REVIEW COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS "^ . ~ STONEHA VEN (BANYAN CREEK). I ~f..A.,J.,LA., -~~~PLAN MODIFICATION (RESUBMISSION) Building Department See attached memo .' Planning Department See attached memo MEMORA;,DUM '0 Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATI Au~u.::t 3, 1988 ~I\.I '..ow Don Jaeger Building Department au aJ ICT MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION: STONEHAVEN P.U.D. RESUBMISSION As a condition of master plan modification approval, the following comment should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: .' In order for the Builrling Department to permit screened rooms with canvas roofs, these roofs must be engineered in compliance with section 1205 of the Standard Building Code. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comment will in~ure a timely permitting process. DJ:ld XC: E. E. Howell :".;,. r t. '~~$;.' .ft~f. : 0-:;#;;; $i1:t: ~:dl' . ) '" ..' ..~~}l .:: !~."" .:t':- ....%tH.:. '(f"h-'.' ....:~(, \....::'z"1' :~~:::y: . .i=;, ',' :~"jf,'~': ':;:. , .y..... ~ " :IX!":: '." -v.-."." . ::'C"~j . i~rw?:" ~f:i:(/: .. :~~ft~< : 4";'!1~', " '.i~);:) . ".;;.x<>: ;t!'/~~7.;;- .7' . ":,' '::I~: .;: ", ..t, o . /, :. I": , , .. :....:';; ..~. 1 '" tr.'. ,.' , t .1:;; *~ )';. (' } t: '. :~: .. .:~ 1(: .. ;~ ~ w MEMORANDUM August 9, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: STONEHAVEN (BANYAN CREEK)-STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request for a master plan modification resubmission: The applicant is requesting an amendment to reduce the rear yard setback from fifteen (15) feet to eight (8) feet to allow for the addition of screened enclosures with solid roofs. At the August 2, 1988 Technical Review Board meeting, two issues were noted with respect to this resubmission request: (1) There is a ten (10) foot wide landscape easement which abuts Boynton Beach Boulevard that would preclude the reduction of the rear setback to eight (8) feet for lots 1 through 12. (2) Appendix B of the Planned Unit Development Regulations, Section 9B-Internal Lots and Frontage, requires that "peripheral yards abutting other zoning districts shall be the same as required in the abutting zone." Lots 94 through 105 abutt a PU, Public Usage, district which requires a 25 foot rear setback. Therefore, the rear yard setback for lots 94 through 105 would have to maintain a 25 foot rear setback also. (3) Lots 17 and 18 abut the Knuth Road right-of- way with no common area buffer. On the original master plan the rear setback requirement for lots 17 and 18 is 25 feet rather than 15 feet that is required for most other lots. For these reasons the Technical Review Board recommends that this request be approved for all lots, excluding lots 1-12, 94-105, and 17 and 18. J\ ~ . - jt r CARMEN S. ANNUNZ 0 CSA:ro cc Mr. Morrow Mr. Driscoll Central File AGF' ~DA MEMORANDUM- August 9, 1988 TO: PETER L. OHENEY, CITY MANAGER FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: STONEHAVEN (BANYAN CREEK)-MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION (RESUBMISSION) William Morrow, President of the Stonehaven Homeowners' Association, recently requested a modification to the previously approved master plan for the Stonehaven Planned Unit Development. The modification requested was to amend the rear yard setback from fifteen (15) feet to eight (8) feet for the purpose of constructing screened' enclosures with solid roofs, as outlined in the attached correspondence. At the July 19th City Commission meeting, the City Commission made the determination of no substantial change for this request based on the Technical Review Board recommendation and staff comments to allow the reduction in rear setback only for those lots that abut lake areas. The procedure for approving master plan modifications in planned unit developments is twofold. First, the City Commission must make a determination as to whether or not the changes requested are substantial in nature. A determination of substantial change on the part of the City Commission, which has sole discretion in this matter would require a new application for PUD. On the other hand, a determination of no substantial change allows the forwarding of the request to the Planning and Zoning Board. The Planning and Zoning Board then may approve the request. This procedure. appears in Appendix B, Section 12 of the Code of Ordinances. Prior to forwarding this request to the Planning and Zoning Board for final disposition, the applicant met with staff to discuss concerns that the applicant had with allowing the setback reduction for lake units only. At this meeting, staff advised the applicant to resubmit plans providing