LEGAL APPROVAL MEETING MIHUTES PLANNING IEVELOPM~..... BOARD BOYNTON Bt:ACH, FLORIDA JULY 8,1997 Mr. Myott recalled that the Planning & Development Board requested that signage proposals be included with presentations, He questioned whether applicants have been notified of this procedure, Ms, Heyden advised that this procedure has been put in place and the board members will be seeing eVIdence of this in the very near future, Vice Chairman Golden inquired about the exterior renovations for Boynton Plaza, Ms, Heyden was unable to provide a response. 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS A. PUBLIC HEARING Zonina Code Variance 1, Project: Owner: Location: Description: 142 NE 6th Avenue Tommie L. Green 142 NE 6th Avenue Request for a variance to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 11,1,C,1,b. _ Nonconforming Lots, to allow construction of a single- family home on a nonconforming lot having a lot area of 4,800 square feet (rather than the minimum of 5,000) in the R-2 (single and two-family) zoning district. Chairman Dube pointed out that since the original houses were built, the zoning has been changed, Mr, Green is now being punished because he is being required to have 5,000 square feet while everyone else around him has 4,800 square feet. Attorney Pawelczyk administered the oath to Tommie Green of 2650 NW 2nd Street. Mr, Lewicki advised that he had nothing additional to add about this request that was not already said by Chairman Dube. Staff has no objection to this request. Mr, Green said'he began work on this project on December 10, 1996, He urged the members to approve his request so that he can move forward. Chairman Dube announced the PUBLIC HEARING. 4 MEETIN~\1INUTES PLANNI & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 8,1997 Ida Aiken. 136 NE 6th Avenue, is not opposed to approval of this request, but questioned how an approval would affect her property, She is concerned that Mr, Green's house will be too close to hers, Mr, Lewicki explained that every zoning district requires certain setbacks, According to the site plan, the setbacks of 9' will be met between the external wall of the building and the side property line, There will be 20' rear and front setbacks, Mr. Wische explained to Ms, Aiken that the distance from her home to this proposed home will be no different from the distance of the existing home, Mr, Aguila added that there will be approximately 16' between the houses, Mr, Green pOinted out that this parcel of land has been a nuisance because of trash piles, He plans to improve this property, Motion Mr, Friedland moved to grant the variance. Mr, Wische seconded the motion which carried unanimously, B. OTHER Abandonment 1, Project: Agent: Owner: High Ridge Commerce Park PIO J, Richard Harris, Esq, Southern-most 25' of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID, located at the northeast comer of High Ridge Road and unimproved Miner Road, Request to abandon a 25' wide buffer easement along the south side of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID Description: Attorney Pawelczyk administered the oath to Mr, Rick Harris, representing Condor Investments, Mr, Lewicki had nothing additional to offer other than what was included in the back-up material. Mr. Harris advised that the road was abandoned and the buffer easement was relocated. The applicant now has two buffer easements, and they are abandoning the one that was platted. They have reached an agreement with FPL with respect to relocation of the 10' easement. Mr. Harris