APPLICATION IAEI ADVENT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION 319 S, W, 14th Ave,. Pompano Beach. FL 33060 p,o. Box 1068. Deerlield Beach. FL 33441 Broward (305) 942,4011 · ~~~ -_..'..../ ./ "Q ErE~ nr;;D 1. \... 'J ,-,1. '\; .L ' July 30, 1987 AUG 4 1981 PLANNI['~G DEPT. Mr. James Golden Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida RE: Lakes of Hypoluxo (Bella Via) =- Dear Mr. Golden: Enclosed is Ch~ck No. 785 in the amount of $378.00 for the site plan pr~liminary application on the above subject. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Cl k . Ries President CMR/jer Enclosure REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS AND CONSULTANTS ~ " " L " '. ii " ;' j, " CITY OT1' BOY~TO:N BEACH. FLOHIDA APPLICATrON FOR ANNEXA TION j, i; DA TE A PPLICi\ TION FILED: ,; i. !i DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: !i " I; D1\ 'IE OF CO:rVIPLETION OF ANNEXA TION REPORT: L p r DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: H :; DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: tl 'f " b i! DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: !J II RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR ' ' . DATE ANNEXA TION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: REJECTION: ORDINANCE # REJECTION: AGAINST . FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONI DO NOT 'WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE 'I I, I I , . j ~~MLMU , I : Name of Developer/Owner: Contemporary Community ConcJpts Corporation II Area of Subject Property: 772. 990~ II Estimated Present Population: -~ Ii ~r Ii Existing Zoning: Ii Proposed Zoning: H II EXISTING UTILITIES I 1 ! I I I I Sq. Ft. or 17.7 Acre Density A Howed: c!I/t PUD '-'oJ I LvI ~ ~ Density Allowed: d. u, Is/ac 4.9 'd. u, IS /acJ 'Water: City of Boynton Beach \\'astewater Collection: City of Boynton Beach Solid \\'aste (garbage): , Ii ,I .: I; II I' ,I H ~ ~ , 1: II I' 11 I I, " ii A- i! I: I: - , , I . I j .i I' 11 I, il I! II Ii II I: I! I: Ii " I! I: l' l! .: Ii " " !, I: " !' I I , ,I I : ~ .' .' , ;, 0: i: : S1'A TE:\TENT OF USE ;; Existing Use: Vacent Land I: I F t , r Proposed Use: Single-Family, Zero Lot Line" Planned Unit Develop'ment. ii :' ii 'i i: ., !: I: i ~ I ~ :1 I, II i! 'I Ii I, Express in your own words I Beach, FLorida: I j i , j , I I City's tax base, II 'I I I l t, JUSTIFICA TION why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton The property' is located adjacent to the City of Boynton Beach. Annexation will allow development. under Boynton regulations, and~ncrease. the' EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED East \ of West \ of Northwest \ of Northeast \ & West \ of East \ of Northwest \ of Northeast \ (less North 108 feet L-18 Canal Right Of way)' of Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County; Florida A-3 - r , I . '"-.4 ....-" .... . - ---.. r I ._..._~ -.:I -- ..... >- .... z o u x u -: a:I .. .. 10 . .,eO'HIO" '"[Sf ::IE -' ., -: lL. o o <l:. o EO C) :z 2: :z < -' Q. w c:: < >- m ~ a:: 0.:( ll.. W a:: n. -~ ".~ ~".'.J.' ...;,i..- ~~ ~""I;~,A.- _ .:-~...'t'..~_Jt"~"-"";~~:--""~.~._.._..-:"...~_ ,1 i j I " , , I ' I j I I I I II'J, L L , - I I 0' I I ill. "- ' lAHUNA A FRQjECT LOCA116 --. --- \ - --,,- , -lWOO ... ... .. ... 00: ~ .. ... J I , . r1ll r l-4~. . , ,~ oJ .. '" .. ... 110 ..... :c '" ~ ~ r-t., \ -. '. lWOO & <0 ~ -- .:. .~ ~ ~ ,~ "t .. ~l 2'r-- ,ft '! I I r7~J BOYNTON BEA( r.J~"!~ CORPORATE LIMITS. APRIL. 1975 o I I . Seale in MIltS Nome of Development IOwner Locate the subject property on this mop and shade in the" area. - P l' f , I I 1 Ii , I! ': i: A-4 ;, " . - I , I r- A-5 APPLICANT'S CERTIFIGATION (I) (We) affirm and certify that (1) (We) understand and will comply with the provi s1 ons and regul at; ons of Boynton Beach. Fl or; da Zon ;ng Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (1)' (We) understand that this application. attachments. and fees become part of the Offi ci al Records of Boynton Beach. Flori da and are not returnable. ,.' . APPLI CANT IS: .. G~--~ RfCl~ ARP F. WI~ALEN CMner ~ .. :....... Optionee Contemporary Community Concept~ Co~p, Type Name of Applicant lessee 5601 Corporate Way, Suite 416 Street Address, Agent West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 Ci,ty and State x Contract Purchaser - (305) 689-1500., - .Telephone Number ,.. .