REVIEW COMMENTS --n~ rAl:t:-~ ~ - SF -.. ",,$~~~~-/o. .~c~ ~ @ ~-~ ~~..~-~ 1o~ 4-x.%" (P. 2- ~~p,"- ;<k c2.~M ~ thL.. ~. dJt.<-<{AJL"(j )A-< /-:G ~ .~ ~~l.L.A 1-/'W~--' '-".~i~.~ ~A~ . C!Ji~~' .... ..~) ~@ ~~~ /ty/ - ff::1;t -_.- · . ,v, {LI/~ 3z} ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J.atw ~ 1?f ~ afflhw~ -OlScp-k @ ~J:} 1fj~t ~",1AP_ ~~?~):tI:i /<<?L~ .~-.A fECI. c7?S/ v (J) ~J"V ~;t:,~~X: ~~~ irz:-~/'~ ~ a>L ~rur c:z~~.D)," &/?L /~ A./ th<<.X... '/ ~d ~ .~. J!E" ~.L/L//t? y!dJ 0'2 7 ~~/ 1 Y ~ . ~ ( // /'- _-~ J CT - diy- ~_ ~-C . :'t.L4urA:~h~_ (() ~-:~ /V;:G/4~ 4J/) JJ~/ /~/~~ ~r BE:. C1Yl/Jti!/L af'/od{Zz. r \/V v -~ . :/ ~ ) "J :) /., " / I '-, ~"~''U.<.L. -/ j(. . ~ 170 W '~1J~(f~1 { ~f'r S {J 1JtrA o.L-' ....:::J fdunr~ ~~:i. ~1b IV 0 R. TIt {J :r.s T I<.:r c T fA-/?. k 4~PVRTToN5 (!}f=)rPf~:rcJrT~AlI2EV:r.s~fJ Jv :2\ ItCcc5S/t-J:5LE W:r!JTft FoR. 10 !)ECRt--=j5 t.A-Rk.r}IJ~ )r asr BE ;Z 7 F~tr. ~ 3- fRoVfDf DuftP5TcR.. ~C:Cosaf<.13 f)jSTJt-J--L &f LJ, -*.5 :reeVeD JrND 513MfP .5CfiR, VJ;Y N<~fA-Rj3j) /3 Y A- f[oR1D Ir !-ccc-:r5Tf5I<.f5D suf Vf5YOf( !JA-TED W+r-ff-FJr/ 6' It o Nilf.> ' ffJu5'. SlfoW5ETB/t-ckS (!)FALLSrl<C{cT(A/\~S F~ol1 PR 0 Pt:R. ry f] 0 u./I/!JJrR+ fS ~ / W:rL--LPffir-5E TWo J3E Af3L-f:; To ft !:eT 5ETBhc!: op 25 FcT:T? ~7, f6. (J) ~ /o~ (J ~ ~ Ii. Jv I). ~ ! 5.. Fr)/Jr- L- /) /( It- :rJJ It-~f fLit-A; ;i-Ai [) (A- Lc CA c kIF 0 AI J fl p~ u.. -F ~ I-~ rN LeT S It Vi cTuRes /f usT fJ 0 L,d/cJrTf5J) 7}.j r/3/? VTofAS .If k L-= ;t-5 t [JETir:rL5 (9N PRopos!:/) SFuNS S (f-o W {c9 {. .lr-r-Fo A/5 tJ F- Jf- L L wA- [, C s A--V D I r=A/cJ5 S. ;>12 0 v.:r () L: L-=-/vc-r )J c E R:rJ/ ~ 0 L':::: rA- + L 5 (9)/ lA-I( k-J:J/( ( 0 T c'o).J s T R U L r:r<9 )I" 5JOEW..+L!: cONS/f(u[T-Fo;(/ Ti<.JrFFTc FLDWf\~'A-AI c:rc: tf- r:r)/ ~ /) LA- Iv STAFF COMMENTS NORTH DISTRICT PARK NEW SITE PLAN Building Department See attached memo Engineering Department See attached memo utilities Department See attached memo Public Works Department See attached memo Planning Department See attached memo Police Department See attached memo Forester/Horticulturist See attached memo 1 \ . \ \ i MEMORANDUM 8 March 1989 TO: Charles Frederick, Director Recreation and Parks FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: Twenty-Three Acre Park In response to your memo of February 27th, please be advised of the following: 1. Recreational facilities are permitted in the C-2 Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District - See Sections 4.1 and 6.A.1.e. of Appendix A, Zoning. 2. The problem which results from is not one of use but height. buildings to 45' while the C-2 exceed 25'in height. the split zoning district The REC zone allows requires buildings to not 3. Changing the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use from Local Retail to Recreational for the portion of land where the conflict occurs, will not change the zoning. My recommendation is to process a height exception for the gymnasium if any portion of that building is to be located in the C-2 zoning district, and the height exceeds 25 feet. Concerning access to the sanitary sewer manhole, I suggest that you contact the City Attorney. c~~~ CARMEN S. ANNU IATO /bks / cc: James GOlden~ Bill DeBeck M E M 0 RAN DUM February 27, 1989 TO: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner RE: Twenty-three Acre Park Please assist in providing direction to Oscar Vagi, Inc. as requested in the attached letter relative to the zoning situation for the park. Thanks. ~ Charles C. Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department CCF:pb Attachment cc: Bill DeBeck RECEIVED MAR 2 1989 PLANNING DEPT. - ~ 2929 East Commercial Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Lauderdale, Aorida 33308 :Telephone (305) 491-1706 Oscar Vagi & associates architects Inc. February 22, 1989 Mr. Charles Frederick City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: 23 ACRE PARK Dear Mr. Frederick: At our meeting on February 15, 1989, questions were raised regarding- zoning and connection to City sewer. The "Official Zoning Map, City of Boynton Beach, Florida" indicates that a por- tion of site directly west of the Rainbow Grocery, is zoned C-2, Neighborhood Commercial District. My interpretation of the zoning map indicates that a por- tion of the proposed park and building are within the C-2 District. The park and community center building are not among the uses permitted within the C-2 District. Carmine Annunziato and Jim Golden have indicated to me that this portion of the site will be rezoned from C-2 to REC when the City of Boynton Beach Comprehen- sive Land Use Plan is approved by the State. Please indicate to us how you will pursue rezoning of this portion of site. If the C-2 portion of the site is to be rezoned by approval of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, please verify that rezoning of this portion of the site to REC is indeed affected by the approval of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and that this method of rezoning will not disrupt the anticipated project schedule. In addition, the only access to sanitary sewer services presently available is an existing manhole located in the adjacent privately owned property to the north of the proposed community center building. The City must notify owner of the property that civil engineering work will be done on his property, and secure the right of the contractor to do work on the private property. Please indicate to us if we are to assume that you will be able to secure access across the adjacent private property to the manhole, or if we must seek another means of access to sanitary sewer services. OSCAR VAGI AMERICAN INSTIl\JTE OF ARCHIT ECTS NATIONAl COUNCL OF ARCHITECTURAl REGISTRATION BOARO CE:IHlfICATE ROY AlINSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS ROYAl ARCHITECTURAl INSTITUTE Of CANADA Mr. Charles Frederick RE: 23 ACRE PARK February 22, 1989 Page Two Again, please provide us with a written directive as to how we are to proceed regarding zoning and access to sanitary sewer services. If we can assist you in the resolution of these problems, or if you require any additional informa- tion, please do not hesitate to contact us. y~ J. Scott Mire JSM/sfr ii / ~ II' '/ / .1 MEMORANDUM 8 March 1989 TO: Charles Frederick, Director Recreation and Parks FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: Twenty-Three Acre Park In response to your memo of February 27th, please be advised of the following: 1. Recreational facilities are permitted in the C-2 Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District - See Sections 4.l and 6.A.1.e. of Appendix A, Zoning. 2. The problem which results from is not one of use but height. buildings to 45' while the C-2 exceed 25'in height. the split zoning district The REC zone allows requires quildings to not 3. Changing the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use from Local Retail to Recreational for the portion of land where the conflict occurs, will not change the zoning. My recommendation is to process a height exception for the gymnasium if any portion of that building is to be located in the C-2 zoning district, and the height exceeds 25 feet. Concerning access to the sanitary sewer manhole, I suggest that you contact the City Attorney. e~~~ CARMEN S. ANN lATO /bks cc: James Golden Bill DeBeck MEMORANDUM February 27, 1989 TO: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner RE: Twenty-three Acre Park Please assist in providing direction to Oscar Vagi, Inc. as requested in the attached letter relative to the zoning situation for the park. Thanks. ~ Charles C. Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department CCF:pb Attachment CC: Bill DeBeck RECEIVED MAR 2 1989 PLANNING DEPT. - 1i 2929 East Commercial Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Lauderdale, Aorida 33308 Telephone (305) 491-1706 Oscar Vagi & associates architects inc. February 22, 1989 Mr. Charles Frederick City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: 23 ACRE PARK Dear Mr. Frederick: At our meeting on February 15, 1989, questions were raised regarding- zoning and connection to City sewer. The "Official Zoning Map, City of Boynton Beach, Florida" indicates that a por- tion of site directly west of the Rainbow Grocery, is zoned C-2, Neighborhood Commercial District. My interpretation of the zoning map indicates that a por- tion of the proposed park and building are within the C-2 District. The park and community center building are not among the uses permitted within the C-2 District. Carmine Annunziato and Jim Golden have indicated to me that this portion of the site will be rezoned from C-2 to REC when the City of Boynton Beach Comprehen- sive Land Use Plan is approved by the State. Please indicate to us how you will pursue rezoning of this portion of site. If the C-2 portion of the site is to be rezoned by approval of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, please verify that rezoning of this portion of the site to REC is indeed affected by the approval of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and that this method of rezoning will not disrupt the anticipated project schedule. In addition, the only access to sanitary sewer services presently available is an existing manhole located in the adjacent privately owned pr'operty to the north of the proposed community center building. The City must notify owner of the property that civil engineering work will be done on his property, and secure the right of the contractor to do work on the private property. Please indicate to us if we are to assume that you will be able to secure access across the adjacent private property to the manhole, or if we must seek another means of access to sanitary sewer services. OSCAR VAGI AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS NATIONAL COUNCL OF ARCHITECTURAl REGISTRATION OOAROCERl1FICATE ROYAl INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS ROYAL ARCHITECTURAl INSTITUTE OF CANADA Mr. Charles Frederick RE: 23 ACRE PARK February 22, 1989 Page Two Again, please provide us with a written directive as to how we are to proceed regarding zoning and access to sanitary sewer services. If we can assist you in the resolution of these problems, or if you require any additional informa- tion, please do not hesitate to contact us. J. Scott Mire JSM/sfr . . ; "" MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Bill DeBeck, Facilities/Project Manager Bud Howell, Building Official FROM: Charles C. Frederick, Director of Recreation & Parks SUBJECT: North Boynton Community Center March 13, 1989 DATE: Attached please find a memo from Oscar Vagi & Associates relating interpretation of the Standard Building Code in regards to a fire sprinkler system for the North Boynton Community Center. Ilm requesting your opinion on this requirement to determine if any exceptions are allowed. ~ Charles C. Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department CCF:pb Attachment CC: Mr. Peter L. Cheney, City Manager wiatt. The Planning Department does not enforce the~e~uirements of the Standard Building Code. -~<:lEI"JB!) ,/,). CWk " -14' ~>. = W:\\ Carmen S. A~ riZCIo~NNI\I"" I .:JI or rf PLAN I lh'd '~r.:,!' , _._,.~~~~~ - ~ , f ~ ~} / I [,,- j ('. (' r\', d '-" 2)28 E;,st Co:;-,rl1~rC!i:: C.:>~J'c'''':ird. Su':e 600 rort L;>uJc,ro"Jle, Fhrida 3::'.,'/)8 T c l-:-~jtl(;: 'C (iDS) .:",91-1"106 [', E> ~-;:. ()\.'; r ::l (_ S ( ~. C: t i f't ( t; t s c. 'en 9, ~, :; Ci t.'J (.If tCY-: j"' :-j('n Fc; c ('e 2. t i~)I'l ::l:-j:~ ? ;_~:":-~ s. ~ ',<::n t ?ost Oi'~ice 3r~x ~lC ~,oyrit'~n 20ac!:, FJ. C):~' i da ')?L?c::. ...... -" ,,--l f, ttn: l.'y, CL2r'"lles Fr'eder'ick J.'JJ: ).1,- 1:"'1(::\ ?::~.t.CH CC/.:~:~i~NITY C~=~'~~'ER , _f' ~': 'l DI::T~'ICT ~.(RK --,':-:'c;.~~, l:r,. '("<>21"1::;"::: r~jl-'~: .::-::.n t. to C0r c:~~~~'52Ll0~ 12::3: r:-.. _, ,_ .~ r. ~ ~ ~ "- ~ _-: 2,',. C::' _-"J \' /"-.2, T ?l~" ~'.-~ i~_~.ing . ~. to CeIl:- ::.-r-':r. tr-~2 t c'ur .~ ,~ ~ . ,,:""':" ;:;, .... -'-. _ ~ \" "'~ '-- ~ :-:'0:-1 of tLe ~-'~~l-'e C:I~:~-'': :--kl E-r JI_-' "~ :~....--_ ~- c::: _. c. _ _ ~ ~ -J ,_ :~' ;:):r' -;-'i-t::l :::. CJ:': \,T e LZ-:..rneo D!-'C- -~c..---+ :-;;:.s ~-'c:~,,1'~~e19d ~-~-~~t, a~ ~:~:~,C':~-_.3.-:::ic :'ir'c :>~)~-,j~<lt?r"" ~ ,T;::::>:::"12 ~...~tll t.":: :-;9ces:::.ar'v for at ~ ?::c:S t t:-it2 -~ -'-~>-''=.-C:::-I' ~~: ~~-':; ;; '=:;' . 7:-~e?::'_:~:~:-:::r~i ty for' t~:~:5 ('::-:=-'~'.1i~":::::-;~r~t is t.~ie Pal!T~ :=:':-:?::-. :,-'J:_,;"1'~Y ;;~_,?:~~;;>:-:-~t ">:J t~s :3.:'==-:-~,,~2!"d :::'<;ilj~~~-li; ,:::-:~')-je~ ',=~~"~r"=-sr 9, r\3r;=E~'-'::ph 901.'7.:3.2'.1 pt'oject :.hr,r:J'JGh the U28 of tT~^~'rO hour fir'e separatiOl""iS bet~.\~2en the ~Y~';~-.ssi 2Ild these 2~-'eas. (cC)~)y 2- tLJa.,=~:9j) .. ~:-; i s r''? '=1.) i~-'i?;:_}~ :-; t r-,2.Y be L1S g:::: tea in the 1>2::-~2 i r, i:-;g 2 r'e 3 S - _""\ .L~ ~- ::;. :~,~ '..=:::- .~~..., Our ~ssearch of t~~e prcb2ble C03t of t~:e a:ltor~iatic fi!~e S~;~:~~:l~~~ _'7.-_'-r" only t.he :~~~:~~;:-: ~~ =--~.1::: ~l-'-=;rE!~ J i~-jd i_ c:: te s that . , . 2:--: estl;;;;:;.:e lfl t h,e:, 5:,:J.C. ., -', ,,-, )\~I'_' ~.. r- ~, ':- '. ~- .-. \ i'")2I'ige lS ;;""":'I'~'-'(J-=:4-e. 'C'r_,tl:~~'5'. .. !~ l\K<Ol.2c,"-:'~'!~-~f:~Y<\ -, Fo:~ Oscar ~'~Sl & ~ssociat.es hrchitec~s, I~c. ~\"\;~~,c::;/,~ f'l" OSCAR Vl,GI , -,:_If :'~, ;,:,.-= i.... :... ~1 i "i'E .I .' _. I :,'0 (,n <t,,-,r'=,vcd ,',ute,r,',Dtlc ~'pr-il'kl(~r r:yc:tCf(\ ~-,h.',ll he,' i',"C'V1Ch,d In :::r",edl < ,. (r,:bly . c,ce';i,.'.!,cic5 h,ving a c,-pi,city c.f ~<~(?, ,'(.i':"~('S ;"C'I-(~, Ci"CL'pt chUt-cl:c~., b,'sed e,n the? ,,;iy,irnVf(\ c.c.:cup",I',cy c'::'I',t,_"t H',I"I,E'-1 H,5. 1. 11 I 1-1 H1Ut1 Ciccur:';,NT COin r=:IH. J l i_ ~ " " 1 1 (~i' ... In CI-{"'.PTER 10 FIF;E r:CSISH.{~~CE 6T~.';D;:rm FOR r:r.-rr=:rUr\l.8 A'm COf-':STr.UCTrr"~J 1 C :'.....-cnLcuLATED F Ii ,E r:E~~; I STn:IL::E (:DD Lt~CTICT-l1 lC::,4.1 Appendix "pOI is hereby rl1E.de part c-f this cc.de tOi2ethcr with the modification contained herein. H:. 'i. 1. 2-Tf.1LE P-~slCG. 24 - r:'JLL..TITUTE TH;:: FDUO:JIt'~1 TABLE P - 31eS.2A _.-.." __..._____________ __ .,___. __ _ _ _ ____ A___ ____ __ _____ _.. ___~._ _ __ .___... __ ____ ._.__ _"_ -"1"'- r.e:''"'IG''''D ."0 "'''1 LJ-.'Q'-,....D l'~t,.r'f-'('\..",c,lf 2 1 rh:' ,_.~...)..)-. J.'~,:' i ~..."~.._ _: j .i'. r"~':" 1....... .... ..'...,~:..i.::) -----...-~-..-.- --- ...- _.. - --....--- --- --~-- - - ------- ------ .--- - ----- - - ---- --~- - -- - -- - - --- n::rcr~lPTIO:-l OF FIf~ISH T If;E I h! t< I 1::';)[;:8 _.._-..,",~- ------ ~--~~--- ..----..---,-- - ---- ~---.....-.--- - _. -_.~- _._- -",,- 00--'_-- ___...___ _...". __ __8_ __ _ _.__ 1/2 in. f i b:-.:r~bc!i:xd 3/8 in. plY\'iC.od bor,dc:d l-:ith r.:xtC:t~ic.r DIlle? 15/32 in. plYI-lc.od bCi)'rdE.d I:i,th c:>dcrior glue IS/32 in. plYhoc.d bondE-d Idth cxtcrior glUe? 3/8 in. gyp!::urn l;allbo.J.rd 1/2 in. gypsum viall be.exd 5/8 in. gypsum w~llbo~rd 1/2 in. type X gypsum wallboard 5/8 in. type X gyp~um wallboard dOLlble 3/8 in. gypsum wallbc,ard 1/2 + 3/8 in. gypsum v,'allboat~d doub 1 e 1/2 i Y"l. gypSUln 1<"2 11 bOc.l~d 5 5 10 15 10 15 2,0 -::,t::'" ,_ ..J 1;0 ~,"" ':::..J 35 '{'0 1. Thcl:.e vclues apply only liheYI fl't,rning r:~_,;:,::'c:;-s C,j"t? cpi.,cc:d 16 in c.c. 2. On Hc'od fl'C::f(,c:d \'ialls, QYP~Ufn rr:(r(,i";l',~.)',(? bc,~,I'd ,hr.11 he> in;:t,~llcd ,';ith the? long dil(.CffSic.Yt po:.I"r::,lJ{?l '\..0 fj"r:"ing i _" t:)'5 Idth ,,-)1 joir,ts riyoishf~d. 3. On lle.c,d fri'.rned floor/ceiling c?s!"ernblies, gypsufn 1.)C''::.rd !Cha.ll be installed with the long dirnt?y,sic.rl perpendicula.r tc- frp.rt,iy,g f.1elnbers 2.nd shell1 haVE all jc.i.,ts finibhed. CGf,ehca.7 L::>3 r~EV. 11/12/e.G TO r ..r ~cc:.s. Go'-",;>~""'" ~IO~ C,-r-r -, FROM KC-\.N ..Je-tt- ~ ,r ~;:..fo.e.~'" /9c..rt' ~~ ~/,!~(c..... k/OI2-K:..P.!l5 ~ SUBJECT:....t(;~rJ-; ..2)~ .s-r~ t c.7 ....._ .. _'_m._..".'__.mm m ^"' ^' ._._..~.~__._ ..._. ._, '.._,._..__._.._.+_..__.._.._._.._.. ~,c .. ............DA TE:...~~,~-:f.,J..,-_...__._- ,.OLD . ~ rV\.P..'TIlE'f'Z.-..... G~ c.... 1-0 S'-" ~ loa "j3E- q...... G.L."'*9 ~g~ 'lO t=1:::.C>~1 D~ ::D,~ A'r~o4-C-t-f . PLEASE REPLY TO SIGNED REPLY DATE: SIGNED Item /I F269 Grayarc, P.O. Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104-2944 @ Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED CALLTOLL FREE: 1.llOO.243.52~ t"UIVAi\.iIVl-nil,.HOl).:i.... ..1.."'.....-." ...o1.l..i'.....~..,,, ~.-.i..... TO r r~Cd:::' GO'-?15,..,) 56-J I 0 tC.- c. ..,.., --, - FROM RC\.N,..,)~ ~6<r ~~o.e..4"'- /le,.I A..f t: ~..:s Lot c:.., tvI~nz..K:...P !l) /It. SUBJECT: ______!ti~I:t___~~~~~-~-~!-------.-.----.-.-.-!.~----------_.__.______.__._.________________________.__=____-DA TE:____~ y-f--J.---------- FOLD. ..J..A; ,,^?,..--rEf",,--- rC~ ~ L-c:> S...,. ~ I<<=> 'E3E:: ~..., Go l..-lIiiiii. D> ~~E;.. \0 ?e..C>~1 D <;C:.. :::r:::> I ~-r A'''' .c.o ~C-rl .. PLEASE REPLY TO SIGNED REPLY DATE: SIGNED Item /I F269 Grayarc, P.O. Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104.2944 @ Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COpy TO SENDER MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director DepartmenI(jL FROM: Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building DATE: April 5, 1989 RE: SITE PLAN - NORTH DISTRICT PARK Upon review of the above mentioned site plan, the following comments must be addressed in order for the project to conform with Boynton Beach city codes: 1. Indicate on the plans the proposed type of construction in accordance with Chapter 4 and 6 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 edition. 2. Health Department approval is required for the concession stand. 3. All site amenities must be accessible to the handicapped. A handicapped ramp should be provided at the drop-off area. 4. Site plans should be corrected to match the latest survey documents regarding the building overhang over the property line. 5. All plans submitted for public record by a design profes- sional, registered in the State of Florida, must be signed and sealed. 6. A Palm Beach County Engineering Department permit is required for work in the Seacrest Boulevard right-of-way. 7. Curbing must be provided around all landscape areas adjacent to parking stalls. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. R. E.,crT~fr;-'-;-.." , " L...( 't; JC..L~ , APR S lHB9 PLANNj;-.G -'-----~~;;,.,.....;.:;~.;,'.;,;.~:;;.,,~ DJ:eaf cc:TRB File Ij.!;;.t'.!,qgA,I~'p',~.J,I~', Tel: .:Jim boldE:'n Senio~ City Planner () .ii. ,/ () ~:5 ./ ~3 i.:} From: Vincent A. Finizio Engineering Department J:::'<':ICJE" :I. u'f :? Vi ;':'1 : Wi 1 :!. :i, am ... ~:). F 1.. l..l ~?'h :;, n CJ 14lf/l' ActIng Llty ~nglneer Subject: City of Boynton Beach 23 Acre Site and Multi-Purpose Community Center 1. PI'''Dvj.df.~ "l"'I,.;:\ndici::\p En!?,iqnii::'\" at. f,;:i"lch h,,::\nd:i.c:,;,'\p pc:il'"!d,nq st.dl. Article X, Boynt.on Beach Parking Lot Regulations, Section 5-:1.41 (1'1) Handic:ap Standards. 2. Specify the use of approved limerock as suitable base material along with applIcable material and compaction specifications. (98 % of T-:l.80 Moisture/Density Relationship Test) S(:?c:tion ~5-"'1':I.l (1'1) CDnstl"L.lction bt:.i:ilndE:\I'"d!5 ~. Indicate on plans the construction of continuous pedestrian CDnc~ete sidewalks and fully sodded/ir~igated swales within the public rights-of-way for both N.W. 17th Ave. and N.W~ 19th Ave. Const~uc:tion must comply with City of Boynton Beach Standard Swale Detail~s Dr'awing #A-"8(>(:)3:3, Ct1aptel~ 22 Str-eets/E3idewalk: Ordinance and Environmental Landscape Ordinance Chapter 7.5 4. Continuous raised concrete curbing (as shown) exceeds minimum City of Boynton Beach btandards. Eighteen (18) inch depth (as shown) should be ~educed to 13 1/2 inches and sUPPDrted at back of curb with suitable topsoil. Delete the two (2) steel bars and provide Dna (1) inch deep relief cuts at twenty (20) fDDt intervals. Refe~ to City of Boynton Beach Standa~d Drawing #A-86030 - Standard Detail for Raised Continuous Curb. 5. Diminish the one (1) wide smooth su~face between decorative sidewalks and diminish this smooth su~face to six (6) inches in orde~ to ~educe the ~isk of pedestrians slipping on smooth concrete surfaces. Section 5-140 (a) Safety Objectives and Chapte~ 22 Streets and Sidewalks. (I" Df~], E~t l~ "wh it (.:;: II Cl,':!n t: E"I'" J. in E:-! p i:'l v (-::'m(,:;:n t fll,,?lI'" kin g ~~ in de: c: DI''' dan c: f.~ ~.J:i th thE~) "TI"I(':,;' Ivlii:H1L.li;d of Un i + ol'''m 'r!''' i:?lf f i c: C:;ontn::d" Section 3A-7 Types of Longitudinal Lines (9) which states the foIl o~..,:i. nq = "(..~ so 1 :i. d y(.:;: 11 ow J i n (:,,' <::1 <:-:~ J :i. n E!<:~ t E.!S t I"', (.'., I c,:,'f t. c:'c1 q(,::.' o.f C'~ t 1''' a '.if..'., J r' i:,\ t h t: 0 indicate a rest.riction against passing 01'1 the left or delineates the left edge of each ~oadway 0+ divided streets or highways, onE~""'Wi::~ y I'" oadv'J<:\\i!:s!1 <',\1"1 cI I'" ,::,rop ~_"; iI''', t: h (:,:~ c:l:i. J'" c:'c:: t :i. on 0+ t I'" i", V(.:~! I II u 23 Acre Site cont'd I:::' ,:\ q E' ~';:': 0 + 2 7. Handicap stalls along the west parking area should have a concrete walkway constructed at the front of the stall, connected to the asphaltic concrete pedestrian path, to provide a proper handicap access to the pathway without having to enter a traffic lane. Section 5-140 (a) Safety Objectives (generally recommended) 8. Stop signs shall be in conformance with the M.UnT.C.D. and be erected a minimum of seven (7) feet in height above grade and grouted in-place. Section 5-141 (n) Requlatory Sign Standards. 9n Handicap signs shall above grade and grouted (1<) ,:H1d SE~cticm ~5"-'14:l. (n) be erected a minimum in-place con+orming Handicap Standards. of five (5) feet with Section 5-142 10. Scrub Preservation Fence shall be erected to standard Dno.Tn specifications which specifies the lower six (6) inches of fence to be buried in soil to prohibit persons from entering under fence-lines. (generally recommended) 11. Provide depressed grassy areas at all inlet structures. Inlet grates elevations should be approximately four (4) inches higher than the bottom of swale grade. Respectfully submitted, U..~..._~~...~..Q..~A..~_.._..... V:incE0nt A. Finizio MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director 9 L / Uti lities i dL~ From: John A. Guidry, Director of Date: April 5, 1989 Subject: TRB Review - North District Park - Site Plan We offer the following comments on this project: 1. Clarify the number and size of meters to be used on-site. 2. A reduced pressure backflow preventer is required in the irrigation line from the potable water system to prevent a cross-connection with the non-potable system. 3. A double check valve assembly is required on the fire sprinkler line. 4. Locate the domestic meter off of the 8" main near the building. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella MEMORANDUM 5 April 1989 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: NORTH DISTRICT PARK- Site Plan 1. Surveys are required to be sealed to verify that it is prepared by a registered land surveyor. Appendix A, Section 11.A.1. 2. As a cost consideration and point of information, driveways (other than access aisles where a 27 foot backup is required) leading to parking lots may be decreased in width from 27 feet to a minimum of 20 feet. Article X, Section 5-142.h.1. and i.1. 3. The two surveys submitted and all other drawings submitted conflict with respect to the location of the existing building. Drawings should be revised to show the accurate location of the existing building as either an encroachment on the adjacent property to the north or within the boundary lines of the subject parcel. Article II, Section 19-17.b. C!...D- _ T (/l~..~ CARMEN S. UNZIATO CSA/csd xc: Central File #50-Northdis MEMORANDUM 5 April 1989 TO: File FROM: James Golden RE: NORTH DISTRICT PARK HEIGHT EXCEPTION On April 4, 1989 the City Commission approved the above-referenced request (see memorandum,_ dated March 27, 1989 from the Planning Director to the City Manager for the specific recommendation). ~~. C/ JAMES GOLDEN Ibks III. CONSEr.ur AGENDA D.2 ee: Bldg, Plan, Eng, Util MEMORANDUM MAR r 1989 CI TV rt~l\N/\GEH'S OFFICE 27 March 1989 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager \ , FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Height Exception - Twenty-three Acre Park Community Center As noted in the attached memo from Charles Frederick, a small portion of the proposed community center which is to be located in the twenty-three acre park will exceed the C-2 district height limitation of twenty-five (25) feet. Specifically, a triangle with an elevation of four (4) feet and an hypotenuse of twelve (12) feet will encroach into the C-2 City owned property to a height of approximateOly thirty-seven (37) feet. Technically, a height exception for that portion of the building in excess of twenty-five feet (25) feet in height is required. The total cubic volume of the requested exception is approximately 288 cubic feet, or in more understandable terms, about the size of a typical walk-in closet. For this reason, I do not believe the strict requirement of an analysis of the impacts of this encroachment against the performance criteria listed in Section 4F of Appendix A, zoning is necessary. Therefore, I recommend that the City Commission make findings that the construction of a community center/gymnasium requires that mechanical infrastructure be installed within a building with the result that it cannot be constructed within the twenty-five (25) foot district height regulation; and, that the size and volume of the encroachment are so negligible that no negative impacts will re~ult from the 9rant~n9 Qf thi~ aFP~Qv~l! Incidentally, the nearest neighbors are the back of the Rainbow City grocery store a City lift station. C~RMiN i ANN~ /bks height.exp cc: Charles Frederick ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM FROM: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Charles C. Frederick, Director of Recreation & Parks TO: SUBJECT: Twenty-three Acre Park; Height Exception Request . \ DATE: March 22, 1989 Your 'assistance is requested in preparing a height exception request for the auditorium section of the co~nunity center planned for the 23 acre park site on North Seacrest Boulevard. A small portion of this structure, approximately 4 ft. x 12 ft. of the northwest corner, encroaches into the C-2 portion of the property which is also a part of the park design. This small portion of the building is 36 ft., 6 in. high at the parapet, thus exceeding the height limit by 11 ft., 6 in. Per Mr. Cheney's suggestion request this exception request be placed on the Commission consent agenda for the April 4th meeting. Thank you for your help. ~~. Charles C. Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department CCF:pb CC: Bill.DeBeck ~ " ..' ') Rl1C~~ I ~ - jG~ ~\)::, p~N~\\~G \)~r (. __ k-:-;'. . ~:.-..-:........ t , , ... ..... --..... -. MEMORANDUM TO Mr. James Golden Planning Department DATE 6 April 89 ,.1...11 F..OM Lt. Dale S. Hammack 5UBJllCT North District Park As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 4 April 1989, I am requesting the following: Change wall design at exit door to mechanical area to eliminate the corner by the door. Respectfully, .-/ J (l ' il L/{)JJ ~~J- Lt. Dale S. Hammack M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist DATE: April 6, 1989 RE: North District Park - Site Plan This memorandum is in reference to the landscape plan submitted for the above project: 1. The parking area should be visually screened from both Seacrest Boulevard and NW 19th Avenue. This can be accomplished by replacing the Wedelia Triloba in these areas with a 18-24" native hedge or transplanted scrub vegetation. 2. The Oak trees in the interior parking lot areas must have a clean trunk of 6' at time of planting. -X:.~. ~...,J ~ / U Kevin J. Hallahan ' Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:A:NDPK MEMORANDUM TO: George Hunt, Assistant City Manager Engineering Department Administrator FROM: Charles C. Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department DATE: June 30, 1989 RE: T.R.B. Recommendations From Engineering Department For North District Park Site The attached report needs amendment based on T.R.B. discussion of item #3. The T.R.B. agreed that the requirement of sidewalks and sodded/irrigated swales for NW 17th Avenue can be postponed until Phase II of the park development project; consequently, not required in the site plans for the current Phase I project. Would you forward a memo to Jim Golden, Planning Department,and Roger Kuvar, Engineering Department, advising them of this action. They in turn can advise the architect of the deletion of this requirement from the T.R.B. staff staff comments as previously submitted. Thank you. ~~ Charles C. Frederick Director, Recreation & Park Dept. Attac~ent CC: vjim Golden, Planning Department Carmen Annunziato, Director, Planning Department Roger Kuvar, Engineering Department Bill DeBeck, City Manager's Office John Wildner, Superintendent, Parks Division CCF:ad RECEIVED . 