LEGAL APPROVAL MEMORANDUM August 8, 1988 TO: FILE *089-STONEHAVEN (BANYAN CREEK) MPM (REAR SETBACKS) 7/88 FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER APPLICANT RESUBMISSION OF STONEHAVEN MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION (FILE *128) AND WITHDRAWAL OF ORIGINAL MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION (FILE *089) , J RE: DUrin(j' a meeting with Mr. James Dr'tscoll of Stonehaven, George Hunt of the City Manager's office and Carmen Annunziato and Tambri Heyden of the Planning Department on July 29, 1988, Mr. Driscoll withdrew this master:plan modification request to resubmit the same request with additional, supportive information. A new file was created for the resubmission file *128, labelled: Stonehaven (Banyan Creek) Master Plan Modification (Rear Setbacks) Resubmission 8/88 ' r7 . ~ ~ ~~ ' TAMBRI J. HEYD~ TJH:ro cc Central File