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REVIEW COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-233 TO: Mike Rumpf Senior Planner ~~JfIM~~ Hukill, l)A\1VJt!ngineer July 12, 1995 CEDAR RIDGE PUD - PROPOSED CROSS ACCESS AGREEMENT P.E. FROM: DATE: RE: Presumably you have sent a copy of subject agreement to City Attorney Cherof for review and approval, as the Department of Development cannot provide that service. We have scanned the document, however, and have the following comments: 1. Exhibits A,B,C & D are missing. 2. The agreement is silent as to access to Parcel B by Cedar Ridge Community Association, Inc, which has, by plat, perpetual maintenance responsibility for Parcel B. 3. The agreement is silent as to Parcel C, thus perhaps causing a drainage problem for the school.. 4. Reference is made to the single family homes as a secure, private community. Since I believe the streets are public, I am not sure a secure (read "gated") community can be attained. One final thought, please. agreement? Isn't access t available to the school, . we involved with this Road a public street, already .t t sufficient access? ~/1...t1(~h n ...... ,.J' If~~~ ~~~ 1t?~ ~~~? PLANNING ANO ZONING OEPT. WVH/ck C:CEDARRDG.AGR xc: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Jim Cherof, City Attorney << ~fv DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-233 TO: Mike Rumpf Senior Planner ~~J(pA~~ Hukill, l5ft\tVJt!ngineer July 12, 1995 P.E. FROM: DATE: RE: CEDAR RIDGE PUD - PROPOSED CROSS ACCESS AGREEMENT Presumably you have sent a copy of subject agreement to City Attorney Cherof for review and approval, as the Department of Development cannot provide that service. We have scanned the document, however, and have the following comments: 1. Exhibits A,B,C & D are missing. 2. The agreement is silent as to access to Parcel B by Cedar Ridge Community Association, Inc, which has, by plat, perpetual maintenance responsibility for Parcel B. 3. The agreement is silent as to Parcel C, thus perhaps causing a drainage problem for the school. 4. Reference is made to the single family homes as a secure, private community. Since I believe the streets are public, I am not sure a secure (read "gated") community can be attained. One final thought, please. Why are we involved with this agreement? Isn't access to Forest Road, a public street, already available to the school, and isn't that sufficient access? WVH/ck C:CEDARRDG.AGR xc: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Jim Cherof, City Attorney ~~~renW~fi1\ n 15 ~. --. LS-. :;'-'';;--'.. \ 111\ : i .\ \J UH n i 3 \995 \ t:.J ~ PLANNING ANO ZONING OE.PT. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-341 TO: Bill Hukill, Director of Development FROM: Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner fYle. DATE: July 11, 1995 SUBJECT: DRAFT ACCESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL AND CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Attached please find the above-referenced document submitted as a condition of the Lake Worth Christian School land use amendment/ rezoning request. Please review and forward any comments on this document to this office prior to July 18th, at which time the City Commission will consider the amendment and rezoning request on Second Reading. An additional condition of the rezoning request is an agreement between the same two parties to enable use of the drainage area within the PUD by the School. Once received, this document will also be forwarded to you for review. If you have any questions please let me know. Attachments LWCSAADE.MEM PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-340 