5 fS8~ ~~ f#lf: ~- MEMORANDUM To: Jim Golden Senior City Planner 04/05/89 f From: Vincent A. Finizio Engineering Department Via: William V. Flushing ~ Acting City Engineer page 1 of 2 Subject: City of Boynton Beach 23 Acre Si te and Mul ti -Purpose Communi ty Center- ,. 1. Provide "Handicap Ensignia" at each handicap parking stall. Article X, Boynton Beach. Parking Lot Regulations, Section 5-141 (n) Handicap Standards. 2. Specify the use 'of approved limerock as suitable base material along with applicable material and compaction specifications. (98 Yo of T-180 Moisture/Density Relationship Test) Section 5-141 en) Construction Standards 3. Indicate on plans the construction of continuous pedestria~ concrete sidewalks and fully sodded/irriaated swales within the public riahts-of-way for both N.W. 17th Ave. and N.~. 19th Ave. Construction must comply with City of Eioynton Eteach Standard Swale Details Drawing 8A-80033, Chapter 22 Streets/Sidewalk Ordinance and Environmental Landscape Ordinance'Chapter 7.5 4. Continuous raised concrete curbing (as shown) exceeds minimum City o~ Boynton Eteach Standards. Eighteen (18) inch depth (as shown) should be reduced to 13 1/2 inches and supported at back of curb with suitable topsoil. Delete the two (2) steel bars and provide one (1) inch deep relief cuts at twenty (20) foot intervals. Refer to City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawing 8A-86030 - Standard Detail for Raised Continuous Curb. 5. Diminish the one (1) wide smooth surface between nacorative sidewalks and diminish this smooth surface to six (b) inches in order to reduce the risk of pede~trians slipping on smooth concrete surfaces. Section ~-14CI (a) Safety Objectives and Chapter 22 Streets and Sidewalks. 6. Delete "whitetl centerline pavement markings in accordance with the "The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control" Section 3A-7 Types of Longitudinal Linea (9) which states the following: "A solid yellow line delineates the left edge of a travel path to indicate a restriction against passing on the left or delineates the left edge of each roadway of divided streets or highways, one-way roadways, and ramps in the di r~c:t i 01"\ of travel". M E M 0 RAN DUM #90-151 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager DATE: August 10, 1990 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk SUBJECT: Grant of Easement , , ; ,'Attached please find a copy of the Grant of Easements made . r ~tween ~rthur Matthews and the Ci ty of Boynton Beach. , l PLEASE,ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF SAME. I ,/ ~ ~<2~ Sue Kruse mas cc: Utilities Director BPilding Official vlnterim City Planner Engineering Admin. Rec. & Parks Dir. RECl21\!'ED AUG 13 1900 PLANNiNG OEPf. ~- -,~ - ~~ I I ! I' I ~ ~ ~,.._-~.....~.., ~., -- IiI I I I II 11 t t J I . J I I ~ ~ i .f' .~ I ~ o o - o '0 r 0, . I , t .~ ~' ,.1~ :I'J . '.. ,':1;' .il f ! I ~ I ~ I ~I ~I '~W I I [!n i~[f ! ffUff fS If 'if: il"f fgl~1 jnJ! ~ Ihl Irl ~, Ii: { I f q'fr J ~ , I f,j :' Ii II/I ,If ; , (,. .~ I : I i~ ~ lIP I .1 J .1 , . I .tl J II r II ! r ~ r J -I i I I i I I I I I I I I I i I i I ~'CRU. PRESERVATION fENCE j . I ,j I i I .i I. j r- ,4 ) ~ I ;;.---------_.J " ,,1 I "'----.J , I I I , , , l. , , '- '~~P(C7If/~ I I I I # I ! ) ( 0 "\ o ~ ,..--.--.--. :;'-.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.----.--\ I " ' . I' '.. , I . IJ" , I . , ' I I I, I , ' I I .1 I . I I ; I I ~ .Infllld A oJ~"""L~ l:Uio cur ('1'Jl") *(~) * ,@~~ /0 '4lQ~ 'T!'el , ClltCI'ell ~ r * @ ~&.f ~ 0* ~- /1&01(11 * * .!. :'~~~O j ~.,~ !il B rili H o o ...;1",....,............. _ _.:. _ _ _-0; - --~ - - - - --- -- ---- -:-.----- ----- , -------..1' o N.W. 17th AVENUE ) o o 0 Ll)CA TION M,A~ NORTH DISTRICT PARK 1,'.~~.rs.""--.,<<r.''T"""' . ~ '''~';'.'.- .~ ".' I.'v...~ '~j(... -1 :.~:,~~~J~~tiJD :. . ...,~;p '<I;,";,l,(,1 ~1: 1. .,;.J.o,.- .;'~'~:.:.\~.: ~; " ''-''~J.'I'" .~. q.,;, , . . ~~ " ... ~ .t-..".,. "I " , ',1;';;> "'f' . '" ,.;,.i.;..:J:'~" . '.:I~"""1,,,l;i.,,,.,,, ., ""Q-r' . . ~ " ; :' ~. 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