AGENDA DOCUMENTS ) Spillis Candela & ~drtners, lnc. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gables. Florida 33134 305 444 4691 I - ~ Date: April 18, 1989 Subject: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Facility Pre TRB (Technical Review Board) SC&P Project No. G-7087 Date of Meeting: April 17, 1989 Place of Meeting: City of Boynton Beach, Civic Center Complex Engineering Conference Room Present: Peter Cheney Charles Frederick Mark Thompson Bi 11 DeBeck Jorge E. Iglesias Al Marks Members of the Technical Review Board Prepared by: City Manager :. City of Boynton Beach (407) 734-8111, ext. 200 Director, Park & Recreation City of Boynton Beach ( 407) 734-8111 Recreation Superintendent City of Boynton Beach ( 407) 734-8111 Project Manager City of Boynton Beach ( 407) 734-8111 Project Architect SC&P (305) 447-3560 Mechanical Engineer SC&P (305) 447-3545 City of Boynton Beach Jorge E. Iglesias The purpose of this meeting was to provide comments to the 50% Construction Document plans to incorporate them in a final signed and sealed set to the Technical Review Board on June 6, 1989. Colors to be used in the building will be presented this week to the City. If approved, the colors will be presented at the CAB (Community Appearance Board) on July 1.9, 1989. Different comments in reference to the site drawings were made by the Board. For example, width of aisle at parking areas to be 27' minimum, per code. Depressed areas at landscaped areas on parking lots, usage of wheelstops, directional arrow markings at parking areas, etc., were also mentioned. //'J- . Spi II is Candela & ~ .-4rtners, I ne. .. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gables. Florida 33134 3054444691 .J April 18, 1989 Re: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Facility Page 2 Drainage calculations will be needed for the final TRB submittal, lighting levels, height of hedges, all compliances to the landscape ordinances, etc. A signage package for interior and exterior of building needs to be part of the TRB submittal also. In summary, all comments will be sent by the City of Boynton Beach by Monday, April 24, 1989. These comments will be corporated in the plans the final TRB submittal. Also, all items on the site planning approval application and the Community Appearance Board applications need to be incorporated to the drawings. Specs will not be a part of the TRB submittal. Therefore, all materials and pertinent information needs to be in the drawings. I. The following is a schedule of submittals for the project: for (1 ) Da te May 22, 1989 (submit to City) Drawings Required Task SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4 details, etc., L1, L2, L3, E1 (electrical site plan), A10 & All (building elevations) Submittal Requirements Complete and incor- porate all comments from Pre TRB and application require- ments. (a) Six (6) copies of all these drawings, signed and sealed, marked not for construction. (b) Six (6) Copies of completed application. (2) June~6, 1989 - TRB (Technical Review Board) final submittal and approval. (3) June 9, 1989 - Deadline for submittal for the CAB (Community Appearance Board). Application and drawings same as above. (4) June 13, 1989 - PZB (Planning & Zoning Board) submittal and approval. \ J Spi II is Candela & ,- rtners, I ne. 800 Douglas Entr,mce Coral Gahles. Florida 33134 3054444691 _i April 18, 1989 Re: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Facility Page 3 (5) June 19, 1989 - CAB (Community Appearance Board) final submittal and approval. (6) June 20, 1989 - City Commission submittal and approval. II. The following is a tentative schedule after approval of the above Boards are obtained: (7) The incorporation of final 100% working drawings and specs including all comments into the lOO% final submittal to the City - June 30, 1989. (8) Submittal to the City for final review - July 7, 1989. (9) Receive comment for City - July 28, 1989. (10) Incorporate comments for Building Department permit process - August ll, 1989. (II) Comments from Building Department Review - September 1, 1989. (12) Incorporate comments from Building Department - September 15, 1989. (13) Bids out - September 22, 1989. III. Other items discussed were: a. Omi t logo on the wes.t court next to the bl eachers. Provi de logo only on the court next to the stage. b. Scoreboards are to be purchased by the owner and installed by the contractor. It will be clarified on plans. c. A question was made as to the function and location of the floor pocket for communications under the center of the removable wood floor next to the stage. This might need to be relocated for better accessibility without having to cut or remove the portable wood floor. d. Provide a sketch for exterior and interior building signage. e. Provide the colors for the building and indicate location. f. Theater consultant shall be contacted to clarify the sound and communications package. -') /. J Spi II is Candela & Partners, I ne. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gables. Florida 33134 305444 4691 April l8, 1989 Re: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Facility Page 4 g. Electrical floor boxes at 8 locations on the concrete floor of the auditorium were requested by the City of Boynton Beach. These floor boxes are to serve 8 booths each for a total of 64 booths for exhibition and trade shows. Telephone boxes at these locations could also be added. Please note that this and other items such as the new 11500 S.F. mechanical systems requested by the City have been added and that all those items will most likely exceed the $4,000,000 budget far this project. Although -alternates have been identified, such as- the east parking lot, the retractable bleachers and the theater package, the $4,000,000 budget will most likely be exceeded. Participants are requested to respond to the writer within 10 days with additions or modifications to these notes, after which time they shall be considered a complete and accurate record of key items discussed at the meeting. JEI :mm cc: Participants B. Haddon M. Mathes P. Langenstein J. Johnson J. Grabiel W. Fleck J. Clarke J. Alvarez P. Azcarate A. Macias G. Terranova R. Lage ... J. Ramirez A. Garcia \ \ ~} ~EMO RAN DU lA -..- --------------------- --~-------- ------,._---- TO Mr. c1ancs Gol den 0"'" April 18, 1989 , III '.0" Lt. Dale S. Hanmack fill'. JeC'T Multi-Purpose Facility Per our discussion at the Tedmical Roviev.' Board, I am recommendina the following. 1. Traffic Control plan to include stop signs, one way, do not enter and right turn only signs, pavement narkings, etc. 2. Pedestrian crossing signage. /,"'-. / , - < / / -' / j -"1/ '... /';....-1."'--"\. ) ,-, ""L--r-<- "K-. DSH.:trn R "":;' f\ -;--, ";f-~V:Ir<. - '..1 #-I; " ~_' rF\1 -~ '-'~~.n. . .i:.J,J ~ 19 f.~ PLAta't/...G Dt;:Pfo - -- ~ ./ / \EMORANDU',^ ------- --.---------.-- --~--,--..- .--...------ --.-.-'--- TO James Golden Senior City Planner ru,Tf April 18, 1989 '-1\..1 ""0" Don Jaeger Site Development Building Department SU8JICT SITE PLAN - OCEAN AVENUE MULTI-PURPOSE FACILITY Upon preliminary review of the above referenced site plan, the following items should be addressed by the design professional: 1. The proposed type of construction must be indicated on the plans and must comply with Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 of the Standarc Building Code, 1985 Edition. 2. Means of egress must comply with Chapter 11 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition. Special attention should be given to the means of egress from the second floor. 3. The required setback from S.E. First Avenue to the building is twenty-five (25) feet. Abandonment of the S.E. First Avenu~ right- of-way will alleviate this requirement. 4. A thirty-six (36) inch high hedge is required between the r~ght-of- way and all on-site vehicular use areas. 