REVIEW COMMENTS foA poN 2.. faFZ J. ~~l-J)Ct, v fW l. yo [,;rc r: S. ~ L Dr:; , t. )ftcoB5 OFPr[E 8u~~Dr>>~ Ii .i .i ., i ;1 I l. 'I TREe PResfl< VA-TroN L ~EV+/V) i j ; WkLC . {, B . .5. I T (J /3 r:: {O Ai.s T. 2 ( r t- ClJi f (C 0 P /3 R / I {:r Ai E t . IRov:r;>E w>1-U pL3rJrlf--. SjfowoNj)Fi/EL.,ftA-1, ! g I f3 fA F F f.!<. ( ffF f>ti.f j L -[ Zo),j :rillC- C J ~v rJv ) l I }lTI/J/iu..Jt oPE);;;);' poJ( {)/J.ftf5rE~ EJvaosiA/(E i/l ~5 r [J is [0 I) S L..AB Jt "> r /5~ Jfr);. [0 If. (0 f ~ ,. ~ I A. f<. f?,o [;v' srf<J f J}/k (, oc;tI :ro)/S ):AI/r-I'!'!2 () f f! T kit:- 8 ~ r Ii fp 0 v:rD E (0 F 'I or (t<-oss A-ass JrIiR-f3'f91 [:1/ T reI< (1[,/1;0 !<r{f-I~R]v P+I<c!5[ Cf},jb sP- SEtA-I: JrT/f DwA;~~J tt.ff c? < k. 7, \ T *[, ~ To f [; n ), jJ 0 L{ r w ~ 5 r w},-- ~ D E 'l-T I~ A/.s~o Jv {} t'- I Vv /i-rlE K (, FA; f fret 0 ss {) L. 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C L- fA D E A- s ;r j) J3 W )r-[ fc ) If. fj(ovrfJE ropy OF C.~o55 "taEs5 jf'h5p/'fEAir f;Jrrtt- )lfJp.r/f-;:;<N J>;1-~LEL. fl. :rN j) TcA-Te- S)3rBJr[/c-S F!<oJ1 If<of ~!<JY {:(Ai (;--5 JrJlD D:r5/ir)J{J~- Br;;Tw!5~N .5rR-ucr-ul<i~5 &.AI SFff . ?LJr.}j __..__.__~.'..._m ____..__.__...____ n__.'__..,..____._...____~ MEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATE April la, 1987 FILl: I'1I0M Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist 5U.JI:CT Jacobs Office Building site Plan .4 1. There are numerous trees on this site which are slated for removal. The developer should submit a Tree Management Plan stating: 1) how many trees exist and the species, 2) the total number removed, transplanted and/or preserVed, 3) the reasons why trees cannot be preserved or transplanted, 4) the total number of trees newly planted on the site should equal or exceed the existing number of trees, 5) this information should coincide with the submitted tree survey. 2. The developer is required to place a hedge that will attain 6' in height along the western property line (nQkth of wall termination). ~i~ ~n~L KJH:ad RECEIVED APR 9 1987 PLANNiNG DEPT. MEMORANDUM To: Carl'len Annunz iato, Planning Director y!J fl John A. Guidry, Director of Utili ties~,ptt(- Frol'l: Date: Apr 11 8, 1 987 Subject: TRB Review - Dr. Jacob's Office Building ~e can approve this project subject to the following conditions: 1. Add a gate valve at the hydrant, and relocate the terl'linal gate to a point Z pipe lengths before the plug. Z. Add a note that the lift station and force l'Iain are to be privately owned and l'Iaintained. ~e recol'll'lend a larger dial'leter force l'Iain. 3. Indicate all proposed utilities easel'lents. 4. City water is not to be used for irrigation. dl'lt MEMORANDUM 8 April 1987 TO: Chairman and Member Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: Jacobs Office Building - Staff Comments Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request for site plan approval. 1. The type of lighting on sheet E-2 (metal halide) contradicts the type of lighting indicated on the typical pole detail (high pressure sodium). 2. Location of driveway to the orchard which lies to the north as shown on the landscape plan, contradicts the driveway location shown on the site plan. 3. Parking lot layout and design for lighting plan on sheet E-2 contracts site plan. c:.A.-. ~_}l ~ CARMEN S. AN NZIATO /bks . . MEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATE RECEIVEP April 7, 1987 ~ S. 19'ifl FILE FROM Don Jaeger Chief Inspector SUBJECT Si te Plan ~Vlctil. t,Jl.:.r' i. Jacobs Office Building As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. Dimension the site plan with all applicable dimensions including dimensions of the property lines, building setback dimensions, building dimensions and distance between buildings. Accurately locate the structure on the lot. 2. All buildings must be accessible to the handicapped. Indicate the location and details of all ramps from the parking areas to the buildings. Handicapped parking stalls should be located adjacent to main building entrances and must be marked with signage consistent with D.O.T. requirements. 3. The sidewalk along Boynton Beach Blvd. should extend through the turn out and be ramped for handicapped accessibility. 4. Site lighting must be designed in accordance with Section 1205, Standard Building Code, for a fastest mile of wind of 120 m.p.h. 5. Dumpster and buffer wall columns and tie beams must be reinforced and designed in accordance with Code. 6. The face of the buffer wall must be set back a minimum of two feet from the property line. For the perimeter of the property which is zoned C-l, a visible barrier must be maintained by a dense, six foot hedge or else a buffer wall must be constructed. 7. Curbing is required around all landscaped areas adjacent to parking stalls. 8. Parking stalls must be double striped in accordance with City Codes. 9. A 30 foot building setback must be maintained from the property line and roof overhangs are not allowed to protrude into this setback. 10. The submitted landscape plan conflicts with the submitted site plan. These details should be addressed prior to submittal to the Community Appearance Board. 