AGENDA DOCUMENTS AGENDA MEMORANDUM '( 23 September 1987 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Request for Extension of Zoning Approval Lakes of Hypoluxo PUD . Thefowner of the referenced PUD, through his agent, Christopher Hurst, is requesting an extension of the approval of the PUD zoning for a six-month period beyond January 3, 1988 at which time the zoning would expire (see attached correspondence). The reason for requesting this extension is that the property owner has contracted to sell the property to the School Board of Palm Beach County with closings scheduled for January 15, 1988. Given the above information, a request for an extension is legitimate and should be granted, however, it is my recommendation that the applicant be given enough time to complete his platting in as short a period as possible in 1988, rather than for six months. Additionally, it is recommended that an extension of no more than two months be granted which allows ample time for the property owner to file and record preliminary and final plats. Please place this item on the City Commission agenda for October 20, 1987. Cc.-. ~ J~ CARMEN S. ANN ZIATO /bks 4 cc: Central File~ Christopher Hurst Engineers . Architects . Planners . Surveyors PARAMOUNr;: ENGINEERING GROUP 25 Seabreeze Avenue. Suite 200. Delroy Beach. Florida 33483/ (305) 278-8111 RECEIVED SEP 22 1981 PLANNiNG DEPT. G4801 (01) September 22, 1987 Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Dept. City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fla. RE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF ZONING APPROVAL LAKES OF HYPOLUXO PUD Dear Mr. Annunziato: Pursuant to recent conversations between your office and the owner of the subject property, Mr. Walter Janke, this is to request an extension to the zoning approval for the project until July 3, 1988. This request will have the effect of an additional 6 month extension to the zoning, as the current expiration date is January 3, 1988. The request for extension is being made in order to provide :time for negotiations between the property owner and the Palm Beach County School Board relating to the possible purchase of the property by the School Board. For your reference, a copy of the contract with the school board is enclosed. GROUP Hurst REAL EST^TE SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRAcr This is a legally binding contract. Seek your attorney's advise before signing. " ", ~ Walter H. Janke of 2951 N.W. 49th Avenue. Suite 206, Lauderdale Lakes, Florida 33313 (ph. 742-2705 ), as seller, and School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida ~ of P.O. Box 24690. 3323 Belvedere Rd. W. Palm Beach, FL 33416-4690 ' (ph. 684-5146 ), as buyer. t2:~by agree that the seller shall sell and the buyer shall buy the following described property UPON THE TEF~S A.~ CONnlTlONS llERElNAITER SET FORTH, which shall include the STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACl'IONS set forth on ,the reverse side of this contract. 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION of real estate located in Palm Beach County, State of Floirda: The W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the HE 1/4 and the E 1/2 of the W 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less the North 40 feet thereof. Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Control Number 08 43 45 07 00 000 1040. 2. PURCHASE PRICE 1,150.000 Dollars I I" 'I, Method of Payment: a. Deposit to be held in trust by Goldberq & Younq. P.A. b. Approximate principal balance of first mortgage to which conveyance shall be subject, if any. Mortgage holder . Interest ___% per annum; Method of payment c. Other $ d. Cash, certified or local cashier's check on closing and delivery of deed (or such greater or lessor amount as may be necessary to complete payment of purchase price after credits, adjustments and prorations. $ .( 0 {jOt 0 v 0 TOTAL $ 1,150.060 3. TIME OF ACCEPT~~CE: If this contract is not executed by the seller and buyer on or before October 8, 1987, the aforesaid deposit shall be, at the option of the buyer, returned to him and this agreement shall be null and void. The date of contract, for purposes of performance, shall be regarded as the date when the last one of the seller and buyer has signed this contract. 4. CLOSING DATE: This contract shall be closed and the deed and possession shall be delivered on or before 15 day of January 1988, unless extended by other provisions of this contract. 5. PRORATIONS: Taxes, insurance, interest;'rents and other expenses "and revenue of said property , ~hal1 be prorated as of the date of closing. 6. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: Check I J (1) or (X] (2) within 60 days from the date of this contract, the seller shall, at his expense, deliver to the buyer or his attorney in accordance with Standard A on reverse side either: (1) abstract (2) Title guarantee. 7. COI~ANCE: Seller shall convey title to the aforesaid property to the buyer by statutory warranty deed subject to matters contained in this contract and taxes for the year of closing. 8. RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, LIMITATION: Buyer shall take title subject to (1) zoning restrictions, prohibiti~s, and requirements imposed by governmental uuthority, (b) restrictions and matters appearing on the plat or common to the subdivision, (c) public utility easements of record, provided said easements ate located on the side or rear lines of the property, (d) taxes for year of closing, assumed mortgages, and purchase money mortgages, if any; (e) other: . Seller warrants that there shall be no violation of building or zoning codes at the time of closing. 9. DEFAULT BY BUYER: If buyer fails to perform any of the covenants of this contract. all money paid pursuant to this contract by buyer as aforesaid shall be retained by or for the account of the seller as. $ 5.000 $ $ , ; ( . " " ,l1sideration (or the execution or this contr~~. and as agr~ed liquidated darnage3 and _ full settlcmtnt of . . oy claims for damages. 10. DEFAULT BY SELLER: If the seller fails to perform any of the covenants of this contract, the .foresaid money paid by the buyer, at the option of the buyer shall be returned to the buyer on demand; or :he buyer shall have only the right of specific performance. 11., TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRl~EN PROVISIONS: Typewritten orhandwritte~ provisions inserted in this :Orl shall control all printed provisions in conflict therewith. 12. OTHER ~GREEMENTS: Ho agreements or representation. unless incorporated in this contract, shall be binding upoa any ot the parties. 13. SPECIAL ~USES: See Paragraphs l3(A) and (B) on the Addendum hereto. 4ITNESSES: (Two are ,required) DATE EXECUTED BY BUYER: SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) (SEAL) Chairman: (SEAL) Secretary: DATE ~ED BY SELLER: C( - I r -fi;- 1 w:: H~ &C)~I (SE~L) Reviewed: Office of General Counsel By: Attorney -.w,it nr H_ ST^, m~ FOR REM. EST^TI~ THIIW;Arl'lorls A. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: (1) A complete abstract of titl~ prepared by a reputable abstract firm purportina to be an accurate syno~sis of the instruments affecting the title to that real property recorded in ouolic records of that county to the date of this contract, showing in the seller a marketable title in accordance with title standards adoited from time to time hv the Florida Dar, subject only to liens, encumbrances. exceptions or qualifications set forth in this contract and those which snall be discharged by seller at or before closing, (2) a title guarantee commitmentf issued by a qualified title insuror agreeing to issue to the buyer,. upon 'the recording of the deed hereafter mentIoned, as owner, guarantee in the amount sf the purcha~e price ins~r~ng ~he tltle of t~e buyer to that real property. subject only to liens, enc~~~~:~~e5, exceptIons or qualIfIcatIons set forth 1n thiS contract and those WhICh shall be dlscharged by seli.~ :t or , before closing. ' , . ""Buyer shall have fifteen (15) days if abstract, or five (5) days if title guarantee, from the ~~te of receivinq the evidence of tltle to examine same. If title is found to be defectIve. the buyer shall ~ithin said .penod notify the seller in writing specifying the defects. If the said defects render n.: CLUe unmarKetable. the seller shall have ninety (90) aays frcn the receipt of such notice to cure the c~:'e.:ts, and if after said period seller shall not have cured the defects, buyer shall have the option or: }1) accepting title as it then is, or (2) demanding a refund of all monies paid hereunder which shjll orthwitb be returned to the buyer, and thereupon tfie buyer and seller shall be released of all further obligations under this contract. B. EXISTING MORTGAGES: The seller shall furnish estoppel letters (not necessarily in affidavit fOfml setting forth the principal balance, method of payment, and whether the mortgage is 1n good standing. It there 1S a charge for the change of ownership records by the mortgagee, it sliall be bOrne by the buyer. Seller.sh~ll receive as cr~dit at closing, an amount equal to the escrow funds held by th~ mortgagee. If the exIstIng mortgage requlres the buyer