CORRESPONDENCE April 28. 1992 City of Boynton Beach Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 ATTN: Chris Cutro R E : R u i z T a k e - 0 u t II. est a 11 ri'1Tlt .Boynton Beach Dear Mr Cutro: , . As per our telephone conversation of Fridnv, April 24th, I a.m w r i tin g t his let t e r tor c que S L '" 11 e x tell s ton () n ~ h e sit e plan deadline on the abovp l'cferenced project. This re- quest is necessary .due to the fac1- that J had contracted Brown Paving to complete tills work, yet they have not be- gun to this dat~. Attached, please find copies of the proposal from Brown' Paving to me, as well as a deposit check issued by me for three th~usand dollars ($3,000.00). The check has been cashed and monies received. I have made numerous telephone calls to them to no avail. I have recently referred the matter to my attorney. Due to the fact that I have already paid for half of the job, I am, of course, in a financial bind. I would appreciate any help you are able to extend. in this matter, by way of an extension of time to get the: work completed. Should any further information be needed, please feel free to contact me. I await your response, and thank you for your time. Eslett Ruiz 7486 Coconut Drive Lake Worth, FL 33467 (407) 968-3859 ',.. fJ1ie City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'BetUli 'Boufevara /1. " P.O. 'Bo~310 !J ../1 \ pi . ~. Iff :~, .. 'Boynton 'BetUli, :Jforida 33425-0310 ~ (407) 738-7484 ~ :J:JlX: (407) 738.7459 'BuiUling 'Department, Site 'Devefopment 'Division, City 1-fa[[ Compk~ 'West 'Mling June 3, 1991 Mr. Grant 3333 N. Federal Highway Boca Raton, FL 33431 RE: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - RUIZ - 445 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY (PARKING LOT AND CBD LANDSCAPE) Dear Mr. Grant: The above referenced project requires review by the Community Appearance Board (CAB). A completed Community Appearance Board application form must be submitted to the site Development Division of the Building Department no later that June 5, 1991, for the Community Appearance Board review on June 13, 1991. The submittal for Community Appearance Board review shall include: i. completed application form (Form may be obtained by contacting the Site Development Division) ii. application fee ($50.00) iii. the location, color, material and letter style for all proposed signage (submit color samples) iv. plans depicting the landscaping required in Comment # 9 on staff Comment Memo # 91-217 v. building elevation specifying proposed colors (submit color samples) NOTE: See current project 'review schedule for Community Appearance Board submittal deadline and meeting dates. For further assistance, please contact the Site Development Division. YlmerUa's (jateway to tfie (juffttream JOHN A. GRANT, JR. CONSUL liNG ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 3333 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOCA RATON. FLORIDA 33431 HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES STORM DRAINAGE WATER SUPPLY LAND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES SUBDIVISIONS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS BEACH EROSION PHONE 395-3333 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYS MORTGAGE SURVEYS STRUCTURAL DESIGN SANITARY SEWERS MARINAS CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION BULKHEAD LINES Hay 23,1991 City of BOljnton Beech Department of Planning 1 00 East BOljnton Beech Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425- 