REVIEW COMMENTS M E M 0 RAN DUM R.ECElVEn APR 24 lS89 .A..fLANNJ~"G D ""'{.'.'q I, EPr. -- . . lp ~''''-'-- - TO: Carmen Annunziato, Director Planning Department FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: April 20, 1989 RE: Multi-Purpose Facility Preliminary Site Plan 1. There should be a 36" height hedge planted along both road Right-Ot-Ways. 2. The road Right-Ot-Ways should receive sod and irrigation. ~~;~~~ Kevin J. H la an ~ Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:A:MPFACIL MEMORANDUM From: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director John A. Guidry. Director of Utilities~, ~\J/ I . \ To: Date: April 19. 1989 Subject: Special TRE Review - Ocean Avenue Multi-Purpose Facility Site Plan We offer the following comments on this project: 1. Stipulate that the fire line double check valve shall be installed by contractor. 2. We recommend suitable backflow preven~ers or vacuum break- ers on all sinks, janitor closets and hose bibbs. Irriga- tion lines shall also have suitable vacuum breakers. 3. Clarify the number and location of post indicator valves on the fire sprinkler line. 4. Specify materials on building water and sewer lines. we recommend ductile iron pipe in the area of the loading zone. 5. Will a hose bibb be provided in the dumpster area for wash down purposes? If so, also indicate appropriate drainage for the wash water to sanitary sewer, with the drained area contoured to limit storm water entry into the sanitary sewer system. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella RECEI\'ED APi 20 198:9 PLANNING DEPT. (9cE/t)J !t-VE)JfAE FJrc+~:rTY r Lt9{JrT::r&)V of [)RJrJ)/A-kE C/ri-ctf- 8/1-5+)J5- j)of---::S )JoT CD.J.(PLY w+rrt Pk/2/:-.:rAJk toT I2L-:::~CA[kr+o)/S 2., 7 ff-C3f2.SA- R-E '3 PIrR k:P;~ t ~ r j),~+ V/f-LS C/)J 10 5.:/:. I 5J;f-Vf}jo.[::,. c9N [ Y cl Ai? E P f/()f + rrf3j) /) /.5 /~ fP. o)JT A-a E * (IrBtJlj) oJIJ1 L-=NT / (//rJ<M)lc L:: ? ) 3~ If U~T:r- p rARP05E (J ~f)C:,- /)0 E s .A/(9 i/r?PE Jr-R.. To JiEL~r 25 rr. REJr-f\ 5ET/}~c/c ~L::(f(u+i<ED BY P'EC Zo).JJ:)/4. JJ:{sTP-+cT. ./1-(50) FuTURe D'(1)6... "-5 00 .NoT )fJ:;Ej f R ())J / .J- E r!J.A- c!::. ~ j( E C) G{ -T R E /1 L~)/T5. C~f/fo ~1I_.S PI If kfi r .+.5 T!fE-RE * })j-Jr!<ED f*Kk:r)j~ ,tJV){..[Yj--FS Wlf'Fcff A{{ofr P A)/:r f-S TlfES e PLA-A(__~ ? S'. fRGV.+DE W-c;!tr~))~ DErA:-:rt.-!,~ 6. ,PRof/;rfJE Tf(/t-?rK FLoW/)L;fJ~r 7- PR:rVE L ocA-r+oNIj)E_~+cA/ AT O(~/f-N A(/L~)jVlE ~ l~rJ 0 P (/ 5 1-"::: t'> _) + c:..,);'.5 ? 1'- Nc9 5 w I~ V 1.5 'f /e, /.10 !~r:)/LE5 (!) I~ CvA-L[_~ .s/fo wAf ! 1(. !J/( k+;l/ f rf E CA- Lc c{ {Jr- /-+oA/s ~) (to t? (/ j. 5f'Act f JlTFFC~ - 2, ~ ~ f~ /1 fA L.- T+ - P (,{ K P 0_) (: f) fA T L['> + Nt... '1 t PItF:-f::r))C-. ,4'e-+Cfy _<;")f-oWAJ (!)iJ _~~ ~s-f..(J~ <Y f r>~t)c( r {r ~5 (-\tc ~ 5 .5 ff-o w)j ojv ftR- f:-rJv~ _SICA D Y t'{- ?kf~ fC~)JtZ.. );p+C~S s ~-o l)/)/ 0.).) W/?-~r S:rC)(5 CJ [~ [JLL\~_, (u cr 5-f/+c ~ 5 5HvW)/ ())J l~It:R f:-JA/~ .5-Jub j ( Arc rt !) Jt5:}A/J F C\ (fA R f [3'C()C, 5 f IBH /c s. 6/); GCEX>"~! (.z SF!) --.-s~ {)P':pJiSw1t-r A-UcJlftfNT - )//:. cof<)lieR <-tf: PP-:tvEwti j) f5ru1i/ - )j w. (o/()Jf:/(; ~ A- ( <'. e5_~ ;l--F~ L C_S ~S- r+ 0 \.-v J/ )-. y- rr; ~ ~ -fa ~ (r A ~f.:, V r-::,/ /> \~/) /' vI.'.. L.. I /'--'---UC:, LTeA ffr+)J~ fck)J T R-Jr: r=r:rc (0))1/<0 ( FLA-/( /"-r- . A / r-- ~ ') L .!~ /v ') , '--J""\. -- \! iz: /~~~'f~ fc A~~ ~ =..~. 1- ~ h (,( L- TJ: - P u I<-J) 05[5 B ~ j) c;, .s P No Co ftX SAiT S .AEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato, Director Planning Dept. DAn June 7, 1989 ,.ILC FltOM Med Kopczynski, Deputy Building Official 5UBJeCT SITE PLAN BOYNTON BEACH MULTI-PURPOSE BLDG. (includes shared parking) Upon preliminary review of the above-referenced site plan, the following items should be addressed by the design professional. Many previous comments have not been addressed, specifically: 1. The proposed type of construction and occupancy must be indicated on the plans and must comply with Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition. 