;2.'C ;/j ,. J 1..< C I :.:....J ' ...> ,:;, :: .. /.:\ r ...) .~_} 1/ ~.,J ''';- -,;::--".---.- ~...___r..--' >': I:;::':, r:....,: _ ---r t /'..-' < ~ ~_:~ f i <:. L:- <_ -; J!~ ()!:""' '-'" l\.Y":" '- ' '- ..-- --- ~.---:- //~~" ~ ,.- '...._..1. ) . .', ~::... f<. c:;.. DATE: ....7~..c:.~.' - r:- S ~::: ~-:.-' ,~ . h:> '__) :.. ..., /1 ! .. /.' ---: J..l __)' )~ <~ T?c /' } ,"', ) ~...'. ./s, ,< J .7.;t:- ~, ~~r "."-"-' -/ ( ..c / ,. I / / PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COpy TO SENDER STAFF COMMENTS MC DONALD'S RESTAURANT AT CATALINA CENTRE PLAT NO.2 CATALINA CENTRE PLAT NO. 2 DRIVE-THROUGH CONDITIONAL USE Building Department See attached memo Fire Department See attached memo Engineering Department See attached memo Utilities Department See attached memo Public Works Department See attached memo Planning Department See attached memo Forester/Horticulturist See attached memo CITY of ~ BOYNTON BEACH -.:..~:::'EI~.:;;.:'.~~'.\,.t Beach Blvd. -- · "'~:==-~!J.JrP . ."". Florida 33425-0310 ~~ill~~~~ (305) 734-811l M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: CITY PLANNER FROM: W.D. CAVANAUGH FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE: JUNE 21, 1988 RE: TRB - MCDONALD'S - CATALINA CENTER A MEETING WAS HELD WITH MCDONALD'S REPRESENTATIVE, ROLAND YATES, EXECUTIVE OFFICER DAVEY CROCKETT, AND MYSELF. MR. YATES POINTED OUT THE AUTOMATIC FIRE SYSTEMS PROTECTING HIS MAJOR HAZARDS. ACCESS WAS DISCUSSED AND E.O. CROCKETT FELT THAT THOUGH MARGINAL, ACCESS WAS ADEQUATE. .., AS A RESULT OF THIS MEETING, PREVIOUS REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM ARE HERBY RESCINDED. tW;{jU4Itdt~ W. D. . CAVANAUGH WDC/er cc: E.O. CROCKETT ROLAND YATES M E M 0 RAN DUM July 6, 1988 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: ~om Clark City Engineer RE: Mc Donald's COl4MENTS : 1. Sheet SP-l and SP-2 do not show the same dimensions for driveways. 2. Typical cross-sections thru the driveway should be shown. 3. A legend should be shown to identify areas paved with portland cement concrete and typical cross-sections should be shown. 4. Contractor and inspectors must interpret plans in field so details on plan should be clarified thru blow-ups or larger scale drawing for plan. ~y~d~ Tom Clark TAC/ck MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director From: Joe C. Swan, P.E. P3~~ for John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities J' Date: July 6, 1988 Subject: TRB Review - McDonald's at Catalina Centre Conditional Use We have the following objections to this usage: 1. The location of the water and force mains relative to the building are not as shown. We believe the 16" force main is approximately 8' from the building pad, and the water main approximately 20' from the pad. A serious break in either main would require extensive excavation and repair, and could conceivably damage the proposed building, thus incurring added liability to the City. 2. A hold harmless agreement would be required regarding the normal functioning of the sewage air relief valve. 3. It is our general opinion that the subject site is not large enough to accommodate a building of this size. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella '-t!' - Grayarc · P.O. Box 29..- ~~Na&T FW~r:1~'2013.5250 REPLY MESSAGE Fold At (.) To FII Grayarc Window Envelope' EvV10P REORDER ITEM" F269 ---- -------, TO r S~'E"~ Co\.~E-.J S'e".....s . 0. ~ C',"T"...,- PI.. ~ ~ "-i 15'- I~ -, . FROM -- --- -._- ~ L . '~8e""~ ~\c..HORs;"T" -At:- TI #<..J C. '""D, rc:::.e=-::- ~ It.. 0'::: -gal.. I c... Wo~l<.s. SUBJECT: ----!!tf..l:> D:.~ A-~~~_.=~~_~~~_C_____.________.___._________.DA TE:___2____~~_r__._ "OLD . \H-~ ~"""",,"-r--~-r6~ Lo~"'ot....:) ?e6".s~ ~R..IOt.:l~ SAs="E~ t=>~t:llJ L-S..-1.s . -n:. I .s. "'t:> u ,......, p ~ -r'1I5i~ S#ou I...D "'BE: I tV f\ S~'-"c.e A12.EA A^J.D N07"" ,/\/ ,q S-Hb~nv&; C~[7"'&~ P~R.K.INt9 Lo-r-. PLEASE REPLY TO SIGNED r . REPLY DATE: SIGNED Ilem /I F2ll9 Grayarc. P.O, Box 294<1. Hartforo. CT 06104-2944 @ Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COpy TO SENDER --.";1:....-,-.- .~ ox'-, ~. . y. ")..: .->:, ..,:>.' :gt '.,ii', $ ~. :~' >@ i ~: ~:... .0;..,." t N %..... ~' j "), . % ".* "~,' -.~. & .~;- ~. 4: :1~: 7: ~ ~. :'1,--: ..". MEMORANDUM 1 August 1988 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: McDonald's Restaurant at Catalina Centre Plat No.2 Revised Conditional Use Application - Staff Comments Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request for conditional use approval. 1. The drive-through aisle on the south side of the building is only ten (10) feet in width and does not meet the twelve (12) feet required by the parking lot regulations for one-way drives. Dimension all drive-through lanes on blow-up sheet, SP-2. 2. Building signage is permitted separately through the Building Department. Approval of these plans does not constitute building signage approval. The applicant should be aware that the new sign ordinance allows flat signs only on the front of buildings. (See Ordinance No. 88-33, Sec. 21-14(E)(5), Shopping Centers and Malls, since this is a leased outparcel.) A sign variance would need to be applied for through the Building Department. 