APPLICATION Board of County Commissioners Carol], Elmquist, Chairman Karen T, Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Ron Howard Carole Phillips County Administrator Jan Winters June 25, 1990 Department of Engineering and Public Works Mr. James J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 RE: TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS - BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD REZONING Dear Mr. Golden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the proposed Convenience Store/Garden Center pursuant to Countywide Traffic Performance Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-7) and Municipal Implementation Ordinance (Ord, No. 90-6). The County Traffic Division has determined the following: The project meets the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regarding the determination of the County Traffic Division, please feel free to contact me, or call 684-4030. Sincerely, RECEIVED OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER o&aft'- J4~ ~ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director - Traffic Division .81990 PLANNING DEPT. r CRW:DW:sb File - New TPS - Traffic Study Reviews diw\BBBrezone "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 @ printed on recycled paper TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 2,0 ACRE COMMERCIAL PARCEL BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 18, 1990 Prepared By: K,S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 p~ IB LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS FIGURE 3 DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC FIGURE 4 TOTAL TRAFFIC FIGURE 5 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES APPENDIX APPENDIX A ADOPTED THRESHOLD VOLUMES APPENDIX B ONE PERCENT (1%) OF THE ADOPTED THRESHOLD VOLUMES APPENDIX C HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D MAJOR PROJECT LIST INTRODUCTION This office has been retained to prepare a Traffic Impact Analysis for a proposed two acre commercial development which is to be located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, west of Old Boynton Road, in Section 29, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, in Boynton Beach, Florida, This Analysis has been performed in order to determine the volume of traffic expected to be added to the roadway system as a resul t of the approval of this project, the effect that this traffic will have on the capacity of the roadways in the area of the project and what roadway improvements, if any, are necessary as a result of the approval of this project. This Analysis has also been performed in accordance with the standards and criteria as established in the Traffic Performance Standards Municipal Implementation Ordinance #90-6 and the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of Palm Beach County, Ordinance #90-7, Existing traffic counts, which were available from the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Palm Beach County Traffic Division, were used when applicable and these counts were augmented by twenty-four (24) hour machine counts and peak hour hand counts performed for this office. SITE INFORMATION The site plan, as prepared by Kilday & Associates, shows that it is being proposed to construct two commercial buildings on this 2.0 acre site. The building which is to be located clos- est to Boynton Beach Boulevard will consist of an 800 square foot dairy barn. This building will be used strictly as a drive-in convenience store selling primarily dairy related products. A proposed 10,200 square foot farmer's market store I garden center is to be located directl y south of this proposed dairy barn. Access to this site will be via a single driveway entrance onto Boynton Beach Boulevard, A median opening presently exists on Boynton Beach Boulevard which directl y aligns with the pro- posed driveway entrance. The site is located in relation to the major roadways in Fiqure 1. EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS The major road serving as access to this site is Boynton Beach Boulevard. In the immediate area of the site, Boynton Beach Boulevard exists as a six lane median divided arterial roadway. The section of Boynton Beach Boulevard from I-95 to Old Boynton Road, which presently exists ~s a four lane divided road, is scheduled to be widened to six lanes by Palm Beach County. According to Javier Lopez of the Roadway Production Division, the contract for construction of this section of Boynton Beach Boule- vard is in the process of being let with construction expected to commence within two to two and one half months. As it is expect- ed that construction of this section of Boynton Beach Boulevard will commence prior to the approval of this project, this Report will assume that this section of Boynton Beach Boulevard has been constructed. The existing roadway average annual daily volumes and the existing roadway capacity in the project study aLea are shown in Figure 2. -2- ttIllaa.. ..-.ou.tJll'tftCI )11-.0 3 NIl :::l w > < 3^V o z (\/ (\/ ~ Z a~ 3::>N3~MV1 11V~.l 11 " "- - k, s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc, west palm beach, fl. o > oJ 1XI z o ~ z >- o 1XI a~ 11V~ o oJ o lS3~::>V3S 96-1 78::7l..0::" ~''':'''':':''... . W !:: en J: (,) < W 1XI SS3t:lE>NO::> z o ~ z >- o 1XI At:Hf 1111~ LOCATION MAP w > < J: ~ It) ... ~ w date MA Y 90 figure 1 IIll[llAlIlf ""ttOOIllA"NtCS lUUIl NIO ~r ,..,0 ...N ""0 ~O .N ...(") ....0 (")(") lS3l::j:JV3S 3^V ~'O w .0 > ""N ,..,0 <( . (")(") ,..,0 0 . 00 010 == (X)..... > ,..,0 ...0 ..J ........ m 00 N'" 96-1 ~10 w (X) 0 > (X)N (")0 <C .(") 3^," o Z N N ~ z at:! 71 k. s, rogers, consulting engineer, inc, west palm beach, fl. llVl::jl (X)!O 00 (x)N 010 N(") z o .- z >- o m ~Ig 6 (X) N <C 01 0 W N(,) m at:! llV~ o ..J o 3:JN3t:!M'lfl "- ~ ~8:;.~r.~...:"";'" ,..:';".':";"... . W Nlo !:: ,.., 0 (/J 01(") ...~ ("). SS31:H>NO:J ~10 ~o (')(") .....~ N. z o .- z >- o m Al::j'lf l11f~ EXISTING ROAD CONDITIONS CIO ,... 0 ...(') lL)~ N. J: .... lL) ~ (/) w ~ :> ..Jw o~ >;:) O..J ..Jo (,)0> _J: \.L.(/):':: \.L.w<C <(a:U/ a:J:a. '-'-\.L. C)O\.L. ~~o o .- a. (X) Z ~0(X) w x 0 01 o W <( ... W ..J NIO .....0 01('). ....(&) ('). date JUNE 90 figure 2 GENERATION A review of the available trip generation 1 i terature re- vealed that no standard generation rates were available for either of the proposed uses. As this proposed dairy barn use is similar in nature to a convenience store, the generation for the dairy barn was determined using the standard generation rate for a convenience store based upon information obtained from "Trip Generation - Fourth Edition", Institute of Transportation Engi- neers, 1987. The generation for the proposed garden center was determined based upon the observed traffic generation at the Country Times Farm Market located at 225 East Indiantown Road in Jupiter, The traffic generation rate obtained from this location has been previously used as the basis for this size and type of use. As such, the anticipated average daily trip generation for this project was determined and is shown below: USE CONVENIENCE STORE GARDEN CENTER AREA 800 sq. ft. 10,200 sq. ft. GENERATION RATE TOTAL DRIVEWAY GENERATION 887.06 tpd/lOOO sf 83 tpd/lOOO sf TOTAL 710 tpd 847 tpd 1557 tpd Article IV, Section 2 B (7) of Ordinance #90-7 recognizes that not all traffic generated by certain land uses is additional traffic on the adjacent roadway network. The Ordinance does allow for the consideration of pass-by or captured traffic. Ordinance #90-7 recognizes that 45% of the traffic generated by a COlven- ience store is "captured traffic". In addition, as the proposed 10,200 square foot garden center is considered a retail use, the Ordinance recognizes that approximately 44.8% of the traffic generated by the proposed garden center can be considered pass-by or "captured traffic" based upon the following ITE formula: -3- Pass-By Percentage = 45.1 - 0.0227(A) Where A = Area in thousand square feet = 10,200 s,f Pass-by % = 45.1 - 0.0225 (10.2) = 44.8% Thus, the total additional traffic expected to be generated by this project is recalculated