has prepared the agreement, and is ready to record it. Motion Vice Chairman Golden moved to approve the request to abandon a 25' wide buffer easement along the south side of the High Ridge Commerce Park PIO subject to staff comments, Mr. Wische seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Re~uested City Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Commission Meeting Dates in to City Manager's Otlice Meeting Dates in to City Manager's Office 0 May 6, 1997 April 25, 1997 (noon) 0 July I, 1997 June 20, J 997 (noon) 0 May 20, 1997 May 9, 1997 (noon) ~ July 15, 1997 July 3, 1997 (Thursday noon) 0 June 3, 1997 May 23, 1997 (noon) 0 August 5, 1997 July 25, 1997 (noon) 0 June 17, 1997 June 6, 1997 (noon) 0 August 19, 1997 August 8, J 997 (noon) RECOMMENDATION: Plt:ase place the request below on the July 15, 1997 City Commission agenda under Consent Agenda (as per recently adopted ordinance No, 97-22) for ratification of the Planning and Development Board's action, The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, approved this request. For further details pertaining to this request, see attached Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 97-331, EXPLANATION: PROJECT: 142 N,E. 6'h Avenue OWNER: Tommie L. Green LOCATION: 142 N,E, 6'h Avenue DESCRIPTION: Request for a variance to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development regulations, Chapter 2, Section 1(,I,C,(,b - Nonconforming Lots, to allow construction of a single family home on a nonconforming lot having a lot area of 4800 square feet (rather than the minimum of 5,000) in the R-2 (single and two-family) zoning district. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A City Manager's Signature Development Services Department Name /"" --..::::--./ ~~ ~ t.-k' \ Planning and Zon' Meeting Date: Petition: File No: Location: Owner: Project Name: Variance Request: Note: DEVEL""r'MENT SERVICES DEPAI liEN'. PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM #97-331 Staff Report Planning and Development Board July 8, 1997 Case No, 235 ZNCV 97-001 (lot size) Lot 10, Block 2, Sunny Side Estates Tommy L. Green, Sr. 142 N.E. 6th Avenue Request for a variance to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 11,1,C.1.b. - Nonconforming Lots, to allow construction of a single family home on a nonconforming lot having a lot area of 4800 (rather than the minimum 5,000) square feet in the R-2 (single and two- family) zoning district. This is the first zoning code variance to be reviewed by the Planning and Development Board since the transfer to the Board of the duties of the Board of Zoning Appeals, BACKGROUND The subject property is the only undeveloped lot within Block 2 of the Sunny Side Estates subdivision (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map and Exhibit "B" - Survey). The zoning designation of the subject parcel, as well as the entire subdivision, is R-2 (single and two- family dwelling district). The property owner is proposing construction of a single family residence (see Exhibit "C" _ proposed site plan), on Lot 10 of Block 2 of Sunny Side Estates. Lot 10 is 4800 square feet in size. However, the minimum lot size for a single family residence in the R-2 zoning district is a minimum of 5,000 square feet. Construction of the house cannot be permitted on a substandard lot, without a variance to the minimum lot size requirement. For this reason a building permit application was denied for the house. The following is a description of the zoning districts and land uses of