CORRESPONDENCE CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 Eaat Boynton Beach Boul8"lIIrd P.Q, Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33A25-()310 (407) 734-8111 August 29, 1990 Mr. Eugene Casey 116 NW 10 Ct Boynton Beach, Fl 33426 Dear Mr. Casey: Reference your letter directed to Representative Harry Johnston regarding a proposed plan to construct a fanners market and dairy barn (drive through) on Boynton Beach Boulevard, I wish to advise you that Boynton Beach City Commission at their regular meeting of August 21, 1990, denied the applica- tion of Tradewinds Development Corporation to rezone and amend the land use element so to penmit these proposed uses. The denial of the City Commission precludes the applicant from re-applying for similar rezoning and land use element amendment for a period of one (1) year. Should you have any further questions or concerns reference this matter, please feel free to contact Jim Golden, Interim City Planner, or this office. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~. ~/ C~~ / -- ,-----' J'. Scott Miller City Manager JSM:cd cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Jim Golden, Interim City Planner Centra 1 Fil e ltECEIVED AUG 3 () 1990 PLANr"", 'III>;G DEPr ~ ......, CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33.425-()310 (407) 73~-8111 August 29, 1990 Mr. Carl Josephson, Jr. 119 NW 10 Ct Boynton Beach, FL 33426 '-' Dear Mr. Josephson: Reference your letter directed to Representative Harry Johnston regarding a proposed plan to construct a farmers market and dairy barn (drive through) on Boynton Beach Boulevard, I wish to advise you that Boynton Beach City Commission at their regular meeting of August 21, 1990, denied the applica- tion of Tradewinds Development Corporation to rezone and amend the land use element so to permit these proposed uses. The denial of the City Commission precludes the applicant from re-applying for similar rezoning and land use element amendment for a period of one (1) year. Should you have any further questions or concerns reference this matter, please feel free to contact Jim Golden, Interim City Planner, or this office. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ._~ ?;co:: Mi-lle~~ City Manager JSM:cd cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Jim Golden, Interim City Planner Centra 1 Fil e CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 Eaat Boynton Beach Boule'Vsrd P.Q, Box 310 Boynton aesch, Florida 33425-0310 /-'07) 734-8111 August 29, 1990 Carl Edler 111 NW 10 C t Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Mr. Edler: Reference your letter directed to Representative Harry Johnston regarding a proposed plan to construct a fanners market and dairy barn (drive through) on Boynton Beach Boulevard, I wish to advise you that Boynton Beach City Commission at their regular meeting of August 21, 1990, denied the applica- tion of Tradewinds Development Corporation to rezone and amend the land use element so to permit these proposed uses. The denial of the City Commission precludes the applicant from re-applying for similar rezoning and land use element amendment for a period of one (1) year. Should you have any further questions or concerns reference this matter, please feel free to contact Jim Golden, Interim City Planner, or this office. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH L./ ~i46i-'~ / --'----J ,./ J. Scott Miller City Manager JSM:cd cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Jim Golden, Interim City Planner Centra 1 Fil e HARRY JOHNSTON 14TH DISTRICT, r:LORIDA' ~ ,... CHIEF OF STAFF SUZANNE STOLL COMMITTEE ON FOREIGt~ AFFAIRS COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE. SPACE. AND TECHNOLOGY DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR DIANE BIRNBAUM ((ongrt55 of tbt Wnittb ~tatt5 J!.JOU~t of l\tprt~ttltatibt~ Rtasbington, 119QC 20515 August 15, 1990 Mr. Carl Edler 111 NW 10th Court Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Dear Mr. Edler: Thank you for your recent correspondence regar~ing the difficulty you have encountered with the zoning in your neighborhood. I certainly understand your frustration and I am pleased you thought to contact me. However, this is a situation under the jurisdiction of the City of Boynton Beach, as such, I have taken the liberty of forwarding you correspondence to your city Officials. I am sure you will hear back from Boynton Beach in the near future. with warm regards. HJ : j b ,.") '(-\ ~\~. I - - t- ~ '--.. !.::. , .~.. ; WASHINGTON OFFICE: 1511 LONGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASH'NGTON, OC 20515 (2021225-3001 HOME OFFICE, 1501 CORPORATE DRIVE, SUITE 250 BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR'OA 33426 PALM BEACH COUNTY (4071 732-4000 BROWARO COUNTY {305) 428-4888 .SENDER: Co~te items 1 ant'12 when additional services are des~ and complete Items 3 and 4, j Put your address j,. "e" RETURN Tp" Space on the reverse sIde, Failur.. ,_ do this will prevent this card from being returned to you.. The return receipt fee will provide YOU the name of the person delivered to and the date of deliv,ery. For additional faes the following services are available. Consult , postmaster for fees and check box(es) for additional service(s) requested. 1. 0 Show to whom dellvered"date, Ilnd addressee's address, 2. 0 Restricted Delivery . t (Extra charg8.)t . t (Extra charge)t 3. Article Addressed to: 4. Article Number eN F1 RJ...I ~ WI4~/r(EIC P , 73'0 ,-/-07 -S-~ lr" COUNTY -r1'rf1FrIC ~/V~/ll/eEI( fWJ..1r/ BeN C r.Y E /1/~ ,]) cpT, R O. 13'D)( ,;l." 4-;1...9 we5 -r Pfll...J11 Be. 1</, Ft... 33 <(-02- / 5, Signature - Addressee X ~ ~Ag~A 7, Date of Delivery PS Form 3811, Mar. 1987 * U.S.G.P.O. 1987-178.268 Type of Service: o Registered lZJ. Certified o Express Matt.. Always obta:ln~ill';atu or agent afit! OATE il) I 8. Addre$see'~Addrel'SiO'N requesledanu.b~cpaid) ("...J ....( .-:<:~-~/,,; -< ~~)-<.: ''"' (: o Insured o COD DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POS SERVICE OFFICIAL BU~SS SENDER INSiRUCTIONS Print your name. address. and ZIP Code in the space below, . Complete items 1, 2, 3. and 4 on the reverse, . Attach to front of article if space permits, otherwise affix to back of article, . Endorse article "Return Receipt Requested" adjacent to number, I I w~ ~ PENALTY FOA PAIVA USE, $300 RETURN TO Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below, . C.ITY 'OF BDYN-r;EN GEReN- {t-rrIV.' -:rUrt OI....J:JE/V p ,v. f3v,x 3/D J3 D.Y /1/ TO IV 'B eN./ F /..... .5 3 LI-~- t. ~ , I, :., ~ '~l Golden Boynton Beach May 22, 1990 Page 2 of 2 The only outstanding item at this time is the traffic report. K. S. Rogers and Associates are preparing that document and I will forward it to your attention as soon as possible. Please review the attached information and contact me if there are any discrepancies, or any additional information is necessary. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Sin~rely, / ~ . f./ Q n /' \ VtJ1Wta.. \~ co~e w. Parker cc: Mike Morton/David Levy; Tradewinds Development ~ , CITY pf BOYNTON BEACH 1! ~ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR May 11, 1990 Ms. Coleen Parker Kilday & Associates Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Boynton Beach Boulevard Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Dear Ms. Parker: Please be advised that I have reviewed the above applications and my comments are as follows: (1) Exhibit "A" of the Text Amendment is missing the last sentence of the existing text. Exhibit "B" appears to be identical to Exhibit "A". However, the nature of the amendment requested (item no. 2 on page no. 2 of application) has not been specifically addressed. (2) Mailing labels or addressed envelopes (one set) must be provided for all property owners to be notified of both applications (see item "e" on page 4 of land use element amendment/rezoning application, item no. 1 on page 2 of the text amendment application and attached notice concerning postage and mailing labels or envelopes). (3) The proposed land use category on page 3 of the LUEA/REZ application should be changed to "Local Retail Commercial" to correspond to the C-2 zoning requested. (4) A tree survey is required (see item d.3 on page 4 of LUEA/REZ application). (5) Proposed timing and phasing of development must be specified (see item 3 on page 5 of LUEA/REZ application). Ms. Coleen Parker -2- May 11, 1990 (6) A comparison of traffic generated under the existing zoning with traffic that would be generated under the proposed zoning must be provided. Also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accommodate such traffic movements (see item 5 on page 5 of LUEA/REZ application). NOTE: If the proposed development generates over 500 vehicle trips per day, then a traffic impact analysis is required pursuant to the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance; otherwise, a statement should be provided by a Florida registered traffic engineer that specifies the trip generation and states that compliance is not required. (7) Projections for the number of employees are required (see item 8 on page 6 of LUEA/REA application). If the City Commission approves the transmittal of the land use amendment to DCA, you will be required to submit to the Planning Department, prior to transmittal, a description of the availability of and demand on public facilities, pursuant to 9J-ll.006(1)(b)4 of the Florida Administrative Code. Attached you will find a copy of our Public Hearing Application Schedule for the Second Half of 1990. Considering that the application was submitted substantially complete (except for those items listed above), it is anticipated that timely submittal of the outstanding items will allow these applications to be advertised for July public hearings (see second category on page 2 of attached schedule). Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH fv..~r)?~ ~~es J. Golden Senior City Planner JJG:cp Ene. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Planning Departaent 100 E. Boynton Beacb Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 FAX NUMBER (407) 738-7459 OFFICE NUMBER (407) 738-7490 FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER LETTER Date: & - / - 7d .. Time: To: From: 7=~~inj cover ~ $- '77/- '>o/~~ $L letter) : Fax Number Transmitting To: Number of Remarks: .. ~, , > .. ""r I '\ "1 \ 'I Kilda & ~ciat.. Landscape Architects/ Planners 155'1 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 May 22, 1990 Mr. Jim Golden Boynton Beach City Hall PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Boynton Beach Blvd. Commercial Center Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning and comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Our Project No.: 421.10 Dear Jim, Attached please find almost all of the revised application information requested in your letter dated May 11th. This information is as follows: 1. Revised Exhibit 'A' and 'B' of the Text Amendment dpplication, referencing the proposed change for the two-acre commercial parcel and four-acre civic use. 2. Addressed envelopes with postage for both applications. 3. The proposed land use category on Page 3 of the LUEA/REZ application has been revised to reflect "Local Retail Commercial". 4. Eleven (11) copies of the tree survey. 5. Item 'H' reflects the timing and phasing of development and the number of employees. Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 July 13, 1990 Mr. Tim Cannon Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Two Acre Boynton Beach Blvd. Commercial Parcel Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning/Text Amendment Our Project No.: 421.10 Dear Mr. Cannon, Please accept this letter as a request for postponement of the above referenced petition from the July 17, 1990 Boynton Beach City Council Meeting. As you are aware, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended denial of this request at their July 10th meeting. Our clients, Tradewinds Development Corp., are currently out of the country and not available for discussion in regards to the project. We would like to meet with them as soon as they return to discuss the status of the project and the compromise presented by the City of Boynton Beach Planning staff. I would appreciate it if this petition would be continued to the August 7, 1990 City Council meeting to provide adequate time to review the comments raised by staff and the Planning and Zoning Board with our clients. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you very much for your consideration. si7erelY, c{!gJ~~ RECEI'lFD JUt. 1. J.l PLANIIiI.... /' ~ t t" \..i: .~, cc: Tradewinds Development Corp. Scott Miller, City Manager Sue Kruze, City Clerk's Office '------- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, florlda 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR June 19, 1990 Mr. Charlie Walker County Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Engineering Department P.O. Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis - Boynton Beach Boulevard Rezoning Dear Mr. Walker: Enclosed you will find two copies of the Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by K.S. Rogers, Consulting Engineer, Inc., dated June 18, 1990. Please review the traffic impact analysis for consistency with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH rf.)A JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG:cp Encs. cc: Tim Cannon Vincent Finizio Ken Rogers Certified Mail #P730 407 528 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ ~ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 140n 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR August 22, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Mr. Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 RE: Boynton Beach Boulevard Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning/ Text Amendment - File No. 501 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 21, 1990, the City Commission denied the above-referenced request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from "Moderate Density Residential" to "Local Retail Commercial" and to rezone from R-1AA/PUD (Single F'amily Residential) to C-3 (Community Commercial) to permit a farmer's market and a drive-through dairy barn. If you have any questions concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTO~ ~EACH t:1.~ 61 AMES J. GOLDEN Interim Planning Director JJG:frb J CONGRESSMAN HARRY JOHNSTON: , '-. J . ...; '~.."'" MY NAME IS Ci4 fi? L f.J) L 13 K LIVING ON OR NEAR N. W., 10th COURT ,- IN BOYNTON BEACH. I AM CONCERNED, ALONG WITH A NUMBER OF MY NEI GHBORS, ON THE PLAN., TO REZONE PROPERTY DIREerLY IN THE REAR OF US FROM SINGLE FAMILY HOMES TO COMMERCIAL. THE NEW PLAN IS TO INSTALL A DRIVE TO DAIRY BARN AND A FARMERS MARKET RIGHT SMACK IN OUR BACK YARDS. A NUMBER OF ELDERLY RESIDENTS STILL LIVE IN THE AREA SINCE 1969. THE COMMUNITY (LEISUREVILLE) IS COMPOSED OF 1803 HOMES AND 564 APARTMENTS AND HAS KEPT PACE WITH THE CITylS GROWTH. THE SEARCH FOR PEACEFUL LIVING IN THE WANING YEARS IS BEING INTERRUPTED BY THE SPEerRE OF GREED: "REZONING." THE WORD "GROWTH" SEEMS TO HAVE DIFFERENT INTERPRETATIONS DEPENDING WHERE YOU STAND: ON ONE SIDE BY GREED INSTITUTED BY HIT AND RUN DEVELOPERS~ PAYMENT OF A POLITICAL DEBT AND FALSE INFORMATION. ON THE OTHER SIDE1 THE LOGICAL ONE, INCREASE IN POPULATION VIA FAMILIES, WHO IN TURN CREATE THE NECESSITIES OF SURVIVAL. THIS PROBLEM TRIGGERED A MUCH LARGER ONE, K;\MELY: THE ELIMINATION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FOR SI X MONTHS. IN OUR SITUATION, THE BOARD MADE AN INSPEcrION, ACCORDING TO LAW, AND CAME AWAY WITH A UNAMIMOUS DECISION: NO REZONING. THIS VERDIer FANNED THE ANGER OF THE MAYOR AND PART OF THE COMMISSION. TO GET RID OF A MAJOR AGENCY BECAUSE IT DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE POLITICAL SE'l' UP IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION.~ (READ THE ENCLOSED COMMENTS) TO CONCLUDE: WE ARE PART OF A LARGE DEVELOPMENT AND WE NEED HELP. WE DO NOT SEEK ANY GAINS OF ANY SORT, JUST AID IN KEEPING UNNECESSARY COMMERCIAL USE AWAY AND TO MAINTAIN THE PROPERTY AS STATUS QUO: FOR SINGLE FAMILY HOMES. SECONDLY: DO SOMETHING BEFORE 1',[' IS TOO LATE (AUGUST 21 DEADLINE). THE ELIMINATION PLAN IS TEARING THE CITY APART. BOYNTON BEACH BEING A MAJOR PART OF YOUR DISTRICT AND STILL GROWING, IDO HOPE YOU AGREE IT DESERVES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. .1.\:"\ ,c~~:t{~~u dM. /tJ f/c:'h /f1'-:- /\.. J /// "