3. Parking spaces do not meet 9'x 18'requirement or overhang credit. 4. The revised shared parking study submitted includes both the McDonald's and Gerulaitis tennis resort. As was noted in the study, two (2) additional parking spaces have been lost at the hotel and two (2) lost at the resort since the July 19, 1988 City Commission approval of both projects. A revised hotel site plan reflecting the lost spaces is required to be submitted for Planning Department files at the time of final sign-off for the resort or McDonald's, whichever comes first. 5. The site data table on the shopping center site plan should correspond with the parking space calculations within the revised shared parking study. c~ JL ~ CARMEN s. ANN~IATO /bks cc: Central File M E M 0 RAN DUM August 31, 1988 TO: FILE #114 - CATALINA CENTRE - PLAT 2 MCDONALD'S - REVISED CU - 8/88 FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: STAFF COMMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT AT CATALINA CENTRE, PLAT NO. 2 - CU (REVISED) (FILE #114) Planning Department memo, comment #4 has been satisfied with the submittal of a revised site plan of Plat no. 1 showing 430 spaces. This plan is filed/attached to McDonald's approved TRB drawings. =~'~ ~.4.J TAMBRI J. H ~EN TJH/csd cc: Central File M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: July 11, 1988 RE: McDonald's Restaurant - Conditional Use l. The landscape plan should note the type of sod used (original comment). 2. All landscaped areas must be irrigated, including Congress Avenue R.O.W. (existing heads adjusted). 3. All existing or newly planted hedge materials must be 36" in height. ~~~-'~'~ Kevin J. Hallahan~ Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:McDONALD MEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATE July 5, 1988 FILl: ""OM !lU8JRCT CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL: McDONALD'S RESTAURANT AT CATALINA CENTRE PLAT NO. 2 Don Jaeger Building Department As a requirement for conditional use approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. The applicant should be aware that logo flags are not permitted in the City of Boynton Beach. National, state and municipal flags can be flown from the proposed flag pole. 2. Health Department approval is required prior to submittal for permit. 3. The building is required to be accessible to the handicapped. Show elevations of the sidewalk adjacent to the handicapped ramp. 4. The Community Appearance Board should take note of the close proximity of the dumpster enclosure to Congress Avenue. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. ~~~~ Don Jaege DJ:bh XC: E. E. Howell M E M 0 RAN DUM June 30, 1988 TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: MCDONALD'S AT CATALINA CENTRE PLAT NO. 2- CONDITIONAL USE FOR DRIVE-THROUGH Enclosed is a check in the amount of $125.00 to cover the readvertising of this application. Please readvertise this request for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the August 9, 1988 meeting and before the City Commission at the August 16, 1988 meeting. Also, I am transmitting a revised set of plans which would supersede the set you currently have in your files for this application, and a revised application which would also supersede the one you have. h' 4 -J~- ~ ~ eLl TAMERI J. HEYDfJ)- , TJH:ro MEMORANDUM June 10, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT AT CATALINA CENTRE, PLAT NO.2-CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Summary: Roland Yates, agent for McDonald's Corporation, is requesting Conditional Use approval for a McDonald's restaurant with drive-through facilities to be located within Catalina Centre, plat no. 2. The shopping center, which occupies a 12.96 acre parcel on the west side of Congress Avenue, south of N.W. 22nd Avenue, has an 840 foot frontage on Congress Avenue. The McDonald's Restaurant is proposed to be located at the leased outparcel at the southeast corner of the northern shopping center driveway and Congress Avenue. The shopping center is zoned C-3, Community Commercial. Restaurants with drive-through facilities are permitted in the C-3 zoning district subject to Conditional Use approval. Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning (see attached location map): Abutting the subject parcel to the north and west is the undeveloped portion of the Congress Lakes Planned Unit Development approved for 525 units and an 11.26 acre private recreation area. Further north is the N.W. 22nd Avenue right-of-way and Mahogany Bay, a developed portion of Congress Lakes Planned Unit Development. Abutting the subject parcel to the east is the Congress Avenue right-of-way. Further east across Congress Avenue is Motorola. South of the subject parcel is Catalina Centre plat no. 1 (hotel site). Further south is the Boynton C-16 Canal. Proposed Use (see attached site plan): With respect to the approved site plan for the Catalina Centre shopping center, the applicant is proposing to decrease the size and configuration of the building footprint within the leased outparcel from 6,000 square feet to 4,295 square feet. The applicant is also proposing to change the surrounding parking lot to accommodate the McDonald's Restaurant and drive-through facility. Under the proposed layout and design of the outparcel, two drive-through windows would be located on the east side of the building, facing Congress Avenue. The drive-through entrance would be located at the southwest corner of the building, circulating drive-through traffic counter-clockwise around the building with stacking lanes visible from Congress Avenue on,the south and east sides of the building. The drive-through exit is located at the northwest corner of the building. The main entrance to the building would be located on the west side, away from or opposite Congress Avenue. Two menu boards with speakers are to be located on the south side of the building. Standards for Evaluating Conditional Uses: Section 11.2.D of the Zoning Regulations contains the following standards to which conditional uses are required to conform. F.ollowing each of these standards is the Planning Department's evaluation of the application as to whether it would comply with the particular standard: The Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission shall consider only such conditional uses as are authorized under the terms of these zoning regulations, and, in connection therewith, may grant conditional uses absolutely or conditioned upon the faithful adherence to and of fulfillment of such restrictions and conditions including, but not limited to, the dedication of -2- property for streets, alleys, and recreation space, and sidewalks, as shall be necessary for the protection of the surrounding area and the citizen's general welfare, or deny conditional uses when not in harmony with the intent and purpose of this section. In evaluating an application for conditional use, the Board and commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use on the general health, safety, and welfare of the community, and make written findings certifying that satisfactory provision has been made concerning the following standards, where applicable: 1. Ingress and egress to the subject property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. Proposed access to the restaurant outparcel would occur by way of the shopping center driveways onto Congress Avenue. These driveways would allow for sufficient access to the proposed use. As a result of the modification of the surrounding parking lot to accommodate the McDonald's Restaurant and drive-through facility, several circulation problems are noted in reevaluating the shopping center site plan. The entrance to the drive-through facility at the southwest corner of the building is designed at an angle to an access lane that will become heavily used with the advent of the McDonald's Restaurant. This drive-through entrance, designed at an angle to increase stacking space, precludes north bound traffic in this access lane from being able to maneuver into the drive-through entrance. Another traffic problem occurs at the drive-through exit located at the northwest corner of the building. The potential exists for congestion in this area and a bottleneck situation created due to the close proximity of this exit and the intersection of the access lane with the Catalina Centre north drive. Right and left turn movements from the drive-through exit are made difficult due to the lack of stacking space between the exit and the intersection. 2. Off-street parking and loading areas where required, with particular attention to the items in subsection D.1. above, and the economic, glare, noise, and odor effects the conditional use would have on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The design of the drive-through facility does not make any provisions, due to tightness of the site, for reserved parking that could be utilized when a drive-through customer waiting in line at the window cannot be served immediately, and is asked to park and pick up his order so as not to impede the efficient flow of traffic through the drive-through. With respect to off-street parking, since the leased outparcel is under the same ownership as the shopping center, the parking requirement for the outparcel is included in the parking calculation for the shopping center. In addition, a shared parking study was originally approved for Catalina Centre plats 1 and 2 to meet off-street parking requirements. This study included the future construction of 20 parking spaces for a maximum 6,000 square feet of retail floor space to be built with the development of the leased outparcel. A revised shared parking study was required by the applicant to reflect the proposed changes in square footage from 6,000 to 4,295 and a decrease from 20 to 13 in the