CORRESPONDENCE --, ' ~<'~ +~ Pfanning &" Zoning 'Department 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulet'ara P.O. 'Bo;r.31O 'Boynton 'Beadi, ']"wTitla 33425.0310 (40i) 738.7490, ']":<<: (407) 738.7459 June 16, 1993 Mr. James Titcomb 3045 Pine Tree Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Jim: At its meeting of June 1~1993, the city Commission denied your request to abandon a portion of Old Dixie Highway located1n front of your property located at 3842 North Old Dixie Highway, Delray Beach, Florida. If you should have any questions regarding your petition, please feel free to call us. sincerely, ~~ Christopher Cutro, ACIP Planning and Zoning Director CC/jm A:APPTITCM.JM :i.mericas Cjateway to t/ie Cju(fstream _', '.ir'.~ - .. " , .,- . '... '__'J~'" ~ .._......It..:...,_j~W ~ Juntv \llmimstr:ltor - -. 1,_.:-".' ,l\......_~.r:.... _.I...i:r '--.t.~~~ .__ ~:!)~te~. ~~::."iir:1;...:..n <~~ :'~!1 ~. \it...lr~.~:':~ .\.00ert. V l~lSm;)n (1i ,\. :\ooe~s _.Ten ~-f. .\Ieweil 3u:-~ . \.1ronson '-tude :orci L:e Department ot Planning, Zoning ~ Building March 11, 1993 James and Frances Titcomb 3045 Pine Tree Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33435-8130 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Mandatory review of zoning for the property on the southeast side of Old Dixie Highway, approximately .01 of a mile southwest of the intersection of Old Dixie Highway and u.s. Highway #1. Property Control Number: 00-43-46-04-17-000-0700 Dear Property Owners: This letter is to advise you, as owner/trustee of the property referenced above, that the zoning for the property is to be reviewed by the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at the time and location indicated below. This review is due to the expiration of the time period that section 5.8 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code allows for commencement of development, or utilization of a Special Exception after a zoning and/or special exception approval was granted by the BCC. staff has prepared a report for the BCC describing the status of the subject property. The report also includes a recom- mended action for the BCC to take. After conducting a public hearing, the BCC may decide to rezone the subject property and/or to revoke a special exception, impose entitlement restrictions, add or modify conditions, or approve a time extension. The following is a summary of the report and the staff recommendation: staff recommends the approval of a twelve month time extension, from November 22, 1992, to November 22, 1993, and the approval of the following conditions of approval: 1. Prior to July 28, 1993, the property owner shall have a site plan certified. Pr~or November 22, 1993, the property owner shall c8mplete all required site plan improvements. ~ ~his ~ec8mmendation is based on the following: ""'i r-:' -- \:' . : : ~ : -. It ~' I' r- :\) -, ~."" ~ - ~....; ;.1 if 4/22/93 To: City of Boynton Beach C/o Mike Rumpf Planning & Zoning Division Re: Abandonment of Right-of-way in front of the property on the southeast side of Old Dixie Highway, approximately ,01 of a mile southwest of the intersection of Old Dixie Highway and V.S, Highway #1. Property Control Number: 00-43-46-04-17-000-0700, · P,B.CB,CC Rezoning petition 89-75 Dear Mike, The description of the property to be abandoned is: The south fifteen feet of the right-of-way of Old Dixie Highway abutting lots 70 & 71 (now lot 70) of the amended plat of Tradewinds Estates, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to Plat Book 21, page 73, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; the length running approximately 100 feet along the northwest Old Dixie Highway frontage boundary, I have enclosed a diagram highlighting the right-of-way area, Again, thank you for your help, Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is other information you need for your file, James ,Titcomb Prop ty owner enclosures James Titcomb Creative Inc. 3842 North Old Dixie Highway Delray Beach, Florida 33483 (407)734,5447 Fax(407)7J4,5907 .:JELLSOUTH TELECOMMUN'CAnONS @ BellSouth Telecommunications Room 501 326 Fern St West Palm Beach, FL 33401 June 7, 1993 Mr. William curtis Archdeacon, PE, PLS city Engineer Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 RE: ABANDONMENT OF PART OF OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY REQUEST SUBMITTED BY JAMES TITCOMB CREATIVE, INC., ET AL, ON THE SOUTHEAST SIDE OF OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY, APPROXIMATELY .01 OF A MILE SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY AND U. S. # 1 (3842 N. OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY) . Dear Mr. Archdeacon: Please be advised that Southern Bell has no objection to the requested abandonment of the south 15 feet of the right-of-way of Old Dixie Highway running approximately 100 feet along the northwest Old Dixie Highway frontage boundary. Should you have any questions please contact me at 407-837-6396. Yours truly, tJ~~,c%~ William E. Sowers Engineer WEs:is 08/02/93 11 = 11 :z: 407 734 5907 HIMES T I TeOMB P.02 JUL-30-93 FRI 15:24 P. OJ Com;..' Cableltlllon '" We.1 Palm B..ah, Ino. ,~o, NDrthpolnl Parkwav W.I. Palm Be_on. Florida 33"07 trii CaMCAST~ July 30, 1993 .James T1 tcornb James Titcomb Creative, Inc. 3B42 N Old Dixie Hwy Oelray B..ch, FL ~3483 RE: ID # 00-43-46-04-11-000-0700 Dear Mr. Titcomb; Please be advised that Comeaat Cablev1sion of Weat PIlm Beach, Ino. h,. no objection to the abandonment of t.he ex::Latin9 40 foot easement located on old Dixie Hwy in boynton Seach. There will be' enou.gh access for us to ma:Lntain our existing servioes. Please call me .t (407) 478-5866 ext. 519 if there are any questions ooncerninq this. S1nCerelY'~ '- ,Dominique Auma11 Construction Coordinator DA/et <7 ' -,,' P.~ ~ Comeast Cablevision of West Palm Beach, Inc. 1401 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 ~ CO",-,CAST@ September 27, 1993 Sue Kruse The City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Resolution 'R93-133 Abandonment of a 10' x 100' portion of R/W Dear Ms. Kruse; Comcast Cablevision of West Palm Beach, Inc. has no objection in the proposed abandonment on the south side of Old Dixie Hwy. PI ease call me at (407) 478-5866 ext. 519 if there are any questions concerning this. Sincerely, DC~ Dominique Aumais Construction Coordinator DA/ef ~~~ cp ""J ,;.". _', ~ <': City of Boynton Beac~ 1 - · SEP 2 9 1993 . ",,: J','''/ City Clerk ' ! ~,' ~~/ // ,~ " ' 12/03/92 09=42 Z 407 734 5907 HIMES T I TeOMB P.01 Just the FAX from... Jan1.es Titcomb Creative Inc. 3842 North Old Dixie Highway Delray Beach. Florida 33483 407..734..5447 · Fax 407..734..5907 F. Y .1. (FAX YOUR INFORMATION) Company: uCXJ:J.. ...QfmJ;~~Y.A.!1~tJ... ..J?~J}})}M~"f:" Z,~}} ,M! C?, J)(f!.Jr Date: ... .D~k......? /......l~l~Z..................... ...................... .............. ..., ,...... A tt: .....M.Usf...,.!:lAAG..,... ....m. .m.. .m............. ...............,...' ,......... Message: .... Jd(te.r..., AJf.~.. ..7Y:t~ .l;l~./..,(/. 7:, t2hl5.. .lilJa.., 5'.(['[, ..fJ/l!(.r~'.. .. ..U.. m..('~.J!!!.t1!.{J.'!!>... .l~~" ./f.f(~ (<(?l?{?!.. /IV:.. .f.4.?