REVIEW COMMENTS Building Department Engineering Department Utilities Department Planning Department Forester/Horticulturist STAFF COMMENTS LAKES OF HYPOLUXO PRELIMINARY PLAT See attached memo Memo to be distributed at meeting See attached memo See attached memo Memo to be distributed at meeting ,v\EM'ORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DAT. October 7, 1987 ,.tLC ~ItO" Don Jaeger Building Department 5UaJ.CT Preliminary Plat Approval: Lakes of Hypoluxo As a condition of preliminary plat approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. A buffer area is required for the double frontage lots along Hypoluxo Road. The buffer must consist of planting material, walls, berms, or a combination of these elements. 2. Corner lots 52, 58, 61 and 68 must maintain a 20 foot front setback on both of the adjacent streets, allowing conformity with the intervening lots. 3. The buildable area for Lot 33 is shown over a utility easement. 4. The buildable area for Lot 46 is shown on a Florida Power and Light easement. 5. The maximum recommended percent of lot coverage is 45 percent. Indicate this on the plans. 6. A sidewalk is required along Hypoluxo Road. 7. South Florida Water Management District approval is required. 8. All swales along roadways are required to be sodded. 9. A construction permit is required for work in the Lake Worth Drainage District canal right-of-way. 10. Subdivision signage must be approved by the Community Appearance Board ~nd the City Commission. 11. A turn-out permit from the County is required for construction in the Hypoluxo Road right-of-way. 12. Street names and addresses must be approved by the Building, Fire, and Police Departments and the Post Office. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. ookF DJ:bh XC: E. E. Howell t.....-.-,,'&r:<p~"'~""~.,......-.~...-. -=-'.~"""_.' ._..,'""c,...,--..;:- MEMORANDUM To: Car~en Annunziato. Planning Director ~ Ut'litie~~ Fro~: John A. Guidry. Director of Date: October 6, 1987 Subject: TRB Review - Lakes of Hypoluxo - Preli~inary plat We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: 1) The ease~ent5 shown at lot Z7 do not agree between the plat and construction drawings. Please correct. 2) Add isolation valves to the water ~ain in front of lots ZI and 43. 3) Extend the water ~ain and add a fire hydrant at the northea5tern~ost cul-de-sac. 4) For water and sewer ~ain5 on lots Z6 and Z7, indicate the ~ini~u~ distance of each fro~ the proposed building slab. The water ~ain should be at least 10 feet fro~ slab, and the sewer should be far enough fro~ the slab to allow excavation without endangering the structure. 5) The ea5e~ent fro~ MHl to MHZ is too narrow. This line should be located eastward to take advantage of an exi5ting ease~ent. Also indicate the location of the proposed tennis court on the Meadows Tract G parcel. xc: Peter Mazzella MEMORANDUM October 7, 1987 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: LAKES OF HYPOLUXO-STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments pertaining to the above-referenced request for site plan approval: 1. Entrance wall signage will require site plan approval. 2. Land value for parks and recreation dedication fee to be set at meeting. 3. All buildable areas shown on buildable area master plan must reflect construction of zero-lot line homes. No units other than zero-lot line units will be permitted consistent with the original approval for zoning to PUD. CA;;EN S. A~'JuNZI~ CSA:ro RE. r"""'"!"""'!:T1riD .'; \...0.:-,1 \t n M E M 0 RAN DUM OCT !J 1987 October pt,AM~I~,lG Dl:.PT. TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Preliminary Plat, Lakes of Hypoluxo COnuTIents: 1. An up-dated cost estimate is required. 2. An existing ditch is shown on the Paving & Drainage plans where there is a 12 foot utility easement. This should be revised or clarified. 3. Traffic control devices are required to be shown, including arrows, stop bars and stop signs, all according to the MUTCD. 4. Sidewalks are required on the south side of Hypoluxo Road and should be shown to be constructed on plans. 5. COnuTIents from Bill Flushing are included here with his memo of October 5, 1987. -y tR._-::~d~ Tom Clark TAC:ck attachment 1_ R_ B_ M E M 0 RAN Q U M Ort. 5, 1987 TO: Tom Clark FROtt: Bill Flushing RE: The Lakes of Hypoluxo In a memo to Jim Golden on Aug. following items have or have not been 20, 1987, the corrected: a. The current plat title. date should appear [NOT CORRECTED] in the b. All street names should {corrected> be '0 nth e pia t . c. The R/W limits and center line of Hypoluxo Road should be on the plat. [NOT CORRECTED] d. -The book and page number of the off-site water and sewer easement should be liste~ and the area where the easement ties to the plat boundary should be shown. [NOT CORRECTED] The following are corrections paving and drainage plans: or additions to the e. The sidewalks roadway pavement {cDrrected> should connect to the at all intersections. f. Each sidewalk and swale should be shown in the roadway section detail. {cDrrected> g. The detail foot R/W, and 60 ft. on sheet 4 of 11 shows a 66 the plat shows only a SO ft. R/W. [NOT CORRECTEDJ .' h. Provisions should be provided for a padlock on the hand-wheel of the weir control structure. {corrected> i The existing power easement should be {corrected> poles shown in th~ FPL and labeled. Bi 11 FjUbr ~ng lttt~ . RECEIVED SEP 1 1987 PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM To: Car~en Annunziato. Planning Director (\ ~~ Utilities r FroPl: John A. Guidry. Director of Date: Septe~ber 1. 1987 Subject: TRB Review - Lakes of Hypoluxo We do not approve this project. but we take this opportunity to offer th following technical cO~P1ents: 1. The utility ease~ent between lots 26 and 27 is not wide enough to allow future ~aintenance of the gravity sewer. The width should be great enough to allow future excavation. We norPlally recoPlPlend 7' per each side of trench plus twice the depth, or approxi~ately 36' in this case. 2. Poly-lined ductile iron pipe will be reQuired in sewer underneath the 18" drain piping near MH 8. 3. Identify the property owner whose land will contain the sewer lines fro~ MH 3 to the existing Planhole. Also show existing or proposed building setbacks froPl the sewer. The cO~Plent5 Plade in itePl 1 apply here also. 4. Extend the water Plain and add a fire hydrant for flushing purposes in the northeastern~o5t cul-de-sac. Also add isolation valves in the water syste~ in front of lots 21 and 43. 5. The oHsite 6" water Plain should connect to the 8" I'Iain in Meadows Tract H, or the 10" I'Iain in Meadows Blvd. PVPl lakehypo <, T"~hF..;:- ." "h...'. .~...~, RECP'tf"l!l' 'r'~6'Dh" ~'.i4,i ",~/ Jt': TO: Jim Golden ..,f?Ji""""N., ""'oR ,,_.~J."hAm ~. '. 1987 PLANNli,;{.~ c"'-PT fj"Q"ct ')(, 1987 .~ Lit .'~.~J ~., ........ .", " "'~'h"""M . QhF:;j: - ~ FROM: Bill Flushing RE: The Lakes of Hypoluxo The following items are added to the the plat: requil~ed and should be a. The current plat title. date should appear 1n the b. All street names should be on the plat. c. The R/W Hypol LD': 0 limits and center line Road should be on the plat. of d. The book and page number of the off-site water and sewer easement should be listed and the area where the easement ties to the plat boundary should be shown. The following are corrections paving and drainage plans: or additions to the e. The sidewalks should roadway pavement at all connect to the intersections. f . Each sidewalk in the roadway and swale should section detail. be shown g. The detail foot R/W, and 60 ft. an sheet the plat R/W. 4 of shows 11 shows a 66 only a 50 ft. h. Provisions should be prov1ded padlock on the hand-wheel of control structure. for a the weir i The exist1ng power poles easement should be shown and ~J /) \ ,/J/~ Bill Flushing in the labeled. FPL ccl Tom Clark htEMORANDUM TO Canren Annunziato Planning Director DATE August 31, 198~ FILE RECI~1f'lED F"OM Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist 5UBJIICT Lakes of Hypoluxo prelimina.:r:y Plat AUG 3 I 1987 PLANNL.G DEPT. A~ l7' ~ 1. A master landscape plan is required. 2. The littoral zone plantings around. the proposed lakes should be installed in a tirnel y manner stated by the developer. 3. Sheet #8 (of 11) shows a water line being installed along Hypoluxo Road (north side of property). Perhaps the City can coordinate with the developer to provide irrigation to the grassed nedian for future landscape improvexrents. ~__'~' .J)/'/P',J,L,--./ Kevin J. lahan ~ KJH:ad TO: FROM: RE: ~ I..~_.._,__.B..~__,_ "..Ec.~_.._ RECEIVED t1___.._,~,___.t:1..____Q,_B_._B_..,_,_~____Q,_,..w,~ ::; 1 1987 PLANNING DEPT. August 20, 1987 .Jim Golden - Bill Flushing The Lakes of Hypoluxo The following items are added to the the plat: required and should be a. The current plat title. date in the should appear b. All street names should be on the plat. c. The R/W limits and center line Hypoluxo Road should be on the plat. of d. The book and page number of the off-site water and sewer easement should be listed and the area where the easement ties to the plat boundary should be shown. The following are corrections paving and drainage plans: or additions to the e. f . g. h. The sidewalks should roadway pavement at all connect to the intersections. Each sidewalk in the roadway be shown and swale should section detail. The detail foot R/W, and 60 ft. on sheet the plat R/W. 4 of 11 shows a 66 shows only a 50 ft. Provisions should be provided padlock on the hand-wheel of control structure. for a the weir in the labeled. FPL i The existing power poles ~easement should be shown and /)/v71 I Bill Flushing ccl Tom Clark M E M 0 RAN DUM September 3, 1987 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Preliminary Plat for The Lakes of Hypoluxo Comments:- 1. Set backs are not shown on plat. These requirements should be checked with the Building Department and shown on plat or other document. 2. Sections thru the canals are still not shown. Sections should be shown and location indicated on plan sheets. 3. An existing ditch is shown on Paving and Drainage plans where the 12 ft. utility easement is shown on the plat. Does this ditch have a right-of-way or is it to be relocated? 4. A landscaping plan is required for the common areas (check with City Forester). 5. Rip Rap headwall detail should be identified on sheet #4. Regarding note about beam, is beam required or not, ie., who decides? 6. Lane striping and traffic control markings are required, including turn arrows and stop bars for the entrance road. 7. Handrails should be provided on top of culvert headwall. 8. Sidewalks are required on west side of Hypoluxo Road. 9. The extent of the mountable gutter should be shown on the paving plan. A cross-section thru the cul-de-sac pavement and sidewalk should be shown. 10. Comments from Bill Flushing are included here with a copy of a memo, dated August 20, 1987. ~~~ Tom Clark TAC/ck attachment -r _ If:::;:~ _ B_ ,.,...,..,..........., . M E kL 0 k_B_N ~~~4 M August 20, i987 TO: Jim Golden FROM: Bill Flushing RE: The Lakes of Hypoluxo The following items are added to the the olat: required and should be a. The current plat title. date should appear 1n the b. Ail street names should be on the plat. c. The R/W Hypoluxo limits and Road should be center line on the plat. of d. The book and page number of the off-site water and sewer easement should be listed and the area where the easement ties to the plat boundary should be shown. The following are correct1ons paving and drainage plans: or additions to the e. The sidewalks should roadway pavement at all connect to the '+- -i-' In~erseC~lons. f . Each si de~z,Jal k 1n the roadway and swale should section detail. be shown n . The detai 1 on sheet 4 of 1 1 shows a 66 '=' foot R IL..J, the pI at sho\l'-JS onl " a 5() ft . T and 60 f 't . R/\.<L h. Provisions should be provided padlock on the hand-wheel 0+ control structure. for c; the weir i The e;-:isting easement should power poles be shown and in the labeled. FPL Bill Flushing eel Tom Clark ,.-tEM'ORANDUM RECEIVED TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director SE,p 2 1981 September ~'l-,f\~~~.,f.17~G DEPT. D"T~ ,.IL. PlIOM Don Jaeger Building Department "u.J~eT Preliminary Plat Review: Lakes of Hypoluxo As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. A landscape plan is required as part of the submission process for preliminary plat approval. 2. South Florida Water Management District and Lake Worth Drainage District approval is required. 3. A sidewalk is required along Hypoluxo Road adjacent to the project. 4. Proposed setbacks must be shown in the submittal package. This should include all future proposed buildable areas for each lot. 5. Lots 52, 58, 61 and 68 must maintain a front setback on two sides of the lots, adjacent to the roads. This may make lots 68 and 52 unbuildable. 6. A topographic survey must be submitted showing existing vegetation. 7. The swales along the rights-of-way must be sodded. 8. A buffer area in conformance with the subdivision regulations should be provided along Hypoluxo Road. 9. Turnout permits for work in the County right-of-way must be secured. 10. Entrance wall signage for the project requires City Commission approval. 11. Street names and addresses require the approval of the Building, Police and Fire Departments and the Post Office. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DJ:bh XC: E. E. Howell DiO~e~ t..EMORANDUM TO Cam Annunziato Planning Director DATI! October 7, 1987 FILl! FItOM Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist SU.JI!CT Lakes of Hypoluxo Preliminary Plat '!he following i terns should be addressed by the applicant in reference to the landscape plan for this project: 1. A Master Landscape Plan for all CcmIDn areas, road R.O.W. I S and Lake areas is required. 2. '!he landscape plan for the Lakes should be included under a separate packet which describes littoral and upland hard-'V.O:ld area plantings. '!his packet should address initial plantings and vegetative m:mage- rrent of these areas. '!his should be on the plat docurrent. 3. All road R.O.W. I s should be sodded and irrigated. 4. A landscaped buffer area is required along Hypoluxo Road adjacent to the project site. 5. '!he conflict between the Lake naintenance easexrent (15 I ), the peri.rreter landscape plantings, and the private honeowner lot lines, should be addressed by the applicant. All three of these locations are within the SaJ'll8 15 I . This infonna.tion nay also have to be described on the plat docurrent. ..)j;;~-4' ~;dL //L::r ) KeVln J. ahan KJH:ad I: L- irf:.E~ of IftPOLUXO f. }J r: t P {o f ( 0 F f () R Ot* 5 ~ C [) )I n~ keI It) /( pe TI5J<J1r)./k T -1-0/11 of t/,)/j) V/iLvtE Fe; ~ J Jrt<~J ,+/IIf) R fee [) I: f). !!3 E Jr~I),~-~~ ;.., 7'l "-~' fJ ~ I L l[O r /+C ! '('o 'f x f 56; l['33, 'r/ ~/71) :2 J 2- . .5" / rv{:'; .l : l , r ; : , I ! '\