number of parking spaces to be provided on the leased outparcel. Section 11-H(13) of the Zoning Code contains the provision for shared parking including a -3- minimum buffer of 10% to be provided to ensure that a sufficient number of parking spaces is available at times of peak hour use. Evidence for joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be submitted to the Technical Review Board, and approval of joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be made by the Commission, after review and recommendations by the Planning and Zoning Board. As a point of information, the most recent revision to the Catalina Centre shared parking study to allow the addition of the Marie Callender's Restaurant to plat no. 1 accounted for the elimination of seven (7) parking spaces from the hotel site from 441 spaces to a total of 434 spaces. It did not account for the four (4) parking spaces that were added to alleviate the loss of seven spaces as an amended site plan for plat no. 1 was not submitted as part of the Marie Callender's approval. This brings the number of parking spaces for plat no. 1 up to a total of 438 parking spaces, increasing the availability of spaces from which the office, Marie Callender's and the shopping center can share from the hotel at the 1:00 p.m. peak, the hour of the greatest parking demand for the overall site. Quantitatively, the following increases in buffer result: a) 29.6% to 30.8% for the office at 1:00 p.m. b) 90.2% to 93.9% for Marie Callender's at 1:00 p.m. c) 97.6% to 100.0% for Marie Callender's at 8:00 p.m. d) the shopping center buffer, including McDonald's, is to be discussed next in this report. The proposed changes to the original shared parking allocation to accommodate McDonald's are minor in scope and the original methodology remains unchanged. Although the applicant is proposing to decrease the number of parking spaces from 20 to 13 on the leased outparcel, three (3) parking spaces are proposed to be added to the leased outparcel within plat no. 2 at the northwest corner of Congress Avenue and the main shopping center entrance. This brings the total number of parking spaces provided for plat no. 2 to 684 on-site parking spaces vs. 724 spaces required by code (144,620 sq. ft. . 200 = 724). The remaining 40 parking spaces required by code would be parking spaces shared from the hotel site within plat no. 1. The peak hour of parking demand for all four uses combined (office, retail, hotel and restaurant) is 1:00 p.m. weekdays. At this peak hour, assuming the worst case scenario (peak season) and utilizing conservative estimates, the hotel will only require 211 of 438 parking spaces provided, leaving a statistical surplus of 227 spaces to be shared by the office and retail developments. The retail development as previously mentioned requires 40 of the hotel's surplus spaces to meet code while the office building requires 110 of the hotel's surplus spaces to meet code, leaving the remaining 77 surplus spaces to be allocated toward the calculation of the required 10% buffer as follows: 77 684 + 40 x 100% = 10.6% Therefore, given the worst case scenario of total parking accumulation (weekdays at 1:00 p.m.), the shared parking allocation for the Catalina Centre would still allow for a statistical surplus of at least 78 parking spaces. Incidentally, the 10.6% buffer is a change from 10.1% which was the retail buffer provided with the previous approval of Marie Callender's, prior to the McDonald's conditional use request. On Tuesday, June 7, 1988, the Technical Review Board met, at -4- which time they recommended approval of the shared parking allocation. It was the consensus of the Technical Review Board that the proposed shared parking allocation was prepared and documented in accordance with code requirements and that sufficient opportunity exists for shared parking to occur on-site, given the mix of uses in the Catalina Centre development. 3. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the items in subsection D.1 and D.2 above. A dumpster is proposed to be located near the southeast corner of the building. The Public Works Director has indicated that this would be a serviceable location for the dumpster. However, concerns were raised by the Technical Review Board regarding whether this location is suitable, since the dumpster opening is directed toward the shopping center leaving trash visible to the shopping center patrons, but screened from McDonalds' patrons. The Public Works Department also expressed a serious concern with the liability of locating dumpsters in areas where sidewalks are not provided and pedestrians must cross within parking lots where vehicles must back out. There has been a concern in the past (e.g.