additional information supporting his request to enable the Technical Review Board to reevaluate the request. The applicant resubmitted the master plan modification request for a rear setback decrease from fifteen (15) feet to eight (8) feet where it was reevaluated at the August 2, 1988 Technical Review Board meeting. Based on the additional information provided, the Technical Review Board offers for your consideration, a recommendation that the City Commission make a finding of no substantial change for the requested modification, and that the Planning and Zoning Board approve this request sUbject to the attached comments from the Building Department and the Planning Department.' Briefly, the staff comments recommend that the request be allowed for all lots except those along Boynton Beach Boulevard where there is a 10 foot landscape easement (lots 1-12), those lots which abut a Public Usage district (lots 94-105), and lots 17 and 18 abutting Knuth Road. The applicant, who was in attendance at the Technical Review Board meeting, has agreed to the exclusion of the above-mentioned lots for this request. c.....- ._ ~ ~ ~.....- CARMEN S. ANNUNZ TO CSA:ro Attachments cc Mr. Morrow, Mr. Driscoll, Central File . '~i :.i:; '/' M E M 0 RAN DUM August 8, 1988 TO: FILE #089-STONEHAVEN (BANYAN CREEK) MPM (REAR SETBACKS) 7/88 FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: APPLICANT RESUBMISSION OF STONEHAVEN MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION (FILE #128) AND WITHDRAWAL OF ORIGINAL MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION (FILE #089) During a meeting with Mr. James Driscoll of Stonehaven, George Hunt of the City Manager's office and Carmen Annunziato and Tambri Heyden of the Planning Department on July 29, 1988, Mr. Driscoll withdrew this master plan modification request to resubmit the same request with additional, supportive information. A new file was created for the resubmission file #128, labelled: Stonehaven (Banyan Creek) Master Plan Modification (Rear Setbacks) Resubmission 8/88 ~ . ~ ~./l~ I TAMBRI J. HEYD~ TJH:ro cc Central File ,/, _/ AGE N DAM E M 0 RAN D U ~ August 9, 1988 TO: PETER L. CHENEY, CITY MANAGER FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: STONEHAVEN (BANYAN CREEK)-MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION (RESUBMISSION) William Morrow, President of the Stonehaven Homeowners' Association, recently requested a modification to the previously approved master plan for the Stonehaven Planned Unit Development. The modification requested was to amend the rear yard setback from fifteen (15) feet to eight (8) feet for the purpose of constructing screened enclosures with solid roofs, as outlined in the attached correspondence. At the July 19th City Commission meeting, the City Commission made the determination of no substantial change for this request based on the Technical Review Board recommendation and staff comments to allow the reduction in rear setback only for those lots that abut lake areas. The procedure for approving master plan modifications in planned unit developments is twofold. First, the City Commission must make a determination as to whether or not the changes requested are substantial in nature. A determination of substantial change on the part of the City Commission, which has sole discretion in this matter would require a new application for PUD. On the other hand, a determination of no substantial change allows the forwarding of the request to the Planning and Zoning Board. The Planning and Zoning Board then may approve the request. This procedure. appears in Appendix B, Section 12 of the Code of Ordinances. Prior to forwarding this request to the Planning and Zoning Board for final disposition, the applicant met with staff to discuss concerns that the applicant had with allowing the setback reduction for lake units only. At this meeting, staff advised the applicant to resubmit plans providing additional information supporting his request to enable the Technical Review Board to reevaluate the request. The applicant resubmitted the master plan modification request for a rear setback decrease from fifteen (15) feet to eight (8) feet where it was reevaluated at the August 2, 1988 Technical Review Board meeting. Based on the additional information provided, the Technical Review Board offers for your consideration, a recommendation that the City Commission make a finding of no substantial change for the requested modification, and that the Planning and zoning Board approve this request subject to the attached comments from the Building Department and the Planning Department. Briefly, the staff comments recommend that the request be allowed for all lots except