11. The location and elevation of site signage should be shown on the plans. The following information is for the applicant's information. In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following documents should be submitted in duplicate to the Building Department for review at the time permits are applied for: 1. Documentation legally altering the ingress and egress easement presently existing on the property. Memo to Carmen Annunziato RE: Site Plan Approval: Jacobs Office Building April 7, 1987 Page Two 2. Complete sets of construction documents and plans, signed and sealed by the relevant design professionals licensed in the State of Florida. 3. Soil borings with soil engineer's recommendations and energy forms in compliance with State Energy Codes. 4. Permits from the State and County D.O.T. for proposed work in their respective rights-of-way. NOTE: Separate permits are required for demolition, paving and drainage. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. Don Jaeger ik Jcu.r--- DJ:bh XC: E. E. Howell MEMORANDUM P...(; ~.r-" ~~~-, .:-~. .,. -~"""''''''-'' TO Mr. J. Golden Planning Dept. DATI[ April 7, 1987 ;~PR " I!:" "ILC FROM Lt. Dale S. Hammack Police Department 5U.J.CT Dr. Jacob I s Offi ce Suil dillg --- Reference our discussion at the T.R.B. meeting of 7 April 1987, I am recommending the following: 1. The painted 2 way directional arrows be placed on the pavement at the entrance/exit onto West Boynton Beach Blvd. DH: as M E M 0 RAN DUM April 6, 1987 r -~"."",'~"~"'..... o;,--.,....,Dl ~:i~, \," '/~._ L" \/'.~ ;-~ TO: Mr. Jim Golden Planning Department - ~) ..j (. n~'7 FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Site Plan for Dr. Jacobs Office Building Comments: 1. Double striping required for parking spaces. 2. Handicapped spaces to be shown on plans with details shown on detail sheets. 3. Raised curbs are required adjacent to landscaped areas at parking spaces. 4. Traffic control devices and pavement marking is to conform with the MUTCD. 5. Lighting with minimum average intensity of 1 ft. candle shall be provided. Location and details are required. Separate letter size detail should be on working drawings. 6. Sidewalk should extend thru the turnout onto u.S. #1. See D.O.T. standards for this construction. 7. Handicapped ramps should be indicated and detailed. 8. Sidewalks in public R.O.W. are not to include wire mesh. 9. Information is required where interior sidewalks meet building. 10. A memo from Bill Flushing dated April 2, 1987 is included here. ~~~ Tom Clark ~ TAC/ck Attach. TO: FROM: RE: 1"::1__ ~ ~ t=..: ~__ t-1 Q R ....... . --...-.... A ~ 1':1._ J::::>___ _ LJ ~ _ t:1 fipril 2, 1987 \Thursday) Tom Clark Bill Flushing Dr. Jacobs Office Building 1. A means should be provided to prevent erosion from the inflow to CB #1 (see section "D"- "D"j. Details-should be provided. 2. Drainage calculations are required. 3. A cross-section should the catch basin grate than the bottom of the be added showing that elevations are higher dry detention areas. 4. A lighting plan IS required. l:' ...I. Curbing adjacent is required around to parking areas. planting areas Bill Flushing 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH M E M 0 RAN DUM Harch 5, 1987 Rr-rrr~lJ71' - , ~:-"JL)j TO: Mr. Jim Golden Planning Department ~~1AP ~ 198'/ FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer PLA\fj\ r .j 4 ~. "'.."i l)....:..~ . RE: Dr. Jacob's Office Building Comments:- 1. Grate referred to as V.C. should be clarified. Grate should be bicycle proof. 2. Pavement markings for traffic control should be shown according to the MUTCD manual. 3. A memo from Bill Flushing dated March 2, 1987 is included herewith. 7~ -dZt Tom Clark TAC/ck Attach. MEMORANDUM To: Car~en Annunziato, Planning Director ~\\~ Utilities~ Frol'l: John A. Guidry, Director of Date: March 5, 1987 Subject: TRB Review - Dr. Jacobs Office Building We cannot approve this project due to the extensive al'lount of re-design that I'lust be undertaken. Re-design is necessary to accol'l~odate this departMent's standard criteria, as well as the governing state and local codes. The scope of the re-design should include the following: 1. Relocation of the water Main. Z. Relocation of the fire hydrant toward the center of the property. 3. Changes in the pUMping station and discharge piping. Relocation of the discharge to a gravity sewer. 4. Installation of a new water service. S. Obtaining of easeMents, as necessary, to aCCOMModate all relo- cations. 6. Construction of all utilities that are to be owned by the City, to our standard criteria. Ue suggest the project engineers Meet with our staff to discuss these changes and possible cost-effective alternatives. dMt MEMORANDUM TO Jim Golden D"T~ March 2, 1987 Bldg. Dept. "IL. "..OM Lt. Dale S. Hammack SU....CT Jacobs Office Bldg. Po 1 ice Dept. As per our discussion at the T.R.B. meeting on 3 March 1987, I am recommending the foll owi ng: 1. Need traffic flow plan. 2. Traffic signage and markings for one-way flow. 3. Parking lot lights to be photo cell activated. 4. Details of parking lot lighting fixtures. :l!UN -L- Lt. Dale S. Hammack DH:as M ~.__.~_____t:1_~_P___B__B_____~_____Q___'='__.__!"'1 March 2, 1987 (Monday) TO: Tom Clark FROM: Bill Flushing RE: Dr. Jacobs Office Building 1. Information is required on drainage pipe connecting catch basins #1 & #2. Is this an exfiltration trench ? ( It appears as a new exfiltration detail was added to the detail sheet.) 2. Drainage calculations are required. 3. A cross-section the catch basin ft. should be added showing that grate elevations are set to 21 4. A lighting plan is required. Bill Flushing 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH