LEGAL APPROVAL ~ ' -- . RESOLUTION NO. R-8S-179 RESOLUTION OF.THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO REZONE PROPERTY AFTER ANNEXATION, PURSUANT TO ~171.062, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH RESOLUTION NO. -84-0000. WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 84-0000, the City of Boynton Beach has requested permission from the Board of County Commissioners o~ Palm Beach County to Rezone the property described therein after Annexation of same into the Corporate Limits of the City; and WHEREAS, the property is currently zoned AR-Agricultural Residential and is subject to County Land Use Controls; and WHEREAS, the City proposes to rezone the parcel to PUD-Planned :.Unit Development with a land use intensity of five (S) dwelling units per acre (low density residential); and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan identifies the subject ,;site as having a Low to Medium Residential Land Use designation, allowing - for three units per acre in a standard subdivision and five units per acre in a Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, the Zoning proposed by the City of Boynton Beach is , consistent with the County's Land Use Designation of Low to Medium , . Res iden t ia1 ; and WHEREAS, the Planning, Zoning, and Building Department has reviewed t~ request and has determined that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of Low to Medium Residential for the subject site and will not have a significant impact upon County systems, as outlined in the January 2S, 1985 , . , ~ memorandum from the Planning Division, 'attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Coordination Element Section of the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Land Use Plan (Ordinance 80-8, as amended by Ordinances 81-Z7 and 82-26) provides that the Board of County ='.: Commissioners may find the proposed waiver request compatible with the Comprehensive Plan if the uses and/or densities proposed will have no significant impact upon County Systems, or such effect is mitigated by compliance with the Performance Standards; and '~7 ~ , WHEREASt Florida Statutest f171.062t requires that when a City desires to rezone property which was previously subject to County Land Use Controlst that the City must request and receive permission for such change from the Board of County Commissioners of the respective County; NOW t THEREFORE t BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTYt FLORIDA, THAT: 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby affirmed and ratified. 2. This Board finds that the rezoning proposed by the City of Boynton Beach will have no significant impact upon County Systems. 3. The request of the City of Boynton Beach, in its Resolution No. 84-0000, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. The foregoing Resolution was sponsored by Commissioner 'Snillias who moved for its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Marcus , and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: KEN ADAMS, CHAIRMAN KAREN T. MARCUS, VICE CHAIRMAN KEN SPILLIAS JERRY L. OWENS DOROTHY H. WILKEN AYE AYE -AYE AYE AYE The Chairman thereupon declared the Resolution duly passed and adopted this 5th day of February, 1985. ,/ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. !~BNKh~ JOHN B. DUNKLE. Clef!) · s,rDE~f:~&{r~ ~!~ · , \ \ ':'.." 2 11 I - ~ .. J,~' ~) : .., '~~.~'''' 'I ;( ii ORDINANCE NO. gf-57 i! AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ~1ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-19 OF SAID CITY BY ZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN WHICH IS BEING SHmLTANEOUSLY HEREWITH ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, BY ORDINANCE AS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WITH A LAND USE INTENSITY OF 5.00; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PROVISIONS, AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 80-19 in which a Revised Zoning Map was adopted for said City; and w~EREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, simultaneously herewith adopted an Ordinance annexing a parcel of land more particularly described herein into the City limits of said City; and WHEREAS, the owners and agents of the property have requested the above-mentioned zoning classification; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has heretofore approved said development and has recommended approval thereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it in the best interests :d'~';'l""," :...~. . of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Revised 1: i II Zoning l~ap as hereinafter set forth. Ii I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF i :-r:r:,.: ,_.' '-.' . THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the following described land, located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) , with a land use intensity I I (LUI) of 5.00, which intens~ty is determined to be appropriate - I I I under the circumstances represented to the City in said application and is conformity with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Said land is more particularly described as follows: The east ~ of the west ~ of the northwest ~ of the northeast ~ and the west ~ of the east ~ of the northwest ~ of the north- east ~ of Section 7, Township 45 south, Range 43 east, Palm Beach County, Florida, less the north 108 feet thereof. SUBJECT TO easements, reservations, restrictions and rights-of-way of record. Said parcel containing 17.695 acres, more or less. i' ,- '.. -,.l, ,; ~:... - ~'..r . , ~ I," ". ~ . / Section 2: That the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map of the City shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: That the application of the owners and agents of the subject property for rezoning is hereby granted for the purpose of permittinq the development of said land as a Planned Unit Development (PUD), specifically in accordance with the development plans and specifications therefor now on file with the Office of the City Planner in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and all requirements, terms and conditions established and set forth in the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach pertaining to the review and approval of said application, which minutes are hereby made a part hereof for reference, and staff comments are attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Except as provided herein, the applicants shall proceed in strict accordance with all Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, including but not limited to, its building, electrical, plumbing, subdivision, planning and zoning codes, and all ruies and regulations of the State of Florida, Department of Environ- mental Regulation. In satisfaction of the recreation dedication requirements of the City Code, this approval incorporates a payment by the owner of the subject parcel consistent with the Planning II and Zoning Board approval. )i Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of thi,s Ordinance. Section 6: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING THIS J~ day of j)e{!eH1ber 1984. SECOND READING AND FINAL PASSAGE this r-.2 n d l. I , I I day of dIX.YI ! , 1985. j, i . :-::'/(~";1l:r::~,':' , ' : . : ,: \ " : ~ \ ~. . I') . l \ \..:')"" ~HE CI~Y OF BOYN~ON BE~CH, F1DRID~ t4A'iOR 'l!.CE M.l',sOR J ..) tC t C~aA( C!.L ~'\.EM.BER ~ l\'r'rES'r : ~seal ) .,', --" ,.' _.', ~. I.' I' . REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOV&~BER 20, 1984 ....4~':'~~....c.,....;~.:~;- ,:"" ~. t ~..;<' '.':'~'f'~:~':~,\ ..~- ,,' ....- .,- ," PUBLIC HEARING Approve request to annex, rezone and amend the land use element of a 17.7 acre tract of land currently vacant and undeveloped to permit the development of a planned unit development to be known as Lakes of Hypoluxo on the south side of Hypoluxo Road, l506 feet west of Congress Avenue. These requests were submitted by Richard Whalen, agent for Walter H. Janke. Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this is a request to annex, rezone and amend the land use element to show annexed land as low density residential and he explained the loca- - 8 - Eh,b,T "II I, " .'<.-" .~ . . " .( REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 20, 1984 tion. He further explained that this property meets the Comprehensive Plan conditions for annexation. He told about the development planned. Comments from the city staff have been submitted. Included in his comments are the comments from the County Traffic Engineer. As proposed, the number of units exceeded the low density category: however, with the criteria placed, the applicant will drop under and fall into the land use category. Mayor Zimmerman referred to the other two pockets in this area annexing and Mr. Annunziato replied that he did notify the property owners to the east and west. He did have a followup conversation with the property owner to the east, who has a nursery, and he was not interested in annexation, but does recognize his future is with the city of Boynton Beach. The property owner to the west had very little com- ment. Mr. Annunziato continued that Hypoluxo Road does form the north limits of the reserve annexation area and the city wraps around on the south and goes to Lawrence Road. Councilman Warnke referred to this presently being agri- cultural and Mr. Annunziato agreed that is the present "r;:;,),;~;.<"zoning, but it is not being used for agriculture purposes. ',. .~ ~-:..-~ ,"\^,;,'. .".-' "-. 'Councilman Cassandra questioned if the increase in frontage to 55 ft. would still allow 87 units and Mr. Annunziato informed him it would decrease to 75 units and approval is recommended subject to staff comments. Mr. Chris Hurst, Paramount Engineering Group, showed a print with the 55 ft. lot frontages requested and pointed out the number of lots would be 78 with a gross density of 4.4. Councilman Cassandra asked if he was in agreement with all the staff comments and Mr. Hurst replied affirmatively as he doesn't believe anything will present a problem. Mayor Zimmerman ascertained there was nobody present in the audience wishing to speak either in favor or opposition to this request. Councilman Cassandra moved to approve this based on the Planning & Zoning Board's unanimous recommendation subject to staff comments. Vice Mayor Ferre~l seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilman Cassandra read Item 6 on Mr. Annunziato's memo and suggested possibly including a certain number of years to give a general time that we will recoup our service. He suggested possibly adding an additional item noting our water supply is still adequate at the pre- sent moment. - 9 - ;,...- .~. ~.~- - ~ .) .. . lo f. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOV&~BER 20, 1984 Councilman Warnke stated this is another example of 17 acres of reserved agriculture land being changed to development. He personally cannot see this and is going on record not in favor of annexing or converting any more land from agri- culture to development. Councilman Cassandra responded that there is nothing wrong with Mr. Warnke's statement, but it would be in conflict with rounding off our boundaries. Councilman Warnke stated he did not see any aesthetic value of rounding off the boundaries and the voters also said not to annex. Vice Mayor Ferrell clarified that the voters approved rounding off the boundaries and also, this is not being used as agriculture. Motion carried 4-1 with Councilman Warnke dissenting. ... \_< ~~" .<h....~. .;., ......>-....;,.- - 10 - ....... ,;-' :"" . .-""',r-'~<"N" ;,\lo .- - \- '". ., . ~/01 <;j - " MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOV&~BER l3, 1984 NEW BUSINESS A. PUBLIC HEARINGS ANNEXATION l. project Name: Agent: Lakes of Hypoluxo Richard Whalen for Contemporary Community Concept'Corporation Walter H. Janke Hypoluxo Road, south side, 1500 feet west of Congress Avenue Annexation of a 17.7 acre tract of land, currently vacant and undeveloped, to permit the development of a Planned Unit Development Owner: Location: Description: LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT AND REZONING 2. Project Name: Lakes of Hypoluxo Planned Unit Development Agent: Richard Whalen for Contemporary Community Concept Corporation Owner: Walter H. Janke Location: Hypoluxo Road, south side, 1500 feet west of Congress Avenue Description: Request to show annexed land as Low EX/If /;/ ( /} 4 - 2 - ." -';~'..""- ., \, . , t' MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOV&~BER l3, 1984 Density Residential and to rezone from AR Agricultural Reserve to a Planned Unit Development with Land Use Intensity = 5 to permit the development of 85 zero lot line, single family residential units Because these two hearings were related, Chairman Ryder said the Board would take them together but vote on them separately. Chairman Ryder said this is on the northerly limits of the current corporate limits and is in a County unincorporated pocket. This is off the corner of Hypoluxo and Congress Avenues. Mr. Annunziato read his Memorandum, dated November 6, 1984, which was addressed to the Board. Under the Comprehensive Plan Policies, paragraph 2, page 3 of his memo, Mr. Annunziato read Exhibit B. He also read the "Comments on Annexation" from the Recreation and Parks, Police, Building, and Personnel and purchasing Departments. To paraphrase the comments of Robert Flanagan, Senior planner, County Planning Department, in his letter of October 4, 1984, Mr. Annunziato said they anticipate