0310 Attn: Ms Tambri Haljden Re: SUe Plan Approval AppHcmon and Landscape Ordi nance Appeal Project Name: Our Job Number: Proposed use: Ruiz Cateri ng & Takeout JG-1 00-681 0 Takeout restaurant Transmitted hereW'ith are the folloW'ing items for the above referenced project: 1 . Sixteen ( 1 6) copies of the Plans Package for the Site. If there are any Questions do not hesitate to contact Gary DaYia of this office 734- 3330. We trust this is satisfactory. WKGIGMD/gd Enclosure Vou~ very trullj. ~ JOHN A., . GR~A~ J~l 7. \' "'.~~~'" oj JPY/ -AJ- W. Keith G nt ytce- Prestdent Copies to: Ms. Ealette Ruiz Grayarc · ~~r\f~ ~\.'~10H9<< CALL TOLL F~EE: 1.800.243.5250 REPLY MESSAGE Fold At ( .) To Fit Grayarc Window Envalope' EW10P ........~. "0'" - REORDER ITEM' F289 r I FROM TO ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS c~~ Vincent A. Finiz~o, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering SUBJECT:____ Ru~.f~te!"i~ - Revised Site Plan ,"OLD. DATE: May 21, 1991 Attached for your review is a copy of the revised site plan for the above referenced project. Thank you. VAF/ck attachment RECEIVED MAY 21 PLAN N I NG DEPT. PLEASE REPLY TO a SIGNED ~A~' -AI .. REPLY DATE: SIGNED Item' F269 Grayare, P.O_ Box 2944, Hartlonl, CT 06104-2944 @ Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED DETACH THIS COPY-RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. ........ "" ,'.,.\:' dOl'l~ A. OHi\N'l', .11'::. (OH'UUlH(, INOlNUk$ ANI) LAND SU,,"c.yOU 3:133 N. FI:Otn...~ IIlCliW'" 111"',\ 14 ,,'1'''.''. 1...~"1Il11\ UlI.lUI HICOIIWA\.. AMD ".IIJOI:II liTO"'" U".,""'OE WAfE" '1I."~' LANtI O[VC~O"MIN'f lI'fUelltll 6VM>IVI6'0'" , "'C"Ootu~....,e eU""I'1C ..,1e,:" ..1'.,0"" "'lONE ... U" 'ONITI'UCTIQM ......,1\'" MOIITGAGL au..,tyl "fIIUCTU""~ tlE.'G'" ."NITII"'" illitE'" , "Io"IN"& (:ON.T"I.I~.1I0N '''I'C''VllION . II\,/~II"'II:"'O "".ea Fifes/MIlE TRIINSMlrr~l . V/lUce ;::; /l..I / Z /0 FAX NfJ. 'lf07- - FR OM . ~,e,Y <- 1)tf'TE/TIMI SJ7/'i1 ~ T,i-~...,;:;tLl '-b'l~QI9'1 ' ~tl19C e;. tt!!.ruJ; OUR fllK NO. liP '-j ,s...jJ 1 S , . NVA18{~ ()f 'tfOES ~o fottoW / :r: 1'1/f- De THe' . M(';~Q $ UIjST7IMT II?'~ <==h"AJ ,;:~~ '. 70 1""Ae o.trad...ol t>~ PLAAJ.. CLIew;- /-1,J 1!N''''I1~ rllG COM".'U~AJT-.s ',:2. ""ILL B8 ,?JCkeP u~ . .tfV/T.N' .~-~c eesT of 7.#e 7R.t!> COJ'otI'1~NfS. ~. IF, YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THE SPECIFIED NUMBER Of ~AGES TRANSMITTED, PLEASE CALL (9"~LY AT (407) 395-3333 .. TO 13 h-' -7 <l6Cf DRV~. 'SUBJECT .JOHN A. GRANT. .JR. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 3333 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOCA RATON. FLORIDA 33431 HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES STORM DRAINAGE WATER SUPPLY LAND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES SUBDIVISIONS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS BEACH EROSION PHONE 395.3333 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYS MORTGAGE SURVEYS STRUCTURAL DESIGN SANITARY SEWERS MARINAS CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION BULKHEAD LINES April 1 8, t 991 City of Boynton Beach Department of Pl~nni ng 100 East Boynton B~ch Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425- 0310 Attn: Ms Tambri Hayden Re: Site Plan Approval Application and Landscape Ordi nance Appeal Project Name: Our job Number: Proposed use: Ruiz Cateri ng Our job number JG- 1 00- 6810 Catering Business and t\v"o apartments Transmitted here'With are the follo'Wing items for the abo.....e referenced project: t _ Three (3) copies of Landscape Ordi Mnce Appeal Application. ? ---2_ Three (3) copies of Site Plan for landscape Ordi nance Appeal. 