AGENDA DOCUMENTS MEMORANDUM 2 July 1987 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Lakes of Hypoluxo - Request for Extension of Zoning Subsequent to my memo of 30 June 1987 I received the attached letter which supplements Mr. Hurst's letter of June 26, 1987. Please add this letter to the previous memo for final action by the Commission. c~ J( ~ CARMEN S. ANN ZIATO /bks SCH EER Be CORBETT, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 302 1901 SOUTH CONGRESS AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~3wtS~ 33426-6556 DANA M. SCHEER DANIEL K. CORBETT TELEPHONE (305) 736-7210 July 2, 1987 HAND DELIVERED Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Request for Extension of Zoning Approval Lakes of Hypoluxo Planned Unit Development ("PUD") Dear Mr. Annunziato: Pursuant to a letter of June 26, 1987, Mr. Chris Hurst of Paramount Engineering submitted the preliminary plat for the PUD referred to above and requested an additional extension to the existing zoning approval for the PUD on behalf of the current owner Walter H. Janke, a/k/a Walter H. Janke, M.D. and on behalf of Mr. Clark M. Ries, Trustee. This letter reaffirms both the afore described submittal and request on behalf of Dr. Janke and Mr. Ries. Furthermore, we have requested on their behalf that the PUD zoning for the Lakes of Hypoluxo PUD be extended for one year until July 3, 1988 subject to the following conditions: 1.) Resubmittal of all land and construction estimates in connection with the final plat approval; 2.) Submittal of studies, surveys and other items required by the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan - Evaluation and Appraisal Report - 1986 (Ordinance No. 86-54 adopted 12/16/86) on or before August 15, 1987. 3.) Acceptance by the Owner/Applicant of all modifications or amendments to the PUD zoning approval and preliminary plat required by the submittals set forth in condition 2 above. SCH EER 8: CORBETT, P. A. Mr. Carmen Annunziato July 2, 1987 Page 2 Please place our requests before the City Council at the earliest opportunity. Thank you for taking time to discuss this matter with Mr. Ries, Mr. Hurst and me fn JUl:~)~~'L V ry tr J1 "~ti Z!::Z C;:eETT ~ DKCjta cc: Mr. Clark M. Ries Mr. Chris Hurst MEMORANDUM 2 July 1987 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Lakes of Hypoluxo - Request for Extension of Zoning Subsequent to my memo of 30 June 1987 I received the attached letter which supplements Mr. Hurst's letter of June 26, 1987. Please add this letter to the previous memo for final action by the Commission. CC J( ~ CARMEN S. ANN ZIATO jbks SCHEER Be CORBETT, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 302 1901 SOUTH CONGRESS AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA ~~'5 33426-6556 DANA M. SCHEER DANIEL K. CORBETT TELEPHONE (305) 736-7210 July 2, 1987 HAND DELIVERED Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Request for Extension of Zoning Approval Lakes of Hypoluxo Planned Unit Development ("PUD") Dear Mr. Annunziato: Pursuant to a letter of June 26, 1987, Mr. Chris Hurst of Paramount Engineering submitted the preliminary plat for the PUD referred to above and requested an additional extension to the existing zoning approval for the PUD on behalf of the current owner Walter H. Janke, a/k/a Walter H. Janke, M.D. and on behalf of Mr. Clark M. Ries, Trustee. This letter reaffirms both the aforedescribed submittal and request on behalf of Dr. Janke and Mr. Ries. Furthermore, we have requested on their behalf that the PUD zoning for the Lakes of Hypoluxo PUD be extended for one year until July 3, 1988 subject to the following conditions: 1. ) Resubmittal of all land and construction estimates in connection with the final plat approval; 2. ) Submittal of studies, surveys and other items required by the Boynton Beach Comprehensivo Plan - Evaluation and Appraisal Report - 1986 (Ordinance No. 86-54 adopted 12/16/86) on or before August 15, 1987. 3. ) Acceptance by the Owner/Applicant of all modifications or amendments to the PUD zoning approval and preliminary plat required by the submittals set forth in condition 2 above. SCHEER 8: CORBETT, P.A. Mr. Carmen Annunziato July 2, 1987 Page 2 Please place our requests before the City Council at the earliest opportunity. Thank you for taking time to discuss this matter with Mr. Ries, Mr. Hurst and me on July 2, 1987. ~ v~to · DANIEL K. CORBETT DKCjta cc: Mr. Clark M. Ries Mr. Chris Hurst MEMORANDUM 2 July 1987 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Lakes of Hypoluxo - Request for Extension of Zoning Subsequent to my memo of 30 June 1987 I received the attached letter which supplements Mr. Hurst's letter of June 26, 1987. Please add this letter to the previous memo for final action by the Commission. Ce& J( ~ CARMEN S. ANN ZIATO jbks SCHEER Be CORBETT, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 302 1901 SOUTH CONGRESS AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA ~304S~ 33426-6556 DANA M. SCHEER DANIEL K. CORBETT TELEPHONE (305) 736-7210 July 2, 1987 HAND DELIVERED Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Request for Extension of Zoning Approval Lakes of Hypoluxo Planned Unit Development ("PUD") Dear Mr. Annunziato: Pursuant to a letter of June 26, 1987, Mr. Chris Hurst of Paramount Engineering submitted the preliminary plat for the PUD referred to above and requested an additional extension to the existing zoning approval for the PUD on behalf of the current owner Walter H. Janke, a/k/a Walter H. Janke, M.D. and on behalf of Mr. Clark M. Ries, Trustee. This letter reaffirms both the aforedescribed submittal and request on behalf of Dr. Janke and Mr. Ries. Furthermore, we have requested on their behalf that the PUD zoning for the Lakes of Hypoluxo PUD be extended for one year until July 3, 1988 subject to the following conditions: 1.) Resubmittal of all land and construction estimates in connection with the final plat approval; 2.) Submittal of studies, surveys and other items required by the Boynton Beach Comprehensivo Plan - Evaluation and Appraisal Report - 1986 (Ordinance No. 86-54 adopted 12/16/86) on or before August 15, 1987. 3.) Acceptance by the Owner/Applicant of all modifications or amendments to the PUD zoning approval and preliminary plat required by the submittals set forth in condition 2 above. SCHEER Be CORBETT, P. A. Mr. Carmen Annunziato July 2, 1987 Page 2 Please place our requests before the City Council at the earliest opportunity. Thank you for taking time to discuss this matter with Mr. Ries, Mr. Hurst and me on July 2, 1987. v~rlo , DANIEL K. CORBETT DKCjta cc: Mr. Clark M. Ries Mr. Chris Hurst MEMORANDUM 30 June 1987 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: .. Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: - Request for Extension of Zoning - Lakes of Hypoluxo Christopher Hurst, P.E., acting on behalf of the property owner of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Lakes of Hypoluxo, has requested an extension of the current PUD zoning classification for a period of one year. It is the intention of Mr. Hurst to file preliminary and final plats for subdivision platting within this period. This PUD was approved on January 3, 1985 for a period of 18 months and subsequently the zoning was extended for a period of one year to July 3, 1987. In the interim, the property owner had a preliminary plat approved on March 19, 1985 which expired on August 19, 1985. In this instance, as the property owner has not developed the land within the 2-1/2 year period that the zoning has been in effect, a recommendation to rezone the property to a more restrictive category such as (AG) Agricultural District is offered. This recommendation is based on the need to apply new Comprehensive Plan policies which affect the environment. These new policies could potentially change the master plan in significant ways. . Please place this request on the next available City Commission agenda. c~~ cr~ CARMEN S. ZIATO /bks cc: Christopher Hurst