2. A thirty-six (36) inch high hedge is required between the right-of-way and all on-site vehicular use areas. 3. Palm Beach County turn-out permits are required for work in the Seacrest Boulevard right-of-way. 4. Palm Beach County Health Department approval is required. 5. South Florida Water Management District approval is required. 6. All plans submitted for public record by a design professional registered in the state of Florida must be signed and sealed. 7. This building will be defined as a threshold building under state statutes and, as such, the construction must be inspected by a state-approved threshold inspector and an inspection plan provided. 8. Proposed signage should be indicated on the plans - colors. 9. Light poles must be designed to withstand 120 m.p.h. windload in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition. /lL- Med Kopczynski MK:ld cc: Don Jaeger MEMORANDUM June 5, 1989 TO: Jim Golden Senior Planner FROM: George Hunt ~J 1Li Acting City Engineer ~/~ Vincent A. Finizio Engineering Department VIA: SUBJECT: T.R.B. Conunents Municipal Multi-Purpose Building Spill is Candela & Partners, Inc. 1. Locate Catch Basin #9 in grassy area to the south. Article, X, Section 5-l4l(N) Drainage Standards. 2. List Regulatory and Advisory Sights in Legend on page SW-l, Section 5-l42(C) Traffic Control. 3. Illuminate the four (4) stalls at the extreme N.W. corner of parking lot in conformance with Section 5-l4l(N) Lighting Standards. 4. Provide internal directional arrows (pavement markings) indicating the flow of traffic through the parking facility in conformance with Section 4-l42(C) Traffic Control and Chapter 19, Section 19-17(E) Internal Circulation. 5. Provide a complete set of construction plans including construction details for the following improvements. a. Drainage Plans and Calculations b. Paving Plans. details for all components c. Water Dist. and Sewage ColI. plans and details d. Parking Lot striping details including details for all regulatory, advisory signs. Section 5-l42(F) Drainage, (G) Construction, (L) Striping. Vincent A. Finizio Engineering Department VAF/ck MEMORANDUM June 7, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members Planning & Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: Multi-Purpose Recreation Facility - Shared Parking Allocation - File No. 230 Section 11-H(13) of Appendix A, zoning, contains the following provision for shared parking: Parking spaces required in this ordinance for one use or structure may be allocated in part or in whole for the required parking spaces of another use or structure if quantitative evidence is provided showing that parking demand for the different uses or structures would occur on different days of the week or at different hours. Quantitative evidence shall include estimates for peak hour/peak season parking demand based on statistical data furnished by the Urban Land Institute or an equivalent traffic engineering or land planning and design organization. Quantitative evidence may also include, where appropriate, field studies and traffic counts prepared by a traffic consultant experienced in the preparation of parking studies. In addition, a minimum buffer of ten (10) percent shall be provided to ensure that a sufficient number of parking spaces are available at the peak hour/peak season of parking demand. Calculation of said buffer shall be based on the total number of parking spaces determined to be required at the peak hour/peak season of parking demand. Evidence for joint allocation of required parking space shall be submitted to the Technical Review Board, and approval of joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be made by the City Commission, after review and recommendations by the Planning and Zoning Board. With respect to the above, the City of Boynton Beach is requesting approval of a shared parking allocation in connection with a request for site plan approval to construct a 38,000 square foot multi-purpose recreation facility. The site for the proposed multi-purpose facility is the block which is bordered by Ocean Avenue on the north, S.E. 1st Street on the east, S.E. 1st Avenue on the south, and Seacrest Boulevard on the west. Section 11.H.16.c.2 of Appendix A, Zoning requires that 380 parking spaces be provided for the 38,000 square foot multi-purpose building. There are 132 parking spaces proposed on the premises. Therefore, an additional 248 parking spaces must be provided elsewhere. Considering that the peak use of the multi-purpose building will occur during weekday evenings and on weekends, when there is minimal demand for employee parking at other city facilities, the opportunity exists to utilize these vacant parking spaces to meet the demand for parking generated by the multi-purpose building. The availability of parking spaces at other City facilities is as follows: CITY FACILITY # OF PARKING SPACES AVAILABILITY City Hall 140 (Parking Garage) 90 Elementary School 23 (West Lot) 23 Elementary School 60 (East Lot) 60 Elementary School 46 (North Lot) 46 Madsen Center 90 (Proposed) 90 TOTAL 309 Based on the above, there are a sufficient number of parking spaces available both on and off the multi-purpose building site on weekday evenings and weekends to meet the requirements of the City's zoning regulations for 380 parking spaces. In addition, there is a remaining surplus of 61 parking spaces which exceeds the ten percent buffer that is required pursuant to Section 11.H(13). On Tuesday, June 6, 1989, the Technical Review Board met, at which time they recommended approval of the shared parking allocation based on the documentation prepared by Wallace, Roberts & Todd and by the City staff. It was the consensus of the Technical Review Board that there is sufficient parking both on and off the multi-purpose building site during peak use (weekday evenings and weekends) to meet the requirements of the City's zoning regulations. C~~~EN !: ~O JJG:frb MPRECFAC MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: June 7, 1989 RE: Boynton Beach Multi-Purpose Building Site Plan 1. Cocoplum hedge along road R.O.W. must be 36" in height at time of planting. 2. Desirable trees slated to be removed should be relocated. 3. Recommend that all planter islands have the top 8-12" of shellrock removed and backfilled with a 60/40 peat mix for sod, shrubs and trees to be planted. Ifr~~~- ~tJJ2J.~ - K in J. lla,h n Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:A:BBMULTI .AEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DAT~ May 1, 1989 FIl.E F"OM Charles Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department 5UaJRCT Multi-Purpose Recreation Facility Parking Requirements Attached is a copy of square footage of various facilities in the governmental complex area along with parking spaces. Would your staff analyze and determine the required parking for the facility? I'm available for input at your call. CC~ Charles Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department Attachment CC: Jim Golden CF:ad - ~EFnD ,'-. f' \ -. tMY;vt12 1Q891~~' I. ! ; .~RMNG. \Q8PU;:~:; r. - . MEMORANDUM TO: CHARLES FREDERICK FROM: BILL DeBECK DATE: APRIL 19, 1989 SUBJECT: MULTIPURPOSE BUILDING The following is the information requested about the square footage and parking of the four (4) block area. BUILDING SQ. FT. SPACES City Hall 21,781 City Hall 51 East Wing 14,981 Garage 140 West Wing 17,652 East Lot 60 Chambers 3,072 West Lot 27 Police Station 19,896 School 50 Fire Station 9,580 (No. Lot) Madison Ctr 60 Library 27,576 Library 81 Madison Center 9,771 Ocean Ave 40 Garage 53,347 Multi- 134 School (East) 8,000 (approx) Purpose Building School (West) 14,000 (approx) Multipurpose Building 38,000 (approx) 643 spaces fi~/J ~ cc: Carmen Annunziato Bill DeBeck Project Manager BD/jj \EMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DAYI May 1, 1989 PI\..I ""OM Charles Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department aua".C'" Multi-Purpose Recreation Facility Parking Requirements Attached is a copy of square footage of various facilities in the governmental complex area along with parking spaces. Would your staff analyze and determine the required parking for the facility? I'm available for input at your call. CC~ Charles Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department Attachment CC: Jim Golden CF:ad RECEIVED IJiAf2 .. lPft.M~h~G DEPT~ - MEMORANDUM TO: CHARLES FREDERICK FROM: BILL De BECK DATE: APRIL 19. 