those along Boynton Beach Boulevard where there is a 10 foot landscape easement (lots 1-12), those lots which abut a Public Usage district (lots 94-105), and lots 17 and 18 abutting Knuth Road. The applicant, who was in attendance at the Technical Review Board meeting, has agreed to the exclusion of the above-mentioned lots for this request. Ct:V~^" ~,A ~ Z CARMEN S. ANNUNZ TO CSA:ro Attachments cc Mr. Morrow, Mr. Driscoll, Central File Stoneheven HomeowneraJ Aaaocietion P.O. Box 3341 ~oynton Beach, F~ 33436 June 21, 198$ I Planning Of:f'ide I City of Soynton Beach BOyntonBeach~ FL Dear Gent.le1l\en, I am writing to 'you at the requeat of the homeowner a of Banyan Creek end the Board of Directora of the Aaaociat.ion. Baaed on the overwhelming approval of the reaident. 0% Banyan Creek, thia Board aupporta end approvea 0% their efforta to have the r.a~ aet-back requirementa for acreen roo.. changed. Sy decreaaing, the rear aet-back to eight feet., it will give .any I reaident. the opport.unity to build acreen roo.a. Our approval in thia, ia only meant for acreen rooma wit.h roofa, not. ~Florida RooMa" nor aa a Jl\eana of decreaaing the aetback requirJllent :lor the dwelling itaelf.' If you have any queationa regarding t.he SoardJa in~ent. in thia, pleaae contact me. Thank you for your kind attention. For the Board, d4-#4;j William Morrow, Preaident Board of Director. Stonehaven Homeownera Aaaociation y .:'~ . ~:~:. ~<':'~"::i' ii~';':'t.;.~::;::. ~~ '.., . ~..:' .'1: ,~', ~~:., . .. .9ft 'I.,. ~ ~:.'::~ii<} .....,,):&. , ......~' ~~...... ...~~,';~'m~;: .:.' .....g.... "iI...'!n:M". ~ "'~X:;:':'" . ;'..' . .' f1 '. t . l..~. ~;c.' 4';", '/. '. .,.....1 .. '::y - . .}f. 'f':. / (. .Y;' :~. ~.:,.::.:::::..~~~:1'};: .'. ,..~:.;0...1... ,. . ::...(.1,0('/'........... . " . .:~:.. :l~~L ~~I' .......:T ::i: ..' I ~::. .1~::~}/t:>::'( ,.. '['\'"i:. .)(.. .:......J". /lr...... , .~.j .:~ ,.. ~ "'11' '" .~..~:~..-::.~.;.:..-==.":...:~~....;J.~ ..'~--_..._.J4.. ~.. .,-,".,;,.' . ~ ,'. ..; ~: . ',j'" ..'. :.. .' z .. .. '~...;~.~.....#:....t"""" ~'.'~ .....~ . . 'I~',,: . .:. '.....1 . .. .. .... . ........ ..... ... ......... I . ...........,'................... . . :.>.:: ...::::::;:::;>>::::::::.. .:,'.......:........,'((.,... .. .:....,:... ,., ...,....."':. ,.. "]1' .". : .w...:..........:..;;:.~:. . ... "';"";";1,... :\i. ". \' , ., . . 'I.'. .....;,.. ::....'.I.'..,'f'. . ~. '" 'r' ; ...../1..... .. : "~"':'.' . . .,:. .... I.. / / STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ARCHITECHTURAL AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW BOARD April 28, 1988 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ ~. T e Community of Banyan Creek located within the City of B ynton Beach, Florida is requesting a change to amend t e master plan of its Developement (PUD 1, Plat Book 48, P ges 1-5). The proposed change would be to reduce the ( luminum or canvas) from 15 feet to 8 feet. 'ncerely, --9~ mes D. Driscoll airman c. '<'::' "r- .? ;~~:':~~~;~<" ..:~:. '>>\&,'l..~~;" ~~'\" ..... ~\P:;1:;~. ,!, . . '.\ "--'-'T- . I, i ~' ~. f :y..: .<t;,' I. ~; ~~ .i w M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Medard Kopczynski Deputy Building Officer FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: March 16, 1988 SUBJECT: Banyan Creek - Inspection of Irrigation System, Common Areas, Road R.O.W. I met with Jim Croteau of Wichmann, Inc., the irrigation contractor for the above project. We walked all the zones for the landscaped areas to assure 100% coverage with the irrigation system. The entire complex is substantially completed except for: 1. One common landscape area near the entrance median had no irrigation. The contractor will be installing an additional zone to this area next week. 2. One zone around a lake had insufficient pressure. The contractor will flush the entire system and/or split the zone into two to assure adequate pressure and coverage. 3. One zone adjacent to Boynton Beach Boulevard may be impacted by road construction in this area. The contractor will repair this zone after the road construction is completed. that the bicycle path will not be until next week. Vince Finizio will I will reinspect the three items It should be noted started for repair do the inspection. above next week. J4-_c'~...tJ /Jr1f~ /~ 1<evin J. allahan Forester/Horticulturist CC: John Wildner, Superintendent, Parks Division Vince Finizio, Engineering Inspector File( 2) KJH:ad DOC:BCINSPIS -F?~ " \/'\ ,; . \ .\ I I I I I / / MEMORANDUM ~J/U~,\> ,. Med Kopczynski Deputy Bldg. Official D4Tl' February 2, 1988 '11..