to assume same, then the buyer shall do so; provlded,however. if the IOrtgagee does not accept the buyer, then in that event occurring, the buyer at hIS option may cancel the contract and all monies paid by tfie buyer shall be refunded to the buyer. C. PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGES: Any purchase money .notes and mortgages required by the contract shall follow the forms generally accepted and used in the county where the land is located. Any purchase money mortgage shall provIde for lnsurance against loss by fire WIth extended covera[e in an amount not less than the full insurable value of the improvements. In a first mortgage, the note ana mortgage shall provide for accelera- tion, at the option of the holder, after thirty (30) days default and in a second mortgage, after fifteen (15) days default. A second mortgage shall require a mortgagor to keep all prior liens ana encumbrances in good standing. Buyer shall h~ve the right to prepay all or part of the principal at any time or times with lnterest to date of payment wlthout penalty. D. OTHER MORTGAGES: In the event buyer executes a mortgage to one other than the seller, all costs and charges incidental thereto shall be palO by the buyer. . E. SURVEY: If the buyer desires a survey he shall have the property surveyed at his expense prior to closing date. If the survey shows an encroachment, the same shall be treated as a title defect. F. LEASES: Seller, not less than 15 days before closing, shall furnish to buyer copies of all written leases and estopQel letters from each tenant specifying the nature and duration of the tenant's occupancy, rental rates, ano advanced rent and security deposits paid by tenant. If seller is unable to obtain such letters from tenants, seller shall furnish tfie same information to buyer within said time period in the form of a seller's affidavit, and buyer may contact tenants thereafter to confirm such information. At closing, seller shall deliver and assign all original leases ~o buyer. G. MECHANICS LIENS: Seller shall furnish to buyer an affidavit that there have been no improvements to the subject property for 90 days immediately preceding the date of closing, and no financing statements, claims of lien or potential lienors known to seller. If the property has Deen improved withIn that time, seller shall deliver releases or waivers of all mechanics liens as executed by general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and materialmen, in addition to the seller's lien affidavit, setting forth the names of all general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and materialmen and reciting that all bills for ~ork to the subject property WhlCh could serve as basis for mechanics liens have been pald or will be paid at closing. " H. . PLACE OF CLOSING: Closing shall be held at the office of the seller's attorney or as otherwise agreed upon. I. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE: Time is of the essence of this Sale and Purchase Contract. J. DOCUMENTS FOR CLOSING: Seller's attorney shall prepare deed, note, mortgage, seller's affidavit, any corrective inst,ruments required for perfecting the title,and closing statement and submit copies of same to buyer's attorQey, and copy of closing statement to the broker, at least two days prior to scheduled closing date, .- K. EXPENSES: State documentary stamps required on the instrument of conveyance and the cost of recording any corrective' instruments shan be paid by the seller. Documentary stamps to be affixed to the note secured by the purchase money mortgage~ intangible tax on the mortgage, and the cost of recording the deed and purchase money mortgage snall be pald by toe buyer. L. PRORATION OF'TAXES: Taxes shall be prorated 'on tax for the current year with due allowance being made for the maximum allowable discount and for homestead or other exemptions if allowed for said Jear. If t~e current assessment is not available, the tax will be prorated on the prior year's tax, providea, however, If , .., ~Ir. rOlllpl('lc~11 illljlIIJVt'mc:Il(:l ()Il ~IlIJjCll pl()l'tdy 1Jy JUIIUJ1Y bl ot dl~ Yt.:d( or closing. l~lhh _provements were not 1n existence on JanuarY 1st ot Ute prior year, then the tax shall be prora:::1 to dssessment to be agreed upon between the parties: but any tax proration based on an estimate lay be a::~sted subsequently at th~ request of either party upon receipt of the tax bill, and a statement to that tfi~:t shalloe set forth In tfie closing statement. M. INSURANCE: If insurance is to be prorated, the seller shall on or before the closing date, fu~isn :0 buyer all