LEGAL APPROVAL -hl~ I I I I ,I I, 'I ;j ORDINANCE NO, 095-~8 , ! I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (POINCIANA ELEMENTARY ,SCHOOL) AMENDING ORDINANCE 91-70 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, FROM R-2 (SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT) TO PU (PUBLIC USAGE); AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE, i i I I Beach, Florida has adopted Ordinance No, 91-70, :1 Revised Zoning Map was adopted for said City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton in which a WHEREAS, Jan C, Hansen, agent for the owners of the property more particularly described hereinafter, has heretofore filed a Petition, pursuant to Part III of the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the purpose of rezoning a certain tract of land, said land being more particularly described hereinafter, from R-2 (Single and Two Family Dwelling District) to PU (Public Usage) which requests that the said tract be removed from the boundaries of the R-2 zone to allow for the processing of the rezoning application; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it in the best interests of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: The following described land, located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, be and the same is hereby rezoned from R-2 (Single and Double Family Dwelling District) to PU (Public Usage), A location map ~s attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part of ' this Ordinance by reference, Section 2: That the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map of the City shall be amended accordingly, Sect ion 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances ~n !j ...., ...., l{ conflict herewith are hereby repealed, Section 4: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance, Section 5: This ordinance shall become effective thirty- one (31) days following adoption of the Ordinance, pursuant to " i Florida Statutes, I l! FIRST READING this oS day of 3~l3.e1:( , 1995, ,i 'I SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this r1IR!Am~ , 1995, I /9 day of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA _J -/ /' .. " ,.. i ...-- l... ~A.../.~,.. , , / ~--i...., ? / J , Mayor / ~-J~ May, r Pro Tern - _ Jv~~~~ 9o-.-l..~ cornmissio er1 ::> 1...../ .,.;r"-' ." ,-- ,1- , .. Commissioner ATTEST: I II ~/.I~ ~~<4' , , (Corporate Seal) I I I I i ,I poincianalRiA to PU] 11130/95 ,[ I LOCAT\ON tv\AP PO\NC\ANA SCHOOL - ~: ~ o ~ /8 tAILES "\\ \ \\0\8\0 fEEl N ~ \~\I\\\~~~\~~~~ 'I \ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ EXHIBIT "A" South half of Lots 42, 43, 44 and 45, and south half of the W, 30,85' of Lot 1 of the subdivision of Lot 3, Lanehart's Subdivision according to Plat Book 10, page 39 of the Palm Beach County public records. And together with", Lots 2 thru 10, Block 6, and W. 9,05' of, Lot 1, Block 6 of the Happy Horne Heights Subdivision according to Plat Book 11, Page 30 of the Palm Beach County public records, MINUTES PLANNING at DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 12, 1995 e old survey for the entire PUD. (Mr. Haag agreed this is ' acceptable. ) 4. Condition #24 deals with the 25 foot recreation setback rather than the 3 1 foot setback. 5. Condition #31 is acceptable as long as it does not delay this process. Mr. Kilday added one additional comment which he had not addressed earlier. He advised that he has already discussed the following comment with staff . 6. Comment #32 refers to nine (9) gallon shrubs. Discussions have been held with staff to advise them that the shrubs are available in seven (7) and ten ( 10) gallons. Staff agreed to change the requirement so that the hedge must be 36" high at the time of planting. Mr. Haag agreed with this comment. Chairman Dube polled the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kilday commended the Planning & Zoning Department for the new procedure of outlining staff comments. It provides a clearer understanding and he appreciates this recent 0 modification. Chairman Dube agreed. CHAIRMAN DUBE ANNOUNCED THAT THE AGENDA WOULD REVERT BACK TO ITEM #5 . COMMUNICATIONS at ANNOUNCEMENTS. 5. COMMUNICATIONS at ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Report from the Planning at Zoning Department 1 . Final Disposition of Last Month r s Agenda Items Ms. Heyden reported that there were only three items the City Commission addressed which had also been addressed by the Planning & Development Board. They are: Hills of Lake Eden - The applicant requested postponement of this application until January. Poinciana Elementary School was approved. The Ordinances have also been approved. 6 e 'C ,"'""_~_ ~ ~ "'. -"'.....,- ..~" ~.'~ -k~ ORDINANCE NO, 095-~1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (POINCIANA EL~TARY. SCHOO~ - LOTS 13, 14, 15 AND -- 16, HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS) AMENDING ORDINANCE 91-70 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, FROM R-l-A (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO PU (PUBLIC USAGE); AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted Ordinance No, 91-70, in which a Revised zoning Map was adopted for said City; and WHEREAS, Jan C, Hansen, agent for the owners of the property more particularly described hereinafter, has heretofore filed a Petition, pursuant to Part III of the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the purpose of rezoning a certain I I , I' tract of land, said land being more particularly described hereinafter, from R-1-A (Single Family Residential) to PU (Public Usage) which requests that the said tract be removed from the boundaries of the R-l-A zone to allow for the processing of the rezoning application; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it in the best , interests of the inhabitants of said City to amend the I aforesaid Revised Zoning Map as hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: The following described land, located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, be and the same is hereby rezoned from R-1-A (Single Family Residential) to PU (Public Usage). A location map is attached hereto as Exhibit liB" and made a part of this Ordinance by reference. Section 2: That the aforesaid Revised zoning Map of the City shall be amended accordingly, Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances 1n '- ,.,. conflict herewith are hereby repealed, I j; ;1 Section 4: Should any section or provision of this I Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance, Section 5: This ordinance shall become effective thirty- one (31) days following adoption of the Ordinance, pursuant to Florida Statutes, FIRST READING this ~ day of ~~~ , 1995, SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this : <J)€/7~nJ~, 1995, /9' day 0 f CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA I I .. ./ - :/f ,.,......1" ...' ._."......,......-/ .. ----- ,.', ." '/ Mayor vice Mayor ~ A-~~ ~ 9-~~L.~ -Cornrnissio er , -r--- ".' ,_ <t~ ,,'/' ,..' CornrnisS'ioner ..................... ATTEST: ~Q;c~<u. Cit Clerk (Corporate Seal) poincianalR1A to PU} 11130/95 " , .....1 I Jill l !/:I' ,1 i ~, ~ t, . . . , -J' ffi\ ~ q- ~ ~ U i./ -\ .. ... j':{ 1 ."J;I. , . ' . . I . . . I , . , ..