REVIEW COMMENTS ME M 0 R A N'O U M July 13, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: STONEHAVEN (BANYAN CREEK) STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request for a master plan modification: The applicant is requesting an amendment to reduce the rear yard setback from fifteen (15) feet to eight (8) feet to allow for the addition of screened enclosures with solid roofs. At the July 5, 1988 Technical Review Board meeting, two inconsistencies were noted with respect to this request: . (1) There is a ten (10) foot wide landscape easement which abuts Boynton Beach Boulevard that would preclude the reduction of the rear setback to eight (8) feet for lots 1 through 12. (2) Appendix B of the Planned Unit Development Regulations,Section 9B-Internal Lots and Frontage, requires that "peripheral yards -abutting other zoning districts shall be the same as required in the abutting zone." Lots 94 through 106 abutt a PU, Public Usage, district which requires a 25 foot rear setback. Therefore, the rear yard 'setback for lots 94 through 106 would have to maintain a 25 foot rear setback also. In addition, if this master plan modification is approved, within those lots where rear yards abut each other and screened, enclosures with solid roofs are built, a 16 foot separation would exist. For this reason the Technical Review Board recommends that this request be approved only for those lots that back up onto a lake. &:RMEN" ;.--~UNZl:T01t CSA:ro cc Central File ~ MEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATE July 6, 1988 "L.I' ~"O'" Don Jaeger Building Department 5U8JECT MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION: STONEHAV,EN P. U..D. As a condition of master plan modification approval, the following comment should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: In order for the Building Department to permit screened rooms with canvas roofs, these roofs must be engineered in compliance with section' 1205 of the Standard Building Code. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comment will insure a timely permitting process. DJ:1d XC: E. E. Howell __ H.'? H. ~. /).6 fi7\vt<. }O' Li/AAP(?~ ~MV-c - ~ if>" ~ 11 <: Iff ~.iA(f ~vJ: ~ ~..- ~~~f/,,~~7 ~~.~.~~_ ~~ pt;tfJ. .' ~~.rJ4'~ /'M-:\-- ~ r aft2 -~ r U~u- r' r ~#~~~'-I~~~ ,~uM-~ ~ )fi~ ~ fill> \-./ / . . ~ ~r'i' }_ J?- 11\/ 51" -Sl,. q3 -10'1 { I ~" ~' Iv-, ~ ~ ~ I ~