APPLICATION SITE PLJ\N 1\PPROVJ\L J\PPLICJ\TIG. City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I, GENERAL INFOR}~TION Motorola - Phase II Expansl'on l. Project Name: Boynton Beach Facility Boynton Beach, Florida 2. Date this Application is Accepted: (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. J\pplicant's Name (person or business entity in to/hose name this application is made) : Motorola, Inc. 1500 NW 22nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Address: Phone: . " (407) 738-2132 (Joseph F. Sperlazza) 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Heery Architects & Engineers, Inc. 999 Peachtree Street, NE 1\ddress: Phone: Atlanta, Georgia 30367-5401 (404) 881-9880 (Brinton E, Smith, Jr.) s. '1,1 Pro.perty Owner's (or Trustee's) \ 'S' l}' Motorola, Inc, Name: ./ C.(ir' - \ " Phone: 1500 NW 22nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 (407) 738-2132 'l Address: 6. Correspondence J\ddress (if different than applicant or agent) *: Same as above for agent * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Plnnning Dept. 10/82 P,HjC 2 7. \'':hat. is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Owner ----.. :: (O\.mer, Buyer, T,essee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) 8. street Address or Location of Site: ---.-------.- --------.- -.- _15?_~_ ~~ ..22~d.. A~~_~~~!. B().Y~t~!1._~~i!ch.J.. flQr.i.da ,.334.36.. ----..-.- ..... . 0'-' . ....- 9. Legal Description of site/froperty control ft: -----,----...-. -----.-.-.---..-.---. -.... "-'-" .-- ---.-..--... - -..--...-- . ....- See attached ..--...----- -.----.-- .. . - ----- ..--.--. -- -....--- ...- ..... "-'" -.. - -...-. I ) . 10. Intended Use(s) of Site: Engineering office expansion 11. Developer o~ Builder. N/A 12. Architect: Heery Architects & Engineers, Inc. 1 Heery Engineering & land Planning ), Landscape Architect: 14. 5i te Planner: Heery Engineering & land Planning 15. Engineer: Heery Architects & Engineers, Inc. 16 5 Oailey-Fotorny, Inc. . urveyor: 1 7 . 18, Traffic Engineer: N/A Has' a site pIon been previously appru\",::d for this property? Yes by th~ city council --.- --....--.---. - ----.-.-.-. 19. Estimatec construction cost of propn::"ll ir.;rl:O\'~::.0,.,ts shoh'n on this site plan: $4,923,400 Planning Dept. 10/82 ATTACIIED TO SI TE PLAN APPROVAL _A!,PLlCAJJ.9N LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SITE ALL OF TRACTS 94 TIlROUGIl 107, SECTION 20, OF SUBDIVISION or SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSIlIP 45 sounl, RANGE 43 EAST AS PER PLAT TIlEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7 AGE 20, or TIlE PIJBLI C RECORDS OF PALM BEACIl COUNTY, FLOR lOA, INCLUDING 30 FOOT smlP LOCATEO IN SECTION 20, TOWNSIlIP 45 SOUTII, RANGE 43 EAST, MlD BOUNDED ON TIlE SOUTU BY BOYNTON CANAL ANO ON TIlE NOR TIt BY TRAC T 94, SECTlON 20, OF TIlE SUBDIVISION OF SECflONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSIlIP 45 SOUTIl, RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO TIlE PLAT TIlEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT ROOK 7, PAGE 20, PALl1 BEACII COUNTY RECORD ALSO INCLIJDING 30 FOOT STlHP SIlOWN AS ROAD EASU1ENT RUNNING rRO~1 CANAL C-16 NORTII TO TIlE NORTIl LINES OF LOTS 102 AND 107 EXTENDED OF SUBDIVISION or SECTION 9 AND 20, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20 or filE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAU' I3EACIl COUNTY, FLOR lOA, L Y I NG BETWEEN LOTS 96 TO 102 IU filE EAS T Arm LOTS 94, 95 AND 103 TlIROUGII 107 ON TIlE WEST SAID SUBDIVISION. ALSO, ALL '-ANDS, INCLUDING LAKE BOTTOM OF LAKE JACKSON AND LANUS OESIGNATElJ "SAND BEACH" OR "LOW r1UCK" OR OTIIERWISE LYHIG BETWEEN TIlE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY Arm WEST OF filE RIGIlT-OF-WAY or TIlE LAKE WORTlI IJI~AINAGE DISTlHCT EQUALlZING CANAL E-4, EXCEPTING TIIAT PORTION OF mACTS 94, 95, 103, 104,105, 106 MID 107, SECTION 20, SUBDIVISION OF SECflONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSIlIP 45 SOUTII, RANGE 43 EAST ACCORDIrIG TO TIlE PLAT rtIEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, PALH BEACIl COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS \lIIICII LIES mTlIIN 50 rEET OF TIlE HEST LINE OF SAW SECTION. ALSO, ALL TIlAT PAIH OF TilE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 17 AND TIlE flU 1/4 OF SECflOtI 20, TmmS11I P 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACIl COUNTY, FLOR lOA, L Y I NG SOUTIl OF TilE SOUTltERL Y RIGIlT -OF -WAY LINE OF N\l 22ND AVENUE AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1738, PAGE 1686 OF TilE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAU1 I3EACII COUNTY, FLORIDA MID NORTU OF TIlE SUBDIVISION OF SECflONS 29 AND 20, TOHNSllI P 45 SOUTII, RANGE 4 EAST, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, IIEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, AND EAST OF HIE EASTEJ~LY LINE OF RIGIIT-OF-WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND HEST OF TilE ~'ESTERL Y LINE AT R IGIlT -OF -WAY OF TIlE LAKE ~IORTIl DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4. EXCEPTING FRm, ALL OF TilE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY TIlE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4 Arm IUGIlT-OF-WAY OF CANAL E-16 FORMERLY BOYNTON CANAL. ": Page 3 II, SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan 2. Zoning District Light Industrial P.I.D. (Planned Industrial Development) 3. Area of Site 88,39 acres 3,850,268 sq, ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including NIp., acres 0 % of site surrounding lot area or grounds b. Recreation Areas . 