~~ ,~~ ~\~~ '\ ~ "," 1 _OCAT\ON l\4" ~p PO\NC\ANA SCHOOL \ \ \ r\\ 1 ~IT~ ~ F'~ ...... :n-rfl ~ - .. r.r~----- Y' ..., .."", '" EXHIBIT IIAII Lots 13, 14, 15 AND 16, Block 6 of the Happy Home Heights Subdivision according to Plat Book 11, Page 30 of the Palm Beach County Public Records, . . - MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 21, 1995 C. Resolutions 1. Proposed Resolution No. R95-189 Re: Authorize execution of agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the School Board of Palm Beach County reference drainage at the Poinciana School project An amended agreement was before the Commission. City Manager Parker advised that the School Board and City staff have been working desperately to try to get all the issues worked out on this matter. Unfortunately, even though there is an amended agreement, there are still a couple of outstanding issues, Michael Murgio of the School Board was present. City Manager Parker asked him if it would be a problem if we table this item to December 5 to try resolve these issues. Mr, Murgio stated that the only issue the School Board has a slight problem with is eight parking spaces at the Community Center, but he believes this can be worked out, He would like the Commission to move on this so that if that is worked out, it can be brought'back as an administrative procedure for the Mayor's signature. City Manager Parker asked the Commission if they would have any problems putting this on the Consent Agenda on December 5 if we have unanimous staff support on this agreement. The Commission had n~ problem with this, Motion Vice Mayor Bradley moved to table this item until December 5, Mayor Pro Tern Matson seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. D. Other 1. Code Enforcement Lien Reduction for Carmen Virgil, et al Scott Blasie, Code Enforcement Administrator, advised that this was a violation of the ordinance regarding the requirements for alarm operating decals, There seemed to have been a lot of misunderstanding, and the violator had a lot of other problems with the alarm company, This case was originally cited on June 10, 1994. On July 20, 1994, the Code Enforcement Board ordered compliance by August 5, 1994 or a fine in the amount of $100 per day may be imposed. This case complied on September 15, 1995 due largely to the fact that 29 SENT BY: 11- 7-95 17:21 ;JOSIAS & GOREN. P.A.~ BoynTon Bch fax;# 1/11 JOSIAS & GOREN, P.A. 3099 East Commeroial Boulevard Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 (305) 771-4500 Facsimile No. (305) 771-4923 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION DATE: November 7, 1995 RECIPIENT'S FACSIMILE NO. 407-375-G090 TO: ROiiCiillnaria, City Attorney's Office Esq .@ ~ page(s) including this cover. FROM: Kerry L. Ezrol, Thi5 trans~i~5ion contains FILE NO.: 950225 FILE REFERENCE: BOynton Beach/McCloud COMMENTS: pursuant to your conver~ation with Cyndie at our office, the City of Boynton Beach owns all parcels involved in the eminent domain proceeding. I am enclosing the following documents: 1. order of Taking dated March 30, 1995; 2. Notice of Deposit dated April 18, 1995: and 3. Order Granting Petitioner's Motion for Writ of Possession dated April 24, 1995. PleasQ contact ma should you need to discuss. fhie inform..thn eonteit"led in H';$ h=iml11r 1IC&&898and tt-.e pelge$ fOllowIng a..e llttDrney prtvHeged and con~idential information Intended only far the u~e of th~ i~ivid~al Qr entity n~mod ~bov.. f~ the re&dor of this messaee is not the intended recipient, you are hereblnotifitd that any diasemination. distribution or co~y of this cOlllllUnieatioh i$ strictly prohibited, rf you have received this t:onm.mic8tion in e....or. pleese illlllOdietely notify u:!' by t'9lephone and retum ~"e or1gfnal lI'It8Bage to U6 at tnc ;:Jbovc address via the U,S, Postal Service. Thank you. If any problems occur in receiving this message, please call this office at (305) 771-4500. Thank you. k:\940225\roaemarie,fax .., ... R"., r'r'" "C "I" .. r l)' ;~..." n "o:'.'\:.;, 1 . ""_A ';''-'~ .~' , "l NOV i .} J efT': .... SENT BY: 11- 7-95 17:21 :JOSIAS & GORE~. P.A.~ I (.\ Boynton Bch fax;# 2/11 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT or THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM REACH comny, FIDR:IDA THE CITY OF BOVNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, CASE NO. CL 95 15~3 AN Paroel. Number 1, 3, ., and 5 Pe'tit.ioner, va. HELEN SLOAN, NCNI5 NATIONAL 8AN:K 01" FLORIDA, HOAZIE WINN a/KIa HOZlE L. WINN, HUBERT KING, PAIl( BEACH COUNTY, ERNESTINE McCLOUD, MONTGOMERY WARD , CO., OTIS PAYNE and DOROTHY PAYNE. Defendants. J '" I ORDER OF TAKING THIS CAUSE cominq on to be heard by the Court on March 30, 1995, and it app$a~in9 that. proper notice was first qivan to all t.he Defendants, and all persona havfnq or claiming any oquity, ( lien, title, or other interest in or to the real property described in ~h. Petition that the Pe~ition$r would apply to 'this Court on the 30th day of March, 1995, for an Order of ~akinq, and the Court being fully advised in ~he premises, upon consideration, it Is, therefore, ORDERED, 1. That the Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter hereof and the parties to this cause. 2. That the pleadinqs in this cause are sufficient, and the Petitioner is properly QXQrcisinq its dQleqated authority. 3. That the Estiaate(s) of value filed in this cause by the Pe~i~ionQr wero ~3dA in good fai~h and based upon a valid appraisal. . :x. r t" . '-. .. ,-' . ~. . ~ " .' SENT BY: 11- 7-95 17:21 ;JOSIAS & GOREN. P,A.~ Boynton Bch iax;# 3/11 4. Tha~ the Petitioner, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, is entitled to the titlo intQrests sPQcified herein for the following described property prior to the entry of a Final Judgment or if not, then possession upon deposit of funda with tho Clerk of the Circuit Court, to wit; SENT BY: 11- 7-95 17:22 ;JOS1AS & GOREN, P.A,~ Boyn:on Bch fax;# 4/11 PARCEL NO. 1 LOTS 13 , 14, BLOCK 6, HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BoolC 11, PAGE 30, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORI:DA OWNED BY: SUBJECT TO: HOAZIE L. WINN a/k/a R02IE L. WINN LIEN OF INTERNAL ~VE.NUE SERVICE/UNITED STATES OP AKERICA- DISCLAIMED. FEE SIMPLE ABSOLUTE TITLE GOOD FAITH ESTIMATE IN THE AMOUNT OF $38,000.00 SENT BY: 11- 7-95 17:22 ;JOSIAS & GOREN. P.A.... Boynton Beh fax:# 5/11 PARCEL NO. 3 LOTS 1, 2 , AND :) , BLOCK 6 ~ HAPPY HOMES HEIGHTS. AS RECORDED IN pLAT BOOK 11, PACE 30, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS THAT PORTION 0' lDTS 1 AND 2 CONVEYED FOR ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR SEACRES'l' BOULEVARD OWNED BY: HELEN SLOAN SUBJECT TO: MORTGAGE IN FAVOR OF NCNB NATIONAL BANK OF FLORIDA FEE SIMPLE ABSOLUTE TITLE COOD FAITH ESTIMATE IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,000.00 SENT BY: 11- 7-95 17:22 ;JOSIAS & GOREN. P.A,~ Boynton Bch fax;# 6/11 PARCEL NO. 4 THE SOUTH HALF OP LOT 44. SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3 OF LANEHARTIS SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, PAGS 39, PUBLI:C RECORDS OF PAUl BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS THE EAST 10 I FEET TH:eREOF j AND LESS THAT PORTION OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ACCORDING TO DEED DOOK 541, PAGE 888, OF SAID PUBLIC RECORDS. OWNED BY: HUBERT KING SUBJEC'r TOs NONE FEE SIMPLE ABSOLUTE TITLE GOOD FAITH ESTIMATE IN THE AMOUNT OF $3.100.00 SENT BY: 11- 7-B5 17:23 :JOSIAS & GOREN. P.A,~ Boyn:on Bch fax;# 7/11 PARCEL NO. 5 The south half (S.~) of Lo~ 42, Subdivision of 1,oi:. 5 LANEHARTS SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 1,0, Page 59, Public Recorde of Palm Beach County, Florida., 10s=- t.hat portion of road r1qht-or-way according to Deed Book 541, Page 599, of said pUblic records. ERNESTINE McCLOUD FINAL JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF MONTGOMERY WARD' co., INC. INTEREST OF OTIS PAYNE AND DOROTHY PAYNE, IF ANY FEE SIMPLE ABSOLUTE TITLE GOOD FAITH ESTIMATE IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,100.00 OWNED BY: SUBJECT TO: SENT BY: 11- 7-95 17:23 ;JOSIAS & GOREN. P,A.~ Boyn:on Bch fax;# 8/11 upon payment into the Reqistry ot this Court of the deposit hereafter specified, that the petitioner upon making ~aid payment, the title interest specified in the petition in this cau~e for each Parcel described herein shall vest in the Petitioner, and that said deposit of money will fully secure and tully compensate the persons lawfully entitlad to co.pensation as will be ultimately determined by Final Judqmen~ of the Court, includin; but not limited to real property taxea, which said sum of money to be deposited is in no instance le~G than the value of each Parcel of said property as fixed by the estimate of value ~Gt by tho potitioner. PROVIDED, further, that the said sum of ~oney in the total amount of seventy-rive Thousand TwO Hunc1red and no/lOa ($75,200.00) DOLLARS shall be deposited in the Registry of this Court wi~hin twenty (20) days after the date of this order, and upon makinq such deposit, the Petitioners 6hal1 notify in writlnq all attorneys or record and those Defendants not represented by counsel tha~ the deposit has been made, and the petitioner shall be entitled to iJlUlediate poss9ssion of Parcel Hos. 4 and 5 described herein wit-hout furthor Notice or Order of this court.. 41 ~/' ~"'" PROVIDED, fur~her, that this Court shall retain jurisdiction to enter such further orders as are required including but not: limited to Writs of Possession for Parcel Nos. 1 and J and to apportion tbe qood ~aith deposit. ORDERED in Chambers at the Palm Beach County Courthouse, West Palm Beach, Florida, this day ot March, 1995. "1,11 CIRCUIT COURT MAR 3 0 1995 Jld...... :,..t;;.o.,;,,', (i~I',;'I€T SIGNEO AND OATe.O A TRUE COpy SENT BY: 11- 7-95 17:24 ;JOSIAS & GOREN. P.A.~ Boynton Bch fax:# 9/11 - '\ii' ,~~ ,. ......, -...-. THI CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida ~unicipal corporation, IN THE: CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. CL 95 1593 AN Parcels Number 1 and 3 I": : ... PCl~itionQr, VB. HELEN SLOAN, NCNB NATIONAL BANlt OF FLORIDA, HOAZIE'WINN a/k/a HOZIE L. WINN, HUBERT KINO, JOHN ~. CLARK, TAX CO LLBCTOR, ERNE5TINE McCLOUD, MONTGOMERY W~D & CO., OTIS PAYNE end DOROTHY PAYNE. oetenc1ants. ORDER ORk,,{'I'nH~ PETITIONER'S MOTION tOR WRIT OF POSSESSION / THIS CAUSE having come on to be heard on Petitioner's, THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH'S Motion tor writ ot possession t ana tns Court having heard argument of counsel, and beinq otherwise advised in the premises, it is hereupon, ORDBRED AND ACu-UOGED that: ~. , . 1. Petitioner's Motion is granted. 2. Petitioner shall recover possession of the premises known a8: Parcel No.1: LOTS 13 , 14, BLOC:I< 6, HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGB 30, puetIc RECORDS OF PALK BEACH COUNTY, FLORrOA a/k/a 144 N.W. 12th Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 'Owned by: Hoa~i. L. winn, A/k/D Hozie L. Winn Parcel No.3: LOTS 1 , 2 , ANP J , BLOCK 6, HAPPY HOMES HEIGHTS, AS RECOR05D IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 30, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 2 CONVEYED FOR ROAD RIGHT-OF-WA~ FOR SEACREST BOULEVARD a/k/a 108 N.W. 12th Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 OWnea by: Helen Sloan , 0' J r].-~"'" SENT BY: /,'" .. 11- 7-95 17:24 ;JOSIAS & GOREN. P.A.~ Boynton Bch fax;#10/11 twenty-four (24) hours after notice has been conspicuously posted on the premises. ~e Clerk is directed on or after July 19. 1995. \4.!4!\ to issue a writ of possession to the Sheriff directing him to put \,,", Plaintiff in PossQ~sion of the premises identifi.ed above. Title to the li:1.lbj.Q't property shall not transfer or ot:harviSi:Q ves:t in th.e Petitioner, regardless of tho Petitioner-a ogood faith depoait into t.he Court Regi.st.ry, unle~s and until t.he De.fendants vaoate the premi5ea or the sheriff levies d writ of poasession. DONE AND ORDERED, in Chambers, at We~t PQ1~ Beach, Palm 5each county, FlorIda, this ~ay of April, 1995. APR ,;..~, 19~ rMXiI RIDtMO I. WIliJIlm' CIRCUIT JUDGE~~" rII.1ID.A ,.. QII>l' copies furnished to: Kerry L. Ezrol, Esq., Josias & Goren, P,A., 3099 E. Commercial Blvd., '200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 Michael D. Brown, Esquire, 2655 North Ocean Drive, suite 200, Singer Island. Rivier~ Beach, FL k;\~\f\tmfndOM\bb\order SENT BY: 11- 7-95 17 :25 ;JOSIAS & GOREl\'. P. .L:-< Boynton Bch fax;#11/11 IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND POR PALM BBACH COUNTY, FLORIDA THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corpQratlon, petitioner, CASE NO. CL 95 1593 AN Pa~ce15 NUKwer 1, 3, 4, ~nd 5 VlI. HELEN SLOAN, NCNB NATIONAL BANK OF FLORIDA, HOAZIE WINN a/k/a HOZIE L. WINN, HUBERT RING, JOHN K. CLARK, TAX COLLECTOR, ERNESTINE McCLOUD, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., OTIS PAYNE and DOROTHY PAYNE. Defendants. ~9T~CB OY DEPOSIT I Plaintiff, THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, by and through undersigned counsel, qives notice that it deposited into the Court Registry, Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, on April lS, 1995, ~hQ amoun~ of $15,200.00, pursuant to the Order of Taking dated March 30, 1995. I HEREBY eERTIFY ~hat on this ~ d~y of April, 1995, a true and correct copy of the foregoinq document was furnished via U,S. Mail to; Kichael D. B~OWD, B.quire, 26~5 North Ocean Orive, suite 200, Sinqer I~land, Riviera Beach, FL 33404 and Barry 5. >>almuth, Bsqu1re, Assistant couny Attorney, post Office Box 1989, West Palm Beach, FL 33402. 1 JOSIAS , GOREN, P.A. 3099 East Commercial Boulevard suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 (305) 771-4500 I 615900 k:\w\f\emfndOm\bb\depOllt.not ~~~ REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the city Attorney eight (8) working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: P1annina and Zonina Department PREPARED BY: Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED: Oct, 16. 1995 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Rec1assifYinq and rezoninq property west of Seacrest Blvd,. between NW 13th Avenue and NW 11th Avenue, which is beinq processed as Poinciana. Elementary School, For hearinq dates see attached advertisement, "'? ...)\) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: {Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc,} as required by Florida Statutes SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper, P1anninq Department \' t1~..... 1./ ~J. .'t:' ~~- , C,""!' t' e . ~' s~~ " . NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: The News DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: To be determined by City Clerk APPROVED~: , ( 1 ) d ~Lt'- 2/'1,/ ,t<-..