TO: John Guidry, Director of utilities Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner ;n~ FROM: DATE: July 11, 1995 SUBJECT: DRAFT ACCESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL AND CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Attached please find the above-referenced document submitted as a condition of the Lake Worth Christian School land use amendment/ rezoning request. Please review and forward any comments on this document to this office prior to July 18th, at which time the city Commission will consider the amendment and rezoning request on second Reading. An additional condition of the rezoning request is an agreement between the same two parties to enable use of the drainage area within the PUD by the School. Once received, this document will also be forwarded to you for review. If you have any questions please let me know. Attachments LWCSAAUT.MEM ~r . J ~e . L i \)..,( J \" t:f.;,/f V- ~c.-_ . (\4--"- " rf 1.:I}CJo l!-P~ 11- til ~ ...._..__.__.__~__n.?~D ....~ -/3- rS La.. Kc cJ 0('-11, C /,.r~-s ft..:'Q...tA. Sc-ho:::Jl. -....-.. -(j/' I'r. ~J'~o. O-~ o-zf2~ .--f> .r~c-~ - f4- vc... <ev (" c:..~ -fJ< ~,.. -fc no- nc c. - ,&v< ~ ~<~fr~~e~-f~_.iJn-;"<^~ C~rI'Y\L"" &5~'-& ~ -~~~/)dJ)5- ..- /25).~~Jl .5-ftefZ .- /?'?--h~ .~'..______..n.u___._ G ;)C kc- ~ v b J ~.s-t ,~ <:::~~~,,:-1s. 1-0 .sc ~ on J:2-.._ ~ 1'- f A ~ c~ v?7~ f .- .~--.. -..--. It.! 'd C cf"Y"\. 1"--- 41'-...15_. .____~ 0c.JdJ ~'^- - /ho-f7C-L- _ . _.. n.._.... V ,-'Sc h'i" -S~cdV'--cO---.- 7-0 (~~O'f. ..:s. ~y~~" (. WV,..;y 'Rf,.. t,'c 'l v...." ~ j "'0 o~ ~~/i~ G1-0~ i.A- - >'Vt~ -r;;,v-.. 13el.~( '( - Sc- c ~~ {; .- ( By: r'I.s 'f?"" ecQ.s ~",f, J _.._.....,..._..~,........"""""'.......""._..,.,...,..,"'..,..,i';o_'.'!"~o.'...;:.,._""....~'" jJe...;s ~ AD- B g"~ -= l ~~ Cy 'St-~1f +:\N1e ,,\. :.>=---> J. ~ ~ Ke -,,-.Q~<- 02.5: ...<..> c..9ue 6.6.95 ~ <{ (c~ Tambri- RE: RE-ADVERTISEMENT OF L.W.C. SCHOOL: JIM HAS ADVISED THAT ALTHOUGH THERE IS NO ESTABLISHED GUIDELINE/LAW, WE SHOULD JUST USE cmmCN SENSE OR LOGIC IN REALIZING \~EN THE PlffiLIC SHOULD BE NOTIFIED AGAIN. HE INDICATED THAT TO BE SAFF.. WE SHOULD RE-ADVERTISE~EwsPAPER NOT ~\IL~)FOR THE SECOND POSTPONEfofENT. HE CONCLUDED BY SAYING SPEND MORE AND SLEEP BETTER AT NIGHT. ,., gp.cb1lCll~ 0,-4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,,-4,,-4 wOU o ~ ~ '"0 N+>O--CD ~NO~ '"0 .,-4 - c.o +> ~ ~......----- cj~at>~ ~ ~ b1l'~ ci .,-4 ~ ~ Cll 0 ~ 0'$',-4 ~'@ ~ ~ a',-4 ~ .$ 0.. cj -:5 CD 0.. cj ~ .,-4 x CD CD 0.. ~ CD -:5~~as ~ CD +> '@ w ~ '"0 ~.,-4 Cll .,-4 0 C,) +> ~ Cll CD Cll o ~..-t '"0 CD .,-4 0 ro ... ~ t) C,) Q.) '" 0" cj~ 8:~ ~ ~~cj'"O+> .....~CD~~ H Cll ~ CD cj ~~+>~C,) ~ 0 ~ .,-4 o .,-4 ~ ca ~ Cll~O~~ ~ .,-4 b1l Cll ta' ~g~]CD 50~d~ ~ C,) CD ~ _____ ~~ a ~ ~ ~ +> .,-4 Q.) "t u ~ o~ ~ .,-4 Q.) 0 C,) ~ ~~CllQ.) +>~ ~'"O bO ~ . ro Cll ..... '~ '"0 '"0 ;;, .~ ...... ~ ~ ~ +> ro'- ... ,,-4 .,-4 0 0 w....... ~..o~..815 ~^d-r~~~ };flf~ fr~J --Jh1. ~ ~;;f ----~---- /~ Ju (yif\~' f11/lvL~ , r. V I - ~ I .. --!~ IJtu tP-~ f~ 00 ""'" ;jJ- -: ([)JI~ I \ l' . . M ~,if~ Iv~ ~~ ~ rJftw I o Z (: 51~ - ..~- rUz~ Lw C " / +fl'c- ~ _ (' ~- /~ -;4 CJ-- W31- ( ~ ~ frr~ I~ 4:ffFft ~ ~ ~/JJ- ~~fvP ~friI~~- b . ~{l}- _ ~!.I'~. I ?r )~ ~ ^'~~ -'7 fi~- ks;;.f5 C~I"-<:.r-~ -'~~?- (c-~~ \c.-{~"",,+i~ 6-. (<7"J.... ) (J~-F' e~~~c -r-~ ~~ ~~ <f ;rf 5/-r - / ~ /J v~ h,,^ or L"':"'" lo..c ~ '7"'-v-- ~ f ...r",_ ~..~ ~f~ .z(.e .:)~v--\:s /!7' c (~e.. r'cK~."^-? {y --k ( lr'<<- ~ -X/' (~ c;. ~ {is. ~/( :~'"-i <'"~'....... c ---.... --{.c-., ..-( -~ 5....J.""' ~ "-r ~.~ ~ 'f<:: ~ """ ~ '^ -t..s ~ J2 t;Q.. \ n..~ ~'S~<-.....:. .. c:::l;..",(2 dt.