CORRESPONDENCE \ \ '4.~!L ~ b .., '" Y<J,r :<;-f-.. BEACH C& THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD P,O, BOX 24690 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416-4690 305-684-5000 THOMAS J, MILLS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS October 14, 1987 HAND DELIVERED Carmen Annunziato, Director of Planning City of Boynton Beach 200 No. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton BeRch, FL 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Annunziato: RE: APPRAISALS: 17.72 ACRE VACANT RESIDENTIAL SITE HYPOLUXO ROAD - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA The present owners of the above referenced property have requested that I give you copies of the appraisals obtained by the School Board of Palm Beach County, today. Attached please find the "conclusion page" from each appraisal. If you require further information, please contact me at 684-5146. Sincerely, t[~!!~7 Real Estate Acquisition Coordinator Department of Facilities Planning RS:dg Attachments WP3/ES/SITE.QE I I I I .~THUR J. ST, JOHN, SRPA 513 U.S. HIGHWAY NO. I NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408 PHONE (301S) 844-0'73 September 29, 1987 I I I I I I I I , I I I Mr. Robert Skakandy Real Estate Acquisition Coordinator Department of Facilities Planning School Board of Palm Beach County 3323 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 RE: 17.72+/- Acre Vacant Residential Site South side of Hypoluxo Rd. 900 Feet West of Meadows Way Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Skakandy, In accordance with your request, I have appraised the above described real estate. The conclusions I have reached are presented in the followin~ report. I have used the Direct Sales Comparison Analysis to estimate the value of the vacant site. It is my opinion that the market value of the fee simple title to the subject property based on a cash transaction or transaction with cash equivalent terms as of September 14, 1987 is: 85 Possible Dwelling Units Under the Existing Long Range Use Plan at $11,000 per Dwelling Unit is: NINE HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($52,825 PER ACRE) A ., i ... ~ I ! .,j ~ - ..., 1 .., j '] ] ] ] ] ] R, B. PANTING. M,A.I.. S.R.P.A.. VICE.PRES. N. I. ORR. M.A.l., PRESIDENT ANDERSON & CARR, INC. >C><>C><>C:::><>C><>C>Ct<::>()CI()CI()C>o()C)(>C>C>C>ClC:><'C'()C><>< Rea /tOl'j . --4ppl'aiJel'j ><lC>C lCl<>C>CtC><>C>ClCl<>C>C)CI(lCl<lCl<tC><tC><tC><)CI(>c:>( SALES _ LEASES. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - APPRAISALS POST OFFICE BOX 550 521 SOUTH OLIVE A VENUE WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402 Telephone 833.1661 October 13, 1987 The School Board of Palm Department of Facilities 3323 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Florida Beach County Planning 33416-4690 Attention: Mr. Robert Skakandy Real Estate Acquisition Coordinator Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request, I have personally examined and Appraised the Subject Property, Being a vacant 17.72 acre parcel of land located on the south side of Hypoluxo Rd. approximately 1/2 mile west of Congress Avenue, in Boynton Beach, Florida, being known as "The Lakes of Hypoluxo", for the purpose of reporting to you my opinion of its market value, as of September 16, 1987. Based on an examination and study made, I have formed the opinion that on the date mentioned, the Subject Property had a Market Value, of: $1,000,000.00 ONE MILLION DOLLARS The following report presents a review of the Appraisal and my analysis of the data, along with other materials on which the estimate of value was predicated. Respec u fy;submitted, ,/f; .; / ..~r~ . rr, MAI I;PC" alser() . ~j1 '- t ~ - Y1'\-,-- . J,bhn H. Irwin Staff Appraiser I ~ ,/ NJO/JHI/sab ~ ~MOUNr E .GINEERING GROUP 2i breeze Avenue. Suite 200. Delroy Beach, Florida 33483/ (305) 278-8111 \ -^, ' G480dOl> -- Mr. Tom ClarK City Engineer City of. Boynton Beach RE: LAKES OF HYPOLUXO Dear Mr. ClarKI Engineers. Architects. Planners. Surveyors ,~~ J ~.\V .r""'" "0, ~.~ ,-: ft;.. ~ \~".J-u October 5, 1987 1;', \~<o\ ('t~ ~ ~ . .,p v~?h ; ~~~\\\'~\\\.0. ,.. . , " "'\ ,. ,......, We are distributing todaYI to the departments listed belowl one set of the revised plans for the subject project. These plans have been revised in accord with comments which were recei'ved by this office on October 2, 1987. Unfortunately, the commentsl which were from the September meeting of the Technical Review Boardl were not forwarded to this office in total previously. In order to allow the TRB to forward the preliminary plat to the planning and zoning board we have addressed as many of the comments as possible and are distributing the plans as noted above. We 5 i ncere 1 y hope that the effort made will Qe ,~Y,.ff lc ient to satisfy all of the questions raised. If hpweverl there arc any additional questionsl we are requesting that we be allowed to resolve them as part of the preliminary and final plat process. cc. Pete Mazzela-Utilities Don Jaeger-Building Kevin Hallahan-Forestry .w L : " GROUP