that the proposed development will be consistent with the County Land Use plan for this area in terms of density and asked the Board to be concerned about traffic on Hypoluxo Road although they note that Performance Standard No. 3 con- cerning major thoroughfares should be addressed. As a part of that, Charles R. Walker, Jr., County Traffic Engineer, wrote a letter to Mr. Annunziato, dated October 9, 1984, recommending that the project be assessed a fair share impact fee based on the current rate of $300 per single family unit and that they be required to construct a left turn lane, east approach on Hypoluxo Road at the project's entrance. The letter also stated no impact fee credit should be given for the construction as it is site related. Mr. Cannon showed the site plan on the overlay. Mr. Annunziato said Canal 18 separates the project from Hypoluxo Road. The applicant is proposing to extend a private road into the site, terminating into a loop road with four cul-de- sacs and drainage ponds Mr. Annunziato read the planning Department's recommendation that the rezoning request be approved subject to staff comments, which appeared as Exhibit C. He read the co~ents from the Building, utility, Recreation and Parks, and Planning Departments. - 3 - " . . MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOV&~BER 13, 1984 Mr. Annunziato said utilities will exist in the near future west, east, and south. The Meadows 300 PUD will have major utilities' finds' systems in the public roads with easements platted to the north. Also, on Lawrence Road, there are major sewer and water facilitie~ which serve the high scho~l. In paragraph lib" of the Planning Department's comments, Mr. Annunziato added, "and front lot line~" with reference to paragraph "c", he said they have found in some of the zero lot line projects that they have had there is not an ample opportunity for the end home owner to utilize his property for things like screened porches and pools. By increasing the width of the lot to 55 feet, they could then have a 40 foot wide house or structure and still have ample room for screened porches. They were originally requesting 45 feet. Chairman Ryder thought that was an important observa- tion. Mr. Annunziato said the staff recommendation is that the annexation be approved and that the zoning be approved sub- ject to staff comments. Six reasons were listed for the recommendation. Mr. Hester asked if they were going to approve with the increase in density. If the Board adopts the recommendation of 55 feet, Mr. Annunziato thought the applicant would lose enough units to bring them below and into this category. Christopher V. Hurst, P.E., Vice President of Paramount Engineering Group, 350 Camino Gardens Blvd., Boca Raton, Florida 33432, brought a sketch plan which addressed the questions Mr. Annunziato addressed regarding the minimum lot sizes and setbacks. The plan reflected 55 foot widths on the lots. The depth of the lots was 105 feet, which was the same as it has been. with the 55 foot wide lots and the rest of the requirements they would be meeting, Mr. Hurst said they should be able to make the 25 foot front and rear setbacks. They are attempting to conform to the points raised by the Planning Department.- Mr. Hurst informed Chairman Ryder that, at present, the 'streets are proposed to be private. They are 50 foot right- of-ways. The density is also somewhat reduced. Mr. Hurst believed the analysis was based on 85 units and now there will be 78 units. The plan Mr. Hurst had also addressed about the entrance. The entrance was to the existing median cut. Chairman was to facilitate the lefthand turn. the question raised relocated to conform Ryder asked if that Mr. Hurst replied that - 4 - , , . ~ . . ~. , r . , . MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 13, 1984 the existing median cut is for a road on the north side of Hypoluxo, so they would not be able to move it because they would block off the road. Chairman Ryder asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor of the application. There was no response. Chairman Ryder asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the proposal. There was no response. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Chairman Ryder recognized the presence of Councilman Samuel Lamar wright, who entered the meeting at 7:55 P. M., and said the Board was honored to have the entire city Council present. Motion on Annexation Mr. Linkous moved, seconded by Mr. Schultz, to approve the annexation. Motion carried 7-0. Motion on Land Use Element and Rezoning Mr. Hester moved, seconded by Mr. Linkous, to approve the land use element and rezoning subject to staff comments. Motion carried 7-0. - 5 - , .~.' "'.~ _ COMMENTS ON ANNEXATION ( Recreation and Parks: The-seven acre park approved and dedicated as a part of the Meadows--300 Planned Unit Development is within one-hal~ mile of this property and it will serve these new ,residents. Police: This request is to be considered as a part of the overall westward expansion of the City ,and our manpower requirements are budgeted on an annual basis. Building: This project should not unduly burden this department at this time. Personnel and Purchasing: As ~ith all annexations, if services are increased the Personnel and Purchasing departments will have to process additional people if needed by affected departments. Also, any equipment or services purchased will be processed by the Department. t .~. #~>~> ~. .: ,;~ .... :...~.t';~,;~>.....,-",:' :'~'t.,<<.:.~~tii County Administr;ttor or..': " '~3t\ 1")' . -.,.; l.H:.r-T., \ ~U-\\'h"II''W' - _ ,_,-::;:;~ - October 4, 1984 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Ave. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Re: Proposed Lakes of Hypoluxo P.U.D., South Side ot Hypoluxo Road, Between Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue, Consisting of 17.7 Acres Dear Mr. Annunziato: The above referenced Lakes of Hypoluxo residential project proposed for the Hypoluxo Road area is described in the attached legal description. The project's site plan submitted to this office for our review showed a total of 85 lots on the 17.7 acre site which results-in a gross density of 4.8 units per acre. - This proposed density figure of 4.8 is within the maximum permitted density for this particular location according to the Palm Beach County Land, Use Plan. The County's land use category for this site \.,ill allow a Low to Hedium residential density of up to five dwelling units per acre in a Planned Unit Development dependant upon mandatory compliance with the Plan's Performance Standards. \ Consequentially, the County does not object to the proposed density as such, but the County is especially concerned about the Plan's Performance Standard No.3 - ~ajor Thoroughfares. In particular, the County requests that the review of this residential project carefully consider the impact of these additional 85 units upon the ability of Hypoluxo Road, Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue to handle the increase in traffic generated by this project. 3400 BELVEDERE ROAD . WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33406 . (305) 471.3520 - -,..-;,. ~' :, ..~.. "-.:._- '1 .\~~'I..:~:.;....",_......? . ~ . r ( ( - ( ." 4.... --~-- ---.. -.. Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato October 4, 1984 Page 2 If you have any questions, please contact our office. RF:cjs Encl. Sincerely, I<~~ Robert Flanagan Senior Planner B~ara of County Commissioners Ken Spil1ias, Chairman Dorothy Wilken, Vice Chairman Peggy B. Ev:ltt Dennis Koehl~r Bill Bailey ( \ october 9, 1984 - County Administrator John C, Sansbury - Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert . County Engineer Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato Director of planning City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 eCT 1 i 1~~~ ... r....:PT PLAi\i'~"\u &01.... ~ l" SuaJECl': prop:>sed L:lkes of Hypoluxo, P.U.D. Annexation - Dear Mr. Annunziato: As per your request, this office has reviewed the Lakes of Hyp:>luxo master plan for traffic considerations. Given the number of lots proposed, it is my opinion that this development would create less than a significant impact and therefore, would not trigger the traffic performance standards of the comprehensive plan. (. Consistent with past practices, it is my recommendation this project be assessed a fair share impact fee based on the current rate of $300.C~ per single family unit. It is also recommended that this project be required to construct a left . turn lane, east approach on Hypoluxo Road at the project's entrance. No impact fee credit should be given for this construction as it is site related. I would also suggest that you contact our planning Division for their input on this matter. The opp:>rtunity to comment is sincerely appreciated. Sincerely, OFFICE OF TrlE COUNTY ENGINEER ~LJjAv!#~- Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division ( CR~'I:ASH:ks cc: Dick Morley - Planning Division BOX 2429 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 . (305) 6844000 ..,;.........:::::.- ~ .,' -. , -.-...:....-......... ..- . " ~""'-' ......... . - - ~ "':,--:.~;.. Building Department: See attached memo. Utility Department: See attached memo. ( \ Recreation and Parks: Recommended fee in lieu of land for recreation and parks dedication purposes. Planning Department: 1. In order to reduce site congestion the following site design criteria are recommended: a. No structures are to be constructed closer than fifteen (15) feet to a side lot line; b. No dwelling units are to be constructed closer than twenty-five (25) feet to a rear lot line or front lot line; and, c. The minimum lot frontage is to be increased to fifty-five (55) feet in order to allow more usage of the zero lot line side yard. 2. The comments listed in the County Traffic Engineer~s letter of October 9, 1984 should be required. ...-;, ~';"'J;""::.~-..... _.~'~.,e~k~~:~ Carmen Annunziato City Planner OCT 11 iS8~ PLANNiNG Dh\~l\ .i'r ~'" I FROM r ro Bob Donovan Chief Plans Check lns~ect(~ = - . SUBJECT: FOLD . ~ LAKES OF HYPOLUXO DATE: 10-1 P8t. Upon review of the above mentioned site-plan. be advised of the following . information. 1. The conceptual building f ootp rint plan shoold show roof line and building areas. Roof lines must be shown not encroa~hing the 0 (zero) property line. or special overhang easements platted. PLEASE REPL Y TO >- SIGNED ;t! j}-~ B. Donovan REPLY . ~/~. ~. \ SIGNED ...., - .... ....... .'- -.... - .... :'., ~ ..... . ; ~ : -.. . :.: . ,,~. :":[~{::~:~~.;::t~ ".-;. . - , -- -;'""~'-;~;''''i-'~':-.: " " "'.,:.; ,. ",,:. ~ ~6.' ,'c-.r'~-,:"."":-""~~ rTEU II F2M- WH!:ElER GROUI" INC. ...., ,4'" ,...,,_..., r-,....," ""'-""""'4 ". ~~Mr-('to......,........ # ( ( ( . . TO: Mr. CarIren Annunziato, Ci ty Planner . RE: Lakes of Hypoluxo MEMORANDUM " ~ -.-.- .... --: ... -~~"'-'T"\ ----:-.J-,r~ ';"'"J "-";/ r..! -. ---I ;. ..y ....~~~..:.:., ~~..:-1 ~ 'I, -- NCV ;; -lqR~ Pi :' ":i'I'-I\G DE:.?T. ~r\I'" - e. Nov~-r 2, 1984 ~L..-_._. ___ _-....~..:..a -- Attached is a copy of a letter from pararrount Engineering, comni. tting them to run a 12" water ~e westward to Lawrence :Road and taking the appropriate c:rerli ts . crrd Attachment (]~~ Perry A. Cessna, Director of Utilities . .~ ~).~:~t/~ ,>: _.-".~;~~~ .) .. , ~, i I ;. .. -..-.....-. l ' : _' __ .__ . . . ,. t ,'. . . .1.;p~15jrjfb~Nr ENGINEERING GROUP 1 ..3 350 Camino Gardens B1vd~ Boca Roton. Aorida 33432/ (305) 395-2736 . - ( - Orlando. Rondo. New York. New Vork.o Rochester. New York. SilVer Spring. Maryland , IIG4801 October 26, 1984 <~ -~ /') C:7' ~ "...,.., .C 7, ......#"'-- . - --:..... ~? it' - ..'i~.., ~;. W' "f}, .. ~ '- '/ '-.;?"_~ r- -- ::i . - ...., h"t "''::7 elf . t . ~2st. ,,~\. ~, , .:J /. '. ,"'- I 'y')'/') - -, ,(:~ ' ".9;'J~ ... -... I I .: : . '., . ...... ........ ..--- -- Mr. Perry Cessna City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department 120 N.W. Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: LAKES OF HYPOLUXO Dear Perry: Per our discussion this morning, this is to confirm that the lakes of Hypoluxo project will connect to the existing watermain in Lawrence Road via the installation of a watermain in Hypoluxo Road westward ( .from the project. In the event that an alternative method of obtaining water from the City of Boynton Beach lines is expected to be used, we will meet with your office to obtain your approval before finalizing such a change. Thank you very much for your assistance on this matter and please call me if you should have any questions. Very truly yours, PARAMOUNT ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. ristopj{;r V. ~ Vice Pr~sident CVH/kb ( CC: Dick \'lhalen ....;.~ ;:.... .' . ..: '. ..'~ - .'~ . ".. ."', ~ .~. - ..... .'. ~ "..> :..::~"_~..~..._:: -"~,,,:'~~~~r;~il.:?.:};..:\r:""~'"'4'li<;':' ....~;.....':..;,~~~ ":" - ._. :;..!,.,..jt..i~ .'\ t.:" ~'-.,. ~.:.:!: -~_~________ _ Architects. Planners , . .':..~;'~~,: ~';:.i',tP.;, Engineers Boad of County Commissioners ~ i:::~~ ~1~~:~~;~h~='ltECBIVSJ)' ... Ken Spillias Jerry L. Owens . - 11 1985 Dorothv Wilken i EB " PLANN\I'-lG Dt..i'T, --------- February 8, 1985 Ms. Betty Boroni City Clerk City of Boynton Beach 120 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Office of County Attorney Charles F. Schoech County Attorney fJ<If~ C. trY! e/ffr;V~ 1? ~-, '-, 1>..<'" - '" "J " ." '". 'i~\. }~;r~D r ...It, "i.::.d j" 1n '- .- .,.:)85 i~~~ Lj.3 r~; _ ,,", i\i i 'I, n l'l.:? DEP Annex~ -...,- ~,' ~ RE: Resolution No. 84-0000, Request to Rezone after Dear Ms. Boroni: .~ 11 On February 5, 1985, the Board of County Commissioners considered and approved the request of the City of Boynt'on Beach under Resolution number 84-0000 to rezone the property described therein upon annexation into the corporate limits of the City. A copy of the Resolution approving the waiver is enclosed for your files. l. Sincerely yours, of~de0 ),z. ~ Linda M. Colombo Legal Assistant cc: Dick Morley, P.B.C. Planning Division enclosures --, 9-; -- P.O, BOX 1989 . WEST PALM BEACH, .".... .' ' ,. t v ORDINANCE NO. ~~-~0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 79-24 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WHICH IS BEING ANNEXED INTO THE CITY BY ORDINANCE SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREWITH, WHICH IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM PALM BEACH COUNTY LOW TO MEDIUM DENSITY TO CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PROVISION; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has adopted a Comprehensive Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 79-24, in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, a certain parcel of land more particularly described hereinafter is being annexed in accordance with an application by Walter H. Janke, through his agents, into the City by Ordinance being adopted simultaneously herewith; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Land Use Element of a Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, has been followed; and WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Council deems it in the best interests of the inhabitants of said City i to amend the aforesaid Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That Ordinance No. 79-24 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the following: That the Land Use of the following described land which is being annexed into the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, by Ordinance simultaneously adopted herewith, shall be designated low density residential. Said land is more particularly described as follows: The east ~ of the west ~ of the northwest ~ of the northeast ~ and the west ~ of the east ~ of the northwest ~ of the north- east ~ of Section 7, Township 45 south, Range 43 east, Palm Beach County, Florida, less the north 108 feet thereof. SUBJECT TO easements, reservations, restrictions and rights-of-way of record. Said parcel containing 17.695 acres, more or less. , . , , Section 2: That any maps adopted in accordance with the Land Use Element of said Comprehensive Plan shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this Jg c:t. day of . jJeJ).em.k'r , 1984. this ~J1c1 day of SECOND READING AND FINAL PASSAGE <!./WYI tUa., ry , 1985. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: (Seal) '--- Board of County Commissioners Ken Spillias, Chairman Dorothy Wilken, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Jerry L. Owens Kenneth M. Adams County Administrator Jonn (' (1"n<1,,,,..., 8~~ ~ ~~!-/~ ~~p /1 ) ~v".1,. ~......J....-!/ ,,--......- :;,- '1 . /"l 'C_ December 20, 1984 Ms. Betty S. Boroni Ci ty C1 erk City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 , -- ... ~". - Dear Ms. Boroni: This letter acknowledges receipt of Resolution No. 84-0000 requesting permission to rezone subject parcel of land being a~xea-into the City of Boynton Beach. Please be advised that the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Officially received and filed the Resolution at its meeting on December 18, 1984. A copy of the Resolution was forwarded to the Planning, Zoning and Building Department for review and recommendations. Very truly yours, frl1l (J'~/l~ L~; / cJy 5 John C. Sansbury County Administrator JCS: cbs cc: Bob Basehart, Director, PZ&B ,~\\ 1.02!-11':1)/ ~ / ,,~' / /~\ / /' ' ,~ /Q')/ Qr::(~'.,r".D :>-), ! ~ :' t ',-' '." ~.;'. . \, ~ V"" f', ~ i ........,-C..."):.-,i'...j-:7. ' L~ t. ' C-:' ".J :-..; . ", l ~ ~\ L'~': ,'.-:.:....'~!.. I- . _,'~"~ ,-,",-.. .::..2 >' >-,.'-..... /\ :....." '-....../ :' 1'-:--_____", \....... '--'-- ('. ,- Ii ; ";-, \ \ -------.:.._- . \~ BOX 1989 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-1989 ,. RESOLUTION NO. 7i-oo~ J 4~~. 1>';tJ () Ii A RESOLUTION OF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING PERMISSION FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, PURSUANT TO SECTION 171.062, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO REZONE A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND BEING ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, FROM PALM BEACH COUNTY ZONING CLASSIFICATION AR (AGRICULTURAL RESERVE) TO CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ZONING CLASSIFICATION PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) WITH A LAND USE INTENSITY OF 5.00; AND TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL FROM PALM BEACH COUNTY LOW TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. /: .! '1 i' !. WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has received' a request for annexation from Walter H. Janke, as owner of the following described property, to-wit: I Ii !i ii I: 'I II and; \. I! The east ~ of the west ~ of the northwest ~ of the northeast ~ and the west ~ of the east ~ of the northwest ~ of the north- east ~ of Section 7, Township 45 south, Range 43 east, Palm Beach County, Florida, less the north 108 feet thereof. SUBJECT TO easements, reservations, restrictions and rights-of-way of record. Said parcel containing 17.695 acres, more or less. WHEREAS, the City Council at the November 20, 1984 regular meeting considered this annexation request and upon recommendation of the City Planner, the City Planning and Zoning Board and the Technical Review Board, determined that the proper :i I zoning for this parcel of land would be City of Boynton Beach : ~ , I; zoning classification PUD (Planned Unit Development) with a (I , Land Use Intensity of 5.00, and the proper City of Boynton ij , ; Beach Land Use Classification would be low density residential; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 171.062, Florida Statutes, - the City of Boynton Beach requests that the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County consent to the City of Boynton Beach rezoning and changing the Land Use Classification of the- above described property upon its annexation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: i I 1 ~ 1: I; Ii 'I II ! . Section 1: That the City Council hereby requests permission to rezone and to change the Land Use Classification, .1 I when annexed, of the property described above as previously set forth. Section 2: That a certified copy of this Resolution be sent to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, the County Administrator, and the County Director of Planning, Zoning and Building. Section 3: That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of j;:ece.mb-e J- ,. 198r. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA I !' Ii 'I '. :' i: ATTEST: ~&ooj CI Y CL K (Seal) !, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, November 13, 1984, at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, to consider requests for ANNEXATION, REZONING and LAND USE AMENDMENT covering the parcels of land described as follows: PARCEL #1 Descri tion: bdivision A and B of Tract 30, Palm Beach Farms Compan PI #8, as recorded in plat Book 5, page 73, Public ords of pa Beach County, Florida, and Lots C, less th right of way for ate Road 804 (Boynton Road), D, and ract 3, Palm Beach rms Company plat *8, as record in plat Book 5, page 73, Publ~ Records of Palm Beach Co y, Florida. Subject to right f way for small 1 ral ditches in favor of other tracts as wn in Deed 81, page 2, and Deed Book 81, Page 9. Property located within 45 South, Range 43 East. Contains 4.22 Office APPLICANT/OWNER: AGENT: F. willis USPS Main Post Florida State Road 804 (West Boynton Beach Bo evard) approximately 600 feet west of Congress REQUEST: REZONE from - I.L./S.E. (Light Industrial/Special to - PU (Public Usage) LAND USE AMENDMENT from - Industrial to - Public and Private Institutional/ Governmental PARCEL #2 Legal Description: The East half of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter and the West half of the East half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 7, Town- ship 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less the North 108 feet thereof. Subject to easements reservations, restrictions and rights of way of record. Contains 17.695 acres more or less. APPLICANT: Contemporary Community Concepts Corporation OWNER: Walter H. Janke PROJECT NAME: Lakes of Hypoluxo South Side of Hypoluxo Road, approximately 1,550 feet west of Congress Avenue LOCATION: REQUEST: REZONE from - AR (Agricultural) Palm Beach County to - PUD (Planned unit Development) Single Family with LUI = 5 LAND USE AMENDMENT from - Low to medium density, Palm Beach County to - Low density single-family development, consisting of zero lot line homes