LEGAL APPROVAL \ !, P,O, BOX 310 120 N,E, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 13051734-8111 ~ -;. '::"Q .f L.. -~- ~ . J'JJ' 111;J ,.,. !~E'...,~~r.~~IiiE~, ~.' ,:,.;:;J~I r-- "~ ~-'~ ~~~~ ~'~: - '-:'" ,~--, ;:;--.:_)...J- -- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH November 18, 1981 Mr.John B. Gesbocker, Agent ,Heery & Heery 880 West Peachtree N.W. Atlanta,Ga. 30367 Dear Mr. Gesbocker: On Tuesday, November 17, 1981, the City Council approved the site development plans for Phase I of the Motorola Planned Industrial Development located at the corner of North Congress Avenue' and N. W. 22nd. Avenue for the construction of approximately 319,000 Sq.Ft. of buildings consisting of the Engineering Building, Production Building and a Material Handling Facility, plus accessory uses, subject to staff comments as follows: Building Dept. : Subject to Memo Engineering Dept. : Subject to Memo Utilities Dept. : Subject to Memo Public Works Dept. : Subject to Memo Fire Dept. : Subject to Memo Police Dept. : Subject to Memo In addition, be advised that the Community Appearance Board has placed stipulations on the approval of the plan as noted in the Minutes which accompany this letter. Prior to submitting plans to the Building Official for permits, all staff recommendations and other materials listed above and adopted by Council in their approval shall be provided. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH \..- CSA:mpc c.,~v--_ J c~ Carmen S. Annunziatb City Planner - 1 - ~ -;. ~-;_~~~:=,.,-, ~,~,',i'~f.",,::.~L ~ , '~. I ~~~~~~~rJL~ f .' ~ - - -,~ ~ -, - :::--.J.~ . .,..... CITY of BOYNTON BEACH P,O, BOX 310 120 N,E, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 1305) 734,8111 - 2 - To: Mr. John B. Gesbocker: CC: City Manager Bldg. Dept. wjplans & attrnts. Eng. Dept. wjplans & attrnts. utility Dept. wjplans & attrnts. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Parks & Rec. Dept. Public Works Dept. Central File wjplans & attrnts. Energy Coordinator MINUTES - COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD NOVEMBER 16, 1981 Mr. Sellers informed the Board that they were creating a six acre lake which serves several purposes~ One is to get the required fill needed for the building and parking lots and also to get sufficient material to create birms. One of their major design ideas is to create significant birms and plantings around the perimeter. Mr. Sellers said they were very concerned about their appearance and image. That is why the west has a lake and birms and the parking is to the rear and well screened. Mr. Sellers told the Board they have exceeded the ordinance requirements in terms of interior landscape areas and the number of trees. There are some Australian pines and some scrub material along the existing wire fence but nothing of any significance. There are two palm trees along the E-4 canal. Virtually, Mr. Sellers said it is all pasture. Mr. Sellers presented the conceptial landscape plan to give the Board an idea of the design velocity. Mr. Berman asked about the entrance. Mr. Sellers replied that there are three entrances to the site. The visitors' entrance is across a bridge and over the lake. There is parking for 50 cars. Closer to the canal is an emp1oyees'entrance. There is another employees' entrance off of Congress. Mr. Berman' ascertained that there were two entrances off of N. W. 22nd. Mr. Sellers also informed the Board that the required distance from the canal is a 400 foot setback or distance they must have between the bridge and where they have their exit on 22nd Street. Colonel Reid questioned having live oaks, which do not do well in this area. Mr. Sellers said they were considering them in the number of trees and spacing. The original idea was to put in mahogany trees. Colonel Reid said they would probably be better. Mr. Sellers said they had wanted to get a tree that they would not have to space. Colonel Reid advised that mahogany trees get bigger than oak trees, as oak trees are slow growing. Mr. Sellers solici ted Chairman Reid's comments on the appropriate material. Chairman Reid suggested that Mr. Sellers might consider putting in slash pines around the lakes. They are available 4 feet to 6 feet and will grow faster than live oaks. Tabebuias are also fast growing trees for color. Colonel Reid noted they were using royals and sabal palms. Mr. Sellers said they wanted them for the entrance. Colonel Reid said they would do well as it was moist in there. They should try to tie them up early. Mr. Berman asked if they were going to widen 22nd Avenue. Mr. Sellers answered that the Highway Department would be making improvements to Congress Avenue.and essentially a right turn lane which will taper. They will subsequently make some improvements by widening, right turn lanes, etc., which the Highway Department does not make. Mr. Berman asked if the area where they turn into the property will be flat land. He wondered if there was a fence. Mr. Sellers said there was an existing fence. Nothing will be between the highway and the property. Mr. Sellers explained that between the birms and the plant massing, there will be times when - 6 - - "'-T MINUTES - COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD NOVEMBER 16, 1981 you can look across the lake and see the building. There will be no fences along 22nd or Congress