/{!1onlJ. f~!lt.{{ ___{jJljAIJ)!__ _~..~... __ _ --f~- (/J~.(... .c:X!J(../11 E"Jf:. ..'1m!:., . HI/Vi/:: . . ..(JI!;!. ,.. .{P.l/.tfl.r?:1Yl, ",e~.~.,.~.?2.. .Mo(?r..~. .i/:/&.:: m.m...,.. ... .:.7.]j{tN. &. ...'fa.l).:............ onLJlfM.( Ii~... .7f.Tt;;.l;rt!1!!....., on... Number of pagel! (including thl~ cover) 6 If you do not receive all the pages plctlsC call US immediately @ 4D7~ 734r5447 RECEIVED DEe 3 1992 n GEE & JENSON Engi neers-Architects' Planners, Inc. December 31, 1992 Mr. Chris Cutro, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Old Dixie Highway Future Right-of-Way Designation Dear Chris: In response to your December 9, 1992 memo, I have reviewed the road status and corresponding right-of-way requirements, Old Dixie Highway was previously designated as a collector roadway by Palm Beach County resulting in the 80 foot right-of-way requirement. If the road classification remains as a collector (Le, two or more 12 foot lanes, plus turning lanes) roadway, the minimum right-of-way is 72 feet, provided pedestrian and bicycle paths are located on the adjacent property, However, since the City of Boynton Beach has been given jurisdiction over the roadway by Palm Beach County, the classification could be reduced to a local street. A local street (with swales) carries a 60 foot requirement for right-of-way. This, again, can be reduced to 52 feet if bicycle and pedestrian paths are provided on the adjacent private property, It is my recommendation, since the road is expressly not to be widened to 4 lanes, that the classification be reduced to local street. The right-of-way requirements of Appendix "C", Article X, Section 10B will then require a 60 foot right-of-way reservation along Old Dixie Highway, Very truly Yours, (e; W, Ri ar Staudinger, City Engineer WRS/bf 92-042 RECElVED JAN 6 1993 One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923 . 407/683-3301 . FAX 407/686-7446 B8/B2/93 11: 11 :z: 4B7 734 59B7 HIMES T I TeOMS p, B 1 Just the FAX from... James Titcomb Creative Inc. 3842 North Old Dixie I-lighway Delray Beach, Florida 33483 407..734..5447 · Fax 407..734~5907 F.Y.I. (FAX YOUR INFORMATION) COll\pany:.....~.\:It. gf ..!?9.Y@'z)~ /f:L .rl~. 'Y.!i:!.~....P...SY!.T.<.. ............. ~ Dare: .... b.t!. f?.... 2, N.9....... ~~...............,..... .............. .... ......................,., An: ..... M .l. ~ f.,.. g~~ .~.e.E~.... .C!.~~.., :~!6.-~..(~l~~ L..t~~-:-:1. Q nL............. Message: .......I-:\tJJ:,f;-..:I>.... f)... .CQ,(!.~....Q.E...:C~;1~,..,. .~; .l?l11.C8.~:?:... ..........", ..". '~" ~.-I:r~!1,....:[9,(~;.,. y'~.(),(h:,.. .F~ (,l,.e..""" (~.~~.,.~. L.... ........... .....0. f1..... ~ f~ mr /t ~::t..../. E.. ,~t:Q.~..'t1 :~}/r....(~ f.). ~ 5 ?i. 61-)5. .... '... ..,..... ___...........r.r#r~'.r........................................_...........r....................~....... Number of pages (including this cover) 2. If you do not receive all the pages please call us immt:diClt.e1y @ 407. 7.34~544 7 hJ GEE&JENSON ID:407-686-7446 AUG 12'93 13:24 No.Ol0 P.Ol Facsimile TransmissIon Form Date: .-;s / ) co/ / t, ('/7 r/ ,/. '{ (" ,~~f7)l{'l/")14 6(;:;'~. From: Comp..y: /') -1 .~/ ~ ( -" (111' Y,j /.!) " ( '-7.4-,..,-, r::J 4/ -/....v 7 ~. . /50 - /1</'( / 'J, /~,~ ' ~ -" .~ ,.. .9.Y.."I.I..../. I C In oare of: Fax Number: Totall>ages including cover sheet ~2-- -.... Job Number: Comments: '-Ilk; ~yz..1 ,\v (.J ~ A'-, /Z?~'() ~",/p{ \) ./ .,0.' We are transmlnlng from a Fujitsu DEX 8700. II you have any problema receiving 8r.Iy of these page. pl.... call back.a soon lU pouibl.. (407) 683-3301 &1,6537. n GEE & JENSON Engine81'S - Archit8Ct8 . Plsnner.. Inc. One I-!qrvard Circle We.. Palm Beech, Fl. 33409 Telephone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407)6"7446 rn rnD\Yl~ IX) I 2 1993 PLANNING AND ONING DEPT. ., ':;t-; 7020~- 6- 3-93 16:16 " .- -lo Boynton 6ch tax; # 2 \ " . .. ~ .' RESOLu'rION NO. P,-91 ,; A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNT~ COMMISSIONERS OF PAUl BEACH COUNTY I' FLORIDA EXECUTING A COUNTY DEED CONVEYING A PORTION Of OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY (GU:t,FSTREAM BOULEVARD ~OR'I'H TO FEDERAL H.IGHv~AY) , LOCATED IN SECTION 4 I TO\<1NSHIP 46, RANGE 43, TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, ,FLORIDA ; - ! ~ WHEREAS, the city of Boynton Beach, Florida requests a deed for thi9 portion of the right-of-way; and WHERE~S, by eXQcution of this conveyance palm Beaoh County would convey any rQ~ponsibility for this road; an~ WHEREAS I it would be in the best interest or palm Beach ., . I' I 1 l ! ~ i County to convey any owner~hip of this road: and NOW, THEREFORE / eE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNT"! COMMISS,IONERS OF PALM BEP>CH COUNT'i I FLORIDA, that: 1. All jurisdiction, con~rol, title or interest of palm Beach County in and to the above stated road is hereby conveyed to the City of Boynton Seaoh. The Chairman and ClerK of tnis eoard are authoritQd to II \ \ \ 1- seconded 2. executQ the County'Deed. The foreqoing :Resolution ."/as offered hy commissit::l'ner , who moved its adoption. The motion wae and upon by comrnissionar being put to a vote, the vote waS a~ follows: Kl\.REt'I T. MARCUS CAROL A. ROB:ER'I'S \ \ r CAROL ,J. ELHQUIST HARY. !'1cC1\RT'i CAROLE f'HILLI?S KEN FOSTER HAUDE FORD LEE The Chairman thereupon declared the resolution duly pn~sQu and adopted this day of _ r 1991.' PAU1 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA B~ ITS BOARD or CCUNT~ COMMISSIONERS JOHN B. DUNKLE, Clerk AP?ROVlD AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENC~ B'i: Deputy Clerk B'i: county Attorney RECEIVElJ . JUN " PLANNING DE.PT. ___- .1., ~""""''''~-'''--~-'''''''-' .-.-.. .-..........,.......-..-...--..' .......... SENT BY:X~rox Teiecopier 7020 ; 6~ 3-93 16:17 ~ Boynton Bch fax;# 3 e . ",.~ ~ 3."(- / Datca: Sep~....- .. ". 1991 . . Agenda Item PALM BE14CH coUNTY , BOARD OF COUNTY CO!{KrSSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY consent (X) Reqular <) Ordinance ( ) pUblic Hearing ( ) I. E)(ECU'I'IVE B'RIEF Request Su,bmitted By: For: ENGINEERING AND pUBLIC WORKS DE~ARTMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION SECTION ~otion and Title: i $taff recommends motion t'o adopt a Resolut1on anCl execu:te a County Peed which' conveys a portion of Old Dixie Highway (Gulfstrearn ~, ou19vard north to Federal Highway), to the City or Boynton ~each, rlorida. ' I SUMMARY' 'I'hie Resolution conveys any riQ'ht, title or interest that ~alm Eeach county may havca in the right-Of-way of a portion of Old pixie Highway (GulfQt~eam BoulQvard north to Federal Highway). I I iDistrict Nl;;!. 5. (ME) IBackoroun.d and Justi f ication; I IThe City of Boynton Beach requeseed that 'l:ha Board of Count.y Icommissioners change the classification of a portion of Old Dixie . 'Highway (Gulfstream BoulevarCinorth to Feder~l Highway), from a *Icounty collector' to a c1 ty collector, thus transferring !jurisdiction frorncounty to the clCY. See attechments A and B. Attachments: !--- Location Map RQliOolution Count.y D...8d City of Boynton Beach Letter Boynton Beach Resolution THIS AGEND~ ITEM DOES (J DOES NOT (Xl HAVE A FISCAL IMPACT. Note; If it does, p19aSQ complete Fiscal Impact Analysis on page Z . ~E PAGE 2 ~OR OFMB/PREM/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION COMMENTS) Recommended by: Department Director. Date Reviewed by: OFNB signat.ure Date LegQl S~fficiencv County Attorn.ey Deste Ar.lOrov~d bY: N/A ^ssist~nt county Administrator PAF:EH:M1:<:pr SENT BY:Xerox Te!ecopier 7020 6- 3-93 16:16 ~ Boynton Bch fax:# 1 Board of County Commls.lonel'l MIU')' McCarty, Chair KcnL. Poster, Vice Chairman Karen T. MarCllJ CUQl A. Roberti Wa11en H. Newell 8~ AaronSon Ma d.e Fore! Lee COWlty Administrator Robert Weisman ~parbnent of Eng:lneerlng and Publir WorJc.. TELECOPIER TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET TRAFFIC DIVISION .FAX NUMBER: f40ZJ i78.577Q TRANSMlTTAL DATE: ol":b' ~1. PLEASE DELIVER THE FOllOWING TELECOPIED MATERIAL TO: ~M~J\l HJt'10{N ~c.)<tJV'-~~," fJJ e'tG " OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( ) L ~-1- /1>8 - DIXie RECEIVER'S NAME: OFFICE NAME: OFFICE FAX NUMBER: DL.D SUBJECT: -? '-I tic, R - 0 - c...c..., .*....*****.*****.*********.*****.............................................. SENDER'S NAME:. "...._ ~-^"' OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( Lv~L5PDelZC- b <a i - ,-/01, ~ ****..**********************************.************************************** TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES (including this transmittal cover sheet): 1 ) NO ~) ~ - PLEASE CALL TO VERIFY RECE,IPT o;gRlAL: YES ( NAME OF FAX OPERATOR: . ( ~. I I C rIM "".....,.....,.... I I 'An Squal Opporhmity - Aflirmilti~e Adion Employer" Box 21229 Welt Palm Beach. Florida 33416-1229 (40'7) 6844000 iloard of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee %=ilf,. ~ County Administrator Jan 'II/inters October 18, 1991 Department of Engineering and Public Works Attn: Ken Hall City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Transfer of Old Dixie Highway (Gulfstream Blvd. to Federal Highway) from Palm Beach County to Boynton Beach Dear Ken, Enclosed find the deed and approved Board Action for the above referenced road. If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Kolbe, Right-of- Way Coordinator at 684-4192. Jo H. Carroll, P.E., Director Roa way Production JHC:EH:MK:pr r1K. Enclosures ~! prmted on recycled paper "An Equal Opportunity - Afilnnatlve Action Employer" Box 21229 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 II. FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS Five Year SUTD..!11ary .of fisc".LIllU2act: Fiscal Years 1991 1992 capital Expenditures -0- --.- Operating Costs -0- -0- -- Revenues -0- -0- --- 1993 1994 1995 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Ves No Is Item Included In Current Budget? Budget Account No: Fund Agency Organization Object Recommended Sources of Functs/Summarv of Fiscal Impact: III. BEVIEW COMMENTS: OFMB COMMENTS: Fiscal: ;V u ;,-J cI d / r'/ v IS' /} I ;::-;~r(l .11/ C.J/Y'l /1'1 ~"'1:!'J Contract Administration: PREM: Real Estate Transactions only: O'1'HER: (THIS SUMMARY IS NOT TO Bf JISED AS A BASIS FOR PAYMENT) REVISED lO/f3() ADM rom'! 01 -2- i i . FPL June 7, 1993 William Curtis Archdeacon City Engineer City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Abandonment of Old Dixie Highway Dear Mr. Archdeacon: FPL has no objections to the abandonment of the road right-of-way as described in your letter dated May 24, 1993, If you require any additional information, please call me at (407) 265-3104, Sincerely Yours, ,4G~. A. G. Russillo, Jr. FPL Accounts Manager .Ill FPI (;1"''1) CiJilljlan','