REVIEW COMMENTS M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: James Golden Senior City Planner FROM: John Wildner, Superintendent Parks Division DATE: December 23, 1987 SUBJECT: Lakes of Hypoluxo Master Plan Modification Upon review of the amendment Master Plan for the Lakes of Hypoluxo (which would permit the construction of a public elementary school), the following comments are submitted: 1. The plans show two softball fields, basketball and volleyball courts in the rear of the school property. These potential recreational facilities seem to have very limited public access. Only a narrow service road connects the parking lots, etc., with the playing fields in the rear of the property. 2. In the past, the school board and the City have cooperated on community school programs and the joint use of school/park sites for public use after school hours. Perhaps the school board would consider opening up the rear of this property in some way to encourage great public access. ~,~ !/!/Ak~ Wildner CC: Charles Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department JW:ad DOC:LAKESHY E ...,....".-.,....,v"I-~D _.' -\:' l' I;' I' " ' ......... '-'" ~..... .L...J OEe ~.':; 1981 PLANNII~G D~PT~ - ~ MEMORANDUM From: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Directo(\ ~ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilitie~~~ January 19, 1988 To: Date: Subject: Master Plan for Elementary School "Q" on Hypoluxo Road We have the following comments on the subject Master Plan: 1. Water service must be adequately sized to deliver a minimum 1500 gpm fire flow, and be looped in such a way that the school may be fed from two separate locations in the city's distribution system. Calculations on pressure loss must be submitted in support of the design. 2. Sewage disposal is to be via gravity to the Meadows parcel, as indicated on the Lakes of Hypoluxo P.U.D. plans. 3. Irrigation may be provided with city water in the immediate vicinity of the school buildings, but the remainder of the site is to be irrigated with groundwater. 4. Fire hydrants and connections for domestic water must be indicated on the final utility plans. Easements must be provided for those portions to be maintained by the city. This memo is intended to supercede our memo of December 23, 1987 on this subject. dmt xc: Peter Mazzella REC:EI~vED JAN 20 1988 Pu\NNING DEJ>T. ;; r/lf)~~RL[: f) ~p -- -------.- MEMORANDUM To: Car~en Annunziato, Planning Direct~\ ~ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilitie~ Dece~ber 23, 19B7 Fro~: Date: Subj ect : Master Plan for Ele~entary School "Q" on Hypoluxo Road We have the following co~~ents on the subject ~aster plan: 1. Water service should be planned on co~ing f'rol'l Lawrence Road, with a loop through the property to the Meadows property. 2. Sewage disposal is to be via gravity, also to the Meadows parcel, as indicated on the Lakes of Hypoluxo P.U.D. plans. 3. Irrigation is to be provided by non-potable water. 4. Fire hydrants, sprinkler syste~5 and connections for do~estic water ~ust be indicated. The above reco~~endations provide the absolute l'Iini~ul'l infor~ation required on the site plan. Currently, none of the utility il'lprove~ents are shown on the plan. We offer these reco~~endations in anticipation of ~eeting with the school board in the near future regarding the provision of off-site utilities. dl'1t xc: Peter V. Mazzella MEMORANDUM To: Car~en Annunziato, Planning Direct~ ~ utilit1.~1 Fro~: John A. Guidry. Director of Date: Dece~ber 17, 1987 Subject: Usage Esti~ates - Lakes of Hypoluxo V5. Proposed Ele~entary School Following are e5ti~ates for water and sewer usage based on certain a66u~ptions as noted: Lakes of Hypoluxo - 78 single-fa~ily ho~es AS6u~e: Yields 39 Z-bedroo~ @ 1.4 edu and 39 3-bedroo~ @ 1.8 edu 124.8 edu's Esti~ated water usage - 38,940 gpd Esti~ated sewer output - 31,200 gpd Ele~entary school - 760 students and 80 6taff AssUMe: ~05t of irrigation is directly fro~ ground water source 840 persons @ 20 gpd water usage Yields 16,800 gpd At the worst case, sewage output would not exceed 16,800 gpd. Please refer any que6tions on this ~atter to Peter Mazzella, ext 332. d~t xc: Peter Mazzella Joe C. Swan RECEIVED' o~c """ (;;1 .; () JS87 F': ~NNIj\JG DEPT. .