APPLICATION CITY of BOYNTON BEACH .-' p:: -J. , . ~~~~~~~~~'-~~'TOL~.~:"m"'~ .~_. . . ifl"~"!"'''';;;;;;:-E~~~m ~~ ~.. ,:. , . ,'" ~~. !.:~,.":u"..... ,; . ~.o.r--"'=. .~~~~ i ""1 ~:'!1.~_ "." ~.. ==-. _ =::;..;..c.~--~ -. .\~. . .- -- - t . . ----. " ~~~.;-~ -.- 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 110 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (305) 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR November 16, 1987 Mr. Christopher V. Hurst, Vice President Paramount Engineering 25 Seabreeze Avenue Del Ray Beach, FL 33444 Re: Lakes of Hypoluxo Dear Mr. Hurst: Please be advised that on Tuesday, October 6, 1987, the City Commission granted a two month extension of zoning approval for the referenced PUD. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BE~H ~ 7U:=~-~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, AICP ~ ~5' PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA: ro . cc City Manager Technical Review Board Central File , ,~ Engineers. Architects. Planners. Surveyors PAA4MOUNr ENGINEERING GROUP 25 Seabreeze Avenue, Suite 200, Delroy Beach, Florida 33483/ (305) 278-8111 G4801(Ol) September 28, 1987 Mr. Tom Clark City Engineer City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Fla. RE: [,AKES OF HYPOUIXO Dear Ml-. C.t ark, We arc re~ubmi~tjng for your review and consideration, six sct~ of thp preliminary plat package for the subject pro-jcr;t. ThrsE' plans have been revised per the September 3 memorandums from your office. In addition to the plan revisions, we would like to respond to several of the issues raised by your memorandums. 1. We have added the setbacks to a separate sheet which we have included in the submittal package. 2. There is an existing section shown through the LWDD canal on the detail of the canal culvert. This detail has been previously reviewed and approved by the LWDD and will be resubmitted for their review and approval as required. 3. The rip-rap headwall detail notes are per LWDD requirements. The notes with the detail indicate that the beam is . required only within the LWDD right of way. 4. The easement information requested is not yet available. It will be necessary for the easements to be obtained by the developer of the project. As soon as those easements are recorded. they can be indicated on our drawings. 5. The detail of the culvert crossing on sheet 4 of 11 indicates t.h.;-,t th2 length at thE' culvert is 66'. There is no r:qht at w~v ~~own bCC3use the culvert runs along the center o t the L W [) D C:1 r: a !. 'il i t h i nth (' L W D 0 rig h t 0 f way. Other than the above comments, the plans have been revised to accomodatc the memorandums. Please place this project on the next available TRB agenda and pass it through for approval of the preliminary plat. If any questions should arise, we will be happy to resolve them during the continued approval process. G4801(01) September 28, 1987 Page 2 Although wp understand the need of the City to simplify processing by minimizing the number of comments which are attached to plans, we believe that this project is in position which should allow tor prcllmindry plat approval. We reaffirm our willingness to work: ';-lith thp City statf to prDvide a proiect meeting all City I~(, (ju I iT me n t s . Very truly yours, PARAMOUNT ENGINEERING GROUP Christopher V. Hurst Vice-president - '- ; REAL ESTATE SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT This is a legally binding contract. Seek your attorneyis advise before signing. " " - Walter H. Janke of 2951 N.W. 49th Avenue, Suite 206. Lauderdale Lakes, Florida 33313 (ph. 742-2705 ). as seller. and School Board of Palm Beach County. Florida ~ of P.O. Box 24690, 3323 Belvedere Rd, W. Palm Beach, FL 33416-4690 ~ (ph. 684-5146 ), as buyer, he:sby agree that the seller shall sell and the buyer shall buy the following described property UPON THE TET~S AN'!) CONDITIONS l1ERElNAITER SET FORTH, which shall include the STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACfIONS set fortb on .the reverse side of this contract. 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION of real estate l~cated in Palm Beach County, State of Floirda: The W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the HE 1/4 and the E 1/2 of the W 1{2 of the NW 1/4 of the HE 1/4 of Section 7. Township 45 South, Range 43 East. Palm Beach County. F orida, less the North 40 feet thereof. Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Control Number 08 43 45. 07 00 000 1040. 2. PURCHASE PRICE 1.150.000 D911ars .. I'. '1. Method of Payment: a. Deposit to be held in trust by GoldberQ & YounQ.. P.A. b. Approx~ate principal balance of first mortgage to which conveyance shall be subject, if any. Mortgage bolder . Interest _% per annum; Method of payment c. Other $ d. Cash, certified or local cashier's check on closing and delivery of deed (or such greater or lessor amount as may be necessary to complete payment of purchase price after credits, adjustments and prorations. $ .( 000.,0 U 0> TOTAL $ -1, lSe, 000- 3. TIME OF ACCEPTANCE: If this contract is not executed by the seller and buyer on or before October 8, 1987, the aforesaid deposit shall be, at the option of the buyer. returned to him and this agreement shall be null and void. The date of contract, for purposes of performance, shall be regarded as the date when the last. one of the seller and buyer has signed this contract. 4. CLOSING DATE: Th~s contract shall be closed and the deed and possession shall be delivered on or before 15 day of January 1988, unless extended by other provisions of this contract. S. PRORATIONS: .Taxes, insurance, interest;"rents and other expenses "and revenue of said property , ,hall be prorated as of the date of closing. 6. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: Check [ ] (1) or (X] (2) within 60 days from the date of this contract, the seller shall, at his expense, deliver to the buyer or his attorney in accordance with Standard A on reverse side either: (1) abstract (2) Title guarantee. 7. C01NtYANCE: Seller shall convey. title to the aforesaid property to the tuyer by statutory ~arranty deed subject to matters contained in this contract and taxes for the year of closing. 8. RESTRICTIONS. EASEMENTS. LIMITATION: Buyer shall take title subject to (1) zoning restrictions, ?rohibitiORs, and requirements imposed by governmental uuthority, (b) restrictivns and matters appearing on :he plat or common to the subdivision, (c) public utility easements of record, provided said easements ate ocated on the side or rear lines of the property, (d) taxes for year of closing, assumed mortgages. and . urchase money mortgages, if any; (e) other: . Seller warrants that there hall be no violation of building or zoning codes at the time of closing. 9. DEFAULT BY BUYER: If buyer fails to perform any of the covenants of this contract, all money paid lrsuant to this contract by buyer as aforesaid shall be retained by or for tbe account of the seller as. . $ 5,000 $ $ t ! s . l .\: \ , .. ~ .. f 1 . t I ... r f . , I " " " --- -r--. =. ~' lsidetation. '[or the execution or this contra(. .lnd as ag[~ed liquidated dafQage~ and !._ ~ull settlement of r claims for damages. 10. DEFAULT BY SELLER: If the seller fails to perform any of the covenants of this contract, the )resaid money paid by the buyer, at the option of the buyer shall be returned to the buyer on demand; or e buyer shall have only the right of specific ~erformance. 11.. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRI~EN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or handwritte~provisions inserted in this ra shall control all printed provisions in conflict therewith. 12. ~ AGREEMENTS: No agreements or representation, unless incorporated in this contract, shall ~~ Lnding upon any of the parties. 13. SPECIAL CUUSES: See Paragraphs l3(A) and (B) on the Addendum hereto. ,",. ".' .. TNESSES: (Two are.required) DATE EXECUTED BY BUYER: SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) (SEAL) Chairman: (SEAL) Secretary: DATE EX~ED BY SE~LER: r -./ r ~l? 1 -- 7J~ '2A W (SEAL) WALTER H. JANKE ,_v. '/" 1 _ Reviewed: Office of General Counsel By: Attorney ~ -Ji.r- -_ -- - ." "~w""il nr ~l STANO,' ~ FOR fiFM. EsnrE THMI~;!\nlON5 A. EVIDENCE OF TITLE:, (1) ^ comp)ete abstract of t~tl~ ~repqred by a reputable abslract firm purP9rting ~o be an accurate SynOpSIS of the Instruments affectIng the hUe to that - real property recorded In pubLc records of that county to the date of this contract, showing in the seller a marketable title in accorda~ca with title standards adopted from time to time bv the Florida Bar, subject only to liens, encumhrances. exceptions or qualificat~ons set forth in t~is con~ract and those ~h~ch slipll b~ discharged py sell~r at ?r before closing, (2) a htl~ guarantee COil'Sllltment. Issued by a gual1f1ed tItle IDsuror ,agreeIng to lss::e to the buyer,.-upon the recordIng of the deed hereafter mentlonea, as owner,. guarantee In, the amount c.: the purcha~e price ins~r~ng ~he tItle of t~e buyer to that real property, subject only to llens, encu~br;~:35, exceptIons or quallflcatlons set forth In thIS contract and those WhICh shall be dIscharged by sell:: :~ or . . before closing. ' .... . '. "Buyer shall have fifteen (15) days if abstract, or five (51 days if title guarantee, from the ~;;:,~ 9r re~eiving the ev~dence of tltle ~o ex~~ne same.. ~f title is found to be defectfve, the buyer shalf- ;~~hln sald 'penod nohfy the seller 1Q wntlng speClfYlng the defects. If the saId defects render \.~.; .._tle unmarKetable~ the seller shall have ninefy (90) days from the receipt of such notice to cure the cefects, and if after said period seller shall not have cured the defects, buyer shall have the option of: (1) accepting title as it then is, or (2) demanding a refund of all monies paid hereunder which shall forthwith be returned to the buyer, and thereupon tfie buyer and seller shall be released of all further obligations under tbis contract.. . B. EXISTING MORTGAGES: . The seller shall furnish estoppel letters (not necessarily in affidavit fonn) setting forth the principal balance, method of payment, and whether the mortgage is In good standing. If there IS a charge for tfie change of ownership records by the mortgagee, it snaIl be bOrne by the buyer. Seller shall receive as credit at closing, an amount equal to the escrow funds held by the mortgagee. If the existing mortgage requires the buyer to assume same, then the buyer shall do so; provided, however, if the DOrtgagee does not accept the buyer; then in that event occurring,- the buyer at hls option may cancel the contract and all monies paid by tfie buyer shall be refunded to the buyer. C. PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGES: Any purchase money notes and mortgages required by the contract shall follow the forms generally accepted and used in the county where the land is located. Any purchase money mortgage shall provIde for lnsurance against loss by fire WIth extended covera[e in an amount not less than the full insurable value of the improvements. In a first mort9age, the note ana mortgage shall provide for accelera- tion, at the option of the holder, after thirty (30) days default and in a second mortga~e, after fifteen (15) days default. A second mortgage shall require a mortgagor to keep all prior liens ana encumbrances in good standing. Buyer shall hpve fhe ri[bt to prepay all or part of the principal at any time or times with lnterest to oate of payment wlthout penalty. . . D. OTHER MORTGAGES: In the event bUler executes a mortgage to one other than the seller, all costs and charges incidental thereto shall be pala by the buyer. . - . E. SURVEY:- If the buyer desires a survey he shall have the yroperty surveyed at his expense prior to closing date. If the survey shows an encroachment, the same shal be treated as a title defect. F. LEASES: Seller, not less than 15 days before closing, shall furnish to buyer copies of all written leases and estoPQel letters from each tenant s~ecifying the nature and duration of the tenant's occupancy, rental rates, ana advanced rent and secUrity' oeposils paid by tenant. If seller is unable to obtain such letters frOf'tenants, seller shall furnish tfie same information to buyer within said time period in the form of a seller's affidavit, and buyer may contact tenants thereafter to confirm such information. At closing, seller shall deliver and assign all original leases ~o buyer. . . . G. MECHANICS LIENS: . Seller shall furnish to buyer an affidavit that there have been no improvements to the subject property for 90 days immediately yreceding the date of closing, and no financing statements, claims of lien or potential lienors known to se ler. If the property has oeen improved withIn that time, seller shall deliver releases or waivers of all mechanics liens as executed by general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and materialmen, in addition to the seller's lien affidavi1, setting forth the names of all general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and materialmen and reciting that all bills for work to the subject property WhICh could serve as basis for mechanics liens have been pald or will be paid at closing. " H. . PLACE OF CLOSING: Closing shall be held at the office of the seller's attorney or as otherwise agreed upon. I. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE: Time is of the essence of this Sale and Purchase Contract. J. DOCUMENTS FOR CLOSING: Seller's attorney shall prepare deed, note, mortgage, seller's affidavit. any corrective instruments required for perfecting the title,and closing statement and submit copies of same to buyer's attorQey, and copy of closing statement to the broker, at least tvo days prior to scheduled closing date. K. EXPENSES: State documentary stamps required on the instrument of conveyance and the cost of recording any corrective- instruments shan be paid by the seller. Documentary stamps to be affixed to the note secured by the purchase money mortgage~ intangible tax on the mortgage, and the cost of recording the deed Uld purchase money mortgage snaIL be paId by tlie buyer. ~. PRORATIQN OF' TAXES: T~es shall be prorated 'on tax for the curr~nt y~ar with due allo~ance being made or the maxlmllm allowable dlscount and for homestead or other exemptloDS If allowed for sald year. If t~e :urrent assessment is not available, the tax will be prorated on the prior yearls tax, providea, however, If . .. .- - -~~ ---- :---- ':Ir. rUlllplc'lc~ll illlpIlIVrlnl:lll:s UIl \hr. Jjcd p/uptlly Ly JllIIU.HY !:it or th.. itd( ot dosing, whL..h lovements were not 'ln existence on Januart 1st ot lll~ prior year, then the tax shall be prorated to dssessment to be agreed upon between the parties: but any tax proration based on an estimate may be adjusted subse~ently at tn~ request o~ either party upon receipt of the tax bill, and a stat~ent to that eff~t - shall lbe set forth In tne closlng statement. M. INS~CE: If insuJ~nce is to ,be prorated, the ~eller shall on or before the closing date, furnish to buyer all Ins~rance polIcIes or copIes thereof. _ - H. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS: Certified, confirmed or ratif~ed special assessment fieD~ as of- the S:t~_~f closing (and not as of the date of the contract)- are to be pald by the seller. Pe~dlng lIens as of ttc c~~e of closing shall be assumed by the buyer, provided, however, lhat where the lmprov~ent has bee;;, ~UC. stantially cOOlpleted as of the'date of -the 'contract, such pendinq liens 'shall be consldered as Cernfle;1, confirmed or ratified and the seller shall, at closing, be,chargea an amount equal to the last estl:~te by the public body of the assessment for the improvement. - O. RISK OF LOSS: If the improvements are damaged by fire or casualty before delivery of the deed and can be restored to substantially the same condition as now within a ferioa of 60 days thereafter, seller shall so restore the improvements and the closing date and date of de ive~ of possession hereinbefore provided , shall be extended accordingly. If seller fails to do so, the b4Yer snall have the option of 11) ti~ing the property as is, together with insurance proceeds, if any, or Ii) canceling the confract, and all deposits shall be forthwitb returned to the buyer and all parties shall be released of any and all obligation and liability. - P. MAINTENANCE: Between the date of the contract and the date of closing, the property, including la.~. shrubbery and pool, if any, shall be maintained by the seller in the conditIon as It existed as of tfie date of the contract, ordinary wear and tear excepted. _ O. PROCEEDS OF SALE: The Deed shall be recorded and the evidence of title continued, at seller's eXQense, fo show title in the buyer, without any encumbrances or change from the date of the last evidence renoering seller's title unmarketable, and the cash proceeds of such sale shall be held in escrow by the seller IS attorney or by such other mutually a]Teed upon Escrow Agent for a period of not longer than live (5) days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays ana holidays. If the seller's title is so renaered unmarketable, the buyer's attorney shaH, within the said five (5) day period, notify seller's attorney in writing of the defect and the seller shall have thirty (30) days from the date of recej~t of such notification to cure fithe defect. In the event seller fails to timely cure said defect_, all monies paid hereunder shall, upon writ en _ ~emand therefor, within five (5) dals thereafter, be immediately returned to buyer, and simultaneously with ~such repayment, buyer shall vacate he premises and reconvey by Special Warranty Deed. In the event of the failure of the buyer to make timely demand for refund, he stialf take title as is, waiving all rights against the seller as to the intervening defect. - R. BROKER'S COMMISSION: The broker's commissiqn shall be disbursed at the tune of the disbursement of the proceeds. S. ATTORNEY FEES AND COSTS: In connection with any litigation arising our of the contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs incurrea, including reasonable attorneys fees. T. CONTRACT: NOT RECORDABLE. This contract shall not be recorded in the public records of any county. .' WPID\ES\SITE\JANKEPOL.QE -- -r- :-: -.- . ., .. -- " , " ", ADDENDUM TO REAL ESTATE SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT BETWEEN WALTER H. JANKE AND SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 13 (A)~ .This Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract is subject to and conditioned upon the Buyer obtaining the following: 1. Approval of this Real Estate Sale aDd Purchase Contract by the " . School Board of Palm Beach County on or before October 8, 1987; . 2. Approval of this Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract by the Department of Education of the State of Florida on or before November 15, 1987; 3. An appraisal of the real property on or before October 8, 1987, which appraisal must reflect tbe purchase price of not less than $1,lS0,OOO.OO; I (~, "<:;J ,II ~e' v_.' 4. Buyer obtaining, on or before the date of closing, at zonlrlg' . permitting the Buyer to use the real property hereinabove described for School. , If the conditions above described are not met in accordance with the dates reflected for each, then the Buyer may terminate this Real Estate Sale and purchase Contract wherein all deposits deposited hereunder shall be returned to the Buyer and thereupon all parties h~reto shall be relieved of all obligations and . liabilities thereunder, or the Buyer may proceed with the closing and thereby waiving all of the above conditions. . (B). Th~ Seller has advised the Buyer that it has received an extension of the .... .,- .. Seller's present zoning (residential) pursuant to the Minutes of the Regular City Commission Meeting of the City of Boynton Beach of July 21, 1987, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". This extension of zonin~ expires on or about Januarv 3. ,1988. Therefore, this Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract is further subject to and conditioned upon the Seller obtaining another extension of his existing zoning from the City of Boynton Beach, extending the present zoning to June.30, 1988. The Buyer agrees to cooperate with the Seller in obtaining .' the .extension of the Seller's existing zoning. Therefore, on or before the date of closing, if'the Seller cannot obtain a zoning extension from the City of Boynton Beach .extending the existing zoning 'to June 30, 1988, the Seller may terminate this Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract, whereupon all monies deposited hereunder shall be returned to the Buyer, this Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract shall be terminated and all parties shall be relieved of all liabilities and obligations hereunder. -- , , ... -r- - \ '. Pro j . c , No.: G4[ By: CVIl PAR4MOUNf ENGINEERING GROUp. Dot.: 7/28/87 R..,lewtd By I ..- ff 'u, IIPI "-"'lv' , '~I \,N'-') u ,,-,CL/j6 ~15 SPA hrep'ze ve. e ra l)each. ENGINEERS ESTIMATE - PROJ ECT : TIlE LM<:ES or HYPOLUXO - LOCA nON: Bovnton Beach, Florida SHEET 1 OF 1 -- CLl ENT : Advent Co. ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION EST. OUAN. UNIT UNIT PRICE I xEjJ'ITQ~~~F - Pj\ VING & GI~^DING 1. Clearing & Grubbing 1 17.7 Acres 1500.00 26550.00 :2 . Lak:e Excavation, Site ~ Grading (Estimated) 40,000 C.Y. 2.00 80000.00 - 3 . Compacted Subgrade 10,000 S. Y. 1. 50 15000.00 4. 8" Limeroc]( or Shellroc]( ..-- - Base 9,616 S.Y. 5.00 480~0.00 ~- 5. 11/ " Asphalt (Type II) 9,231 S.Y. 3.50 32308.50 -2 . - 6. 5' Concrete Sidewal](s 5,495 1.,.1'. 5.00 27475.00 - - 7 . Street Signs 6 Ea. 100.00 600.00 - - 8 . Stop Signs 6 Ea. ' 1 00.00 600.00 J I TOTAL j 230,613.50 I . j J - ( ~ , ! ," "0' I ,. -i - - ! I , -, - - I , j l 1 " P,S.- 29 , - cl)no CVIl projt cl No.: By: PA~MOUNr ENGINEERING GROUP- Dol. : 7/28/87 R...lt."td By I J~ C~'<T"jrB C8r86~5 ~,.e3. BocB ~tO\ "/''B'kJu ~.13VfOG) J9J-Z73~ ea reeze ve. e ra eac I. . ENGINEERS ESTIMATE ... PROJ Eer : THE LAI\:ES OF IIYPOLUXO .. . . ,I. .t,' LOCA nON: Boynton 13each, Florida SHEET 1 OF 1 .. ell E NT : Advent Co. .. ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION -lEST. QUAN. UNIT UNIT PRICE I xE~J'ITO~:~CE \'! A TER DISTIUBUTION SYSTEN I" ",' 1. 6" DIP Hater Main I: 3185 L.F. 13.00 41405.00 I Fire Hydrants 5 Ea. 600.00 3000:00 ... . 3. Fittings 1.6 Ton 3000.00 48QO.00 4. 6" Gate Valves 13 Ea. 400.00 5200.00 5. \';ater Services, Complete .._. . Single 14 Ea. 250.00 3500~00 6. \'!atcr Services, Complete Double 32 Ea. 350.00 11200.00 I . 12" DIP Supply 1'1a in J 3430 L.P. 17.00 58310.00 8 . 12" Valves i 3 Ea. 900.00 2700.00 i , 9. Tapping Sleeve & Valve I 1 Ea. 2000.00 2000.00 10. Assemblies -l- 4 Ea. 400.00 1600.00 131 0\" off ,.. 11. Sample Points 10 Ea. 150.00 . 1500.00 .l.__ .l I 135 t 215.00 TOTAL , '! . - , .... - - . .. , . .. r O' .. p s. - 29 .10UNJ ENGINEERING GROUP -15 ';~~'f~ez~''A-v~o6'e~oFa9orEfat~a2 ~~~5) 395 273& ENGINEERS PP.OJ E CT : LOCATION: CLI ENT : THE LAKES OF HYPOLUXO Boynton Beach~ Florida Advent Co. ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION STORn SE~'JER 1. 18" G1P 2. 24" Cf,'P ~. Type I/CI/ Catch Basins 4. T pe I/E" Catch Basins ). T e "E" Junction Box G. Weir Structure Rio-Ra Endwolls 9, 72" RCP Culvert w/Endwalls Backfill & Excavation TOTAL _ . . a' P.S.-29 1___ Project NO.1 GLt2P.J _ By: CVH " ," II. 001.: ?/28/8~~_ R....I~w.d By I. . ESTIMATE SHEET 1 OF 1 EST QUAN. UNIT UHITPR\CE 1 564 L,F. 21 .00 11844.00 475 L,F. 24..00 11400.00 I 6 Ea. 850.00 5100.00 I :j 1 Eo. 1250.00 1250.00 1 . "Eo, 1200.00 ; 1200:00 - .j J Eo, . 4500.00 4500 00 . 1 Ea. 700 on .. 70a. 00 5 Fn. '700 Ofl il)nn nn .. - o' 1 Eo, . 55000.00 55000.00 . - ., - 94'.494 00 - '. . , - .. - , - .. - . - - - - .I - - " . , - , . , ' . ~ I. ' .~ - " , IIIlU... ~. G4801 CVH " I:rojtct No.: By: , PAR-4MOUNf ENGINEERING GROUp. e att: 7/28/87 R...lt.,td By I ~ - '^~~. ?1) <;;;PrI Avp.' -nplrav' Kprlrh Tl ,. , ,..., ENGINEERS ESTIMATE --- PROJECT: THE LAKES OF HYPOLUXO Boynton Beach, Florida SHEET 1 OF 1 LOCA TlON : CL lENT : Advent Co. ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION E:;T. QUAN. UN IT UNITPRICE x EJJ'ITQ~t~c:~ - SElvAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM l. 8" VCP Gravity Sewer - @ 0-61 Cut 1462 L.F. 10.00 14620.00 - - : 2. 8" VCP Gravitv Sewer -- lal 6- 8 ' Cut 573 L.F. 14.00 8022.00 - 3. 8" VCP Gravi tv Se\ver -- ..-.. @ 8-10' Cut , -- 400 L.F. 17..00 6800.00 4. 8" VCP Gravitv Sewer --- @ 10-12' Cut 85 L F ?? nn 1870.00 '-., -- 5. 8" VCP Gravity Sewer I --- @ 12-14' Cut 1._- 109 L.F. 29.00 3161.00 6. 8" DIP Gravity Sewer ! " , ,-.1"11 , . . 60 L.F" 20 nn 1200~00 @ 0-61 Cut --- 7. 8" DIP Gravity Sewer ! " @ 6-81 Cut 20 L.F. 24.00 480.00 8. 8" Polylined DIP Gravity Sewer @ "8-10' Cut 26 L.F. 32.00 832.00 9. 8" Polylined DIP Gravity - Sew'er @ 10-12' Cut 554 L.F. 37.00 20498'.00 .' 10. 8" Polylined DIP Gravity : - - Sewer @ 12-14' Cut 164 I..F. 44.00 7216.00 -- 11. Hanhole @ 0-:-6' ,Cut 7 Ea. 1 000.00 7000 00 -. 12. Hanhole @ 6-81 Cut 3 Ea. . 11 00.00, :nnn nn ._- 13. " Hanhole @ 8-10' Cut 2 Ea. 1300.00 2600 nn - 14. Nanhole @ 10-121 Cut 2 Ea. 1600.00 3200 nn ,.- 15. . Manhole @ 12-14' Cut 2 ,Ea. 1800.00 '3nnn nn -- 16. 6" Single Service Lateral 4 Ea. 250.00 ' 1000 nn - 17. 6" Double Service Lateral 37 Ea. 300.00 11100.00 - " 18. Tie into existing Manhole 1 L.S. 1000.00 1000.00 " " TOTAL 97,499.00 .. '. P.S.- 29 . , . Engineers . Architects . Planners . Surveyors . . / PAR-1MOUNr ENGINEERING GROUP 25 Seabreeze Avenue, Suite 200, Del Ray Beach, Florida 33444/ (305) 278-8111 G4801(Ol> July 27, 1987 Mr. Tom Clark Engineering Dept. City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Fla. RE: LAKES OF HYPOLUXO (BELLAVIA) Dear Mr. Clark, We are enclosing as our application for preliminary plat approval for the subject project the following listed items. 1. Six sets of the plans for the site development. 2. Six copies of the preliminary plat. 3. Two copies of the estimated cost of construction. The proiect has been reviewed and approved in 1985. That approval has lapsed, and we are therefore resubmitting the above materials. If you should require any additional information, please call us at your convenience. Very truly yours, ~NT ~NGINEERING Christ pher V. Vice resident GROUP ./ ..~- LAKES OF HYPOLUXO Environmental Report Manley l. Boss, Ph.D. July 1987 CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION LOCATION"AND PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION BIOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION 11 4 8 Preconstruction Plan 8 11 13 14 14 15 18 18 Vegetation Wildlife ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PLANTING, MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE OF LAKE PLANTINGS Planting Plan Monitoring Plan Maintenance Plan FIGURES, MAPS, TABLES Fi gu re 1. Residential Plot Plan 3 Fi gu re 2. Figure 3. Roadways - Lots - Lakes Plan View of Littoral and Bank Locations 16 Plan View and Cross-section Detail of 17 Littoral and Bank Plantings Map 1. Map 2. Map 3. Map 4. Locati on of Property 2 Size, Configuration and Topography.of Property 5 Soil s Map of Property 6 Aerial Photograph of Property Cover Pocket Tab 1 e 1. Vegetation on Property Wildlife on Property Littoral and Bank Plant Species 9 12 19 Table 2. Table 3. 1 I NTRODUCTI ON The following report describes an environmental study and subsequent lake-bank planting, monitoring, and maintenance recommendations of a 17.7 acre piece of property on Hypoluxo Road in Boynton Beach, Florida (Map 1 ) . The property presently supports second growth exotics. It, however, is slated for residential development with three lakes as amenities and surface water control (Fig. 1). Map 1. Location of Property ~ilJ~;~~:~~'~~' ij.w.LA.i,,!,.'~.:Tl~~~.Hi~l~.i';:~r;; .....t-r~, 4:~~~ \ \,(os;"on"~~ ~'~:~i~~ll' :~~~.;E~:,.{~;:r~~~f~-~G2:i:.f'~ 2~.,._ .... w;;h:;., _.~~~~ ~"'rl"--W~!;;5--~2 ~!JAU.'~lACH - . n~ ''''*,. I ;:""mN:1 - 0 -......l.~ ,'..- J'6'TcHa.LALvE~s-E 29 ,'!--,l~~' ;;;-I~~a ~~ ~4J If}....'''__., 31,! \j I II:" a: ~ ---.---- , , ~ ..._:f__l I ~ t. ~~-~~. ~ SflYAHT --:~;r__ ~-I-tllll j ,~~~ ~~ : j,i ~ ~l ~ ~;; ~I;; i~! 30; JOHN "'NC<! ~ t!J,~~~ ' J ll~~~;;;;; ~l~'~ ~'i 't:~:~Im ;:" ~1 ~It LN ;/id Z~" JY~UCA I i1lJ~;~7~ ~ ~ ;;" '~ '1:'~'1'~it~tl'" i~ ~; ~I ~; ~ ,'~: y. ~ lilt ~h1- CAIIt~ RO :-'.r- -~ . ..' ~ ~. . :;:; :;; :;:.:;; ~ .. _t-_{=~t__ Ii iL IN . ~ ..~o~ N ir-,;:;;~fli~- " "EMO::'AR"t::_.~ ~"I . ~ ~ U 0 'OfH ~ " lJ;~ ' ..= :(~::?~.~ : A~~~~~;~~r:~~~l' ~ '"'~(:~;:~J}~!::; -:-:-:: ~~ 1;' :~~ : !;;~"i'~ o~ i '~-.ft ~ ~J "ii;(': EO , ~ ~i~l~ ~~ j ;; ~ _~I .. 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" '6' --------' . ~~-- . __' I, \ ~ ) ~~ , [ .~ ~ .. '. ~: ~ \ \ \ --- .-. '-.. OJ " ~ ~ q, " <: '" \lj \ ~\\t\\ ~ It> ~ ~ III '" ~ ~ ~ \lj,'tl ~ i ~~<!~~\l. .' 'i ':>. ~ ~ ~ " ~~c,,,<::1\. / '\ ,\ ..\)"\ ~ ~ - ~ ------- \~ . :::. :" "i \\ ~ 'l; ~ -~-~ \. i:FrO ~ / / \ \ ".",m" " 0....;.:'::=--:::--- -~- < .-------.-.--------- 4 LOCATION AND PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The property herein described is a rectangle of 17.7 acres in area and is situated in the city of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. Its northern boundary of approximately 630 ft. in length lies parallel and adjacent to the south side of Hypoluxo Road. Its eastern boundary of approximately 1225 ft. in length, lies parallel to and approximately 1,500 ft. west of Congress Avenue (Map 1). Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-18 is interposed between the property's northern boundary and Hypoluxo Road and a drainage ditch that connects into the L-18 canal that parallels the property's entire eastern boundary (Map 2). The property immediately to the south is being developed as a residential area while the property immediately to the west is undeveloped and/or under agriculture. The property to the east is a pl ant nursery. The terrain may be described as essentially flat. At least 95% of the area varies between +11 ft. and +13.5 ft. NOS datum. The northern boundary displays a narrow zone that dips to an elevation of +9.6 ft to +10.6ft. NOS datum (Map 2). There are two types of soils on the property (Map 3). The northeastern half or triangle of the property consists of the Sanibel Series, more specifically Sanibel muck. This type is described as, "a nearly level, very poorly drained, deep sandy soil that has a thin organic layer on the surface. This soil is in deep depressions, drainage-ways, and broad flats that are transitional to the organic soils in the everglades area. ... The natural vegetation is sawgrasss, maidencane, cypress, southern Map 2. Size, Configuration and Topography of Property N \ ~ ..~-/?~ ,an":Crn$~M" ..,.,.h"O!'rd ~~ _ 3 --..;:-=--~ '. ,~ . ... -., . - -, :::- ._=-~ '. ". -")Ir.'<;.'.7"" ,,~7J~~"")' .~- " ;. - ""'.....?r ",'''' c~w 55"'<7~ r 7' 1- , ... ,----. r ~ "-'JI'. r ."03 ,,_7, ~~ .~. .._...,.....,~.......~ -~ ~~~~:~nn...!:..._~ ..~ ---(J- tt Oi1-~~O~-!!(}k-ll--1(J-ti-tf H~~ E~.:;>..,,/' "",'3~Y_~/-:_~/ IJI'_~Cll'.66'" · ,~)r -'; -'~~.L:: k~{/~:,"; ~::;:~:: . :~:" .. ~ _. ~. I'"'' '. '"""81 - ? ~-7';.IV;' .i--'o '0 'M '7 'i --I .Jo ~ 7lr"'......c.:." ::901F9 3,,9;,OP.6GS - -t-- " " ~ 0 .. # ~ ~ ~' ~ ,& ~ ~ ",. ~ '0 r- . ~ :;- ., ,. (: .11 '>- , N ;i'; ~: ( J".....-"~ t -j-~... i ~~ .........-........."'\... ':" i ~ , , , i<: ~ ' '..~ ., I n " . ..~'f '" -', ' " . "- .-.... 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'-., .It: E.:- -:-,,"~~S?...:) ~: \-~r ~, ., ,j '- -.r ..: .,...v~_ / "" ,'A '/ 4J ............J'".(,"""--r i ~ ". \ '" \ ~ .. r-:,,- '-^ '-::;:<- ( t i r i, ?: ~' \-\.. '" "'I ; ......... -- -------- - It) 01 - -~-------- '" r , (. .,' '.. J' - ',I , :< y J I, , " 1 >-" I , <' "-. ,~ '\ \ ~ (; / .j . ^- ~. , , I, '- " " _./ ----- ------- ...... ( ! \ ~/-------- E,~ / /' ) ) / ~ ;) .. o .. ," 'J ~{....., ...-:............ ~-......... ~ f .... Ii < . '< ~ l ~.. .( .; -0 ~~ ~~ ~~ ,~ , :~~ I I. (.~I ~-'l""'-'....... " -( ~- _~,....rv-...._r-?- . ~, ~ ~ "". ~o .0' &" ~ -. , , i:l ,ex:; OE9 /H.9P.yv.6ffN' .~J~ -"., ""~,_.,,. )/.",-' . .... -C'$ I ~r ~'1''''' ~ . , ~~ ~. 't ~, ~. I ~~ I , ~I ~' ~I ~I, ~/, "I " ~ CI\ " 111/\ ~ ~ ~/, 'I~ ~ ' c:)/ ~I ! f~"f.~ I ~ ~ ~ Map 3. Soils Map of Property Legend: Ba - Bassinger Fine Sand Sa - Sanibel Muck ~ N i PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORI[ 'ii .. ... 8 o ll'l 8 o ':l .'1 GI 'jij 1.I (/) 8 o o o o N o o o ..... o o o .... . ".;'u., o o o ll'l .QAB .'.' ';;' i~ .". ;t.. ~ <\:. ~,"'.l"jt...::.. !,~7 "r~ .....~. . if;~ ~,'~~~:;{SuB.~':~ 7 bayberry, picker1weed, ferns, sedges and several water-tolerant grasses... .* The southwestern half or triangle of the property consists of the Bassinger Series, more specifically Bassinger fine sand. It is described as , "a nearly level, poorly drained, deep sandy soil in broad grassy sloughs in the eastern part of the county....The water table is within 10 inches of the surface for 2 to 6 months in most years and within 10 to 30 inches for the rest of the year... The natural vegetation is St. Johnswort, slash pine, southern bayberry, scattered cypress, pine1and three-awn, blue maidencane, broomsedge, blue stem, and low panicum grasses....* Since the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-18 has been constructed the water table has been lowered and stabalized significantly below the property's soil surface. * Soil Survey of Palm Beach County area, Florida. United States Department of Agriculture Soi 1 Conservation Service, December 1978. 8 BIOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION Vegetat i on Presently the flora is composed of almost completely second growth exotic species consisting of Me1a1euca quinquenervia~ Casuarina equisetifo1ia, and Schinus terebinthifo1ius in the forested areas and mixed grasses in the open areas (Map 4, Table 1). Prior to the early 1960's, the property was scarified completely, for use possibly as a plant nursery (horticultural exotics are present along the western perimeter). It must be assumed that before the scarification and the lowering of the area water table by the Lake Worth Drainage District, the natural flora was representative of transitional wet prairie and pine f1atwoods species (see Soil Survey of Palm Beach County Area, Florida United Stated Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, 1978). Once the property was scarified, and subsequently left to its own devices, vigorous recruitment or invasion by the exotics occurred. An examination of Maps 2 and 4 shows sharp de1iniations between the forested areas and open areas. The sharp de1iniations seen in Map 4 (aerial photograph) are due to the very heavy growth of the exotic tree species and the sparcity of plant grow other than the mixed grasses in the open areas. Mela1euca quinquenervia make up the dominant vegetation in the northeastern quadrant of the property. Here the understory in the more open areas is composed of Schinus terebinthifo 1 i us_. Ground cover under the thicker stands of Me1a1euca quinquenervia is composed of mixed ferns, mostly B1echnum serru1atum. The property's largest trees occur in this quadran t. TABLE 1. Sc ientific Name Eupatorium capillifolium Ampelopsis quinquefolia Citrus spp. Schinus terebinthefolius Arec astri um romanzoffi anum Roystonea regia Ac er rubrum Ne1Ta azatera Cenchrus echinatus Uren a lobata Alamanda Ricinus communis Tennisetum purpureum Ipomea alba CatharanthUs roseus Stenotaphrum secundatum B 1 den s p i 1 0 s a Chloris sp. Nereum 