~~.s lj ;.' f 1 ',I BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Office of Professional Standards -., ~ To: Tambri Heyden / Dir7g~r ./ TRC Memo # 95-0133 )~ &5~( - O..u~ .f- I k, f" /u: kc K ~ -r y7~....> * 'niS1 ~ ~f32-(,r2r .533 -S/~ If .~c-tyC~,,'c,.;~-+t-~~ 7-/u~ ~) -rRc 1'1ee. ..fij ~(...(!- rs- Pl ~ (: '/VI in <:>-\ y /e ~ K.. (j.... -f t C1.. Kc. G...-1 or ~ c h r)"5 '-A' ~ '5 ',_)./?0 C./( ~ Cc.r-n c.c i +v <:>-- ( ("(0--5 -f-e..r r (CA.,^- '" (VI/."':>?'" in] =- /(~ ~~ +- L h Y1 (~r f(.s) !'~ ( (3/fJ) ;,(<r 7 r=,rc ~ ~~J. ?(:r e~_ Sc- ho,o ( rf~n~~m~^ -r of 43 kf? c<::-/(~-- So-c- ~ u..-z; fjc..~-A ~ 6 f) -f i f/~ Ac~ s s: -/.0 ,. -Sc..,.) L ~"'"' tk "..r.r..( f <;;::, 'C. ( ~ c- ~J- '" e.'[ "e,s, <.J ~ / ..1/70:: <"\11 $'(.s -fc- t"LT rnsur-n~~>f'..t cfl'-'If'r'fs~, ~'~~;<...~ S:- f c t 1'" - '1''- Co ~ ~ .-.: -fy- t f ~ c- i,.: r '- c."fu-~ v'.... f:.1 <!!- $c,. "t...... ( A C~ c-\ ~ ,..c~e.~s. ~.c...~ ~V'^-<.~ 'lle.v.f.::...C....S * ~(,,) -t-r...,<:~,> . . S0...u(bL -n't ~.e{:r ~ <:::"'<'~ ,,",~q.-\O Cv-fi-. ""..,......+y ~ o-<<:c.~s:S __~.5C'- f{...,.. L~ ~~io"t p.n-- <t,~ ~"" ~'..l n:'.,,-. ~..-"',,-. I~c'( (~Cc'-'-E':~.- (,q~ Lr;,,,,;r~..7" .~ d2(~l-<...r-..:~ (~c:.<<:ss) cr~ Ie:.. I~( 1f.,.r (!' (/Y\~ -< J"-'- r - 'c "^" = ~ . E ,..~~ . "*' ~~..(~c'-'< .~.:- <:.>.f ~.5~. . \..~. l;...oac c..;{ s -;: &~ -.:...f. ." .:-j\.<....~ Q 0..:.. ."'. ~ Uft{~fle . - --t'= ,.V\.~-l..:."'-'~ <':'-'--<:.~SS.""'l+r, ~ <::'JoA.~-r-"'f '1\-.e:~9-s .~ . J ~ A "".) s ~ c.l~7' -(~ l""~'"",-\,c..r-- 5~1..s' ,+-, {.,-,,>.&~ .~( '< c, +-. ( ., =~s 1::- c::......t.(<(~ c.. 1Cc:::o, or '"-. ~""c.. .,<c t~....,.... (".u..-(~ l,....~ C~ (. ~, 1<Sc....-~ () ~ . . I l\ i(t:.-.,; ---r-I"'- &:..-" "7 c) . CL ,,,-J.~ IC~ "f'O""~ f J- fv.:--~' r o:JL\,,,-,.............., =(."._\(V-..c::..,,--~ ~~<......,..~( '1 ., '-pc., c :...,-. ~ ~ ~~~~~f C_~'~'->-v~ 5,-~ ~~<-.\. .v<.~ ~~ , *- if ~ 5 ho..:; ~'Y"'- v'\.I'-C ~~ -''<" LA:"- U-n~ C~~ ~ ~C"~L-t.(f 1i"",s~ p--:--\ ~-s~~--~~ J2<-~v~-~ CTkC f {Vlc ~'"' t..~ , ;.\~ ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-134 DATE: April 28,1995 N;. T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. AIDE PHONE: 407-375-6283 CE-. SUBJECT: LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - CONCEPTUAL PLAN The following comments/recommendations are submitted for your review: 1. The plan shall be subject to S.F.W.M.D. approval and the adjacent H.O.A. (for their outfall into their lake. 2. Will rezoning be required to change the land use from residential to public? 3. Formal plans submitted shall be subject to the city's land development regulations and in particular, chapter 23, parking lots. ff:)f-..... t . (r1 ,...., n I'ry ie; ~-~ ! m.. ~ l"J. L~ !I \j t~~ :..'. n i 1 I ,i --,~~---,~", I wI.', i' . 'UU; .. j L~- ., pl. '.'.".'.""'.." . . ~~... 7;,;LOr'iJ'J~~'_," . jY.~ KRH/krh c: William Hukill and to file Iwchrist.cur titf\(A.)~ ."L RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 195-169 FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Foreste:;/Environmentalist t<~ tf Lake Worth Christian School Preliminary Review Site Plan Modification TO: RE: DATE: April 21, 1995 The applicant should indicate on the landscape plan any existing trees and what will occur with these trees as part of the project. The project should continue on the normal review process. KH : ad r:::::;::--- .~ , c \ (::\ :: \ i l\ \ _c. 1 \ ~~,~, ': '\ \ \ \ : Ij \;~~ ; "-:1 r=~i. ,.. 