APPLICATION .....".: , ~ '. .... . ' SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION /1' " ~.. " ). City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board \1 , This application must be filled out completely and accurately ; and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning O~partrnent. Incomplete applications will .not be processed. . .' " Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I.' GENERAL INFORMATION , \ . 1. 'Project Name: '.. A D~c.\o~s Ot=FlCE.- . ,. 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dep~.) i 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made),: B (;) U~<:S.UE. A~b DA~ 5'E-Y MD .PA. ct S- ( rJ- W. l?:> T" s.~t: e:.-=r BOCA RATa";, FLA.. .33 -9 81'o '.3 9'2. ...,. D \ 4 (A.r;. .-::\-01) . - ..- ..... "" Address: Phone: 4. Agent's Name (person, ~f any, representing applicant): '. RO""~LD H. MilLE.R.. J Aec~ A.LJ\. Address: +0 S. E... ~ TH 5- l 1<. i~E.." , BOCA RATOtJ, F='-A. ~~4~2.' Phone: J.4 ()~) .3 ~;;-- 5 q 0 z. , 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: '. BOVRQ.()E..:M/t> DAW5E'( N.b, BA. Address: QS'l !J.W. lsall- 5TeeE-'J , t5cc,A RAIOt-J,' FL.-A i3~~tq Phone: (4-b1) $Cf Z- +0/1- \ 6. Correspondence' Address (if different than applicant or agent) ~LL COtl. ~eSPt>NPEfJCf:, 10 A~.EJJr A~\Je,... ~ O~J\.L. D H. HILLE. Jl:. A~H *. . * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 10/82 ./0 .. , , Page 2' --. /7t ' , " " 7. Wha~ is applicant's interest in the bremises affected? o W IJ e. r<... . . I . (O~ner, Buyer, ~esseei Builder, Developer, / Contract Purchaser, etc.) 8. o street Address or Location of Site: 2. 71H AVEI'JOE- Esa'fUIOfV BgAC.>> \ 0\ . SOUTH EA~;- FLA 9. " ,. Legal. Description of 51 te!pro'perty Contro.l fi t I . ho~ ( oF- ~A'(-- HAle.. E.SOiA.TE$ C ourv T''1'" F '-0 R, i f:) A . . PALM BEAG H , . ' 10. Intended Use.(s) of site: DeC:\O~lj 0 Ft=:IC~. 11. Developer or Builder I Bo l L De: fZ. :... 'BLA' J2...Cl9tVc;,F-U G T\oQ :(3 ~ StE. ~",p A\JE.. - DEl.R.A't' B~^CM, FLA, (-1P-U 27~"7 CJ 13 . Ro IV~Lt> l\, MILLe 1<... AU", A\ A. .12. ,Architect: , " 13.'. Landscape Architect:". '. RSfJALP Ht 10\, LL,: 1Z- Atu:..Ha. 14. Site Planner: Ro f-JALP H. MILLE..e..., A.'R..C"'L. 15. .Engineer: f?A.RAMOUl.)-r EIJC. ~~cJP . PE.1t:~ ~A'eE~5 . . 'l~. . Surveyor: O~B~\E~ J . S V\,E'R,. ~ O'~~'~\J) I t4C. ' , . 17. 'traffic Engineer: -:..- r:J/A " 18. Has. a si te. plan been previously approvo.d by the ci ty council." for this propc1..ty?' tJo 19. Es tima ted cons t1..uc tion cos t of propoLlc,tl imp1..oyemcn ts sho\o/n on . this site plan: :pt :3S0~~CJO, ~ Planning Dept. 10/82 // . . paqe 3 /7' II. SI~E DA~A ,- ~he following information must be filled out below and must appear, whe~e applicable,' on all six (6) copies of the' si.te p,lan. 1. Land.rose Cateqory shown in Co.' the Comprehensive Plan 2. Zoning District C - \ 3. Area of Site 0, Sf acres ......... : ;2.?..~8!) sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown ," ,. a. ftesidential, including, surrounding lot area or grgunds b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) I' acres \ of site acres , of site c. Water Area d. Commercial e. Industrial 0.5'/ acres IlJO ., of site , of site , of site , of site acres acres , f. Public/In- stitutional .acres g. PUblic,private, and Canal Riqhts-of-Way " I h. Other (specify) \ acr~s , of site acres , of site ". i. Other (specify) acres , of site j. ~otal Area of Site (!). ~I A<:~It$ . 100 , of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor'. recreation, and havinq a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover . 'I a.' ,Ground Floor Building 10S--1 .sq.ft. Area (lIbuildin~ footprin:t") ~ , of site b. Water Area c sg.ft. o. , of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots.& driveways (ex- cluding landscaped, areas) , and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 1 'J..1 214- sq. ft. S".5~ \ of site d. ~otal Impervious Area e. Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required-- see Sec. 7.5-3S(g) of Landscape Code) . J''l&~ 31 J L. sq. ft. sq.ft. 1,-~ 'of site ~ , of site /~ Planning Dept. 10/82 ..... ..... .. , ....... ..... _ 14 .","... .... . . , , :..-'. /7 b . . . Page 4 . other Landscaped Areas, . . . " of. site f. '.. sq. ft. excluding Water Area g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and swa~es, but exclud~ng ;l. DOS- sq.ft. 10 , of site Water Areas h. Total Pervious Areas ~OIL sq.ft. ;t'L' of site . . Total Area of Site ~'j., ~8S- ~,q.ft. 100 , of site i. ,6. Floor Area a. Residential sq.ft. .. . b. Commercial/Office 4- ~t/J " sq. ft,. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq.ft.. d. Recreational sq.ft. e. Publici Institutional sq.ft. f. Other (specify) , sq.ft. g. Other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total Floor Area 4-OS~ sq.ft. 7. Number Qf Reside~tial Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached b. Duplex . dwelling' units dwelling units . . c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units (1) Efficiency (2) 1 Bedroom (3) 2 Bedroom (4) 3+ Bedroom d. Total Multi-Family e. Total Number of pwelling Units . . dwelling units dwelling un,its dwellifig"units dwelling units dwelling units " tJ 0 tJ e... 8. Gross Density fJo JJ a. Dwelling Units per ~cre ' 1 stories 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site 10. Required Off-Street Parking 17 feet a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces 1-0S'ct + 2.,00::, 20.~ 1 b. Off-Street Parking Spaces , Provided on site Plan ~~ S'{'~Ce.,S .' -e . "', _.......1__ ....__J. . ... ,,,... " I 10 '. ., ' Page 9 ./7,b' IV.' MISC~LLANEOUS ( check) V 1. The following ~aterials must be~submitted 'in one (1) copy; A check, payable to the City of. Boynton Beach, as per the attached, fee schedule. ~oo ~ ' . . . . , , , ' -!I tl/A 2. For projects that generate at'least three thousand (3,000)' vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic l.......t ~...-,,,._~- -........ \....... ....,"'-......a....tcd .1.&..1"'......'" .W6&C04.&.J w.w .,,"".., '-of i.J~ ., ~..,."..... 'W t ~ 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- ~ quired by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance . with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. ~ ~. VI. v. CERTIFICATION (1) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become' a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. . (I) (We) hereby certify that. the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. . f?~ ~~'-- 19/.dn slg~~ture of Owner or Trustee, Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT s~f1l~d IIleM Agent ~ 1/3, ,,,,8" Date ~I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) au~horized agent in regard to this appli~ation. ~ tr6uti S~gnature 0 Ow er(s) or Trustee, Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. , , SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY .. Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Date Date Date \ Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted; Additional Remarks: /,v Planning Dept. 10/82