01 ean der Opuntla stricta Wedelia trilobata Grav ill ea robusta Quercus vir*inana Rubus cunei olius Casuarina equisetifolia Melaleuca quinquenervla Blechnum serrulatum Osmunda regal i s Saba 1 palmetto pteridium aquilinum Sarcostema clausa Myric a c er i fer a VitlS rotundifolia Ludwigi a peruri an a Cladium jamaicensis Psidium quajava 9 VEGETATION ON PROPERTY Frequency F o R D o R R R R F R R R R R R R R R o R R o F D D A o R R R o F R R R D - Dominant A - Abundant F - Frequent o - Occasional R - Rare 10 The southeastern quadrant of the property is bordered by thick stands of Melaleuca quinquenervia and Schinus terebinthifolius. The center of the southeastern quadrant and the whole of the southwestern quadrant are open at'eas support ing mi xed grasses inc 1 uding some Uren a lobata an d Op un t i a s t r i c t a . The northern half of the northwestern quarter contains Melaleuca quinquenervia, Casuarina equisetifolia, and Schinus terebinthifolius, however, much of this northern portion contains horticultural exotics such as Alamanda, Wedelia, Oleander, St. Augustine grass, Perewinkle, Queen Palm and Silk Oak. The southern half of the northwestern quarter contains open areas of mixed grasses with two east-west oriented strands of mixed stands of Melaleuca quinquenervia and Schinus terebinthifolius or mixed stands of r~elaleuca quinquenervia and Casuarina equisetifolia. Both of these strands have Rubus cuneifolius as a common ground cover. The canal bank forming the eastern perimeter of the property supports patches of Sarcostema clausa, Myrica cerifera, Cladium jamaicensis, Vitis rotundifolia, and Blechnum serrulatum. The canal bank forming the northern perimeter of the property is kept fairly denuded of vegetation, however the following species were found frequently on the bank or just above the bank: Ipomea alba, Vinca rosea, Ricinus communis, Tennisetum purpureum, Schinus terebinthifolius and Melaleuca quinquenervia. No endangered or threatened plant species were found on the property. 11 Wil dl i fe Four north-south transects across the property revealed little wildlife or evidence of wildlife. One Great blue heron (Ardea herodias), two Mocking birds (Mimus polyglotus), one Blue jay (Cyanocilla cristata), four Ground doves (Columbina passerina), and one cotton tail rabbit (Slyvilagus floridanus) were seen in addition to some anoles (Anolis carolinensis). Racoon (Procyon lotor) and Grey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) scat were seen (Table 2). The paucity of wildlife is to be expected since the three major plant exotics that cover much of the area provide little nourishment as bases of food chains. No endangered or threatened animal species were found on the property. 12 TABLE 2. WILDLIFE ON PROPERTY Sc i en t Hie Name Birds Ardea herodias Mimus polyglotus Cyanocitta cristata Columbina passerina Mamma 1 s Slyvi lagus floridanus Urocyon cinereoargenteus Procyon lotor Reptiles An 0 1 i scar 01 in en s i s Frequency R o R o R R o F D - Dominant A - Abundant F - Frequent o - Occasional R - Rare 13 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The biological survey, as reported herein, indicates that the original flora and consequently original fauna were destroyed by scarification and lowering of the water table. The natural environment was completely changed to a non productive Melaleuca/Australian pine/Brazilian pepper forest and open mixed grass prairie consisting mostly of introduced ruderal species. Little wildlife was observed. The property as now composed, presents little biological value. Removal of the present vegetation would have little negative effect upon the surrounding environment. 14 ~ PLANTING, MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PLAN The purpose of this plan is to ensure the biological survival and natural function of the proposed three (3) lakes in the residential project. Specifically, the littoral zone and lake banks will be the areas to be treated. Prec on struc t ion P1 an The littoral zone will be established during and after construction of the lakes. This zone will have an average width of 10 ft. around each lake and a slope of not less than 7:1. The littoral zone - upland lake bank interface will be considered to be at the water control level. After 1 ake construct ion, a 6 inch 1 ayer of muck wi 11 be p1 aced as a top soi 1 layer in the littoral zone. The lake banks will be graded to a 4:1 slope then fertilized one time only and seeded and mulched with native grasses as soon as feasible to reduce erosion by wind and surface water flow. Construction barricades will be placed around the areas that are to receive p1antings. Precautions will be taken to reduce construction generated pollution near the lakes. All equipment wash areas, refueling areas and equipment repair areas will be initially located away from any terrain feature that could lead waste materials toward the lakes. Construction debris dumps will be planned away from the lakes. 15 Planting Plan It is recommended that as many plants as possible be obtained from nurseries rather than field sources. After the muck over layer (topsoil) is placed in the littoral zone, the plants will be plugged into place. If plants are taken wild from the field they will be kept moist in-transit and planted as soon as possible. Planting holes will be sized to accomodate the root balls so as to minimize disturbance of the roots when the plants are transplanted. Muck will be placed in the bottom of the hole to position the plant at its previous soil surface level. Weak single stalked plants will be staked to prevent breakage. . The littoral zone plants will be planted over the whole zone and spaced on 2 to 3 ft. centers depending upon their final mature size, and natural spacial requirements (see Figures 2 and 3). The planting will consist of a mix of species with each species planted at a water depth in which it is usually found in nature (see Figure 3). A littoral zone plantings will be made as soon as the lake water and littoral zone soil becomes stabilized. Lake bank pl ants wi 11 occupy an average bank area of 10 ft. per running foot of shoreline. This upland edge habitat will be located such that no less than 50 percent of the total shoreline is buffered by a minimum width of 10 ft. of plantings. Nursery grown stock will be selected if possible. All plants taken from the field will be root pruned at least 6 weeks prior to transplanting. Just prior to transplanting the plants will be top pruned. The root ball will be burlap bound and the top covered while in transit. All plants will be planted so that the root crown is just at the soil surface. frIe fertilization should be given upon planting and Figure 2. Plan View of Littoral and Bank Locations - .