- I, " A-5 -, .1 . ----------- -. -. ~ A-6 OWN~ RS AUTHORIZATION Under the prOV1Slons for Voluntary Annexation, Flofida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. Record ~----- ~ C__ge~lican~ ~ . Walter H. Jenke Type Name of Owner(s) Contemporary Community Concepts Corp. Type Name of Applicant .., 1930 N.E. 47th Street Suite III Street Address ~601 Corporate Way, Suite 416 Street Address Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308 City and State West Palm Beac~, Florida 33407 Ci ty and State (305) 491-7550 Telephone Number (305) 689-1500 Telephone Number .\ .. E !: .1 r ,: " i' j. " i ~ A-6 ~ i -I , I .. j .. J 1 . .1 ] 1 .. 1 J 1 J \" ~ " A , AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) 5S COUNTY OF PALM BEACH") Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared Wal ter H__ Janke , , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and s~s: " 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property. to-wit: (Give legal description) , The East half of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the .Northeast quarter and the West half of the East half of the Northwest quarter of the" ... of the Northeast quarter of Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less the North 108 feet thereof, (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach_ Florida, 3. Corp to act as agent in his behalf to I Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3c>"'!' day of a;t<d-. 19C'l' /1/ /J I' ~~A AA/ ; ~~ /l, (/~____,---a/ ' Notary Public,' State of Florida at Large ~ CommissIon Expires: tWTARY i)!I[J! Ie SL'\~E ~>' F,LORI~-\AT,~~RGE t.!\' (:o~/\rv1ISSjt!r',j [>'./ihr.'~ ~:i'-\:~:Jll 1 J. 1J0.D '.~I "'_).-1 r~IIH-,":,~'.I-I'oiirvi'~, II'..tC , ,; I' " " \ I: " " , I' !' . I I I I I j , ( . I LAND USE ELEMENT AtlliNDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION APPLICATION TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FOR LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING Da te Au g us t 27, 1984 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE 1. Name of Appl ican t Contemporary Community ConcF:pts Corporation 2. Name of Owner of Property Dr. Walter Janke (please indicate name or name6 as it appears on the Deed) 3. Address of Property Hypoluxo Road, Palm Beach County 4. Legal Description of Property: The East hal f of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter and the West half of the East half of the North- west quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 7,'Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less the North 108 feet thereof. 5. How is the property presently zoned? AR, Palm Beach County 6. What is the land use shown on the future land use plan for the City of Boynton Beach? Low to medium density, Palm Beach County 7. How do you want the property to be rezoned? PUD, Single Family L vI ~ .s- (1M! 8. What do you want the future land use plan for the City of Boynton Beach to show? __ __ __ L()<.A.J ,0'::: IV s.:z...ry e4!l' 9. How will the property be used after this land use amendment and zoning change? For a single-family development, consisting of zero lot line homes IMP 0 R TAN T Before any application for Land Use Amendment, zoning or re-zoning will be considered by the Planning & Zoning Board and the City Council, a scale sketch or tracing clearly indicating the property to be re-zoned must be attached to this application, This sketch must show surrounding streets and property within a distance of 400 feet of the property- to be changed. If the sketch is not attached your application cannot be considered. A $300.00 fee must accompany each application. Any reason you may have for requesting this land use amendment and zoning change may be indicated in an attachment to this application. I hereby grant permission to the Planning and Zoning Board to post a sign on the above described premises stating that a change in zoning has been requested. S1-gnat (.?tc.HARD F WHALEJJ Corporate Way, Suite 416 Address West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 (305) 689-1500 Telephone Number .. .... ,-,...~ .. . '. . . '~":'.;'j~;,~;.; ....,r.,:... <. "~~~".:;:...\.~~:.t~IC:~J.~"':lof;;':~fl':;:i,,,~'~!;'f~' ;o.:~.,'.._..;'<'~" " ~ ,_.... :, ..,' ~;t ~,,' .: ,~" .1!,,'_~'" '~~.x-'. ~ ~'IiiI"":_li~i~;::~;~~.