3_ Two (2) copies of the Site Plan Application. 4_ Ten (;0) copies of the Plans Package for the Site. 5 Ten ( 10) copies of the Traffic Impact Statement for the Site. 6. One ( 1 ) check payable to the City of Boynton Beach in the amount of $300. ($250 to cover site plan application and $50.00 to cwer variance) This is a project located in the central busi ness district of Boynton Beach. The buildi ng soo'Wn on the plans set is existing. The color scheme chosen for the buildi ng;s;n conformance 'With the Design Guideli nes for Boynton Be.ach Central Busi ness District. This site plan application proposed to grade pave and drat n the parki ng lot, add a dumpster enclosure and peri meter landscap; ng stri p. The property is onl y 50 foot \v"ide howe.....er. The parki ng lot ordi nance requi res that the mi ni mum 'Wall to 'Wall module width for 900 parki ng is 45 feet. The landscape ordi nance requi res that a 3 foot stri p be placed along the entire perimeter. Since t'Wo landscape strips are required, the minimum allo'Wable is 5 t feet, \v"hich exceeds the existi ng 50 foot 'Width. Because of this deficiency 'vie ask for a .....ariance to the landscape code to allo...... a 2 foot 1~ndsc8pe stri p on the south side. If there are ~ny questions do not hesitate Ul contact Gary Da.....is of this office 734- 3330. We trust this is satisfactory. JAG/GMD/gd Copy to: Ms. Eslette Rui:! Yours very trul y. J~H.N.;e.JNT.' JR., I.~C..~' , ~ /1 '/!!T John A. Grant III .....ice- President JOHN A. GRANT, JR. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 3333 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY B(X'A RATUN. Jo'U>HIOA 3343J HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES STORM DRAINAGE WATER SUPPLY LAND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES SUBDIVISIONS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS BEACH EROSION PHONE 395-3333 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYS MORTGAGE SURVEYS STRUCTURAL DESIGN SANITARY SEWERS MARINAS CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION BULKHEAD LINES April 11, 1990 Traffic 1 mpact Statement Rui, Catering .."3-100-- 6810 The 8bove referenced cateri ng e~tabli$hment , to be located at 445 North Federal High'w'ay, Boynton 8eac~l, is cur renti I,llJsi nQ onl y the t.w'o 6partments on the second floor. The proposed cateri ng establishment """'111 be aBed to prepare food for transport to other locations. As suchJ it Vlill have approximately the same traffic impact as a general office of the same size. The trip generation for a general office is approx1 mately 16 trips per 1000 sq ft. The catering busi ness will occupy 1800 sq ft. \'Vith t..../o apartments 'which a.....erage 7 tri ps per day. This lJields a total traffic impact of 43 tri ps per day. The traffle 1 mpaet of this cateri ng busi ness and upstai r$ apartments Vllll not exceed the five hundred trips per d81J Hlreshold. . ~~d ~:~ . I V,/} ~(Jl /~/- -~ . /;! :~.-r 17-.-- ~Lf.1 / /1 ./\,/ I -- John A. Grant, II i. Vice- Presidtr.t Registered Erlgi ner.r No. 22232 State of Florida Grayare. P.o..eox 2a44 , ~~~tO%~LT F~Elr:1~'2-43'5250 REPLY MESSAGE ~\k',8 fold At ( .) To Fll Grayarc Window Envalope' EW10P , REORDER ITEM' F289 r -, FROM TO ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS ce-o-rJ ~ Vincent A. Finiz~o, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering SUBJECT:..