- (Department ead) (Date) ( 2 ) (City Attorney) (Date) ( 3 ) (city Manager) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: a:POINC.AD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the planning and Development Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, on Tuesday, November 14, 1995, at City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd" Boynton Beach, to consider an application for REZONING covering the parcel of land described below, Also, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the request below on November 21, 1995 at 7:00 P,M, at the Commission Chambers, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, APPLICANT: The School Board of Palm Beach County AGENT: Jan C, Hansen LEGAL DESCRIPTION: South half of Lots 42, 43, 44, and 45, and south half of the W 30,85' of Lot 1 of the subdivision of Lot 3, Lanehart's subdivision according to Plat Book 10, page 39 of the Palm Beach County publiC records, And together with , , Lots 2 thru 10, Block 6, and W 9,05' of Lot 1, Block 6 of the Happy Horne Heights Subdivision according to plat Book 11, page 30 of the Palm Beach County public records, And together with . , , Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16 Block 6 of the Happy Home Heights Subdivision according to Plat Book 11, page 30 of the Palm Beach County public records, . PROJECT NAME: Poinciana Elementary School PROPOSED USE: Expansion of existing school campus LOCATION: Multiple parcels totaling 1,50 acres located on the west side of Seacrest Blvd" between NW 11th Avenue and NW 13th Avenue, REQUEST: Reclassify from MeDR (Medium Density Residential) to PPGI (Public & Private Governmental/Institutional), REQUEST: Rezone from R-1-A (Single Family Residential) and R-2 (Sing1e- and Two- Family Dwelling District) to PU (Public Usage) . All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard, Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board or the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. please call (407) 375-6260 if there are any questions on this information, MISCX,POINCNEW,AV THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA DR. C. MONICA UHLHORN SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOlS PLANNING, CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE 3320 FOREST HILL BOULEVARD, SUITE C-331 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406-5813 (407) 434-8020 FAX (407) 434-8187 Ms. Carrie Parker, City Manager City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 July 14, 1995 Re: Poinciana Elementary School - N. W. 12th Avenue Roadway Abandonment Application Dear Ms. Parker: Please find attached to assist the City staff three (3) copies of the Abandonment Application for the above referenced school site with the following attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" - Legal description of parcels for abandonment 2. Exhibit "B" - Plat Dedication for each parcel to be abandoned 3. Exhibit "C" - The fully executed Site Expansion Interlocal Agreement between School Board of Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach for Poinciana Elementary School site Pursuant to the provisions of the Interlocal Agreement between the Boynton Beach City Council and the Palm Beach County School Board the District has acquired and owns properties on both sides of N.W. 12th Avenue, from Seacrest Boulevard to 1st Street, as shown on the attached property map. The site plan for the new Poinciana requires abandonment of this street. We hope that the Interlocal Agreement approval by our respective boards and the application information attached will enable the City and staff to administratively handle our abandonment request. e (:l Plann Specialist (Educa Planning and Real Estate AAH:cd Attachments H :\data\wp51 \doc\es.poe Wilford Hawkins 'm.o ~BtesIfi-Wj- ........'....: , ! 1::1 JUL 1 8 1995 : l~Y xc: Michael J. Murgio/p&RE File Tambri Hayden ~ --. ,1'r6lPP. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCELS FOR ABANDONMENT FOR POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PARCEL 1: Being all of that portion of the street right-of-way lying south of Lots 41 through 52, SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3 OF LANEHART'S SUBDIVISION OF THE SOUTH HALF (S 1/2) OF NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4), SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, as recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 39, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and all that portion delineated as "Washington Ave" lying north of Block 5, HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 30, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, all lying west of the westerly right-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard, and said portion being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Lot 16, Block 5, of said HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS; thence South 89035'28" East along the north line of Lots 2 through 16, Block 5, a distance of 619.04 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard as delineated on the Palm Beach County Engineering Right-of-Way Map No. 3-76-374 R/W, Sheet 5 of 5, dated August 18, 1976; thence North 01043'38" West along said right-of-way line, 35.02 feet to the south line of said Lot 41, SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3 OF LANEHART'S SUBDIVISION; thence North 89035'28" West along the south line of said Lots 41 through 52, SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3 OF LANEHART'S SUBDIVISION, 618.75 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 52; thence South 01015'57" East along the west line of said SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3 and the west line of HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS, 35.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Above described parcel contains 21,661 square feet (0.497 acres), more or less. PARCEL 2: Being all of that portion delineated as "Uncoln Avenue" lying between Blocks 5 and 6, HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS, as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 30, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and lying west of the westerly right-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard, and extended westerly into the northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, said portion being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Lot 16, Block 6, HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS; thence South 89035'52" East along the north line of Block 6, a distance of 608.73 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard as delineated on the Palm Beach County Engineering Right-of-Way Map No. 3-76-374 R/W, Sheet 5 of 5, dated August 18,1976, being a point of curvature; thence southeasterly along an arc of a curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 86000'17", an arc distance of 30.02 feet to a tangent LS 6830 Sheet 1 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" point of cusp; thence North 03035'35" West along said westerly right-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard, 80.19 feet to a tangent point of cusp; thence southwesterly along an arc of a curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 93059'43", an arc distance of 32.81 feet to the south line of Block 5 and a point of tangency; thence North 89035'52" West along the south line of Block 5, a distance of 604.31 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 17, Block 5; thence continuing North 89035'52" West along the westerly extension of the south line of Block 5, a distance of 93.46 feet to the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 508, CHERRY HILLS, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 58, Public Records of Palm Beach County; thence South 01014'57" East along said southerly extension of the west line of Lot 508( being the same as the southerly extension of the east line of Baker Street according to said plat of CHERRY HILLS), 40.02 feet to the westerly extension of the north line of said Block 6, HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS; thence South 89035'52" East along said westerly extension, 93.47 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Above described parcel contains 28,975 square feet (0.665 acres), more or less. PARCEL 3: Being all of that portion delineated "5' Reservation" lying north of Lot 10, MEEK & ANDREWS ADDITION as recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 46, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and lying west of the westerly right-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard, said portion being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said Lot 10; thence South 89035'52" East along the north line of Lot 10, a distance of 69.44 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard as delineated on the Palm Beach County Engineering Right-of-Way Map No. 3-76- 374 R/W, Sheet 5 of 5, dated August 18, 1976; thence North 03035'35" West along said westerly right-of-way line, 5.01 feet to the south line of Block 6, HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS, as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 30, of said Public Records; thence North 89035'52" West along said south line of Block 6, a distance of 69.23 feet to the northerly extension of the west line of said Lot 10, MEEKS & ANDREWS ADDITION; thence South 01015'57" East along said extension, 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Above described parcel contains 347 square feet (0.008 acres), more or less. PARCEL 4: Being that portion delineated as "6' Easement for Public Utilities" lying in the easterly six feet (6') of Lots 508 through 517, CHERRY HILLS, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 58, Public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The Seacrest Boulevard base line as shown on said Palm Beach County Engineering Right-of- Way Map No. 3-76-374 R/W bears North 01016'27" West, and all other bearings referred to herein are relative thereto. LS 6830 Sheet 2 of 6 %e City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beam 'Boukvanl P.O. 'Bo;c310 'Boynton 'Beadi., %mtIa 33425-0310 City:JfaJl: (407) 375-6()()() :FAX: (407) 375-6090 Fax Number (407) 434-8187 June 30, 1995 Agustin A. Hernandez Government Liaison Coordinator 3320 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-331 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5813 Re: Poinciana Elementary School - major site plan modification (courtesy review) Dear Mr. Hernandez: Please find attached the Technical Review Committee courtesy comments regarding the review of the above-referenced project. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at (407) 375- 6260. Very truly yours, ~Lt?E 40 .' Mic ael E. Haag '~l ning and Zoning Administrator MEH:dim Attachments cc: Wilfred Hawkins Central File .:ElellSchool.ltr .:;Imema s (jateway to tfie (julfstream PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-317 TO: FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and zonin~ ~irector Michael E. Ha~E.~ Site and Zoning ~lopment Administrator June 30, 1995 DATE: SUBJECT: Poinciana Elementary School - courtesy site plan review Courtesy review of Poinciana Elementary School - Palm Beach County School and a complete review will be performed upon formal submittal for site plan review. It is recommended that the applicant obtain the city's land development regulations. The following comments are from a cursory review of the plans: 1. The property shall be rezoned to Public Usage (PU) prior to development approval of the school. The school property and new school building are located within the PU, R-1-A and R-2 zoning districts. Note: The maximum structure height allowed in the R-1-A and R-2 residential zQning districts is 25 feet. The height of the school is 28 feet. Schools located in residential zoning districts require conditional use approval. 2. Approval of right-of-way and easement abandonment is required prior to construction of the new school building. 3. I recommend that the school property be platted. 4. Site plan review is required to develop the property when the land has been rezoned to Public Usage. 5. Install sidewalks meeting city's standards adjacent to all city streets. Install a city's standard cul-de-sac at the west dead-end of N.W. 11th Avenue. 6. It is recommended that all city streets that abut the school site remain independent of the school property. 7 . Add to the required parking computations, one (1) parking for each three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area for the detached (existing) administrative office building. [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11. H. 9. and Section 11. H. 16 . ( 20 .) of the City's Land Development Regulations. ] Show on the plans no less than the required number of parking spaces. It is recommended that one (1) parking space for each teacher's aide be added to the number of required spaces for the school site. 8. The following comments will consist of pages from the city's land development regulations that have a symbol identifying the section of the code wherein the plan is deficient: NOTE: The numbers at the bottom of the page refer- ence chapter and page within the city's land devel- opment regulations. The number at the top of the page either references the section or article within the chapter. MEH:dim xc: Central File .:BleSchool.lIem BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-218 ~~~W8E~1D June 30, 1995 To: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official TRC COMMENTS - SITE PLAN REVIEW POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Re: Per your request, the Building Division has reviewed the plans for the above project and has no comments. Al~~# AN:SD cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Building Official A:TRC.PRM MEMORANDUM Utilities #95-215 illD r rn@ m ~ w.. rn rrf'~.l\l. 11 ;11 J.l 3 !'V' ! f,tJ !j I - .") I Lh PLANNING AND ..s' ZONING DEPT. TO: Tambri 1. Heyden, Planning & Zo . FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities: DATE: June 30, 1995 SUBJECT: Poinciana Elementary School - First Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offers the following comments: 1. Palm Beach Health Department permit will be required for water main, (Sec.26.12). 2. Inspection on removal or abandonment of existing water and sewer utilities is to be coordinated through the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department. 3. Proposed 12 foot utility easements shall be shown on the site plan, (Sec. 26.33[aD. 4. Dual (parallel) backflow preventors are requested on your proposed domestic water meter, (Sec. 26.107). 5. Please provide a 611 sanitary sewer cleanout approximately one foot inside property per Utility Department Standards, (Sec. 26.33[bD. 6. All utilities construction shall be in accordance with City of Boynton Beach approved criteria, (Sec. 26-32). It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. 19b xc: Clyde IISkip" Milor Peter Mazzella ~ File TO: FROM: DATE: REF: BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT 26 JUNE 95 POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MEMO #0147 I have reviewed the site plan for the abov~:::1f'Sted:::~t~::a:a'd find"no immediate problems or concern s. .:;::::;:::::::;::;:;~::::;~:;:::.;::;::..:....:::::.:. f.......t .:::":::;:i:~::':/::;:i:;::::;.::::::::. t. _:.:,::>...~.,. ":"'-:':~: ;:JA$k~~9 Sgt. Marlon Hams (;:.............../::.....,. Police Department :: .,:) :~:...:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:...~....:..:.. . .......:....;.~:, ......:........ .': ~~:..:....;....:.:.\~\;.:.... ':~ ~:. ........;..i [~ ::; .....:... ;:.:.} MEMORANDUM TO: 14 /11t{3t\" Ilitb~{,,.,) I f LA;II ~uV-C t ~ D-v',",c ~ h/R.ecrOt~ FROM: -S ol-/iV \,J ~ t..- bj'\l~~, fMk.) S \ApT' JA I DATE: ~/~fl'j.5 fir-' N~vJ RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - AmQRg~d Plans proj ect: (JOl/VC-.. AN" F Lfi,h ~# 1A~ S c..-t-l" :) After reviewing the referenced project Department recommends the Planning and consideration. amended 'plans for the abo'i.e the f{e,c; If.t-A ,ie.,J Ii- f~ k U~t::r that the project be forwarded to Development Board for their This department will not be required to sign-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. C:AMEND1.ALD o ~ '-l ~~ ~~ ~ "'10 ~ ~ t;) ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ""- . ~ -I :c m m . ~, ~ ~, 7< 01 ~~ r/\ ~ '- P. \ .,~ ~ ~ .s (l, , ~ ~ ~)t ~ ..: :,T "0 r, - ~ R ] : '1'.1" ,. -j" , . ~',j.'. _I _I r... i '-J7 p~J . . J , ,I. B1VN70V E.~Ar~ lTITILj'~]i~ ... ~.1... '" ...'i. .l.J ~.J..... ~ .i. 1.1.:.' '...- "AY N" r A U. 4 Or; ^', " ~ (". ,~ .- " , i .:' i J O.Ljd P. MEMORANDUM Utilities #95-215 -..,,-......---...------.'.""''''.-... .~ ~ (lli ~ u W lli r'''i' ---lir!~i JUN ".0 HIli! lb..l 1. , , , ~sl --.....-.. PLANNING AND ZONING DfPT. TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning &. Zo"ector John A. Guidrv, \ \ Director oruiilities\ U ::00 ,I. . ! FROM: DATE: June 30, 1995 SUBJECT: Poinda:na Elemental)' Scbool- Fint Review -' Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offers the followin8 comments: 1. Palm Beach Healtb Department permit will be required for water main, (Sec,26.12), 2. Inspection on removal or abandonment of existing water and sewer utilities is to hI:' coordinated through the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department. 3. Proposed 12 foot utility casements :thall be shown on the lite plan, (See 26.33[a]), 4. Dual (parallel) backflow preventors are requested on your proposed domestic water meter, (Sec. 26.107). 5. Please provide a (5" sanitary sewer c1ea.nout a.pproximately one foot inside property per Utility Department Standards, (Sec. 26.33[b]). 6. All utilities construction ihall be in ac.cordance with City of Boynton Beach approved Gritcria. {Sec. 26-32} It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process, If you ha.ve any questions regarding this subject., please contact Skip Milor at 375.6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. 19b xc: Clyde "Skip" :Milor Peter M~lli e,;.. File I"I'OIft Post-If' Fax Note 7e11 To ,-;-. I .'t;:i CO.lDept' ;~j{, ,,; ::),. ,J.. F'tlone /I. 0111. Co. 1"..1/ .3 7)"' ~t.J.'ii TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-287 BB Planning Department Fire Department June 29, 1995 Poinciana Elementary School We have no comments at this time. ~/~?lbf Bob Borden, FPO I \. ." ',~ ' KfJ~9'/ This Instrument Prepared by: Agustin A. Hernandez with Robert A. Rosillo and should be returned to: Robert A. Rooillo. Associate Counsel The School Board of Palm Beach County 3318 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach. Florida 33406-5813 SITE EXPANSION INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY AND THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FOR POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TInS AGREEMENT, between the School Board of Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, entered into this _ day of ,19_, between the SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, a corporate body politic pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "SCHOOL BOARD") and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"). WIT N E SSE T H: __ II WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Plan Development Regulations Act, Section 163.3161(4), Florida Statutes, to encourage and ensure cooperation between and among the local governmental entities to provide for the coordination of development activities of ~nits of local government; and L' WHEREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD is the controlling body of the Public Schools of Palm Beach County, Florida, and does own and operate public schools in the City of Boynton Beach; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into under the authority of Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Plan Development Regulations Act; and WHEREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD and the CITY recognize the recommendation within the Resolution No. R-92-209 from the City of Boynton Beach attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit "1", which encourages the City and School Board to publicly and jointly pursue acquisition of adjacent parcels of properties in and around the campus of Poinciana Elementary School as shown on Exhibit "2" attached hereto and incorporated by reference and, H:\data\~p50\doc\agreem\\inlerloc.poe _ __ AAH:bf 6\11\93 Exhibit "C" WHEREAS. the SCHOOL BOARD and CITY believe that ajoint use educational/recreational facility adjacent to the existing Poinciana Elementary School boundaries will be mutually advantageous for the community and students; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. The SCHOOL BOARD shall present sale and purchase contracts to the property owners of properties to be acquired by the Board and by the City shown on exhibit "2" within 45 days of approval of this agreement. Contracts for sale and purchase of properties for SCHOOL BOARD use will be administered by the SCHOOL BOARD Real Estate Department. Contracts for sale and purchase of property for City use will be administered by the School Board Real Estate Department and coordinated with the City Managers office. . " Cost associated with the acquisition and due diligence for the acquisition of parcels shall be included in the total cost of each parcel. ie. Appraisals, Surveys, Environmental Studies. Title Research, and demolition cost of existing structures. The Total cost of property acquisitions shall be split on a equal basis between the School Board and the City, not to exceed $500.000 for each party, unless circumstances warrant that this cap be raised. in such event the School Board and the City must mutually agree to do so. 2. The SCHOOL BOARD is to acquire properties as shown on Exhibit "2". with the procedures outlined in paragraph 1 written above. However, in an event of an uncooperative seller, the ... CITY shall exercise its power of eminent domain. Upon written notification from the School Board the City shall proceed with a quick taking within 60 days of notice. In the event of an eminent domain proceeding, the City will be solely responsible for the relocation cost if any, and legal fees associated with any quick take procedings, subject to the provisions and limitations of Chapter 73 and 74. Florida Statues. Costs associated with acquisition and due diligence shall be split on an equal basis between the -- City and School Board as described in Paragraph one. ~- - . H: \data\wp50\doc\agrcemt\interloc.poe 2 AAH:bf 6\11\93 3. All properties are of equal importance for the success of the project and acquisition of properties shall be handled expeditiously, however all properties must be acquired or under contract for purchase prior to May IS, 1994. 4. In the event the CITY and the SCHOOL BOARD are unable or are unsuccessful in acquiring title to the properties described in Exhibit "2" prior to May IS, 1994 either party may cancel this Agreement. The time for performance may be extended by mutual agreement by both parties. Both parties shall be relieved of all duties and responsibilities hereunder by providing 10 days prior written notice, however all costs incurred to date, except those identified elsewhere in this agreement as being the sole responsibility of the City, will be split on a equal basis by the parties. 5. Upon the acquisition of properties on the south side of N.W. 12th Avenue by the School Board, the CITY shall abandon to the School Board N.W. 12th Avenue between Seacrest Blvd and 1st Street. ". 0 6. Following the acquisition of properties on the west side of N.W. 1st Street the CITY shall abandon to N.W. 1st Street between N.W. 13th Avenue and the end of N.W. 12th Avenue. All of the above shall be abandoned no later than 60 days after all of the properties listed in exhibit 2 are . acquired. ':"~ 7. Notice shall be given by the School Board to all utility providers. Any public utilities such as electric, gas, telephone, and cable T. V. shall be removed at the utility owners expense and the party shall endeavor to remove said utilities within a reasonable time from date of notice. The CITY shall relocate city utilities such as water, and sewer, from the abandoned ... rights-of-ways, at the CITY's cost only as necessary to improve the school campus, as determined by the School Board project architect. 8. The CITY shall retain title to all properties currently held by the City located west of N. W. 1st Street. Titles to properties acquired under the terms of this agreement which are located west of N.W. 1st Street and shown on exhibit "2" shall be retained by the City. Such properties shall be used - in accordance with the provisions of a Joint Use Agreement, between the City and The School Board. H: 'w.lata\ wp50\doc\agreeml\ i nterloc. poe 3 AAH:bf 6\11\93 Titles to all other properties acquired under the terms of this agreement shall be retained by the School Board. 9. The joint use recreational property which includes the Wilson Center and the City pool property shall be improved to meet the criteria of the American Disabilities Act and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 6-A2 standards. The City shall construct, implement and maintain facilities located at the Wilson Center at the City's sole expense. 10. Contemporaneously with the execution of this agreement the parties shall execute a Joint Use Interlocal Agreement for the perpetual use of facilities located at the Wilson Center and the Poinciana Elementary Campus. The Joint Use Interlocal Agreement shall permit the use of the Poinciana Elementary School Facility by the City and the School Board the use of the adjacent City facility known as Wilson Center. 11. The SCHOOL BOARD shall construct and make improvements to the Poinciana Elementary School as may be necessary to implement the proposed Math Science Technology Magnet ~. 0 Program as described in the Magnet School Assistant Program Grant Application for the 93-94 federal funding cycle. 12. In the event that litigation between the City and School Board shall be necessary for the enforcement of this Agreement on behalf of either party, then each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs incurred in said litigation. 13. If any tenn or provision of this Agreement shall, to any extent, be deemed invalid or unenforceable prior to January 1, 1994, the remainder of this Agreement should be canceled as herein provided by law. 14. Amendments to this agreement must be made in writing and, can be made by the mutual consent and consign by both the CITY and the SCHOOL BOARD. 15. This agreement will not be construed against the party who drafted the same , both parties have had experts of their choosing to review this Amendment. H : ~data\ wp50\doc\agreemt\interloc. poe 4 AAH:bf 6\11\93 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this date before me, an officer duly'authorized in the State and County named above to take acknowledgements, personally, appeared Gail Bjork, Chainnan and C. Monica Uhlhorn, Superintendent of the School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida, and they acknowledge before me that they had executed the foregoing instrument as said officers and that they also affixed thereto the official seal of the School Board. SWORN to and subscribed before me this ~ day ~. 1993. SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM ACH COUNTY Signed in Presence of: ~~~ ST ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH -;J~-1: ~ C-rx--f' _..,.,. ~. - _. \?y ._ ,-:--'"1 Notary "'.... - :,........ .t...., J 1 h.. ~J~,....L I Pt:"~:,(,! 'l F co:.':; . "CTA"Y l;lJ""" ,~.....". , ','; =',' """'-, ..My COnunlS' Sl'on Expl'res' .. .h ULI,- .... 11.:# .d . ,..1 .J.", ,,,.. . ~ E?~~r,;.::,::!:1\i ~~;:~ ':;C:,~:~ ,.7., i MY C,)I--'!v'lI:.::J ;)1'; ('''" . !,I)~" ':>';, ,,'9~ J - -....------ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this date before me, an officer duly authorized i~e State and County e- named above to take acknowledgements, personally appeared Jose Aguila as ayor, and Sue Kruse as City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and they acknowledged before me that they had executed the foregoing instrument as said officers and that they also affixed thereto the official seal of the City, . o 'r( SWORN TO and subscribed before me this lie day of r' 1993. Signed in Presence of: ~r?"<__~: ~ 0J1/~L..~~ A~'tAUhv' .bu..~ft Notary Approved as to form aRd l~al f)1:lff\\X.R~Y ~: Approved: City Attorney I (, \uata\wp50\uoc\agrccml\inlcrloc,poc 5 AAH:bf 6\11\93 .. - RESOLUTION R92--fd~ -' Exlr, .(".;- 1. I " I ! .t I . , .1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION or THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA; URGING THE PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOAM NOT TO CLOSE POINCIAlfA ELEMENTARV SCHOOL AND KEEP SAID SCKOOr. OPEN AS ";, PRE- KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE 5 MAGNET SCKOOL; AND PROVIDING AIf EFFECTIVE DATE. ,'y WHEREAS, In order. t.o maInt.aln the vlabllity at our t coastal schools and to Insure t.he continuity at neighborhood :i schooh; and .J WHEJU:AS, t.he 1lI4gnet .chool concept. 1. a proven ..e4n. to ;i ass1st 1n achieving racial balance and enhancing the quality . 0 f edueatlon; and " "i WHEREAS, the City CO:M1issIon of the City of Boynton ~I' Beach, Flor1da deelllS 1 t to be in the beat inter.ata of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to urge rl the Pallll Beach County School Board to )t.ep Poinciana :j f:lelllentary School open; and 'I WHERUS, the City COllllRlas1on of the C1ty of Boynton I Beach, Flor1da urge. the Pallll Beach County School Board to I apply the neceasary resource. to .stablish a a4gnet- progralll l. (lIontenorl preterred) at said School, which wll1 benefit the Ii st\lCSents frolll an educatIonal standpoint aa well as allow them ~i to attend 8chool in the nelghborhood 1n wh1ch they 11.,.. ;1 NOW, 't'HEIlEFOIlE, BE IT RJ:SOLVE1) BY THE CITY COKKISSIOH OF :l THE CITY' OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT' - il Section 1. The CUyrCollllda.lon of the CIt.y of Boynton /1 Beach, Flor1da doe. hereby' urge the Pal. Beach County School Board to k.ep Poinc1.n,s Elementary School open .s a pre- i kindergarten to 5th grade fac11ity And e.tabl1ah a a&gnst il p~ogram a~ the school. !! Section 2. The City COlllllllss10n of the Clty of Boynton 'I Beach, rlorid. hereby directs the Clty Clerk to provide a copy i of thI. Re.olutlon, upon pas.ag.,. to the Pal. Beach County :j School Board. (' ., . II ,. Section 3. Thill Resolut10n wll1 become' effective . ,I Immediately upon passage. '; ..; \., -- \, PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of December, 1992. - Commissioner '. I..-~' _/ AT6Esr: - - - I .......h1n..... -", ,,L~~~..,L- Cit Clerk ~ (CorpOr4te Seal) ?olnclana.Res J ."' ~ .. " t- . .....; . .. \I t" .;,;, \I .. .. I .... .. i!i ;II .. s .. ~ i ~ .. .. (- .. :a .. , ; .. .. a 0 c .. .. 0 ., rJ ii: .. II Z 0 ~ . -= . -= .. oC .. - .. a; u It It ... a: ./ .. llDlIU.. .lIS :; ( .. ~ ~ .. .. .. .. C\J .... ..... .;~ "::t X \.!J "GA,. 1..:1"" ri ~ 11 -c:: ~~ \~ ~ s.... ~ ~c5 . . " ';?:.~ ;' Qo"'~ .. :;0..... , .J ~ " , , l;o' ~ ,.i~,",'L, ~ ~oC' ',- : ...S'l~'-; , 9\'~ '; \" ;,.\':;:'f .... ',-.:-\. .\ ' .' 1t :...~I.t~r.: .J, i " i .,{',,\':': ~ . ;I , ~.Jl; rJ -= $I ... . .. .... W Z C) < >:E a:> Z <,~ O .... 0 , Z ...I i= wo c;; :EZ 5a:WX " OO~O ; ou. W I < ~~II c <0 Z -z I :5 ~~ I g, (J) I ~ j X .... < :E J~ .. . .. .. .. ., ...~ r ..~ > ~ .0 . .... . .>- ud ~ .. ~ - 'P. .. ~ ~i .. . t~ L 0' a" Z ~" ... ..,<1 U r-] f~ ~ ... Q ~ ~ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning ~iam Hukill, P.E., City Engineer June 23, 1995 FROM: DATE: RE: POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I met several weeks ago with the architect's representative on this project and we both agreed to extend 11th Avenue straight west to NW 1st Street. Please have the School Board provide corrected site plan to reflect that agreement. Please also notice that NW 11th Avenue is depicted as a two-way street to the west end of the building, and then becomes one-way, thus creating an impossible condition. It should be one-way westbound. The traffic where buses exit the property onto Seacrest is also virtually impossible because parents will use that exit to utilize the east drive and thus left turn in front of buses. Additionally, the mix of staff vehicles and buses at the north entrance doesn't work nearly as well as placing a two-way separate entrance into the staff parking lot from NE 13th Avenue. The site appears to be about 8~ acres. Until recently the School Board required 20 acres for new elementary schools, each of which was designed for 700~ students. Now they have increased the size of their prototype school about one third (to 950I) and reduced required sites by something like 50%, to 10 acres. The proposed plan shows what happens when you try to accomplish too much with too little. The only open spaces on the plan are a soft ball field with 175 foot foul lines, and a 170' x 104' paved play area. An oblong (70 x 300I) area along seacrest has no use because it is a water retention area. The rest of the site is covered by pavement or building. Total available for kids activities, including both grassy and paved is a little over an acre. The issue of school size does not appear to have been addressed. The proposed capacity of 820 is substantially greater than the number I was given by the City Manager's office. The off-site acreage indicated in the notes on drawing G-I does not show up on any of the drawings, unless perhaps it is the shaded area along the canal shown on G-l which has a length to width ratio greater than 30 to 1, thus rendering it unusable for student activities. Development Dept., Engineering Div. Memo No. 95-204 Re: poinciana Elementary School June 23, 1995 Page #2 The zoning is depicted as PU, which in part is true. Parts of the site are R-I-A, however, as is the neighborhood, which allows a maximum of 40% lot coverage, as compared to a proposed 61% coverage. Everything reported herein is tempered by the fact that the School Board claims immunity from local (municipal) requirements, and probably legitimately so. But the bottom line is the school is too big, the site is too small, and the traffic plan on-site doesn't function as well as it could. All of these things affect all of our citizens. We have addressed only those issues outlined herein, as we feel they should be resolved prior to full review. By copy of this memo I am recommending that City Manager Parker demand that at a minimum, the size of the school be reduced. School Board members should welcome the smaller budget associated with a smaller school, and if so informed likely would reduce the size. WVH/ck C:POINCIAN.COM xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director U Kevin 1. Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist ~ p Poinciana Elementary School FROM: RE: DATE: June 29, 1995 I have no comments on this particular project. The project should continue on the normal review process. KH:ad TRANSMITTAL LETTER THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Planning and Real Estate 3320 Forest Hill Blvd., C-331 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5813 PROJECT: Poinciana Elementary School (name, address) PROJECT NO: DATE: August 18, 1995 TO: City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 A TTN: Tambri Heyden If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. If checked below, please: Kl Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. o Return enclosures to us. WE TRANSMIT: o Herewith 0 Under separate cover via Kl In accordance with your request ON AUGUST 17, 1995 FOR YOUR: o Approval o Review & Comment Kl Use THE FOLLOWING: o Drawings o Specifications o Change Order o Distribution to parties o Record o DInformation DShop Drawing Prints DShop Drawing Reproducibles Kl SURVEY o Samples o Product Literature , REV. ACtION COPIES DATE NO. DESCRlP'UON COllE 2 9/21/94 Special Purpose Survey for Poinciana Elementary School, B W.O. 94067 A ACTION A. Action indicated on item transmitted CODE B. No action required C. For signature and return to this office D. For signature and forwarding as noted below under REMARKS E. See REMARKS below REMARKS: COPIES TO: Agustin A. Hernandez (with enclosures) o o o o o Michael L. Kirk Plan Review Specialist Planning and Real Estate rt;tJ:: H:\data\wp51 \doc\es.poe Received by: e"'J:) > 9 ;, , L'--:;'<;;-F;,,~'r:~;)-'-+ I, \! hI'" '. .,J, ,,, ~' ,'2- (J.lj-l)J I ,..-.__....... i:.~~:tllltllJl? i~~ _~