as: TOTAL CAPTURED TOTAL DRIVEWAY TRAFFIC CAPTURED EXTERNAL USE GENERATION FACTOR TRAFFIC TRAFFIC CONVENIENCE STORE 710 tpd 45% 320 tpd 390 tpd GARDEN CENTER 847 tpd 44.8% 379 tpd 468 tDd TOTAL 858 tpd As shown above, the total additional average daily traffic expected to be generated by this project at full buildout and 100% occupancy is approximately 858 trips per day, Section V (B) of the Municipal Implementation Ordinance states that any project which generates more than 501 net trips shall be required to meet the standards of the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code. Thus, as this project generates more than 501 net trips per day, this project will be required to meet the 1990 County Code. TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION The traffic distribution for this project was prepared according to an examination of land use and travel patterns in the proje~t study area. Based upon the preceeding, the general- ized traffic distribution for this project was calculated and is shown below: NORTH 21% EAST 27% SOUTH 21% WEST 31% -4- The distributed traffic volumes for this project are shown in Figure 3. In accordance with TABLE 2 of the Traffic Perform- ance Standards Ordinance, the Maximum Radius of Development Infl uence for this project has been determined to be one mile. As such, the distributed traffic was brought one mile from the site or until the distributed traffic was less than one percent of the roadway's capacity. EFFECT ON CAPACITY The Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordi- nance #90-7 delineates very specific criteria which must be met pr ior to any Site Specific Development Order request being ap- proved, The traffic performance standard for all major thorough- fares in Palm Beach County consists of two tests. The first test is the Link Buildout Test. This test requires that the project not add traffic on any road link in the radius of development influence which would cause the total traffic to exceed capacity of the adopted threshold volumes at Level of Service "0", (shown in Appendix A). The buildout period for this project has been established as 1991 by the developer. Thus, to meet the Link Buildout Test, the total traffic on all links which are within a one hal f mi 1 e radius and all other I inks wi thin the radius of development influence which have project traffic greater than 1% of the link capacity should not exceed capacity during the build- out of the project (during 1991). The total traffic is defined as the sum of the existing average, ann11al, daily traffic, the project traffic, plus the background traffic, The background traffic is further defined as the sum of the historical growth, plus traffic generated by Major Projects, which are in excess of 10% of the capacity of the affected roadway link. The total traffic volumes on the included links are shown in Figure 4. -5- _nIA.l _f~.()G.A""tC" 111"" 3A'd w > <( 3A'd o z C'l C'l ~ Z Ol:l 3~N3l:1M'd1 11 "I l:I..L a , '\. k. s. rogers, COllsulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. 016 <0- - .. . . * * ~I~ o ... C? > ...J lD 01C? 0<0 C? . . ..LS3l:1~'d3S ./6 11)- ... . .S6-1 ';:::'::::'7~"'0:''J ~::':;"~-.:..' ""'!C? w .<0 f- .~ en z o .... z >- o lD :I: () ~I~ ~ ... C? lD ** ~l~ .... Ol:l 11V * o ...J o z o .... z >- o lD <OIC? C'l<O -. * -lit- ACi'V ..L111~ DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC w > ct SS3l:1~NO~ :I: .... II) ~ C/J w ~ ::> ...J w o () > Z o W ...J U. ::> o O...J ~:I:C/J~ u.C/J::>- u. w _.... <(a:oz a: :I: <( W ........a:~ ....O~a.. ()W::>O C w....~...J z...,a..-w wOOX> C!'a:o<(w wa..<(~o ...J ~I~ ~* date JUNE 90 figure 3 .fllAkl "1"M)QJIl."l4tC' )11940 3AV I ","om lOO 0<0. ...0 co C') C\I.... . <00 ... C\I C')... ...- w > <( 3AV o Z N N ~ z Ol:l 71 k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. ..LS3l:1~'tJ3S o > ...J I en lO co COIC\l 0 .C\I"'" 1.00 ,.. ... <0 1.0 N ,.. ,.. 1.0 0 C') .C') I I Ql.CO"-O ","1.OC'l<OO _ C'),.. o <OCOO C\I C') 1.0- ... ... 96-1 I lO OCO\.O CO 0<0 1.00 co C')..- C') C') C') C\I CD CD . _ 1.0. I I N-"'I"'O ,...,_coCDO ~ 01 ~... II) C') ~ 0)"- co C') ~ ", I I co co C')\Ql 0 ",CD CD"," 0 " ", ~ 01 """--- ,..""" (l) C') C\I C') ---- .... - .... ... I 3~N3l:1MV1 11'dl:l..L "- '- . C\I"'" .\C')6 ~ .... . co 00 !:: 01 ...- CD C') (J) ... 01"- CD C') ", . I z o .... z >- o en :J: o < W 1D SS3l:1~NO~ Ol:lll'tJ~ o ...J o z o .... z >- o co TOT AL TRAFFIC Al:IV ..L111~ w > < :J: .... 1.0 ~ C/J w ~ ::> ...J o > o 0 U. ...J U. 0 00< :J: --a: u.u.....oC/J u.u. _w <<ou.a: o::o::zu.:J: ........::><.... C)....o~o zoO:: w ....- w C) ...J.... ...,:,,::<c.. o ~oo""o zxa:<Oo W wc..co....< C!' W ...J , C\I 01 01'" 0 ....,..<0-0 O)C')QlC')C') .... 1.0<0<0 C') C')~ I date JUNE 90 figure 4 The 1991 projected traffic has been determined by taking the sum of the 1989 AADT, plus the projected historical growth, plus the traffic generated for Major Projects which are in excess of 10% of the roadway's link capacity. The historical growth calcu- lations are shown in APPENDIX C. The major project traffic volume calculations are shown in APPENDIX D. The total traffic volumes for the buildout year of 1991 are shown with the roadway capacities in Figure 4. Reviewing the total volumes and the roadway capacities in Figure 4, it is seen that on the roadway links within the radius of development influ- ence, the total traffic does exceed capacity on the following roadway links: ROAD BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD LINK I-95 Old Boynton Road to 1-95 1-95 to Seacrest Boulevard Hypoluxo Rd. to Boynton Bch. Blvd. Boynton Bch. Blvd. to Woolbright Ave. Ordinance #90-7 states that for a roadway link which has volumes exceeding capacity, additional projects may be approved which will increase the volume of traffic on the road up to a total of five percent (5%) of the adopted level of service of the road. However, no one project may use more than one-fifth (1/5) of the five percent of capacity available on that link. Ordi- nance #90-7 lists in TABLE 3 the roadway links which were over capacity in 1989 which can have this additional traffic approval. Al though Boynton Beach Boulevard, between I-95 and Old Boynton Road, had volumes exceeding capacity in 1989, this link was left off TABLE 3. An amendment to Ordinance #90-7 which would add this link of Boynton Beach Boulevard to TABLE 3 has been present- ed to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. The final public hearing for this amendment is scheduled during the first part of July 1990. This Report has been prepared in expectation of this ame~dment being approved. -6- From Figure 3 it is seen that this project does in fact generate less than 1% of the adopted threshold capacity on the links of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road. The project volumes are shown below: ROAD/Link PROJECT TRAFFIC (TPD) PROJECT TRAFFIC % OF CAPACITY BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD: Old Boynton Rd - 1-95 1-95 to Seacrest Blvd. 300 128 0.993 0.424 1-95: Hypoluxo Rd. to Boynton Bch. Blvd. 60 Boynton Bch. Blvd. to Woolbright Ave. 54 0.054 0.049 An inquiry with the Palm Beach County Traffic Division on Thursday, June 14, 1990 showed that there was no other project traffic approved or reserved which impacted these links. Thus, as the total additional traffic added to these roadways is less than 5%, Test 1 of the 1990 Code is met. The second test a project must meet is the Model Test. According to the Model Test, a project cannot be approved if the total model traffic, which includes the project traffic, exceeds the capacity or the adopted level of service of all the affected roadway links within the project maximum radius of development influence. According to the resolution adopting the Modified 2010 Plan (R-90-;~83), the maximum radius of development influence for this project has been determined to be the directly accessed link of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to Congress Avenue. Resolution R-90-283 further states that, if a project has a maximum racius of development influence beyond the directly accessed links, only