REVIEW COMMENTS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM 91-070 '1.....( :-\",\)~ BE4Ci ~ ,.:,:~:\\~\.~~"., \' >- \:'~ '\~ A l ~ ~\.. ", e , ':)::\" <3 ...\. q, -.~ :;;'': , ..,\, ~~ ~ ..: ~" :0'~ <;-~ , A <0 .<c.~ ..t /", ';:;.... ~'t.~' ~/1~~ ~III(,}~. DATE: June 20, 1991 FROM: J. Scott Miller j Johnnetta Broomfield, Director~LS Community Redevelopment Advisory Board for the CBD Meeting - June 17, 1991 rtL 'I ~I JUI TO: RE: CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT SITE PLAN APPROVAL - RUIZ CATERING DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by John A. Grant, Jr., agent for Eslett Ruiz, to construct a parking lot to serve a new take-out restaurant/catering business and two existing apartment units. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Redevelopment Advisory Board for the Central Business District recommended approval of the project, 4-0, subject to staff's comments and also with the provision that the property owner (if possible) plant native trees, as recommended by the City Forester, in the space between the curb and the sidewalk (on Federal Highway) and that if the planting of the trees was not possible than the area should be paved. Motion was made by Bradley Weigle and seconded by Lloyd Powell. /kc cc: Chris Cutro Don Jaeger Kevin Hallahan BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-231 June 14, 1991 FROM: J. Scott Miller, city Manager Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Directo~~ Michael E. Haag, zoning & Site Develo~~ Administrator TO: THRU: RE: Community Appearance Board Meeting - June 13, 1991 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT SITE APPROVAL - RUIZ TAKEOUT RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by John A. Grant, III, agent for Eslette Ruiz, for Central Business District Approval for parking lot construction, building signage and landscaping. RECOMMENDATION: The Board unanimously recommended approval, (7-0), of the project as submitted subject to staff comments. Motion was made by Dean Fleming and seconded by Arthur Berman. .' V. DEVELOPMENT PLANS B.2 cc: Bldg, Plan~~.~ngl, Util . \ PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-135 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) ':..! l/ '" 1~.;.::, '. ~ . r) ;' L';.~ ~\";~"\ dUN 1 i )99'; ; FROM: ~ M~ City Manager Christopher Cutro, Planning Director l;.~;'(( u!NG ,.' .,U ,:!::i,C::_ \ '0'1:-,<:': .' . I'! .Y[~Ct\l 1\'" TO: DATE: June 12, 1991 SUBJECT: Ruiz Catering - Landscape Appeal - (landscape strip) Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission agenda for Tuesday, June 18, 1991. DESCRIPTION: Request for an appeal to the administrative decision concerning Article III, Section 7.5-57(1)a.l. to allow a two foot wide landscape strip rather than the required three foot wide landscape strip adjacent to the south property line. RECOMMENDATION: The Downtown Review Board recommended apP~9val of the above-referenced item, sUbject to staff comments, ./--,. .:.' ich are attached. ~~~J'l:~~~~_~~~~~~.~lJi Ene. A:Ruizland _/'"1 ) ,r> ,:l ~j.,;;), ,/.... "". . ,. ....... 7Bl RUIZ CATERING LANDSCAPE APPEAL . .. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-127 TO: Chairman and Members Downtown Review Board CL;..J,-" ~ THRU: Christopher cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior Planner DATE: June 3, 1991 SUBJECT: Ruiz Catering - File No. 599 Appeal of Administrative Decision - landscape strip Attached you will find a copy of the application for an Appeal of Administrative Decision from the Boynton Beach Landscape Code. These requests are normally reviewed by the Community Appearance Board. However, within the Central Business District, the Code of Ordinances requires that these requests be approved by the Downtown Review Board (Article III, Section 7.5-58). During the 1988 review of the Gentile Commercial Building, the adjacent property to the south for which a landscape strip appeal was granted, it became apparent that this section of the code was overlooked when the original Downtown Review Board was disbanded. However, no change to the code was made due to the uncertainty of the outcome of Chapter 19 with respect to processing Central Business District site plans. Since Community Appearance Board review is currently enforced for Central Business District site plans, the Community Appearance Board should be reviewing requests for landscape appeals, as they are empowered to review landscaping in all areas of the City. . The CBO landscape regulations require that perimeter landscape strips shall be at least three (3) feet wide (Section 7.5-57(1)a.1 of Article III). Elsewhere in the City, perimeter landscape strips are required to be two and one-half (2.5) feet wide where vehicular use areas abut adjacent properties. The applicant is requesting to be allowed to provide a two (2) foot wide landscape strip, since the property does not have sufficient width to accommodate both the landscaping and the forty-five foot wide pavement for parking and access required by Article X, Parking Lots. For an explanation of the code requirement, the nature of the appeal requested and the applicant's justification, please refer to the attached application. Staff recommends that the variance request be approved subject to installation of grass and irrigation within the 2 foot landscape strip and deletion of the hedge proposed (shown on the landscape plan submitted to the Community Appearance Board) within this strip. This recommendation is based on the following information: 1. Section 7.5-57(1)a.7 of the CBD Landscape Code allows perimeter landscape strips to be waived along a common property line where an approved landscape strip exists on the adjacent property and if additional plantings or amenities are installed in other suitable locations on the site. Section 7.5-57(1)a.8 allows perimeter screen hedge requirements to be waived along the common property line where abutting property owners provide shared parking spaces, shared public access or other shared public amenities. As indicated on the attached memorandum from Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist, a perimeter screen hedge exists on the adjacent property to the south (Gentile Commercial Building) that was installed, along with a chain link fence, within a 2.5 foot landscape strip which was granted an appeal from the required 3 foot width. , W' ~ PM No. 91-127 -2- June 3, 19991 2. Despite the fact that "additional plantings or amenities in other suitable locations on site", as required by code, are not proposed, due to lack of open space, and that parking spaces, public access or other public amenities are not shared with the abutting property owner, it is recommended that a two foot landscape strip with no perimeter hedge be allowed along the south property line. The reason for this is that the cumulative width of the landscape strips along the common property line will be 4.5 feet, within which a fence and hedge already exists, therefore making it senseless to require another hedge. 3. Installation of an irrigation line within the applicant's 2 foot landscape strip will help to alleviate the comment in Hr. Hallahan's memorandum regarding the stressed condition (due to inoperative irrigation) of the existing hedge on the Gentile parcel, in addition to providing water to the grass and tree proposed by the applicant. 4. The width of the property cannot accommodate both the required landscape strips and the minimum pavement width necessary for parking and access. The site plan proposed is a result of a refinement process between staff and the applicant to achieve, to the greatest extent possible, a safe, efficient and aesthetically pleasing parking lot design on this small site. ~ ~ -dtz-J~ ~. t&-u Tambri J. ~en tjh Attachment A: RuizLaAp 1- Page 1 of 2 (Applicant fills out page 1 only) BOYNTON BEACH LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION TO: COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD DATE: 70:2/9/ OWNER: Mrs. Eslette Ruiz petitions the Community Appearance Board to consider this appeal to the Administrative Decision concerning the Boynton Beach Landscape Ordinance as outlined below: 1. Property involved is described as follows: Lot(sJ: Part of 1 All ot ~ Block: 5 Plat Book: described as Subdivision: Robert Addition to Town of Boynton 1 Page: ') 1 , or otherwise follows: Lot 1 less the East 35 feet of state road right-of-wav and all of Lot 2, Block 5 Robert Addition to Town of (If legal description is too lengthy to fit on application~oynton please attach description to application). Property address: 445 N. Federal Hwv. 2. Specify the section of the code that you are appealing: See t ion 7. 