1989 SUBJECT: MULTIPURPOSE BUILDING The following is the information requested about the square footage and parking of the four (4) block area. BUILDING SQ. FT. SPACES City Hall 21.781 City Hall 51 East Wing 14.981 Garage 140 West Wing 17.652 East Lot 60 Chambers 3.072 "West Lot 27 Police Station 19.896 School 50 Fire Station 9.580 (No. Lot) Madison Ctr 60 Library 27.576 Library 81 Madison Center 9.771 Ocean Ave 40 Garage 53.347 Multi- 134 School (East) 8.000 (approx) Purpose Building School (West) 14.000 (approx) Multipurpose Building 38.000 (approx) 643 spaces ~44.J ~ cc: Carmen Annunziato Bill DeBeck Project Manager BD/jj I ,r- J M E M 0 RAN DUM 1~~~UW1t~ !1 A~ 26 1989 )- TO: SPilUS CAN DE1l\ Charles C. Frederick. Director of Recreation & Parks FROM: Jim Golden. Sr. City Planner SUBJECT: Multipurpose Building DATE: April 20. 1989 Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the staff comments from the April 17. 1989. meeting which are based on review of the preliminary site plan for the above referenced project. With respect to the comments from the Planning Department. please be advised of the following: 1. The parking space figures presented in the revised parking study need to be updated to reflect as-built and proposed conditions. ~ 2. Square footage of multipurpose building to be revised in parking study. 3. Verify availability of parking spaces in parking garage. 9--<-~ ~~~6 Jim Golden. Sr. City Planner City Planning Department JG:pb Attachments i/:JI /19 ".,,: _' ~" ....' _"..;!)'fJL~;:t1 r.: l- .~ .",. ,.;,f> ,>.,,,.,,.,,",. :.6;, IVI i.. -- , ...;.~ C'1 \.. ~ <.'-. ~ ..:.. ,:..(....c:#": t~-LL Ahi!~J~ .717 O"i-JL- d)"'fl..J~ ,/ .11 .J MEMORANDUM J Mr. Janes Golden D"TI April 18, 1989 ~ILI Lt. Dale S. Harrmack auaJIc:T Multi-Pul:1X>se Facility Per our discussion at the Technical Review Board, I am recomrending the following. 1. Traffic CoRtrol plan to include stop signs, one way, do not enter and right turn only signs, pavarent markings, etc. 2. Pedestrian crossing signage. ~DohJ ~ < DSM:tm RECEIVED APft 19 l:&9 PlANNIN.G DEPT. --4 ~ -\t\EMORANDUMJ --- ro James Golden Senior City Planner DATI April 18t 1989 "'I.I .U....CT SITE PLAN - OCEAN AVENUE MULTI-PURPOSE FACILITY ".OM Don Jaeger Site Development Building Department Upon preliminary review of the above referenced site plant the following items should be addressed by the design professional: 1. The proposed type of construction must be indicated on the plans and must comply with Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 of the Standard Building Codet 1985 Edition. 2. Means of egress must comply with Chapter 11 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition. Special attention should be given to the means of egress from the second floor. 3. The required setback from S.E. First Avenue to the building is ~ twenty-five (25) feet. Abandonment of the S.E. First Avenue rignt- of-way will alleviate this requirement. 4. A thirty-six (36) inch high hedge is required between the right-of- way and all on-site vehicular use areas. 5. Palm Beach County turn-out permits are required for work in the Seacrest Boulevard right-of-way. 6. Palm Beach County Health Department approval is required. 7. South Florida Water Management District approval is required. 8. All plans submitted for public record by a design professional registered in the state of Florida must be signed and sealed. 9. Handicapped accessibility must be provided to the building and throughout the site. 10. This building will be defined as a threshold. building under state statutes and, as such, the construction must be inspected by a state approved threshold inspector. 11. Proposed signage should be indicated on the plans. 