-------- -- -~ L_ Grayarc. P.O. 80x 2944 Hartford, CT 06104 , ' CALL TOLL FREE: 1,800-243-5250 SUBJECT: REPLY MESSAGE ',' Fold At (J') To Fit Grayarc WlndO~ Enveiope. EWl0P ,"~-'," ~'.~"'~ ....-,.......... REORDER-ITEit"-F288 ,'-" ~ _.~.__f,.;,.,!, ~_____~____ ~--=---.-...-__ FROM. . ~:' ;,.,.. 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Item # F269 @ Wheeler Group Inc. 1979 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ~;x -". ,;..,: ~':', <~~:, .: ..:.:~"';~" " or ,-,-if r .::r l Iv\' G-o G..~ 0:."":'f\-.) --, TO '--rf<-f3 _ C./fiY P U'-IV IV t; -fL- FROM l{J:p eM '.J,) /9-fA,CJ-tf P!t~~e- Df::j)TTl2.8 J2b-p SUBJECT: ~.JB - fJ1 !t-f,T/.;;!2- P ~rJ Ih v P . / 1- - 2- Z -?7 _._._._ __._._____._____.__._____._._._..L__._.____.___._.____._.___.____._.____._._._._._____________..__,_.__..____..._______.___.__._._....D ATE. ------.-.----------------------- ~OLD . C:..-tJ#(tvl(j-E FfO..l~?f1i' ;L.;4-ke-..5 (, r if\.{PC)L.(/\.-}C 0 -yr!) Pt./., f3{/ l C-" 9t HOO ~ "S tTE ~), j, ~ ('T7: !2,f; ~lA. i ~~e- ,$." IJO fO-/2;/[(yA...) (yt::=" f7-1J't( t'3--'(..L I L.. \) l v..-) C,,-= '~ i3 (3 F C{J2.Tt+c-j/?/ -7T..f..11- !J ' A>-() -{ P12 {1M F 11~i3 !+ '{ \) r2..fif~ 7~ (~'l1'3 - D i 1/ (2 E:Q s) At .t') (A E 'fO L-I (V\ Ire- 0 MfJ..-E,:; ~ ;i- ? ( f2/t-. '- .. $'fA-A)D PI pe S tP;n-f'V\ C/U-FfI9- (;T/Lf) [5 <i:i /7Z01U6-L-Y l6f~)VV\ v~ b'7J i> t=--:f) ~~ ' PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED A ...- I //) .. ' tt..~, ~~ ~~ I~i Il. J Cf!!4. --a..V'<.--eP./</ .. DATE: Item # F269 @ Wheeler Group Inc, 1979 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED M E M 0 RAN DUM December 28, 1987 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Elementary School, Modification to Lakes of Hypoluxo COMMENTS: 1. Medians in Hypoluxo Road will have to be re-constructed with plans approved by the City and by the County Traffic Engineer. A permit from the County will be required and this construction must be included with the bonded improvements. ~ ~~c;ark TAC/ck EXHIBIT "B" MEMORANDUM To: Car~en Annunziato. Planning Direct~ ~ Uti! i tiO,.:>>/ Fro~: John A. Guidry. Director of Date: Dece~ber 17, 1987 Subject: Usage Esti~ates - Lakes of Hypoluxo V5. Proposed EleMentary School Following are e6ti~ates for water and sewer usage based on certain assuMptions as noted: Lakes of Hypoluxo - 78 single-fa~ily hOMes Assu~e: Yields 39 Z-bedrooM @ 1.4 edu and 39 3-bedrooM @ 1.8 edu 124.8 edu's Esti~ated water usage - 38,940 Cpd EstiMated sewer output - 31.200 Cpd Ele~entary school - 760 students and 80 staff Assu~e: MOst of irrigation is directly frOM ground water source 840 persons @ 20 gpd water usage Yields 16.800 gpd At the worst case. sewage output would not exceed 16.800 gpd. Please refer any questions on this Matter to Peter Mazzella, ext 332. dMt xc: Peter Mazzella Joe C. Swan RECEIVED' o~c ...... &;1 .: 0 1887 F': ~NNIj\JG DEPT. ------- - t_"", /L... . _' ~ tj -/]''-....... UJ;.-, ~ .s L -/ ;1 ~L~,,_,.,I /- '?f-',L,... ,/'n ,.-:I ~__~.e.-."".-. o.,.""~..(;) ~_'l.J (' -' I' /" '-' (I ,-, . (JI ;80 7,,2 ) '3/;:200 IS-I fJ '/0 :2 5',170 cS/>c 7..j (;J"/O J /- ":"" ~'"' ~,#~ I . 0 ~ T~,a-. ~.L ~ ~ 7 I 2.. ~_*'I..-;..4 '7 1:1 ........_...A-> ~ I J A-r-.a /:J.G-.. ~'.:j VJ tl..J........<, <C' -...; ,:J () 6 to~ ...v (7 / ..2.. ~.~~.,vJ., -t 8 0 .~~,ll) . i- I '1' ..,~. ,4._ ..I'll. ..", t' _. ..I .' / /. ' ...--\,......t~.. l. >,t._ _ : ) ,/ ..... "',{ I I (..~t ' .>: ; . ~ - 'l) -;<-"/ ) b"O / .5-: :3'-/0 6/J(J "U