APPLICATION Vander Ploeg and Associates, Inc. architects and planners suite 100 1700 north dixie highway boca raton, florida 33432 (407) 368-1403 April 24, 1989 Planning and Zoning Board City of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 RE: SITE PLAN APPROVAL THE VILLAGE SHOPPES OF BOYNTON Dear Board Members: Please find enclosed the following: 1 Site Plan Approval Application 1 Check for $350.00 payable to the City of Boynton Beach 2 copies Traffic Impact Analysis Report Shared Parking Study by Motorist Design Data Movement, Inc. 2 sets Drainage Calculations by Rossi & Ma1avasi Engineers, Inc. 2 sets Angor Boring Results by Testing Lab of the Palm Beaches, Inc. 6 sets Plat of Village Shoppes of Boynton by Rossi & Malavasi Engineers, Inc. Planning and Zoning Board April 24, 1989 Page 2 6 sets Paving & Drainage Plan Drainage Area Map Paving and Drainage Details Traffic Control Plan Existing Topo Plan Dimension Control Plan by Rossi & Malavasi Engineers, Inc. 6 sets Landscape Planting Plan, Details and Specs by Winston Lee & Assoc., Inc. 6 sets Site Plan Typical Floor Plan, Wall Types Dumpster Detail Theatre Floor Plan Retail Elevations Theatre Elevations Site Photometries and Details Sign Details If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. 1 Sincerely, ~ Derek Vander Ploeg President ._ '. t.. . ;' ~ '.::.lll...,~.... _ ,. , , , ~ .- -- ..-..~ .- ',' ," , . .10 " . SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION . ~.--- (" ,~ '." c.> t) /V1 " i. .I' ~/- City Qf Boynton Beach, Florida , Planning and Zoning Board ./, ~ ,~, .t; , -;')1-...:"....1< . . This application must be filled out completely and accurately ana submitted in .one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will.not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: VILLAGE SHOPPES OF BOYNTON 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : . FLORIDA MCS, INC., d/b/a SYMCOR PROPERTIES OF FLORIDA, .' .... ... "Address: . 100 N.E. 3rd Avenue, Ft. Lauderda~e, Florida 33301 , Phone: 305/765-1045 4. Agent's Name (person, if representing applicant) : . any, I I , . . Rrpph;:m; e L. Polk 5-c~ Js () Address: 100 N.li:. 3rd Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Phone: '305/765-1045 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: VSB Ltd., a Florida Address: 'Limited Partnership 100N.E. 3rd Avenue, Ft; Lauderdale. Florida 3330t Phone: 305/765...,1045 \ 6. cdrrespondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. " Planning Dept', 10/82 , I . . 1 ~ , , , ~j , , , ( I < ~ . ~ ~ s ~ ~ ) ~ , , , , . . . , I . . I , . , I . . I . . , , ~ , I . . I . I , . " rage 2 ~ 7. What'is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Owner and Developer ----- (Owner, Bu~e~, ~essee, Builder, Developer, Contract puichaser, etc.) 8. Street Address or Loca tion of Site: ...l:L-h_CQrner of ...C'nn8Y""~~ AH'i;l~Q,.- and 22nd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 9. Legal Description of Site/property Control #: See Attached "F.xhi hi T "A" . . 10. Intended Use(s) of Site: Commercial Shopping Center -ll. Developer or Builder, Florida, MCS, Inc" d/b/a Symcor Properties of Florida 12. Architect: Derek Vander Ploeg, Vander Ploeg & Assoc., Inc. 13. Landscape Archi tect: Winston lee I; Assoc" Inc. 14. Site Planner: Derek Vander Ploe~~ Vander P1OP.~ 1; Ar::.r::.r'1r> Incr 15. Engineer: 16. Surveyor: Rossi 1; !'1=Jl.=m=l~~i Richard L. Shephard & Assoc. 17. Traffic Engineer: Daniel N, Murray, LE, Motorist Desisn ll.=iTri MO"b>wnt:, Ine, l~, Has a site plan been previously appr0v~d by the City Council for this proper ty? _-.-Under.iLPi.f.f~~nt Qwner.__. .....______________...:- 19, Es tima ted cons truc tion co s t 0 f propo :;( '( 1 ili"[ll:ovem.;; 1"1 ts sho\vn on lhis site plan: $15 Million Dollars exclu~~ng land costs , Planning ,Dept.. 10/,82 ',' ,10 Page 3 II. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on al~ six (6) copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan 2. Zoning District C-3 3. Area of Site 19.41 acres ,845.559 sq. ft. ' 4 . Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including ac],:'es % of site surrounding lot area or grgunds b. Recreation Areas * acres % of site (excluding water area) I' c. Water Area ' acres . % of site d. Commercial 18.26 acres 94. % of site e. Industrial acres % of site f. Public/ln- ,acres % of site stitutional g. Public,Private, and Canal Rights-of-Way 1.15 acres 6 % of site h. Other (speci-fy) acres % of site i. Other (specify) acres % of site j. Total Area of Site 19,41 '00 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5.. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building 175,618 Area (lIbuilding footprint") sq. ft. 20.9 % of site . , b. Water Area . ". 24,500 ," sq.ft. 2.8 % of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of pUblic & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped ,areas) , and sidewalks, patio~, decks, and athletic courts. 467,874' sq. ft. ..ss ~ % of site I f I I . I . I , , I I I I , , I I I . I , I ; : , ; d. Total Impe:rvious Area 667, qq? sq. ft. -7 9... 0 % of site e. Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 ~q.ft. per interior . parking space required-- see Sec. 7.S-35(g) of Landscape Code) . 50,306 sq ..ft. 5 , 9 % 0 f site Planning Dept. 10/82 - '. ; . . ..... -.-.... --- Page 4' 0; f. ' .~ 127,261 '15,1 . : % of 'site ,Other Landscaped Areas, sq.ft. excluding Water Area g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and .Swales , but excluding 177,567 Water Areas sq.ft. 21.0 % of' site h. Total Pervious Areas 845,559 sq. ft. 100.0 % of site i. Total Area of Site ~q.ft. lOO % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential sq.ft. b. Commercial/Office 175.618 sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq. ft. d. Recreational sq. ft. e. PublicI Institutional sq.ft. f. Other (specify) sq. ft. g. Other (specify) sq.ft. h. Total Floor Area 175,618 sq. ft. .. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached dwelling units b. Duplex dwelling units c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units (l) Efficiency dwelling units (2) 1 Be.droom dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total Mul t.~-Family dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units . " 8. Gross Density Dwelling Units per f\cre 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site 10. Required Off-Street Parking - 35 feet 1 stories a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Theatre - 2000 Seats at b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan Total Provided 1/4 Seats = 500 Spaces 1,141 - See Attached Trnrri~ Study for Concurent. non- Retail - 145,798 Sq. Ft. at 1/2.00 s.f. = 729 spaces conc;.urent use ca1cu1nTi nns Total = 1,299 ....'........~...N non4- , n I~? 't t" Page 9 IV.' MISCE~ANEOUS (Ch~l. The following ~aterials must be submitted in one {l} copy: A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, as per the attached fee schedule. ~2. For projects that generate at least three thousand (3,000)' vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traff~c ~,',,~\:.~t:. 'i:44'.~:J"':'':'':''; :7"~=-: ~~ =~~::~:.-:t.=.d. 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. . V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and zoning'Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief This application will not be accepted unless igned a or ing to the instructions below~~ e of Owner(s) or Trustee, te or~ orized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. VI. ..~ at . nate the above signed person as (my) regard to this apPlica~ ~.~ atur ,.of Owner(s) or Trustee, :e or orized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. (I) (We) hereby (our) authorized SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Date Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Addit~onal Remarks: -..... I .. 4J ~ ~ ~ to ~ ,,' ~ (.. ~~ ni tt" ~ ~ ~ "' 1\ .' ~~ () \) C\.()) ,'i::~ EXHIBIT "A" ~ZZ' TRACT RAR LEc.\L DESCRIPTION ",^ I'ARCH 01' LAND LYING IN SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 4' SOUTI1, RANGE 4) EMT, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID LAND DEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIl\ED AS 'FOLLOWS: COMMI:NCING AT THI:' ,WEST QI)ARTI:I~ CORNl:ll OF SI:CTlON 17, TOWNSI1IP " SOUTlt, RANGE 4) EAST; THEN'::E,wlT!l A ilEA lUNG OF NORTH &9' 0&' 4'J" EAST, ALONG TIlE EAST-WEST QUAR j ER LINE or SECTION 17 A DISTANCE OF }O.O, FEET TO A POINT ON THE EA:'T RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVI!; THENCE WIHI A BEARING OF SOI.:TH I" 44' )'./" WEST, ALONG'THE EAST RIGHT 01' WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVE. A D1".TANCE OF 70.07 FEET TO A !'OINT; THENCE WITtI A BEARING OF NORTH &9' 0&' 4'./" EMT, ALONG A LINE LYING 70.00 FEET scum or ANI) PARALLEL TO THr. EAST-WEST QUARTI!R L1N!:. OF S!:.CTION 17,. A DISTANCE 01' 10.01 rEET Te:. THE POINT OF DEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE WITI1 A IlEARING OF NORTH sq. OS' 49" EAST, ALONG A LINE LYING 70.00 rEET SOUTIl OF AND I'ARALLLL TO THE EAST-WEST QUARTER LINE or.SECTION 17; SAID UNI: ALSO BI:ING THr SOUTH UNI: 01' LAKE WORTU DRAINAGE DISTI{ICT LATI:RAL CANAL NO. 11, AS RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 17)2, PAGE 612 OF THE runLIC RECORDS OF PALM DEAOI COUNTY, FLORIDA, A DISTANCE OF 71&.22 FEl:.T TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH I" '4' )9" WEST, A OISTANC::: OF )11.)& FI:ET TO A POINT; TIlENCE WITH A BEARiNG 01" SOUTH &'J' 0&' 49" WEST, A DISTANCE or 6'.12.06 I"EET; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH "" ))' 16" WEST. A DISTANCE 01" )6.15 I"I:ET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGliT or WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVE; TIlENCE WITH A DEARING OF NORTH I' 44' )9" I,MT, A DISTANCE OF 2&}.22 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF DEGINNING. ". CONTAINING '.121 ACRES MORE Oil LESS AND SUDJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGliTS 91' ,WAY OF RECORD. TRACT "0 LEGAL DESCRIPT,ON A l'Anc.EL 01' LA"'1l LYIN(, IN ~CCTlON 17, TOWN:'IIII"4' SOUTH, I(AN(.1: '1 E^ST, I'ALM IIEAC:U COUNry, I LORIDA. SAID LAND QI:ING MOI{E I'AIO'ICI!LAIII.\ I)E~CIUIlED AS rOLLOw,,: . . COMMENCING ^ T TliE WES, QlIAll TEll CORNl:ll OF SECTION 17. TOWN~llIl' ,~ SOUTH, RANGE ,) I!A~T; TI :ENCE WITH ^ UEARING 01' NOIlTIl K'I' OS' ,,')" [,\\T ALONG nl!:. I:AST-WI:~T QlJ,\IlTEll LINE OF SECTION 17 A I)I.,rANCr:. OF ~II.I)) , rl:ET TO A POINT UN THE '!Asr IUGHT OF W^Y LINE 01' CONC;IlI;\" AVI:; lHENCE WITH A UI:AIUNG ~'F ~ounl I" '" 39" WE5T, ALONG TltC l^~T IHC,III OF WAY lINI: OF C:ONGRE\, AVr:. A DI~TANc:r: OF 70.07 I'I'.CT; TIIEN~:I: Willi .\ IIEAIUNG OF N(\ll Tli ~')' 0&' .']" EA!iT. ALONG A LINE L YINl; 10.'JO I:l:: r \1\10111 OF ^ND l'AII~LLEl To Tm, r:^"T.WE~T QI.:^RT(II LIN( or \E("T1l\N 17: ''':Il LINt:. ALSO "CING TIlE SOU' H L1NI: OF L^KE WORTll I)IIAINAGE J)J~1Il!t:1 ~ATI:II!,L CAN^L NI': 11, ^; lH:COllDl:l) IN 0.11. IIOCK 17)1, "AGr:. 611, (\" 1I11, ,IIIILlC Rt:COI10S 0" "^LM III;I\CII COUNTY, HOIlIlM A [)1~TANCI: (\1' \'1'" r:EI:T TO A 1'01NT; T1II.NC:C WITH A IICAIUNG l"r '1\" r'lI I' "~' )'1" wr'l" ~ DI:ST^NCE OF 'II \.H I:EET HI THI! POINT or IlI!GINNING: TlII:NCI: '.'ITII ^' IlE^llING OF NOI{Hl. ". 21.' "," EAST, ^ DISTANCl ell' )~.)) "I:ET; TIIlNC'L WIT.1l A BE^RINC 01,' NOIUII 1'1' 0&' ''I'' EAST, A ""T ^NCr: or: I.'J'I )) FUT' ~liC~CE II:'lTIi ^ [1"MIN~ or: SOllT': I' W l'1" WI:\T, ^ r~isT^NC:f.' (\1' 7');. ;" 1t:I!T. r:'t~NCE ":J1'.l.A III:AIUNG OF SOUTH 1I'J' 0" )1" WI:H. ^ DI\T^NCT "" (.'11.07 H~I;TI T1tL:NCIl WITll A III,^'UNG 01' NOIITlI .,. '" 2'," w[,r A 1\I~r^NI' OF )(,.17 I'I:E TI TlII,NCE WIHI 1\ IICAllING 01: NO" TlI I' ~.' )'1" EA'i'T A I. OIST^NCE or-. 7~6.)6 FI!ET Mc~H.E OR LESS TO THE "OINT OF t1ECINNI'I':c.;. ~OIGNHTT^SINOING I 1.0'1(. ^<~RE~ MOllE OIl LESS AND SlJUJI:CT TO EASI:MI:NT!i AND " F ,,^Y 01" KI:CORO. . , , ~,: .I.~ : ( . ~ ~/~ t"-: p. b~ .,i ,I ;'i :'~1 .~l " " . . ., '., ....., :~: " ., J,,. ;~~n ~1 ',) ~ " ~, \ \j ~ .~~ ~' ~; ~ ~J .. . t 0 ~j \:: I i') \J ~:) :s: ~'{ ~ I I I .~ fa) ~ I I 1 ! to ! I ~ If, 1 . '. , :t. ~ j , " '. . I. t '{j )\ ~ I~ "- r ~ I~ ~ ., () \, ~ t\. 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Apr i 1 24, 1989 MDDM Project *89-012 r:~7 Date MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trsff/c/Trsnsportstlon Engineering Consultsnts INTRODUCTION ------------ ------------ This study is designed to address and document the parking requirements for shared uses at The Village Shoppes of Boynton, a proposed mixed use commercial development at the northeast corner of Congress Avenue and NW 22nd Avenue in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Since Quantum Boulevard, which is a 4-lane divided highway, severs a portion of the retail from the cinema, it was felt that significant shared parking was a viable option for the development north and south of Quantum Boulevard. Although the parking on the opposite side of the roadway is reasonably convenient for patrons using any of the facilities, it is important to provide positive traffic control regulations to facilitate pedestrian traffic across Quantum Boulevard. Thus, a parking area analysis was the method used in making a determination as to the viability of shared parking usage. Because of the varied parking usage within the development, namely cinema and retail, on the north portion, and retail on the south portion, it is believed that a shared parking usage study would be appropriate. Because of the varied requirements and usage of parking spaces during different hours of the day, it is felt that this study, using the interactions associated with shared parking phenomenon as published by the Urban Land Institute CULl>, is appropriate. The Urban Land Institute 1983 publication is the methodology used in this report. Additionally, the formula required by the Ordinance No. 86-8 of the City of Boynton Beach was calculated to ensure that the proper buffer was maintained within this proposed proJect. BACKGROUND ---------- ---------- The Village Shoppes of Boynton is a mixed-use development proposed for the northeast corner of Congress Avenue and NW 22nd Avenue in the CIty of Boynton Beach, Florida. The land use proposals for the proJect south and north of Quantum Boulevard are outlined below: -1- MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrllfflclTrllnsportlltlon Engineering Consultants North of Quantum Boulevard Retail ..... ........ .......... 3,200 Square Feet r f62 = !) c2c2 1 /' p- 0 1; ~ !J-trL ;Z X~; Ji.:f f Cinema 2,000 Seats South of Quantum Boulevard I Y-;(J 51ro Retail...................... '143,278 Square Feet The City of Boynton Beach requirements, taken separately, would result in the parking requirements outlined below: North of Quantum Boulevard Cinema (2,000 Seats x I parking space per 4 seats) ....................... 500 spaces Retai I (3,200 Square Feet @ 5 spaces per 1,000 Square Feet) ............. 16 spaces Total Spaces Required ..............516 spaces South of Quantum Boulevard Reta i I ! t;2J 51 CC (143,2r8 Square Feet @ 5 spaces per 1,000 Square Feet) ............ ''71-1 spaces 713 The Urban Land Institute methodology allows for a calculation and assumption of shared parking capacities which would result in an overall site plan which would provide for more efficient parking on the site. Therefore, it is this methodology that is used in the compilation of this report in order to allow a more efficient usage of parking area within the site based on the proposed land use. -2- f:J-:V~ ~bf,~ _ '.'___., __."m_______.._.~____._________ MOTORIST DESIGN DA TA MOVEMENT, INC. Trsfflcfl"rsnsportatlon Engineering Consultants ULJ METHODOLOGY --------------- --------------- The basis for the Urban Land Institute's research was to define the characteristics of parking demands for single land uses. Then, by analyzing parking accumulations at mixed use centers, the shared parking concept was quantified. The ULI recommends the following procedure be followed in determining shared parking: 1. Initial ProJect Review: Knowledge of the site and the intended land uses is very important in beginning the shared parking analysis. Results from the initial review for The Village Shoppes of Boynton has been presented in earlier sections in terms of square footage and land uses proposed. 2. Adjustment for Peak Parking Factor: The parking factors are those specified in the City of Boynton Beach Code as detailed earlier in this report and indicate a need for~1'~ spaces, for the section of development south of Quantum Boulevard and for 516 spaces, for the section of development north of Quantum Boulevard. 3. Analysis of Hourly Accumulations: Parking accumulation curves are selected by reviewing the ULI data and incorporating site specific conditions. 4. Estimate of Shared Parking: The hourly parking demand for each land use is merged to estimate overall shared parking demand. This is simply the hour by hour addition of parking demand for each use to estimate aggregate demand. THE ANALYSIS ------------ ------------- Applying the ULI methodology to The Village Shoppes of Boynton yielded the hourly parking accumulation curves for each of the two land uses for weekday and Saturday conditions. Figure - Retail Park i ng Accumulation - Weekday Figure 2 - Cinema Parking Accumulation - Weekday Figure 3 - Retail Park i ng Accumulation - Saturday Figure 4 - Cinema Park i ng Accumulation - Saturday -3- MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trafflc/Transportatlon Engineering Consultants 100 90 z 80 0 ...... I- <[ ..J 70 ::> ~ ::> u 60 u <[ l:) 50 z ...... ~ ~ <[ 40 a.. ~ <t 30 w a.. u.. 20 0 I- Z 10 w u ~ w 0 a.. ~ <t C) C) J, ~ C)C)oggg~C)cC)C)C)C)C)oggg ~ggd~ruoggggggggO~N ~oo~___~ruMv~~~OO~___ HOUR OF THE DAY RET AIL WEEKDAY _) I -4- FIGURE #1 MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. rrs fflclTrsnsport.,lon Englne.rlng Consultsnls TABLE 1 WEEKD1>.Y PARKING 1>.CCUMUL1>.TION SOUTHERLY NORTHERLY TIME RETAIL RETAIL CINEMA TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6:00 1>.M 0 0 0 0 7:00 57 1 0 58 8:00 129 3 0 132 9:00 136 3 0 139 10:00 208 5 0 213 11 :00 280 6 0 286 12:00 NOON 416 9 75 500 1 :00 PM 416 9 125 550 2:00 416 9 175 600 3:00 402 9 200 611 4:00 366 8 300 674 .......~ (95) 5:00 \ 337 8 350 ~ ) 6:00 215 5 400 620 7:00 136 3 450 589 8:00 108 2 500 610 9:00 57 1 500 558 10:00 43 1 500 544 11 : 00 0 0 400 400 12:00 MID. 0 0 350 350 --.--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 100% PARKING SPACES 717 16 500 1233 ~ " MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Tra fflc/Transporta "on Engineering Consultant. TABLE 2 SATURDAY PARKING ACCUMULATION SOUTHERLY NORTHERLY TIME RETAIL RETAIL CINEMA TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6:00 AM 0 0 0 0 7:00 22 0 0 22 8:00 72 2 0 74 9:00 215 5 0 220 10:00 315 7 0 322 11:00 351 8 0 359 12:00 NOON 387 9 150 546 1:00 PM 416 9 250 675 2:00 380 8 350 ~~> 3:00 366 8 350 374 4:00 351 8 350 709 5:00 265 6 350 621 6:00 143 3 400 546 7:00 93 2 450 545 8:00 57 500 558 9:00 14 0 500 514 10:00 0 0 500 500 11 :00 0 0 400 400 12:00 HID. 0 0 350 350 --.--------------------------------------------------------------- -_._-------------------------------------------------------------- 100% PARKING SPlICES 717 16 500 1233 ~ ,.:' MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon EnglnBBrlng Consultants TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT FOR THE VILLAGE SHOPPES OF BOYNTON LOCATED ON THE EASTSIDE OF CONGRESS AVENUE JUST NORTH OF NW 22ND AVENUE IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Prepared By: " ~" _ ./ " / -./7 v<,J ~~ # /'--7~ Dan!el N. Murray, fa-; . 0~7 Date Apr i 1 24, 1989 MDDH ProJect #89-012 . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- ----------------- Page Introduction ...... .... .... I" ....... II II .... II ...... II ...... Planning Data .. II ...... ...... ......... ... II.. .... .... ...... Site LocatIon Map -- Figure #1 .............................. 2 Existing 1988 Average Annual Daily Traffic -- Figure #2 ..... 3 Trip Generation and Distribution ............................ 4 Tr a f fie Ass i g nrne n t .....................,.................... 5 New Trip Distribution Percentages -- Figure #3 .............. 6 Development Daily Traffic -- Figure #4 ............ .......... 7 Existing + Development Daily Traffic -- Figure #5 ........... 8 Existing + Development + Background Daily Traffic -- Figure #6 ............ ................... 9 Existing 1988 Peak Hour Seasonal Traffic -- Figure #7 ....... 11 PM Development Access Peak Hour Traffic -- Figure #8 ........ 12 Existing + New Development Peak Hour Traffic -- Figure #9 ... 13 Existing + New Development + Background Traffic - Flgure *tI0 ..................................... 14 Highway Capacity Analysis ................................... 15 HIghway Link Capacity -- Figure #11 ......................... 16 TraffIC Performdnce Standards Category Evaluations .......... 17 Traffic Performance Standard Evaluation -- Figure #12 ....... 18 Fu) 1 Bu i 1 d --Ou 1 Fiev i ew ....................................... 19 Required Highway Improvements ............................... 19 L AppendIX "A" -- HIghway CapaCIty AnalysIs MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrsfflclTrsnsportsllon Engineering Consultsnts INTRODUCTION ------------ ------------ A 6.28 acre parcel of property Just north of NW 22nd Avenue located on the eastslde of Congress Avenue is being proposed as a commerCIal shopping center. The development sIte plan has been identifIed as "The Village Shoppes of Boynton". The project has access onto Congress Avenue, NW 22nd Avenue, and Quantum Boulevard. For additional background information and details of the study site, reference should be made to the Site Location Map -- FIgure #1. To ensure that the traffic flow and safety issues are properly addressed, the City of Boynton Beach requires that a current traffic Impact analysis and report be undertaken to address the traffIc generated by the proposed development and its effect on the adJacent highway links and intersections. As a result, Motorist Design Data Movement, Inc. (MDDMl, Traffic Engineering Consultants have been retained by the developer to investigate and determine the traffic impacts created by the proposed commercial shopping center. In conducting the traffic study, It was necessary to evaluate the eXIsting highway network and their associated traffic volumes. Then the development traffic had to be determIned and assigned to the surrounding highways. Consideration of adJacent trip attractIons and trip productions was lmportant in examining the development trIp patterns. Traffic data from Palm Beach County, and the Florida Department of Transportation was utilIzed. Also, the amended Boynton Beach Mall DRI and Quantum Park traffic report data were referenced. Furthermore, an inventory of the adJacent highway network was undertaken. The traffic data is shown in the ExistIng 1988 Average Annual Dally TraffIC -- Figure #2. PLANNING DATA ------------- -------------- The TraffIC EngIneerIng Impact Analysis was based on the sIte plan prepared by Vander Ploeg and Associates, Inc. Specifi- cally the sIte plan reflects a proposed commerCIal shopping center. The fol Jowlng data describes the site data: -}- MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trafflc/Transportatlon Engineering Consultants SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE # 1 H oluxo Road "8 -ci 0 a:: >- Q.) 1.0 as 0 O"l - c: II) Q.) I Q.) ~ ....... b 3: 0 0 cu -' U') Miner R PROJECT SITE cJ > <t I/) I/) <1> b, C o Old Bo nton Beach Blvd. 1.0 O"l I - W. Bo ton Beoch Blvd. o llOO 2400 4000 ~ -2- -d > as ..... I/) Q.) ~ o o cu U') N MOTORIST DESIGN DA TA MOVEMENT, INC. TraffJclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants EXISTING 1988 AFERAGE ANNUAL DAILY TRAFFIC FIGURE # 2 N Rood '25,422 "0 0 -0 0 a:: > fU Lrl co U O"'l Ii; c: fU I v .... ...... h ~ 0 0 -1 ~ Miner Roo PROJECT 5.815 5,218\ SITE N.W. 22 5,486 \ -0 5- .2: Lrl co 11,752 c: O"'l - 0 I V) Old Boynton Beach u fU ...... .... Blvd. (.) 0 ~ Blvd. 24,945---& '30,854 " 22,492 41.022 o 800 20400 4000 ~ 3100 I -3- . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Englnaerlng Consultants South of Quantum Boulevard Retail............................. 143,278 Square Feet North of Quantum Boulevard Re t a i I 3,200 Square Feet 2,000 Seats C i nerna ............................... Other pertinent data that was researched and evaluated includes the inventory of the highway links adJacent to the site and within the zone of influence. Likewise, the traffic activity at the adJacent intersections within the zone of influence was determIned from the recent DRI data. TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION -------------------------------- -------------------------------- In determining the trip generatIon rate for the subJect development, it was necessary to use the recently published Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation -- Third Edition Publication. Based on this data source the subsequent computations were made: ::::::::::::::: :::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::: :::::::: ::::::: :::::: TYPE OF FACILITY UNIT SIZE TRIP RATE DAILY TRIPS North of Quantum Boulevard Retail CInema 3,200 Sq. Ft. 2,000 Seats 67.16 trips/d.u. 1.762 trips/seat 215 trips/day 3,524 trips/day South of Quantum Boulevard Retail 143.278 Sq. Ft. 67.16 trips/d.u. 9.623 trips/day Total Trips = 13,362 trips/day ... II..... II. II.. ... II II II ..... II II II II ... II II II ...... II II II.. II II II II ..... II II II II II II.... .. II II II II.. II II II II.... II II II II ... II" II II.. II.. II.. ..... II II II II.. II" II II II.. II II II II.. II ..... TRIP DEDUCTIONS FOR CAPTURED RETAIL TRIPS Captured Trips 2S't x 215 = 54 2460 trips/day 25% X 9623 = 2406 II II II II II II II II II . II . II II II II II II . II II II II II II II II II II . II II II . II II II II II II II II II II II II . II . . II II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RESlILTING EXTERNAL TRIPS = 13,362 2,460 = 10,902 trIps/day :::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::: -4- . . . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Traff/clTransportatlon Engineering Consultants To determIne a realIstIc traffic distribution pattern it is essential to undertake a careful review and evaluation of the surroundIng trIp production wIthin the zone of influence. ~lso, the characterIstics of the hIghway links were revlewed to estlmate the most logical route selection. Based on the preVIously indicated factors, a compilation of trip percentages was derived as displayed in the New Trip Distribution Percentage -- FIgure #3. TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT ------------------ ------------------ By utilIZing the trip distribution percentages indicated in Figure #2. the development traffIC for The VIllage Shoppes of Boynton on each affected highway link within the area of Influence can be determined. The computations are depicted in the Development Daily Traffic -- Figure #4 So that the existing traffic conditions and the resulting impacts due to the development can be properly evaluated, it is necessary to determine the daily traffic levels on ALL HIGHWAY LINKS withIn the zone of influence. The data IS depicted in the Existlng + Development Daily Traffic -- Figure #5. Slnce the developer has forecasted a one (1) year build-out for the proJect. it is important to evaluate the estimated background traffic. which are trips to be generated by other approved proJects. Standard practice within Palm Beach County is to use the historical growth rate for each highway link. Recognizlng the signIfIcant increase due to the Regional Mall, it is recommended that a growth rate of 15% be utilized. This data IS deplcted In the EXlstlng + Development + Background Daily TraffIC -- Figure #6. -5- . ' MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Traffic/Transportation Engineering Consultants NEW TRIP DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES FIGURE # 3 N H oluxo 14% Road 2%- -4% "0 0 0 a:: Q) L) c: Q) 20% ~ 0 -1 -d > as L!") .- (j) VI I Q) - -- L) o ~ 5% i 4% v f 2% 5%- C1.i ~!1O% r.n Q) 5> c: o Old Boynton Beach Blvd. 3%_ W. Bo nton Beach Blvd. ! - 3% 4% L!") (j) I - -d >- as ] ~ Q) (f) o 800 2400 4000 ~ -6- . . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Traffic/Transportation Engineering Consultants DEVELOPMENT DAILY TRAFFIC FIGURE #4 H Rood 218/; "- 436 "Q 0 1,090 -d 0 ex: ffi llJ L.() U en ..- c: V) llJ 545\ I GJ !i ..... b 0 0 ~ -1 Miner R PROJECT 545\ SITE N.W. 22n I / 545\ 2,726 1,635 -d > L.() as 11,752 en ..... In 1 GJ ..... b Blvd. 0 GJ tf) Blvd. 327 ---~ '327 "'327 436 o 800 2400 4000 I J: l~ 32'00 I -7- N . . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Traff/clTransportatlon Engineering Consultants EXISTING & DEVELOPMENT DAILY TRAFFIC FIGURE #5 "'8 o a::: Cl> u ~ ~ ....J -d > \l") co en - I ~ ~ 9 Cl> (f) Rood '25.858 6,03' \ 5.763~ PROJECT SITE ",752 \l") (j) I ~ -0 ffi Blvd. ~ b o ~ Blvd. 25,272-----c<: ~31,'81 22,928 "'41,349 o 800 2400 4000 ~ -8- N . , MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Traffic/Transportation Engineering Consultants EXISTING & DEVELOPMENT & BACKGROUND DAILY TRAFFIC FIGURE #6 N Road ~29,671 "0 0 -d 0 a:: cB CIJ ~ U - c:: :a CIJ I ~ ....... ~ 0 ~ -.J Miner Roo PROJECT 6,546 SITE " \ N.W. 22 6,854 11.2211 \ -d ~ l{") ~ 13,515 c:: en - 0 I :a u ....... b Blvd. 0 CIJ (/) ~47,502 o 800 2400 4000 ~ -9- . ~ MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrefflclTransportetlon Engineering Consultants In order to evaluate the development traffic impact at the adJacent intersections, it is necessary to incorporate the proJect PH peak traffic into the exisitng peak traffic, as shown In Existing 1988 Peak Hour Seasonal Traffic -- Figure 17. .......... .... '" '" '" ..... "'.. '" .... ........... ....... '" ...... '" .............. .......... ..... "'.. ..... '" ...... ........... .................. ... .......... PM PEAK HOUR CALCULATIONS FACILITY UNIT TRIP RATE HOURLY TRAFFIC North of Quantum Boulevard In Out Cinema 2,000 Seats 0.24 0.02 480 vph 40 vph Retail 3,200 Sq. Ft. 2.66 2.76 9 vph 9 vph 489 vph 49 vph ------- ------- ------ ------ South of Quantum Boulevard Retail 143,278 Sq. Ft. 2.66 2.76 381 vph 396 vph 381 vph 396 vph ------- ------- ------- ------- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: PASSER-BY TRIPS (PEAK HOUR RETAIL) 390 X 25% = 98 vph 405 X 25% = 101 vph '" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '" '" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '" '" '" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '" .. .. '" .. .. .. .. .. .. '" '" .. '" .. .. .. '" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '" '" .. '" .. .. .. .. '" '" '" '" .. '" .. .. .. '" .. .. .. .. .. .. '" '" .. .. .. .. .. .. '" .. .. .. .. .. .. '" .. .. .. .. .. .. '" '" .. .. .. '" .. .. NEW PEAK HOUR TRIPS 489 + 381 98 = 772 vprJ 49 + 396 101 = 344 vptJ .. .. '" .. .. .. '" .. .. .. .. .. '" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The peak hour traffic at the proJect access is shown in the PM Development Access Peak Hour Traffic -- Figure ~8. Likewise. the existing and the development peak hour turning counts at the adJacent intersections are lndicated in the ExistIng + New Development PM Peak Hour Traffic -- Figure ~9, and the Existing + New Development + Background PM Peak Hour Traffic -- Figure ~10. -] 0- .. . . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trafflc/Transportatlon Engineering Consultants EXISTING 1988 PEAK HOUR SEASONAL TRAFFIC FIGURE #7 N "- 97 313 94 -129 ,) ~ l , 30 372.J 1 t ( 148- 416 68 74, 1,249 576 "-176 220 178 - 733 ) ~ l r 353 214 J 1 t ( 490- 310 246 124, 714 889 "- 33 106 518 -754 ) ~ l ,378 257 J 1 t ( 513- 365 150 128, 879 713 "-167 141 53 - 123 ) i l r 88 106.J 1 t ( 78 - 213 238 125 --, 1,129 1142 "- 0 99 0 - 0 ) i l,O 186 J ') t ( o - 109 0 113 --, 1,601 0... I4l1O _ . . . .. eo -11- . . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflcfTransportatlon Engineering Consultants PM DEVELOPMENT ACCESS PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC FIGURE #8 N I (45) (11) ~ I [253) (10) (28) (6) 281 '--37(6)[31 161 l ,40 (5)[35) , fi76 60 (0) (29) [176 [31] / 1 44 (5) (39) LEGEND XX Total Development T ratfic (XX) Capfured Development T raffie [XX) New Development Traffic -12- . . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trsfflc/Trsnsportatlon Engineering Consultants EXISTING & NEW DEVELOPMENT PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC FIGURE #9 N 903 '-34 116 528 -754 ) ~ l ,378 267 J 1 I r 513- 3b5 150 128, 901 Road 605 '- 176 220 178 - 733 ) ~ l , 382 214 J I , ( 490 - 317 259 138 -, 727 888 '- 97 313 94 -129 ) ~ l , 30 372-1 1 t ( 148- 416 68 74 , 1,281 1176 '- 0 110 0 - 0 ) I l ,0 196 J 1 t ( o - 109 0 113, 1,633 0_ _ _ . .. ... .. -13- , . . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Traffic/Transportation Engineering Consultants EXISTING & NEW DEVELOPMENT & BACKGROUND TRAFFIC FIGURE #10 N 1036 '-39 132 606 -867 ) I l ,435 306~ I t r 590- 420 173 147, 1,033 J I ...J 1,016 '- 112 360 108 -148 ) ! l r 35 428J 1 t r 170- 478 78 85 -. 1,468 691 '- 202 253 205 - 843 ) ! l r 435 246 J 1 1 ( 564 - 363 296 157 -. 834 PROJECT SITE 828 '-259 181 79 -141 ) I l r138 293 J 1 t ( 1,117 - 245 302 144 "' 1,312 1347 '- 0 125 0 - 0 )!lrO 224 J 1 t r o - 125 0 130, 1,873 o 100 !400 _ . . . 46o.. -"0 -14- . tl . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransporlatlon Engineering Consultants HIGHWAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS ------------------------- ------------------------- To determIne the level of service of the adJacent hIghway links, which the sUbJect proJect wIll impact, it is essential to examine the highway carrying capacity. Reasonable and acceptable traffic movement can be achieved if the roadway sections are operating at or above level of service "D". Based on Palm Beach County Criteria, for a 2-lane undivIded highway a total of 15,800 vehicles per day result in "D" service, for a 4-lane divided hIghway the figure is 36,000 vehicles per day, for a 6-lane divided highway the figure is 55,800 vehIcles per day. Further- more, to achieve the optimum expected traffic flow it requires that all lInks operate at level of service "C" or better, which is 13,100 vehicles per day for a 2-lane undivided highway, 30,000 vehicles per day for a 4-lane divided roadway, and 46,400 vehicles per day for a 6-lane divided highway. A careful examination of the existing daily traffic figures shown in Figure #2 was made so that the highway link capacities could be determined. Under the existing traffic levels and current highway geometries the impacted links are at acceptable level of service, as depicted in the Highway Link Capacities -- Figure #11. The level of service with the new development traffic added and with the background growth traffic included is shown in Figure #11. To determine the peak hour impacts, it is necessary to evaluate the traffic movements at the critical adJacent intersectIons within the zone of influence. The specific intersections and corresponding traffic movements are shown in Figure 17, #8, and 19. By utilizing the TransportatIon Research CIrcular #212, the Critical Movement Analysis methodology, a determinatIon of the actual level of services can be made. The results of the analYSIS are shown in Appendix "A". -]5- . . . MOTORIST DESIGN DA TA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants HIGHWAY LINK CAPACITY FIGURE # 11 N B (8) H [C]~ Road oluxo A /; "-B '0 (8) (8) 0 [8J B [CJ -d 0 ,. a:: (8) CD <IJ lJ") g [C) Q) '" o 800 2400 4000 ~ <IJ <IJ .... I J: 1600 . I I .... u ~ 0 3200 0 <IJ .-J A (/) Miner Roo PROJECT (A) A [A) (A) SITE [AJ \ N.W. 22nd Ave, A A/ (A) (A) \ (8) ...; ,. [A] \ B 4: (C) --... '" -d '" cu ,. C [0] a, lJ") CD ~ c: Q) Vi (C) 0 I U cu ........ t> [OJ Blvd. 0 cu (/) W. Bo nton Beach Blvd. A ______ 'A "-C (A) ( (A) (C) (A] A [8] [0] (4) [A) LEGEND - XX Level of Ser~ice Under Existing Traffic (XX) Level of Service Under Existing & New Development T raf fic . [XX) Level of Service Under Existing & New Development & Background Traffic. -16- . f . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrsfflclTrsnsportstlon Engineering Consultsnts TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS CATEGORY EVALUATIONS -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Since the CIty of Boynton Beach requires the traffic impact analysis to be in conformance with the currently approved Palm Beach County criteria, it is necessary to conduct a TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS. As mandated by Palm Beach County, all ~,-, area of traffic impact have re are critical traffic y, when the existing daily D" on any link and the the traffic level, then the 3e, when the link total daily )" and the development level, then the proJect is a fL- D,,~'~ , .Ii ...J.- /A.i .s u1 ~- ~ v/) ,he daily traffic on the :one of influence was ed in the Traffic Performance Based on this evaluation the ~r under the criteria in ___ ________ .inks, the results indicated that the project is not flagged as a Categroy "A" project. Therefore. thIs project DOES NOT have to commit to offsite roadway Improvements before even being considered a viable project submiSSIon. J #2 In reviewing the daily traffic under the criteria in Category "B" on all affected links, the results indicated that the project is a Category liB" proJect. The Palm Beach County Performance Standard restrict new trips on Congress Avenue between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Miner Road, based on the fIndIngs depicted in Figure #11 and Figure #12. The restriction for a 4-lane divided highway is 300 trips. Since six (6) lanlng of Congress Avenue between NW 22nd Avenue and W. Boynton Beach Boulevard is a committment of the rpvlsed Boynton Beach Boulevard RegIonal Mall DRI and Included in County PetItion #87-92, the outstanding restrIctIon is Congress Avenue between Miner Road and NW 22nd Avenue. -17- . . . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARD EVALUATION NSI \ FIGURE # 12 N "0 o o a::: Q) u fj ~ -.J -0 > U"") ~ cr :a - ~ ~ Road "'- NSI NSI\ cU > <t U) -0 :a > 5> U"") as c 0) - I U) Q) - ~ Blvd. u 0 ~ Blvd. NSI ~~ 'NS1 'NSI NSI o 800 2400 4000 ~ . J 4 1600 YlOO LEGEND SI Significant Impact NSI No SiQnificant Impact -18- . . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrsfflclTrsnspor1stlon Engineering Consultsnts FULL BUILD-OUT REVIEW --------------------- --------------------- A reVIew of the 2010 Palm Beach County data and of the TraffIC Impact AnalysIs Table 8. from the WHK. Inc. 4/89 report, verified that the traffic will be reasonably accomodated by the roadway network. Therefore. the full build-out of the C-3 site with The Village Shoppes of Boynton will not adversely impact the roadway system. REQUIRED HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS ----------------------------- ----------------------------- To determine if any highway improvements are necessary to maIntaIn a reasonable level of traffic flow and safety, detailed link capacity analysis and critical lane intersectional analysis were undertaken. Also, it is important to take into consideration the 5-Year Work Program in Palm Beach County, since maJor capacity improvements will be occurring within the zone of influence of the proposed proJect. Recognizing all these issues, the following improvements are valid: A. SITE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS 1. A minimum of 100 feet of internal channelization at all maJor driveways. 2. A separate right and left turn lane for main the access onto Quantum Boulevard and onto NW 22nd Avenue. 3. Required signing and pavement markings shall conform with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). 4. Compliance to sight triangle criteria. 5. Pedestrian signal + cross walk for the east approach at the main access onto Quantum Boulevard. B. DIRECT ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS AT THE INTERSECTION OF NW 22ND AVENUE AND CONGRESS AVENUE 1. Westbound rIght turn lane 2. Eastbound double left turn lane 3. Northbound right/thru lane 4. Southbound rIght/thru lane 5. Modifications to the SIgnal -19- . , MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Traffic/Transportation Engineering Consultants EXISTING & DEVELOPMENT & BACKGROUND DAILY TRAFFIC FIGURE #6 N o 800 2400 4000 ~ -9- EXHIBIT "AtI (d- ZZ' --+ I TRACT "A" LEc.\L DESCRIPTION A PARCEL 01' lAND lYING IN 51:( TION 17, TOWNSHIP ~5 SOUTIi, RANGE ~) EI\ST, PALM BEI\CH COUNTY, I'LORIDA, SAID LAND DEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRJt\ED AS' FOLLOWS: COMMENCING I\T THE" ,WEST QiJ^,HEI~ COIlNEIl OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP ~5 SOUTlt, RI\NGE H EI\ST; THI:N'::E'WITH A OEI\IlING OF NOltTH S9' OS' 49" EI\ST, ALONG TIlE EI\ST-WEST QUAR j E.R LINE Or- SECTION 17 A DISTI\NCE OF 50.05 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EI\:'T RIGHT OF wl\Y LINE OF CONGIlESS AVI!. THENCE WITI.. 1\ BEARING OF SOl:TH ,., 44' )'J" WEST, I\LONG" THE EI\ST RIGHT 01' WI\Y LINE OF CONGRESS I\VE. 1\ DI.TI\NCE OF 70.07 FEET TO 1\ POINT; THENCE WITH A BEI\RING OF NOR TIi S9' OS' 4'J" EI\ST, ALONG 1\ LINE LYING 70.00 FEET SOUTIi or ^NI) P^R^LLEl TO THE E^ST-WEST QUARTER lINE OF SECTION 17.. A DISTANCE 01' 10.01 PEET Te, THE POINT OF DEGINNING. THENCE CONTINUE WITH 1\ OEARING OF NORTH sq. OS' 49" EAST. ALONG 1\ lINE L VING 70.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND l'I\RAlLLl TO THE EI\ST-WEST QUARTER LINE Or-SECTION 17; SAID liNE ^LSO BEING THF SOUTH LINE OF LAKE WORTH DR^INAGE DISTI~ICT lATERAL CI\NAl NO. 21, AS RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 1732, PAGE 612 01" THE rllBLlC RECORDS OF Pl\lM DEAOI COUNTY, FLORII)A, A DISTANCE 01" 71S.22 FEET TO A l'OINT; THENCE WITH ^ OEARING OF SOUTH I' 44' )'1" WEST, A nJSTANC~ OF )II.)S FEET TO ^ rOINT; TItENCE WITH ^ DEARiNG OF SOUTH S9. OS' 49" WEST, A DIST^NCE OF 692.06 FEET; THENCE WITH A DE^RING OF NORTH 44' ))' 16" WEST, A DIST^NCE OF 36.1' FEET TO A POINT ON THE E^ST RIGHT OF WI\Y LINE OF CONGRESS AVE; THENCE WITH 1\ BEARING OF NORTH t. 44' )'J" r:MT, ^ DISTI\NCE OF 2S5.22 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ". CONTI\INING 5.121 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENrS AND RICIHS 91" ,WAY OF RECORD. TRACT "8 LECAL DESCI!.IPT!ON A rARc.El 01' lA,..!) lYINC, IN ~!!C:TlON 17, TOWN~IIII"~' SOUTH, HAN(.E 4\ EMT, l'AlM IIEM':U COUNry, I LOIUDA, SAID lAND ~I:INC MI.\IlE 1'1\1~nCI!L^II'-' I)E:'CIlII}ED AS 1'0llOW'\: ' COMMENCING AT Tlil! WI:S: QlIl\R Tl:R COIlN(1l 01' S(CTlON 17. TOWN\ltII' ~ ~ SOUTIl, RI\NGE ~) I!I\~T; TI:~NCE WITH ^ UEARING 01' NOnTlI lI'l' Oll' I,')" I:N,T, ^LONG TH~ !!I\ST.WIlH QlJ.\\{Tt:n llN~ OF SECTION 17 1\ Ill...rANCE OF VI.'I) r-[~T TO 1\ !'OINT ON n,,: ~Mr ItlGHT or- W^Y LINlll'J' CONl;IlL'i'\ I\VE; lHt:NCE WITH ^ U(;l\ltI~G 1.1F ~Ount ,. ~4' 39" WIlST. ALONG TIlE lA...T IIlt.1I1 OJ' W^Y LIN!: 01' C:ON(;REq ^vr:. A DI~TANC:r:. 01' 70.07 I'rCT; TlII:N~:E Willi ,\ IIEl\ltlNG OF Nllltni ~'I' OS' ~'I" 1:I\ST. ALONG 1\ LIN!! lYINl; 10.')0 1'l:T "'\'11111 or- ^ND 1'^'t~LLEL TO TIn, I!^'iT.W(ST QL:ARTEII liNE or 'i1;("TlllN 17; "':1\ L1Ne:.I\LSO I\EING TII( SOU' H LINE or- ll\KE WOlnll I>ltl\lNI\Gl D1~lR;C I ~I\Tlm.l\l C^NI\L Nil. 21, ^, ItI:CClltol::L> rN o.n. 1I0CK In1, "I\CE (,12, (\I' TIll, ,lIl1Lle RI:COltD'i 01' f'l\LM IIE/ICII COUNTY. I"L()ltllM 1\ ()ISTI\NCE or. If)'1I 1"(r:T TO 1\ l'OINT; TIII.NCE Wlnl 1\ II!:I\IUNG (\1" '0\\11 r~1 ," ~4' )'1" wr...,. ~ 1.":STANCl: OF 'II ~.H "E1:T lU THr: POINT 01' B(GINNINC; TIII:Nn: "rrll i'" O[^ltlNC OJ' NOIHH. ". u.' "," l:I\ST, 1\ DISl ANCl 1.)1' 3~.)) H~[T; TlIlNI'L WIT." A Br:I\RING 0'" NOll TIt 1'/' 01' ''I" E^ST. 1\ IW,T I\NCE OJ' f,'1" )} I'I:I'T' ~H~~CE ~lTIt A lIEl\ltlN~ 01" SOl/T'; '" 4~' 1'/" W['iT. 1\ lli'iTI\NCr.' 01' 7'/).;" I e:l:T, Ttt[NCl: Willi A IlEl\ltlNG 01' SOUTH 1'1' O~' )2" W[ST ^ Or'iTI\NIT \1' (.'11.07 I'F.E~1 TIII!NC[ WITli A 1Ir,I\IUNG or- NOIHII .~" l~' '71':' wr:...-r 1\ 11I~I\NI' OF )/,.17 FEE TI TtU:NCE WITIt ,\ ll(l\ltlNe; 01: NOI, TII I' t4' )'1" E"':T 1\ I. DISTANCE OF, 746.)6 FEET Mllf.l.E OR lESS TO TH( 1'0lNT OF lIEGINNiro:G. ,CRONIC TT^INING I ).0'11. ^CRE~ MOltE Ol~ LESS ^ND Sl/UJIlCT TO [1\Sr:.M[NTS ^Nl) H S OF WAY 01' KJ;CORI). . , "~ .1: : ( . . i.; ,/~ l~ ~~ ~ .' ~'i ,''. :~.. ~~~. ;.:.":. ':: " ~... " :~.' I' . ."~ ,~:, '.:.: MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants INTRODUCTION ------------ ---_._------- A 6.28 acre parcel of property Just north of NW 22nd Avenue located on the eastslde of Congress Avenue is being proposed as a commercIal shopping center. The development site plan has been identified as "The VIllage Shoppes of Boynton". The proJect has access onto Congress Avenue, NW 22nd Avenue, and Quantum Boulevard. For additional background information and details of the study site, reference should be made to the Site Location Map -- FIgure #]. To ensure that the traffic flow and safety issues are properly addressed, the City of Boynton Beach requires that a current traffic impact analysis and report be undertaken to address the traffIC generated by the proposed development and its effect on the adJacent highway links and intersections. As a result, Motorist Design Data Movement, Inc. (MDDM), Traffic Englneering Consultants have been retained by the developer to investigate and determine the traffic impacts created by the proposed commercial shopping center. In conducting the traffic study, It was necessary to evaluate the eXIstIng highway network and their associated traffic volumes. Then the development traffic had to be determined and assigned to the surrounding highways. Conslderation of adJacent trip attractions and trip productions was lmportant In examlning the development trip patterns. Traffic data from Palm Beach County, and the Florida Department of Transportation was utillzed. Also. the amended Boynton Beach Hall DRI and Quantum Park traffic report data were referenced. Furthermore. an Inventory of the adJacent highway network was undertaken. The traffic data is shown in the EXlstlng ]988 Average Annual Dally TraffIC -- Figure #2. PLANNING DATA ------------- ------------- The TraffIC EngIneerIng Impact Analysis was based on the slte plan prepared ~y Vander Ploeg and ASSOCIates, Inc. Specifi- cally the sIte plan reflects a proposed commercial shopping n-nter. The fol] 0'.11 n9 data descr ibes the si te data: -}- MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TratfJclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE # 1 H oluxo Rood 15 u 0 a:: > CD Q) U"') u (j) - c: II) cu I cu ..... - b ~ 0 0 ..J cu (J') Miner R PROJECT SITE cU > <( II) II) Q) 5> c: l.C) en I ........ Old Bo nton Beach Blvd. W. Bo 10n Beach Blvd. o 800 2400 4000 ~'~I 400 1600 32'00 -2- -d >- CD ...... lI) Q) b o Q) (J') N MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportat/on Engineering Consultants ULI METHODOLOGY --------------- --------------- The basis for the Urban Land Institute's research was to define the characteristics of parking demands for single land uses. Then, by analyzing parking accumulations at mixed use centers, the shared parking concept was quantified. The ULI recommends the following procedure be followed in determining shared parking: 1. Initial Project Review: Knowledge of the site and the intended land uses is very important in beginning the shared parking analysis. Results from the initial review for The Village Shoppes of Boynton has been presented in earlier sections in terms of square footage and land uses proposed. 2. Adjustment for Peak Parking Factor: The parking factors are those specified in the City of Boynton Beach Code as detailed earlier in this report and indicate a need for~1\?/ spaces, for the section of development south of Quantum Boulevard and for 516 spaces, for the section of development north of Quantum Boulevard. 3. Analysis of Hourly Accumulations: Parking accumulation curves are selected by reviewing the ULI data and incorporating site specific conditions. 4. Estimate of Shared Parking: The hourly parking demand for each land use is merged to estimate overall shared parking demand. This is simply the hour by hour addition of parking demand for each use to estimate aggregate demand. THE ANALYSIS ------------ ------------ Applying the ULI methodology to The Village Shoppes of Boynton yielded the hourly parking accumulation curves for each of the two land uses for weekday and Saturday conditions. Figure - Retail Parking Accumulation - Weekday Figure 2 - Cinema Parking Accumulation - Weekday Figure 3 - Retail Park i ng Accumulation - Saturday Figure 4 - Cinema Park i ng Accumulation - Saturday -3- MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Traffic/Transportation Engineering Consultants 100 90 z 80 [J 0-1 I- <t ....J 70 :) 4 :) u 60 u <t L:J 50 z - ~ ~ <t 40 a.. ~ <t 30 w a.. l.&.. 20 0 I- Z 10 w u ~ w 0 Q.. ~ ~ ~oooggg~ooooooooggg 9~~~d~ruo9~~~~~~~o~ru ~~m~___~NMV~~~OO~___ HOUR OF THE DAY RET AIL WEEKDAY -4- FIGURE #1 Cl · MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trsmc/Trsnsportstlon Engineering Consultsnts C. DIRECT ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS AT THE INTERSECTION OF QUANTUM BOULEVARD AND CONGRESS AVENUE 1. Northbound right/thru lane 2. Southbound thru lane 3. Signalization when warranted D. INDIRECT ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS 1. Construct one (1) southbound and one (1) northbound thru lane on Congress Avenue between NW 22nd Avenue and Miner Road. With the aforementioned transportation improvements, the traveling public will not be adversely affected by the traffic generated by the subJect development. Furthermore, the traffic impact fee should be applied toward any INDIRECT ACCESS IMPROVE- MENTS, because they are mitigating transportation problems which will substantially benefit non-development traffic. -20- e . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trsfflc/Trsnsportstlon Engineering Consultants APPENDIX "A" HIGHWAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS . . MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trafflc/Transportatlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS & HYPOLUXO EXISTING PM PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1988 PEAK SEASON ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 69 CRITICAL N/S VOL 551 CRITICAL E/W VOL 5 B 5 CRITICAL SUM 1 136 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND E,l,STBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T.. 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 5 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 6 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 310 178 214 353 THRU 714 576 490 733 RIGHT 246 220 124 176 TRUCKS (\1 LOC,l,L BUSES (_/HRl PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 EASTBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) 1. 0 - 99 (_PEDS/HRJ 90 SECONDS .5 .5 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND THIW -RIGHT 437 352 300 LEFT 198 114 137 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND E,l,STBOUND INPUT VOLUME 310 178 214 CAPACITY 254 116 97 NEED PHASE? N/,l, N/A N/A WESTBOUND 448 226 WESTBOUND 353 340 N/A MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trsfflc/Trsnsportstlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS & HYPOLUXO EXISTING + DEVELOPHENT PH PHT D~TE OF COUNTS: 1988 PE~K SE~SON ~********~*****~*******~~**~~*~~~~ LEVEL OF SERVICE C S~TUR~TION 70 CRITIC~L N/S VOL 573 CRITIC~L E/W VOL 585 CRITIC~L SUH 1 158 ~*~~*~*~***~**********************~** L~NE GEOHETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND E~STBOUND WESTBOUND L~NE HOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R.. 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T.. 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 5 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 6 TRAFFIC VOLUHES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 317 178 214 382 THRU 727 60S 490 733 RIGHT 259 220 138 176 TRUCKS (\) LOC~L BUSES (t/HR) PE~K HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 E~STBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PH~SING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 445 203 INPUT VOLUHE C~P~CITY NEED PH~SE? NORTHBOUND 317 225 N/~ :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) 1. 0 - 99 (tPEDS/HRl 90 SECONDS .5 .5 CRITIC~L L~NE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 370 300 448 114 137 245 LEFT TURN CHECK SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 178 214 382 103 97 340 N/~ N/A N/A MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS & HYPOLUXO EXIST. + DEVELOP. + B~CKGROUND PM PHT D~TE OF COUNTS: 1988 PE~K SE~SON ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE [) S~TUR~TION e 1 CRITIC~L N/S VOL 656 CRITIC~L E/W VOL 674 CRITICAL SUM 1 330 ************************************* L~NE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND E~STBOUND WESTBOUND L~NE MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 5 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 6 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND E~STBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 363 205 246 435 THRU 834 691 564 843 RIGHT 296 253 157 202 TRUCKS (\) LOCAL BUSES (t/HR) PE~K HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 E~STBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PH~SING N/S E/W PEDESTRI~N ~CTIV]TY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU :4. :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERL~P) BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) o - 99 (tPEDS/HR) 1. 90 SECONDS .5 .5 CRITIC~L L~NE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND E~STBOUND THRU -RIGHT 510 423 345 LEFT 233 131 158 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND E~STBOUND INPUT VOLUME 363 205 246 C~PACITY 139 0 0 NEE[) PHASE? N/A N/A N/A WESTBOUND 516 279 WESTBOUND 435 266 NO. MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trafflc/Transportatlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS f, NW 22ND AVE_ EXISTING F'M PHT DATE or COUNTS: 1988 PE~ SEASON .................................. LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATUF,ATJON 74 CRITICAL NIS VOL 894 CRITICAL E/W VOL 323 CRITICAL SUM 121 7 ..................................... LANE NORTHBOUN[, MOV WIDTH LANE GEOMETRY SOUTH80UND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MDV WIDTH WESTBOUND MDV WIDTH 1 2 RT. T. . L.. . 12.0 12.0 12.(1 RT. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T. . 12.(1 T. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.(1 R. . T. . L.. 12.0 12.0 12.0 " :;, 4 ':' E. NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 213 112'~ "'~. ._I:J 10E. 7c. .... 12':, 8..... o 238 713 1111 12:::: 1 E.7. TRUCIS ('/.) LOCAL BUSES (#/HRI PEAl' HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUt~[1 SOUTHBOUN[I EASTBOU~~D WESTBOUr~[' ~l '5 ~I '5 t) o o I) .9 .~ .9 .9 PHASING NIS :4. BOTH TURNS F'ROTECTED (WITH DVERLAF' ) E/W :4. BOTH TURNS F'ROTECTE[' (WITH DVERLAF) F'EDESTRIAN ACT I VITY 1 . 0 - '~'j lllF"EDS/HR) CYCLE LENGTH "::'(1 SECmws G/C - NE: ~ 58 THRU '" . .' Gle - H: t. WI, THRU c- . .' CF\l T I [Al LHN[ VOLUMES B\ MCNEM[NT NORTHBOUN[I SOUTHE,OUIJ[, EASTF~OU!Jrl wr ~.H~OUN[I THRU -RIGHT 830 ~,l E: 14<. 1'j4 LEFT 2(.(1 E,1l 12::< 1('7 LHT TURN [HE Cf NOF,T HBOUN[I SOUTHDOUND EAS HIOLIt~rl W[5TBOlJl~D lNF~T ~OLUt1( E: 1 :~ ",'. 11)(. Co. .1"'-, )'.,' A' [J Y 0 (I 71'7 7r:'CI N[ Erl F'HAsr '; N/A NIP, N/A N/A MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS & NW 22ND AVE. EXISTING + DEVELOPMENT PM PHT D^TE OF COUNTS: 1988 PE^K SE^SON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~** LEVEL OF SERVICE C S^TUR^TION 75 CHITICAL N/S VOL 794 CHITICAL E/W VOL 450 CHITICAL SUM 1244 *~~~~*~~*~*****~****~~***~*~~~****~** NOHTHBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH 1 RT. 12.0 2 T.. 12.0 3 T.. 12.0 4 L.. 12.0 5 6 NORTHBOUND LEFT THRU HIGHT 213 1143 266 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND nSTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS (\) 5 5 5 5 PH^SING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 592 260 INPUT VOLUME C^P^CITY NEED PHASE? NORTHBOUND 213 o N/A LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH RT. 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 71 721 160 277 100 125 125 123 234 LOCAL BUSES (./HR) o o o o PE^K HOUR F^CTOR .9 .9 .9 .9 :4. :4. 1. 90 .5 .5 BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERL^P) BOTH TUHNS PHOTECTED (WITH OVERL^P) o - 99 (JPEDS/HRl SECONDS CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT SOUTHBOUND 534 86 EASTBOUND 145 177 WESTBOUND 273 153 LEFT TURN CHECK SOUTHBOUND 71 o N/A EASTBOUND 277 707 N/^ WESTBOUND 125 730 NO. MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS & NW 22ND AVE. EXIST. + DEVELOP. + B~CKGROUND PH PHT D~TE or COUNTS: 1988 PE~K SE~SON ****~~*~~~*~~*~*~***************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E S~TURATION 14S CRITICAL N/S VOL 9 1 2 CRITICAL E/W VOL 1472 CRITICAL SUH 2384 ****~********~*~************~******** LANE GEOHETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE HOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH 1 RT. 12.0 RT. 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 5 6 NORTHBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 245 1312 302 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS (\) 5 5 5 5 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU TRAFFIC VOLUHES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 79 828 181 293 1117 144 138 141 259 LOCAL BUSES (./HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR .9 .9 .9 .9 :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) 1. 0 - 99 (~PEDS/HR) 90 SECONDS .5 .5 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 678 300 INPUT VOLUME CAPACITY NEED PHASE? NORTHBOUND 245 o N/A SOUTHBOUND 612 96 EASTBOUND 1303 187 WESTBOUND 302 169 LEFT TURN CHECK SOUTHBOUND 79 o N/A EASTBOUND 293 689 N/A WESTBOUND 138 o N/~ MOTORIST DESIGN DA TA MOVEMENT, INC. Trafflc/Transportatlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS & REGIONAL MALL ACCESS EXISTING PM PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1988 PEAK SEASON ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE 13 SATURATION 6S CRITICAL N/S VOL 933 CRITICAL E/W VOL 1 3 1 CRITICAL SUM 1 064, ************************************* LANE NORTHBOUND MOV WIDTH LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 109 0 186 0 THRU 1601 1142 0 0 RIGHT 0 99 113 0 TRUCKS (\l LOCAL BUSES <t/HRl PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 0 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 EASTBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 (tPEDS/HRl 90 SECONDS .5 .5 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 933 699 131 0 LEFT 127 0 119 0 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 109 0 186 0 CAPACITY 0 0 830 830 NEED PHASE? NO. NO NIA NO ^. MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trafflc/Transportatlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS & REGIONAL MALL ACCESS EXISTING + DEVELOPMENT PM PHT D~TE OF COUNTS: 1988 PE~K SE~SON ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C S~TUR~TION 66 CRITIC~L N/S VOL 952 CRITIC~L E/W VOL 131 CRITIC~L SUM 1083 ************************************* L~NE NORTHBOUND MOV WIDTH L~NE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFI C VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND E~STBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 109 0 196 0 THRU 1633 1176 0 0 RIGHT 0 110 113 0 TRUCKS ('J LOCAL BUSES (t/HRJ PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 0 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 EASTBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRI~N ~CTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 (tPEDS/HRl 90 SECONDS .5 .5 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 952 720 131 0 LEFT 127 0 125 0 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 109 0 196 0 CAPACITY 0 0 830 830 NEE[) PHASE-, NO. NO N/~ NO MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants CR I" I CAL MDVE''1EhIT ANAL VS IS CONGRESS ~ REGIONAL MALL ACCESS EX ] ~.1. oj [IE VEL[lF. -+ BA[IGr,Ollt~[1 PM F'HT DATE OF COUNTS: 1~8S PEAl SEASON .................................. LEVEL OF SERVICE ~I SATURATION 7'~ CRlT ]CAL N/5 VOL 1 147 CRITICAL E/W VOL 151 CRJT leAL SUM 1 2'~8 ..................................... LANE NOF.THBDUN[I MOV WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 T. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 T. . L. . NORTHBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 125 1873 o NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS <'tl 5 5 5 5 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 1]47 153 INPUT VOLUME CAPACITY NEED PHASE? NORTHBOUND 125 o N/A LANE GEOMETf":',' SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH R. . T. . T. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 R. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 L. . L. . TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND o 1347 125 224 o 130 o o o LOCAL BUSES (1/HRl o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR .9 .9 .9 .9 :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 <IPEDS/HRl 90 SECONDS .5 .5 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT SOUTHBOUND 825 o EASTBOUND 151 143 WESTBOUND o o LEFT TURN CHECK SOUTHBOUND o o NO WESTBOUND o 830 NO EASTBOUND 224 830 N/lI MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trafflc/Transportatlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS W. BOYNTON BEACH & CONGRESS EXISTING + DEVELOPMENT PM PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1988 PEAK SEASON ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E SATURATION 9S CRITICAL N/S VOL 890 CRITICAL EIW VOL 682 CRITICAL SUM 1 572 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 RT. 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 T.. 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 5 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 6 NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 365 901 150 528 903 116 267 513 128 378 754 344 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS ('.\;) 5 5 5 5 LOCAL BUSES (t/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR .9 .9 .9 .9 PHASING N/S EIW PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH GIC - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU :4. :4. 1- 90 .5 .5 BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) o - 99 (tPEDS/HR) SECONDS CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 55] 553 219 LEFT 234 339 327 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 365 528 267 O.PlICITY 0 0 0 NEEIJ PHlISn N/lI N/II N/lI WESTBOUND 342 463 WESTBOUND 378 317 N/A MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trafflc/Transportat/on Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS W. BOYNTON BEACH & CONGRESS EXISTING PM PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1988 PEAK SEASON ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE ~ SATURATION 94 CRITICAL N/S VOL 870 CRITICAL E/W VOL 682 CRITICAL SUM 1 552 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH MOV \r/IDTH MOV \r/IDTH MOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 RT. 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 5 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 6 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 365 518 257 378 THRU 879 889 513 754 RIGHT 150 106 128 334 TRUCKS ('t) LOCAL BUSES (t/HR) PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 EASTBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (\r/ITH OVERLAP) o - 99 (tPEDS/HR) :4. 1. 90 SECONDS .5 .5 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 538 544 219 339 LEFT 234 332 314 463 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 365 518 257 378 CAPACITY 0 0 0 317 NEED PHASE? N/A N/A N/A NO. MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. Trsfflc/Trsnsportstlon Engineering Consultsnts cn I T J CAl MOVEMCN' At'IAL YB J S CDNGRr-E,S f" OL La BCJYNTO''-I BEACH [} 1ST ING F'M nn [If.; Il or C[il"IlH S: 1 ~8::: F'E AI S[ASCiI~ .............. .................... LEVEL or SERVICE EC SATURATION 10'3 CRITICAL N/S VOL 121 q CJ'.ITICAL E/W VOL ~~'30 CRITICAL SUM 1804 ..................................... LANE NDJ'.:T HBOUt~[' MDV Wl[ITH LANE GEOME1RY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WJDTH MOV WIDTH I'T, T, , L. . 12.0 12,0 12.0 F, T . 12,0 R. , 12.0 T. . 12.0 T.. 12,0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12,0 2 ~, .:" 4 ., E, NORTHE:OU(~[I TRAcT I C VOLUl",E:', SOUTH80UNU EAETBOUNU ':<4 372 14':: 74 411:0. 124':< ':.8 LEFT THF>U J'.lGriT E:54 313 WESTBOUN[' MOV W 1[IT H RT. T. . L, . 12,0 12.0 12,(1 WESTBOUt~rl 3i:' 12'~ '~7 I~O;:',THBDL.lN[1 SOUTHBDUN[I EASTBOUIJ[t W[~,H:DUWI () I) (, (J FEAI HOUF FACTO" , .~ ,'~ .'74 , '~ TRuel!:C, '/.) LOCAL BUSES 1#"HFl F'F,:OTECTU' (WI1H Q\'ERLAF') PROTECTED (WJTH QVERLAF) '7171 (**F'[[IS /HR) FHAS 1 NI:; !~:S :4. BDTH TUf;'NE, E/W :4. 80TH TURtoJS rHI[STFdAN ACT I VITY 1 . (I - CYCLE LENC:'TH 'j(1 SEC DI'J[I~. e;:, C - I~E' t sr, THRU " , G/C - n' t, WI THRU " . -' n lTIU\l lr~t~L veil LIMES E''\' MC'VFMUJf tJDhl Hf';JUIJ[1 ~,ni,ITHr:mltoJil 7(i~, 1 1 L~. EAcc,TE~I]I~IIJI' 17i' 4 C",'C. 81>4 1 Hr, II - F, J(,H 1 lUT ~-,l) ~~ l F r"[ TI,Ir,IJ f.H[ ':. l ':'=:.1 Hnl"llJII snUlllln III1JII ':"11 '~CIf.."[ H['lIUI Jlt llJ! 1.1"\ V( Il 1J11[ 4l( U11,,' J1)' II !JIll' fll(,'[" N/(, :":;{ II t .1}4 N, " lJ ~1 l~rc,T t":"IIJIJ[' I "",C -, . 3~~ wr'.T(:1.11I1J11 :';1 1 ~.' .C~~' tJ, {, __.,._n __...__..__._.'u__...__._.__~_..__._____.,.____._______. MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS & OLD BOYNTON BEACH EXISTING. DEVELOPMENT PM PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1988 PEAl SEASON ............................".,.. LEVEL or SERVICE E SATURATION 1 1 1 CR 11 I CAL N I S VOL 1 2:3 5 CR11ICAL E/W VOL 5'30 CRITICAL SUM 1 82~. ....,..............,....,............ LANE NORTH80UND MOV WWTH LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH WESTBOUN[I MOV WIDTH c' RT. T. . L. . 12.1) 12.1) 12.1) RT. 12.() R. . 12.') T. . 12.0 T.. 12.1) L. . 12.0 L. . 12.(1 RT. T. . L..- 12.1) 12.(1 12.(1 -. ;;, 'I :' t. NORTHE:OUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU F: I GHT 'lit 12El .,.'1 372 1'18 74 30 r."r. Cle',:! 12'" f,E ::IS 97 TRuel S (~;) :. LOCAL BUSES (#/HRI I) (I I) I) PlAi HOUR FACTOR NOf:THBOUN[1 SOUT HE'DUN[I EA;T8DUf.,I[1 W[~.nDutJ[l :. ." :' .'j . 'j .'j 00 .' PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G![ - NB t 5B THRU G/[ - E8 ~ W8 THRU :'1. 80TH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAr) :4. BO'H TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAFI 1. I) - ~~ i'F[DS/HRI 'j(l SE C ONItS 00 . >_1 00 . .' CR'I TICAL LANE VOL UMi: S. 8)' MO\IEMENI I~ORIH80UN[1 ':,QUI Hr:OUI~r' EA~,T80UI~D WEQBOUN[I , HI", '.! -R"IGHT t:E-'4 72E. 172 1-.00 ~_l L[f'T C:I()'~ 11 ':' IjtoC" 3~. , , LEFI TURN CHE[I NOF>THBOUN[, SOUTHBOUND E. AS HiOU,,"J[I W[ST80UND INF'UI VlJL ur1r Ij It. '~'1 ::':7c' 3(J lAr'AC" I I i (J (I E.(llj t.r:2 N{ r [I FHAS[ " N/A N/A N/A N/A I .. "'., MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportstlon Engineering Consultants CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS w. BOYNTON BEACH & CONGRESS EXIST. + DEVELOP. + BACKGROUND PM PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1988 PEAK SEASON ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E SATURATION 109 CRITICAL N/S VOL 1021 CRITICAL E/W VOL 784 CRITICAL SUM 1805 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 RT. 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 5 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 6 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 420 606 306 435 THRU 1033 1036 590 667 RIGHT 173 132 147 394 TRUCKS (\) LOCAL BUSES (t/HR) PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 EASTBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 632 269 INPUT VOLUME CAPACITY NEED PHASE? NORTHBOUND 420 o N/A :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) 1. 0 - 99 <tPEDS/HR) 90 SECONDS .5 .5 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT SOUTHBOUND 634 389 EASTBOUND 252 374 WESTBOUND 392 532 LEFT TURN CHECK SOUTHBOUND 606 o NIA EASTBOUND 306 o NO, WESTBOUND 435 240 NO. ~. ,... MOTORIST DESIGN DATA MOVEMENT, INC. TrafflclTransportatlon Engineering Consultants CRI'ICAL MOVEMCN' ANALYSIS CON(3J,C~;~; f/ 01 J I I~OYN, OI'-l HEACH E.X I 5T, ~ [I[VE.LOF, +BACI GF,OLlN[1 F'M PHT [I,c,n (Ii [(llIIH'.,: 1':'8~: FTAl ~,(A~,()N ............ .......... .... ........ LANE NOr.THBXIt~[1 MCI"I W I liT H 2 RT, T, , L, , 12,(1 12,(1 12,0 r, ;;;, 4 ~I t, Nor; T HBCILlI'J[i LEFT THF-'L1 F-IGHT 117t, I11E,::;: 72 TF-UCI':, I~;' NO~;T HBDUN[' 50UTHBOut~rl EAST BOUN[I WE5TBOUt~rl PHASING N!~ EiW F'E[IE'; ThI AI. A:"T I ',T, y CYCLE LPJf,TH G/[ N8 ~ SP THRU [1/[ - n ! Wf: THfl,i THF,lI -F,IGHT LETl I,jlll. T.iH'-IIIIJ!1 :"1l-4 t:.: ,( LEVEL OF SER'nCr. SATURHTION [finICAL N/S VOL Cr.lTICA~ E/W VOL U 11 I CAI. 51,IM F': 127 1417 E:. 7 '7f r.' (").~ f-:. ............. .... .... .... ... ...... ... LAIJE E,EOM[TR', ':;l}UTH80Ut~[1 1'1(1\1 ~Il [,T H E ~r:::,H:OUt4[1 M:':".' ~,I j [IT ,1 WES,BOU'EI MelV W][I"fH F-t 12 ,(, F . 1 E .(. 1 1 c' ,(l 1. 1 c' ,I) L IE .(, L I C:,(I F'T, T, , L. , 1 {', , IE, lE, TRAJ:"FIC VOLUMES SOllTHE:OlINj, EA<:TBOUtJ[1 W[STE:OUNL' 11)8 1(11 E. 4....C' c,:, ....e ~~I 17(1 14::: lIE ~(,l) C'.e C, _I LOCAL BUSES #!HF! FEAI HOUR FACTOR c .':; e, . ? ':' c. ..? ,'OJ :4. BOhi TlIF..t~'; F'RIiTFLTrr, (l,!i i H (l'JU,l AF) :4. E:inH lUF.tJ'.. F'R'[:TEC,rf' (~JI1H CI'VU'l"Hf I j. (1 - .::;.~ i ~rTfi':,;Hr \ '~I,' ~,f r ('I~iIC, c . .' Cf - ] T ] i. "l L A I n- ',I C Ii I 11'1 r [ r-F','t t~rtJ' C,11111 Hi:i I,.II~', f {..-T~,(llnJ:' "Ii C,' I'lll .I1.1! , l' , 1;("' , ' , -, 1 ':,:", 1 ;,' ~,.'4 I II 1 lUI.t~ [HI [I r~, Ii, 1 11 [: ':11..11 J II ':;,1111 Hi:, 111I~I' , r ,1 /:1 I' [I :11 l~f r 1 j:[I' II~:, " J I~F Ul VOL U11[ ~l ,/ ~ 1 ,,: .:j i '~ - ." .' r AI {,e I T Y ,", r.,-/,'. I '" ,I'j Nf fll F'Hr,~,1 11 " I, I, I .~ i IJ H