those links beyond the directly accessed links upon which the project adds more than 3% of Test 2 network capacity need to be addressed. -7- As this project's maximum radius of development influence does not go beyond the directly accessed link of Boynton Beach Boulevard, then only that directly accessed link of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to Congress Avenue needs to be addressed. According to the Modified Table 5 (Projected Network Deficiencies), this link of Boynton Beach Boulevard is not list- ed. In addition, the Test 2 network capacity for this link of Boynton Beach Boulevard is 46,300 trips per day. From Figure 4 it is seen that this project does not add more than 3% of 46,300 trips per day (1,389 trips per day) on this section of Boynton Beach Boulevard. Therefore, it is concluded that this project meets the Model Test. PEAK HOUR The peak hour volumes generated by this project were calcu- lated in order to determine what site related improvements, if any, will be required. The peak hour volumes were determined to be a percentage of the average daily traffic based upon the generation rate informa- tion published in "Trip Generation". A summary of the expected peak hour generation is shown below: GENERATION RATE PEAK HOUR USE % OF ADT GENERATION IN OUT CONVENIENCE STORE 0.08(710) = 57 29 28 GARDEN CENTER 0.10(847) = II 44 44 TOTAL 145 73 72 These peak hour volumes are shown in Figure 5. Also shown in Figure 5 are the 1991 projected through traffic volumes on Boynton Beach Boulevard. -8- RIL.....I ......0.. ....ca J1JNO J1 k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. RO ..LS HJ.8 MN o > ...J co ~";i; C'&~ It) .-- oJ "- ~It) (se)se----l ~ .r-(Le)le \ l! ~ I ~d) (/) I d)~ ~ .--"'" ~d) _____-.J ~ ~ o .c U1 en z o .... z >- o co , "'- ~ PEAK HOUR VOLUMES o u. u. <( 0:: .... o Oow --.... ltlto .c.cW 0::0::' ........0 0:: C ........c.. Z OON W ~~O) C) 000) W 0::0::- ...J c..c..+ .... C') o~ .... ..... date JUNE 90 figure 5 Based upon a review of these peak hour volumes shown in Figure 5, it is concluded that no additional turn lanes are necessary as a result of the approval of this Petition. CONCLUSION This proposed 2.0 acre commercial development is expected to generate an average of 858 trips per day at the project's drive- way. As this project meets both the Link Bui1dout Test and the Model Test, this project is deemed to be approved in accordance with the 1990 Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Code (Ordi- nance #90-7). -9- APPENDIX APPENDIX A ADOPTED LEVEL OF SERVICE (AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC) ROADWAY Two Lane Four Lane Divided Five Lane Undivided Six Lane Divided Eight Lane Divided Six Lane Freeway I.PD 13,700 30,200 30,200 46,300 60,000 110,700 APPENDIX B ONE PERCENT (1%) OF THE ADOPTED LEVEL OF SERVICE M.INIMUM VOLUME THOROUGHFARE TYPE (TRIPS PER DAY) Two Lane 137 Four Lane (Divided) 302 Five Lane (Undivided) 302 Six Lane (Divided) 463 Eight Lane <Divided) 600 Six Lane (Expressway) 1107 APPENDIX C HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS TWO ACRE COMMERCIAL PARCEL ANNUAL GROWTH 1989 1990 1991 ROAD / LINK RATE AADT AADT AADT BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD: Seacrest Blvd. to 1-95 9.7% 37,746 4l,407 4S,424 1-95 to Old Boynton Road 8.5% 43,886 47,6l6 Sl,663 Old Boynton Road to Congress 8.5% 31,972 34,690 37,932 OLD BOYNTON ROAD: Boynton Bch Blvd to Congress l6.9% 9,448 11,044 l2,9ll 1-95: Hypoluxo Rd to B.B. Blvd. 6.6% 119,818 l27,726 136,156 (1) B.B. Blvd. to Woolbright 9.39% l32,295 l44,717 l58,30" ( 2 ) NOTES: 1. 1989 AADT was calculated by applying off peak factor of 0.0106 obtained from 1986 volumes for 1-95, north of Woolbright Road to 1988 off peak volume and then applying 6.6% growth factor. 2. 1989 AADT was calculated by applying off peak factor of 0.Ol06 obtained from 1986 volumes for 1-95, north of Woolbright Road to 1988 off peak volume and then applying 9.39% growth factor. APPENDIX D MAJOR PROJECT TRAFFIC 2.0 ACRE COMMERCIAL PROJECT THERE WERE NO MAJOR PROJECTS IDENTIFIED IN THE PROJECT STUDY AREA WHICH ARE EXPECTED TO ADD MORE THAN 10% OF THE ADOPTED THRESHOLD CAPACITY ON ANY OF THE ROADWAY LINKS WITHIN THE PROJECT'S MAXIMUM RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE. (',-- K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 June 18, 1990 Mr. Jim Golden City of Boynton Beach l20 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33425 HAND DELIVERED RE: 2.0 Acre Commercial Parcel - David Levy Boynton Beach Boulevard Dear Mr. Golden: Enclosed are four (4) signed and sealed copies of the Traffic Impact Analysis prepared for the above referenced project. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. KSR/jr Encl. RECEI; '_'7:) JUN 18 },9:;>" Pi '''', . / IJ1JV!~I" ", , , \ \..1 U < ,..< r ------.._,'-' " -'---- Very truly yours, CC: Ms. Colleen Parker, Kilday & Associates ,v/ .... . i beNQ_Y~~_e~~~Q~~~I_a~QLQB_BgZQ~I~~_BEEb!~eIIQ~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please.? Pr-int Legibly cn- TYPf~ all Information. I. ~s~~B6b_l~EQB~eIlQ~ 1 . Pr 0 j ec t Name: __~_<2.Y..Ilt.Q1l._J2g_q_Q.h..JiQ.\!..L~YA.X.:..<i.J3...e.z..o.n..in.g:--------_.--------- 2. Type of Application (check one) --.-------- i~ . F\E~Z on i ng only .-.-...------- b. LC:1n d U!:;e Amen cl men t c::H11 y XX c. L~"3.nd Use r-lmencl fiif.::.n t .:lnd F:ez on i ng .-....-----..--- 3. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Depar-tm€mt) : ---------_..---------~-------------~----------------------------- 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this' application is made): __ __ 't:r. ~_ c;!~.X!.. :!:..D.c;!!i. _Jl. ~.Y..~J_QJ?.I!l~..I1. 1;. _ <;. Q..:rJ29..t:.<a.t..t..QJl. - -- -'- - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- --- (')d d r- ess : _.__2.Q.f._~_J._iI}.t...._M.Q.QX_Ef?_ _RQ.<a.9.1._ __:2.1J.i_ t.~._lZ_i -----.---------------------- __:1.2.9.. ~St ._R<a.t.9..I2.L.. __J;_l. _...1:2..4..11.7_ --. -- --. - -- -- - --. - ---. - --- --.---- _OM. - ------ ----- Tel ephcme Number-: -' _ _ L4.Q 7_.l.. _.9..9_4:::.3..L3..3.._.. - -- _. .-. - ..----- --.----.- - -..-.- -- -- -- ---- -------.:::. ---- ~ 5_ Agent~s Name (peIM'son, if any, represerlting applicant): Kilday & Associates / Kieran J. Kilday ______.__M________________.__.___.______.________.____------------ Addy-ess: 1551 Forum Place, Bldg.100A ---..-------------.-----.---...--.--------.--.--------------------------- West Palm Beach, FL 33401 -------------..--------.-------------.-------------------------- .Planning Department 1-86 pal]!? 1 T e 3. ep h on e __L'!.9_7_L_6_8Y___5_5_~~.____._ _________._______________________________ Number: 6. Property Owner"s (or Trustee"s) Name: --. _IiQ.'i..cax_Q_ __SJ::tca..+...l..:LIl. __q.)i. __'r.:C~_12..t..e_~.L... _T.:c.q,_(l~w_.:lIl.Q..~_ __Q.~ y.~1..QJ2.I!1.~Il. t. .3~.Q.t:P.. . Add res s : _ _...9..Q2.. _C.l.in..t. ...M.QQr..e_ _.Ro..a.d.~__s..u.i..t..e.._J.2...4_ ____ ____ __ _____________ _ ...B.a.c.a._Rat.au.,_ _El....3_1.4..a.7__ ___ ____ __ _'_ __________ ___._ _ __ ___ __ ______ Telephone ---(A.'O':1...)-__9..9_4.-::..3..1.3.3..____ __..______.__._______________________________ Number: 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* ..__.~~~'::._.. ~_ ~ __~c;r-=.~.!:. _ ___. ..____._ __ ___ _.. __ ___ ____ ____________________ * This is the address to which all agendas~ letters~ and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant"s interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) Q~n ~[_... _______ __ ____.____ _'''__'_ _ __ _. _..._ _.___ __ _ __ _'__ ____ ___ _____ ____ __. ________ 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: ~Qgth_!i~~_Qf______ BQ~DtQn-B~aQh-EQyl~y~rd~_~~&t_Qf_L~1&y~yill~_DQgl~x~~~____________ 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: See Attached Exhibit "A" ---------------.-------------------------..---.---------------------------- ---------------_._--_._----------~--_._------------------------------------- ----------------------.--------------------.-------------------------- ---~----~---_._-----_._--_._-_.