- --.--.--- - -------------.. ... -.- ,-_.~ - \ t: \\ ..' ..... ,\ . . 1 .~ . ~ ..d \ 'itl .. oa oa e. \ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '\ ~ \ 'i ~ t: ~.. H H \ \\ .\-, \\' n \ \ \l e 1 \i \\ ~ .1' t~ ~\ 'l ~t \ . \. .' h h \\ ~ t h u .; ~ ~ \U \\ ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \ ~ III \ ~\ ~ i \ ~ \ ~ \\ i\ \ ~ \\ ~ \ \ \ \. . ..l\~\\.a\i\%H\ " n ~ i ~.... ';1 \ @ \ \ \.&J ZN o . NO --12 <cr:. a:::x:: <;.V\ ~Z "::10 co.. \.&J'::) C' Z3; <(0 0..--1 xCO \.&J \.&J ~ <c --1 '" . ell .." l'" c ... 11.... , _ ,0 \' 'i ,- \ 1 ~ ' Q.. V; ... . ... '\ ~ ~\ l~ ; .... .. ~ C) S;, ~ . ~ C) . . C>. "':""...... 0- , 1 ~ '" ..,. .c. 111 7- _ 'i i ,..l-; 111 0 1. .__1=: 1...:~ 0 < 11;1 \;;j dl~;' ~ .. \\\~ ~ ~\\ .......---..-.----------- ."..---'."-- Figure 3. Plan View and Cross-section Detail of Littoral and Bank Plantings I " ~.~~ xI '" l'..g ~ '" >- .... .... Cl:: ~ ~ 11 Q .... ",Q~~ ~~~'g ....~ct:ct: ....~....... ::,,~:'" ~ ...Cl::~Q. lZl""Q.VI ~ VI VI "C Cl:: '" Q VI Cl:: :e c ~ Q ~ .... ~~~ i" l ~,' Ql j", Q , . I... I I VI i~ '" i'" i r :e ;:: "i :t ~ "" .... Q. J ... :e <:l '" .... "" ct: i ~ <:l ... ... :; Q .... Q :e "" Q. "" ... ~r . .1 i~ , 'I 0 .' 1= IV> 0 u H~~ III ... r~~" w pH; i u 0 en III < W Z ! ...l j ... "" z Ld Ill: ~ lH~ 0 t tfH ~ ~ ~B 18 frequent watering will be given until the plants reestablish themselves. Ground cover plants will be planted on approximately 1 ft. centers. Understory plants will be planted on approximately 3 ft. centers. Canopy trees will be planted on approximately 5 to 15 ft centers. All plants will be placed in artistically designed configurations. The above spacings will vary depending upon the species being planted (see Table 3 for suggested plant species. See Figures 2 and 3 for planting scheme and species location. Monitoring Plan Twice yeal'ly reports will be submitted the City of Boynton Beach for a minimum of 3 years. Monitoring will be carried out in April-May and October-November. Surveys will be conducted to determine percent survivalbility of each planted species. This will be achieved by obtaining a stem count on the planted species in initially randomly selected fixed quadrats in the littoral zone and on the lake bank. The survey will also entail growth evaluation, damage, and pest conditions. Additionally, all new, invading species will be noted and counted. Photographs will be taken from 4 fixed locations in each lake; 2 photogrpahs will be taken of the littoral zone and 2 photogl'aphs wi 11 be taken of the upl and 1 ake banks. The photographs ~~ll be filed sequentially and compared for visual changes in the flora. Wild life will be recorded as to species, numbers and activity (hunting, foraging, nesting). Maintenance Pl an Evidence of unsatisfactory species change as given by the monitoring 19 TABLE 3. LITTORAL AND BANK PLANT SPECIES Littoral Species: Spikerush (Eleocharis cellulosa) White water lilly (Nymphaea odorata) Pickerelweed (Pontederia lanceolata) Arrowhead (Sagittaria lancifolia) Cord grass (Spartina baker;i) Blue flag (Iris virginicus) Lake Bank Species: Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) Red maple (Acer rubrum) Loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus) Wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) Cocoplum (Chrysobalanus icaco) Swamp fern (Blechnum serrulatum) Royal fern (Osmunda regal is) Wild coffee (Psychotria nervosa) Black olive (Bucida buceras Gumbo limbo (Bursera simaruba) Sabal palm (Sabal palmetto) 20 report will cause remedial action to be taken. All undesirable plants e.g., cattails, torpedo grass, Australian pine, Melaleuca, or Brazilian pepper will be removed immediately. Frequency of undesirable plant removal may be increased to more than twice yearly depending upon the agressiveness of the invading species. The dieing-out or decrease in numbers of a planted species in excess of 20 percent of the original quantities will result in an attempt to ascertain the cause. Replanting and remedial action with respect to the cause will be made. If a species does not prosper, it will be replaced by another species common to that respective environment. All remedial maintenance procedures will be reported twice yearly or more frequently if necessary, to the City of Boynton Beach. Engineers. Architects. Planners. Surveyors PARAMOUNr ENGINEERING GROUP 25 Seabreeze Avenue, Suite 200, Del Ray Beach, Florida 33444 / (305) 278-8111 G4801 (01) June 26, 1987 Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planninq Dept. City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach. Fla. RE: LAKES OF HYPOLUXO Dear Carmen. This is to request. on befalf of the owner of the subject property. an extension to the rezoning of the subject project for a period of one year. We are presently involved in the preliminary and final plat process and believe the extension will obviate many of the questions which would otherwise arise. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Please call me if you should have any questions or require any additional information. Very truly yours, PARAMOUNT E GINEERING GROUP Hurst ~>,