3.12 acres 3 % of site (excluding water area) I 5,67 7 site c. Water Area acres . % of d. Commercial 0 acres 0 % of site e. Industrial 6,68 acres 7 % of site f. Public/ln- 0 acres 0 % of site stitutional g. Public,private, and canalz.12 Rights-of-Way acres 2 % of site h. Other (specify) 14,2 acres 16 % of site Parklng i. Other (specify) 56.60 acres fir; , of r;i te j. Total Area of Site 88.39 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and havihg a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building 291,150 Area ("building footprint") sq.ft. 7 , of site b. Water Area 247,025 sq.ft. 7 \ of site '. c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios"..: decks, and athletic" i. 618 $50 ,.; courts. . , . ' sq.ft. 16 sq. ft. .30 sq.ft. 1 \ of site d. Total Impervious Area 1,157,025 e. Landscaped 1\rea Ins ide 34,950 of Parking tots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required-. see Sec. 7.~-35(g) of Landsdape Cnde). , of site , of site Planning Dept. 10/82 Page 4 Other Landscaped Areas, 897 ,712 sq. ft. e3 "\ of site f. excluding Water Area g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding 1,760,581 \ of site Water Areas sq.ft. 46 h. Total Pervious Areas 2,693,243 sq. ft. 70 , of site i. Total Area of Si te 3,850,268 ~q.ft. 100 . \ of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential 0 sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office 80,000 sq.ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq. ft. d. Recreational sq. ft. e. Publici Institutional sq. ft. , f. Other (specify) sq. ft. g. Other (specify) sq.ft. h. Total Floor Area 80,000 sq.ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached 0 dwelling units b. Duplex 0 dwelling units , . c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units (1) Efficiency 0 dwelling units ( 2) 1 Bedroom dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units , , (4 ) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total' Hulti-Family 0 dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 0 8. Gross Density 0 Dwelling Units per Acre 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site feet 2 stories 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces b. Off-Street parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan 1512 current employees + npp~i- mately 500 new employees = 1912 employees 'h 2 x 1~ ~r~rp~ = 1434 required spaces (1705) Parking SpnC.P~ Planning Dept. 10/92 . . IV.' MISCE~ANEOUS The following ~aterials must be submitted in one (1) copy: Page 9 . . (check) x 1. A check, payabl~ to the City of Boynton Beach, as per the attached fee schedule. ..I . . . N/A 2. For projects that generate at least three thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour periOd, a traffic .1 . ... ..'. _.., .. , ,. ~_. . _ &. .\........ _ . ,\........ l ~ "" "A ......&""'...'-'..... ......4........J..._.., '''\0&''''',,- w.... ..,-_..._............... , ~. 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the ~echnical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City.s Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the, permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We)', hereby certify that I the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowlepqe and beli~~ This application will not be accepted un~es~ s~ .:.:___~/q to the instruction~ be~ow. , L-~~ ~ ,:/ '-5-..b9/gc; gnature 0 Owner(s) or Trustee, / D~te' or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. VI. :3j~li31 (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) ,Aa'i,thor~:zed agent in regard to. this application. iYl: J"' J (- g;<f S gna ure,o Owner(s) or Trustee, Date ' or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Stipulations of Final Approvalr Date Date Date Date I Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: . . . . 'Addit~onal Remarks: u (\ --- 1 I - 0 8 u J 3 M SEe TOR M S G C N T R - 1 3 r-- ' S II 2 l' U 1 .... . ...... J .! ( "' - ......"" ~.. ..!lIO toPO"""" to c.e.rea. ) I ......e" 'D.... ,. .. . This ttC,\rranly Jlttd ~,.", .",1 ,..".,...1 ,t., .' / .. .I.,., ./ )...\.., ",. RJTECO O[VI;J,otMtNT COnrOM1JON A D_ lO'1a I.y . re.,........." ....h"", .....I... .r., "v', ., r "" 1(1" . ..." ......."1 tI, ,.t4..d,.,,1 ,.1... ., "...,"....' 169 [,Ut tlllolt'lr Btrellt. MIl') mJ. r lot Ul8 33) 3 J 1..,.,...."" ...rr.J .... "."'-. 'e MOTonCII.h INt:. . uu,...,.."..., ~..""... "".I.. .... ....., ., ,,.. ! ,.,.., D~law8'e ..,M.... .. ...,..,....,.<H ...Il..l .... ,......., . ';''''1 II. ,,""'....rn' 1',..111".,,. t",,~~...t .... ,",.a. ..... ...... ..._....... .-.1 ..,.....,.. ,..t." ." ,t.. ..',:.... .. ..... I........~a. ... ... ...,... ....t ...,............. .... ...:._ ,. _.a."..._... ..., .... "'......... ... _I,.. .t ....,...,......, I: r I, I; If'ilntssflh: r".' .... .....,..,. 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