5]'1 1) a 1 3. Specify the action that you are requesting the Community Appearance Board to take: Allot' only A two (2) foot wide ~trir Anj~rpnt to ~ chajn link fence that separates Lot 2 frnm Tnt ~ 4. Property owner's justification for his request: Since lot is only ')0' winp rAnnot comply with 18' parking space 27' of t'll"'ning ~r.,,~ ~nil 7 - l' l~nnsr;:lpp strips.(Sl feet) 5. Name of the representative presenting the appeal to the Board: Name (Print): Address: Phone: JOHN A. GRANT. JR.. INC. 1111 No. Federal Highway R 0 r ~ R ~ ton, FT. 114 31 (407) 714-1110 (John Grant III or Gary Davis) Date: ?/h2/~1 Signature: INSTRUCTIONS 1) Three (3) copies of the pertinent documentation associated with the variance request must be submitted with this application. 2) Applications to appeal an administrative decision must be submitted prior to the Community Appearance Board deadline date and time. 3) A representative for the project shall present the appeal to the Community Appearance Board. 4) Appeal fee of $35.00 is due upon the submittal of the appeal application and pertinent documentation. APPEAL FEE: $35.00 DATE PAID RECEIPT # RECEIVERS INITIAL 3 ~ ~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM '91-213 FROM: Chris Cutro, Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~ff Ruiz Catering - Administrative Approval TO: RE: DATE: May 31, 1991 The existing Cocoplum hedge and fence appear to adequately screen the properties where parking is proposed. The adjacent property owner should be notified by the Code Enforcement Department that the landscaping is not in satisfactory health from proper maintenance. If this is accomplished, an additional hedge, adjacent to the existing hedge would not be required. This would preclude having the variance by the applicant. CC: Scott Blaise, Code Enforcement Administrator KH:ad . RECElyrbD) MAY 3 1 PLANNING DE.~f, - -J" 4- ( ~ ~ f~'-:;J l1(1 . . 'r S{: I '1" ~...,l'< -~- ~, ~ ~ '<. ,. 9 t::Q .~ ~~ '8 ~ . !. ~ ~ ,~" r{J~:.I '1 ' ~,-" ~~)1:JN .:9 . ;." 3~ ~ -./. ..:"9(irMJ '0; .......~..;...: -::;ioo'" ft.;," ....... ~ ~. _ . .el.. ~ -- --t~ . . \) l~ --;N =i; ~~ l-f: ..~~ \l t ~ ' L~ ,II!. ,.... -~ :~I$\ ~i , ,~ '\j ~ .- .":.~: ~ <..1 '" .... '".' " ~ : z. ' ~ ~ ~ /'?' ...... "" Ot :. "-:)~ ~~ " ~ 8 \.0- ~ ~Ql -o'!::; =:; 'Q~ ~~ -l ':;t IX ~~~~ , , . - <<::) - - c.. :.j. . - -;:;\ .......... ..~,. .'. " 'r:> ..:- ~ J. ! ~ '-' '. ~. ... ',' ~ .J ... , ~. -' '.' ..::..;. ~~ (.~ . ',- 4 .- o " - ';-< . " ." '. ~ c;... , '3 ~ - - ~ ;r ~ - ~ ~ j c:s: .. ..: 'I t' ~ S. .~ -::!"' -:~~ ....: ~ :..:~ --' ~- - '-J. i=1 ..- .... ::x ..:. ~ i: lS <oJ \0- &::> -J . 00 ~~cs:) \.U ' " ~;>.~ -::::s.... ....>~ =>s--> ~:c~ L, ,- o ... .... -1-- ('~ ':S \. "l ~,~ I.:::' t"O c:: ..- .... t:: .- ?'z' ; O(~, , '..e au, ! . ~ e':'. I \,,(l o;;L " . . "S-" I -;... s- .... .. ~ .-, ~ -z~ ': .=- .it ~ s=- -; .e:.. ;,. , -.L ~ ~ ~ ~ .:: j . - .... ,- oJ .... - ..... .. ~ ,.r;::. ~r- - t.:. .). - t":. ~ I, _ L....- ,'I "i .fJJ ~ ,;....;......, ~ .'t.~ -,r: ..' ,. . ~:,;?:, . ~1, ''tS ~ .~, u ! ~ .., ..... . ) , '; .' ,-' ,_." ' ..,.,. ' .. .. -. .-., ..' .- -- ,'... - , '\-" ~ ' ,. ' ", '.! .' dE~CA~ION<~B;;'~i.':[:;"<':'7:" : ':'~. F~ ,,;C.', ... t ':;.::. ~ '"'' .,~" '. 'h '.f " .j" -,>;\ ~....'-Ir:.:-:.,~.I .. ,,::: :.. .:... ., ":li'-;;'~BU',IZ~ ,,{--:";'€'~!~''':J7:::ERIN' G, rrr"'p,'.j'!;--: ~'~~:'" ",~{o:,., .... ... '--r I J \ \ . . - ;.-' "..-,':',....;'1 ;, ~~":' ,..'. .. ;.,"._, I r '\" '. ...,;,,_,...~;~_, .l"r-:I' ...~".,.:., .~ (;"..',1 ~'l . " .. . " .: ": '0 1/8 ' MILES ''1'111\ 1\'. -0 ,400. '800 FEET /II MEMORANDUM 91-059 TO: Tambri Hayden - Senior Planner FROM: Robert Eichorst ~ Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Ruiz Catering DATE: May 10, 1991 The dumpster enclosure will require more of an angle. It must allow a direct approach with a 35' long vehicle. / I Robert Eichorst Director of Public tlf RE/lw cpe: file Works :;..- I t -IJJ, COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM 91-070 DATE: June 20, 1991 FROM: J. Scott Miller j Johnnetta Broomfield, Director~L5 Community Redevelopment Advisory Board for the CBD Meeting - June 17, 1991 TO: RE: CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT SITE PLAN APPROVAL - RUIZ CATERING DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by John A. Grant, Jr., agent for Eslett Ruiz, to construct a parking lot to serve a new take-out restaurant/catering business and two existing apartment units, RECOMMENDATION: The community Redevelopment Advisory Board for the Central Business District recommended approval of the project, 4-0, subject to staff's comments and also with the provision that the property owner (if possible) plant native trees, as recommended by the City Forester, in the space between the curb and the sidewalk (on Federal Highway) and that if the planting of the trees was not possible than the area should be paved. Motion was made by Bradley Weigle and seconded by Lloyd Powell. /kc cc: Chris Cut~o Don Jaeger Kevin Hallahan 1lE~D jUN 21 PLANNH'4G QE.?', - - -- t~ - COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM 91-083 DATE: July 8, 1991 FROM: J. Scott Miller Johnnetta Broomfield, Director 16 Community Redevelopment Agency - July 1, 1991 TO: RE: CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT SITE PLAN APPROVAL - RUIZ CATERING DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by John A. Grant, Jr., agent for Eslett Ruiz, to construct a parking lot to serve a new take-out restaurant/catering busin~ss and two existing apartment units. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Redevelopment Agency recommended approval of the above, 5-0, subject to staff's comments. /kc cc: Chris Cutro Don Jaeger Kevin Hallahan "" RECEIVED .J I ' JUL: .~. f/ PLANNING DEPT~I\ . \, - -<4 7B1 RUIZ CATERING LANDSCAPE APPEAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-127 TO: Chairman and Members Downtown Review Board C1.J..J~ ~ THRU: Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior Planner DATE: June 3, 1991 SUBJECT: Ruiz Catering - File No. 599 Appeal of Administrative Decision - landscape strip Attached you will find a copy of the application for an Appeal of Administrative Decision from the Boynton Beach Landscape Code. These requests are normally reviewed by the Community Appearance Board. However, within the Central Business District, the Code of Ordinances requires that these requests be approved by the Downtown Review Board (Article III, Section 7.5-58). During the 1988 review of the Gentile Commercial Building, the adjacent property to the south for which a landscape strip appeal was granted, it became apparent that this section of the code was overlooked when the original Downtown Review Board was disbanded. However, no change to the code was made due to the uncertainty of the outcome of Chapter 19 with respect to processing Central Business District site plans. Since Community Appearance Board review is currently enforced for Central Business District site plans, the Community Appearance Board should be reviewing requests for landscape appeals, as they are empowered to review landscaping in all areas of the City. The CBD landscape regulations require that perimeter landscape strips shall be at least three (3) feet wide (Section 7.5-57(1)a.1 of Article III). Elsewhere in the City, perimeter landscape strips are required to be two and one-half (2.5) feet wide where vehicular use areas abut adjacent properties. The applicant is requesting to be allowed to provide a two (2) foot wide landscape strip, since the property does not have sufficient width to accommodate both the landscaping and the forty-five foot wide pavement for parking and access required by Article X, Parking Lots. For an explanation of the code requirement, the nature of the appeal requested and the applicant's justification, please refer to the attached application. Staff recommends that the variance request be approved subject to installation of grass and irrigation within the 2 foot landscape strip and deletion of the hedge proposed (shown on the landscape plan submitted to the Community Appearance Board) within this strip. This recommendation is based on the following information: 1. Section 7.5-57(1)a.7 of the CBD Landscape Code allows perimeter landscape strips to be waived along a common property line where an approved landscape strip exists on the adjacent property and if additional plantings or amenities are installed in other suitable locations on the site. Section 7.5-57(1)a.8 allows perimeter screen hedge requirements to be waived along the common property line where abutting property owners provide shared parking spaces, shared public access or other shared publiC amenities. As indicated on the attached memorandum from Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist, a perimeter screen hedge exists on the adjacent property to the south (Gentile Commercial Building) that was installed, along with a chain link fence, within a 2.5 foot landscape strip which was granted an appeal from the required 3 foot width. , PM No. 91-127 -2- June 3, 19991 2. Despite the fact that "additional plantings or amenities in other suitable locations on site", as required by code, are not proposed, due to lack of open space, and that parking spaces, public access or other public amenities are not shared with the abutting property owner, it is recommended that a two foot landscape strip with no perimeter hedge be allowed along the south property line. The reason for this is that the cumulative width of the landscape strips along the common property line will be 4.5 feet, within which a fence and hedge already exists, therefore making it senseless to require another hedge. 