AGENDA DOCUMENTS ~ r ~ c; ~ ~ 1) ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 It.. ~ ~ 1) tJ ~ July 12, 1988 TO: P~T~R L. CH~~~Y, CITY MAN~c;~R FROM: C~RM~~ S. AN~U~ZI~TO, PLANNINc; 1)IR~CTOR R~: STO~~H~V~N (BANYAN CR~EK) M~STER PLAN M(1)IFIC~TION William Morrow, President of the Stonehaven Homeowners' Association, has requested a modification to the previously approved master plan for the Stonehaven Planned tJnit 1)evelopment. The modification requested is to amend the rear yard setback from fifteen (15) feet to eight (8) feet for the purpose of constructing screened enclosures with solid roofs, as outlined in the attached correspondence. The procedure for approving master plan modifications in planned unit developments is twofold. First, the City Commission must make a determination as to whether or not the changes requested are substantial in nature. ~ determination of substantial change on the part of the City Commission, which has sole discretion in this matter, would require a new application for PtJ1). On the other hand, a determination of no substantial change allows the forwarding of the request to the Planning and Zoning Board. The Planning and Zoning Board then may approve the request. This procedure appears in ~ppendix B, Section 12 of the Code of Ordinances. With respect to the change requested by ~r. ~orrow, the Technical Review Board (TRB) met on July 5, 1988, to review the plans submitted, and they offer for your consideration, a recommendation that the City Commission make a finding of no substantial change for the requested modification, and that the Planning and Zoning Board approve this request subject to the attached comments from the Building 1)epartment and the Planning 1)epartment. " CA~fN S~..ANN~ CSA: r'o Attachment cc Central File