insurance policies or copies thereof. f N. ~PECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS: Certified, confirmed or ratif~ed special assessment ,liens, as of t:: ,.: ::f closlng (and not as of the date of the contract), afe to be paId by the seller. Pe~ding ilens as c: '. .:.:; of cl,osing shall be assumed by the buyer, provIded, however, .that. where the Improv~ent has ". :~. stantlally compl~t~d as of the' date of 'the tontrac~, such pendinq liens 'shall be consIdered as c: ' :l:~, confumed or ratlfled and the seller shall, at closIng, be, chargea an amount equal to the last es' ,..,c; by the public body of the assessment for the improvement. O. RISK OF LOSS: If the improvements are damaged by fire or casualty before delivery of the dee~ :j (;.n be restored to substantially the same condition as now within a period of 60 days thereafter, sell,t snall so restore the improvements and the closing date and date of delive~ of possession hereinbefore frC'ilded \ shall be e~t~nded according)y. . If seller fails to 90 so, the b~er snal~ have the option of (1) taKing the proferty as 1S, together Wlth Insurance proceeds, lf any, or (~) cancelIng the contract, and all deposits sha 1 be forthwith returned to the buyer and all parties shall be released of any and all obligation and lia bil it y. P. MAINTENANCE: Between the date of the contract and the date of closing, the property, including 13~~, shrubbery and pool, if any, shall be maintained by the seller in the conditIon as lt existed as of the date of the contract, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Q. PROCEEDS OF SALE: The Deed shall be recorded and the evidence of title continued, at seller's eXQense, to show title in the buyer, without any encumbrances or change from the date of the last evidence renaering seller's title unmarketable, and the cash proceeds of such sale shall be held in escrow by the seller's attorney or by such other mutually a]Teed upon Escrow Agent for a period of not longer than rive (51 days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays ana holidays. If the seller's title is so rentfered unmarketable, the buyer's attorney sharI, within the said five (5) day period, notify seller's attorney in writing of the defect and the seller shall have thirty' (30) days from fhe date of receipt of such notification to cure the defect. In the event seller fails to timely cure said defect, all monies paid hereunder shall, upon written , ~emand therefor, within five (5) dals thereafter, be immediately returned to buyer, and simultaneously with ',such reparent, buyer shall vacate he premises and reconvey by Special Warranty Deed. In the event of the failure 0 the buyer to make timely demand for refund, he snaIr take title as is, waiving all rights against the seller as to the intervening defect. R. BROKER'S COMMISSION: The broker's commissiqn shall be disbursed at the time of the disbursement of the proceeds. S. A'ITORNEY FEES AND COSTS: In connection with any Ii tigation arising our of the contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred, including reasonable attorneys fees. T. CONTRACT NOT RECORDABLE. This contract shall not be recorded in the public records of any county. WPID\ES\SITE\JANKEPOL.QE ~ " " ADDENDUM TO REAL ESTATE SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT BETWEEN WALTER H. JANKE AND SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 13 (A). ,This Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract is subject to and condit~oned upon the Buyer obtaining the following: 1. Approval of this Real Estate Sale a~d Purchase Contract by th~ . . School Board of Palm Beach County on or before October 8, 1987; . 2. Approval of this Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract by thL Dep3rtment of Education of the State of Florida on or before November 15, 195i; 3. An appraisal of the real property on or before October 8, 1987, which appraisal must reflect the purchase price of not less than $1,lSO,OOO.OO; 4. Buyer obtaining, on or before the date of closing, {l fo'~1JM{'~e', ,J~" permitting the Buyer to use the real property hereinabove described for School. , If the conditions above described are not met in accordance with the dates reflected for each, t~en the Buyer may terminate this Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract wherein all deposits deposited hereunder shall be returned to the Buyer an~ thereupon all parties hereto shall be relieved of all obligations and liabilities thereunder, or the Buyer may proceed with the closing and thereby waiving all of the above conditions. . (B). The Seller has advised the