3. Installation of an irrigation line within the applicant's 2 foot landscape strip will help to alleviate the comment in Mr. Hallahan's memorandum regarding the stressed condition (due to inoperative irrigation) of the existing hedge on the Gentile parcel, in addition to providing water to the grass and tree proposed by the applicant. 4. The width of the property cannot accommodate both the required landscape strips and the minimum pavement width necessary for parking and access. The site plan proposed is a result of a refinement process between staff and the applicant to achieve, to the greatest extent possible, a safe, efficient and aesthetically pleasing parking lot design on this small site. /' ~ ~~l:/u ~, ~ Tambri J. ~en tjh Attachment A: RuizLaAp 2- Page 1 of 2 (Applicant fills out page 1 only) BOYNTON BEACH LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION TO: COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD DATE: '70;2 /9/ OWNER: Mrs. Eslette Ruiz petitions the Community Appearance Board to consider this appeal to the Administrative Decision concerning the Boynton Beach Landscape Ordinance as outlined below: 1. Property involved is described as follows: Lot(sl: Part of 1 Allot 'L Block: 5 Subdivision: Robert Addition to Town of Boynton plat Book: 1 Page: ~1 , or otherwise described as follows: lot 1 less the East 35 feet of state road right-of-way and all of lot 2, Block 5 Robert Addition to Town of (If legal description is too lengthy to fit on application~oynton please attach description to application), Property address: 445 N. Federal Hwy. 2. spetify the section of the code that you are appealing: Section 7.53{1) a 1 3. Specify the action that you are requesting the Community Appearance Board to take: ,^ 110'" only A two (2) foot wide ~tr;r ~nj~rpnt to A chAin ljnk fence that separates lot 2 from Tnt i 4. Property ownerls justification for his request: Since lot is only ~O' wirl~ rRnnot comply with 181 parking space 27' of tllrning ):Irp):I ):Inn') - l' lRnn~rRpe strips.(51 feet) 5. Name of the representative presenting the appeal to the Board: Phone: JOHN A. GRANT. JR.. INC. 1113 No. Federal Highwav Rn(,R RR ton I F'T. 13431 (407) 714-1330 (John Grant III or Gary Davis) Name (Print): Address: Date: L:-/ ~~-21'1 ) Signature: INSTRUCTIONS L 1) Three (3) copies of the pertinent documentation associated with the variance request must be submitted with this application. 2) Applications to appeal an administrative decision must be submitted prior to the Community Appearance Board deadline date and time. 3} A representative for the project shall present the appeal to the Community Appearance Board, 4) Appeal fee of $35.QO is due upon the submittal of the appeal application and pertinent documentation, APPEAL FEE: $35.00 DATE PAID RECEIPT # RECEIVERS INITIAL 3 RECREATION &: PARK MEMORANDUM .91-213 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~f1 Ruiz Catering - Administrative Approval FROM: RE: DATE: May 31, 1991 The existing Cocoplum hedge and fence appear to adequately screen the properties where parking is proposed. The adjacent property owner should be notified by the Code Enforcement Department that the landscaping is not in satisfactory health from proper maintenance. If this is accomplished, an additional hedge, adjacent to the existing hedge would not be required. This would preclude having the variance by the applicant. CC: Scott Blaise, Code Enforcement Administrator KH:ad R.ECEI\\/~ .0D} t/AA'f 3 1 fl,ANN\I''iG DEPT, -c- -., -- 4 ~\ '. \.~ I 1(' . "r :, (; 1'1'" "'N< 1 : :1_;;) -.~. -, ,~ '. - -~ :J" ., ~ ~ , 'f' ~ ~ -v '< S 1;:C) , p "'.. ..~ t ~ .~ ,., '8 :R '- . I ('". ~ . fiJ_:.t 'l ~ ~,... "'~N,~9 . r" .1:, ~ -'/ ~ '~~'9fi1MJ '-; .'~"",!.....~.,:;;iio'~";' ..... ~". _ . ~ ~-~ >nvM ,p 't'~ ~ '''" 9- ":! ' 0:;.. ,: ~ /C' ,V" :::. . \Vtx... -'I~O ~:::> ,~8 \..~ ~Qt' -o'!::; c; .... -~ c... -J ,~ ~cx ~-~~~ -:. - - ~ ''! -;;:\ .... ... ...~".~ ."" 'r-, .;:. ~ -- <:> . ..,%, L , '.~-i ",Q. .:: ~ ~. .... ... ~":'".,; ~ oJ' ~....... r- ... .. - ~.:r -.:- .el... { '- ,-t~ . " ~~,~ ~N :i;. 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'e ':a ,.--\ ~ ' ,~ ,; ;~.~ ..':~ .:".' ~ . :c: _. :":- ,,' ,', : , ----- 'I --- ::.; ~ ~~ , '1, 't1J5 .... ,. s- r-- ~ lf~ ~~ - ..- - - -:.... '-- - i "'-J, -Z~ -; - 40- -- - ~ .. ... - ;- ''f{ .; -- ..: ~ -- ..- -; .- . . ... .. - t" ~ - "" '.L _C= ...J: ':.. - ~ - ':. -, - . - ~ r' ~ ";:' ~ ~..:J ..,.~:.{: " '" ,', / )"', j' ,J I -: !: ; ~ ~ 1 f1l5'~OC~1A'''' .':m"......-"'I' 0" ~."N;"'lt' -~,~} t\II' :f' ~.:Li r:=.t~' r~'S'~.,it',~'''~'''' r \' ;, '.' 'I I : ';;: ,: J ~ - . . .(.,,~ dt: I: ~r-""''''';*,i:i&'/'''' ; '..~ "''''''';' f'l .. .: ~) tJ;. ~ \ ~ I l J. " t "',," "-f~-'4' . I I). ~ : TO"" r- r ~ ~ :;~ . ."'. ~ ,.' .. - ") '. '\ ,J ,;J.,. '.~' .....J~., ......,~ n, 'r:IJ~-' :', t>";1t< ,I, }','~l' 1, !or:,;:;FIl' 'd::1LJHf"';~I~~€i~'i '("~GF'I'''~ E,~t'f~FR~(t"""'YI'N:;?' G~"'';;:;.t......- ,..::;\/, "::'..""" .. l ~,' t,' " .,.,' .. --. '"." ,1. ,: J, , ," It ,',. .t.,'"t,' , " "''''1 ..... ,jf"'"'t'j-''', ~: '" " <', "'..,":' ..,'.. " ,~," '<I<>' ,'" ,;, 't t I' ". "'l .. ~ '. t ',-, ..." 'I i '\, !: . '-~~;t~.':' .'~~_ '~"" ~:r~i..! \ ("I .,~ ,'. .'I.,~.,t1J'"~~~~'~""""'~' rr,'l:'! C ::.~::t.;;:'..;~.' ~~~ ~~ ~;.l~,: ill; i. .' I . ' , , p U R E C '0 1/8 Till 1 'I ~O .400. '800 FEE;T ~I'II'I:' !, '" II', ,I illlllll"""'II-III"l'fI"ill" 1111111" ; 111111'''' PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 91-146 FROM: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~\.- ~ Christopher~t:ro, Planning Director TO: DATE: June 12, 1991 SUBJECT: Downtown Review Board Meeting - June 11, 1991 Please be advised that the Downtown Review Board met on Tuesday, June 11, 1991, and took the following action: 1. Recommended approval of the request for an appeal to the administrative decision concerning Article III, Section 7.5-57(1)a.1. to allow a two foot wide landscape strip rather than the required three foot wide landscape strip adjacent to the south property line. The vote was 6-1 with Marilyn Huckle dissenting. The motion was made by Mr. Lehnertz and seconded by Mr. Howard. (PM91-135) CC:cp A:91-146 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-135 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) FROM: ~ M~ City Manager Christopher Cutro, Planning Director TO: DATE: June 12, 1991 SUBJECT: Ruiz Catering - Landscape Appeal - (landscape strip) Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission agenda for Tuesday, June 18, 1991. DESCRIPTION: Request for an appeal to the administrative decision concerning Article III, Section 7.5-57(1)a.1. to allow a two foot wide landscape strip rather than the required three foot wide landscape strip adjacent to the south property line. RECOMMENDATION: The Downtown Review Board recommended approval of the above-referenced item, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. CC:cp Enc. A:Ruizland PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-134 FROM: ~~~~eld, Community Improvement Christopher cutro, Planning Director TO: DATE: June 11, 1991 SUBJECT: Ruiz Catering - New Site Plan Please place the above-referenced item on the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board agenda for Monday, June 17, 1991. DESCRIPTION: Request for approval to construct a parking lot to serve a new take-out restaurant/catering business and two existing apartment units. RECOMMENDATION: The Downtown Review Board recommended approval of the above-referenced item, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. CC:cp Enc. cc: City Manager A:Ruizplan ------'- :;: " " -~ ~ ~' ~ ~ '1. :( ~ III " ~ ~, -~~ " " \ ;) ~ t, ...... 