CORRESPONDENCE "t:cr . ~:-;--~--~:-- ~ -"'7"'"'. .:"..'..,...."...... h '-~.,...:.._....,~:'-_"-...,..~...,~-,....,~_..,-.~~_~ ' r C\ R ,Q19 SEP ./ ,') .'., ' . \. Io.l .. -, TO FROM ~ c=tat Ncx:-.,h B. l.:.tt.d!cotc:n Cept. I~~ ti. IIi '11~.Jr. SUBJECT: FOLD ... 1:0\'".1.0.. u..: : C'~. Project :;:'10;; CI1:':.rt DATE: 13 Sept.. 79- ... 't ~.~ ,..- '"........... . J. _a.;;';;;'~ ;,,:u:l.t;X;rltl.t.bo ~"C T~.,t.'lnn..xi.naz cl~.rt. ....al ca.~.l.:ulC. ~..our .___..,.,..,..... ~ci;.:lCt.icn jn too.plAm:lng CJS oui'.l:inw} b t.bll ~ \d.JJ. b&..~ tbct< ,: r 0:.... h:ru-tu..r; c.'rq;> ~:t the ~ll ~ to prc1\':7.t;1C or 3:~,:!cl ~'i.co in. such .n;ilJ..a.l.<:J) ~~iL~'t.. ~.~ ~~~..o.nH~~. or S'tL.V,;i utctu .~";.;t q~q ~. Ot(t' iU>c'"d..CL at U.lCUQ ~~~.~O .the b>'~ at : t{ l:J.otrJ..:'~:;.. lit; CCU ~'...b8. ~,~:::c~. .-," - , " ~~. W:;.~~ ~o: thC~::f;~f~ tbcl. pi~bo. ~t ~~~ .;.2'"-.i ;4..!,~, ~P:'~'.. ad :me ;"~W'.:1~;" . >'(., .,.iI.,."",:, "-,.....:..."""'.~..-.,~ '~",~:. -~.;:. '?%' -- <"4<':'.,z._;,;. "",,_ f ~. , ~i, ,; ; " ;P.eG'.:_~t.i'11.."l,)y ouant.ted. ' RETURN TO ~ " _ ." SIGNED..." _ f'..dl:~'d o'in:i:t:t(;.T'.J'~Jr.. ,><-;;,.,~, ,- '~ )' '" - ., ".: ,. ~ .', 7Y -. r : ,. lJ~.... .uU'~....u.i..l ,:~?p.-)J/6' "7:,0::~~~.:.C/.'</,/~~' ~:#%/t';;'"., ~. '":: \ '. " . '~/f/Z:: V ....---,y}:.:''''- /~,. . ~, . ~.~ ~<::,.;';.;.;:;;;~-. , "~ .., -t _( 1-'" H pl t:'l ';J::l Ul H rt rt rt 0 I-' 0 (D . ~ Ul g: :3 :3 1-" 0 rt Ul 1-" ~ ::t 1-'" ..0 ..0 ; pl ~ rt ::t rt '7' 0 rt tP (D 0 pl g: rt pl pl ~ I-' ::t I-' Ii ~ I-' pl (D Ul P, rt 0 0 ~ (1 Ul Ii 1-" g: ::t 0 I-' ~ t1 ~ I-' (D (D rt >< ::t P, '7' (D ~ pl \j Ul Ii (D rt 0 0 ::t I-' 0 ~ 0 Ul I-' rt C C ::t ~ ~ I-' H rt (l) () ::t P, ~ 0 >< 1-'" pl P, I-' rt t1 C (D ~ (D Ul ~ 1-'" ~ (D rt l"(j I-' pl P, Ii I-' I-' P, () 1-'" 1-'" pl ::t Ul pl 1-" Ul rt rt I-' ~ (D ::t 0 Ii (D (D rt 1-'" d rt ::t t1 ~ (D ::t ~ 0 (D c <: (D ::t Ii rt (D (D pl (D I-' ttI 1-'" pl P, 0 I-' 1-'" Ii Ii ~ 0 Ul :3 (D rt ~ Ul pl 0 (D C ~ Ii ~ () (D (D rt rt ::t Ul 0 <: ::t pl ttI 1-'" (D 0 Ii rt (D 0 rt ::t to ~ () g ~ pl I-' 1-'" 0 pl rt pl ~ ~ 1-'" ~ ~ ..0 () rt P, pl ~ (D '" rt Ii 1-" Ii (D 0 (D ~ ~ , (D rt ..0 (D . ::t t1 P, (D (D pl Ii 1-'" ~ \j P, ..0 I-' 0 0 '7' (D p, r -, TO FROM Peter Cheney, City Hanager o T 2 1979 .~ - c...cy Planner SUBJECT: 'I'Rll.re.spons.es .to Mot.orola..Flow Chart DATE: J.o.~1.