( Bldg. Dept. Status Dos Lagos Banyan Creek (Stonehaven I) '..ow Vincent Finizio, Engr. Inspector thru: Tom Clark, City Engineer ~ IUIJICT DOS LAGOS (F.S.C./Daly Bldrs.) During the last meeting with Assistant City Manager, Mr. George Hunt, the Dos Lagos team and their council agreed to modify all parking facilities within Dos Lagos by installing lighting systems with application for review permit and applicable inspections by electrical inspectors, when approved for construction. To date, the developers have not applied for permit, but our department has recently received a set of plans deleting internal side- walks as discussed. Stop signs have not been placed at facility ingress, egress approach areas and the pavement defects (potholes etc.) have yet to be corrected through maintenance procedures. Currently plans have been submitted for additional proposed parking lots that do not meet the intent of all design requirements of Parking Lot Regulations, Article X, specific- ally submittal data and site lighting. BANYAN CREEK - STONE HAVEN I (A.M.I./Gary Gordon) A coordinated inspection with City Forester, Kevin Hallahan, regarding irrigation of common areas, landscape islands and roadway swale areas occurred approximately 2 months ago. A.M.I. representative Fred Faulkner and Florida Irrigation Specialists were present for our walk through of every irrigation zone. Numerous zones were not irrigated and large numbers of sprinkler heads were inoperable. Existing areas that required revampIDng and/or installation of systems, once omitted, have not yet occurr (Note: Fred Faulkner is no longer employed by A.M.I. and their local phone is now answered by National Property Management) A quantity of three (3) lighting standards have been installed but not energized. Two (2) are located within the recreation facility parking lot and one (1) along the west perimeter road adjacent to the proposed Knuth Road rights-of-way., We have had no further contact with the developer sinc our last inspection. VAF/ck Respectfully submitted, ~~.. Vincent Fini~ Engineering Inspector cc: George Hunt, Assistant City Manager " . . - MEMORANDUM '. Grady Swann Finance Director OAT" September 22, 1987 'ILI ""011I Med Kopczynski Deputy Building Official SUIJrCT Stonehaven/Banyan Creek Please release a check in d/b/a Instant Landscape & and accepted. the amount of $20,246.00 to Avery Milstead Sod. By this memo, work has been completed /, Med Kopczynski Ml{:bh Attachments Work completed and accepted. ~'~, l. l'u' I \~l \: I-\.. l,. I/~,...., \,/, , ('l:C./ ~evin Hallahan I ' Urban Forester '---..--- MEMORANDUM OAT" July 2, 1987 'IL. '.0 E. E. Howell Building Official 'U'''OT Cash Bonds _ Banyan Creek Attached are three (3) cash bonds from A.M.I. to be held on Banyan Creek. They are for the following: Cashier's Check 11411607, $7,982.70 - Repair Cashier's Check #411609, $12,546.63 - Sewer and water fees owed to City Cashier's Check #411610, $15,246.00 and sod in common areas bh Attachments/3 checks I ,., ,.r '" MEMORANDUM ----1- ' , Grady Swann Finance Director O"Tl ~Tuly 8th, 198? 'ILl Edgar E. Howell Building Official tUIJICT C'/EP. BO;:;) - STOI!EHA VEil '0 Attached is a cashier's c:hccz~ :>: rl:~ a-::o:m:: :;f ~"'E~C:;;;'.C_~ foY' the additional bond for the landscapin" of 6,_: ::0'':'''0'-: ''''cae a>:a- . -,,/ 1 ap:;;u-Of..'f:i':e -C7.{l~ on the above referenced Dl"oje,,:. _i1~3 w,Ju:d be added to the three (3) checks I previous ly gave you for cash bonch. che reason we have requir>ed the additional bond money is due to the si01ed bids which we required before releasing Certificate of Occuvancies to them. These bies weJle not in the ClT'70W-:t3 given to us pi"levious Zy. Ifs att. xc: Med Kopczynski fc(~ '- c e/J E.Howell Building Official ,_ _ , , ,/ ;' : i " " ,:,/ 'l\\\\ ~iJ :'1 , 'i", . ~Y.~,9] I l::.~~":""'_: ..~ )..!.!o::hted r,~c,; ~ ~.. ~.,_ r.!. .i..cL:Nl._ :::~ i''! ,; ,n ';',,1,h l.j. \,.:,.~;- n.1:\.!61 l.ll':, :>!. ~- :..lXo I" I.\:m ~.\:....u. '~j3; ,\\.!,T: :.\,''':::;:%(1 JUly 7, 1987 City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida \) 1(, ~- 0 dl RE! STONEHAVFN Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: This will confirm our agreement to deliver to the City cash bonds to guaranty the performance of certain work required by the City. Said bonds shall be as set forth below for the work described as follows: (See attached proposals for additional detail) . $15,246.00 To furnish and install trees and sod in the common areas as agreed to between the City and Developer. S""~ .... 1TAC, He J... A ~ Repair to the cuI de sac. 5~t4 1i',\C li,.;.J ;:-., M.{ 5f~ $ 7,982.70 In consideration of the City obtaining such bonds; the City shall continue to make the necessary inspections, issue certificates of occupancy and building permits only as they relate to the bonded improvements specified above. In the event that the developer shall default hereunder and the default shall be existing for a period of 30 days after notification by the Ci ty at the above address, the City shall be entitled to retain the funds and perform the work required on behalf of the Developer; When the Developer has completed all the required work to the satisfaction of the building official, the City shall return the funds to the Developer. Additionally, we will deliver to you a cash bond in the amount of $ l2,546.63 foi:' you to hold in escrow pending review of our alleged obligation for reimbursement of \iater and sewer fees. These funds will be released from escrow no later than 90 days from this date as follows. If after an audit of '.t', f Ci ty of BU\'1l ton Beach JUly i, 1987 Page 2 such aCcoWlt reveals that Stonehaven Development does, in fact, OI,e S,Jch funds to the City. said funds shall be released to the City to cover the actual amount due to the City and any overage will be remitted to Stonehal'en. If it is determined that said funds are not due to the City. they shall be' returned to Stonehaven. Such determination shall be, by mutual agreement between the Ci ty and Stonehaven Development Corporation \,i thin the 90 days period. (Y~tIU1Y yours, , \ '.S'ro lJ E.VELO p,. , , ;;y :.~ ( '~ambert The foregoing is agreed and consented to and we hereby acknowledge receipt of the above fWlds. CITY OF BOYNTON BEAQi BY:~~\hn~ ~- \ , MAF:ms 0311B I' AVERY MILSTEAD, D.B.A. INSTANT LANDSCAPE & SOD (305) 798-2804 . (305) 346-3558 - P. O. Box 488 Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 September 17, 1987 Medard Kopczynski City of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida RE: Warranty of trees at Stonehaven/Banyan Creek Dear Mr. Kopczynski; This letter will serve as our written warranty of the trees installed at the Banyan Creek project. The trees covered by this warranty are those installed between September 12-17 in compliance with the requirements to reduce the bond between the City and AMI Corporation. All trees are guaranteed for six months to be free of desease and to maintain proper growth and to aclimate to the area. Any trees not to in- dustry standards at the end of the six months will be replaced provided all steps to insure proper care and adequate watering have been maintained. No warranty is implied for acts of nature such as flood, wind or drought. We do not warranty trees that have been physically damaged by others. 4~h./ Avery Milstead, Owner Instant Landscape and Sod r 'I AVERY MILSTEAD, D.B.A. INSTANT LANDSCAPE & SOD (305) 798-2804 . (305) 346-3558 . P. O. Box 488 Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 September 17, 1987 Kevin Hallihan City of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida RE: Accounting for additional trees at Stonehaven Dear Mr. Hallihan; As per our conversation of 9-17-87 have have counted all the additional trees at Stone haven/Banyan Creek and are submitting to you the location of the 56 trees in question. I have attached a map to this letter and marked the location and number of extra trees in each of these areas. If you have any questions concerning the map or the count please call me and I'll drive the site with you. Res~l~.v-J ~r~~tead DBA Instant Landscape and Sod , , :~~J?'.:~~:;:; .' . :';;;vj.,'. :':'I~";..,t: ~:J. ,'r,. ' @ \ BOYNTON BEJl.~ Q4.VO Li1 ................. O"I_N,'O) 0"1 U1 N W .. t-3 ":z::l ":z::l tr.l,o t:d t:d OZt:d"'tl"'dOtd rt " ......":z::l":z::ltr.l'Ot:d1:d 1-oI.~. ~ c:: ...... 0 (') () 0'" (l) Q) r-t c:: c:: III ('t) (') rt CI) Cf.l....:;j ~J--l ro Zt:::dt-c:l"'tlOC'" 1-01' (D III III ...... Ii rt ::s ............ 1-01. C o.W.SS<iCll 1-1. (t) ::r' " r;::. "', r , "'" " ~ I,. . . ... .. l#I I · ?,;::.: ,L !.r:'" !c+c:, , :s~l!~~~ ~ ~ ~ M "'i.- t; . ~ t ..L.... ~~ ~. II '- I t ~ \ r :~u: : g ~ ~ , ::..J <<~" - i) ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ D " 1". \ t ~ ~ ~::-:=,''\ ~ ~ '>.,:::(---~ ~ ,/,-","k';- ,) ~\~--{ !,;:. ~'-: ~ ~ ~/~(ll ,~~_~ ~ \~,:I'E '~~L~ /. ~ :~~/&V;~. I I . \~ '- b. ~ , ~ ~ , ~~) I - i~f l~': '.~~~~~7~ .: J~jr/,: fer- Lz) H$~~~P~~ ~ ::!!l ~;,'t ~~I.\ \C "-j.." ~ s. '~ti}:" g:\ --"<':-- ~/I ''';~:)~~; _ ,t :I;G,~ "'''ltJ,l:., I' . ~ . " ~ i :''i~tC:~~, '~f e f 2 _ \\\~ ~ A~\ -'~~ ~~::~r:' ~ r~ "'\\\?~:':-jn:~%: ~ ir};r}~' ~ / -\ \ . yo- 'I & -=- ~;,.~,'~1:~;~,( , ~ \ ~,,~:,:::-~f-.J N . 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S. ?r ':,' :r ~;, ~ ~ ICl ~ I .<,... o '" .O! Q. S ~:i' '-. ~~80'~Ei~~ir;: ~ Cl. 7'" !a. Q." 0 l:>> ~~'If-'" !'l ~ ~ &! 0' E iF; ',,:J';~; ..... ti, ,.... t:r' ;" (5 .' ~'(:~'1'). ,~, ~~ OJ ::r It (,I) ::t <,"",~1' ,,~; t~( .... OJ -. Q.. .''''1t,if:t " _ ~ ::s (1) .,!,,~~..-t~t,. ~ [E ~ ~?\'i,:1,;,t<J~ (,I) ,sn tu ~.., ~ -.'~~,~~:~'k ...tr,' . Cf: ,~llt ....~,:,'I'\l'."; III n '" N. \ri..,., , ' a f: ~"'.i.ftl/f:J~~t t.I;;ilttf{t" 1';; & . Q? f'S'1!,)::: ~ ,~~. , , ~ J' S" i " I; ,. ".'.r;~~' , ~);;~>.lf,' I - (~ It , " ~ .,~ ~,t .t~.., ",i ,;~.;X;;:~~,!, " y ("... ~" . .' "';"':r"'~;~' L " " I "t i. " < '- ' , .. , . J_.. ~ I ." " -, I~~STAI\T -, ~ I,' I , L .._1 .~~'_ ~ , . ;-'\ :: ;- 6 r-:.::, r -~~', 1./.......J'-..~.r C '......" L' .~..;. :'.. C"r............ ,;:),..JU ). I , -, .... '- '~)J1 (305) 798<~C Ci"~ . (305) 346-3558 p, 0, Box 488 L:xahat':hee, Florj,:ja 33470 ?~OPOSAL SUaMITTEO TO :H~!'-l( 586-5300 OAT( i-i-87 ~A,.y.i AMI Corooration }~:lU; 10th Ave Nor~h J::& "A""-! ! i~I.HT ! Banyan Creek Knuth Road ':iTT I ,tIT I I I Boyntorr Beach lTAT( Fla .. Lake Worth ST A I( Florida W. h.reby lubmif 1~.cHlc.llcnl Ind ulimal., ror Supply and install 70,000 ft. of map.) The areas to be sodded are the areas behind lots 82 thru 93 t.J'1 Supply and install /.29 by landscaper and then come f10ratam sod in common areas specified. (See attached the swale area along the sidewalk on the K.E. perimeter, and the field behind lots 112-116. trees 8' by 3-4' spread. Trees the responsibility of the owner. to be .atered three times Total cost of Total cost of Total for all sod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8 , 360.00 trees............................. ./0, 500.000r. work specified..... .... ........~. .$18,860.00 *Exact location of trees to be determined by the Urban Forester for the Cit, of Boynton Beach, Kevin Halihan. Automatic irrigation to be in place and working prior to the installation of any sod. '/-0 f;cl1$ ;20 ACACiA /fo Q;UUN f?4,/", ;Z 9 L;IIE OAK R.t), teen Thousand . W. h.nD.,. propos. '~ h"",id'l I..bor ."d ",-",,1,11 ~",PI'I' jfl ,((ordlnu wil~ Jk, atNIvl lP4c,hUIIOft.. lor Ih, IV", 01 ElRht Hundred S lxty & no 1,10all." Is1B ,860.00-------- 1 W'" "Y_" I, .. m.d. .. 1.11... 25% deoosit uoon acceotance of this orooosal and .balance within 10 days of comoletion. All "'1"f1.1 if "",u"'Hd 10 b, U ICl-.:i,..d All wa," 10 b4I COl'l'lpht,d il'l , wO'I~"lil' ,"'''1M' ucotdlf'" I, 5',,,dud pt"tl(U, "'"1 ,iI",hO" 0' d..,...t,o" Iro'" ,boY' .~(i'ic'hIM' Il'n.ol"'"9 ....,n 'o,". will l:H .....Clol"O 01'11,. "''''01'1 _nil'" Ot'SI,.. lAd will It,c.o",. '" ..al,. c;.,r9' O",.r 'rld ,bo". Ih. 1111""'. All .,,,,''',,," cOl'\III'IO'I'I' vPOI'l Itrlul. ItCtd"HI 0' d,ll,\,,1 b4yol'lC 011' (o""of nUl "'000,,1 .",bl'c' 10 I(CI::II.I'IC1 ,....11''1'''1 ;710 ,h.,,,I,., " Ih. ..".. .1 ,h. ,.d"".... .d- Au'h.""'!"",,u..'- ~~~~ Owner d.YI .rld " .....e' ACC~?l~NC~ OF ~~O?OSAL in. L~OV' puc... s;.o:Jilcaho". and cQ"d'lIonl art hefc:y tc::c~lcd U O\,lllin.d above Y=:.i Lr' h:r,=:;:.~: 10 ~: ti-lc . ~; , r/Jtf;; r Si;",lurcr' . ''A / / w:"Ofl: 'I I;..:.;,c: rtym;."'I! / i~ _,I: '1>'1 I'T'IDCl' ACCEPTED: / Proposal FROM /,-:-0 ,j " /} jJ, /) ..--/ / Ltt'~',-./_ Ct),;y( /C(>: t //;;~l II y<)/c-" 6'1 -,-"--<-,,,?'i..--r-<-<-. /.:;-x-"" , ( ;('-~',{-I'/'"i-,g;;l1 /:w.<,_<-,? ;;;:/J Proposal Submitted To I Proposal No,2 w3 -87 J? , Sheet No, I ,j Zo / /2-~...~ .,-- "" Date 00'/) 7 .3::5 '7'"// Work To Be Performed AI Name Slreet Cily State lo:;.ephone Number C{.-L. ':;J CL~...e, Streetb.......,-15///AO' City ~{~, "'ff;!f:," Date ~f PI;'?' ':;;'7';' Architect f2u A~ State -?v- " <? / .;;;:'/:;*"" 1;;:'_-:" Z 1A~t'A l.J//Y\. /1 ~.- '[; h7Af- ~l)dL u~~ A?.y I)~' tZ-t~ - Lvt.l..-t ~ ~ , c.-l- <- 11-_ ~ :...1 All material is guaranteed to be and specifications submitted for os specified, and the above work 10 be performed in accordance with the_ dro~ing~ _ above work and completed tn 0 substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of $-7 ..~..,<pc) Dollars I //"'-~' .- ), with payments to be mode os follows: ~/YI /7 '~' L..m~.t.-,:1,/J_ "" . / AllY alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon ~trikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry tire, tornodo and other necessary insura e upon above w3'k. Workmen's Campen otion and Public Liability Insurance on above work to be loken out by ...... . :c-:("':L {'~~ ..- ....,.-; ":- p. / Nct~ - This proposal may be withdr -/./ /' rr/ ~ Per days 'ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL 7he above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You ore authorized to do the work as !Jpec;fied. Payment will be mode as outlined above. Accepted Signature Date Signature I.ITHO IN U. .. .4. rops II'ORM 3450 0 f Associated Mortgage Investors July 2, 1987 23281OlhA\tnueNnrth lakel\brth,Fl33461 (305) 586,5300 Fl WATS 1 -800-448,0037 US WATS 1,800,327,2960 City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida Re: Sl'C:NEHAVEN Dear Ladies and Gentlerren: This will confinn our agreerrent to deliver to the City cash bonds to guaranty our performance of certain work required by the City. Said bOlds shall be as set forth below for the work described as follows: $15,246.00 To furnish and install trees and sod in the ccrnronn_ areas as agreed to between the City and Developer t!SZ8C. . Reimburserrent for an overpayrrent by the City to A--- Developer in connection with water and sewer fees~ $12,546.63 $kYo "7. i't''?'',?o In cons~deraticn of the City obtaining such bonds, the City shall continue to make the necessary inspections, issue certificates of OCCUPancy and . .building pennits. ~! ~~~ ~--\b~ ~ In the event that the developer shall default hereunder and }iJe....qe~\:!lt ~f~ i"'t:-- existing for a period of 30 days after notified by the Cit~ttY'"'" ,_. shall be entitled to retain the funds and perfonn the work required 00. bc:l.tl.U /""'( tw..~f tali Developer. When the Developer has carpleted all the required work~~~ the City shall return the funds to the Developer. ~ilii"..~ ~ (Very truly yours, (f~ Repair to the cuI de sac ~ . The foregoing is agreed and oonsented to and we hereby acknowledge receipt of the above funds. CITY OF BOYNTCN BEACH BY: FROM Proposal Cltd:,' V ~ t ;f~, II ;/y-C' ~~"'/u--/-<<- ~v~ c ?(~?',/ ::?~;/<' /~~? ;Z;::, Proposal No, 2 ~3 -87 Sheet No. I --:U-< ~ 2.0G Date fh<!/J 7 33-r// Name Street -?l, City State Telephone Number Proposal Submitted To Work To Be Performed At -e. Street -i!::;;:~'" City ,A.c1'<1,<~? , Dote of PI ns /jl.,:?-f./ Architect (21-<-1:- ~ /~" Stote :::;tI'-"" {!fir ~,,7f~ We hereby propose to furnish all the materials and perform all the labor necessary for the completion of '. --4 '5;V"'rh.&~ tr C~ t' h7~f~ /~-<"'~~ All material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of Dollars 1$ ~ zs 7 ~ ), with payments to be made as follows: ~/YI Cn'7d:~ Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary above wo k. Workmen's Com pen qtion and Public Liability Insurance on above work to be taken out by '"' & ' Res~ \. r;I/ Per Note - This proposal may be withdr ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Accepted Signature Date Signature TOPS FORM 3450 0 ',i0"I%:<; ::::i:%~.~':;' ~~~: ,~. \ '*' [ LITHO IN U. 5. A. .' . . . I' AVERY MILSTEAD, D.B.A. INSTANT LANDSCAPE & SOD (305) 798-2804 . (305) 346-3558 ~ p, O. Box 488 Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO I PHON! 798-5380 I' JOI NAMt Banyan Creek / Stonehaven STREET I' OAR 7-1-87 NAME Arteck Construction~~ of Fla....... STRm 11440 Okeechobee Blvd. Knuth Road Royal Palm Beach STATE Florida Boynton Beach J STATE Fla CITY CITY w. h.r.by iubmit sp.cification. and .slim.t.s for Supply and install sod in common areas as required............$8,360.00 Supply and install 50 trees in common areas................... 5,500.00 Total for sod and trees...... $13,860.00 Notes: Areas to be sodded are cammon areas behind lots 82 thru 93, common area behind lots 112 thru 116 and swale along sidewalk on N.E. perimeter. Trees to be 8-10' and one the the following va~iety: Black Olive, Live Oak Ficus Benj. or Acacia Landscaper to furnish water source for planting.(water truck etc.) W. h.,. by propOI. 10 furni.h l.bor ,"0' ""I.ri,ls - compl.t. il'\ .ccord'ftC' with th, .bo.... ,"diotiol'll. for th. 1\1'" of Thirteen Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty &no/100 dolloll Il 13.860.00------- I witk .""'."0 "" ...d. ..loll.... 25% deposit upon starting and balance due within 10 days of completion. All mlterial I' ;u.,.nl..d 10 b. II sp.clfi.d All WOfllo b. campl.t.d in . workm,nHi. "":'\Mr .(cordi"" 10 II,nd.ro' practica.. Any ,1t'r'hOI'l 0' d....i.tiol'l Irom .boYI I~cilic.ho", involving tJlilr, (Oltl, wjll IH .....,lIf.o' ol'lly \lPO" vwrllt,n orel'rI, 'I'ld will become In ul', ch.rg. 0....' .nd .boy, Ih, ...il'NI.. All .gr..",.nU conllnCl'''' wpon Wik... ICCld.nls or d.I'YI Hvoncl ou' eonlrol Thi. proPolI1 .woi.el 10 ,cc.pllnc. Wllhin Ik.,..lt., .t Ih. option of the und.nion.d 30 d,y. ,nd II void .4.ulkoflud SICI".lur. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSA~ Th. .bov, prices. specifications Ind condition, ,r. h.r.by ICctetl,d You Ir. authorized to do ,h, work .1. set,clli,d, P.ym,n' will be m.d. iU outlined .bov.. ACCEPTED: Sign.lur. Form No_ 12]. RC>\'isvcl S/]/75 PLS. SEND CHECK DIRECTLY. DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount of $ 20,246.00 To: Avery Milstead d/b/a Instant Landscape & Sod P.O. Box 488 Loxahatchee. FL 33470 For: Release of cash bond paid by A.M.I. for landscaping (trees & sod) for Stonehaven/Banvan Creek. Requested by Building Dept. Approvals: Dept. Head ~c Med Kopczynski Deputy Bldg. Official Finance Dept. City Manager -, Date 9/22/87 FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 20 246 bo TOTAL 20 246 O( ~..', ' ~~<: Stonehaven Plat ;t. AVERY MILSi~,D, D~~,A; ,t~, 1 I*TANT LA:I'OrSSCA05:i'~'~SQI"\ /1 ~ '\;._'f:iA} , , ., {..,}~;~ ~i'i'~:J~ ~~".:.::'r:~~th"~ ~l (30 )t 798~289.,;!:(.,~,: {(3~~~li~it'~~~~~~~~; Loxahatchee, Fiorlda .) , City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach, Blvd Boynton Beach, Florida \ "f.~,f':"~ir~;~~~F;,." " \, ->'.'}~:5{ : ." '. ,-~ ' .",;" , DATI, 9-17-87 Complete installation of site trees and sod as per agreemen with City of Boynton Beach and AMI Corporation and in com- pliance with proposal/contract with City of Boynton Beach and AMI Corporation. This final bill is within the guide lines and agreements between Instant Landscape, City of Boy ton Beach and AMI Corporation. , '~ +:. " .', Total for all site sod....................$ 8,360.00 Total for all site landscaping............ 11,886.00 Total for all work(as bonded).............$20,246.00 t~Jqtt~. / ;k '~~-~ ,~''M-;y!:'j 1-/?-S;' Ins nt Lantscape Date ~~~ M~~q-/7-~7 ~~nt~n Beach Date -~ / ~1 l orpora'tio Date Work completed as per proposal Work completed as per proposal Work completed as per proposal --- .~ lliU <lua in fun llPon uou"~la~!\lP ~( wVrk Upd IIH~i'I.~III\l II~ I.iILY (.t .!WVll[UQ ."t. ""if) ::I'~ ' ,'" :' ...; :.:... ~ 'I ,.: ,1 i\'.lf:\.tl~'d,~ ,j. ">: :::."~;~i?:,:'1 ,~, "&"" i.st - ,'>"~' , .. I; ,:::.~n;",f' 1''<"' >:,i,' I': , 1. t ;' ;< \ .: riD &.",.;~tM Mortgage IDve$tors p\)!otOrfice8.0x.i286 TollJ-1h~ florida .)2JI!i 004/,;&;,7688 t'\b qi-/3i, . ltEctt-;i;2D sa:' 21 19a1 err( ",nORMa" j. -- . --- September 15, 1987 Mr. Raymond A. Rea City Attor'ney City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 211 S. Federal Highway Boynton Beach,Florida 33425-0310 ~ RE: Stonehaven Development/Barlyan C~eek Dear i"Ir. Rea: A.M.I. Development, Inc., authorizes the City of Boynton Beach to make direct payment in the amount of $18,860.00 to Avery Milstead d/b/a Instant Landscape & Sod at the City's discretion fo~ satisfactory cOfnpletion of the installation of trees and miscellaneous landscapinr] of thE', site plan for Stonehaven Development/Banyan Creek. Said pay/nent is to be withdrawn from monies presently held in the form of a cash bond by the City of Boynton Beach. If you have any questions with regard to this matter hesitate to contact me at any time. do not ,1 1 am 1.:11 enn Construction Project Administrator " ~~G/dm " ,,' S ,Yo', ,'i' 'J::-r. "J,:.,. i.... "' ,-,.., .'.':' ti -8 ~(>(2' '" :',~' _. (j,', '~" \.Y..,J~ ... . '/1 .~. 'r ~, t',:,: :o"~ ~ " -/:$' '{C,~i't.... <11," , Jf. FlOf.'" \ \ ,\ " Tilt name ~55~C1A TE.D .\\ORTGAGE INVE5 TORS i$ the designation of the T rU$ten for the time being uncler a. OecJ,m.tion of T ru!ot ddled June 1 1967 :~:In~;~~~~ tt~hth~..~nl<ttY 01 :ne Cor~onwe~l!h of M4~chu1eus, and <ill pe~n! dedling with thSOci^ttd ,\tortgagt lnve$ton mll!.t look $01~ty to ;~: or eo i!..forcemenl 0 any c, .u~u ag.un!ot f\~h\teJ ,\torlg~gl! Inv~ton a!o no TrU!lke. Offi~rr ,\ldMI't~r. Agent, or Shareholder dMUmn4"y ptl'lOnal liability for obhg4lHlI\~ enh:red mto on behalf or ^$.SOciJ.ltd Mortgage 1:l\"",lon. ~ . -'". ~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH if' , ... . . - -. - =-r----.... ,/ c ._- . --=-1 ;:..;;;".;;; ! ....1 i~~--...~~~a, '~s.;1; I~' I . L:'" .. '" __ -~_ 'f, '~'1" "" /ff'n';"~;~E~r;;~; ~!=:-J- I ~oi.! '.. - -.~ -_~~I Hill" ~ -c- r~'_~~~J" ~~~,,."~ . il, .-,.~.~.~'L.l"", ~----...., ._~~..J-C:. .:~ ~ ~--- Beach Blvd, ....,::-"~ -o.;~ ~.~ S. ~~r'r,;-----~;;;~", Florida 33425-0310 ;-'~- - (305) 734-8111 120 E. Boynton @P. O. Box 310 ',41t1" Boynton Beach, October 9th, 1987 OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL Mr. Danas Lambert AMI 2328 10th Avenue,North Lake Worth, FZorida 33461 REFERENCE: Stone haven Dear Mr. Lambert; In regard to your Zetter of agreement dated JuZy 7th, 1987 on the above noted project, we. had agreed that certain funds heZd in escrow by the City of Boynton Beach were to be disbursed based on certain scheduZes. To date the escrow fund for Zandscaping has been reZeased, as weZZ as the escrow fund for a cuZ-de-sac has been reZeased. No one to date has addressed the' escrow fund that is being heZd by the city for water and sewer fees. If you review your letter, you wiZZ see that you wished ninety (90) days to audit your account and make a decision. These ninety (90) days have passed and if we do not have a different concZusion from you by November 9th, it is our intent to disperse these funds as we see necessary. SincereZy, .' CITY /'f"NTON Medard'Kopczynski Deputy BuiZding OfficiaZ /fs xc: E. Howen Raymond Rea, City Attorney