Buyer that it has received an extension of the .... .,' . Seller's present zoning (residential) pursuant to the Minutes of the Regular City Commission Meeting of the City of Boynton Beach of July 21,1987, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". This extension of zoning expires on or about January 3. ,1988. Therefore, this Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract is further subject to and conditioned upon the Seller obtaining another extension of his existing zoning from the City of Boynton Beach, extending the present zoning to June,30, 1988. The Buyer agrees to cooperate with the Seller in obtaining the extension of the Seller's existing zoning. Therefore. on or before the date of closing. if the Seller cannot obtain a zoning extension from the City of Boynton Beach extending the existing zoning to June 30, 1988, the Seller may terminate this Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract, whereupon all monies deposited hereunder shall be returned to the Buyer, this Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract shall be terminated ,and all parties shall be relieved of all liabilities and obligations hereunder. " , . Coscan Florida. Inc. ~'.,' Suite 400 East Building 1900 Corporate Boulevard N.W. Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (305) 994-1433 RECEIVED SEP 18 1981 PLAN1\i;G DEPT. September 16, 1987 Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310-33425 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Quail Run Project Signage Dear Mr. Annunziato: As you are aware, the City Commission voted to table our request for site signage. Inasmuch as Coscan has agreed to staff comments regarding the same and the Community Appearance Board has approved the request, I am requesting that you review the submittal as is for compliance with the "PROPOSED" sign ordinance. Please provide Coscan with your comments as soon as possible and reschedule the request for the next available City Commission meeting. Thanking you for your continued cooperation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to con- tact me. d J. Cuozzo ctor of Planning & Development DJC:pr Boca: (305) 994-1433 . Dade: (305) 935-1292 . Broward: (305) 427-3204 . N, Palm Beach: (305) 736-8118 MEMORANDUM 24 July 1986 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Request for Extension of Zoning Approval - Lakes of Hypoluxo Planned Unit Development Accompanying this memo you will find a copy of a letter from Walter Janke in which a request is made for a retroactive extension of PUD zoning. As noted by Mr. Janke, the City Council approved the Planned Unit Development on January 3, 1985. The zoning remained in effect for 18 months until July 3, 1986, and has since expired, thus triggering the requested extension. It is recommended that the PUD zoning for the Lakes of Hypoluxo be extended for one year, until July 3, 1987, subject to the applicant resubmitting all land and construction estimates in connection with the approval of a final plat. c~ rL """\~:z:: CARMEN S. ANNUNZ~ATO /bks Attachment cc: Mr. Walter Janke, Paramount Engineering F / MEMORANDUM November 6, 1984 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Director of Planning kE: REQUESTS FOR ANNEXATION, FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT AND REZONING SUBMITTED BY RICHARD WHALEN FOR CONTEMPORARY COMMUNITY CONCEPTS CORPORATION INTRODUCTION Richard Whalen is proposing to annex into Boynton Beach a 17.7 acre tract of land located on the south side of Hypoluxo Road, north and east of the Meadows 300 Planned Unit Development (See Exhibit 'A"). This property is currently zoned AR (Agricultural Reserve) and it is undeveloped. In connection with this request for annexation, the applicant is proposing that the land reflect, if annexed, a Low Density Residential future land use category and that the property be rezoned Planned Unit Development with a Land Use Intensity = 5 (PUD w LUI = 5). This PUD, as proposed, is to be known as the Lakes of Hypoluxo and it provides for the construction of 87 zero lot line, Single-family detached units. The gross density proposed is 4.92 dwelling units per acre which exceeds the maximum of 4.82 dwelling units per acre permitted in a Low Density Residential land use category. PROCEDURE These applications for annexation, amendment to the future land use element of the Comprehensive Plan and rezoning are being processed consistent with State statutes, and Boynton Beach Codes, ordinances and resolutions as follows: 1 . F ~ .~. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; 2. F.S. 166.041: Resolutions; Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and -Page 1- -::- '-' . F.. c . ;:;) . 