1,,; , ",I: L-"flE.'i~;.:::~ ; ~> (. L . it?,-> b__.' .,"<f_ MEMORANDUM TO: 1 A"., !.3 K',. Hfybt-,J I pLAI1nV1wG + -z.OIlJ/I\J(:, ~ . ..JCJHw WIL..h,v~ ,P1'f/l'ks S'-f{'r. I 'i-~'i-1J ~ i~~c 1oA.., FROM: ; i DATE: i i I.' RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - Amended Plans '-Art Wc:W111 ,C/ff- ''''~ T/ ~,...J ScHo7!. L Project: After reviewing the referenced project Department recommends the Planning and consideration. amended tJ plans for the above the u~(c.ATi?o~ + ~/f,(lk that the project be forwarded to Development Board for their .. This department will not be required to sign-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. - --.--------. C:AMEND1.ALD ~__-:-:_-;_.._u .) __ ~..-J~'___.'"".":"h' BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95 - 086 April 10, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRe COMMENTS LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PROPOSED SITE PLAN MODIFICATION &: ZONING REQUEST The Building Division supports the rezoning request and offers the following comments on the site plan: 1. Building elevations are needed. 2. Floor plan of one or more of the future buildings should have bathrooms per code. 3. Show proof that the Handicap Code and Table 600 of the Standard Building Code will be met. ~ AN:bh XC: William V. Hukill, P.E. SCHOOL PRuJl::C'l' 'l'+'l'LE l UESCRlf''l'ION: l. 'l'YPE: ' DA'l'E REC '10: I * * * * ~ * '1"H-J\CK1.NG LUG - ::H'J'I~ PLAN Ht:Vl.~W ::iUtlMl'l"l'AI. ~E WORTH Ch__~STIAN . f'lLE NU,: LUAR 95-002 ~ROPOSED SITE PLAN MODIFICATION tNEW SITE PLAN XXX MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICA'l'ION 3/31/95 AMOUNT: $0.00 RECEIPT NO.: N/A THIS IS A CURSORY TRC REVIEW * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: COLORED ELEVATIONS REC'D: XXXX No (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The Planning & Zoning Dept. will number each sheet of their set. The Planning Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THIS IS A CURSORY TRC REVIEW APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: DATE: ~ --BEN I ED DATE: DATE OF LET'fER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 2nd SUBMIT'l'AL ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: REVIEWER'S NAME: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THIS IS A CURSORY TRC REVIEW (Label TRC Departments on each set of plans) DATE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. DATE SENT: Lf/t /9'6-- RETURN DATE: 4/2'/95 MEMO NUMBER: TRC AGENDA 1st REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED MEMO # I DATE I "c" / / / / / 1../1,;;. i / -- / J / 7~..-c;/3~/ 5/( I 0/ PLANS ~ =fE- PlanninrT Building Engineer Engineer Forester PLANS }Jo ~~ 1~~ MEMO # I I '1}".- C)~E-. / 9s--/ ~t/-/ ., I , CJ.s-/b~ I DATE / "C" ~ / /({l"~ .!fl f 9f7 ..t2- l~ (,1ft! / ~ Util. P.w. Parks Fire Police TYPE OF VARIANCE(S) DATE OF MEETING: DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. & checklist sent out wI comments: NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLE'l'E SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC '0 : MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM 2nd REVIEW. DA'l'E SENT: MEMO #: RETURN DATE: 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL PLANS MEMO # I DATE I"R/D" PLANS MEMO # I DATE I"R/D" Util. I / Planning / / P.w. I I Building / / Parks / / Engineer / / Fire / / Engineer / / Police / / Forester / I LETTER TO APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT/SIGNS INS'l~LLED: SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD CC/CRA DATE APPROVAL LETTER SENT: A: 'rRACKING. Sf' ^'--'.s MEMORANDUM TO: 1 An,I3t<t" Hfybt-pJ I PLAIV,vIWb + "2.01tJ1i-ve:. :3'CJHw WI'L1..v~ ,P-4li'ks S4;or. I 'j-').y-crJ fJ i~~c 1o~ FROM: jJ - New Site Plan - Amended Plans W~1(A ~ If;:; ,,,) rl A,IJ .sGl4o~ L- DATE: RE: Site Plan Review Project: L-A ~t After reviewinq the referenced project Department recommends the Planninq and consideration. amended Of plans for the above the &1<f04tl~~ '<I- f"/f'<;k that the project be forwarded to Development Board for their .. This department will not be required to siqn-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. -.