~,.::;:I~"~1..j11_ ~~.i';::,-:~~".' . ' . " " ".1.a...ft~.:r.a~. l1M!da ",33314 :, _ ' ,,:' ,', ,~: ,_. r' ~.....' ,.' , _-,', :";' :' , . ,.' ". "':>'j -. ~...~.... ',-,. ,.'. '.' ,'"" , .',J?{ :: ~,_'-; 'llIarr.lltp.e..eb ",.".;' .... :...., .... <, c:a J7 : 1ft . ' c:a CD ..... - Q !S - N' I .. - !D ~ rJP~ 10~ , .,~".....,. ,i4~';'~~' . "1 \ '''' .. .' '...reh , ,A.DII " . , ' , , , J J1l ..... 11&11 ,a.." LUa-nD . . , # · -t. '. ,:' . ~...._..'''--'I ~ b~ .....,..Ii ;M,.. ~ ;""... . ii, ea,.. 181.. - I ... ( ... ..., .....1_ .. ...., ... ill .. s. tf &;M.,." -I. fitII ,.,. .. 1I&'ID B. ~; ..D..! ~ aan'1e4 -.m, lt30 B. I. 47. .~., I5altAiI Ul ' ft. t.a.lllda1e, nod.. >>301 ".0...," ~ .. SIifr. norida ,., 7 If....". JlthIJJ I~ .,.. (~.~d:l:'m-t:o~.:. ~~~.c:.-:fad_ ' -. .. ill 11 rill ,.. ~ tIt...,., "". __,." ". ..." ~ if '".1 A.1A91 "'''''' '-JtI'U' ..l.JI. . .. ,., 7 -I" -",.". Ilia - -' ....,. Jw-. .fa/ll ',,'" ~ ;.J..... IJi1v .J..... ... c......,. . PdJa Ieada .. a. " ,...., ..... 'DIe V 1/2 of . I 1/2 Gf the ..' 1/4 of die . 1/4 ... tile I 1/2 of dla. 1/2 of tile ., 1/4 of dae . 1/4 of "c~1ta 7, t'IMuIIltp 45 Ioatb, Ir.r. "I 43 But, .ala leach eo.t7. Flod.., 1.. eM 1Io"~ 40 fur u..nof. , 'Sl&JKt 1Q !Mcn.ett_, nMnat1Cllla'. l1Id.tat1oa.'... .. J r .u of ncol'dl to tale for tho ,ear 1'" ... .... -._c,..., co _ .....cSaa ~ Sa f..-r of .r_ A. Bod", ~~_. claUt .Jub 2, 1914, ill tho orlp.oal __c of .73.101.60, _lela ar-teo bon1la ....... ... op.- to ..,1 to . pudaMe ~ .on.... of ...... date hel'W1tb ill fnoe of acetoe. - ~~II~rN!"~e : a. .u"ttJ~;: .. ... ~.. \nusln - . - H -.. - ..... ~TATS;: OF FLt5f,?',OA ~ ' ,;i: ~Q;S,\.!~l~NT~l~:'",,)lA'~P:JA~ i ill 0('" o~ aUE L"1t.~&\- I ::~: ~ a. ...,.,,\i~~~Cl 0 0.00 I ~; -. :::'" - .~:-./ . .' I'.",' ~ .... _ c::. .-' .i f " ...,. AM ,. _ ,." tf ,. Ii- ,., ., ..., fdJ .....,., ,,,, ,. ...- w. -' .. ~~ IMIt .,..,. '-wfrJ.- tf 11M. ~ _"'la', , ~ ..... 'JlIpnaf. ... ,.".- Jit1I " cn.s:i\A ,., "'" UIIIIIl,.. ,.... . ~. ... - ~ ~ c ." ;" "."t1f/itIIff.- --,A AJ ,..,.... ~ Jl.. IJ. , J~""",. ,.., ....;~ A-.t _'~' ~. 4I'\6-.;a. - .~ IIIGl ,JIAL - . ~€~,."""'of_: ~r. · ~'~,u_-L..., :q.-... I .~ ,'. - ' , . 11-T~ '",'m"...nt "t~~",,- l7Jrj .~ "".., ~:. JU(:!-V,if.!;O !.t. Wi"::ii:, A~torr.{~..,. At Lcwf ~ 710 ,..Q. t~E'{~"LL OF-IVI " -"'AMI. fLOJ1t'A 3Jl$6 2 I I 5 I . ." .....'. ~ ; \.', ,,0, ~ ~ ""':'~;.i~;Pi- . oil.. ....' ,....~.. ,,- .~~. " :: : . , "'. . . . . , .",', I ,.' <:...' J.. ."..:,~ .~:. '... . ':.;;;,.'.~-.!J>:' .. '.. ~''1.'" '''~,'~'.''.'~''.~'':'''''')'' .....~,',.."~' '.I~'4;';:):" '.1,.~'".',...:,. . 'i.:;' }":"''.;':'''''; ,:~~~'i;"" ".'. ..., <" ' :I', ,,~.~ ,,;i..rt;;.....~CA1IIaP,', ..' ' . ,.: :~,;::::;>Ca1llilr I~.;i.' oJ 4, )~> <'/~1f.~'; ..... ',~., ~',~,' .,.1..< ':,' . ',I .." -.~ ,', \, . "_' . . ..::~-~,~:.... ,......" ,~i..t:b "':11/ ',"..ru, ", '~~A.-:r~.~eo~a:;.Ia'.A '1 ;'-~'~'.:~.:.'-"'~,i ,,~'J!II&'f:'~. ~ID,' , ' ~.". .d~' ..~:.,": ,.IM.... __.tal.- '. 11I,.__'III,.*,....,,;...._~.:, ,~,.......ga;._.wrJIy ."wI,J.~I6I ___ ""111 .." ~.,.,;I"."':~' , . ._' .,.. fIr.,.,..".,,-:r. I:".;', """,..41 ..I,,., "", IIfIi-J .... '.. '" ..) . , ......., ",,.;j ;." .", if _.,_ .. " ".JIlI rfIIM . - ~ ','.' .. , ' " .vwi~..;...--4itiM-# ..' ,'. ~ ' . . 1 -- ., , ' . .. -, "~-~""4' ...N /II< ,.', , .f.! II -. ... ............. .~.. .,'~' ~:;;j:'.~, \." ~...,'-" ~~'.:..; ~ ' :.~ : ", ':.,;:: " . . -~ "t r ". ~::" .:<;\~,/ : .' 'j , , :}/~.~.{;,..~:.. . ,.f'.. r, ')>>i;. .... ;"~;;'" . .. . ,~:"" ". i.:~ij:.~:.~.;....~,~~ , " Il" ...., .:; ~ .'- f; .. tr, .' ";.y~ <". ~ ;,...-. ." .. , ; ~' l ~~*" ,'.', ~, .,.i~N.n35; -, :' , '. " ' .: -.. I~' ' ...... .--~._-,-~_._-----..~ """T, W~l,TER 11. JANKe ~ -,.__.,~ .... '... .'..... ..,... ,...- ..-,.,---..... ..... ..... , " ~ 19dQ. N.~J;.!_.~.l~tL.E...t.!:_~~_t_ en4 CONTEHPORARY COH~WNITY \"oVIV I f1.....~ I rUIi ~I-\Lt:; I-\I\lU ....UHCHASE , .. "S.n.," , ~rLii te.i:fi-;~.[~=-~~~~eidal~~ ~k' ;;~~--;:-T~fI::75-50 I, ,-ONCBPTS CORPOl\ATIOi.'1 oJ _ ... "euv.r", of (Phon. I, ".r.r-v .gr.. thet the S.II.r .h.1I ,.11 .nd 8uy.r .hall buV the lollow;no prop.rty upon Ih. 1"lIowlno te,ml end conditions WHICH INCLUDE lh. Stand.ro. For AaelE"et. Tr.nsactione on t"'.'r~ere. ".r.of or et.ach.d har.to, her.inalte, r.fe...d to as "5tand.,(I(.) " , I, DESCRIPTION: eal L.yel de.~t1ption of ,eal .state ("~:oPIJ"v"l locdle,j In__..P.g.}..I!t ..