-Marie Callender's) with dumpsters proposed to be located on a Congress Avenue frontage. In an attempt to address this concern the applicant is proposing to construct an 8' CBS wall on three sides of the dumpster (the code requires a 6' high CBS wall) to minimize visibility of the trash corral from Congress Avenue. With regard to fire service, the location of the kitchen on the east side of the building, adjacent to the drive- through lanes and removed from a parking area where an emergency vehicle could pull up and park, makes responding to a fire in the kitchen, where fires occur most often, impossible without shutting the operation down and evacuating customers. (See Fire Department memo for details.) 4. Utilities, with reference to locations, availability, and compatibility. The site is served with water and sewer lines which are adequate to serve the proposed use. As outlined in the Utilities Department memo, it is questionable whether a restaurant is appropriate at this location due to a sewer force main that exists along the front of the proposed building, which during its normal operation releases unpleasant odors. 5. Screening, buffering, and landscaping with reference to type, dimensions and character. The proposed landscaping and buffering for the shopping center meets or exceeds the requirements of the landscape and zoning regulations respectively. 6. Signs and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effect, and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. A freestanding sign was approved for the original shopping center for the use of all project tenants, which is the maximum allowed under the current sign regulations. As outlined in the comments from the Building Department, additional building signage is to be permitted separately through the Building Department. With reference to the Planning Department memo, the proposed signs are potentially in conflict with the proposed sign code. The applicant should also note that the existing sign code does not allow two (2) drive-through menu board signs. -5- This may affect the applicant's request for two (2) drive-through windows on the east (Congress Avenue) side of the building. The parking lot lighting in the vicinity of this outparcel was not previous~ approved as a part of the original site plan for the Catalina Centre shopping center. The existing lighting is high pressure sodium and the proposed lighting for the outparcel is metal halide. Although both are recognized by the City's Comprehensive Plan as being energy efficient sources of illumination, high pressure sodium emits an orange hue of light whereas the metal halide emits a bright, white light. It is felt that the type of lighting proposed for the McDonald's outparcel should be compatible with the existing lighting scheme. 7. Required setbacks and other open spaces. As outlined in the Building Department memo, there is a slight encroachment of the building overhang into the front setback. In all other cases, the proposed building setbacks exceed the requirements of the C-3 zoning regulations. 8. General compatibility with adjacent properties, and other properties in the zoning district. The proposed use of the outparcel would be compatible with other uses in the shopping center and other properties in the vicinity. At this time, it is not certain whether the proposed drive-through restaurant will result in the creation of any adverse impacts to the nearest residentially zoned property in the vicinity, the undeveloped portion of the Congress Lakes PUD, lying directly north and west of the Catalina Centre. Noise associated with drive-through speakers, and cooking odors will generated by the proposed drive-through facility. Therefore, at this time, it cannot be concluded whether the proposed drive-through restaurant is generally compatible with adjacent properties, as the property to the north is currently undeveloped. 9. Height of buildings and structures, with reference to compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties, and the City as a whole. The proposed building is a one-story structure which is compatible with surrounding land uses. 10. Economic effects on adjacent properties and the City as a whole. 'It is not anticipated that the proposed drive-through facility would have an adverse impact on property values in the vicinity, or would impair the developability of these properties. Comprehensive Plan Policies: The following Comprehensive Plan policies are relevant to this Conditional Use application: "Provide a suitable living environment in all neighborhoods." (p.7) "Provide a range of land use types to accomodate a full range of services and activities." (p.7) "Eliminate existing and potential land use conflicts." (p.7) "Encourage the development of complementary land uses." (p.7) "Encourage the development of commercial land uses where accessibility is the greatest and where impacts to residential uses are minimized." (p.7) -6- Conclusions/Recommendations: The Planning Department recommends that this Conditional Use application be denied as submitted due primarily to the problems with ingress and egress, fire service, lack of a reserved parking area adjacent to the drive-through window, several code violations related to building and parking layout as previously discussed in