Avenue. Chairman Reid noted they were using powder puff. He wondered why they wanted to go on a straight line. Mr. Sellers said it was to be a buffer. Colonel Reid suggested ficus benjamine, as they get six feet high in no time. He recommended that they be put on two foot centers with three foot material. Mr. Sellers asked if there would be any problem if they allow the ficus to grow taller than six feet. Chairman Reid said with fences they would be limited, but with the ficus, they could go from 8 to 10 feet high. Colonel Reid advised they could let it grow and be loose type, especially with birm type of treatment. Colonel Reid said myrica could also be used. Chairman Reid also suggested that if they found they did not want to use royal palms, they could go to cocos plumosa. Mr. Sellers said they wanted to be dramatic. Chairman Reid asked if the Board would like to accept the plans in general as the concept of landscape design and land use of planned material. Mr. Rubin wished to give the applicant relief on the Code requiring 40 foot similar trees and accept the plan as it is now with the grouping and bounds. Mr. O'Brien asked if the pocket areas were incorporated into the recreation areas. Mr. Holleman said there would be a walkway through the property, which,will be refined. He wanted an under- standing that approval of the plan would be sufficient for a . building permit. Colonel Reid said it would be with the provision that they come back. He said once they get into the land use such as digging the ponds, that is when the landscape architect should resolve the problem. Mr. Sellers stated they were working on the site plan development. The landscape and irrigation contract would be a separate contract. They were hoping to finish the project as far as the architectural and basic site development by early December and probably start~ ing early next year. They have to get the staking and grading taken care of. " With that in mind, Chairman Reid recommended that the Board accept the plans as their basic overall plans with the provision that they come back with a detailed landscape plan after the land and earth part are completed. Chairman Reid asked the applicants when they were thinking of landscaping. They replied in late 1982. Some members felt they could not make a motion. was trying to preclude their getting a building O'Brien said the Board would have to accept the that had been presented with the recommendation Chairman Reid permit. Mr. landscape plan that they corne - 7 - " MINUTES - COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD NOVEMBER 16, 1981 back prior to the installation of the landscaping. Mr. O'Brien advised the Board that if they approved it subject to a new land- scape plan, they can build the building, get a C/O, and the Board would have no way to stop them. Kitty Deneen commented that if the Board puts its stamp on the plans, there is nothing they can do about it, and it was supposed to be a final plan. Kitty Deneen said it could either be handled as a preliminary plan or a final plan. Colonel Reid asked if a preliminary plan would hold up their permit, and Kitty Deneen replied that it would. Colonel Reid asked why it could not be approved as the overall dramatic landscape plan with provisions, as it was a big sub- division. Danny O'Brien said the Board should approve it as presented with the recommendation that they corne back. Kitty Deneen agreed with Mr. O'Brien. The applicants said they would be glad to corne back. Mr. O'Brien asked how they would keep people from parking away from the softball parks. Mr. Ochocki did not know. He stated they have two baseball diamonds and two volley ball parks and everyone will park in the parking lots, because after work is when they play. They will also have showers. Mr. Prezioso asked if the Board would have to approve some of the changes recommended by the Board. Colonel Reid said that would n9t be done until such time as the earth work has developed because then they would be able to tell the nature of the soils and what they would place in there. Colonel Reid again asked the Board to approve the plans as an, overall plan with the understanding that they have with the principals of Motorola that they will corne back with a detailed landscape plan which can change the type of materials and upgrade it. Mr. O'Brien said the applicants entered the Technical Review Board and there were memos from the City Engineer, the Fire Depart- ment, Utility Department, etc. He ,asked whether any of the memos would tear the plan apart. Mr. Sellers was not familiar with the memos but he knew of nothing that would affect the landscape plan. Mr. Holleman explained the memos they received from the Fire Department and the Utility Department. He said the third memo was relative to the lift station. Mr. O'Brien commented that if they bother the landscape plan, the applicants would be right back before the Board. Mr. Rubin said when the plans are brought back in, everything should be shown. Mr. O'Brien pointed out that once a man builds a building, you can not go to Court and pull his C/O away from him. vice Chairman Blanchette moved to accept the plans as presented and if there are any changes at a later date, Motorola will come before the Board and show what the revisions are. Mr. Rubin seconded the motion. The motion carried 8-0. - 8