0, V!~ - -', h ~" ~J;:- ~~ '-, \.0 " Iv \j '- \J 1: J I;; \.' ~ "-t. " ~ \J..l '. ~ ,~ 'oj ~ ,,~ "} ~ ~': ,;- ..;,'- ~ "'1:' ~ " ": C~ \) .~ --. ~ ~ , ( ~ .,.) J ~, '-..J ~ ~ '-- -::. I. ~ ~ " ..., .<; '" :J :2. ~ \ '( 'r 'J I:: l: , ,1: "j' 'J J ....., " [\ "" .....,- ~ \lJ ;J ~ '- J ~, \i.J K -' C-f'//" V ;:: c:; T;:: (1. '-A:..'" J /11 << j/;T ---- 11 M 1 j. 8, r :/, I /' j.!'.':" -;:;1..< Revised 5/29/91 . '!'RBCHECK.SDD \' ITl5: /l.Jt> DI ? C Li iieJ/' ~,r-) ..) I c" }., C LlL/~ A/(J/.'7/) 1t:"!.A/h Nhf::.t/;'j/v ( /' \ f>4/'K /'Ji ~o'" co/!, -;:' j, '.. ( 1701'./ ) TRB COMMENTS :~'i V FLORIDA STATUES V, ~ IFS1IAll drawings and/or documents submitted for public record prepared by a design professional, shall show original legible raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings/documents. and OUTSIDE AGENCY APPROVAL IOA1IProvide a copy of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) permit and associated plans and documents that establishes the minimum finish floor elevation for the building(s). Incorporate into the plans the requirements of the permit. Specify on the plans the minimum finish floor elevation and identify the associated South Florida Water Management District permit number. " IOA21Provide a copy of the Lake Worth Drainage District Permit and associated plans and documents granting approval of the proposed work. Incorporate into the plans the requirements of the permit. Specify on the plans the Lake Worth Drainage District Permit number that granted approval of the work as shown. !OA3lProvide a copy of the D.E.R. and D.E.R.M. permit and associated plans and documents granting approval of the proposed work. Incorporate into the plans the requirements of the permit. specify on the plans the D.E.R. and D.E.R.M. permit number that granted approval of the work as shown. !OA4lProvide a copy of the Army Corp of Engineer permit and associated plans and documents granting approval of the work proposed for the project. Incorporate into the plans the requirements of the permit. Specify on the plans the Army Corp of Engineer permit number granting approval of the work shown. !OA5lProvide a copy of the ::;: k u -, < ) ~ ,) --.j :j " ~ for work proposed at the site. CODE OF ORDINANCES - CHAPTER 5, ARTICLE VII. FLOOD DAMAGE lCOlldentify on the site plan the proposed first floor finish floor elevation with reference to the mean sea level. \" ~ ~ 'l ....J ~ APPENDIX A - ZONING lAAZ11Provide a copy of the Unity of Title combining all lots into one site. '~ lAAZ21Provide a copy of a survey no older than six (6) months. Survey il),must specify location, type and size of all recorded easements. \ (.. -\ ' ,;Ieeel'T/, ,lit '{'1) r1;( ZOI,.u.vG ()j,7/~1(..'>; ,y I AAZ3 I Indicate on the P:,~n.,/ t~) use l...,Qf -the- bUJ.ld1ng)._ ZONING DISTRICT BUILDING AND SITE REGULATIONS lZSllIdentify on the site plan the gross square foot floor area of each)level ofvQaeh building.~nd accessory structures on the site) yL;:P1'- l1J t: <:yIP :;; !ZS21Specify on the site plan the number of stories in each structure. Where applicable, identify when there is a mezzanine in the building. lZS31Specify on the site plan the horizontal separation distance between all buildings and accessory structures. lZS41Show on the site plan the foot wide peripheral greenbelt that is required around the perimeter of the project. IZS51Specify on the elevation view drawings the overall height of all new structures. IZS6!Identify on the site plan the established minimum finish floor elevation for the building(s). IZS71Show and specify on the plan the setback distance from the property line to the proposed building (roof overhang is considered part of the building). IZS81Provide a copy of the floor plan drawing. Show on the drawing the location, size and direction of swing of the entrance door(s) to the building. ~\ \l\ FENCE tF1Ildentify and show the following fence information: !Flit !Flii! IF1iiil tF1iv! IFlvt SIGNAGE i. type of material ii. color iii. elevation view including the depth into ground that the supporting posts are embedded iv. height above grade v. distinguishable symbol identifying the location of the fence !Sl!Specify on the plan the location of the free standing sign from two (2) adjacent property lines. (minimum setback 10 feet) IS2!Show on the plans an elevation view drawing of the free standing sign drawing to include the following sign information: !S2i! i. !S2ii! ii. !S2iii! iii. !S2iv! iv. !S2vl v. !S2vit vi. !S2viil vii. !S2viii! viii. overall height (max. allowed 20 feet) total square footage of the sign (max. 64 square feet) (max. 160 square feet) show the proposed sign copy (state the letter style/family) show and identify the source of illumination specify the type of finish material and color of the sign structure specify the type of finish material proposed for the sign frame, face and copy specify ~he color of the sign frame, face and copy specify the location and specie of the landscaping required around the base of the sign . IS31Specify on the plan the length, height, letter style/family, type ~of material and color of all signage,(proposed for the building) ~ .f'J11.I.,....~ ~,' I IS4!Provide drawings of the (building) and (site) signage complying (w with the requirements of the sign codeJand the existing approved jI)6Jl" sign program) . /I c.() , J (,1! j/l}l r DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE :Y !D1!provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure and pad. Identify the following dumpster information: ..1'-1 Dl i ! /i10IJt ID1iil \~ <,) . J i. type, size and color of material proposed for the sides of the enclosure F-o/j(lloc-'/I"'" "ii.) speci,fY the size an~type of all required vertical and .~ horizontal structur material and components for the~entlosure wall~ nd associated pad QPID1iiil iii. identify the overall height, width and length of the ~ ' enclosure t7 I Dliv! i ~. show ten feet (10') clear minimum width of the enclosure opening. clear opening width must be measured and shown from inside of gate and post material or meet the Public Works Department specifications for size of compactor enclosure. Vl where gates are proposed, specify the method~ of holding /' the enclosure gates in the open and closed position , \!-~ " ~ IDlv! I' BUFFER WALL ~~ IBW1IProvide a typical detail section drawing of the site buffer wall. IBW1i! i. specify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material and components for the wall and wall foundation IBW1ii! ii. identify location, type and color of finish material proposed for the buffer wall !BW1iiil iii. include on the section drawing the location of the property line (min. 2' from any property line to the wall) lBWivl iv. show and identify, on the site plan drawing, the location of the buffer wall two eeet (2') in from all property lines EXISTING CONSTRUCTION lEC11Provide a distinguishable symbol on the plans that clearly identifies the difference between all existing and proposed new construction. SIDEWALK - OFF SITE ISW1!Show on the plans the location, type of material, width and slope of the sidewalk leading to the building from the public right-of-way sidewalk. PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION IPLllShow on the plan a typical cross section drawing of the concrete parking lot surface. Specify the following information on the drawing: IPLlil IPL1iil !PLliiil !PL1iv! lPLlvl i. strength of the concrete ii. thickness iii. type, size and location of the steel reinforcement iv. location of control joints v. condition of the soil below the concrete lPL21Show on the plans the location and type of raised curb required to protect the landscape material. Provide a detail drawing of the curb meeting the city standards. lPL31Prior to submitting the plans for a building permit, submit a copy of the turn-out permit issued by the (County Engineering Department) (Florida Department of Transportation) to construct driveways within their right-of-way. IPL41Show on the plans the location of the traffic control signs and pavement markings. Provide a detail drawing of the type of sign and method of installation. Specify the color and size of the traffic control pavement markings. PARKING SPACES & tyl fWJe: I CO/1p')..t. l?, lPS11Show the computations and figures on the plans used to determine the total number of required parking spaces for the entire site. IPS21Provide a copy of the approved shared parking agreement. Specify on the plans the total number of parking spaces required by the code and provided as allowed by the shared parking agreement. // lPS31Show within the plans a typical detail drawing of a (regular) (90 ,)",./ degree )fangled) j parallel) parking space. Drawing must include \Y/ the fol wing ifI:ormation: 71Y1't- cJ/ll! f"" IPS3il' i. specify the length and width ,r;\0 PS3ii! ,i, --0. show. the size and configuration of the pavement LV .1\ rnark1ngs ,::c',- I PS3iii I <~y. specify the color of the pavement markings (white for ~~- 'asphalt, black for concrete) lPS3iv! iv. location of wheel stop or concrete curb r i'; /. (1 - " I{v tPS4!Provide a statement on the plans identifying the date, case ~lj number and description of the variance request that was granted for reducing the number of required parking spaces. !PS51Show on the site plan the appropriate number of parking spaces based on the requirements stated within Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11 H. SITE LIGHTING /^' " , c"" V tl'J \ \ lSL1!Include within the drawings a detailed elevation view drawing of the proposed site lighting pole and fixture. Show and specify the following pole and fixture data. (/1 SL1i 1 o\o/! SL1 ii! , i. specify that the fixture is photocell activated ii. state that the pole, pole base and fixture is designed to withstand a 120 MPH windload iii. specify the' type of luminary (metal halide or high or low pressure sodium) iv. show the light contours and specify their foot candle light level \~,~) specify, (where applicable) shields to deter off-site glare ~ iI ,~v3J show the height of the pole and fixture matching the height specified on the photometric drawing specify the depth of the pole and/or pole base is placed below grade provide a detail drawing of the pole base showing and specifying the vertical and horizontal structural materials and components. Including the size and type of fasteners required to attach the pole to the base . \!il show the distance from the grade to the top of the pole base , ~) correct conflicts between the location of site vi lighting pole(s) an~drainage structures) landSCaPing,~nd park ng space~ t(Yll1"'" (j,-t"'! r !SL2!Show the location and dimension all exterior lighting facilities to be placed on the site. iF ! SL1iii! u'- ~SL1ivl ,'0 ,,' ~ISL1VI -y~' :/ ! SL1vi t ,~ \:;7 I SL1vii I ';:,I~Y' /,:! SL1viii I vi!:-y. >\J0)...// \',....--- v/ \~ ~le!SLliXI , ,.A'o' I SL1x I rJO \ EXTERIOR ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS tEV1!Specify on the elevation view drawing the color of the following exterior finish material(s) . r , 'vj -( !EV2!The outline, configuration and material shown and identified on the project drawing(s) submitted with the plan(s) for final sign-off shall match in every respect the colored drawing(s) approved by the~ity Commission)during the approval process of the project. The color of each exterior finish material shown on "\the final sign-off plans shall be identified by name, color n~mber and manufacturers name wh~c~~~~ll_ma~ch_!?_every respect Wl. th the color( s) shown on the drawing{ s) approved 1:)y1:~i ty commission) A manufacturer 1 s color chart showing a~d identifying 'ltJ€:- fRofl>S~ (I,{:~~~~~ve<D color (s) shall be submitted wi t~t~~'~~>:'~~ :_er~i~a~_ [" ~_ ,('~V': ( OeA(}L'Nt. <"of I. 'u/3,-",rf,h IS L. - C;-q) !EV3IThe elevation drawing(s) submitted with the plans for final ~ 7 sign-off are required to have the color of each exterior finish . material identified by name, color number and manufacturer's name. A manufacturer's color chart showing and identifying the proposed color(s) is required to be submitted with the plans for final sign-off. t' A, , ) ~ (; ...... \\ ": ~ ~ \; 'J \)~/ !EV4!Specify on the elevation view drawing(s) the slope of all roofs. tEVS!Show on the site plan with a distinguishable symbol the location and size of the roof overhang. !EV6!Show on the site plan the following service area and or loading zone information: !EV6il i . location IEV6ii! ii. size (loading zone 12' wide by 35' long and 14' clear unobstructed height) IEV6iii! iii. method of identification (pavement markings and/or signs) !EV6iv! iv. shielded from view HANDICAPPED - ACCESSIBILITY REOUIREMENTS MANUAL IHC1!Show on the site plan drawing the handicapped accessible route leading to the entrance of the (building) (each tenant space) (each handicapped accessible unit) from the handicapped parking space. Drawing shall include the following information: !HC1i! i. specify the elevation of the parking space surface at each handicapped parking space !HC1ii! ii. show and dimension the width of the five (5) foot wide access aisle that is required to be parallel with the length of each handicapped parking space (one aisle may be placed between and serve two (2) handicapped parking spaces) !HC1iiil iii. specify and show the following five (5) foot wide aisle information: a) slope b) slope of flared sides c) type of material d) texture of finish e) length IHC1ivl iv. show the required handicapped accessible walkway that leads to the entrance of the building from the five (5) foot access aisle. Specify and show the following walkway information: a) slope for the entire length b) texture of the finish c) total length d) cross slope e) width f) type of material g) location, height, material and configuration of handrail, where required !HClv! v. show the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the entrance to the (building) (each tenant) (each handicapped accessible unit) IHC2!It is required that five percent of the total available units be set aside to fulfill the handicapped needs. Show on the floor plan and site plan the location of required handicapped units. !HC31Show on the site plan a handicapped accessible walkway leading to the entrance of each building and/or tenant space from the public sidewalk, specify on the plans the following walkway data: !HC3i! !HC3iil !HC3iiil !HC3ivl !HC3v! IHC3vi! !HC3vii! i. type of material ii. texture of the finish iii. width iv. slope for the entire length v. length vi. show the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the entrance of the common use area vii. location, height, material and configuration of handrail where required IHC41Show a handicapped accessible path leading to the common use area from each handicapped accessible unit. Specify on the plans the following walkway data: i. type of material ii. texture of the finish iii. width iv. slope for the entire length v. length vi. show the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the entrance of the common use area vii. location, height, material and configuration of handrail where required !HC5lSpecify on the plans the total number of handicapped parking spaces that are required and provided. IHC4il IHC4ii! IHC4iii! IHC4iv! !HC4v! !HC4vi! !HC4vii! IHC6!Show on the plan the handicapped parking spaces equally distributed throughout the site to adequately serve all tenants. !HC7!Relocate the handicapped parking stall(s) to the shortest possible accessible circulation route to an accessible entrance of the building. !HC8IAll construction related to handicapped accessibility must comply with the requirements of the State of Florida Accessibility Requirements Manual. IHC91Specify on the plan that there will be a handicapped curb cut/ramp where all sidewalks intersect vehicle traffic areas. IHC10lShow within the plans a typical detail drawing of the handicapped ~~/ parking space. Drawing must include the following information: V' (), ! HC10i! ,IHCIOii! 'I~ ,/~fj/ !HC10iii!, /~. Y II' Y~:v IHC10iv! " ,~i~ , ;yHC10 I 'II I lU v. ~ V4 \ \-' . . I v i. show the required number of handicapped parking spaces dimension the width and length show and identify the size, location and configuration of the handicapped pavement markings specify the color blue for the pavement markings show the location and identify the height of the handicapped parking signage (7 foot from grade to the bottom of the sign) SWIMMING POOL ISPllSpecify on the plan that the pool fence will have a maximum spacing of four inches (4") between all vertical and horizontal surfaces. !SP2!Specifyon the site plan drawing that the pool enclosure gates are equipped with self-closing and self-latching hardware. ISP3!State on the plan that the pool deck surface shall comply with the requirements of the handicapped code. specify the slope of the pool deck and the texture of the surface. MISCELLANEOUS IM1IShow consistency on the (architectural) (engineering) and (landscaping) plans in representing the !M2!Specify on the plan the number of total seats proposed for the restaurant (bar stool/seat is considered a seat). I I_.D;:~ ~pc IM3!Specify on the plan the number of seats existing within the restaurant (bar stool/seat is considered a seat). rAaJ tJ, II /. r "<' ,/~ 1p'.5 c",,'- jo.~' L'Jp J/ :;?; r- (/l:;al'l'",L TP ~'.)r/2.t'e -;/(..'(!. (, \-bd,,,"I/-L (j:,J" /J ,{r/6;V&-D ,tfN..!l J' 61-' ~6 D~?< i'( . f m T1Jt- [Sy;j//IJ"(d ~~~Il/)""" lrv, 'CXv'l~ f/<vw Lh." C,l ,(- J I. / '( 'i,,; ',,, ,+ ;;.. .',,' '">, /: ~, . ,0<',... if ( /" " {,0,/ ~~ ~/ \/ ,:fl~ v VV . IM41Proposed use requires an environmental review by the Environmental Review Board (ERB) obtain ERB applications from the Planning Department. Complete and return the application to the Planning Department. IM51Building and site must comply with the Community Design Plan, the required architectural theme for the building and site is . Revise the drawings to show the required architectural theme. IM61This project will be reviewed by the Community Appearance Board for general compatibility and aesthetic consideration with respect to existing architectural design, signage and landscaping at the site. IM71All line changes made on the plans must be in ink, initialed and dated by the design professional responsible for the drawing. OPENING STATEMENT ,IOS1IUpon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: IOS21Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments have been provided as a courtesy with the applicant's full knowledge that there will be a full review made when the project is placed on a future Technical Review Board agenda. IOS31In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included within your documents submitted to the Building Department for required permits: SATELLITE DISH ISD11State on the plans the overall dish height when dish is oriented perpendicular to the roof surface. ISD21Specify on the plans the finish and the proposed color of the screening. ISD31State on the plans the overall height of the building from finish grade to the top of the satellite dish and screening. Revised 5/3/91 LANDCOM.SDD TRB COMMENTS - LANDSCAPE lAISpecify on the plans that shrub landscape material will be planted two feet (2') on center. !BIShow on the plan where the existing plants that are in the path of the proposed construction will be relocated. IC!The new landscape plan must reflect the appropriate percentage of native species landscape material. ,( ~O% is ,the mini!1'um native species percent) " !DIThe landscape plan should show a plant directory, indicating the total number, species, spacing and height of all landscape material. All specifications must comply with the Landscape Code. Include the percent of native species, 50% is the minimum native species percent. (tV \/ !EIState on the plans that the landscape material will be irrigated with an automatic water supply system. Specify the water supply source. IF!Specify on the plans that the quality of the landscape material will be Florida #1 or better. !GIShow the location and specify the type of raised curbing required to protect landscaping from vehicle encroachment. !H!Dimension the width and length of all landscape strips and islands. !I!Indicate location, type, size and spacing of accent shrub landscape material required around three (3) sides of the dumpster. , !J!Show unobstructed cross visibility area and space through the required site perimeter landscape strips at both sides of all ingress and egress driveways. The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning on the site plan a ten foot (10') isosceles triangle. The point where both ten foot (10') legs join shall be placed on the property line at the edge of the ingress/egress with one leg extending along the property line and the other leg along the edge of the ingress/egress with the remainder of the triangle being a line across the landscaped area connecting the end of each ten foot (10') leg. The vertical space between thirty inches (30") [above the adjacent pavement surface] and six feet (6') within the triangle area shall be clear of landscape material. !K!Show unobstructed cross visibility area and space at the intersection of and The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning on the site landscape plan a thirty-five (35) foot isosceles triangle. The point where the two (2) equal sides connect shall be placed where the ultimate width of the right-of-ways intersect each other. Both equal sides shall extend from the intersecting point thirty-five (35) feet along each right-of-way. The third side of the triangle shall be a line that ,connects the end of each thirty-five (35) foot side. The vertical 'space between thirty inches (30") [above the adj acent pavement surface] and six feet (6') within the triangle area shall be clear of landscape material. !L!Landscaping proposed to be installed within an easement shall be allowed only after consent of all utility companies that have access right to use the easement. IM!Specify on the plans 18/1 as the minimum height of hedge landscape material. " INIShow trees planted at a maximum of forty feet (40') on center in a landscape strip with a minimum width of five feet (5') along public right-of-way where a landscape barrier is required to screen a vehicle use area. IOISpecify the overall height of trees shown on the landscape plan (minimum height 8'0"). IPIShow on the site plan and landscape plan drawings the twenty-five foot (25') wide peripheral greenbelt that is required along the west side of the property. I recommend that the developer establish and submit for Community Appearance Board (CAB) approval, a typical greenbelt landscape plan that ~~ll create a harmonious unified appearance for the project and will be used by the sites that have to meet the greenbelt requirements. IQIProvide landscape plans for the foundation landscaping around multifamily buildings. IRIShow and specify on the landscape plan the required interior parking space landscaping for parking spaces located at the project. ISINo trees with nuisance roots to be planted closer than twelve (12) feet from public improvements. ITlspecify type of mulch material to be used and it's thickness when laid. IUIHeight of vines needed to be two (2) feet on planting and five (5) feet on center distance. IV!Shrubs planted to screen rights~of-way need to be three (3) feet high at time of planting. IW!Specify type and location of the sod to be used. Delineate extent of sodding for the whole development. IXIprovide a solid continuous screen or barrier preferably a hedge material to screen vehicular use area from rights-of-way and abutting property. IY!Provide a minimum width of two and one-half (2 1/2) feet of landscaping relating to abutting property. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT IZ!Show and specify on the landscape plans the entrance treatment of the project, exterior furnishings and pedestrian walkways in accordance with the Central Business District design guidelines as interpreted by the Community Improvement Department. IA1IShow and specify on the landscape plan the pedestrian lighting fixture will be energy efficient, provide 3/4 footcandle of illumination at ground level and not reflect onto adjacent property. Specify type of fixture. ,!A2lIdentify and show on the landscape plans the clear line of sight nh~//~ViSibility requirements at ingress and egress points to the site ~/ consistent with the CBD landscape code. /IA3IShOW and specify on the landscape plans the following planting ~?b~ ~ specifications for all landscape material as required by the ~f~61 ~I Central Business District (CBD) Landscape Code: 1) shade tree 'A~f'ff-<; .)1"0 L 2) small tree, 3) shrubs, 4) vines, 5) ground cover, 6) lawn /1pft...d. (;'~I.v.S i~~, grass, ~) n:ulch, 8) gr~de of plant material and. 9) provid: a ./ J)r<~'(V~~J.'I:'Vr( ( legend J.ndJ.cating specJ.es, number of plants, heJ.ght, spacJ.ng /~ 1<-t.?-'(<"-;":;f:. ,J diameter, clear trunk height and spread (include native pl..affting ~;,rlt-" :~",~I) of' computations for all landscap,e material4l.l'fonsistent wi~e CBD nJCD\2 \4/ __~andscape Code); Ayl)~pL'reD C..-.- R ------13.---5 rt('/~<..;"1iO^-' t;cII':'''1^. """vs.r~ , ' - '(w\ //".--. S;v(3/'iIl~r.7'1)'I7).::- S-,,~ t,. .f.J.,. ,)/7}j~ /1.. _ /~/.~ND LA7f::12. ~-V(It./Ni':5j 17'}~):;.:,RAC~A-~ lA4 1 Show correct conflicts between the location of si te lighti~ K(VI!/,U oN pole ~ s) anL.do,'~~~inage struc~ures, lan~scaping and parking spac,es.) (fi/I'/::' /'I,I"i~ , ,y,.<...l ;"J. ,,' / 'y,( - '<,7<', "', < I b"'~LJo'r/ S'IA,A,t /' /'(' \.,) ~ l"""lJ.J,~ 7'" ,"' 1-1 /'-_'J......:/ r /, I~, ,~, ,-II> ,--'-...-.. ',,- r<ll "..L~ r1=-Ur :..-ll:S...9 /t./'vNb ..l.fJ(J;'1-1,-r' L-t>.vf''-~(),.J1.:,;')lt.