171.011: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Act; 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning; 5. Boynton Beach Ordinance #79-24: 6. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Anne).: at i on ProcedLu~es for These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Paraphrasing, these regulations require review by the City Department Heads, newspaper advertisements, public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Council and Council adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the future land use element and rezone. Also included is a consistency review by the Board of County Commissioners. These procedures take approximately three months to complete. CURRENT LAND USE AND ZONING The property which is the subject of this annexation is, as previously mentioned, undeveloped and zoned AR (Agricultural Reserve) in Palm Beach County. The land use and zoning of the surrounding land varies, and is presented to you for your information in the table which follows: Directi<:m Jurisdiction Zoning L~~nd Use NDI~t.h Palm Beach County RS Si n~~ I e--f ami I y subdivision East Palm Beach County AR PI ant nur5el~y South Boynton Beach PUD w/LUI=3.36 Meadows 300 PUD West Boynton Beach PUD w/LUI=3.36 Meadows 300 PUD Palm Beach County ARISE Underdeveloped land with a Special Exception to construct an adult congregate living facility. FUTURE LAND USE AND REZONING Hypoluxo Road forms the northern limit of the City's Reserve Annexation Area and the City's Utility Service Area. It. is contemplated that all lands between Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue on the south side of Hypoluxo Road will at some time in the future be annexed. Currently, approximat.ely one-half of this frontage has been incorporated. This proposal represent.s a -Page '?- .<.. continuation of previous actions to close unincorporated packets in this portion of the Reserve Annexation Area. The land use category requested, Low Density Residential is the same as that which exists to the west and south in Boynton Beach, and as noted in correspondence received from the Palm Beach County Planning Department, is consistent with the future plans for land use in Palm Beach County for this area. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES There are three policies in the Comprehensive Plan which address annexations as follows: 1. "Anne}: only property which is I~ea':~onably contiguous to prl=sent municipal boundaries;" The Whalen property is contiguous with present corporate limits along all of its southern limits and along portions of its western property line (approximately 1300 feet or 35% of its entire boundary), and its northern boundary is conterminous with the northern limits of the Reserve Annexation Area. 2. "Anne:.: property onl y after the pr"eparati on of a study evaluating the fiscal benefits of annexation versus the cost of providing service;" In response to Policy 2, you will find accompanying this memorandum. Exhibit '8' which compares projected ad valorem taxes with required e).:pendi tures. '~:" "Anne){ only properties which ,are of sufficient size to provide efficient service and on which urban development is anticipated. II As stated previously, the Whalen tract is approximately 18 acres in size, and because of the availability of public utilities which are or will be located east, south and west plus recent roadway improvements the tract will experience urban development. Based on the findings of fact noted in the discussion of the Policies as applied to this annexation, it is apparent that the Whalen request is consistent with the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan policies concerning annexation. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends that the applications submitted by Richard Whalen for annexation and future land use element amendment be approved as requested and that the rezoning requested be approved subject to the staff comments which accompany this memorandum as Exhibit "C'. These recommendations are based on the .f 011 01,'J i n 9 : -Page "":!"- "-' 1. the parcel is contiguous to the corporate limits; 2. the parcel is in the path of urban development and it is within a County pocket; 3. the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies for annexation; 4. the land use and zoning categories requested are both consistent with the land use plans and policies of Palm Beach County and Boynton Beach; 5. the requested annexation and zoning will not impair the surrounding properties in a manner that will inhibit future development; and, 6. the cost/benefit analysis of this request indicates that the impact of this proposal on municipal staff and programs will be off-set by projected municipal revenues. __c~~~_ Carmen S. Annu~;fi~----- Director of Planning /bks EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT 'B" COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS* WHALEN ANNEXATION PROJECTED ASSESSED VALUE* Land Value Building Value Total $1,126,128.00 5,738,172.00 6,864,3UU.UU PROJECTED TAXES Valuation** 1984 Millage Total $4,689,300.00 x .0068 $31,887.24 *8ased on comparable units 1984 assessment roll. **Less Homestead Exemptions. DEPf4HTMENT POLICE BUILDING PERSONNEL ~( PURCHASING L.IBRARY RECREAT I ON 81. PARKS FINANCE ENERGY PUBLIC WORKS UTIL.ITIES ENGINEERING PL.ANNING PLANNING, BUILDING, ZONING COMMENTS ON ANNEXATION MUNICIPAL STAFF I NCRE{..~ISED INCREASED OTHER ~-::'ERSONNEL C?)F' I TAL COMMENTS NO NO See ?ittached NO NO See Attached NO NO See Attached 1'.10 NO NO NO See Attached NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PALM BEACH COUNTY STAFF S~2e At. tached COMMENTS ON ANNEXATION Recreation and Parks: The seven acre park approved and dedicated as a part of the Meadows 300 Planned Unit Development is within one-half mile of this property and it will serve these new residents. Police: This reqUEst is to be considered as a part of the overall westward expansion of the City and our manpower requirements are budgeted on an annual basis. Building: This project should not unduly burden this department at this time. Personnel and Purchasing: As with all annexations, if services are increased the Personnel and Purchasing departments will have to process additional people if needed by affected departments. Also, any equipment or services purchased will be processed by the Department. Board of County Commissioners ....................................... ........ Ken Spillia~, Chair~an . U "V C:~~rBD. Dorothy WIlken, Vice Chaumanl ~J.-...- Peggy B. Evatt Dennis Koehler Bill Bailey 0\,7 .-, "\\WA County Administrator John C. Sansbury Department of Planning, Zoning, & Building Robert E. Basehart Director PU\ii..."..... l.Ji:.('~;,A - October 4, 1984 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Ave. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Re: Proposed Lakes of Hypoluxo P.U.D., South Side of Hypoluxo Road, Between Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue, Consisting of 17.7 Acres Dear Mr. Annunziato: The above referenced Lakes of Hypoluxo residential project proposed for the Hypoluxo Road area is described in the attached legal description. The project's site plan submitted to this office for our review showed a total of 85 lots on the 17.7 acre site which results in a gross density of 4.8 units per acre. This proposed density figure of 4.8 is within the maximum permitted density for this particular location according to the Palm Beach County Land Use Plan. The County's land use category for this site will allow a Low to Medium residential density of up to five dwelling units per acre in a Planned Unit Development dependant upon mandatory compliance with the Plan's Performance Standards. Consequentially, the County does not object to the proposed density as such, but the County is especially concerned about the Plan's Performance Standard No.3 - ~~jor Thoroughfares. In particular, the County requests that the review of this residential project carefully consider the impact of these additional 85 units upon the ability of Hypoluxo Road, Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue to handle the increase in traffic generated by this project. 3400 BELVEDERE ROAD . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406 . (305) 471.3520 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato October 4, 1984 Page 2 If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, I:~~ "-r~ Robert Flanagan Senior Planner RF:cjs Encl. Board of County Commissioners Ken Spillias, Chairman Dorothy Wilken, Vice Chairman Peggy B. Evatt Dennis Koehler Bill Bailey October 9, 1984 County Administrator John C. Sansbury Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert County Engineer Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato Director of Planning City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 .!"