~ea9h"."" _ '-''''''''0', F 1""<1,1' ~ast one-half of the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter and the West Jne-half of the East one-half nf the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast Jne-quarter of Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, ~alm Beach County, ~ESS the ~orth 40 feet thereof. (b) (cl Str....t .ddren, if anv. of the Propertv b.ing conveved I. P.rlOnal prop.rty Included: NONE. N/A II, PURCHASE PRICE: , , " , , , , , , , , PAYMENT: lal O.po.it{,)tobehaldina.crowbv \tern Quigley Real Estate ,_,__ ~__._.___.._...,______~____.jrt the oIf110UI'tt ot. . . , ,$ (bl Subj..et to AND a"umption of Mortgage in levor of I . ba.ring inlar." .t , '!(, p.r annum arill p.Yllble IIS'IO principal .nd in'er..t S per month, "aving an apprO"imate pr..ent prinCipal bal.nca of, , , (el Purchase monav mortg.g. and not. ba.ring intareu at " on tarms .et forth herain b.low, in the principal amount of , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " ""',", , , , , , , ,S , ~ S .00 (dl e.1 Oth.r 8.lanc. to cia.., (U,S c.sh. certified or eashier', check) eubj.ct to adjultmanls end prorlllionl , ,S S ,S .00 .00 TOTAL ,S a,fj.,np.-1 ~Jl'on the Eh~ver o~taining ,.J firm c0f11rnit,nent for 'S,lid loan within_ ~ t.rm of ear lee) . .)t af" H"(>tf~S~ r-J,te flor tu p..,:eed . Buver agrt'e~ PO rnak e opplication fur. end to u,. re.son.b.. diU. I V. TIT L F E V I DE NeE Within 45 d:Jvs fro," date of Contract. Seller shall. at hi'5 f.!l<pens,e, rfcllvt!" to Buver or his attQff1ey. in a, rOfljance \'\Ilth 5tandarrj A . eitht!'f tCHECK} l1t1) or ~(2): (,r' 11,. (2) title insurance co,nmil,nent with fee o...."ner.' title policy prEfllIlUlll to h'" ~'i~li,'i b'f' Spit.., at clf\SHlg " TIME F'OR ACCEPT ANCE AND EF r ECTlVE OA TF. I I this olfer i. not execut..d by r-oth 01 the pal t.es hereto on or l,p'o'e --1.L,1;tB.4.__~_. "C" __. l"e ..'O''''3,'j oje~os;t'.) shall he, at the OlJtlon of Ruver, returfled to him and this ofter shall lherllafter be null and void, 'Ihe dal" 01 C"nlliln ("&fecI"'lI D....') S"'II11 b.. rhe "jate wh..n the laU ol1e 01 the S"lIer and Buyer has Sign"" 'his offer, 'I CLOSING DATE' Th'l t,anteelion .h.1I ba clo.ed ,nd the d.ed .nd oth., clo.ing pap.rs deliv.'ed on the Is L. daV of 19 ~_ un'.., e_til!ll"d.d bV orh... provisions of Contract "II RE. S r R te T IONS. E ASEM ENTS. L 1M IT A T 10 '""5 1 h~ Buver shalt tak.e title .""bjer::t to 7.nning. restflction.. prohihil;an~ 01'1(1 o'her' 'e.~-l,.'i""'''flf'1t 'P";:,)$1Mi ttlf ~o".""lr""'el'tal .vthofit.,.. ~.strictlonl and rneUe's alJPea,.ing on the plat or otharwlse COflllllon to thIP lutldllalision. Public utility e,Sp.rT10f"lU of 't:!'':C'I(J. ~pf(lVll.~f!d ....d '.~em.nrs .... toeated contiguoul throughOut the properlv hoes and are not fYlOt. then 10 feet in wiuth 8S V" the rea' or front Jines and "'J feet in "'\/I(1th.1 to the I,j. I'n...... ,~"I"SS .0th..'""il4\.,.lpac'.1i.d harelnl, Tax~ f.\/r v,er ot, closing and .ubs.quent V".rs, assumed mortgages and purchasa monav mortgages, .1 anv; ""er: .::>ee 1tem L. O.t attachea i\daendum , - - --'17 --------, prl)'nded. t'\o~evC'"f', fha. none of t"p f(lreOt)i,..,~ !'h.']H fnt!',:onf IJ~C of t~i)t p.'!''''''~'''~rt... fror ~.~t' ~'~:'p~~:; o! __.~J.. _T\. Aoril . VIf. OCCUPANCY r,..,llf,.. represer\'t'$ that thtJre are no partip.s in oc~ufJa"cv other th,l" S....Ilf'r. Lut if Property i~ ill1ended to be rent~d or,o("rup,p.J hf'"..:.tl(J ~IO~tr.g. the fa-'.:r an'j rerrns ther;:of shall he stated herein. anj the tenant(s) shalt be dls.do-:erl pursuant 10 Standdrd G. Se"~r agret:)s tG dcl.v..-, Of'I~Up"'flCV 01 Pt'OJ'~lt'r at ~j~ne of 1',101."9 unless <...lthflr\,,\is.e sp~~ified below tf oCI;uparH.V is to be deHvered prior to clo"iing, Buyer a\SUfllel all ,fCJi... of loss to P'Ol.'(!ttV 'fL"""t fJ,Jt~ of ?'--1:~ o..nrv, shllll be re.pons;l;>I.. and Iiabla lor m..inle,,"nc. thereol Irom said date. end shall be deemed to have .ccep'ad the ProlJe. tv, real a..d p"rsonal, In in 4,,'~tif1g :ond'tion 35 01 t:,ne of tak inq ot.;t:upancv unless oth~r,^,lse noted in V\lriting. IX, ASSIGNABll.1T Y' ICHECK ONEI BUVer [):gmav lu'on 0 meV not eU;lIn. Contrect, 'It TiPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS, Typewritten or hendwritten prOvision. inserted h.re'" or elt.ched har.to.. Addanda '''ell eontrol .11 print..d provi.ion. in conflict ther.with, X t I'J<;Ul A TlON RI DE R, If Contract Is ".ed for tha lal. of a new residenca, the In.ulation Rider shall be attached hareto and ",ade I part hereol, XII, SPECIAL CLAUSES: ---....