5. Palm Beach County turn-out permits are required for work in the Seacrest Boulevard right-of-way. 6. Palm Beach County Health Department approval is required. 7. South Florida Water Management District approval is requirec. 8. All plans submitted for public record by a design professio~al registered in the state of Florida must be signed and sealec. 9. Handicapped accessibility must be provided to the building ~nd throughout the site. 10. This building will be defined as a threshold building under state statutes and, as such, the construction must be inspected by a state approved threshold inspector. 11. Proposed signage should be indicated on the plans. 12. Light poles must be designed to withstand 120 m.p.h. windlo~d in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Standard Building Code. 1985 Edition. M~rnc to James Golden RE: Site Plan - Ocean Avenue Mult~-Purpose Facility April 18, 1989 Page Two 13. Curbing must be provided around all landscaped areas adjacent to parking stalls. 14. Striping details must conform to city standards. 15. A twenty-seven (27) foot back-up aisle is required for all parking stalls. DJ:bh XC: Med Kopczynski , , i I' 1. \_-nA I " L. ( {; ~ '" ,I"... ---,- .-- Doh Jaeger i I ---.-/ Mi::; Me) F~0 !'~ DLJ],,; 10: J J. m [.,oj oer: Sel-ilor- Citv F)c\nr,er- \)4/ 1 -; IE:::: Fr-Dm: \/lncent A. Fl n~ z:, C' Engl~ee~lng Depar~ment SLt Ll ,Wi ec 'L ~ "T ~:::.:.:: ,..: rJ] C 2,:l F. t:::~ './ J E-'~,~ [ILl ~:1.. to- C ~..c' :','!fl~f::..r I"! _ MLtr"il':=l r~\C~j r"'iu_J t ~~ .-,F'L\I-Ll; ~~.:.{.? r~u,:: j C~ !'"r:., .... I)!- 2,:;. ;lc~ge stl-l.l.c."t'Ll~"-E"~~ <.=:.h31 ~ ~--...'- c.l E1~.: 'E?~:, J 1-' ell" = :;;.::::.... =.!:...lE~.J E .:::,~.. f.:"E:~'=.... hf~'./) ~::;E' pli::I-,= ac:::o'-.Ol,-,c}lv. E,ovr,{Cor, [":c'c,c:. ~..c.~I..I.:J""C ....Dc f::..c-qu; c:':'lC:i-',;:... ~I to" t.:t C:1. E- ). 'I see t 1 0 r~ ~,-- 1 .y. i I, I'"t) c ~.. c.,: r, L:i (J E ~: -:_ c:'. f'-, CJ i~ ~- (:~: "=:;.. i~:::.' j-, :: r'-! 9 i.-; ;::! :::; E' 1"\ c: 1 ~ ,,_.. " S,. "=-:: t. IOn 5 E, 0 r- 0::. I n c."I9;:: . .:... Speeifv tilE' pJ aeE-ment of F.-} --l Ing~e5s/egre=s approaeM areaE ana p~ovloe (c) t!~afflC cont.red ',=lr~ns shali be accor-dance vii th D. Ct. T. 1 hDe:, nc.. 1-;;:~'.:,::::,' st lJP ~-, J (]r-,:;:. c3"t al: ciE-tails. or-outec ~jectlon :':;-14: ir:.-j:.lace lr. conr:pct. trlE' j i b~3'~Y veh:ic-~es eriterlf18 tc. t.r:e pd'~ i: 1 ,'f;' J c:...~ at--~? :'::'r- r.eVI "9 nlocl::5 th,,'\t. r:sf du!:: tc filDtor'- Nr'te: F.e~estrlar1~ C r- c~ ":::. ::~ 1 f"1 C T,ne oec-_o~-at:.: \/E dno e~<Jt..ln~: 'tnE r'c,fl}11C '~2CJlltv. Fj .=\=E F.-l-:' 5~Op ~lgne along the east. ana AddJ_tj.onal ~!eoest~)ar~ war-r~l~~C h'E 5;: ,;;,1 (J ,,;- Cl~ t:':s::- l=' 2. .....~ i n 9 b 1 C!':: I-:: s;- .. i, B (:' \:'} ~ l~ r- \." .' :;:.i. Dr'-!~. 2~1 Cir!o T_;;E- :T31 n - . entr-ance rC20wav j:leClE's.t~lar: s2fetv. stlDulc bE' conslopr-PC Sect.Ion 5-140 ,a' saret.v tc. .t.Lllr-t.rlE"- lmpr-O\!E C'!D]E'c:tl \/e:: ~. SpEcifv tne concrete cur-bIng in and car stops. 10cat10n of t.he required r~ised confor-mance with sectlon 5-142 lei cont 1 nLI.DL\S: e u!"' t:. =' 4. Flans Indicate a Back-up space shall conf Ot-nldnce wi tr: p a 1- k 1 r-I g 5 t. 2,1 1 an c:' a:i 5 1 e 1: ~..ent y 't our- bl= c, lTil "I mUiT: (24' fOOl. baCI:-Up sp2,ce. 01 ,.l"er: t \' ~,e'ven f ',.' i " + E..:.et i f"; ~.E-'ct i_ or: ~,- 1 4 1 \ r! S: t anda~- c. =... 2t:q:::end i >~ n E~ I' dllT:enSJ Cln:;:,. ~ ...;. A 1 I sid e ~... a 1 ~ s t..o.J i t h .,.... r-. c;. pl.tbll= t-19t~.~~,-o';-\."',,=:~/ :=.;t-'!all contlnLlE through l"gt-.~.S'.s/e(;:r-es= at.-eas 2!.,d De 51>: ':b) Incl-,es. In thieknes:: t t-, ," 0 U 0 rl t :: e sea t- e c' s . A.' 1 =:;;j e "J 2. 1 f t I' a '"' ~.; 1 t. i (J n S 5 h 21 1 t, E n and 1 C 2 C acce~:,sitle. :;:.ectJon ::,-.141 '.n. SlL'eh'all ~.tanc;et-o= ,." in or-Ger' to have ~, qUi:\r,t:lt\ Intersecting the publIC r-ight.5-of-wav variance procedure must be followeo from sectIon 5-142 (h) (fl of +OLW (4 ) or 1 \/el,....,!c; \/~ +O~- S.E. 1st A'v'enL!E.. c 1 n orde!'. tc obtaI r, ,-ell e'; 7. Provloe a par-kIng lot lIghtIng I.-equl t-ement= of sect: 1 on 5-141 In \ r'l ar, conSl ~.:'ent \....Ji th all t :-~ E. ]lohtlng stanoards. B. PrOVIde internai t.rafflc eontr"ol. dl~Pctl Dr,2.~ t3 r- t'"~ C::; hI S . ~3E'Ct~ i or, :':' - 1 "::'::2 \ e ;' end ~.at,lE' of T. F:. B. Comments 04/1'7/89 pi'.C\E.;. o-f .c Multj-Purpose Building cont'd s. hrDVJCiE ct -tU1J set ("j-i' corl~,.L;ljct -1 ():.., r .: a 1-::: "t o~.- t tiE .f oj } C:'hl:L nc: 1 nIp r~ C~ \~. t:-'rr:e:1 T.. =~: I:. . DraInage plans. details and ca]cu]2tlons. F <': \' ~ n 0 p 1 c~ r 'so. d E t. a j 1 :;;. . e 1 e vat J D n '= <:' n 0 q 1- ad:: e r: t. =: , ~.i;::.tE'r. dlstr-ibutlDr: pla'.1=:., de,te,lls. elcvatJor:s i:.,rlO Cl-e'C::f::-n1".::: Se'tJage coll ect.l on pI ans, dl?tall s. pI Evatj oris ana q'-""OI er"its Parking lot strIping plan detaIls d. e. Section 5-142 (t-j cirainaqe~ (g) constl-uc:tlon. (l) stl-iping F':f:'Sc.ectfu] ly SL\bfl'~ t.Leci. (\. .r> ~' ~1~~;i ~~-6~-~----- MEMORANDUM 28 March 1989 TO: Technical Review Board John Guidry, Utilities Director Bob Eichorst, Public Works Charles Frederick, Recreation and Parks Director Ann Toney, Assistant to the City Manager Ed Allen, Acting Fire Chief Bud Howell, Building Official Dale Hammack, Police Department Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist Don Jaeger, Site Development Administrator FROM: James Golden, Senior City Planner RE: Special Meeting of the Technical Review Board Please be advised that on Monday, April 17, 1989 there will be a special meeting of the Technical Review Board to discuss preliminary plans for the following City projects. V1. Ocean Avenue Multi-Purpose Facility (1:30 p.m.). /2. Fire Department Sub-Station at North Congress Avenue and Miner Road (9:00 a.m.). 3. Proposed Expansion of Theresa Padgett Park at South Congress Avenue and Charter Drive (9:00 a.m.). 4. Rolling Green Elementary School (9:00 a.m.). The plans for projects #1 and #2 above, will be distributed to the Building Department, Engineering Department and Utilities Department with this memorandum. The plans for project #3 and #4 above will be distributed to the above departments at a future date. Projects #2, #3, and #4 will be reviewed in the morning starting at 9:00 a.m., while project #1 will be reviewed in the afternoon starting at 1:30 p.m. ~~.~. a J ES GOLDEN /bks cc: City Manager Johnetta Broomfield Tambri Heyden John Wildner William Cavanaugh Davie Crockett Pete Mazella Bill DeBeck Central File i ",...-.;.'+ .,...- .. . Spi II is Candela & Partners, I ne. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gables, Florida 33134 3054444691 Date: April 18, 1989 Subject: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Facility Pre TRB (Technical Review Board) SC&P Project No. G-7087 Date of Meeting: April 17, 1989 Place of Meeting: City of Boynton Beach, Civic Center Complex Engineering Conference Room Present: Peter Cheney Charles Frederick Mark Thompson Bi 11 DeBeck Jorge E. Iglesias Al Marks Members of the Technical Review Board Prepared by: City Manager City of Boynton Beach ( 407) 734-8111, ext. 200 Director, Park & Recreation City of Boynton Beach ( 407) 734-8111 Recreation Superintendent City of Boynton Beach ( 407) 734-8111 Project Manager City of Boynton Beach (407) 734-8111 Project Architect SC&P (305) 447-3560 Mechanical Engineer SC&P (305) 447-3545 City of Boynton Beach Jorge E. Iglesias The purpose of this meeting was to provide comments to the 50% Construction Document plans to incorporate them in a final signed and sealed set to the Technical Review Board on June 6, 1989. Colors to be used in the building will be presented this week to the City. If approved, the colors will be presented at the CAB (Community Appearance Board) on July ~19, 1989. Different comments in reference to the site drawings were made by the Board. For example, width of aisle at parking areas to be 271 minimum, per code. Depressed areas at landscaped areas on parkin~ lots, usage of wheelstops, directional arrow markings at parking areas, etc., were also mentioned. . Spi II is Candela & Partners, I ne. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gilbll's, Florida 33134 30.14444691 Apri 1 18, 1989 Re: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Facility Page 2 Drainage calculations will be needed for the final TRB submittal, lighting levels, height of hedges, all compliances to the landscape ordinances, etc. A signage package for interior and exterior of building needs to be part of the TRB submittal also. In summary, all comments will be sent by the City of Boynton Beach by Monday, April 24, 1989. These comments will be corporated in the plans for the final TRB submittal. Also, all items on the site planning approval application and the Community Appearance Board applications need to be incorporated to the drawings. Specs will not be a part of the TRB submittal. Therefore, all materials and pertinent information needs to be in the drawings. I. The following is a schedule of submittals for the project: (1) Date May 22, 1989 (submit to City) Drawings Required Task SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4 details, etc., L1, L2, L3, E1 (electrical site plan), AlO & All (building elevations) Complete and incor- porate all comments from Pre TRB and application require- ments. Submittal Requirements (a) Six (6) copies of all these drawings, signed and sealed, marked not for construction. (b) Six (6) Copies of completed application. (2) June'~, 1989 - TRB (Technical Review Board) final submittal and approval. (3) June 9, 1989 - Deadline for submittal for the CAB (Community Appearance Board). Application and drawings same as above. (4) June 13, 1989 - PZB (Planning' & Zoning Board) submittal and approval. . Spi II is Candela & Partners, I ne. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gables, Florida 33134 3054444691 April 18, 1989 Re: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Facility Page 3 (5) June 19, 1989 - CAB (Community Appearance Board) final submittal and approval. (6) June 20, 1989 - City Commission submittal and approval. II. The following is a tentative schedule after approval of the above Boards are obtained: (7) The incorporation of final 100% working drawings and specs including all comments into the 100% final submittal to the City - June 30, 1989. (8) Submittal to the City for final review - July 7, 1989. (9) Receive comment for City - July 28, 1989. (10) Incorporate comments for Building Department permit process - August 11, 1989. (11) Comments from Building Department Review - September 1, 1989. (12) Incorporate comments from Building Department - September 15, 1989. (13) Bids out - September 22, 1989. III. Other items discussed were: a. Omit logo on the west court next to the bleachers. Provide logo only on the court next to the stage. b. Scoreboards are to be purchased by the owner and installed by the contractor. It will be clarified on plans. c. A question was made as to the function and location of the floor pocket for communications under the center of the removable wood floor next to the stage. This might need to be relocated for better accessibility without having to cut or remove the portable wood floor. d. Provide a sketch for exterior and interior building signage. e. Provide the colors for the building and indicate location. f. Theater consultant shall be contacted to clarify the sound and communications package. 't! +- .-"'"' Spillis Candela & Partners, Inc. 800 Douglas Entrance Cordi Gables, Florida 33134 3054444691 "'-;" - ......'.,-. -,--, -'-'." RECEIVED APR 24 1989 PLANNING DEPT. Date: April 18, 1989 Subject: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Facility Pre TRB (Technical Review Board) SC&P Project No. G-7087 Date of Meeting: April 17, 1989 Place of Meeting: City of Boynton Beach, Civic Center Complex Engineering Conference Room Present: Peter Cheney Charles Frederick Mark Thompson Bill DeBeck Jorge E. Iglesias Al Marks Members of the Technical Review Board Prepared by: City Manager City of Boynton Beach ( 407) 734-8111, ext. 200 Director, Park & Recreation City of Boynton Beach (407) 734-8111 Recreation Superintendent City of Boynton Beach ( 407) 734-8111 Project Manager City of Boynton Beach (407) 734-811l Project Architect SC&P (305) 447-3560 Mechanical Engineer SC&P (305) 447-3545 City of Boynton Beach Jorge E. Iglesias The purpose of this meeting was to provide comments to the 50% Construction Document plans to incorporate them in a final signed and sealed set to the Technical Review Board on June 6, 1989. Colors to be used in the building will be presented this week to the City. If approved, the colors will be presented at the CAB (Community Appearance Board) on July'19, 1989. Different comments in reference to the site drawings were made by the Board. For example, width of aisle at parking areas to be 271 minimum, per code. Depressed areas at landscaped areas on parking lots, usage of wheelstops, directional arrow markings at parking areas, etc., were also mentioned. . '"' " , Spi II is Candela & Partners, I nc. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gables, Florida 33134 3054444691 Apri 1 18, 1989 Re: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Facility Page 4 g. Electrical floor boxes at 8 locations on the concrete floor of the auditorium were requested by the City of Boynton Beach. These floor boxes are to serve 8 booths each for a total of 64 booths for exhibition and trade shows. Telephone boxes at these locations could also be added. Please note that this and other items such as the new 11500 S.F. mechanical systems requested by the City have been added and that all those items will most likely exceed the $4,000,000 budget for this project. Although alternates have been identified, such as the east parking lot, the retractable bleachers and the theater package, the $4,000,000 budget will most likely be exceeded. Participants are requested to respond to the writer within 10 days with additions or modifications to these notes, after which time they shall be considered a complete and accurate record of key items discussed at the meeting. JEI :mm cc: Participants B. Haddon M. Mathes P. Langenstein J. Johnson J. Grabiel W. Fleck J. Clarke J. Alvarez P. Azcarate A. Macias G. Terranova R. Lage ; J. Rami rez A. Garcia . Spi II is Candela & Partners, I nc. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gables. Florida 33134 3054444691 Apri 1 18, 1989 Re: Boynton Beach Multipurpose Facility Page 4 g. Electrical floor boxes at 8 locations on the concrete floor of the auditorium were requested by the City of Boynton Beach. These floor boxes are to serve 8 booths each for a total of 64 booths for exhibition and trade shows. Telephone boxes at these locations could also be added. Please note that this and other items such as the new 11500 S.F. mechanical systems requested by the City have been added and that all those items will most likely exceed the $4,000,000 budget for this project. Although alternates have been identified, such as the east parking lot, the retractable bleachers and the theater package, the $4,000,000 budget will most likely be exceeded. Participants are requested to respond to the writer within 10 days with additions or modifications to these notes, after which time they shall be considered a complete and accurate record of key items discussed at the meeting. JEI :mm cc: Participants B. Haddon M. Mathes P. Langenstein J. Johnson J. Grabiel w. Fleck J. Clarke J. Alvarez P. Azcarate A. Macias G. Terranova R. Lage " J. Ramirez A. Garcia