\ f'''. "';';, '~ .! ;, fJ Ii In..' \ _. ,. , ,", PLAr'4 \\ ll'A~ j' c ;-' L SUBJEcr: proposed Lakes of Hypoluxo, P.U.D. Annexa^tion - Dear Mr. Annunziato: As per your request, this office has reviewed the Lakes of Hypoluxo master plan for traffic considerations. Given the number of lots proposed, it is my opinion that this development would create less than a significant impact and therefore, would not trigger the traffic performance standards of the comprehensive plan. consistent with past practices, it is my recommendation this project be assessed a fair share impact fee based on the current rate of $300.00 per single family unit. It is also recommended that this project be required to construct a left turn lane, east approach on Hypoluxo Road at the project's entrance. No impact fee credit should be given for this construction as it is site related. I would also suggest that you contact our planning Division for their input on this matter. The opportunity to comment is sincerely appreciated. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY E~INEER /J / /7 A //1 ,/ V~i/<-~/~C#---- Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division CRW:ASH:ks cc: Dick Morley - planning Division BOX 2429 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORI DA 33402 . (305) 684-4000 EXHIBIT ' C' Building Department: See attached memo. Utility Department: See attached memo. Recy-eat i on and Parks: Recommended fee in lieu of land for recreation and parks dedication purposes. Planning Department: 1. In order to reduce site congestion the following site design criteria are recommended: a. No structures are to be constructed closer than fifteen (15) feet to a side lot line; b. No dwelling units are to be constructed closer than twenty-five (25) feet to a rear lot line; and, c. The minimum lot frontage is to be increased to fifty-five (55) feet in order to allow more usage of the zero lot line side yard. 2. The comments listed in the County Traffic Engineer's letter of October 9, 1984 should be required. I OCT ,.' l~~li I FROM TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner ! !,,'" ~ - - " , l - '- i; p I.,.j""\ \ ",u '\ I <.'; \)~. Bob Donovan Chief Plans Check Inswect(~ ~~ ""'.-~"..._--~~..~..._.~ SUBJEcr:_______~:u<~_~~__ H:P ?L~~~__________________________________________ DA TE:_! O-:.u .l.~~___________ FOLD . Upon review of the above mentioned site-plan, be advised of the following information. 1. The conceptual building f ootp tint plan should show roof line and building areas. Roof lines must be shown not encroaching the 0 (zero) property line, or special overhang easements platted. ;U"""'~"'''l\'"",~r.''''';;>'''~;.li':l",-,Wf"''':',~'!if;""""!''-",,,,,,;'-.l''" 'P.....",c~"..'-"".'lll.:,(.!If:.",.r'~.,t;.;n..;.~ b;("';' ""~;"".'j1\f"JJ)JI:;';'''..I' "I,..~".I;:"'-:; If f}~ J , B. Donovan J ~":'f,.!;;;';:;;;' ,;./,,-~~_~,.,~ ~ S,.-:.~mm:II~Q'.'.lI-' ",Y,.:~.r,:,'- i :{,~,.~~~,7'" PLEASE fiEri. Y TO --;;;. SIGNED REPLY Ck/~. ~. --'0" SIGNED ITEM /I F269 . WHEELER GROUP INC. THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ,", ,. ......,.,;------- . ---- D -;- ""l- lJ1""(, T -, " _,n ~-"rl ." 'vIE. , ;~'~.t~ ..~:_.~ . ~,_,~ ;_,i~ ,I ..L " ':0..... ., MEMORANDUM "tOV E:. lo.RA PU\NNI'\U DE.PT. November 2, 1984 TO: Mr. Cannen Annunziato, City Planner ==:-~, .-.- ' - RE: Lakes of Hypoluxo Attached is a copy of a letter from Pararrount Engineering, comni tting them to :run a 12" water line westward to Lawrence Road and taking the appropriate credits. \]~~ Perry A. Cessna, Director of Utilities crrd Attachment PAA4MOUNr ENGINEERING GROUP 350 Camino Gardens Blvd.. Boca Raton, Florida 33432 / (305) 395-2736 Orlando, Florida. New York, New York. Rochester, New York. Silver Spring, Maryland IfG4801 Mr. Perry Cessna City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department 120 N.W. Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 "~~ 1-" (';'.1 ~/ \ - "'^. - '/7.. /. ," '... :' "';... 'f')\ /.'/1) . 'c' .'> ,,>' \":\) ...'/.,. . ,- -r.. ( 'I -..,:-; r: ~ ...-1 ,I:::)... I I ..~. r- ~.l. I --- I /.0-.......... . (.~. October 26, 1984 RE: LAKES OF HYPOLUXO ~. ,~\ ) /-; .^ . . /" "~-~')...' .. " 'r/ ). . .-:' . ':::!1/7~ . ! ( " , , Dear Perry: Per our discussion this morning, this is to confirm that the Lakes of Hypoluxo project will connect to the existing watermain in Lawrence Road via the installation of a watermain in Hypoluxo Road westward from the project. In the event that an alternative method of obtaining water from the City of Boynton Beach lines is expected to be used, we will meet with your office to obtain your approval before finalizing such a change. Thank you very much for your assistance on this matter and please call me if you should have any questions. Very truly yours, PARAMOUNT ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. riswp. er V. ~ Vice Pr sident CVH/kb CC: Dick Whalen Engineers Architects Planners ___"_L_