---.........-------- THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALL V BINDING CONTRACT, IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING, THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIA nON OF REAL TORS AND THE FLORIDA BAR Copvri~ht 1981 bv Tha Flurida Bar and the Florida Assocllltiol1 of REAL TORS WITNESSES: (Two~ommended but NOT required) I "'r'~ '- ~'A J..J."b " ';~n,~ ~ E".cutad bV Buyer on S~d)~~ , \....' COHMC'NITY CONCEPTS ISEAL) c::.~ CONTEMPOP.,.:\RY .CORP-RATfoN-----.-.- ----- ~ Jule (SEAL! WITNESSES: {Two recO!J~/11anded but NOT ".Quiredl . / ( / ' ,6'-" ,(/ 'Z~rr'/ {SEAL! ISEALI (Sellar) Bt; (E.crow Agenll BRO p( e q AG ErIE F. Sell". .gr... .1.0 pav the rflylSler..o r"al ell.le Blok.r named below, at tin." 01 closino, "om th.. ,Ii.hur ~~m~"u 0\ thO!. pr"cp,><:h 01 s.le, '0"'" pt!tn'lIIi~ion in the ~'nl)unt of ~ &'0 of grcu clI,Hchase price or S __ . for hi" services in <,ihKtlrli. the sale hV 1lnrhnq a Bu~~r. I~,':ly_ "....iUtllq and ~ble "I.) PU'Cn:i'Ut purs.uant to the foreoolng Contrtlct. In the event Buy.r faih to pertor"' and dp.pc)lirl,) j'l let~jn'~d.~J'':' It l t.. II 1 11. llt_, ,.. 6a .'. ." IJ l'u i" . T 51 ~I ....... L, ..hall be paid to the Bloker. ilS 'un con,ldf'ratio" for Broke,', aor\ticfI!I inchl(htlY eQStI p....pp.nded bv Sroker, and the balance Sh.U be iaid to Sell"r, J:f tha trinflactipn shall np\ be closed bacause of 'afusal or fallur. of S.,II.r to perform, the Seller 'I\all pav ....id leB in full to Brol<.r on demand, None o~ sala aepos1c _ VER:'J QUIGLEY REAL ESTATE (SEAL) ISEAll (Nama 01 8rol<.rl 15..11." Bv~ ~SE ~...} Rf \I ' '). ii \ 4 :'ll\J:n~n II. J1\t;rr: ]..2 ~ O_,_~ .'--& ~ _.~,] to t~_..?_ ~ 1:.: 4:; ~ ~J CON 'U1PORARY COm~UNITY .. '$..'.". -., ,.,._, -~--, -"'.'"'' ..--- ....---.-.--.-- --- '-'-..,," F -.~~i~~lIILIt~ L.<:l~(~erdal~ ;* (P"on. 491- 5...>0 l. ....NCSPTS CORPORA'l' IO~ - .' ..' .'euy.''', ? (Phon. I, '~y .g'.. 'h.t th. 5.1,., .h.1I ..11 .nd Buy.' .hall buy th. lollo'-""ng p'O".'Iy upon Ih. lollowing t."". ."d condllions WHICH INCLUDE the lOl.,,;j.,o. Fo, 'III Eu.,. T,."..CI,O". 0" the '.v.... h.,.of 0' .tt.ch.d h.,.to, h.,.i".lt., ,.I.rr.a to.. "Sle"a.,al.,", OESCRII'TION' ., eal Lev_' drscliplio" of r..1 .1t,.1. C"P,opo,tv.'. IOt:"'PI' 1St one-half Ie-half of Ie-quarter of :55 the :-Jorth Ib) I~} P.,so".1 P'OP.'ty Includ.d: of the the East Section 40 feet i,,___P,,9-J.,rn.)~ea~h, _ _ _ CO""ly, f'lor,da West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter and the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, ?alm Beach County, thereof. St'""t .u,he.., 'f a"y, 01 'h. P'OP."y ".i"lI conv.yed I. NONE. N/A I'URCHASE PRICE: , , , . . . , , . , , PAYMENT' I.} O.po..tls} to b. h.ld i" .sc'o... by o . , , . . , , , , , , . .$ Vern Quigley Real Estate _in the a-nOunt ot. . . . .$ Ibl Subj..ct \0 AND assumption of Mo'tllell" in lovO' 01 b..'~n" int.'... at · " p.r e""um an~ ".vable as' to princip.1 and in.er.u S per month~ h.vtng an appro~im.t. pr.~.nt principal belanee of.. . S .00 Ie} Purchase money mortgage and not. b.. ring ;nt.'.lt at p,incip.' amount of . , , , , . . , . . . , , , . . . . , , " on t.,m,..t fo,th h.r.i" b.lo..., in the Id) 1.1 Oth.r .$ $ ,,$ . ,.I .' .00 .00 B.I.nc. 10 CiON. IU.S c..h, c.'tified 0' c..hi.,'s checkl .ubj.ct 10 .djuum.nt' .nd p'o,"ion. , , , . TOTAL ,$ i..,n~ Jl.("'tn ,he f!:tlver o~taintng.. firm CCH1'fl'itrnent 'Of s.lid loan withil"1_ " 1.""" of ye-a'l 't!'IJ . .1t .,f' In''''' r.S.1 r-jH~ 110' 10 f>.'~ ef!'d . Buv.' aQ1t"e5 TO rn.I-. l! DPplication fCl', end to use '..Ioneb,. dili- 45 nd,a,d A , either (CHECK) l1(1) or ;aQ(2): {.l. 1,. (2) title insurance co,nmitrneF't with feo9 owner's title policy IHI!""Uln to t.t" 1'.1,.1 tH. 'Spll.." ot rlf"l5HlQ Tl'oilE f'OA ACCEPTAI\jCE AND EFFECTIVE DATE. II this olfer i, "Ol......cu\p.d by both of the pa' I,..s "..'lIlO 011 0' I>"'o,e 7 / 1;rB4 ~__ _, ~ afo'e~'" ~f'L'OS'T',1 st--.all he. dt the 05Jt.on of Ru,;,er. returned to hltn and this of1er shall thereafter be null clod void. "rhe dat~of Cont!lJCI (' eC11ve 0.'.") It! b~ rhe- date whpn thf' last one of the St!llef and Ruy., h3S sjgn4?d this of(eor. C LOS I NG DATE' T h,. t'."soc tlO" .h.l, bll clos..d ."d the d.ad ."d oth., clo.i"ll pap..'. d..liv.,"d 0" Ih. 1 s L- r1ay 01 85 uf'I'en e.tend.d by other provisions of Contract. TI T LF E VIOENCI:' Wilhin tiaYI horn dare of Contract. SelliPl shc1lll. at t'ljs f!Xl-H'ns.e. (tr."V~f to Buyer or his ttUOlf1ey. in a, c-oll'ance \",ith April R f S r Ale T IONS, E ASEM E NTS, L 1M IT A T IONS T h~ Buye' .holl ta~. tit I. subi..n 10 Z"ning, ,....,,<lions, p,Ohih',,:>ns a',r1 olhe' '..aui,...ro~'''s ""c':>'otO I:J~ ..."rr&e,,'.I.vthority Ft..friCtlons .nd "'alte" .L.lpe.ring C'" the plat or arha'"I'. conltTlon to the sutldl....ision. Public utlll'V fl.5~m(\nU of ftf1.:("IU, ~pl"(lVI(Jf1''' 'l.,d !f'T'I."tJ .'. loc.tttd con~tguou. throughout thl' ~JrOpe"v tin~' end .re not mOre th.n 10 feet in width 85 t'.. the 'fIollr or front linf!lii 8nd 71.1 feel in ,^,lcHh .s to '''. I IIn."..... ~rlle" ~Othf't 'll'Yj~ spec'j.ied ha'8In), T ..e.t t~f v,.r at closing and ,ubs.quent ve.'I. 8ssurn..d mortgages and purch.se money mung.gel. .f ."'Y'. ~ee 1tem ~ or attachea Adaendum .' "J /.T\. , .....tde-d, "'o~ev~', lh.' f'H.'\ne of t....P f()reO\)ln~ ,h~" p.e.....'" tJ.,e nf ,.,,~ D~"":"l!"r!i' ft;or ..:~ :'.~:'";1....:1~! 1 OCCUPANCY r..,II~r renresen's that thl.,e are no panir.-s in DCCUIJClnCV other th.ln S..It,.,. LlIl if rroflcnv i! inten,jf"c1 to be '!'flf_d Of orruP,,"'J hf' t'1',nf1 flO\ r W. 'iFt ar'l,J '~rfn, 'h.r~i.Jf shal1ue staled herein, i\noj the tenant(s) '''all bl! d'!.Llor;er1 pu"u.ant to Sta,'dar,i G, Sell"!'r Jg'P~\ to dCltld!" (H'r:UP.:.Jncy 01 PrOI.~'t., al e 0' .r:.10'lng unless ~l{hf"t\,'\.i"lI sp~citied below If OCI:ul'ant..V ''1 to be dt!'livere~J prior to clo'iing, Buyer aSSUPles all 110;" of lOSs. tu rroL'ml\' frOlTI 'J.11e ot o+....t..'; ''-" shall be respon'SitJlf" af"!d liable for rn"inte"..nc.. tt"lp,ro' trom "aid date. end sh.1l be de81ned to have 8CC8f.Jt.d the Property, ..eal itruj per5onill, tn.u '..IStlJ'1g ldtllt)n 31 of tilne 0' ta"'ing OLc.upancv unless Otl'....'V\.ISf' noted in vvr;ting ASSIGNABIl,ITV' ICHECK ONE) BuV.' P,gmay 0"'11" 0 mav "ot .Uill", Contract, T (PE WRITTEN OA HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS Typ.w,itt." 0' h."d...,itt.n p,ovisio", i"..rt..d h.r.", 0' "\ach.d h.'.Io .. Add.n"a 0".11 conl'ol print.d P"OV'ltons in c.onfllct therewith I'J<;'.'l A TIOI\j RI DE A, If Contracl is u.ed fo, tho sal.. of a new r...idenc., th.. I".ulat,o" Ride, ohall be enoched he'~\o a"d .oade a part he,aol SPECIAL CLAUSES, THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A lEGALL Y BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING" THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVEO BV THE flORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS AND THE flORIDA BAR COpv,illht 19B1 by Th. Flo,ida Ba' o"d the Flo,ida ASSocialion of REAL TORS l~ ~' /~ J:.,.J' E".cut.d by BuV" on -'- r ,"L- V CONTEMPOF..:'\RY cormcNITY CO!~CEPTS -CORP-RATION------' -- B Jule 'SE ALl TNESSES, ITwo ~omm.nded but NOT required) . '''~-~ ~ '\ .", ~'A r\....D ' 'jw. -~ --- ,SEA..I .SE All 'Sf: All 15.11.'1 IE.cro... All.n,' ~O P"; E qAG ErE" C: S.lhtl' 89"..' to pay the r~i'5f.rttd ,.~I .'1.te Brok.,. n.med be1ow, at tlnl8 of clo,,'1O, fro.n lll" t1j\hu.I..nlflf"U of th.. 1'lfC'C'...ch o. ...1. "c""'. "~4.ion ." the .,nt)unt ot 8 -. of V"l"U Ilurcha'~ prire or S ,for hi, IU""l..' I" rfhu't'f"li I(n. lale h". ttn~t.nq. OtJ'W..r. rr."ly. 111"q .'ld .hl. '0 I}JHh:i\P r"HSlJant to lhe 'P,.ooinO CO"".,-' tf'\. the I'v"nt Buy.r tllh to per'ornl ".t(i r'"puII,I" I' f.''''IH~d.~3 tL ", b 1 11' '" ... . . ." IL r ". .hall t'e 1J"ld to the UfO- PI.' tull {.nn,ld.,.tit"\ to' BrOker', ,on,acp.I ,nll"d",~ ("'Hit ....""""trd b\ R'Okl~f, d!\lt thp t,~t.n(. &h.lI be ,,) 10 S."., !' the \'."","CI,+," .h~1I "0\ 'I. clo.ed tJ...u" 01 ,.fulOl 0' f.It"". Of S,Il', to p.,lo.m, ,h. S.II.1 .,,,,III'.V ....\2l.. ,n 1..,11 IU a.o..., Q" ~.",.nd, :~one OL. SalU O~?OSl t: , E~:: Ql'IGLEY RE;,L ES'~'l\TE (SEAU (SEAl! IN.",. o'6'u....1 l~~"..l \' , ~ c; r ,.:. . \ .__~'^..2..,..:~ , T ., ~'ll\l,TER H. JM1KC ?- C-t~~Ei\~taA~~l ~~~S~ft~. ~~6;~I~~~g~fdal~ ,~,~;;-.-;:--49T=75~ 0: .:::~,~: '-'v... 11l1"'\,", I run O>HL.l;. HlliU t"Ulil,tll\~t: of (Phone ".r.tly ag,.. that tha Sall.r 11>.11 sail and Buya' Ihall buV tha fOllo","in9 p,ope,ty upon Ihe following terms and conditions WHICH INCLUDE tha Sund.rol For "'alllE lIata T 'anlAc tionl on tha' 'avar.a haraof or anachad harato, herainafta, ,aferrad to .. "Stendllrd( s''', I, DESCRIPTION: leI Laval description of real ell ate 1"';;op",tY"lloCd'''d in___P.9J..r!t ...!?each__ _,_ I'o"',,y, Florida' Sast one-half of the West one~half of the Northwest one-quarter and the ~est Jne-half of the East one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast Jne-quarter of Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, ?alm Beach County, ~ESS the ~orth 40 feet thereof. Ib) leI ), s""..t add'eu, If any. of the P,operty being convey ad Is Pa,son.1 prOParty Includ.d: NONE. N/A II. PURCHASE PRICE: , , , , , , , , , . , :, , PAYMENT: lal Dapos;tlll to ba hald in ascrow bV , . , , , . ,$ Vern Quigley Real Estate ___--...~__.___.,...._____._____,._.iTl tlie ;jlnOUtlt ot. . . , .$ (bl Subjllel to AND assumption of Mortgage in lavor of baar~ng intere.' at , · '!(, pa, annum a,;1:I pavabl.. as to principal and inlarall $ par montI>, having .n apprO"imata P'asent principal balanca of, , , $ .00 Ie) Pu'chasa monav mortgage and nota baaring intarast at prlncip.' amount of . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Ot"'ar Balanc. to clOM, (U,S, c.sh, c.rtified 0' cashia"s chackllubj.c:t to adjustmants and p,orations , , , , " on tarms sat forth h.ra,n balow, in tha Cd) lal ,$ $ ,$ .00 .00 TOTAL ,$ :jifj")r'\p.<1 '.11'0" thl!' E'hlver ovtaining of firm COtl"lnlitrnen' .or s,lid loan within_ ~ If.'''' of ear" , _I) , <It <tf'l t",r-rest r'j'e rlor tu f'",.:elf!'d BuV.r agft"e~ to ,nak@ application for, end to use '..son.bi. dili~ 'V. TIT L f E V 1 DE Net:: Within 45 days frorn dare of Contract. Sellttf shall. al his ew.pC'ns.e. (Ichver to Buver or his nttor (ley. in a. ~or(.tan(e \"with Standard A_. either (CHECK) Ll r 1) or :.Q (2): r 1 t. '. .r (2) title insurance cornmit.-net"t with fee owner's 1:1tlo policy preHliunl to !.(\ ",}i.t'b., <;...11.., at C"In$Hlg. " TIME FOR ACCEPTAlI,ICE AND EF F ECT1VE DA TF.: If this offer is not e.ecut..d bV both of the pa' t'es hereto on or b..fore 7/ 1;2' .8L~_ --- _, I"'e a'or..,..,,' 'ieL'os;t'sl spall 1>41, dt Ihe Of.>Ilon of RuV"', '''turned to him and this offe, Shall therllafter be null and void, The "alt' of Cuntract ("E't1ectovll Oete") snail b.. 'he '.1ate wh..n the last o"e of the Sell"r and fluver "as si9n"d this offer, "I CLOSING DATE' 'fh,. transaction 'hall be clos"d end tha deed and othar closing paper. dalivared on tha Is ~ daV of April 19 85 ut1'es! e.t8ndec1 bV other proviSions of Contract. 0/" AEsrRtCTIONS, EASEMENTS, LIMITATIONS Th" Buyer shall tal<.a t;tlasubj"n to 7nnlng. ,..stroet."ns, p.,'h''''I,:)n5 3'1<1 ".he- '"Qu"P'"""" .'r'>c')st!d t1~ 10"'~"f'\""e"t8t .utho"tV. Restrictions and rTletterl .~pe.f'"inQ on the plat or othafV\lISe COfll1Tl{)fl to the 'ut)(hvision; Public utilIty e.$~tTl"nU of 't!L:('td, ~Dt'(lVP~.H!" '.ld !.serr;ents ar. loc.led con~'guou. throughout the proper1y lines and .re not mOt. than 10 feet In width 8S f'''' the fellr or front lint" end 7"J feet in WIdth ., to th. '1a "nash 'J"'ell ,Oth"",,,.18 speco,!ied herelOl, Ta"... f~'dv"ar ot. cloling and subsaquent ve.rs, a..umad mortgages and pu'chase money mo,tgages, .t anv; t" .:.ee ~tem 2 or attachea 1\ aendum ) a', '. - , - -,,:J7i\ ~-------, ?fO".Jlded. t)o~'@ve-r. that none of t"fI foreao1nq os:h:JH p'e~:l)nt tJ\e of t!-r.~ P,!:,nt'~r!', fro.. th~ ~.:'::"it(..-:::;::.! __._J, __ __________.______. 'Jill OCCUPANCY S..,IIp.... rep"es.6r'l't$ that thero are no panie-s in occufJancv other th311 S....J1ef, Lut if f'rollcrty i!i intt~nded to be fefltPu or o('"(upip'J hr,f'Jl1rj (.10,\.rg. t.;'e fa'of an'J tenns 'her~of Shi)11 ue stated herein. o:=tn-j the tenant(s) shall be dis.do~en pursuant to Standard G. Sell~r ag'ef~$ to dclivtl" oror:lIp~Jncy ot "fC"~lt" at t';~ne Of r.:1osiog unless otheh'\ise sp~cifjed brlow tf occu,~ant..Y is to be delivered prior to c!o'iing. Buyer a~SU"le$ all ,fo;'" of loss to Pro(.'(uty flOfTI rJi.te ot o~(;u "..nry, shall be responsl!.>lp and !table for rnalnt",,"nce ,p,,'cof trom said date, end Shell .be deemed 10 have accepled the Prope, tv, real a.,d p"r$onal, in in '.illi~ :ond.ti,.,fl ilS 01 t:"Ht of taking Ol..:.f.:upancv unless otll,,'wise noted in V\oriting. IX, ASSIGlI,IABll.1T '(, (CHECK ONE) Buve, P:9mav ass.gn Ll ",ay not auign, COntrllct, .. T rPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Tvpawritte" or handw,itle" p,ov;$lons in.llnad ha'a'" or eltachad "eralo as Addenda s"all contrOl ad print@od pfoviSfon$ in confltct therewith. ,,! 1'.S'_'t A TlOll,l RI DE R: If Cont'itct Is used for the sala of a new residence, the Insulation Rider shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof, XII. SPECIAL CLAUSES: ----------.....-----. THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALL V BINDING CONTRACT, IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE AOVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BV THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS AND THE FLORIDA BAR Copyri~ht 1981 bv Tha Florida Sar and the Florida Association of REAL TORS (.~ e"ac:utad by Buyar on 3'0 0":'::1 ~Y' \../ CONTEMPOPARY CO~~UNITY CONCEPTS .CORP.QRAT fON------ - ------ By: ' - Jule ISEALI WITNESSES, ITw01l';;0mmandad but NOT required) ,.-,~ ~ ' , f'" ~ , -j'A ~I.,....D 'Jl< l~ --- ,seAll , E"acut.d WITNESSES: O'wo raco!.W"anded but NOT ,a4ui,ad' ;' // c. ,?" ISE All ISE All (Salla,1 8'''; (Escrow Agenll 8RO":EI'IAGE FEF. Selle- agre.s to pay the regislered real estate Brokar named below, at time of closing, Iro." the disl>urs"",....!S 01 th.. P<l""Pd. of sale, com, ptJn'a~ion i" the an1l')uot of 8 &..0 of gross purcha$e pfice or $ . fol!' hi, 'Services in (1'f1ol:tini the t.ale hvo',nc1inq a BIJV4?'f. fE',':'Y. ""H\ing aqd able '0 p",'ch:I'Sof! plJrSl.l8nt to the fen.gol".; Contrltct, In the even' Buy.' 'aits topo,fornl and dt~p()titl,) i1 tetotirHld,'t",~ ,t J .f,. 1. It. .... 11'. " at. I 'ID .... a... -, 'I'~', '''1111 be paid to Ihe a,oke" lIS lull conlld.utiol'\ for BrOke,'s sorviclO' InCI"di"ll C'HIs ...prnd..d by flrok...r, a"" th.I'~I'''~a sh.lI ba iaid to Saller, J..f Ihe tr~n,..cti.p" shall no\ be CI()Iad bacav.a of ,efu..1 0' fallur. of Sell.r 10 par form, the Sellon sl,,,1I pay '-i,d fn ,n full to Broker on d."'a"(\, None ot sa.la aepos.l C " VER:'~ QUIGLEY REAL ESTATE (SEAL) lSEALl (Nama of B'uka,1 (~lll'.d Bv: :SE:' ~) RF\I ~o;, " !~ PA~MOUt-I ENGINEERING GROUP 350 Camino Gardens Blvd" Boca Raton, Florida 33432/ (305) 395-2736 Orlando, Florida. New York, New York. Rochester, New York. Silver ~rinQ, MGlryland IIG4801 , PLANNING OBJECTIVES OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT HYPOLUXO ROAD - 11 ACRES The development is proposed as a single-family project consisting of individual housing units to be constructed on separate lots as shown on the zero-lot line layout for the project. The population is assumed to be approximately 2.5 persons per unit which, when multi- plied by the 87 units proposed, results in a projected population of 227 people. The project is proposed to be developed in one stage and would be commenced upon receipt of all applicable permits. It is expected that development under those conditions would commence in some six months, more or less. There would be a Homeowner's Association created which would own and maintain the drainage system, road system, and other easement and open space facilities. The density of the overall parcel is calculated at 4.9 units per acre. Attached are copies of the Official Soil Conservations Service Soil Classifications for the subject project. On-site surveys by represent- atives of the Owner have indicated that muck areas are isolated to the eastern portions of the project. Engineers Architects Planners -ri;'i:""7'-;"~"'"7',~"~:r.:~~'"':i2'i,~7.'11';j-~: < ';';'-;:~;'";'~~:'Aj':.'~ ;,. :"'f7,":Yi. \' '/"R:;:':;!f">~}~,,:':~~c~~tM:~f"~~JIIIIII ... " ;f~.~__ ; ~_. -re-~~'~~'~J: lm;.- "~a1 , -'''-'' I I t ~' f r t'..,", .,..... " f i:, f I, [, ~ I ~ (jP~ ~pl\, C"..; ;.., ..... C) .." C) CD "- CD w ~ ,... N it c:-. - m 11----,_ lIIatrlntp Jlee' .,~,M.._ 14th 19. lluch . A.DJ' 7t. 'III Jill .... IULft ,cu..-r LIIIlDD ~.., .. ........ __,t. j,. t1f tilt ".,. ea,.- Iel__ . .... .. ,..r r' ,. 1/ ~ ;" _ ~~ . .,' ea,- 181.... · r I ......, H~ ........., ~ ill II..va. tf ~,."" */*,.,. .. VALDa B. JAIKI K.D.. a 1IarriecJ .an, 1930 .. E. 47tJa' St., Sui~ III ' ft. La_rdale, nori" '3308 -I '" o-y -I Browart - SIiIr '" nori.. ,., ., tf,. --' ,., "'llIdIt: TeD (lJ(.,~d:l':cI:'r ~T .:Jd=r=. tfc:.1:~uoaa - · .. it ill ~ ,.. ~ tile.,., JII/ ,Ite __ ,." lite ~ wltII<<f is ",..., .trT II (ftI ". ,.. ~ i.J 16M ..... ,.,., tf tIIe..wI JI'l". hie iriru.......,. 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