APPLICATION l.-. APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE ,I BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INrO~ATION FORM ;', ~;. This form must be filled out completely and accurately and mustaCCQmpany~a~~ applications submitted to the Planning,* D.p..rtroe9~t~~.('tprei! :..W copies of application are required.) . NOTE: PROJECT N1\ME: AGENT'S N1\ME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: ...JA~~ ~rrCO~U~,',f2EA(Jl~, /JJL. N/'t " .~ ".( - . -," , AGENT'S PHONE: OWNER'SN1\ME: .-JH~"'~5 . +-. H2mJ(J€,," lll(O~~ (or Trustee's) " ,. ..ti, ,.jII'\'""~i,,}" . OWNER'S ~DDRESS: -104:-S e, ~ Tf<t?K t.AAJE' po'flJTOt-J j3~ALH , 1=L ~34 35 OWNER'S PHONE: 301 -1 ?J 4:.::3 5 '2 gI PROJECT LOCATION I . i 3S41-. tJD,tfH" Lit f) IX If 1t.16t1 W-tJ (~ legal description) l?€L(U\~60-C.'-' / t:l.. CORRESPONDENCE , ADDRESS: * (if different than agent or owner) l\lA - * This is the address to which all agendas', letters and other materials will be forwarded. /. APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the Ci~y of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commission to vacate; abandon, and discontinue the, (check one): ( ) ( V ) ( ) ( ) ALLEY STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY . , I -') , as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and dis- claim any right of the city and 'the public in and to any land in conn~ction therewith. Said application is to be filed with the Planning Department in triplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed nonfee interests shall be filed separately. Each appli- cation so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, in- cluding where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): ., ,/:',"'~l')';';""'+\.>tiW"-,","""'''' ( v~~:.", U.~U'::,' ( ) DEDICATION ( ) PRESCRIPTION Recorded in ~LA'( Book 2 \ Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. , Page 73 , and 3. That no similarapplidation has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months.of,the date hereof, and should this application be~ranted,,- sUohabandonment and vacation will prevent no other propertY' owners .fromaooess to and from their' property 'and no other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely effected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiotion of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes.: 5. That the following constitutes'a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. NAME ADDRESS i'\\t2, W~ f. ~ ~MJJfrt W\~S' IM.tlDet:LJ 'B.. 1lAAMI~ ~t t~ 5, fLO + DokJ_ TIc &-\€Nofl. 2'12-3 , 5, fevOlkL HW~ {~",J{tJtJ =3 343S 42J OLD D)tll', B<NtJ7OlJ 18,;-AG4 3~43S 3836 ~ O\X'f j,fwl/ I ()~L(lA'( ~lf/ 534-83 .. -, - . . . 6. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of ,this application: . As A 0JV()("~, O~ f'A{.(.k\ BfAl# COtJAI7'j . ZO/JIJIA16' Pt-rr7ltfJJ t=lLE /rI'PtA(A'1fPN !JtJ ~ <j?q -75 11I-IF A~'?(,(aN7 ,?/Hft.(. I1I'/L'1 f1JtL. fZ./6M7 O~ WA11 ~6A7JPdtJ1MtW1 OF A fhJ2.:lrt:)/J 01= OW f)JK'(/f' J..II/J-Iu.JA0 ,Av& ~~. Gd,Wz~l1 ,'. RE1J6/6'AI AvLJ )"VJ5'Mn I , " ' ;" -'" .I~'~,~: ",o:,!".( ",. '., , . 11fE 5t7i~ PlA1tl 1ttL(JIlOIAfbL'J~>'TtIE JI/IlIStJ{diN O~ -rf{/~ I<I6Hr (JY; TAl ftv) f-I A-5 8 et 7J f(/ IlIJtJJ oV?:7l.. 10. ["HE (rr~ OF ~oY;J7tJlJ I3G4t t+ SfloW'1 plf1.JM 131!lrCt+ DotJlJTY DATEn: j'AAflal , I I q f) 3 (PLEASE SIGN) ADDRESS 3045 P/~ -meT Lm.;r:-, fJN~(f)J t3t!AtIf 33435 -. .'-i:::~~~;~' ~:,,;j'~.t:~j:"j' A STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applioant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that he are/is the applicant(s) in the foregoihg Application toAbandonl .. Vacate, that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correot to the.bes~ of their knowledge. NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida My Commission Expires: 6-19-87 , :- ., ~ , ~ " n :.s, '1: .... ~ '" - ...;) => 3, ~ CD. CO ') ;,00 W....IANTY DUD ST'" TUTOn F. S. '19.02 RAMCO ~ORM S CPHOTOI Jhis Indenlure, Made Ihis 28tliay of October . A. D. 1981# BetWttR Joseph Francis Falis and Sandra A. Falis, his wife of ,he Counly of Palm Beach . in Ihe Slale of Florida . pari ies of Ihe firsl pari. and Jmoos Titcorrb and Frances Titcoub, his wife of ,he Counly of Palm Beach , 'n Ihe S'a'e of Florida whose pos' office address is 3842 Old Dixie Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 par' ies 0/ ,he second pari, 'lffitntsstlh, Thai Ihe said par' ies of .he first par', for and in conslderaUon of Ihe sum of Ten and no/loo-------------------------------------------($lO.oo)-________ Dol~N. 10 them in hand paid by .he sa.d pari ies of Ihe .econd pari, Ihe rece'p' whereof fa hereb, acknowl. edged, ha ve gran'ed, bargained, and sold '0 ,he .aid par' ies of .he .econd part, their hsiN and assigns forever, .he follow.ng described land, .itua'e. and be'ng in .he Coun.y of Palm Beach , S'a'e of Florida . 'o-wit: Lots 70 and 71 of AM!1-IDED PlAT OF 'IRAIE WINDS ESTATES, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 21, at Page 73, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; said lands situate, lying and being in Palm Beach Cotnty, Florida. together with all inprovements thereon and fixtures therein. Subj ect to easements. restrictions, reservations and limitations of record and taxes for the current year. Subject to that certain M::7rtgage now held by Percy Wilson Mlrtgage and Finance Corp. originally tmcle to Mu-garetten & Conpany, Inc . dated January 31, 1979 and recorded February 5, 1979 in Official Record Book 3003, page 292 of the Pl:blic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida in the sun of $25,200. 00 which the Grantees herein have asSl.lD'ed and agreed to pay. \.~ '} ;) l~~ ~ I I[(~ ~ I .JO~ ~,~ t "~~~'~' lilt (!JI\~:::":'f!,;~ ",\) . ~ ;"1,.... .: I < , I. I. '\' ,....... 1~P'~";-" lI.. .>~.._l._,,, o >-I~.;b-~.' I ~I~!O ! IW' Z <0 I zl~::: t-~I~ g ,<[31;,:; 1111 .'-' I'f'_u!~ ~~; 0'::" .:.:\ Ulc1~II!!:"ni o r f; ISO And ,he said par' ies of .he firs' par' do hereb, full, warrant .he mle '0 said ~nd, and will defend ,he .ame against .he lawful clabns of all per.ons whomsoever. In 18itRess ....fttrtDf, The .aid parties 0/ .he first par' ha ve hereun'o set their hand S and seal s the day and ,ear fiN' above wrfUen. Signed. sealed and delivered in the presence of: \ << . 4#:- .x .~f' ..ancis..F~........~ X ~&: .... 'Sai1Cffa' .A.: "Fall's" ......... ........ ........ .................. STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF .Palm Beach } I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, penonally appeared Joseph Francis Falis and Sandra A. Falis to me known to be the penon S described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and have acknowledged before me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 28th day of OctOOer' A. D. 19 81. ....... ...._..;.....:~.~.'.~!:.......... .;\ ct. , . .h';'" . .' . \~, . '. 'U' '. . t . .." '" .;_',..t. : . () \. '. \ / ',,', ',' ~').: ',.' r- . * NOT~ PUWCrSTATE OF Ft:ORJb~ 1\[ LAra '. MY COMMISSION ~IRES DE<; t~ 19.8<4 :A ,O,'IOfD THaU GENERAl INS . UNDERWRITEU,\'" This Im/rumen/ prepared hy: Sherry Rcmm . .1'ECORD VERIFIED Address Delray Title and Abstract Conp~,8EACH COUNTY,.FU 75NE 6th Ave., Suite 106 JOHN 8. DUNKLE .;)u.(" Delray Beach. FL 33444 CLI. CIRCUIT tOUR' '. .... ... .. " '., ' / " .....'. - ',' . ..; r .. \ -' x~rJ'~ttR, A~('Fa1is. his wife ~1witr:~~'~), ' -, ' !',j~>:'Florida , patt ies of th./lnt PGri. and ,~;:;\:-<: his wife F10rida ' who.. po" off tee .I.... " lot'ida33435 '~'"J.:';"~; ,-, ~ . ','"" }"-;-,: ;::,;~,~ t~ :~; t; " t) ? . " lot 'fJhd in conlkl.,.,ton 01 .1..' ,taM 01 ~.._....~..($10.00)-....~... l)o~, "l: .. their h.1n Palm Beach . i"d'Ds~~~3,t~~ ' " " lDts 70 and'Z71~;'~r:', ','" '" ."f . ",' ,';'~~'to; the Plat thereof, a bCOt'ded'1c:blf1atBook21~ at ~age 73, of the . Public Reoords of Paba Beach CbtlttyliFltttida;. said 18nds situate, lying and being in Palm Besch'" Ccut, . t1.Flo:,. . dds, . together with all iDprovements t6ereca and "'f1xturu ' t:het'tWl.. , " .'.. "~.":'f;..:,i:1:\; <;'~;~\, :.,iir:~',7,t;:;\,)'~;~~i,j;~~~i)" ". Subject to 'eaaeartltil'J'..tri.ct1t.di:!1,~tiaDs,and l:lmltations , ..>" ',:> of record and '," """ ' , "h~jf,!~cl:: "";:::*, ,'I' . ,"":' . ".,.., ,,', ..' 1..__.1"::'" L_... ,~. ~ ~ ' ,~ "'~~'t~',~., "~~' IftOt~ - l~ I,. ,,~~~,~,.. {~,:~:,;" .~,\:'~, ""',1' ;:: ,':;~~ W!C,~Il.llllll1 \ /t~' ~ , , , CSEISO o (:) t.d ;,00 And the said part ies of the first part do hereb, fully warrant the mle to said land. and will defend the ,ame agaln,t the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In .itRess Uhtrtof, The ,aid partieS of the fir,t part ha ve hereunto set their hand S and seal s the day and year first above wriffen. Signed, ,ealed and delivered in ,he presence of: \ & . ~IJ:_ .X 'iff' "ancis"~""""~ X ~J1; ....sanarif 'A:"Ylili"s'" ,..,....... ,.. ......... ................. STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF .Palm Beach } I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, penonally appeared Joseph Francis Falis and Sandra A. Falls to me known to be the person S described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and have acknowledged before me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 28th day of October A. D. 19 81. ~ ,'" C ," ( ,;..' NOT~ ;UBUCrSrATE Of FLORlD~;q CAQ. ..' ,~~-' ":U' MY COMMISSION WIRES DEe: l~ 19.84 ,;~ '.., r '\".: ~ ,.. .:.; ,ONDED THlU GENERAl INS . UNDERWRITERS.',.,~. ,.J. I" " " ~ 171is lnslmmml prepared hy: Sherry Ramn . _l'ECOAD VERtFrED : r Addrt:JJ Delray Title and Abstract Conp~,8EACHCOUNTYf,FU 75NE 6th Ave.. Suite 106 JOHN 8. OUNKt.E .,)u.(" Delrav Beach. FL '11444 C1..IIIt.. aRCutT eOUAf , ,/ ...' ... / / II ." I " . 6. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of ,this application: As A 0>UorftdV c1'; fA{.{M 13fAC# C()iJAI7~ . ZO~hJi~6 Pt-rrTloJJ --ElL€' A'fl"tA(/J~tJN AJtJ~ gq -75 I 1i'.JF AI'~u~ '5/./IIt.c. !1;?I'L€.f PnIL 12/&147 O~ W.A11 1r6A-1JPdNwPWf OF .4 /bllfj~~ OF OW DJ ~lF J.l1/..HI/lJAt1 , AvtJ k-P GI?M1(rJ? RFPe;>IDAI Av/J >()t3'Mr{ I ,. "',"~'. '1<> " ' I ' :. -rJIr 517i~ PlA1rJ ItL/JjIlO/Albt'1_ \ "TIj~ JI/IZIStJ{dfdV O~ -rH/~ ~/6H( (Jt:- WIJv) I-IA') 8t!r.Y fl/lUJnJ oVt1l... 1(;. rHC (rT~ OF (3oy/PtJ/.J BG1t(+ ..Fa 0 W1 PA1.J14 131!ltCH- Dc tJ)JT~ DATED: _J'lAAr'lal , I f tjf) 3 ADDRESS 304-5 PIV[ Trlet l~, fJVi1J1rPJ t3t'IkH 33435 ..,:;~~<~..:.;~,>' ~'r~;;"'; . ~ '. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that he are/is the applicant(s) in the foregoing Application to-xbandonl ,. Vacate, that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the bes~ of their knowledge. This 1 April, 1993. Came before me James Titc~ and Francie Titcomb ID/Persona11y known, who did not take an oath. My Commission Expires: I'.~~..~ OFFICIAL SEAIJ ! ~ ~ MARJORIE JEAN ZAJA~ ~ : My Commission Expires .. .~ \.s;" ~.." Dec. 14, 1996 .:t~:i..r.... Comm. No, CC 24603,Q 6-19-87