REVIEW COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS MOTOROLA Bldg. d ept. : See Memo Engineering Dept. : See Memo Utilities Dept. : Subject to Memo Public Works Dept. : Subject to Memo Fire Dept. : Subject to Memo Police Dept. : Subject to Memo MEN\ORANDU. TO Canmen Annunz~~o DATE NovembeJL 2nd, 1981 Cliy Pla.n.neJL FILE FROM SUBJEC" MOTOROLA BeJz.:t J. KeehJt Deputy BlLUMng On n~UlU Plecu,e Mnd :the noUow~ng commen.:U JLua;0tve :to :the above .6ubjec;t mafteJL. 1. BOalLd on HeaUh peJLmli JLeq~ed. 2. Ho:tel and Re.6:taUlLan:t con:tJto.t numbeJL JLequiJc.ed. 3. Coun:ty :tMn-out pe.JLmli JLeq~ed. 4. W~eJL Managemen:t peJLmli JLequiJc.ed. 5. Lake. WoJz.:th DJtainag e V~:tJUc.:t peJLmli JLequiJc.e.d. 6. Mamum .6~0:t 00 1,698 employee.6 peJtYrtilied nOJL numbeJL 06 palL~ng .6pace.6 .6hown. 7. VaJUance hcu, been gJLa.n.:ted on w~d:th OOJL palL~ng .6pace.6 OOJL employee palLfUng lo:t nJLom :ten noo:t 110') :to ~ne ooo:t 19'). 8. V~lioJL palLking mu.o:t JLem<Un :ten ooo:t (10') w~de. 9. Mu.o:t conooJLm wlih TJLee and Land6c.ape OJLMnance. (Ilf-~ BJK:O.6 (]?/i:j;; Be.Jz.:t J. K eehJL Deputy BuUMng 06MulU lO. The water supply for fire protection relative to sprinkler systems i if other than City supplied, must be approved by the Building Official. /'"7L bk t;o' M E M 0 RAN DUM November 3, 1981 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: Tom Clark, City Engineer Re: Motorola Site Plan Comments: 1. Drainage calculations are required. 2. Structural details are required for drainage structures. ~ . ~ /C JJ -V~U~ Tom Clark TAC:mb c J MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner November 2,l98l RE: Motorola Plans Please be advised that in building the utilities on Congress Avenue, two (2) lO" water lines were stubbed out to serve Motorola, one as shown for their domestic service and fire protection, and a second one near the south end of their property for futuFe use when the south portion of the pro- perty is developed. Fire protection is from their lakes and is not tied to our system, per their application to Palm Beach County Health Department. We return herewith the print forwarded to us for review. G a~ per~essna, Director of utilities PAC:apt Attachment (Print) . On:) Time MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner November 2,l981 RE: Motorola Plans Please be advised that in building the utilities on Congress Avenue, two (2) 10" water lines were stubbed out to serve Motorola, one as shown for their domestic service and fire protection, and a second one near the south end of their property for futuFe use when the south portion of the pro- perty is developed. Fire protection is from their lakes and is not tied to our system, per their application to Palm Beach County Health Department. We return herewith the print forwarded to us for review. G a~ per~essna, Director of utilities PAC:apt Attachment (Print) Time, ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM November 3, 1981 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: Tom Clark, City Engineer Re: Motorola Site Plan Comments: l. Drainage calculations are required. 2. Structural details are required for drainage structures. ~ . ~ /U/-- / ~UtVVj -L Tom Clark TAC:mb "w ~ece\ \)'Co\e \\~e C!]:FJ C' MEi..ORANDUI. CaJunen AHHunz~CLto C-<--ty P.taHHeJL DATE: Novembe~ 2~d, 1981 FILE 00" 5UBJECT MOTOROLA BeJz.:t J. Kee.hJc. Deputy BtU1.Mng 06MulU Ple.cu,e Mnd :the. 6oUow~ng c.ommen.:U JLua;0tve :to :the above .6Libjec;t mafteJL. 1. BOalLd 00 HeaUh peJLmli JLeq~ed. 2. Ho:te.l and Re~:tauJLan:t c.on:tJLo~ numbeJL JLequilLed. ~~/)'/. /'.- / / /. . {I' / ~(",-:'l;,r,""",.-r ",1/ ;-:< l./-o:.~' II' '-- , l ....... .~. .. .. -'" .' R~""~I...... u_. ?z./ j_ _. .y__. t . ._~ // / . . -.--- /' Dato.---/{7'---?( 7 v - - . --- Time //..9/ v 3. County :tMn-oU-t pe.JLmli JLequilLed. 4. Wa:Ce.JL Managemen:t peJLmli JLequilLed. 5. Lake WoJz.:th DJr..a.inage D~~c.:t pe.JLmU JLequiJc.ed. 6. Mamwn .6tU6:t 06 1,698 employee.6 pe.Jtm{;Ued nOJL numbe.JL 06 pM~ng .6pac.e..o .6hown. 7. VaJUanc.e hcu, be.en gJLan:ted on w~d:th OOJL pMfUng .6pac.e.6 60JL employee palL~ng lo:t oJLom :ten noo:t 110') :to ~ne 60o:t 19'). 8. V~-<--tOJL pMR-i.ng mu.o:t JLem<Un :ten 600:t 110') w~de. 9. Mu.o:t c.on60Jun wlih TJLee and La.n.d6c.ape OJLcUnanc.e. BJK: 6.6 /l) ( / / .L . "--~ ~/- B e.Jz.:t J. K e ehJc. Deputy Buil.cUng 06Muaf . l / .~.~/ :,/~ ..-J.-^ . ( lO. The water supply for fire protection relative to sprinkler systems; if other than City supplied, must be approved by the Building Official.. bk i' '---- . (4r<iT MEMORANDUM August ll, 1982 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Re: Motorola Attached are two press releases from Motorola, Inc., which may ! qe of ~int~rest to you. One of them specifically relates to the Boynton Beach project. e~1. ~i::: City Manager PLC :mh Atts. cc: Central Files City Planner ( fh /-'1 ) M E M 0 RAN DUM November 5, 1981 SUBJ: SOLID AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE REMOVAL FOR MOTOROLA INC. f \, r ".. 1/.' \ II. II ' FROM: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO: CITY PLANNER 1. The Public Works Department reviewed the plausibility of having the City assume the responsibility for disposing waste from the Motorola plant. 