---r; r~\ j:~ ~.;:~~, C:AHEND1.ALD BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Office of Professional Standards To: From: Date: Re: Tambri Heyden / Dirr..~ Lt. James Cumming 28 April 1995 Lake Worth Christian School TRC Memo # 95-0133 I have reviewed the plans and find th~to be lacking in thought regarding the parking situation. I believe that the pool and ball field areas should have some type of direct parking access and not be reliant on the staff parking area. I feel this just encourages people to drive onto the grass and through play areas in an attempt to get to these recreation areas. ~;.':~--,"""""......-"..,...,.,.."",. ._~-._.~-" ."","...w-"._.", !t, "'i I? (;"\ ".'".~--'"~ f-~ Ir'Ij f;:t 11:"' i,'=-~ ~' ~l L!, t.l-) I _ \ ! , I, .".,_.",~~.;.. 'w' i (\ I ,q n, ~ -"" ~ ~1 ~ ~_ " flU ~I '! : ill i Ii ,'4 L~~.. .:/ PLJl/J:'t:,:,:;~r':.,., ....J '+-.."'1'1" J.,',.., '-~'-""\&",,,,~~:- . . "" t \ ~\us. ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-134 DATE: April 28,1995 TO: T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. AIDE PHONE: 407-375-6283 CE.-. SUBJECT: LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - CONCEPTUAL PLAN The following comments/recommendations are submitted for your review: 1. The plan shall be subject to S.F.W.M.D. approval and the adjacent H.O.A. (for their outfall into their lake. 2. Wi11 rezoning be required to change the land use from residential to public? 3. Formal plans submitted shall be subject to the city's land development regulations and in particular, chapter 23, parking lots. !.,.I~I.. fij].LDt.llr~.. ~ lJJ I ' i I .~ l '! f ~C;~~f-:'Ji";.~-~' ",. ~; ~ 7C::'.>!.j!~~; iY', ~ - ""''',--.-....'''.......,...'''.~.~.......~, ~,~."" KRH/krh c: William Hukill and to file Iwchrist.cur BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-086 April 10, 1995 1.'0 : Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRC COMMENTS LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PROPOSED SITE PLAN MODIFICATION & ZONING REQUEST The Building Division supports the rezoning request and offers the following comments on the site plan: 1. Building elevations are needed. 2. Floor plan of one or more of the future buildings should have bathrooms per code. 3. Show proof that the Handicap Code and Table 600 of the Standard Building Code will be met. ~ . ~ 1 N Wb~d AN:bh XC: William V. Hukill, P.E. :.. .) SCHOOL f L~ fA.):'S RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 195-169 FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist r<~ 11 Lake Worth Christian School Preliminary Review Site Plan Modification TO: RE: DATE: April 21, 1995 The applicant should indicate on the landscape plan any existing trees and what will occur with these trees as part of the project. The project should continue on the normal review process. KH:ad ., ',IT~.J~ f; ~, L t ~ rr=:-;;- '" p , \\ n) ~!:.". . t \ 1" \\JU i \ MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 95 - 101 DATE: March 20, 1995 v TO: Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner ~ FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director SUBJECT: Lake Worth Christian School Rezoning We recommend that the applicant have a fire flow test conducted by a certified person to determine adequacy of fire protection to the subject parcel. Under current residential usage, the fire flow requirement is only 500 gallons per minute (gpm). However, under institutional usage, the requirement is 1500 gpm. It is therefore imperative that the applicant determine the available fire flow at this time, for the change in usage will impose the much higher fire flow requirement on the property. Any upgrading of the water system that will be required to meet the higher standard must be performed at the owner's expense. In all other respects, the existing utilities are sufficient to meet the land use change that is proposed. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Skip Milor File t . ~~.::-.-. If"'""\. - rt'. " J I "'! I I lit! If"" t j ~,~ t iii' f r IlJi!! i! fbl i L--c: t I , ! ~~ DRAINAGE REPORT FOR LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOLr CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER, 1994 Prepared by: Michael B. Schorah and Associates, Inc. 1850 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 206 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 i\IICHAEL B. SCHORAH & ASSOCIATES, INC I. INTRODUCTION The Lake Worth Christian School is proposing to construct additional classroom buildings, an auditorium, and several ballflelds on the remainder of the existing school site and on a recently acquired residential site located in the City of Boynton Beach. The residential site will be Incorporated Into the school site and an approved drainage system will be provided for the entire site. II. EXISTING FACILITIES The school site presently utilizes an approved drainage system which provides the required on-site retention of the design storm. The proposed expansion of the school's facilities will be constructed on the undeveloped portion of the existing site. The drainage system which exists for the developed portion of the school site will remain In place and will continue to provide the drainage for this portion of the site. The residential site, as part of a South Florida Water Management District approved P.U.D., presently discharges into the master drainage system for the entire development. Therefore, the drainage from the anticipated developed lots has been accounted for in the design of the existing drainage system. The developed lots and roadway for this particular site would typically average 40% Impervious surfaces. III. PROPOSED FACILITIES The proposed drainage system will be designed to meet the requirements of the South Florida Water Management District and the City of Boynton Beach. The residential site will consist of nearly 1 00% pervious ballfields instead of 60% pervious lots. The difference in the impervious area accounted for in the drainage system and that to be constructed on this site will be credited to the proposed school site Improvements. (continued) MICHAEL B. SCHORAH & ASSUUA TES, INC Lake Worth Christian School December 30, 1994 Page 2 The drainage system for the proposed expansion will discharge into the master drainage system for the residential development. The proposed discharge will be designed not to exceed the anticipated runoff from the developed lots. The residential site will be included in the school site and excluded from the remainder of the development by providing perimeter grading in accordance with the South Florida Water Management District's rules which will prevent off-site overland flows for storm events up to and including the design storm. Detailed plans of the proposed site improvements will be submitted to the South Florida Water Management District and the City of Boynton Beach for their review and approval prior to construction. ~~ Martha H. Carter, P.E. J - J 0 . CJ~ Date