CORRESPONDENCE @ MOTOROLA INC. April 3, 1989 City of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Boulevard P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425-0310 Attention: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Re: Heery International, Incorporated This letter is to notify you of Motorola's intention to retain Heery International, Inc., 999 Peachtree Street, Northeast Atlanta, Georgia, as our agent for the purpose of preparing architectural and engineering drawings and specifications for the proposed 80,000 square foot office building expansion of our Boynton Beach Facility at 1500 N. W. 22nd Ave., Boynton Beach, Florida. SinCe_~y, /--:1-~ /_//___~ / d 7J / /~/- // y/ ._---,;-/" /;;{~ ---~~.~:;/~~ =---P-aul C. Little / Engineering Services/Industrial Technology Manager PCL/sjh Paging Division 1500 N.W. 22nd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426-8753, (407) 738-2000 HEERY March 28, 1989 Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner Planning Department City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Motorola Phase II Expansion Dear Jim: Per your request, the following changes were made to the building as a result of our meetings with the City Building Department: 1. A new stair #3 was added between column lines K and K.4 which resulted in adding a new door on north elevation between column lines K and K.4. 2. The toilets originally shown to be located between column lines K and K.4 were relocated to a new location between column lines K.4 and L.2. This is the extent of the changes made. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, ,) , . !~[ ...-, ~..,,,. ".,~ ' T-' , I{.....:.C...L~ . _.J..I B ri nton Project BES:sjt cc: Don Zipse Joe Sperlazza ~1i ke Mill er 88078a MAR ' ':~ ib88 FLANlllij'{(;i i.A.Pf. .-.--.- Heery Architects & Engineers, Inc. A Heerf International company 999 Peachtree Streel. N. E., Allanta. Georgia 30367-5401, Telephone [404) 881 9880 Telex 54-2165 ATLANTA. BALTIMORE. CUPERTINO (5 F BAY AREA) . FRANKFURT. HOUSTON' LONDON. LOS ANGELES. NEW YORK' PHILADELPHIA' SACRAMENTO. SALT LAKE CITY, SEATTLE HEERY March 23, 1989 Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner Planning Department City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Motorola Phase II Expansion Dear Jim: We are submitting a Site Plan Approval Application and amended drawings dated March 23, 1989 for your review and consideration on the above referenced project. Very truly yours, ~~D. Michael D. Miller, AlA Project Director ~4DM: mj 1 Enclosures cc: Don Zipse Joe Sperlazza Brint Smith 88078a Heery Industrial, Inc. A Heery International company 999 Peachtree Street, N E, Atlanta, Georgia 30367 5401, Telephone (404) 881 9880 Telex 54-2165 ATLANTA. BALTIMORE' CUPERTINO (S F BAY AREA) . FRANKFURT. HOUSTON. lONDON. LOS ANGELES, NEW YORK. PHilADELPHIA. SACRAMENTO. SALT lAKE CITY, SEATTLE