___Rui~_~~_~!"ing--=._~evised Site Plan ~OLD . DATE: May 21, 1991 Attached for your review is a copy of the revised site plan for the above referenced project. Thank you. VAF/ck attachment PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED ~A~' .. REPLY DATE: SIGNED Item' F269 Grayare, P.O. Box 2944, Hartford, CT 061~2944 @ Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED DETACH THIS COPY-RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. " --- _J_~ ~\iJ.~I..J.1 ., ....... ,. :'(?~'-"'."'..' -< ..1 '.' .'. ..." . '.......,. 'or _ _-'('... . '''. ...-1\'\ \ >- .........._,~/ I ~..>"!J ,',..:;.. b '--._:_~...- .. .'" ,t' dOl-US A. OJ..Lt-.NPr. .11.:.t. ~OHIUlUN{' ENOIHEE'. "'HI) LAHD SUIl\IC.VC)U 3131 N, F~I)~nI.L IIlCltiWA' ItIK'/\ .{,,',-uN. I...~"ll"^ 1I11~1I1 H'Go.I....U ANII ""I!)O!:. aTO"IO UK.,It...a~ W.'Ir./l 51J."~' L....lJ DC VC~O"Me.H'. .'1.10,1:' 6U_'~I.'Ct~5 . 'tOPO.........,f: eUIlY(v", .....0':' ."a.'ON 1'.,01011 ..."!II ~O~U"UCTlg.. ....""C'l'l 1oI0ItTGAI;Ji. AuIII,I:". .TIIIUCTUIIAL _IIGI'! 641'1\"'"' tlWIr.'" . . .."flrIH4ft c;ONST"U~.' ION s"I't"..'AIOH . IlVl-tOlel'D LIHlltfl Ft1CSIMllE TRIfNSMITTAl . V/lUce .5/1//8/0 FIlK Nb.'t07- 135t -7<16Cf - FR OM . G;;,ey JA9.VA.$. .. . D,f'TE/T'ME 5//7/'71' tQ, T~~...:::tL.L 's/::At}!/'1/ ' ~/9C,,-t~rl rJ) WI{ fllK NO. 'If) '-J 1S-JJ 1 S , . NIIA18l~ Of ,,,,ts ~O FOltoW / fnA-De THe .Mt'.7/C,{f SU6S77lA.JT1"'~. (::h"AJ~~~.. 10 7'),e otrad",cl 6~ PLAAJ., Ct./Dff /1() 1!N"H~ TII~ COMAo1eAJT'S :z .41ILL 88 plCIeB'"D u,o . .;iV/TA/ .:..~c ~T D F 7#e: 7' Re, Co.... 1'1 ~ Nr5, ~, . IF YOU DO NOT RtCEIVE THE SPECIFIED NUMBEK OY ~AGES TRANSMITTED, PLEASE CALL ('9"~~y AT (407) 395-3333 TO . SUBJECT \ --- .~ .;00. , -.. \ \."..-- . . i ,\t! \. It. , \ "t" , ~, \. ~,. -"I ~\" ---- \ ~v.... ---- 1\0 \ '{~~ i..- U'~. \\1{:\-\'f}(I'I '. . .._ _ ~. \\1 (;.Wl! ,\f ~ t~~~ff'" ~- . \ . . ...\... . ." . c:. llt- _ .N ~ ~ ~ ;. ~ . ...' =' V\ tft'S i ~.' Q ;' ;.\, ~ ~ - 1\. ;.t:- I.. "i -OJ ,.;. -. ~ , 0'< - t, ~ l ....a. ~ t:; ~ ... .~ ~ ~. :. .~." \\ . . ~ ....'.. ~.o ' t. " 'a it ' " .. c ( ~ 1- . ... -- -.- ~ ,,~-,-_.':' . - . ~'f'):;;;"";'- .'tj. ',i.L.Et.:l:E::Ui3iX:CHcEEG i.'~:'i:l: .. l.,c' I . ~_.,..._ ,.. . I J.... "L. Jl'~~ .Y . 'l[tt'.,."",,~~~t:['Ir.~2::r~ I \;liJ.....-rJ' "..r~~' . ~ -.. _I.............&.....~cc:_~t::t::. Jt ''''-.t~ ...."l... _, , ....;. :=-:_'t~"~:J7t:.::"~".-~. . 1~.IIU~1 ~.)... ---=---==--V:'l"~, 1-.. . .c_~ "'~_~., .' ,__ ..,- ~~ . .. . ~ ---- t . .' . -~~'... ..;..~/.a- ~.. Y of OYNTON BE.'-\CI-i Floridn 3Jd25-0Jl.0 (305) nn-JI,05 January 29, 1988 Sylvan B. Burdick, Esquire . 324 Datura Street P.O. Box 790 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Re: Esther Ruiz Dear Sy: I apologize for the delay in this letter, however I have been waiting for some type of an official written response from the City Manager with regard to the status of your client's ,property within the City of Boynton Beach. To date I still have not received a formal position from the City Manager t s office but I can provide you with what appears to be the si tuation based upon the facts that I have presently in my possession. I would like to footnote these comments with a disclaimer ~hat this analysis is only based upon the facts that I have which mayor may not be accurate. It is my understanding that Ms. Ruiz's property a C-3/CBD District. The property's last non-conforming. This use has been abandoned for a period, thus losing its non-conforming use status. is within use was six month Under the present zoning, no catering services are permitted on the property. It would appear that Ms. Ruiz may be able to use the property as a take-out lunch facility with catering as an ancillary use. As a result no seating requirement would be necessary for that type of business. The major problem with the facility is;the parking space requirement under our present Codes. I understand that Ms. Ruiz nm., has five parking spaces and that considering the square footage of the building she would require four more spaces . 'There are a number of ways for her to come into , _.. _...;1,. ~.;.... .If.. c. ( ( Sylvan B. Burdick, Esquire January 29, 1988 Page 2 compliance with these types of "restrictions: First of all, she can reduce the square footage of the building by tearing down the back. This. can possibly provide as much as four of the necessary spaces in addition to the five which already exist. In lieu of this, one approach might be to seek a variance from the parking lot regulations so that she can operate her take-out lunch business with only five spaces. The variance would be attempted under the various provisions of this City's Code. I have also been lead to believe that there have been some structural problems with the building. The City Manager indicated to me that there would be a requirement that ~ structural engineer certify that the building is structurally sound. Somewhere, someone indicated that Ms. Ruiz has intentions of turning the upstairs area into~r~sidential usesL-) ei ther by rental or otherwise. Thus, an architect would be required to assure that there are proper structural separa~inns pf .residential and conunercial uses according to this City's Code. - - -- - - ....... I hope this letter has somewhat clarified what appears to be a somewhat long and drawn out affair for your client. ~W~h-be~t regards, . ~t-\ Raymond A. Rea City Attorney RAR/ras f ~1>-l'~ . Cl;' ~ I 1ffH"" ~,....,:,~H.(' ~ · ~~ J$; p.U...<< .00>1">> ~nIiJ 'l'O 'l'\ifo ~,~' ' .,~$~il1'11''l' ~ \ .1'l'GE.,\ Ci' s: ~' ~l'O5 Ci' I'~'" ~ CJll>>l1i ~ ' WnIiJ :IN fll'" e,;i\l.II Cl>'oI"~' , ' ' .' 1?1$P~~ ~~9,,'"1 ~U\-z... __~ " 1'. Do/l-~ DHl'll D~I'f:L(tl Ci' 5\>"'-- y. iI. q&. "f\41,& \10{ -CS) '--_~ &.~rII1 . 1--' ~ f ~\!~ ~ -8'S '$ i~ ~s ~ )... ..... \ /4. -- .. )Q ......... ....... \ 1\ V) \~o:; 1j)' ~~ ~_. 'tCt' ~ _"",~~(tlS Ci' '\.'II:L5 ~~__Jt<'101l'$ ", ~. ~~ wJ'l\\ p,N ___ liU"y-- ' SEJ'l'. _.._--'<t.:IN ~~. '\ 2. "1'.C.1'," 1ND:LOU- ;ii ~ ~ iQ\\ ~ 3 _..rl\ ~ ~ ....:.:.;.",gs "" =--.' . ""'::--.-cf'-W'I! ~/0ll YJI""'-__':;;-~:- '. 1'(1.\>0.- ' --- p,iIS 1lEL""'~ 'l'O' \ ".' _",,,,'\'1.(tlS ~ ~" .co...... ell ~929." , ~ ~l~ ~W v....-'-- 1Jl'>-' ' .: ' --- ,t,^'(l~ &"" O\~, ~~~~ v. v..'P.'fl~9 tb '?tz9 ~€-< S~~ ~('.., VfJL L ~ oY\r~ .:. .~. ,<: -:" 'l'.. ,,:. ~ .~ .. . ?~ 1" ) ~~ -.u"vt . .. . -~ ... \to" \ f~~~ J ",c:.v\ ,~ to~' c; .0' l1&'OO' VVIr'C \lO{ t\ t~O \tb~ f.,OO ., '10< '? ~I; . ~~ ...-.!. Ci' ~ Ci' 'l'\ifo ~~ ~ 0l1\ n~ ~~ ~ 'l'\ifo ~ sYJ".,::;'<<a ~ ~ p,S Sll"'::;'-'l'\ifo ~:nO" ~ w. ~ ~ 'l'O 'l'\ifo ~ ~ ~ 'l'IlI''l' 'l'iTlS ~ 'l'\ifo ~ ~ ~1IlV'( \~1~ V'll;& __~ ~ Ci' 1'~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l5i ~~p,iIS ~ ~ ~~- ~~cPo'\'1.(tlS ~ ~. ::;'~QG , , ',' " 15i' f.X~ 1'~~~~ ~ ~:L(tl1 , , . wou\)p..~'( SO~"'~ \.10 S0 '\J ~ '..! CO p.~'l $.~Gl~$.$.'1\.l~G "B1SCP. "i~$. f"OUtlOt.O ,... ..... 5U""'~O". ..". PVtltl .. ' Cotl.U'-'t\tl~~::;;;'~M,.",.e. ,\.0,,'0" ,SO.) 7~\,AAoO 00- (Q ,.' ' ,,~.