2. It is my professional opinion the City not assume this re- sponsibility but authorize a licensed Solid Waste Contractor to provide this service. The following information is submitted for consideration substantiating my recommendation. a. The City Sanitation Division will need to incur substantial capital costs for several roll-off containers and a spe- cial truck. b. The City does not currently have the facilities to handle this type of con- tainers. c. A back-up truck will be necessary as this will be a daily operation. d. Container/Compacter maintenance will be a major concern. e. The additional equipment will impose a heavy impact on the Municipal garage f. The equipment will not be mult-function- al. 3. In addition to the stated reasons above, the Sanitation Division will undergo a enormous transition at the same time period next year. With the addition of the three new Sanitation truc~ a combined garbage and trash removal system will be im- plemented next year. This system change will cause changes in routing, size of routes, type of pick-up, public education, personnel education and training, etc. The proposed new sys- tem, combined with new equipment, personnel, training costs, etc. to facilitate the Motorla plant, would cause a definite hard- ship on Sanitation personnel and reduce the high caliber of Sanitation service presently enjoyed by Boynton Beach residents. I contend the Sanitation Division should provide all and every service feasible within the City limit of Boynton Beach. How- ever, the advantages in the Motorola Inc. plant are definitely outweighed by the disadvantages. In summation I propose the City not obligate the Public Works Department to facilitate the Motorla plant for solid waste removal. Sincerely, RSW: he cc: City Manager Building Dept. Asst. Director Sanitation Superv. File ~~~~tJ~ Richard S. Walke ME,-AORA N D U _.. TO Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner DATE: November 5th, 1981. FILE FROM william Cavanaugh, Fire Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau -Fire Dept. SUBJECT Motorola (Ref. T.R.B. Nov.3rd,l981) Please be advised of the following: Road access for fire fighting operations and water supply connections shall be provided for the west elevations of the proposed construction. This may be accomplished by providing compacted crushed stone to support appropriate loads and covered with sod. water supply modifications are under advisement and coordinated efforts to expedite this matter are acceptable at this time. WDC : rd ~~fJa~ william D. Cavanaugh, Fire Inspector I _ j CC: Chief James Rhoden , Fire Dept. Perry Cessna, utilities Director , ( MLMORANDU. II TO Chairman Technical Review Board DATE November 5, 1981 FILE FROM Capt. Edward G. Hillery, Jr. SUBJECT Security of major construction sites SUBJECT: Contractor Responsibility Sir: As per our conversation at Tuesday.s meeting, I am offering the following for consideration by the board. Our westward expansion and growth west of 1-95 has created a situation that must be dealt with. We have for the past year reviewed many project plans that when constructed will use millions of dollars worth of materials and equipment. Much of these materials and equipment will be on the sites for extended periods of time. These materials are very susceptible to theft. In the past, large projects such as Leisureville, Los Mangos and Golf View Harbor to mention a few, have experienced large amounts of theft from the sites during construction. I anticipate no change in the pattern in the future out on Congress Avenue. In the past we, the police department, reacted after the fact and did the best we could to prevent losses from the sites by providing as much patrol as possible. In the past, we were fortunate not to have too many large projects under construction at the same time. We are now faced with the prospect of almost the entire length of Congress Avenue being the site of major construction projects. Congress Avenue is to be four laned adding even more to the boom. At present, the police department can only look to this coming situation with apprehension. Our plan is to create a new zone by dividing our western area in two. This will allow more patrol to the area in question, but it must be understood that the other duties i.e. responding to calls and other assignments cannot be neglected. Our plan will be able to handle the anticipated routine police problems when the construction is complete, but the added burden of site patrol will take away from our general efficiency in the area during the construction phase. Reflecting on the above, I ask your thoughts about the possibility of a strong recommendation to major contractors that at a large site the developer share in the protection of his valuable materials and equip- ment. By this, I mean provide some security to the area during the con- struction phase. Received Date Time Crri.C/ -- November 5, 1981 Page 2 In this day and age of neighborhood watch programs, Crime Watch and the like, I proffer that we extend the concept to include the con- struction phase of a neighborhood or large commercial venture. I also feel that insurance companies who carry the large developer be made aware of the suggestion. I would appreciate hearing your feelings and thoughts on this matter and if this suggestion has merit, I feel that we should follow up on it as soon as we can. Respectfully, ~~~~~~~ Captain Commander Road Patrol EH:as cc: Chief Huddleston D.C. Hamilton