__.._------_._--------------------------------- 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): __)...:...9...9_ii.9S~E___________.______________________ ______________________ Planning Department 1-86 page 2 12. Current Zoning District: R-l-AA (PUD) 13. Proposed Zoning District: C- 2. 14. Current Land Use Category: MoOR (Max. 7.26 DU/AC) 15. Proposed Land Use Category: Local Retail Commercial lb. In-tf;mdE~d Use of Subject r::'ar'cE?I: ~~~~::~~_~~~~~:!:_~~~_!?~~EX_~~E:2____ 17. Developer or Builder: _ ._.1' E ~.Q. ~~i.!}.Q. .2 __Jd~;Y~ 19 l?!!lsm.t _.f; 9 Xl?.9 .6s..ti.Q.D ___ _ ___ 18. An:hitect: N/A 19. Landscape Architect: N/A 20. Site Planner: Kilday & Associates 21. Civil Engineer: Caufield & Wheeler 22. Traffic Engineer: 23. Sl.lrveyor: Caufield & Wheeler II. ~eI~B!eb~_IQ_~~_gY~~III~Q_~lI~_BEEblgaIIQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies. (check) XX a. This application form. X~_b. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. 1CX_c. The following documents and letters of consent: " (1) If the property is under joint or several ownership: A written consent to the application by all owners of record, and (2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller~ and __~~ (3) If thE-:' appl i cc'mt. is repres!::?ntE!cl by \3.n .:\Llthol~i zf:?d ia~1Emt: A COP) of the agenc~ agreement, or written consent of the aRPlicant, and ( '1.) If the applicant i5 a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, Planning Department 1-86 p,'-'ge 3 (b) Existing and proposed grade elevations. (e) Existing or proposed water bodies. (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common spaces and recreational facilities. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatment, solid wast8 disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-o~-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications as may be required. (11) For rezonings to planned zoning districts, the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. I r 1. eEE~l~eI!Q~_E~~B~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. ~f;BIIEI~eIIQN <I) (l'Je) unden,tand tl1C\t th is iapp I i cat i on and all pI an and papers 5ubmj'..ed herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Pl., 1 H\~J and Zoning Bc:>at'.d. (I) (lAJc~) herf'2by cel,...tify that the above .~tc:: .emEmts .,'"mcl any statG~rrlf::mts Dr ~:;rlm..d. n~ls in any papel""s Clr pI ans 5 . mi t tec:l hHr-f?\>Ji th :"r-e tnJG' tCl thl"? bc.'!s:d: o"f (my) (our) knowl edge and elief. This application will not be accepted unless signed .ccording to the instructions below. Si~nature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business r::mtity. May 7, 1990 ------------------ Date )< v. _~~_I~_~~~~_____ Date designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized with regard to this application. Owner(s) or Trustee, __~~_IL_i~~~_____ Date Planning Department 1-86 page 7 Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite l00A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 ITEM 'G' Justification Statement for Rezoning/Land Use Amendment for 6-Acre Boynton Beach Blvd. Parcel The petitioner is requesting a rezoning/Land Use Amend- ment to allow the commercial development of approxi- mately two (2) acres of property on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard. This property is directly adjacent to existing C2 commercially zoned property. This property is the remainder of a larger 5.87 acre parcel of land currently designated residential. The petitioner has agreed to dedicate the balance of this property to the City of Boynton Beach for utili- zation as a public park and abused children's center. Due to this fact, after dedicating this property, it is not reasonable to expect the small remaining parcel of land to develop residentially between a major arterial and a pUblic park. Additionally, access to the remain- ing two (2) acres would most likely be from Boynton Beach Boulevard. While access to a commercial develop- ment is acceptable from a major arterial, it is not reasonable to expect residential development of so small a parcel of land to have the additional burden of entering and exiting on a major highway. For all of these reasons, the petitioner requests that a rezoning/Land Use Amendment be granted to C-~ zoning. ITEM 'HI Comparison of Impacts 1. Under the current RIAA zoning, a residential development of up to 7.26 buildings/acre could be achieved. On the 2.00 acres parcel this would yield 15 moderate density (multi-family) dwelling units. Under the proposed C-2 zoning district, the desired farmers market and dairy barn would be allowed. 2. The proposed use of this 2.00 acre parcel would be for a farmers market, which would include the re- tail sale of fruits and vegetables, citrus, health foods, cut flowers, plants and pottery. A drive- thru dairy barn would include the sale of dairy products. 3. Due to the small size of the proposed project, it will all be built at one time. There will be no proposed phasing. The approval process will take approximately 4-6 months, with approximately 6 months to 1 year for construction. Therefore, the project should be built out within two years. 8. It is estimated that approximately 12-15 employees will work at both facilities. CAULFIELD & WHEELER, INC. Land SUlVeyors .Consultlng Engineers May 6, 1990 Boynton Beach Planning Dept. P.O. Box 310 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Subject: Water & Sewer Flows Proposed 2 Acre Site in Parcel 103 Boynton Beach Blvd., 550' west of SW 8 St. Section 29, T45S, R43E Boynton Beach, Florida Attn: Planning Director Our office has reviewed the water and sewer flow information for the subject site and we have calculated the following flo'..., estimates for the project. 'fhese estimates were based on the existing medium density residential zoning classification which would allow 15" residential units to be constructed on the 2 acre site, and a proposed rezoning to cOIlUllercial classification which would' allow a 12,009 sq. ft. farmers market/dairy barn type retail development. Per capita flow data was based on regula"t:ions and information of the Palm Beach County Health Dept. Irrigation flows are not included in the calculations. EXl.sting residential average dai.ly flows: 15 D.D. x 350 gal./day = 5,250 gal./day. Proposed commercial/retail average daily flows: 12,000 sq. ft. x 0.10 gal./day/sf = 1,200 gal./day. Should you have any questions on this information, please don't hesitate to contact me. ee er, P.E. ego Engineer No. 25478 State of Florida 7301 - A West Palmetto Park Road. Suite 100A Boca Raton, Florida 33433 407.392-1991 FAX: 407.750-1452 P_ES_CRIPTJ_9N A parcel of land lying in Section 29, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of lot 41, Block 2 of the plat "Replat of First Section Palm Beach leisureville" as recorded in Plat Book 28 at Pages 201, 202, and 203 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; Thence South 01012'55" East along the East line of Lots 35-41 of Block 2 of said "Replat of First Section Palm Beach leisureville", a distance of 411.46 feet; Thence North 88024'52 East, a distance of 199.68 feet to a point of intersection with the West 1 ine of the Plat of "la~<e Boynton Estates Plat 4-A" as recorded in Plat Book 14 at Page 69 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; Thence North 01035'08" West along said West line , a distance of 464.67 feet to a point of intersection with the South Right-of-Way line of that 106.00 foot wide Right-of-Way for State Road 804 ("Boynton Beach Boulevard") as shown on the State Road Department Map SR-804 Section 93640-2175 and recorded in Road Plat Book 2 at Page 220 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; Thence Westerly along said south Right-of-Way line along the arc of a circular curve to the left whose radius point bears South 13058'39" East, having a radius of 1857.08 feet, a central angle of 3058'45", an arc length of 128.97 feet to a point of tangency; Thence South 72002'36" West continuing along said south Right-of-Way line, a distance of 75.17 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Lands situate in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. Containing 87,120 Square feet / 2.0000 Acres, more of less. Subject to easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants, and rights-of-way of record. .'J-.," / GQ~EB~H~MgI~E_Cb0~==I~XI_a~~~Qb~~I_aEEblgeIIQ~ City of Boynton Beach~ Florida Planning and Zoninq Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. . Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. 1. ~~~sBBb_I~EQ8~BIIQ~ 1. Applicant"s Name (person or ~usine5s entity in whose name t~is application is made): __.T.69:g~w.ing~_QgY~1:Qe~~~ ~_~~EP.~E~!:~ ~~______________________ ;~ddrE'Ss : _..2_Q_2_~lin:!;_MQQ!:g_gQ~9L_~~.! !:~_!~i_______________.__________ _~Q.QlL.FE-.t.Q.D-L_1'J _ J ].1_~.7 _ _ _._ __ ____. _ ___.._ __ _ __ __ __ ____ _____ _____ ____ Tel G~phDne !\! Ll!TIb l~ r ': _ _.L4..9..1_L _~.9- 3_::J 1-3.3..___.__ _'_ .._ __ ____ _.:.. __._ _. _ _._ _. __ _._ _ ._. _ _ _ __.______ __._ _ _____ 2. Ag2ntls j~am2 (per.son, :Lf any!, !~'~present:nq app~ic~nt): .~lj dr' f.?~5 s:: .'_ _K.i.J._g_C,l'y_~_ .!\J? J?.9_c.j._?_t~..~_ i....1< i.~_~ ~_~_. ..q_~ _ ..!<_~]..9 ~ X_ _ __ ____ ____________ ._ _;L~;?_l_ ._f..9.xg.m..y_~.9.:.~~L _~~_~e_ __LO.Q~. '___ __ __._ ___ _ __ _ __ __'__ _____ _____ West Palm Beach F1 33401 .... ._'" _... _... '"_ _'_' _,____. _... _.._..___..._ ....f____ _. .._..______.. __._...._ ____._.._ _..._. _ __ __ __..._ ___________ ______ T~lE~ho~o (4071 689-5522 -------------------------~------------------------------ ~.,IU.IT:bE:?t.. : '-'~. c: C) 1'- t- c;".::; p (:Ir': [; E~!") c: f:' (':llj d 1'- C.t~;~ ~3 (i .J: ~-:1 i ~F ..;= ;:~I'" c~r; t:. t. h D. r't . .::?\ P ~:;]. ~. c.: D. n ~ CJ1'. .r::" q en t) ~ :~ _. ...Ag.en. t.S. .}iQ.(;l+.:_e_~..$._ __ ._..... __._. _.__ _... ..._.._ ._. __. ,....._.__ _._.._ _ __. _ _ ._.._ __ ___._.... _....__ _ __ ___. _____ ~'. "r h :L ....~; :L:~ t. ~l ::':.:" .::'. c! C: j'- c' !:~: ~:~ +. C) t.o.; ;") i ;:: h ,';;1. ::.~. ~'~'. q ~~':' r' d .~.:~ ::: '. ~. :.:. .1: ':. ~.: f" ~~ :' Ct ~-I (~I C t ~ '. e:- rr, iJ. t f::. roo i ;'::11 '::;, t.J :i. ~~). L c.:~ IT: t't ..;, :1. c:- c! ,. !. I .. !~~ t~; 'OJ E: D f; f~~ p _ Co L1 f::~ !~; p L~ !~;!J T c:.. 'r h.:::: -;. ;": c! c Y-,: :. L; ~--: '0' d 1'-,"? ;'-:? '.J ./ .")::~ 1-'::. ': ~. en'; t hi'? F': c. n f; i n iJ 2, n d Z ~:J ro'; :i. n (j !.~: C) ~l ;.... c! ,~.'. r 1 (~ c: i .~:../ f: C~ Lt n c 'L 1 '::i' ~: ~-t E: :-..~ it;.' ::' ~. I~': L\ 'l n t. ::: r: ~~.! 1:=0 i.--='~ 1: ~"i ~ ~:7l 0 r'o i !:j 2'... t a :::\ r.1 E.~ n d .t;ll~';' t(?...~ t. 0'(- ';.~.{"1~:':~ C;.:;:npr-(?j.~L'n':::;i '-/t? F":. .:..!"l -F~~):'" t:'-Ir;: ~r-c~:;;,.::;c:)r.:r; ~~'~:::..~ ,':':::'0 ~1c~1 O~'\I:: r:'l ::~n~'l i n (~ 1: i:::~pt. . J. "-E~6 ptl~)C .. Att~ch additional sheets, if r-i~'cc'ssclry. 1. Section, page number, and exact Plan which the applicant desires tel language contained bE' i::i:."i)'?nc!c,c!: in '~.he Cor.lprehensi ve ___ '!.lI II _Land_ Us.e_E.~obJ..ems _~.~~ _ ?.P..IZ.~::'!.l!..~ ~!.~_ ~~_ ..l.. _._ ~ !.~I2.I2.!.l2.9.. -~~~ ~-"'---------- Pg. 8 6 7. a . ---------------------.-----.---------------------------------------------- See Attached Exhibit "A" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------.---------------.-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------.--------------------.-----------.----.----------.----------- ---------.-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------.---------------.----------------------------- -------------------------------.--.-----------------------.------------------- 2. Natu~e of amendment requested: See Attached Exhibit "B" ---------.---------..--------------.----.----------.----..---.-------..--.------------ ------_.__._---_.._-----_.~_.._----------_._--_._------.-.--..----------..--.------------------ ___________.__..______._:.__._______.________....__..________._._R___.__.____..______.____._._____________ --------------_._._-_.._.__......_...~--------_..-._--_.._.--------..--.---.-------.-------------------- ._ ._..._ _.. .__.._ .._ __. __ _. ..... ..... .__ - ..... .._. ._.. .__ ._. .__ ..... .._. __ - _... __._.. - _.. __ n" _.. _._ _ "_' .__._ _.. _... .._. ..._ _... ...... .. ..... .... ..... ..._ __ _ -- .-- - -.- "- -. --. ...- _.. ..... -- -.. -- - - '---'- -.- ....._----_..._...__.._--~_..._._--_....._-_.._-_._.__.._---.__....-.._--_.~_.._-_._._.._-_..._....._-._.----_._--.----------------- -----------.....-....-..---...----...-.-.....-----------.-...--.--..----..-...--..---.--...--....----.-.---.-..---.-.-------------.--------- ..--------.--.--.-----.....--.--------.--.--.----.--..-...--.-.-.----.-..-..-----...-.-....-..--.....-.---.---.---------.-------------- _.__._._.____._____._._N__.._~__.._..._.__..__._..__........___..__._............____._..._......__..._.____.._M__....._._,_.__.._.___..._____....___._._______.__..___ '_'. F'rcp'"2I'-'!:: ::. c':":::. ; ,,- nC:.j~"':.~c.1n':; t:"'lt:l.t:. i/'i(Jt.'.~.;' I:':.:,:.:.~ _;l'-; + ,,~.:.c:.!.~: .:~'i'j l"'t...:. I t"'cpc::.::-d ~:ti;;.!=::f.ln:c')rt't.: See.)\t..t..C3,.<::he..q.....E~bJ.Q.i 1:......<::.'.' -----_._-------_.._.__._.._.......~---_..--_.---_.._...----........-.....-.....-....-....----...-----..-.....-.-.--...---...---.-..-.------..------..-------- --.-.--.--------.-----.....-.-..--.---.--.-.---....-.----....-.----.-.-.------.----...-......--.-..---.-.----..-------..--..---.---....----.-- Pl ,;:\nr:i nq De!:"ll:.. 1-.-86 fJ :::\q i~: ----.-----.-----.-.---------.------..--......---.-----------------.-..-.-..-------------..--------------------- -------..--------------.--------..---------------------..----.-------------.----------- 4. Statement of conditio~s~ proposed amendment: hD,I'''r.J~:;hi ps, C) r CI t. t1 f? t-. ~2asons justifying the See Attched Exhibit "D" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------.--------------------------------------- .' ---------------------------.----------------------.-------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------.-----------------------------------------_._-----~-------------- ---~-------------------------_.-----------------------------------.-------- --------------------.--------.-.-.--..--..--.-.-.-------.--.---------------------------- ------------.---.--------.---.-.--.----------..-----------------.---------------------- -------------------.---.--------.----------.--------.---_.-.----_.._~_.__._------------------- ----------------.--.--.---------.----------.----..---.-..----...------..-.-------.-----.-----.--------- __ _ _ _ .._ __ _.._ _. ___.. _.._ _... .__.... ,,_.._. ..... _.. ..._ ..... _. ..... ....._ . .._. ._.. ..... 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P t i ':~ :") ":; ..F .::. i~ ,.'.1:1. :::' !'- ':::' r; , :':'1''' ",: ~. ~2' ::; ~; C I'" t'j h "i. i:: I''': +, "", .c:.. ~:: ::::' ...- ;";", j t t ':::. d u ~:; (.", S cl.f ::5.::.\:L J :.~. 1'- CI rJ e I'" t :;. ;~.~. ~~. t.~; C) Lt ~. c: I':) E~' C !"; ::;!. n ,.~ ,"', i:J.. ::". t.. c' c: (j 1.... c! c: c:! .. r", :~. t.., C::' ::. :...:. t:. ~:. ;~:. t. !j .1;: of :i -= i .;:;ll .t D. :.~ J'" c; 1 J. S 1. r-: .!: ~"', r.::. ':::. (J I,) r"; ~'': ". ! c: ::j 1..:. !:- ...... !'''' (j L~ ~::~ :':~ .':; f'''l ,:':~:I.:I. I.." ".\ .{.: ~..', !.... ~.~1 ! .::: .'~: L ;:j I:, './ :':. ~'l (.? ~:~ p p.t .L c ~'.;'l. n t .. t1;::. i. 1 j. n q 3. Z;'! t,:, .:~-:.). ';::;. .;: c:' !.-' t:. !.\ c:' ~:3 c:.:' . n:. c~ d :~. 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'. / :::11'" (j p i?~ Y" .1: '. . ::: ~ :::: !~': ~: ,.... t 'L L' ~~~ 1'- .:. .~;. '~',:. 1'- :.... r::' d .~ n P :::... r'- : ,". ~.:...: Y" :: '\:,) i~:' 1'- ',':'.":1. '::::' ...:.t... .' .:; !::: !'. ._:..bc,'..'C::." iil:."p~:: ':~h ('t" i. II '::j :::d 1 ;.::' 1. ::1n n ::. r, rJ D ::::.u': . 1 ,...:]6 ,.', .", ,-, ..:.:, t., .... '-.:' '..~ IV. 6EEb!~0I!Q~_E~~~~ F0Es shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to t~o ~ol:cwing 5c~edule. All fees shall be paid b\ check, payable to the City of Poyntcn Beach. Far amendments to the text of the comprehensive plan for the benefit of a particular property or properties. ~~~.5()() II (Ie) Where postponement of action by the P12nning and Zoning board or City C~uncil is r~quested by tIle appli~2nt, after the application has been advertised, the following fees shall be paid: For re-advertisement of the application, where re-advertisement is required $1.25. (H) For each additional. transmIssion of t~e application to the Planning and Zonin~ Board or City Council, after the ini~ial trc'1nsrni s!:';:i. on. 2'~;," (}!) v. ~~BIIEI~QIIg~ (I) understand that this application and al! plan and papers I ;~I;'".e~".Ij. t. J-., b;::~r:c}lnr::' .::'t ;::: .=:~;-' t: CI'{: th {'~:' 1::' c'r mtl.n (~nt :1"" r.:.!: r..:!....d C;;~\ f.."Jf t:i e !='~~ ann in g and Zi iC] E;C'i;;ii'-d.. (I) {'".k.) l'-:O:~\"-E\tj':/ c~'?l-tif'/ -th<:d: '(:1-1(::." <~~bov!? statements and ar,y ~t~,~ements O~ showings i.n 2ny pape!-~ (~r- ~Jlar~s siu~mitted herewith are '..0 t!'i~~ b~~~s;t (:)7": (t1)'.,') <CjLtj'~:~ !::r:o\l-Jl~::..dt.;]t-:::: (':...nc! r::;(.?:..lii::::"i:.. Tr":'i~J .:applici.\tion acc~~d~n~ to the instructions below. y Sigr~atur"(? of A0plicant _M-fl-Y._7-i__1...9JLO_______ 'Oat!? '.J" ..... J... J1a~_2~_~~9-Q______ D.~\ t t,~ :"'1 ~:.~ I.... r..~, b " . I .::J .:.~' .:-::. .;. ;.:.~ :-'1 .:.:"'. '!..: ~:~: .t: h -::'.~ ..:1. C: .=, '/ c.? .-:; ':. :.~~:: .:~ -:J ;:j r:. !:- -::~ ':1 r'~ .:', -=:;. .' f!~ \/ ) { c~ ~_t ~- : t:;, c:' :~~. J. .~. .::: .:::~ ':.:: ::. I..:' i i .. ":'~i f.:j !::I ~. i.:::: .:::\ n .~.... . May 7, 1990 .....- .... ..-- ..... .....-..-..-.. - ......-.-.. ....--- .,~:1::...t8 )( Pl~nnj.ng D2~J.t. 1.--86 :J.::\ C; c. ..t. / "'.:!.: EXHIBIT 'A' PLANNING AREA 7--BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR, BETWEEN INTERSTATE 95 AND LAWRENCE ROAD 7.a. Residential Parcels in Vicinity of Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard, Between Congress Avenue and Interstate 95 Due to the increased traffic which will be drawn to the Boynton Beach Mall, there will be pressure to rezone the parcels in this area from residential to commercial use. Other than minor adjustments to the existing zoning district boundaries, commercial zoning should not be allowed to extend westward along Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Extending commercial zoning along these thoroughfares would cause serious traffic congestion and degrade the residential environment in the adjacent neighborhoods. In partic- ular, commercial zoning should not be permitted on the residential lots and small parcels which lie along Old Boynton Road to the northwest of the Florida Power and Light substation, and should not be permitted on the 5.87-acre outparcel lying along the east side of Palm Beach Leisureville. One addition to the commercial zoning district is desirable, however: It is recommen- ded that land use on the southern 300 feet of the R-2 zoned property owned by Florida Power and Light Co., at the northwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road be changed to Local Retail Commercial, and the zoning changed to C-2 Neighborhood Commercial. The development of this parcel should be content upon its being combined with the vacated right-of-way for Old Boynton Road, and the small triangular-shaped parcel at this intersection, and the rezoning of the combined parcels to a planned commercial development. The northern 330 feet of the FPL property should be changed from Medium Density Residential land use and R-2 zoning to Low Density Residential land use and R-1A zoning. This land use/zoning change would prevent duplex dwell- ings from being placed immediately next to either single-family residential neighborhood. The vacant outparcel which lies along the east side of Palm Beach Leisureville should be limited to either single-family residential use, with a maximum density comparable to the adjacent portion of Leisureville, or to a low- intensity institutional use. EXHIBIT 'B' PLANNING AREA 7--BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR, BETWEEN INTERSTATE 95 AND LAWRENCE ROAD 7.a. Residential Parcels in Vicinity of Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard, Between Congress Avenue and Interstate 95 Due to the increased traffic which will be drawn to the Boynton Beach Mall, there will be pressure to rezone the parcels in this area from residential to commercial use. Other than minor adjustments to the existing zoning district boundaries, commercial zoning should not be allowed to extend westward along Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Extending commercial zoning along these thoroughfares would cause serious traffic congestion and degrade the residential environment in the adjacent neighborhoods. In partic- ular, commercial zoning should not be permitted on the residential lots and small parcels which lie along Old Boynton Road to the northwest of the Florida Power and Light substation. One addition to the commercial zon- ing district is desirable, however: It is recommended that land use on the southern 300 feet of the R-2 zoned property owned by Florida Power and Light Co., at the northwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road be changed to Local Retail Commercial, and the zoning changed to C-2 Neighborhood Commercial. The development of this parcel should be content upon its being combined with the vacated right-of-way for Old Boynton Road, and the small triangular-shaped parcel at this intersection, and the rezoning of the combined parcels to a planned commercial development. The northern 330 feet of the FPL property should be changed from Medium Density Residential land use and R-2 zoning to Low Density Residential land use and R-IA zoning. This land use/zoning change would prevent duplex dwell- ings from being placed immediately next to either single-family residential neighborhood. The vacant outparcel which lies along the east side of Palm Beach Leisureville has the potential for access to Boynton Beach Boulevard via an existing median opening. The frontage parcel of 2 acres should be limited to Local Retail Commercial use consistent with the land use to the east. The balance of the property should be a low intensity civic or institutional use, or a neighborhood park. KildaV & Associates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 14071 689-5522 · Fax: f4071 689-2592 EXHIBIT 'D' Justification Statement for Text Amendment for 6-Acre Boynton Beach Blvd. Parcel The petitioner is requesting a modification of language to allow the commercial development of approximately two (2) acres of property on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard. This property is directly adjacent to existing C2 commercially zoned property. This property is the remainder of a larger 5.87 acre parcel of land currently designated residential. The petitioner has agreed to dedicate the balance of this property to the City of Boynton Beach for utili- zation as a public park and abused children's center. Due to this fact, after dedicating this property, .it is not reasonable to expect the small remaining parcel of land to develop residentially between a major arterial and a public park. Additionally, access to the remain- ing two (2) acres would most likely be from Boynton Beach Boulevard. While access to a commercial develop- ment is acceptable from a major arterial, it is not reasonable to expect residential development of so small a parcel of land to have the additional burden of entering and exiting on a major highway. For all of these reasons, the petitioner requests that the language of the Comprehensive Plan be amended to allow for the final commercial development of this vac- ant parcel. The affect of this change will have no effect on any adjacent properties. All of the proper- ties extending further to the west are already zoned and developed as residential properties fronting arter- ial roads with the backs of the properties to Boynton Beach Boulevard. This change allows for the resolution of this issue. Otherwise, it can be expected that the property will remain vacant and as a potential future eyesore. Tradewinds Group Congress Corporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore Road Suite 124 Boca Raton, FL 33487 (407) 994-3133 May 4, 1990 To whom it may concern: This letter will serve as an authorization for and con- firmation of Mr. Kieran Kilday, Kilday & Associates, and Michael Morton to act as our agent for any matter relating to the approvals for the Boynton Beach Boulevard rezoning. Very truly yours, TRADEWINDS DEVELOPMENT CORP. (A Florida Corporation) d/b/a ND GROUP Its: Secretary/Treasurer STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I hereby certify that on this 4th day of May, 1990, before me came DAVID J. LEVY, as Secretary/Treasurer of TRADEWINDS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION d/b/ a TRADEWINDS GROUP, Boca Raton, Florida, respectfully of the Ap- plicant, to me known to be the person described and who executed the foregoing and acknowledged same to me. Florida at Large My Commission Expires: Notary Public, State of Frorida "'Y Commission Expires Feb. 25, 1993 IloTWJed Thtl/ 1'01 fQi".It>,uroQcelo(l, ,....... l,r'rltlA'lrr S"l"ATE or. F'LORIDA } ) SG COUHT"l or PALH l.3EACH BEFORE HE THIS DA\' f>Z:;R~OUALLY APPEARED DEVRA NEWELL SWORN, DEPOSES AUD SAYS: WHO BEING DUL'l' Tha't. the ac.company3ong Frope-'r-t.y OvnerB L3os"l :i.B, i.e. "t.he bee't. o:! h3os/he:t' knov~edge, e conrplete arid acc;u:c atE< l3oB't. o:f a~~p:t'oper't.y o'ltoerc, ma3o~3ong add:ce-sces and p1'ope:r i.}' con't.:t"ol number's as recorded :in -t.he la-t.ea-t. o:!:!3oc.ial t.QX rolls:in "the Count}" Courthouse :fo:t' elllJ. property v30 t.h3on "three hundred < :::1<::H:',} :feet cd "lhe be~c.'''''' descr:i.Led par'cel c..'!: ~ alld . The property 30n queet:ion :i.u legally descr:i.bed BS :!o.l.luv~: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION FURTHER AFFIANT ~;Ai'ETH HOT. ~ Sworn A. D. , to and sub6cr:i.b~d 1 /9t-' . be:Core me -7/71~ th:i.s CY / dary / of o/r~ //~~:-('7A/ ~ ~ /t y, t vt\:.._",-..{ ( --., Uot.ar'}' Pub.l~ ( Gtar-t.e 01 F~or:i.da at // k.LAz7 UOTAft'Y SEAL My Connn:i.ss,;\.on E;,.q::d..ces: Lar r 9 eo ~{)TARY PImUl:l, ~ '0";::' 'F'LORIDA. lib iCoMMlsSJON EXPJRES: MAR. 2. 1992i1 iii"ONDEB TmfLl JrOt1Uly plJsLU: UNDERWRITElRG. ,. -€.- .~ ..... ----~ - --- -- ~--- ------~--- - o a -t ru CJ ", ..D 00 o .::;. ~ N >- o % c.o CIO gJ 'W.'.UANTY DEED flOM INDIVIDUAL TO COI"OIATION ) ~1b: . --J ... :Pt-\'L.tP C3 ~AUN 1(000 S. blA11r I4WY s u .'TE 5 Co, ~oc:A ~"'rbAI, FL !>> 4 ~ 1. A. D. 1986 hy RAMCO FORM 34 ,1his Warranty 1ll~~d Made the SOL C. SHAYE and JONATHAN I. KISLAK, as Iwrl'inuftl'r culled tlw grantor, to HOWARD R. SC HARL IN , as Trustee a corpora lion C'xislirllj under l1H! laws of the State of FLORIDA aclclrpss at 1399 S. W. First Avenue, Miami, Florida 33130 hereinafler calle([ tile grantee: 7th day of Co-Trustees November , with ils permanent postofFice (Whc-rtver u!lt'd herrin tile terms Ugrantor" and ""ran tee" indude aU thr. parties to this instrument and Ihe hdls. I~Kal rellrtsentativrs and 3ssiKns of individuals, and the sucCessors and IlSigns oC corporations) llmitnessclh: Tllal Ille granlor, Jor ancl in cons ideralion of Ihe sum of $ 10.00 . and other ,'alllaMe consicleralions, receipt whereof is hereby aCknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, re- mises, releases, COntley! and confirms unto Ihe granlee, all that certain land situale in Palm Beach Counly, Florida. viz: Description of land set forth on "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SUBJECT TO building and zoning regulations now in force and applicable to the property and effective as of the date hereof; covenants, restrictions, teservations, dedications, rights-of-way and easements of record; and any fact which would be disclosed by a survey by Richard L. Shephard and Associates, Inc., dated February 7, 1985, and an inspection of the subject premises. , n - \.' i) ~...... 'l)~\f.. .:- ~U" Tn P' . . T..tfttl,lbl. ,.. ... cr;~~'l.~t" ::u J ogelher will. all Ihe lenemenls, Ileredilamenls and appurtenances thereto helonging or in any- o '" wise apperlainin!J. . \ 10 \ ~~ I J 0 lHalle and to lHold, the same in fee simple forever: ),5,01J I IlfJ. lV. i II ,.,,4 8', ..D o ..D o 0- o r o Ln (X) Rnd t/te granlor herel,y covenanls wilh said granlee Ihal tile granlor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; tllOl Ilw gran/or liaS good righl ami lawful aut/lOrily to sell and convey said l.md; Ihal Ihe grantor herel,y fully warranls tIle IiIle to said land ami will defend Ihe same againsl the lawful claims of all persons whomsoelJcr; and tllOl said land is free 0 f all encumbrances. except taxes accruing suhsequent 10 Oecem{)p.r 31, 19 85. )r1 lillJltn~ss ~hcr~of, Ille said granlor has hereunto set our llOnd and seallhe day and year first al,o"e wril/cm. ..... j Sir "ml, 6it/eel am}11e!)1;:! in our presence: . . ~. ~ $c.tfl:.t ~ _~ .u'u-W~~~;:~~uJf_~~_~il :~~~~::~~ DADE ~ss: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an I oUicer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aCoresaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared SOL C. SHAYE, co-trustee, '_", ,-' to me known to be the person icscribed 10 and who executed the Coregoing instrument and he" bdare me Ih31 he.' l'xeculcd the S3me. acknowledged WITl':ESS r.,>" hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 4th day of November , A. D. 1986.. ( Seal) . ,; r. , \ I' ""'~ '.' ...~.,...,/. ..~t:~Vi"'~"""""':"~"::'~'~" .. .................... .... '.. ..... t. ~ Notary Public ' . , . , ,'-' '" ' ' State of Fl'Drid?r,.;)\t \.'Carge Joel P Newman gsq. My Comritis;s~6'ri'Expi:res: ., ( ( , " 420 Lincoln Road-Sui te 25 B ',~OJAl!Y f/J8lrC'STArr or rlGf/rOA Miami Beach, Florida 33139 HYCO"IlISSIOII E>:P. He 21.J~YO BONorD IIIRU GfNER^L I~S. UllO. This Im/rumcn/ prcpared fry: Address r CJ ..0 o 0- o r o tn Q:) STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DADE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this iday, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the C9unty aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared JONATHAN I. KISLAK, co-Trustee, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing Warranty Deed and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 4th day of November, 1986. .. :: . '. '. . .,' " "" ~ \ - / I /-v .../'" I ,/1 ,1 \z. ,'( /,: .( ~'. /, to ("' r~( n I Notary Public "/ State of Florida At Large My Commission Expires: ., (SEAL) i'.' I NOTARY PU9l1C STATE or FlORIDa MY'COMMISSJON EXP. 3EPT 2,198J BONDED THRU GtHERAl INS. UNO. l:Khl ~IT "A" , pAFcE~~~ Lots 2. 3 and 5, Black II-A; Lols 2 to 5, inclusive, Block 18; Lots 2 to 5, inclusive, Block 18-A, LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 1. according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 32, Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida: in Lots 13 to 24, inclusive, Block 21: Lots 17 to 23, inclusive, the West 25 feel of Lot 24, the East 25 feel of Lot 25, and all of Lols 26 to 32, inclusive. Block 22: Lots 1, 2, 5 and 6, Black 23: Lots 5 and 6, Block 24; all of Block 25: Lots 1 to 5 and 20 to 24, inclusive, Black 26: Lots 1 to 5 and 27 to 36, inclusive, Block 27: all of Blacks 28 and 31: Lots 1 to 9 and 33 to 36, inclusive, Block 32: Lots 1 to 4 and 21 to 24, inclusive, Block 33: Lots 15 to 17 and 22 to 31, inclusive, and Poinciana Park in Block 34: Lots 1 and 2, Block 35; lols 1 and 2, Black 36: all of Block 37: Lots 1 to 5 and 22 to 27. inclusive, Block 28, LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 2, according to the Plal thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 17, Publ ic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida: in Lots 1 to 7, Block 39: all of Block 40: Lots.!, 2, 5 and 6, Block 41; Lots 1, 5 and 6, Block 42: all of Block 43; Lots 17 to 21, inclusive, Block 50 and Lots 16 to 19, inclusive. Block 51. LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT NO.3, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 53, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. LESS that part title to which was vested in the Stale of Florida by Final Judgment recorded in Official Records Book 639, Page 1639; And in that part of Lots 2. Block 42. and Lols 1 and 6, Black 47 of said LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 3, lying within the following des c r'i bed are a : Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1. Black 47: thence N. 01 degrees 35' 08" W., along the West line of said Blocks 47 and 42. a distance of 410.0 feet to lhe Northwest corner of said Lot 1. Block 42; thence N. 88 degrees 24' 52" E., a distance of 100.0 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lol 2. .Block 42, thence S. 08 degrees 11' 49" W., a distance of 416.05 feet: thence S. 88 degrees 24' 52" W.. a distance of 29.31 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. And in a part of Section 29. Township 45 South, Range 43 East. mare particularly described as fallows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lol 22, Block 34. LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 2, as recorded in Plat Baal< 14, Page 17. of the Public Records of Pa 1 m Beach Coun I y. Fl or i da: thence N. 01 'degrees 35' 08" W. along the East line of Blocks 34, 31, 28 and 25. of said LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 2, a distance of 880.00 feel to the Norlheast corner of Lot 22, Block 25, of said LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 2: thence North 88 degrees 24' 52" East, along the South 1 ine of Blacks 24 and 25. of said LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 2, a distance of 700.0 feet lo the East line of said Section 29: thence South 01 degrees 35' 08" East, along said Section Line, a dislance of 880.00 feet to the Northeast corner of Block 35, of the aforementioned LAI~E BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 2: thence South 88 degrees 24' 52" West, along the North line of Blocks 35 and 34, said LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 2, a distance of 700.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 00 CJ ...D o c- O r Cl If'l CO ":. .' WR11:D.18 EXHIBIT nAil .,E' ARCEL 1: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH l' 34' 16" WEST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 730.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 88' 26' 13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH l' 34' 16" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 290.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 88' 26' 13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH l' 34' 16" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 251.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 89' 50' 25" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 452.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 77. 30' 21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 386.16 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 85' 45' 32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 384.39 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH l' 34' 16" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 110.93 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAV- ING A RADIUS OF 834.55 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17' 06' 10", AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 249.11 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 18' 40' 26" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 122.94 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 88' 26' 13" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1213.04 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH l' 33' 09" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 290.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 88' 26' 13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 550.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 1. 33' 09" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1076.76 FEET , A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22' 22' 57", AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 420.63 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 88' 26' 13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 395.40 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 01' 33' 09" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 145.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 88. 26' 13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH l' 33' 09" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 727.50 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 8S' 26' 13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH l' 33' 09" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 147.50 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 88' 26' 1311 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH l' 33' 09" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 585.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 88' 26' 13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 380.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH l' 33' 09" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 145.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 88' 26' 13" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1530.75 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH l' 34' 16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 760.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 340.36 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8' 26' 51", A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 84' 12' 19" EAST, AND AN ARC DISTANCE OF 50.18 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH l' 34' 16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 136.30 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 88. 26' 13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 10 34' 16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 110.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 352.92 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 25' 09' 08", A CORD BEARING OF NORTH 17' 38' 32" EAST, AND AN ARC DISTANCE OF 154.93 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH l' 34' 16" EAST, ALONG THE EAST SECTION LINE OF SAID SEC- crTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 3373.49 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. o ..D LESS THE RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, AS RECORDED IN O. R. CJBOOK 3002, PAGE 916 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. 0- CJ r- o Ln CO ~" ... . , .,;.P MeEt, 2: BEING A PART OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING IN THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 804, AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 41, BLOCK 2, PALM BEACH LEISUREVILLE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, ON RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 28, PAGE 220 AND 221, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, THENCE NORTH 72. 02' 36" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 75.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1857.08 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3. 59' 57"; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 129.62 FEET; THENC~ SOUTH 1. 34' 54" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 4A, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 69, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, A DISTANCE OF 1098.03 FEET; ,THENCE NORTH 88. 24' 30" EAST A DISTANCE OF 126.20 FEET; ;THENCE SOUTH 01. 1.6' 09" EAST A DISTANCE OF 145.33 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, AFOREMENTIONED PLAT OF PALM BEACH LEISUREVILLE; THENCE SOUTH 87.' 59' 27" WEST A DISTANCE OF 330.70 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 22, BLOCK 2, SAID PLAT' OF PALM BEACH LEISUREVILLE; THENCE NORTH 01~ 12' 55" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1192.46 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. !-', ! o -4 ...0 o 0- o r o tn Q'J -i -i ..D o D- O r o lf1 CO '; .J . . =. . -...- ,...... Ijli;PARCEL' 3 .: Lot 5, Block 5, LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES, Pia t the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 13, Records of Pa 1m Beach Coun t y, F lor ida. .. 1, according to Page 32.. Public RECORD Vr;R1FIED PALM BEACH COUNTY, (lA. JOHN B. DUN!{LE OJ r:nl( r.1Il~"IT "nllOT