( J.J 'J,..rlfJ'l",ciH[' ( 7 ! <~))., w " III. SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS ~ :5 ) The following materials are to be submitted in seven (7) copies, Each set of plans must be stapled together in a single package ~o submit seven (7) sets or packages of plans. Scale of drawi~gs mus be 200 ft. (or less) to the inch. For requests which require review by the Planning and Zoning Board, nine (9) sets or partial sets, comprised of only a site plan, landscape plan, typical floor plans and building elevations are required in addition to the seve: (7) full sets mentioned above. For-r-equests which do not,require _r:~YJ..ew...,bY---the Planning and _Zoning Board, -thi-ee- (Jr-.p,irtial sets arf required in addition td the seven (7) full sets. Incomplete sets of plans or site plans will not be processed. (check) Jr:/ 1- V 2. V 3 . V' 4. ,~ 5 . V 6 . V 7. V- 8. ~ Boundaries and dimensions of the parcel. o" :;_..c"-''''::;:::::...--...." Scale '(-9r.~PhiC~<;;:~ north arrow, and date. --.--........,...... Adjacent properties or land uses. Pavement edge and/or right-of-way lines for all streets, alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes, driveways anq unimproved rights-of-way within one-hundred (100) feet of the site. Also, names of adjacent streets and rights-of-way. Location of all proposed structures, and any existing structures that are to remain on the site. Setbacks of all structures (over 3 ft. in height) from property lines. ("It. S4",tfl-tj Use of each structure, indicated on the site plan. Number of efficiency, 1 bedroom, 2-bedroom, etc., dwelling units in each residential structure, to be indicated on the site plan. 9. Indication of height and number of stories of each structure. . /- V 10. Indication of structures, equipment, etc. above 45 ft. height, including height in excass of 45 ft. ~/ 11. L--- 12. V 13. V 14. L./ 15. L,.-- 16. MU%. IJ . I/' @ f/t I ::~.7 { N <.c:-?' ~ 8 . Floor plans or typical floor plans for all structures. Finish floor elevations of all structures. Uses within each structure, indicated on floor plans. Elevations or typical elevations of all structures; including materials, surface treatments, and color scheme of all exterior surfaces, including roofs. Indication of the numbers and types of recreational facilities to be provided for residential developments. Indication on site plan of location, orientation, and height of all freestanding signs and wall signs. ~- ~ of walls an~ and indication of their height~ materials, and color. - A landscape plan, showing conformance with the Landscape Code and Tree Preservation Code, and showing adequate watering facilities. Plants must be keyed out accordin( to species, size and quantity. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 C:SitePlan ,,-., v " ~ G ) 19. A sealed survey, by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, and not older thansi~_(6) months, showing property lines includinB-'b~ and dimensions; north arrow, date, scale, exi~~uctures and paving, existing elevations on site, rights-of-way and easements on or adjacent to the site, utilities on or nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre, location sketch; and surveyor's certification. Also, sizes and locations of existing trees and shrubs, including common and bo~anica1 names, and indication as to which are to be retained, removed, relocated, or replaced. 20. Location of existing utility lines on or adjacent to the property to be indicated on the site plan, in addition to being shown on the survey. Also, location of existing fire hydrants on or adjacent to the site. Location of additional fire hydrants, to meet standards set forth in Article X, Section 16 of the Subdivision and Platting Regulations. Fire f.low calculations justifying line size for both on/off site water lines. t--' L-- 21. L 22. t----' 23. t~ 24. ti~, 25. t~,/ Sealed engineering drawings for proposed utilities, as per City specifications. Information regarding form of ownership (condominium, fee simple, lease, etc.). Location and orientation of garbage cans or dumpster facilities: All garbage dumpsters must be so located to provide direct access for the City front-end loaders, anc the dumpster area must be proyi~ed with adequate width and height clearance. The site must be so designed to eliminate the necessity for the front-end loader to back into any street. If any use requires the disposal of wet garbage, a ten foot by ten fodt (10' x 10' te sial shall be provided. All dumpsters mus e screened d landscaped in accordance with th,e ci tye--eGde. (See Sec. 7.5-35 (i)). A minimum ).-o--foot, wide opening'>i~ required for dumpster enclosures. C ___.._____".".___________ 26. A parking lot design and construction plan showing conformance to the City Parking Lot Regulations, and including the following information. Any exceptions to the Parking Lot regulations that are proposed or that ar' to continue will require an application for Variance to the Parking Lot Regulations. a. ~(5- ) b.:/ t, ./ c. 1~0 .- 8 Location of all parking and loading facilities. A parking lot layout plan, inclUding curbs, car stops, and double striping. A cross-section of materials to be used in the construction of the parking lot. A lighting plan for the building exterior and site, including exterior security lighting, and lighting for driveways and parking lots; to include the location of lighting standards, direction of lighting, fixture types, lamp types and sizes, and average illumination level(s) in footcandles. Information showing conformance with the City StreE and Sidewalk Ordinance, including construction of sidewalks along adjacent public streets. C:SitePlan PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991- (7 ) f. Location-of existing-and proposed public and pri'lat streets, including ultimate rights-of-way. g. On-site traffic plan, including arrows and ocher pavement markings, traffic signs, and stop signs at exits. h. Location of handicap parking spaces, plus signs and access ramps, consistent with the State Handicap Code. i. A drainage plan for the entire site, including parking areas; to include finish grade and pavement elevations, drainage calculations, and details of the drainage system. If the total impervious area on site exceeds twenty-five thousand (25,000) squar- feet, then drainage plans and calculations must be prepared by an engineer registered in the State of Florida, and must be sealed. Percolation tests mU3 be provided with drainage calculations. j. Existing elevations on adjacent properties, and on adjacent rights-of-way. 27. Where conformance with the County's Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance is required, an Application fo Alteration of Environmentally Sensitive Lands (Environmental Impact Study) must be submitted to the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (copy to City) prior to or concurrent with th- submittal of the site plan to the City. 28. For projects that generate more than five hundred (500) net trips per day, a traffic impact analysis must be submitted which complies with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffi Performance Standards Ordinance. a. For projects that generate two thousand (2,000) or more net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted to the City at least 60 days prie, to the deadline for site plan approval, in order tc allow for timely processing of the site pain application and review by the City's traffic consultant and Palm Beach County. The applicant shall be billed for the cost of review by the City' traffic consultant. b. For projects that generate between five hundred (500) and two thousand (2,000) net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the deadline for site plan approval, in order to allow for timely processing c the site plan application and review by Palm Beach County. However, if it is the desire of the applicant to utilize the City's traffic consultant for review of the traffic impact analysis prior to review by Palm Beach County, then the procedure anc requirements outlined under item "a" above shall bE: followed. NOTE: Failure to submit traffic impact analysis in the manner prescribed above may delay approval of the site plan applicatioI -- PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 C:SitePlan " ((3 ) 29. In addition to the above requirements, the follo~ing items shall be submitted to the planning Department no later than the site plan deadline: a. One copy of colored elevations for all buildings ar. signage to be constructed on site. These elevatior. must be of all sides of each type of building and signage pro~osed and the colors proposed must be accompanied by a numerical code from an established chart of colors. Elevations must also include information related to building materials. All elevations must be submitted on 24" x 36" drawir.gs. Buildings constructed will be inspected on the basi of the elevations submitted to the City and approve by the City Commission. Failure to construc~ buildings consistent with elevations submitted will result in the Certificate of Occupancy being withheld. b. A transparency of the site plan (maximum size of 8-1/2" x 11"). At the discretion of the applicant, the Planning Department will prepare transparencies from the site plan document. However, the Planning Department will not be responsible for poor quality transparancies which result from the submission of poor quality site plan blueprints, and poor quality transparencies will not be presented to the Plannin and Zoning Board or City Commission. c. Colored photographs of surrounding buildings (minimum size 8" x 10"). 30. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be required by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. NOTE: Any of the above requirements may be waived by the Technical Review Board, if such information is deemed to be non-essential by the Board. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 c:sitePlan ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-o93CC May 30, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro Director'of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS RUIZ CATERING In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Code of Ordinances, specifically Chapter 19, Section 19-17, lIPlan Required", including Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", the applicant for the above referenced project shall submit the following information, plan revisions and technical data: 1. The applicant shall revise plans to depict the construction of sidewalks along the east property line situated within the rights-of-way, including the removal and replacement of all broken and/or avulsed sidewalks. 2. Sidewalks shall continue thru the ingress/egress approach and be so transitioned as to facilitate the circulation of handicapped persons. 3. Provide fully sodded and irrigated swales within the public rights-of-way. Swale detail shall conform to Engineering Department standards. 4. The applicant shall provide a parking lot facility lighting plan, including associated photometrics. A note shall be placed on the plan indicating that the system shall be photo-cell activated. The lighting plan shall also include cut sheets and details for poles, including a certified statement that the standard will sustain a 110 MPH lateral wind load. Additionally, cross-sections shall depict depth of pole imbedment and/or type of foundation to be utilized. 5. Provide construction specifications and standards for materials to be utilized in the construction of this project relative to paving and drainage. 6. Provide a parking lot layout plan and details depicting the striping of standard and handicap stalls in accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Code of Ordinances and the Department of Community Affairs Accessibility Requirements Manual. Details for striping of standard and handicap stalls are available in the Engineering Department. 7. Delete the note stating that two feet of the parking stalls shall not be paved. 8. Provide percolation test data, percolation test locations and associated drainage calculations. The exfiltration trench shall have structures at either end for clean out purposes. Also, swales are necessary, including calculations for a three year, twenty-four hour storm which shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review. Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator Engineering W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. Gee & Jenson, Consulting Engineers WRS:VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Michael Haag, Site Compliance Administrator ~ tjfu BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-217 May 31, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments - May 28, 1991 Meeting SITE PLAN - RUIZ - 445 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY (PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION) Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach city Codes: 1. All drawings and/or documents submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional, shall show original legible raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings/documents. 2. Indicate on the plan a use acceptable to the zoning district. The proposed use of a catering business is not a permitted use in the Central Business District. The Board of Adjustment variance approval was based on a take-out and catering lunch business, with catering being an accessory use to the principle use of a take-out restaurant. 3. Identify on the site plan the gross square foot floor area of each floor level of the building. 4. Specify on the plan the length, height, letter style/family, type of material and color of,all signage. Provide drawings of the building and site signage complying with the requirements of the sign code. 5. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure and pad. Identify the following dumpster information: i. show ten feet (10') clear minimum width of the enclosure opening. Clear opening width must be measured and shown from inside of gate and post material or meet the Public Works Department specifications for size of compactor enclosure. ii. where gates are proposed, specify the method of holding the enclosure gates in the open and closed position 6. Show the computations and figures on the plans used to determine. the total number of required parking spaces for the entire site. Provide a statement on the plans identifying the date, case number and description of the variance request that was granted for reducing the number of required parking spaces. 7. State on the plans that the landscape material will be irrigated with an automatic water supply system. Specify the water supply source. 8. Identify and show on the landscape plans the clear line of sight visibility requirements at ingress and egress points and intersections of right-of-ways. Visibility requirements shall be consistent with the Central Business District (CBD) landscape code. To: Christopher cutro Re: Ruiz, Memo # 91-217 Page Two of Two 9. Show and specify on the landscape plans the following planting specifications for all landscape material as required by the Central Business District (CBD) Landscape Code: 1) shade tree, 2) small tree, 3) shrubs, 4) vines, 5) ground cover, 6) lawn grass, 7) mulch, 8) grade of plant material and 9) provide a legend indicating species, number of plants, height, spacing, diameter, clear trunk height and spread (include native planting computations for all landscape material consistent with the CBD Landscape Code). 10. The outline, configuration and material shown and identified on the project drawing(s) submitted with the plan(s) for final sign-off shall match in every respect the colored drawing(s) approved by the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) during the approval process of the project. The color of each exterior finish material shown on the final sign-off plans shall be identified by name, color number and manufacturers name which shall match in every respect with the color(s) shown on the drawing(s) approved by the community Redevelopment Agency. NOTE: A manufacturer's color chart showing and identifying all exterior color(s) shall be submitted with the application for the Community Appearance Board (CAB) review. In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included within your documents submitted to the Building Department for required permits: 1. Specify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material and components for the dumpster enclosure walls, foundation and associated pad 2. Include within the drawings a detailed elevation view drawing of the proposed site lighting pole and fixture. Show and specify the following pole and fixture data. i. specify shields to deter off-site glare ii. show the height of the pole and fixture matching the height specified on the photometric drawing iii. specify the depth of the pole and/or pole base is placed below grade iv. provide a detail drawing of the pole base showing and specifying the vertical and horizontal structural materials and components. Including the size and type of fasteners required to attach the pole to the base v. show the distance from the grade to the top of the pole base vi. correct conflicts between the location of site lighting pole(s) and landscaping 3. Establishment of the use will require appropriate tenant separation. ~ LOCA T\ON. MrtP - RU\Z-"CA TER\NG ... ;, , p u '0 1/8 'H \ \ \ \ \ '0 ,400, '800