the properties that surround the subject request: / Page 2 Memorandum No. 97-331 Tommie L. Green, Sr, Case No. 235 Staff Report - Planning and Development Board North Yorktown condominium complex, zoned R-3. South Residences of Sunny Side Estates, zoned R-2. East Residences of Sunny Side Estates, zoned R-2, West Residences of Sunny Side Estates, zoned R-2. ANAL YSIS City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning, Sections 5.F and 5.E state that the minimum lot area for a single family residence within R-2 zoning district is 6,000 square feet. Another section of the city zoning code - Section 11,1, Paragraph C,1 states, however, that: '~ detached single-family dwelling may be constructed on any parcel located in an R-1, R-1 A, R-2 or R-3 district, provided that it meets all of the following requirements: a. The parcel contains at least one (1) whole platted lot; b, The parcel has a frontage of not less than fifty (50) feet, and a lot area of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet; c. Property cannot be acquired from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without causing the adjacent parcels or structures thereon to become nonconforming or more nonconforming". Regarding criterion a) above, lot 10 of Block 2 of Sunny Side Estates is the lot area as was originally platted in 1959, Le. - it has not been reconfigured or further subdivided. Regarding criterion b) above, lot 10 has a frontage of 60 feet, but the lot size is 4800 square feet (Le. -less than 5,000 square feet), Regarding criterion c) above, additional property cannot be acquired from the adjoining properties to make the lot conforming, since all other lots within this subdivision are developed and all of them are nonconforming (4800 square feet in size). '" 'I t..T Page 3 Memorandum No, 97-331 Tommie L. Green, Sr, Case No, 235 Staff Report - Planning and Development Board The code states that zoning code variances cannot be approved unless the board finds the following: a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. b, That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. c, That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. d. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. e. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. f. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter [ordinance] and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. g. For variances to minimum lot area or lot frontage requirements, that property is not available from adjacent properties in order to meet these requirements, or that the acquisition of such property would cause the adjacent property or structures thereon to become nonconforming. The applicant for such variances shall provide an affidavit, with the application for variance, stating that the above mentioned conditions exist with respect to the acquisition of additional property Exhibit "D" contains the applicant's response to the above criteria. Also, as a point of information, several zoning variances have been granted for nonconforming, undersized lots in the City. Unlike other development applications, the code does not require staff to make a recommendation regarding whether an applicant should be permitted to violate the city's ordinance. However, please be advised that a taking can be determined to occur when regulations preclude any use of a piece of property. xc: Central File \\CHIMAIN\SHRDATA\Planning\SHAREOIWP\PROJECTS\GREENIZON VAR STAFF REP-235,doc -J --,' EXHIBIT "A" )1- L('SATION MAP- 142 N.E. 6th AVE ~,'I~l1 ~ .~ ",1~~~~~~~ \ <:a-" · i. .;~ J ~t ~ ;;111f \~~HI~::0 F}l~ <:~ I~' , f-, W~ ~, --, -, ...".. ... '---, j ~:, r/(.... - A J " I \ . ,~'. , ' ,.' , 'Iii '---':--l." " 00"" 11 __ :',~ f--~ -r } .". :-:3-- -, " J. - I ....JII \I ~Il~_...~l~ III II I I':,,,~~, III ~ [":1"':, , 1] Fm~ :'1' lilt! -,~ ~r- '_....~It I I [I ........0 ............~; ~ - , ,~ ",ii,j+rt It~" . ==:;] IP'II\IIII';lllidl ~- -~ I - I / I~ 111111111 I II ~l :ilf: ;;; I:::'!: I ~ ,.-=:= ~: II " 'i!il~:il:~'1 ~ '.t:tEf_'~:'-"J'L- 1'1 ~Cll: H _J , ' , '::- 0 ~ . " .~- I ~, "* '-' -. t- I "'""'I ....., ' .... -, -I -.:" , I~!"'''il :1,'1'1 ~" . 0 -;-I-~ ' ......~I'~; r-=' ._. l- ....., nfl, --- -"'11 ~ VA' -- ] t:= ;' I ".,:il- -T:=, f~ =lff-!"" '1I:o,~~~Htl '", "c >--:-,. I :'",-= ~ '[ jl. ~ jJ ~n ,~ .. T I ,J -- ~~~ "-1--" ~ "I, ili I: !'I': r '~ ... ~ 'A I~}J - ....-(r---l~ q 0 ~ - ~.~~ ~ I, q' i/ '! '- :=: ,~ f C;iJ: I t-J ~ I"" 'I I~'~. .~ -, L~ ~ ... "t~ ~ eo]._ R:3 I ~= ~ I !'=~[.. . jr~~~Frui,7 1_ _ ,:1, I. f- -.f---\I'iF=li I'll II~ I ~.I :]'CC1jQ~[jt;,SSt::f~ ~" ~'=-: -~=~~," 1 . I,' ~~~~~~~-~,~~ ~~I 1 ~-'"II i E - , '8~~~~~u lJ]_:~ '-+- ~ c ~'I",',II..L!~.l -.:-...' ~.I- ~T '. ii,,' I,\I'I:~' :'~Jf :c:~,~: I "- · - ~ ,'!ACI1 8""". ~ o:l"'''~ ===1 r L.V I ~~: .,1, F .. ..~--- d..': S~ZIf;J '::, -;'~' ~ ;' - ~-- ,T "-...:L ;~ ..-:=~" ~- ~~.:- ~;tJ'~ ~~C~J<I" I -I~ ~.,~.:~ L, - ....f _ 6,. "CI!!,4-~J . a: XI. ~ I ~'-, I~~ r, :;1 ,;. ! ~ F;. , l, -].. ~ J.~, r--1 l-:;., ,_.. - ~t-J. _ ! :':~L-.:J I hi, ~'- II" ~ --~::..J "L ' E':'- _ - ~ I .....,~f~;:.:..:J:.:..:;;. ~ --_~'__ :', : '- J -..~..- __:.L .._~"'!'~ ~ ..~t ~ a e-: ~~........~...,; _,~""'. E. . '.......-.or-' - i .' - < --'-- '-- --,'\ r-:l -- I; U - L... ,...- 1. _ , I ,11 'I~!, -~-:--i.~!'ILl:f- /~~__ ,:..~;~~ ~----r I.: - - --: .~;1' I;" S:o 1/8 MILE"Sf/" I ~ - '-,--'---l~-'-.-'S',., ----l tn~\ 1 II' - 1111',. _l >X-- .- to,r-': I -r, liT I I I III:S - r ~~1-~'_L'__"'~.) :=f 11 ---ell \ III:' ~'O 400.800 FEET - -- ~ ~ -~:---:--' ., --~-r .: C .. ''';''1 /- '1 ~ . PI..ANNIAJ/: OF=Or. 07-97 hU i __~+-~t=~ ,____ . ~ U ,~ '" ''-= r , .-,; ! I I, , II: I I ' I C:::::8i e:_:.:.:::jJ~l ~.: i '" ~ , If . ,. - t- ~ lifflfff r- ".,,~~ " . "V - .-.~ ,.-~~ :' 'I,: r-- \1\ - . '11\11 ::I, Jl--, 'I) , -' '1IIi! Ii ioi-i.' - I , , : ~--.- ! I I EXHIBIT "B" {J ~'r,i f) \.v' /!I/}{/:~ /-- . J 11 II) # /y c: o~ A'y~/>pt" 1 '/ffr, cr' I I 0>0 00' c;.o. /u. ~~J1~.vr~ ~ -;0' ,,~/(c?/'C'';/C'd''') . 13 L::1J I~ ~ I 'I I ~ III It 6Ift,}?/ I .,o/J1 /' /~U6tY/~g' r . '" l"!,.OO. --!9:.,eo.cc ~ ~ '" ~ '-Ij \ ~ c:\ ~ ~i ,,1 0) to'; (,.ti l'~~ ... ~ '\" \ ~ "(\ '" 'II .\ ~'\J ~ \ ~ ...... <\ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ "'~~ 11] J . ["LOOD ZONE C, 120196-0004-C, 3EPTEMBER 30, 1982, ~'" v~ .:,.~ ~OTE: ELEVATIONS AND BENCH MARK SHOWN ARE ~ATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL JATUM OF 1929, ESTABLISHED 'ROM BENCH MARK B25. 1L- I. ,!.. / // c.. / /t? /3/aci E' .,-o/.,p/ / #~<9f.:Yr~o/ I. ~ car' ? .t d)J Rd,. . '" ~ '" ~ '.~ ~ 0" '\ '\~' '~~ ~ () ~ " "" '{l;'" ~ ~ ~~ I~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t!a/~ DESCRIPTION LOT 10, BLOCK 2, SUNNY-SIDE ESTATES, according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 26 page 16 as recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; said land situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Plorida. LEGEND o FOUND 2" x 2" CONCRETE MONUMENT PER~IANEN1' REFERENCE MONUMENT o FOUND P.K. NAIL AND WASHER . SET P.K. NAIL AND WASHER o SET NO. 5 RE-BAR AND CAP, LS-1725 IUSS DIS SIM'I1lRAIIG IlNlS lit: SIMIlE NIl lIE CIIDlM. llMIII U IE A IUJlIlA IXINSIIl SfilIII NIlIW'l'lll " IS F1IIIflRMIlIW. I'III'OSD au NIl IS IIOJ VILlI. PLA T OF SURVEY FOR: ~ ~"=~~ IEIIElJf IS If AlXlRlNa _1M lit: TOMMIE L. GREEN, SR., SCHECULE A, UNIVERSAL LAND TITLE REFERENCES BOUNDARY SURVEY NO SEARaI CJ' 1IlE PUBlIC RECOAIlS HAS 1lEBl MAllE BY 1ltS OFfICE Fa! ACCURACY (It ClIIISSIOIlS. REPROOUCnON IN ANY fORM IS FROHIBllDl TIiOMAS A. DETORE PROFESSIONAL SUR'v{YOR & MAPPER 2966 Via del Logo LAKE WORlH, Fl 33461-1743 PHONE (407\ 965-0191 DAlE Of' SURVEY /Z. /.::7 - EPc, DAlE Of' PRINT DEe 1 1 1!16 SCAlE /.. = et::' d'o PG. /-S WORK ORDER NO. Be,- ~-5B? DRAWING NUMBER 3&' .1'7/6 EXHIBIT ltC"~ p u @ .-- -, ::';'CI 1- ~,-~ ~.. - ':"'. i-. _,-,:; "?....: ..-.};:. ...-"J;" ~ =. ''''.:- .- - --. " , I e:- ,..., ~ ^ ,=- ~._.(V" ~-'.-'J ..Y Y -A I , -Lfl \'l I :::> 0 . Oz:::> ?::>;JC. D:?..: -... .;.:,,,", Nt -,< J ~ In - ~ () - Ns.. .... If I~ I ( i+O\.D - (Q <l . ~ (~ I t7f..;::;(I).<?:.../;z......( -~ -0' c- ~ ~ ~~Ic." \) . -t, f'::, :~: :-'-j, A-v. ,; I I "" I ":"':'.?ir'l -' ::; ~t..O, I ~ I I 1 K . 41' ~ \ ;,I~:: ~' ~. I ~! _ Ie ~ - i j~. ': .0.' -1 '::.0. ~ ._. I. ~C.oo' \;;.J~ p" l.!:;.. 11 -'~ Ii::;" P.....~-J I j ~ 1,1/ L..E;.&, 6L.... ~ LeT 10 I B>;..o~LC. '2, t7UlJYi-? I D: ~bT,A--:-~! f'L.-~'7 BOOK. 'UR, P"~== I~I ~~O;z..?~ 0:: p.D.L.r1 I?:;. ~ ~ H ~o LJ f.-1 T ,( I F l-c ~ : :;>A . q @ I ~ ~ ~s= . coo <( 00 C'I/(I') . UJ'P - ~,...... . -,...... <( :::>(0 U) - .~ ClLt) Z l:I:~ < a::: (ijm --10 0 :::>(1') O~ CD I- a:l< CJ) U --1 Cl <- 0 W - l:I: I-- () 0 l:I:--1 - UJ LJ.. . I::E. -.J U::E~ 0:::: 0 < <{ () Cl ~ ~l:I: U)UJ <( UJCl ~:::> - < -.J 0--1 -.J O. (O~ - (l')LJ.. 3= DRAWN F.rS . I CHECKED ~L-o DA ~-\q-'il JOB NO. '54'17 "'::-": SHEET 1 OF 'S SHEETS EXHIBIT "0" {O WIL ~M LEANDER OSBORN A. .A. Be ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTURE 8: 3600 W. COMMERCIAL BLVD. SUITE 208 FT, LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 PHONE 954-677-9300 FAX 954-677-9 I 97 LAND PLANNING BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS VARIANCE APPLICATION RE: PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE, LOT 10, BLK 2, SUNNY-SIDE ESTATES P.B. 26-16 A. THIS LOT IS NONCONFORMING, BEING SMALLER THAN THE MINIMUM SIZE FOR THE CURRENT ZONING. WHEN THE PROPERTY WAS PLATTED, IT COMPLIED. B. THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES AREN'T A RESULT OF THE ACTIONS OF THE APPLICANT. C. ALL OTHER LOTS IN THE AREA HAVE EXISTING HOUSES, SO THEY DO NOT REQUIRE A VARIANCE. D. WITHOUT A VARIANCE, NOTHING CAN BE BUILT ON THE PROPERTY, AND WOULD DEPRIVE THE APPLICANT OF RIGHTS COMMONLY ENJOYED BY OTHER PROPERTIES IN THE SAME AREA. E. YES, THE VARIANCE IF GRANTED IS THE MINIUM VARIANCE THAT WILL MAKE POSSIBLE THE REASONABLE USE OF THE LAND, BUILDING OR STRUCTURE. F. YES, THE GRANTING IF THE VARIANCE WILL BE IN HARMONY WITH THE GENERAL INTENT AND PURPOSE OF THIS CHAPTER AND SUCH VARIANCE WILL NOT BE INJURIOUS TO THE AREA INVOLVED OR OTHERWISE DETRIMENTAL 'TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE. II ARCH, REG 6844 , I f I; \\ ~JIlC , t-. \ \, \\ . \\\j", ' .\ \, 'J \:l MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPME:I'I ( BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 8,1997 Mr. Myott recalled that the Planning & Development Board requested that signage proposals be included with presentations. He questioned whether applicants have been notified of this procedure. Ms. Heyden advised that this procedure has been put in place and the board members will be seeing evidence of this in the very near future. Vice Chairman Golden inquired about the exterior renovations for Boynton Plaza. Ms. Heyden was unable to provide a response. 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS A. PUBLIC HEARING Zonina Code Variance 1, Project: Owner: Location: Descri ption: 142 NE 6th Avenue Tommie L. Green 142 NE 6th Avenue Request for a variance to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 11.1.C.1,b, - Nonconforming Lots, to allow construction of a single- family home on a nonconforming lot having a lot area of 4,800 square feet (rather than the minimum of 5,000) in the R-2 (single and two-family) zoning district. Chairman Dube pointed out that since the original houses were built, the zoning has been changed. Mr. Green is now being punished because he is being required to have 5,000 square feet while everyone else around him has 4,800 square feet. Attorney Pawelczyk administered the oath to Tommie Green of 2650 NW 2nd Street. Mr, Lewicki advised that he had nothing additional to add about this request that was not already said by Chairman Dube. Staff has no objection to this request. Mr. Green said'he began work on this project on December 10, 1996. He urged the members to approve his request so that he can move forward. Chairman Dube announced the PUBLIC HEARING. 4 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 8, 1997 Ida Aiken. 136 NE 6th Avenue, is not opposed to approval of this request, but questioned how an approval would affect her property. She is concerned that Mr, Green's house will be too close to hers. Mr, Lewicki explained that every zoning district requires certain setbacks. According to the site plan, the setbacks of 9' will be met between the external wall of the building and the side property line, There will be 20' rear and front setbacks, Mr, Wische explained to Ms, Aiken that the distance from her home to this proposed home will be no different from the distance of the existing home. Mr. Aguila added that there will be approximately 16' between the houses, Mr. Green pointed out that this parcel of land has been a nuisance because of trash piles. He plans to improve this property, Motion Mr. Friedland moved to grant the variance. Mr. Wische seconded the motion which carried unanimously, B. OTHER Abandonment 1, Project: Agent:. Owner: Description: High Ridge Commerce Park PID J. Richard Harris, Esq. Southern-most 25' of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID, located at the northeast corner of High Ridge Road and unimproved Miner Road. Request to abandon a 25' wide buffer easement along the south side of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID Attorney Pawelczyk administered the oath to Mr. Rick Harris, representing Condor Investments. Mr, Lewicki had nothing additional to offer other than what was included in the back-up material. Mr. Harris advised that the road was abandoned and the buffer easement was relocated. The applicant now has two buffer easements, and they are abandoning the one that was platted. They have reached an agreement with FPL with respect to relocation of the 10' easement. Mr. Harris has prepared the agreement, and is ready to record it. Motion Vice Chairman Golden moved to approve the request to abandon a 25' wide buffer easement along the south side of the High Ridge Commerce Park PIO subject to staff comments. Mr. Wische seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 5 ~J:>(- fk -f;l ()\ ,~OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING C L.. I I t- ~ '-'t ~~ f f> ~ NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that the following application has been made to the PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, for a hearing as indicated, under and pursuant to the provisions of the zoning code of said City: . "'"__'~.,'--::~.__~-~-_.;:; - ,; . ~\ Case #235 Owner: Tommie Lee Green Requested Variance: Request for a variance to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 11.1.C.1.b. _ Nonconforming Lots to allow construction of a single family home on a nonconforming lot having a lot area of 4800 square feet in the R-2 (single and two-family) zoning district. Minimum lot area in R-2 zoning district is 5,000 square feet. Location: 142 N.E. 6th Avenue. Legal Description: LOT 10, BLOCK 2, SUNNY-SIDE ESTATES, according to the plat recorded in Plat Book 26, page 16, as recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; said land situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. Use: Single-family home A PUBLIC HEARING before the Planning and Development Board will be held relative to the above application at City Hall, Commission Chambers, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Tuesday July 8, 1997, at 7:00 P.M. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard or file any written comments prior to the hearing date. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNIN~AND-ZONING C1\l.JSL..~ 561}3iS-6260 - h._ PUBLISH: THE POST ';. / r /cv-._ f:'c"i-<.'(.// r;f~/?1-j( /j{/".:- June 22, 1997 / ( '! /,-, ! I /,/ / s \proJects\green~eg;235 / k- il~~;?" / ~JY;J;/:f;:44/~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-280 TO: Sue Kruse City Clerk FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, AICP'Ii';i-J Planning and Zoning Director DATE: June 18, 1997 SUBJECT: Planning and Development Board Case No. 235 (Tommie Lee Green) File No. ZNCV 97-001 Accompanying this memorandum you will find an application and supporting documentation for the above-referenced case. A check in the amount of $400.00 to cover the review and processing of this application has been forwarded to the Finance Department. The legal advertisement for this request will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney. The requested variance is scheduled for the July 8, 1997 meeting. T JH:bme Attachments 5: Iprojects\green\leg 1235 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following application has been made to the PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, for a hearing as indicated. under and pursuant to the provisions of the zoning code of said City: Case #235 Owner: Tommie Lee Green Requested Variance: Request for a variance to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2. Section 11.1.C.1.b. - Nonconforming Lots to allow construction of a single family home on a nonconforming lot having a lot area of 4800 square feet in the R-2 (single and two-family) zoning district. Minimum lot area in R-2 zoning district is 5,000 square feet. Location: 142 N.E. 6th Avenue. Legal Description: LOT 10, BLOCK 2. SUNNY-SIDE ESTATES, according to the plat recorded in Plat Book 26, page 16. as recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; said land situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. Use: Single-family home A PUBLIC HEARING before the Planning and Development Board will be held relative to the above application at City Hall, Commission Chambers, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard. Boynton Beach, Florida, on Tuesday July 8. 1997, at 7:00 P.M. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard or file any written comments prior to the hearing date. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 375-6260 PUBLISH: THE POST June 22, 1997 s: Iprojects\greenlleg 1235 REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney two (2) working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATOR: Planning and Zoning Division PREPARED BY: Jerzv Lewicki DATE PREPARED: June 9. 1997 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Plannina and Development Board Public Hearing Notice for Case #235 (meetina Julv 8, 1997); Tommie Lee Green SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Boarder, etc.) STANDARD LEGAL AD SEND COPIES OF AD TO: All property Owners within 400 feet of property (postmarked no later than June 22. 1997), applicant and Director of Planninq and Zoninq NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: The Post DA TE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: June 22, 1997 APPROVED BY: ~ d (1) ~;b~{~' (J .. ~ (Originator) 1../ ~j (Date) (2) (City Attorney) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: s:\projects\green\legI235 ::. ~ t-~.- \-~ti~'~ ~ -f~' I J ~""I' b - 1).1..- "'~\ 6~\,::,,'0\ :-', I . . ' l""'"' ~ t;!lI. ~,IjC> _,:~VI50 I I 't; I I I,~O I I07.il"' Iln "l' .& ~ . - 'a, ,.. 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FLOOD ZONE C, 120196-0004-C, SEPTEMBER 30, 1982, NOTE: ELEVATIONS AND BENCH MARK SHOWN ARE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929, ESTABLISHED FROM BENCH MARK B25. c!lJ / // ' ~,tO' "f ~ I} ,1: R~~' . ~ ). ,1 ~ 0", ~ .11), '~~ ~ () ~ " ',," ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ \~ ~~ ,~ ~ ':': ~ \) ~s. 0~ ~~ 1~ I, CoP / /t:? /.3/oci e co/~ c;O,OO' ------- /'/d'/ / ~t!'oYil//~o/ Co/7 DESCRIPTION LOT 10, BLOCK 2, SUNNY-SIDE ESTATES, according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 26 page 16 as recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; said land situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. I. IJUSS DIS SIMY lIlA_lIARS 1\( ~1IJlE NIl1\( lJlIQIIIL RAISEIl SEAl. If' A fUJlI)A uaJlSED 9Jl\[)tIl NIlIW'l'fllIT IS FlIllfUlllA1KJl.II. ~ MY NIl IS /lOr YAUl, 1lIS SUR\O Of 1HE PR<ftRlY SHOWN 1O[lJ4 IS II ACCORDANCE .1M '!HE PR<I'ERlY OESCRFDlJ4 FURNISHED BY: SCHECULE A, UNIVERSAL LAND TITLE NO SEARCH Of lHE PUBUC REcamS HAS BEEN MADE BY 1H1S <I'l1CE RR ACCURACY OR OMISSIONS. PLAT OF SURVEY FOR: TOMMIE L. GREEN, SR., REPROOUCnON IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED l e No. 1725 'THOMAS A. DETORE PROFESSIONAl SURVEYOR & MAPPER 2966 Via del logo lAKE WORTH. Fl 33461-1743 PHONE (407) 965-0191 LEGEND o FOUND 2" x 2" CONCRETE MONUMENT PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT o FOUND P.K. NAIL AND WASHER . SET P.K. NAIL AND WASHER o SET NO.5 RE-BAR AND CAP, LS-1725 REFERENCES BOUNDARY SURVEY DAlE OF SURVEY /z. /t? - .8GP DA 1E OF PRINT DEe 1 1 1!H) SCALE /" = ec:; F.B. d'~ PG. /-5 WORK ORDER NO. . Be;,.- ,/-?~? DRAWING NUMBER ':;;cP' d':?/c5 EXHIBIT liCIt 8 '''-01 :::;;'0 { 1-, - -:.. ~~ i-.. _,;:;; -s. '...J ~J ;:;.~:..- ~ ~s= .-- f............ :::;... - ~\-== ~,.I- -'- , -:-. ::... ' j..; :- ... .----- --"'-'-.. ------- ------ . COO <( 00 C\!M . W'P - "'-1'- . - I'- <( ::>co U) - ~ ~ f'1"- A/=- -~ . ..,..".. tJ::; ..... . 6. 01.0 ;Y -A Z cc~ <( et:: (rjm v' " ....Jo -\0 0 ::>M o~ N CD '0 I f't:' rJ :.. rz r- m<( ::" .C>~ ... I .,.. (f) U ....Jo - <(- "::!"t. ~ ~-- 0 W -cc ??i-Jc. . 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