LEGAL APPROVAL I I ..' - I~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR June 22, 1989 Spil1is Candela & Partners, Inc. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gables, Fl 33134 RE: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Recreation Facility File No 230 Gentlemen: Please be advised that on Tuesday, June 20, 1989, the City Commission approved the referenced site plan SUbject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. These plans were approved subject to your cornpliance with the attached stipulations. After you have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations, please submit two copies of final plan drawings with the changes incorporated to the Building 1 Department for permitting purposes. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drfwing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c2.~ ~_. J'~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, AICP Planning Director CSA:frb Encs cc City Manager Technical Review Board Central File Bill DeBeck .CJ . MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM Kevin J Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE June 7, 1989 RE Boynton Beach Multi-Purpose Building Site Plan 1 Cocoplum hedge along road R O.W. must be 36" in height at time of planting 2 Desirable trees slated to be removed should be relocated 3 Recommend that all planter islands have the top 8-12" of shellrock removed and backfilled with a 60/40 peat mix for sod, shrubs and trees to be planted. il~ ~- ~~A~ - K in J H lla,ll n Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:A BBMULTI e Section 11 H.16 c 2 of Appendix A, Zoning requires that 380 parking spaces be provided for the 38,000 square foot multi-purpose building There are 132 parking spaces proposed on the premises. Therefore, an additional 248 parking spaces must be provided elsewhere Considering that the peak use of the multi-purpose building will occur during weekday evenings and on weekends, when there is minimal demand for employee parking at other city facilities, the opportunity exists to utilize these vacant parking spaces to meet the demand for parking generated by the multi-purpose building. The availability of parking spaces at other City facilities is as follows CITY FACILITY # OF PARKING SPACES AVAILABILITY City Hall 140 (Parking Garage) 90 Elementary School 23 (West Lot) 23 Elementary School 60 (East Lot) 60 Elementary School 46 (North Lot) 46 Madsen Center 90 (Proposed) 90 TOTAL 309 Based on the above, there are a sufficient number of parking spaces available both on and off the multi-purpose building site on weekday evenings and weekends to meet the requirements of the City's zoning regulations for 380 parking spaces. In addition, there is a remaining surplus of 61 parking spaces which exceeds the ten percent buffer that is required pursuant to Section 11.H(13). On Tuesday, June 6, 1989, the Technical Review Board met, at which time they recommended approval of the shared parking allocation based on the documentation prepared by Wallace, Roberts & Todd and by the City staff It was the consensus of the Technical Review Board that there is sufficient parking both on and off the multi-purpose building site during peak use (weekday evenings and weekends) to meet the requirements of the City's zoning regulations. C<L, .~ ~ CARMEN S NZIATO JJG frb MPRECFAC ~ MEMORANDUM June 7, 1989 TO Chairman and Members Planning & Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE Multi-Purpose Recreation Facility - Shared Parking Allocation - File No. 230 Section ll-H(13) of Appendix A, Zoning, contains the following provision for shared parking Parking spaces required in this ordinance for one use or structure may be allocated in part or in whole for the required parking spaces of another use or structure if quantitative evidence is provided showing that parking demand for the different uses or structures would occur on different days of the week or at different hours Quantitative evidence shall include estimates for peak hour/peak season parking demand based on statistical data furnished by the Urban Land Institute or an equivalent traffic engineering or land planning and design organization Quantitative evidence may also include, where appropriate, field studies and traffic counts prepared by a traffic consultant experienced in the preparation of parking studies. In addition, a minimum buffer of ten (10) percent shall be provided to ensure that a sufficient number of parking spaces are available at the peak hour/peak season of parking demand. Calculation of said buffer shall be based on the total number of parking spaces determined to be required at the peak hour/peak season of parking demand Evidence for joint allocation of required parking space shall be submitted to the Technical Review Board, and approval of joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be made by the City Commission, after review and recommendations by the Planning and Zoning Board With respect to the above, the City of Boynton Beach is requesting approval of a shared parking allocation in connection with a request for site plan approval to construct a 38,000 square foot multi-purpose recreation facility. The site for the proposed multi-purpose facility is the block which is bordered by Ocean Avenue on the north, S.E 1st Street on the east, S E. 1st Avenue on the south, and Seacrest Boulevard on the west. ~ , M E M 0 RAN DUM June 5, 1989 TO Jim Golden Senior Planner FROM George Hunt ~1 1Ll Acting City Engineer ~/~ Vincent A Finizio Engineering Department VIA SUBJECT T R B Comments Municipal Multi-Purpose Building Spillis Candela & Partners, Inc 1 Locate Catch Basin #9 in grassy area to the south 5-l4l(N) Drainage Standards Article, X, Section 2 List Regulatory and Advisory Sights in Legend on page SW-l, Section 5-l42(C) Traffic Control 3 Illuminate the four (4) stalls at the extreme N W corner of parking lot in conformance with Section 5-141(N) Lighting Standards 4 Provide internal directional arrows (pavement markings) indicating the flow of traffic through the parking facility in conformance with Section 4-l42(C) Traffic Control and Chapter 19, Section 19-17(E) Internal Circulation 5 Provide a complete set of construction plans including construction details for the following improvements a Drainage Plans and Calculations b Paving Plans, details for all components c Water Dist and Sewage Coll plans and details d Parking Lot striping details including details for all regulatory, advisory signs Section 5-l42(F) Drainage, (G) Construction, (L) Striping Vincent A Finizio Engineering Department VAF/ck r tI .. MEMORANDUM .Q ,6 TO Carmen Annunziato, Director Planning Dept DAn June 7, 1989 ,.ILII It_O.. Med Kopczynski, Deputy Building Official SU.JIICT SITE PLAN BOYNTON BEACH MULTI-PURPOSE BLDG (includes shared parking) Upon preliminary review of the above-referenced site plan, the following items should be addressed by the design professional Many previous comments have not been addressed, specifically 1 The proposed type of construction and occupancy must be indicated on the plans and must comply with Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition 2 A thirty-six (36) inch high hedge is required between the right-of-way and all on-site vehicular use areas 3 Palm Beach County turn-out permits are required for work in the Seacrest Boulevard right-of-way 4 Palm Beach County Health Department approval is required 5 South Florida Water Management District approval is required 6 All plans submitted for public record by a design professional registered in the state of Flor1da must be signed and sealed 7 This building will be defined as a threshold building under state statutes and, as such, the construction must be inspected by a state-approved threshold inspector and an inspection plan provided 8 Proposed signage should be indicated on the plans - colors 9 Light poles must be designed to withstand 120 m p h wind load in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition /lL- Med Kopczynski MK Id cc Don Jaeger MINU~ES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1989 be used for stated that the State. ~pplication cent to the the entrances and exits on I-95? Mr. Cheney it was not a Federal grant but rather was from It was specifically for Federal Highway. An is pending for beautification along 1-95, adja- park between 17th and 19th. v,ice Mayor Olenik referred to a program that exists in Palm Beach County which he thought was called Trees Beautiful ~alm Beach. He asked if the City had looked into this ~rogram? Mr. Cheney replied that we had not looked into ~his program and he did not know where they get their ~unding. I \T1Io DEVELOPMENT PLANS: i. Project Name: I Boynton Beach Multi-Purpose Recreation Facility Spillis, Candela & Partners, Inc. City of Boynton Beach East side of South Seacrest Blvd , between Ocean Ave. and S.E. 1st Avenue SITE PLAN - Request for site plan and shared parking approval to construct a 38,000 square foot multi-purpose recreation facility on 3.8 acres r. Charlie Fredericks addressed the Commission and stated hat this project would replace and expand our existing ivic Center. Mr. George Iglisias was in attendance at the eeting to represent the architects. The facility has been esigned to accommodate major performance programming such s musical concerts and theatrical performances with a eating capacity of 1,500 for those types of performances. Agent: OWner: Location: Description: n December, 1987, the Commission at that time selected this articular site after review of a site selection analysis of his site and the Congress Ave. Park site. The analysis was onducted by the planning and architectural firms of pillis, Candela & Partners and WRT with sub-consultants nvolved. he Commission's decision was based primarily on their esire to create a strong statement for the downtown, deve- oping a corridor tie-in to the downtown redevelopment as ell as providing a strong focal and anchor point to indivi- ual four block government complex, once the school is hased out. The school is scheduled to be phased out at the nd of this coming school year or before that as the replace- 12 .<n.II"q.:r;.r.-;s-;.. .1. T ~..~.,..,,,., TT~'~~. I. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1989 ment school is currently under construction. It is anti- cipated that negotiations with the School Board will result in the City becoming the owners of that property. Past site plan proposals for those facilities have indicated that the smaller school building would became a headquarters for the Boynton Beach Historical society and museum, while the larger building, depending on its structural analysis, dould become a community facility for smaller meetings, ~ecreation classes, an art center or other government func- tlions. ! ~s a part of the site selection, it was determined by the dommission that the condominiums east of the Civic Center ~hOUld be purchased and that the tennis courts and Madsen enter should be relocated to the Congress Ave. Park. iscussions have taken place with the condominium owners ~hrOUgh the manager's office and a few meetings ago, this ommission approved the site plan for the relocation of the ,ecreation facilities to the Congress Ave. Park. These two ~ctions were taken to resolve the concerns of not enough parking and the open space in the general area The qhildrens' playground which is located to the east of the qivic Center is proposed to be located in the southeast ~orner where the Madsen Center currently is, as well as the ~econstruction of two lighted tennis courts so that we main- ~ain a mini-park for the neighborhood and a "soft" edge to ~hat side of the particular park property. i ~orge Iglisias made color artists' renderings available to ~he Commission. Mr. Fredericks and Mr. Iglisias elaborated ~urther on the facility. ! Jr. Cheney remarked that the Planning and Zoning Board a ~eek ago moved to recommend denial of the approval of this p,roject. The motion to deny passed 6-1, with Marilyn Huckle ~upporting the project. The Community Appearance Board ~oted unanimously 7-0 to support the project. I ~r. Cheney stated that one objection was that this is ~n urban type project The previous Commission decided to ~ave this project downtown in an urban setting to highlight ~he development downtown and to bring "urbanness" into the qity Hall complex. If this building had been designed for dongress Ave., it obviously would be a different kind of ~uilding. Another comment had been made that the architec- ~ure of the facility is not the same as the library. If the qommission had decided to have it the same as the library they would have selected the architect that designed the ~ibrary and City Hall. The architect that did the library 13 o:.} .... +-. "'L_ ~... r I MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1989 and City Hall was one of the three architects that were being considered for the project. They specifically said that they would like to have some other kind of architecture for the facility. ~. Cheney reported that there had been some concern about traffic circulation. Kimley Horn was involved. There is not a traffic access onto Seacrest. That is becaus~ of the ~eavy traffic already on Seacrest ~ommissioner Weiner stated that she was very excited by the grospect of this facility and thought it would be an enor- mous addition to the public life of the city. She felt it ~longs exactly where it has been planned. Vice Mayor Olenik stated that he was in attendance at that ~lanning and zoning Board meeting. A concern that the Board ~ad raised was relative to location and putting it downtown ~s opposed to putting it out west. These may be valid con- qerns Those concerns were addressed and meetings were held ijy the previous Commission as to where it should be and what ~he City wanted in this facility. He stated that he felt ~he Planning and zoning Board should have evaluated the site ~'ast week, as a site plan approval, like they do with any ther developer that comes into the City. This is the City aming to a board of the City. He felt they should have ~een acting on the merits of how the project related to the ~echnical comments from the TRB, if it was aesthetically tleaSing (CAB) and whether it met Planning and zoning regu- ations of the City. Vice Mayor Olenik directed a question o staff, "Does this complex with it's shared parking arrangement, with it's size and density, met the require- ~ents and zoning ordinances of the City?" Mr. Annunziato iesponded affirmatively. Vice Mayor Olenik remarked that in other instances the Commission has been criticized for asking more of a deve- loper than what ordinance requires. It almost seems like we ~re going the other way in this particular project. It's like we have a body asking a developer to move his building $ome place else. Be wasn't sure that was the responsibility 6f the Planning and zoning Board at that particular junc- ~ure, where it was asked to approve a site plan. tommdssioner Bester stated that many hours were spent pre- Viously discussing the pros and cons, what should be in the ~uilding and where it should be located. Input was received from the public. Parking and other elements were all addressed. We gave the contract to the architect. He thought the architect's plan had turned out better than what he expected The architecture might not be exactly what everybody likes, but what will be inside the building is 14 '.1" _............h_ la"'-II't ..,;..... .;...., r.r----.... l. ,. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1989 what the citizens have asked the City to put there. was concerned about the parking, but if it meets all requirements of the City Code then he has no problem it. He too the with Mayor Moore stated that "this is the biggest boondoggle that has ever been perpetrated on the taxpayers of the City." He ~elt the Commission would rue the day they pass this project ind start spending money on it. He stated it does not meet the requirements. The Mayor challenged Mr. Annunziato if he ~ould allow anyone to file a site plan like this that is ~uperimposing parking spaces over a building that they don't ~ven own The Mayor referred to Unity of Title. The City does not own that property. There are a number of people ~here that do not want to sell. You're going to have to ~ondemn that property which could be expensive. Without ~hat parking space he predicted a nightmare if that audi- ~orium was ever filled with 1,500 people He thought the qurrent building probably has a useable life for twenty years. The Mayor thought the facility was just too much for the site ~he Mayor read into the record, "There is far more danger in ~ublic than in private enterprises, for when the government ~oes into business it can always shift it's loses to the ~axpayers. Government never makes ends meet and that is the ~irst requisite of business.1I The Mayor felt it was time ~hat the Commission applied good business common sense ~he Mayor asked how Mr. Annunziato was going to get the pro- ~erty from the people that live there in Park Lane? He ~sked Mr. Cheney where the money was coming from? !r. Cheney responded that the decision to buy those con- ~ominiums was made by the Commission at that time. This ~ommission has the right to change that decision. The pro- ~erty has been appraised but Mr. Cheney said that obviously ~e wasn't going to say how much the City would pay for the property at this meeting. It would not be appropriate. ~ portion of the money has been funded in the Capital rmprovements Program which has been adopted by the Commission ,nd the Planning and Zoning Board. Mr. Cheney said that he ViII be suggesting at some point that the city proceed with the acquisition of that building and that the Commission authorize the City Attorney and City Manager to proceed, and quite likely hire a real estate agent to be the City's nego- ~iator for that acquisition. Mayor Moore questioned why a teal estate agent had to be hired. He asked about accepting a site plan if there is not a unity of title. Mr Annunziato remarked that in this instance we go on the ~ssumption, based on prior City Commission policy, that that will be public parking. If a Qrivate developer came in and ~idn't own the property and had no contract to purchase it, ~hey would not count the parking. 15 ;-:u.,:.,.. ;~.-.:;'" ". ,r.-..,........---,.....__..- ~INUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1989 Mr. Cheney remarked that if we don't get the condominiums we will provide the parking spaces elsewhere. Motion Vice Mayor Olenik moved that the commission approve the site plan for the Boynton Beach Multi-Purpose Recreation Facility ~o be located on the east side of South Seacrest Blvd., bet- ~een Ocean Avenue and S.E. 1st Avenue. Commissioner Weiner ~econded the motion which passed 3-1. Mayor Moore voted against the motion. ~urther discussion took place on this topic later in the ~eeting, just prior to OLD BUSINESS. , ~III. LEGAL 4. I ~. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING proposed Ordinance No. 89-11 Re: Creating a Community Redevelopment Agency for the Central Business District and establishing jurisdiction for both Community Redevelopment Agencies (Continued to July 5, 1989, City Commission meeting) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE 87-15, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH; BY CREATING A COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR HOOSING AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT; BY CREATING A COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE CENTRAL BOSINESS DISTRICT; ESTABLISHING JURISDICTIONS FOR BOTH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE RESPECTIVE AGENCIES; PROVIDING FOR STAFFING; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE I DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ~ity Attorney Rea noted that proposed Ordinance No., 89-11 I~d ~::~~~i;ii;:~i:i~~ii;~::~;;~.commiSSion meeting) I I I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING A CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TRACT OF LAND THAT IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS WITHIN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND THAT WILL, UPON ITS ANNEXATION, CONSTITUTE A REASONABLY COMPACT ADDITION TO THE CITY TERRITORY, PURSOANT TO A PETITION OF THE OWNER OF SAID TRACT OF LAND, REQUESTING ANNEXATION 16 f' .:..a ,.'"-' '-,.'~.'r..l'J ,._or" .--.---.--- -- L. I:. .:I. ., . MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1989 Vice Mayor Olenik asked what would happen if the public pur- pose is not determined to be there. Does the process end ~ith our paying legal fees and that's it? Mr. Rea answered that the process ends and then we pay legal fees on both sides. Under the Florida Condemnation laws the government pays the attorney's fees of the person who is being con- demned. We're not doing a quick condemnation We are ~aking it in a two-step approach. We're going to the gearing to determine whether or not there's a reasonable ~ublic purpose If we pass that hurdle and go to the jury ~rial, we have the option at that date to determine whether or not we will continue to take the property at the price 4etermined. The hearing on public purpose may take place in ~he middle of September. i ~. Application of Landscape Ordinance to LaMontagne Property rliscussion on this topic took place as part of Item VIII. B. 2 ! I ~. Resolution on Zip Codes I ~hiS item was added to the Agenda at Commissioner weiner's equest. Commissioner Weiner referred to a letter to City anager Cheney from the City of Greenacres. The City of reenacres passed a Resolution requesting the United States os tal Service to enable cities and towns the opportunity to btain zip codes which conform to the geographic municipal undaries of their city. Commissioner Weiner referred to he problems experienced in subdivisions such as Boynton kes and The Meadows, where mail is still being processed hrough the Lantana Post Office. The City Attorney was ~nstructed by the Commission to draft a Resolution similar ~o what the City of Greenacres has and bring it to the ommission at the next meeting. yor Moore received a letter from Harry Johnston which 'ndicated that Representative Stump has introduced House esolution 238, a bill to provide that zip code boundaries ay be redrawn so that they do not cross boundaries of units f local government. Currently this legislation is pending 'n the Post Office and Civil Service Committee. . Johnston stated that he supports this measure. It is oving forward but they need all the support they can get. he City Manager was asked to tell Mr. Johnston that they ave the City's support. I Boynton Beach Multi-Purpose Recreation Facility , I qommissioner Weiner returned to this topic which had been addressed earlier in the meeting under DEVELOPMENT PLANS. qammissioner Weiner moved that the Commission direct the 24 0::"......... llfl--:Tl 'I ,... :r :-:-::1:.'Ir.r.-""""'~~--"_. \0 -. 1 ,..~ ... MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1989 City Manager and City Attorney to go forward with the nego- tiations for the purchase of the condominium in question and hopefully get an estimated agreement from them on the entire price and report back to the Commission Vice Mayor Olenik seconded the motion which carried 3-1. Mayor Moore voted against the motion. IX. OLD BUSINESS ~. Status of Children's Services Council ~. Latchkey Grant P~oposal Mr. Cheney reported that if both of the Latchkey Programs ~re approved, the Commission needs to authorize some funds ~n next year's budget to lease a portable classroom from the ~chool system to be placed at Rolling Green School for the ~tchkey Program. poinciana has a classroom they can pro- v.ide. Rolling Green has a problem with space. If the Gommission chooses not to authorize the funds, the City ~ould tell the Children's Services Council that we would ~ave the program only at Poinciana. qharlie Fredericks provided the commission with facts rela- tiive to the scheduling and space factors involved. Vice Mayor Olenik thought that since there is a problem with ~pace at Rolling Green for the program, that the School Board itself should be contacted. Mr. Cheney stated that he dould send a letter to the Chairman of the School Board and ~sk for assistance. qommissioner Weiner was fearful that if the School Board iesponds negatively and the City does not commit, we are oing to be "out of the running" on funding from the 'hildren's Services Council. Commissioner Weiner moved to *roceed with the letter to the School Board but also commit ~hese funds if the School Board won't help and if the Eildren's Services Council says yes. Vice Mayor Olenik econded the motion which carried 4-0 Further discussion ook place. 2. Teen Center Grant Proposal Mr. Cheney had heard and was trying to confirm, that the ~intage Restaurant property had been sold to a church. The ~ite is being renovated presently. This is where the Teen Genter was supposed to go. The City will need to find another location if it still wants to proceed. Alternative ~ites are under investigation. 25 ....;Io~;....wt.lLI. :j:.u 1.....::-.:. <"-:11.;:":"1...----...-.-...