12. Light poles must be designed to withstand 120 m.p.h. windload in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition. J .:;/ to James Golden Site Plan - Ocean Avenue Multi-Purpose Facility April 18, 1989 Page Two 13. Curbing must be provided around all landscaped areas adjacent to parking stalls. 14. Striping details must conform to city standards. 15. A twenty-seven (27) foot back-up aisle is required for all parking stalls. DJ:bh xc: Med Kopczynski I~ r(~~ Dob JCJr " ~ J .:7 MEMORANDUM 10: Jim Golden Senior City Planner 04/17/89 From: Vincent A. Finlzio Engineering Dep~rtment Subject: Technlcal Review Board Comments Munlcipal Multi-Purpose Building 1. Drain~ge struc~ures shall be placed in grassy swale areas. Revise plans accordingly. Boynton ~each Parking Lot Regulations, A~ticle X, sectlon 5-141 tn) drainage standards, Zoning Appendix "e" section 5B arainage. 2. Specify the placement ingress/egress approach areas (c) traffic control (signs accordance with D.O.T. inoex no. of R-1-1 and provide shall be 17355> stop details. grouted signs at all Section 5-142 i n-p I ace in Nate: Pedestrians crossing the decorative paving blocks that connect the library to the pad(~ ng I at are at ri sk due to motor.... vehicles entering and e>:iting the parking facility. Place R-1-1 stop signs along the east and west side of the paving blocks. Additional pedestrian warning (adVisory) signs along the main entrance roadway should be considered to further improve peaestrian safety. Section 5-140 (a) safety objectives 3. Specify the location of the required raised continuous concrete curbing in conformance with section 5-142 (e) curbs and car stops. 4. Plans indicate a twenty four Back-up space shall be a minimum conformance witn section 5-141 parking stall, and aisle dimensions. (24) foot back-up space. of twenty seven (27) feet in Cn) standards, appendix "B", 5. All sidewal~s with tne public rights-of-way shall continue through ingress/egress areas and be six (6) inches in thickness through these areas. All sidewalk transitions shall be handicap accessible. Section 5-141 Cn) sidewalk standarcs 6. In order to have a quantity intersecting the public rights-of-way variance procedure must be followed from section 5-142 (h), <f> of four (4) driveways for S.E. 1st Avenue, a in order to obtain relief 7. Provide a parking lot lighting plan consistent with all the requirements of section 5-141 (n) lighting standards. B. Provi de internal traffic control. directional arrows. Section 5-142 (e) end page 1 of 2 :J J __ T.R.B. Comments 04/17/89 page 2 of 2 Multi-Purpose Building cont'd 9. Provi de a full set of const:ruct 1 on plans for improvements: the f 011 O~-Jl ng a. Drainage plans~ details and calculations. b. Paving plans, details, elevations and gradients. c. Water distribution plans, details, elevations and qradients d. Sewage collection plans, details, elevations and gradients e. Parking lot striping plan details Section 5-142 (f) drainage, (g) construction, (1) striping .. ~ Respectfully submitted, 1\' _"~.. ~~~ -- -- ~--- Vincent A. Finizio \ .... J :J MEMORANDUM From: John A. Guidry, Director of Director '" ,.~ . ~ , Utlll tl . .~ ir , To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Date: April 19, 1989 Subject: Special TRB Review - Ocean Avenue Multi-Purpose Facility Site Plan We offer the following comments on this project: 1. Stipulate that the fire line double check valve shall be installed by contractor. 2. We recommend suitable backflow preventers or vacuum break- ers on all sinks, janitor closets and hose bibbs. Irriga- tion lines shall also have.suitable vacuum breakers. ~ 3. Clarify the number and location of post indicator valves on the fire sprinkler line. 4. Specify materials on building water and sewer lines. We recommend ductile iron pipe in the area of the loading zone. 5. Will a hose bibb be provided in the dumpster area for wash down purposes? If so, also indicate appropriate drainage for the wash water to sanitary sewer, with the drained area contoured to limit storm water entry into the sanitary sewer system. dmt be: Peter Mazzella RECEIVED API 20 19S9 PLANNING DEPT.