this report, and the City Commission's desire not to locate drive-through facilities in a manner whereby they are highly visible from a public thoroughfare. This policy has been upheld by the Commission with approval of the Arby's drive-through at Oakwood Square on Congress Avenue and the McDonald's drive-through on South Federal Highway. In addition, concerns have been raised by the Community Appearance Board and City Commission with respect to the architecture and aesthetics of buildings designed with their rear facade facing a public thoroughfare. (This issue was raised with the Marie Callender's Restaurant approval at Catalina Centre Plat No.1.) McDonald's is also proposing a similar situation with the front of their building proposed on the north side. It should be noted however, that the proposed use of the leased outparcel at the Catalina Centre shopping center would be compatible with the surrounding area and would be consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies. If it is the desire of the City Commission to approve this conditional use request, the Planning Department recommends that the traffic circulation be redesigned and reviewed by the Technical Review Board and that the drive-through windows be relocated. It is also recommended that any approval be subject to the attached staff comments. ~ ~. /J..-..~-LI f~ CARMEN S. ~~;ATO CSA:ro (\ .,-..1 M E M 0 RAN DUM May 23, 1988 " ... ..- TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: TRANSMITTAL OF REVISED DOCUMENTS- MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION FOR A DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITY AT CATALINA CENTRE PLAT NO. 2 . Accompanying this memo are the three (3) following documents: 1. Revised title certification: This document supersedes the one you have in your file for the above-mentioned request. 2. Revised parking data page of the conditional use application: Please replace the appropriate page of the conditional use application that you have in your file with this revised sheet. 3. Modified overall site plan of Catalina Centre Plat No.2: This site plan supersedes the overall site plan that you have in your file that is stapled to the set of blue- print drawings. TJH:ro Attachments McDonald's Restaurant 1799 N. Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, Fl S T A F F COM MEN T S Re: 4/25/88 Submittal To City Don Jaeger, Building Department comments: 1. The proposed structure does not encroach into the front setback. 2. The Boynton Beach sign ordinance will be followed. 3. The handicap striping has been drawn on the plans. 4. The community appearance board should note that the trash corral area has: - 8' high, architecturally designed walks - Solid, decorative front doors facing north for easy access - A pedestrian entrance separate from the gate entrance, so that the main doors remain closed until pickup - Substantial landscaping on Congress Avenue - 44' street setback W.D. Cavanaugh, Fire Department comments: 1. The building will have access through the drive-thru lane, varying from 12' to 18' in width. The building has automatic Ansul fire protection systems in the kitchen per NFPA codes. The building ;s less than 5000 square feet, and the building does not require fire sprinklers. Based on our meeting, the building will not receive the additional fire sprinklers in the non-kitchen areas. John Guidry, Director of Utilities comments: 1. The overhang at the drive-thru windows does not extend into the utility easements. 2. Maintenance activities in the utility easement are understood to affect drive-thru operations. 3. The sewage air release valves are to be relocated per the plan Lt. Dale S. Hammack, Police Department comments: 1. The drive-thru configuration has been improved with the re-design and right turn only lane. Robert Eichorst, Acting Director Of Public Works comments: 1. The trash corral/dumpster area allows maximum freedom to make trash pickup, is 8' high to conceal all interior items, is land- scaped, and has a separate pedestrian access to avoid having the main doors open. Page 2 Boynton Beach, Staff Comments 4/25/88 Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director's comments: 1. The drive-thru aisle has been increased to 121. 2. The parking stalls are 91 X 18' with a 2' curb which takes the place of the bumper stop. 3. The shared parking study reflects the inclusion of the McDonald's leased parcel. 4. Only one sign identifying the entrance to the drive-thru will be erected. This sign is shown on the site plan. 5. The proposed signage, revised since the first submittal complies with the proposed sign ordinance. 6. Same comment as #5. 7. The revised shopping center plan will correspond with the revised parking study. Keven Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist 1. The sod is St. Augustine 2. The irrigation system for the R.O.W. is currently installed per the original construction. 3. The on site lake water will be used for irrigation with the shopping center permission.