~1.9 FOLD. Previously, I forwarded to you a copy of the flow chart that I prepared for the Motorola approval process locally. Since that time the various 'I'RB staff members ha.ve reviewed sa.id flow chart and have responded pertinent to their expertise. The package that accompanies this memo contains the ':I:'RB comments and four sample public notices to be utilized in the approval process. Please advise if you would like these dOCl~ents distributed. CSA:pf cnc. RETURN TO. SIGNED ~.~ /. ....... ,",' /.., REPLY )tLI Z;(j ;:/::V 4/~/ /: rA%~;~ ~ <!'>.. / (- _ /Y'/7''''O-c. l ...-z.~' -;!'./<~../!... t./ 1(," t/C'(' br'&'~/ v(/-t~ A .( Lf (Y (/ _. ,1:''1'\/-- . . ~ .-' \ /?'...... rf;/ \" IJo .^ /._ ,,;;.. /7fr\.,' /'L.e.v"{..e~, / / ) t-t; '- 'v '- ,/ I . /' ../ l --rJ .-L-.... ,~ r~~(,' ~.. /?+. ft(;~ ,.- eN,,/ C~~~ C/'~- i',/ ,l/' cl~/"A-r.~ ;P~/j':2-~-)/tflk~~f~ fhc/;. /'L+ - . .' t . A. e ,?(,,(.,'. ,.(4;J .,~ . (/ r-' c:V^-.1 . 'i~j - .." ..;/ ,ZV ).....~:r--- c -''', (/! vY'(, /' J' _./~-.- ~ U~~~/? X'. ..-vI, /.,-:t:(~, -~(' ." i~ /) .,,,,I"T~ ,-.~-?'1" "7". -', /..(, /' ~ ,A^..L- ,;) 0'Y lc ''.r . '. c. ..-t '-srGNED ", /f,./ v '-I ,j(/ /:/} ..2...L, GRAYARC co., INC" BROOKLYN, N. Y, 11232 .,' L. ,::~ ,_"~ ,:.j ",I:~::~u ,; c~;..~ur~N TFii'; C;OFY TO SEND;:).l I" I FROM TO Peter Cheney, City Manager L._cy Planner SUBJECT: TRB responses toMotorolaFlowC~:la.rt. DATE: lO~l~79 FOLD. Previously, I forwarded to you a copy af the flow chart that I prepared for the Motorola approval process locally. Since that time the various TRB staff members have reviewed said flow chart and have responded pertinent to their expertise. The package that accompanies this meTllO contains the TRB comments and four sample public notices to be utilized in the approval process. Please advise if you would like these documents distributed. CSA:pf enc. PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED REPLY DATE: SIGNED GRAVARC CO., INC., BROOKLYN, N. v. 11232 DETACH THIS COPY-RETAIN FOR ANSWER, sam WHiTE AND PINK COrlES WITH CARBONS INTACT, I I FROM TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner Edgar :E.. Howell Building Official SUBJECT: FLOitJ CHART FOR II MOTOROLA II DATE: 9-12-79 FOLD. Pertinent to the above, the following approvals should be installed in your flow chart, prior to submittal of working drawings to the Building Department. Additionally, prefer that these approvals be maintained as soon as possible. Health Department approval for sewer flow. Health Department approval for the cafeteria. Hotel and Restaurant Commission control number for cafeteria. Water Management approval for storm water retainage. EEH:fs PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED E. Howell REPLY ~> 2/?~ SIGNED GRAVARC co., INC.. BROOKLYN, N. V. 11232 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED