AGENDA DOCUMENTS 10('" lC;c; --r(; S s[,LOV (,,{ . _ f / ~ ~v<-t. 0JLVt- - o G^'- Scr-r c:f7 J1.. f' "I- q~,- ~7 "-' <t -> P / or-"v ~ dJ ~~jJ r/o C k r~. GJ I C? 7 7 <rf 01',,7 (( C~~Ct^' , -k pc< l r-~'\ <--'^-- s'.::.l l)<'( ...~ :.;h <S f' rj '" ~ -f- /5 <>- 5 Fh<^-CC S"'~ ,,1:... rt"/ ~AQ vt<c.,;c- 6- /'l. Q c-"{V'- H c~-<-::.. 12-",,- / d-c::.:..~ c=<...Q i</l;( {e:. .~ F /~ /~" b~- 6L _ .Q",,-<- .f, 1 ~ 0-5" =v- ,. e.g, ""<- y / f1 "'" .... ..-~ n,- ~~ ~ _. ~ (cZ~ ,-~ ""~, ~~'" _ t'o S- < <., (' L -t:: J" J" 5' ~.~~=..:s ~.c.. C""'L<J:!~{,,".o. .J~...,-~ <:..Jc:.... f t~f' . --- ~ S~~~""~ t~,,~ ufxP-'v-. ~ I'''''s-f I- Ie :...-(C, ~ +:c ! 4' -/7 ~;:::> I.. t- c::.k:.e. '^- _ ~ d~~ r~~ .tJ4~ I111un ~.~ 1 S- ? (eye Gl''<< 0; 5';'(1 & 1/..15 /5 a: re;ZVrzf~ *,p&, iv~UL:-r {0'& //0 rbJ- C:l re 2-CJ 11 l/Lj .'Iv _--=;'> CITY NOTICE OF NOTICE OF OF BOYNTON LAND USE CHANGE ZONING CHANGE BEACH PUBLIC HEARINGS The City of Boynton Beach proposes to change the land use and zoning on the darkened areas shown on the map below. Public hearings on these proposals will be held before the Planning and Development Board on November 14, 1995 and before the City Commission on November 21, 1995, both at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Fl~rida. rn ._~ -NtON CANAL -c=16 --- -- - - __u_ ---- - _.- --'-- - ----.-----.--------------------- I -- - - - - ~. - - - - .. - . R1A/MeDR 10 PU/PPGI"", , \ ~ tI} 3 z .W II . ~ <D - - I-- - PlANNIN - POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEGAL: The School District of Palm Beach County Jan C. Hansen Redevelopment/expansion of existing elementary school Portions of the entire 10.2-acre site located between N.W. 11th Avenue and N.W. 13th Avenue, immediately west of Seacrest Boulevard. Complete legal descriptions on file in the Planning Department, 100 East BO~lton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. PETITIONER: AGENT: INTENDED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: LAND USE AMENDMENT: From - MeDR ~ledium Density Residential (all parcels) To - PPGI Public & Private Governmental/Institution (all parcels) REQUEST: REZONE: From - R-IA Single Family and R-2 Duplex (see map for selected parcels) To - PU Public Usage (all parcels) A COPY OF THESE APPLICATIONS AND CORRESPONDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW B) THE PUBLIC IN THE PL~NNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT AND IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. ALL INTERESTED P.\RTIES ARE NOTIFIED TO APPEAR AT SAID HEARINGS IN PERSON OR BY "nOR~H ,,~p BE HEARD. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL AN" DfCISIOS or THE Pl.ANNING .vm ZO.HNG WARP (Op C~l! C0~\lS~IO~ WITH RESPECT TO ANY ~TTER CONSIDERED ~T THESE "Errlses vILL NEfD TO f~S'~' 'i?:\"! ~ '''::R~\q'1 RfC'.:'Rl' Of THE fROCHDI~G5 IS ~.\Jlr. ,,"unt RECORD l~l""'S fill: '(,'511"'-' .ur f\.l{WNCr l'l'rlS \.o"lnrH tHf ~PPEA1.. IS BASED. PUASf CAl.J,. (4.0J) )1~ ... ~ 11z41 r . R~'\.~\R\'l'\\.~ \Uf ~\\\.\H' !'\t\tHR~.;" KISCX:.~IM~'OO.AD ^- 7:1 - >/ This Inslrument Prepared by: Agustin A. Hernandez with Robert A. Rosillo ami should be returned to: Robert A. Rosillo. Associate Counsel The School Board or Palm Beach County 3318 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach. Florida 33406-5813 SITE EXPANSION INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY AND THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FOR POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TIUS AGREEMENT, between the School Board of Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, entered into this _ day of , 19_, between the SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, a corporate body politic pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "SCHOOL BOARD") and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"). WIT N E SSE T H: _. n WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Plan Development Regulations Act, Section 163.3161(4), Florida Statutes, to encourage and ensure cooperation between and among the local governmental entities to provide for the coordination of development activities of units of local government; and a WHEREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD is the controlling body of the Public Schools of Palm Beach County, Florida, and does own and operate public schools in the City of Boynton Beach; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into under the authority of Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Plan Development Regulations Act; and WHEREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD and the CITY recognize the recommendation within the Resolution No. R-92-209 from the City of Boynton Beach attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit "1", which encourages the City and School Board to publicly and jointly pursue acquisition of adjacent parcels of properties in and around the campus of Poinciana Elementary School .as shown on Exhibit "2" attached hereto and incorporated by reference and, 1I:\data\wp50\doc\agreem!\interloc.poe _ _. AAH:bf 6\11\93 Exhibit "C" - ,. - ,-,'*..................---.----~_.~'....:...-_...--_. WHEREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD and CITY believe that ajoint use educational/recreational facility adjacent to the existing Poinciana Elementary School boundaries will be mutually advantageous for the conununity and students; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: I. The SCHOOL BOARD shall present sale and purchase COl1lracts to the property owners of properties to be acquired by the Board and by the City shown on exhibit "2" within 45 days of approval of this agreement. Contracts for sale and purchase of properties for SCHOOL BOARD use will be administered by the SCHOOL BOARD Real Estate Department. Contracts for sale and purchase of property for City use will be administered by the School Board Real Estate Department and coordinated with the City Managers office. . n Cost associated with the acquisition and due diligence for the acquisition of parcels shall be included in the total cost of each parcel, ie. Appraisals, Surveys, Environmental Studies, Title Research, and demolition cost of existing structures. The Total cost of property acquisitions shall be split on a equal basis between the School Board and the City, not to exceed $500.000 for each party, unless circumstances warrant that this cap be raised, in such event the School Board and the City must mutually agree to do so. 2. The SCHOOL BOARD is to acquire properties as shown on Exhibit "2", with the procedures outlined in paragraph 1 written above. However, in an event of an uncooperative seller, the .. CITY shall exercise its power of eminem domain. Upon written notification from the School Board the City shall proceed with a quick taking within 60 days of notice. In the event of an eminent domain proceeding, the City will be solely responsible for the relocation cost if any, and legal fees associated with any quick take procedings, subject to the provisions and limitations of Chapter 73 and 74, Florida Statues. Costs associated with acquisition and due diligence shall be split on an equal basis between the City and School Board as described in Paragraph one. .-. ~ II: \dala\wp50\doc\agrcernl\inlerloc.poe 2 AAH:bf 6\11\93 Tilles to all other properties acquired under the terms of this agreement shall be retained by the School Board. 9. The joint use recreational property which includes the Wilson Center and the City pool property shall be improved to meet the criteria of the American Disabilities Act and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 6-A2 standards. The City shall construct, implement and maintain facilities located at the Wilson Center at the City's sole expense. 10. Contemporaneously with the execution of this agreement the panies shall execute a Joint Use Interlocal Agreement for the perpetual use of facilities located at the Wilson Center and the Poinciana Elementary Campus. The Joint Use Interlocal Agreement shall permit the use of the Poinciana Elementary School Facility by the City and the School Board the use of the adjacent City facility known as Wilson Center. 11. The SCHOOL BOARD shall construct and make improvements to the Poinciana '. n Elementary School as may be necessary to implement the proposed Math Science Technology Magnet Program as described in the Magnet School Assistant Program Grant Application for the 93-94 federal funding cycle. 12. In the event that litigation between the City and School Board shall be necessary for the enforcement of this Agreement on behalf of either party, then each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs incurred in said litigation. 13. If any term or provision of this Agreement shall, to any extent, be deemed invalid or unenforceable prior to January 1, 1994, the remainder of this Agreement should be canceled as herein provided by law. 14. Amendments to this agreement must be made in writing and, can be made by the mutual consent and consign by both the CITY and the SCHOOL BOARD. 15. This agreement will not be construed against the pany who drafted the same , both parties have had experts of their choosing to review this Amendment. I {: ~dala\wp50\doc\agreeml\inlc:rloc. pue 4 AAII:bf 6\11\93 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this date before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County named above to take acknowledgements, personally, appeared Gail Bjork, Chairman and C. Monica Uhlhorn, Superintendent of the School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida, and they acknowledge before me that they had executed the foregoing instrument as said officers and that they also affixed thereto the official seal of the School Board, SWORN to and subsaibed before me this fd day~.1993. SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM ACH COUNTY Signed in Presence of: ~~~ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH -;J~-l: ~ __ Notary r: '-'"f'-''' '-.-"\:>~' '-.~. va- .:...... ..I... ,,~ l/.f"". I ~J=.'\t.. l":l'K.n '\ F cc'.,,~ '\'CT^"Y l'lJ"l'" ,.'7....-:- ",.; ='tr.:~.-. -,My COmml'ssl'on Expl'res' ~.. I~ u.l"-.f...lt..._a ...._.1..."_,.. . :G:oMr",~:';;!:)N !:':-.. '::':::::::':7 i MY C')~'l u "71""':'1.' '; "'.~ ......", ~oQ'" \ I.J ~t..._ _I. ..;~.~.!.:.;~".."..."... ~ J I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this date before me. an officer duly authorized i1lrtI!ee~tate and County named above to take acknowledgements, personally appeared Jose Aguila as 'Mayor, and Sue Kruse as City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida, and they acknowledged before me that they had executed the foregoing instrument as said officers and that they also affixed thereto the official seal of the City, ' \.1 .. SWORN TO and subsaibed before me this Il; day of r' 1993, Signed in Presence of: ~ vJ7zJ~~~~'" .JA.(J~1A1..nv' l5u~tt Notary Approved as to fonn aRd--leg&lliiyft.....R~' 81: Approved: ,.-' Approved:.' II \Jato.\ wr50\Joc\a~rccrnl\illlcrloc. roc 'i ^^II:hf ('\I1\9~ (- _.. - ~ ~ [,"' r ~, j ... a ~~ ... :~ ~a ;: ;If .0 ! ~ ~- i ':. . ;a ~ ~ .. p" . c ...~ ~ "'~ . o . f -< !. , ~.. :'" & . 15 ~. 3: ~ -t :c go (I)" 02 r- -z mo > z_ Z 0> C mz > -t>."o mmolO ~~:J:1S Z3: ~ om -t r-Z - 0..... 0 c>'> Z -<::0 3:< ~ G> Z m -t . = c G t c . .. . .. .. .. . ~ &I ~lr.~ II t . ~ ~I : ) .. . . ;' :II "' n " " ~ ... o z .., ii ,. D .. _/ oN " ~~ X ~~ ~ It ~ } .. . . :s &I .. ~ G - t 1; ~ c . .. .. .. 0- : . o >> i .. . :: .. .. ~, fh x ~ ..... ~, [J:;). -1 .. ...~ .) .. .. 'J' . :.~ .;,:,' ~ .' . ( .' \>t"f ,I- .~) ;~;~',\.:, "\ . ",. I ,.. 0- ..... . -;.{ i\~. . ~: ?j-l .,. II ;'" 2 . ., ~5l! ~ ::.1 :., -c2: : ::- ,at a,:.'a, A :' S! . ~'. ,,~ " ?~.: ~':~. , ! ~ .. E ;" "... .... -\"Oot .. ~t . ..C"'T aYD. f\- " 3. All properlies are of equal importance for the success of the project and acquisition of properties shall be handled expeditiously, however all properties must be acquired or under contract for purchase prior to May 15, 1994. 4. In the event the CITY and the SCHOOL BOARD are unable or are unsuccessful in acquiring title to the propenies described in Exhibit "2" prior to May IS, 1994 either pany may cancel this Agreement. The time for performance may be extended by mutual agreement by both parties. Both panies shall be relieved of all duties aucI responsibilities hereunder by providing 10 days prior written notice, however all costs incurred to date, except those identified elsewhere in this agreement as being the sole responsibility of the City, will be split on a equal basis by the parties. 5. Upon the acquisition ofpropenies on the south side of N.W. 12th Avenue by the School Board, the CITY shall abandon to the School Board N.W. 12th Avenue between Seacrest Blvd and 1st Street. '. n 6. Following the acquisition of propenies on the west side of N.W. Ist Street the CITY shall abandon to N.W, 1st Street between N.W. 13th Avenue and the end 'Of N.W. 12th Avenue. All of the above shall be abandoned no later than 60 days after all of the properties listed in exhibit 2 are . acquired. (J 7, Notice shall be given by the School Board to all utility providers. Any public utilities such as electric, gas, telephone, and cable T.V. shall be removed at the utility owners expense and the party shall endeavor to remove said utilities within a reasonable time from date of notice. The CITY shall relocate city utilities such as water, and sewer, from the abandoned ". rights-of-ways, at the CITY's cost only:as necessary to improve the school campus, as determined by the School Board project architect. 8, The CITY shall retain title to all properties currently held by the City located west of N. W. 1st Street. Titles to properties acquired under the terms of this agreement which are located west of N. W. 1st Street and shown on exhibit "2" shall be retained by the City. Such propenies shall be used ' in accordance with the provisions of a Joint Use Agreement. between the City and The School Board. II: '&.Iala\wp50\doc\agreeml\inlerloc.roe 3 AAH:hf 6\11\93 - I .' I ! '~ I :; I RESOLtrrlON R92 -Jt:7J' -' L,"'{/,,'(.,-/- 1. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION or THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA; URGING THE PALH BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOAIUl f.lOT TO CLOSE POINCIAHA ELEKENTARY SCHOOL AHD KEEP SAID SCHOOL OPEN AS'il, PRE- KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE 5 MAGNET SCHOOL; AND PROVIDING AH EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, 1n ol:'der, ~ ma1nta1n the viability of OUI:' coastal schools 4nd to Insure the continuity of nelqhborhood school.; and .''T' ;j " WHEREAS, the maqnet .chool concept 1. a proven ..4n. to 'i aSsist 1n ach1ev1ng rac141 balance and enhancing the quaUty , of education; and I "j !j ,I :/ 1/ II " I! :1 d ;j THE CITY or BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, 'nlAT. . il Section 1. The C~.Collllllb.J.on of the CJ.ty of Boynton 'I Beach, FlorJ.da doe. hereby' urge the 'ala Beach County School Board to keep Polnelen" Elementary Sehool open a. a pre- I' klndergarten to 5th qrade facll1ty and e.tabllsh a magnat 'I p~ogrlUll at the .chool. I! Sectlon 2. The Clty COllllllsslon of the Clty of Boynton 'I Beach, Florlda hereby dlrec:u the Clty Clerk to prov1de " copy i of thl. Re.olutlon, upon pa..age,. to the Pal. Beach County !j School Board. . <.1". . It .. Section ], Thls Resolutlon wl11 become effective " llllllled1ately upon pa.sage. -. WHEREAS, t.he City CotNal..1oa of the City of Boynton Beaeh, Florlda deems 1t to be ln the best 1nter..t. ot the cUhens end re.idenuof the Clty of Boynton Beach to arge the Palm Beach County School Board to ke.p Polnclana Ele..n~ary School open, and .; WHEREAS, the City COIIllIllaalon at the Clty at Boyn~on Beach, Florida urge. the Pal. Beach County School Board to apply the nece.saey resou~es to e.t.ab11.h a 1D49n.~~ program (monte..ori preferred) at .ald SChool, which will benetlt the .t~dents from an educational standpoint .. w.ll a. allow them to attend school ln the neighborhood 1n which they llve. \, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT USOLVED BY THE CITY COMHISSIOH OF l.-~ ... - 'i PASSED AND ADOPTED thl. ~ dayot DeCember, 1991. AT';ES r: CO~1ssIoner '. I._~' _/ -..... ~.../ - -/;I'-''Y -", .,L/I"~ ~,,,,~ CI~ C:erk ~ (Corporate Seal) PoIncIana.Res .~ .: .. 'E to . ..., MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 16, 1996 the Tax Collector's Office. We anticipate the settlement of that property to be between $5,000 and $6,000. That cost is included in the $87,900. If the agreements are approved, all of the properties would be turned over to the School Board. In the future, we will move forward with appraisals on the properties delineated with dotted marks on the map around NW 11 th Avenue and on NW 1 Street to determine how much money is needed to acquire them. The City wants to acquire Property #8 within the next three to four months. To date, the School Board and City have spent $429,303 on acquisitions. This is not a final cost. We anticipate another $50,000 or $100,000 to be added to that figure. The final cost to date should be around $500,000, which cost will be split between the City and the School Board. When the agreement was first signed, the City set aside $600,000 for this project. We should have enough money left to continue with the majority of property acquisitions. At Commissioner Bradley's request, Mr. Hawkins explained that the Poinciana site is smaller than what the School Board likes to build on. This property is now approximately 12 acres, and that is after acquisition of approximately 4 acres, The properties along NW 11th Avenue would all be used to expand the site, and possibly be used the area for additional parking. The way the site is presently configured, there will be limited parking. The property at the end of NW 11th Avenue (Property #8) would open up NW 11th Avenue to NW 1 st Street to allow for better vehicular circulation around the school. It would also be used for pickup, parking and better circulation between Seacrest and NW 1 st Street. All of the property acquisitions are necessary to accumulate enough land to bring the site to the standards the School Board would find acceptable. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz inquired if the School Board is demolishing the old school. Mr. Hawkins responded affirmatively. Commissioner Tillman questioned the relationship between Wilson Center and the proposed drainage pond. Mr. Hawkins explained that there is a strip of right-of-way that the City owns a portion of and South Florida Water Management District owns a portion of, There will be on-site drainage, but the additional drainage will be on the City's right-of- way, This will be a fenced retention area, It is not anticipated that this area will hold water a lot of the time, but it will exist to allow for excess water. Commissioner Tillman feels these areas cause the growth of mosquito larvae. Mr. Hawkins explained that when the area is cleaned out, it is landscaped with grass which is sprayed. Commissioner Tillman questioned whether or not there was a way to get a clear drain out to the C-16 canal. Mr. Hawkins does not believe the Water Management District would 25 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 16, 1996 allow that. Commissioner Bradley said there have been incredible meetings with the School Board over this issue. They have storm scenarios. and the storm water run-off rules are very tight. Commissioner Bradley envisions the properties near the Wilson Center being acquired one day so that we can enter into a joint use type of situation. He sees a benefit for the Wilson Center, the school and the neighborhood sharing these facilities. Commissioner Tillman feels there might be mitigating circumstances in terms of mosquito larva if water is allowed to percolate or sit. This area might be hazardous to children. City Manager Parker advised that this strip is not scheduled to hold any standing water. The standing water pond is where the existing library is currently on the site. Commissioner Tillman is concerned about a pond full of mosquito larva being on a school site. City Manager Parker said the School Board must maintain the pond so that this does not happen. That would be a health hazard. The health department, PTA, or principal will not stand for that situation. If the School Board is not cleaning the pond, we will hear about it. In response to Commissioner Bradley's question, Mr. Hawkins said the Maintenance Department and Facilities Management Department, which takes care of large issues, would handle this responsibility. Commissioner Bradley commended staff for working out all of the points of this agreement. Motion Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz moved to approve, Commissioner Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. D. Other 1, Code Enforcement Lien Reduction for Louise and Sharon Denson. 229 NW 3rd Avenue Scott Blasie, Code Enforcement Administrator, made the presentation. This process started as a result of the Wrice marches. There were Code violations and car repairs being done at the address. The Code Enforcement Board reduced the fine to $480.15. This was based on the testimony that the Denson's were not aware that overgrown grass on the east side of the property was their responsibility. The Board Order was split into two separate orders that evening. Some of the violations took time to comply; however, the overgrown grass, which accumulated the fine, had only ten days to comply. 26 7 .A. 2 POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PUBLIC HEARING ATTACHMENT "A" LOCATION MAP 1- ATTACHMENT "Au LOCATION MAP 5 x. LEGAL B.l, 2, & 3 cc: Plan Dev litil PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, 95-678 Agenda Memorandum for December 5, 1995 City Commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker City Manager FROM: ,----r::;. , i Tambri J. Heyden /~AI Planning and Zoning Director DATE: November 30, 1995 SUBJECT: POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (LUAR 95-001) ORDINANCES FOR LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING Please place the above-referenced items on the December 5, 1995 City Commission meeting agenda under Legal - Ordinances, First Reading. DESCRIPTION: As originally described in Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-602, Jan C. Hansen, agent for The School Board of Palm Beach County, requests to change 1.5 acres of property which are adjacent to, and being added to the existing approximately 8.6 acre poinciana Elementary School campus located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard, between N.W. 11th Avenue and N.W. 13th Avenue. The subject property consists of multiple parcels located at the northeast corner of the site! and along N.W. 12th Avenue which have always separated the school building from the recreation area on the south side of the campus. As indicated on the location map, the subject parcels are all currently classified Medium Density Residential, and zoned either R-l-A (Single Family) or R-2 (Single and Two- family dwelling district). The applicant requests that the subject property be reclassified and rezoned consistent with the existing school campus, which is Public & Private Governmental/Institutional (PPGI} and Public Usage (PU), respectively. RECOMMENDATION: staff recommends that these ordinances be approved. TJH:mr Attachments ~!5CX:PC!MlST.AGH VI. PUBLIC HEARING C cc: Plan, Util Dev PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDl I J t... q('~\O"'. Agenda Memorandum for November 21, 1995 city Commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker, city Manager Tambri Heyden, Pl~nning and Zoning Director ~~ DATE: November 15, 1995 FROM: SUBJECT: Poinciana Elementary School (LUAR 95-001) Request for Land Use Amendment and Rezoning Please place the above-referenced items on the November 21, 1995 City Commission meeting agenda under Public Hearing. DESCRIPTION: Jan C. Hansen, agent for The School Board of Palm Beach County, requests to change 1.5 acres of property which are adjacent to, and being added to the existing approximately 8.6 acre Poinciana Elementary School campus located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard, between N.W. 11th Avenue and N.W. 13th Avenue (see attached location map), The subject property consists of multiple parcels located at the northeast corner of the site, and along N,W. 12th Avenue which have always separated the school building from the recreation area on the south side of the campus, As indicated on the location map, the subject parcels are all currently classified Medium Density Residential, and zoned either R-I-A (Single Family) or R-2 (Single and Two-family dwelling district). The appl~cant requests that the subject property be reclassified and rezoned consistent with the existing school' campus, which is Public & Private Governmental/Institutional (PPGI) and Public Usage (PU), respectively. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, by a unanimous vote, recommends that these applications be approved, Lastly, since this proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Plan consists of property less than 10 acres, it is deemed a small-scale amendment by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), and is therefore not subject to compliance review. The DCA only requires that Staff submit a copy of the amendment to them, and stipulates that the plan amendment ordinance is not in effect until 30 days following final reading, TJH:mr Attachment ~IS':.I::PC!Nl:,J.':;!o! w ..., PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-602 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THRU: Tambri J. HeYden,~)il Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Senior Planner DATE: November 7, 1995 SUBJECT: poinciana Elementary School (LUAR 95-001) Request for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning INTRODUCTION Jan C. Hansen, agent for The School Board of Palm Beach County, requests to change 1.5 acres of property which are adjacent to, and being added to, the existing approximate 8.6 acre Poinciana Elementary School campus located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard, between N.W. 11th Avenue and N.W. 13th Avenue (see attached location map), Specifically, the subject property consists of multiple parcels located at the northeast corner of the project along N.W. 13th Avenue, and at the southeast and southwest corners of the site which front on the pending abandonment of N.W. 12th Avenue. All subject parcels are currently classified Medium Density Residential, and zoned either R-1-A (Single-family residential district) or R-2 (Single and Two-family dwelling district). The applicant requests that the land use of the subject property be reclassified and it be rezoned consistent with the exIsting school campus, which is Public & Private Governmental/Institutional (PPGI) and Public Usage (PU), respectively. During the past 12 months, The School Board of Palm Beach County has acquired the subject parcels, removed existing structures on those newly acquired parcels, has submitted abandonment applications for the adjacent rights-of-way of N,W. 12th Avenue and Washington Avenue, and begun construction of a new Poinciana Elementary School, With respect to current school use, the existing school facilities will continue to be utilized during construction of the new building, This school redevelopment project will enable consolidation and better utilization of the campus (in part by abandoning NW 12th Avenue which has always separated the school from their larger recreation area), and the replacement of multiple antiquated facilities with a single and larger modern elementary school, This school expansion project received official support from the City of Boynton Beach in 1992 when the City processed Resolution R92-209, which in part, conveyed the community's desire for the continued operation of this school. Furthermore, to facilitate the coordination of certain joint City-School Board activities such as land acquisition, the two entities entered into an interlocal agreement in 1993 (this agreement will be amended to also allow city-owned property to be used for project drainage in order to meet both SFWMD and city drainage requirements) . PROCEDURE As this amendment to the Comprehensive Plan represents a small-scale amendment pursuant to state law, the proposed amendment will not be reviewed by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) but will become effective 31 days following adoption of the ordinance. While documentation on the small-scale amendment is required to be sent to the DCA, no review for compliance is conducted. ADJACENT LAND USE AND ZONING Since the subject parcels are rather isolated within the existing schoo~ campus, few other properties are i~mediately adjacent to the affected properties. As indicated on the location map, the subject parcels front on ~~ 13th Avenue, Seacrest Boulevard, and on the abandoned NW 12th Avenue. The only exception to this statement regarding limited adjacent / Memorandum No. 95-602 -2- November 7, 1995 properties is at the southwest corner of the campus where an area to be rezoned directly abuts a single family home within the R-1-A (Single- family Residential) zoning district. Lastly, those properties separated from the subject parcels by NW 13th Avenue are predominantly single family homes zoned R-2 (Single- and Two-family dwelling district) . Pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 8 (Administration and Enforcement), when a rezoning request requires an amendment to the Future Land Use Map, staff shall evaluate such applications with respect to -the follmling crit8ri.: ~/ (-e... <', 0- t <- (...... 7 ~ CONSISTENCY WITH APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES . <? The Comprehensive Plan does not contain policies which' specifically address expansion of the Poinci.ana Elementary School campus. However, the Plan does include an objective and general policy that require the City to assist Palm Beach County with "maintaining or improving" school quality. Objective 8.22 and Policy 8.22.2 read as follows: Objective 8.22 - "The City shall increase the mechanisms for intergovernmental coordination with the Palm Beach County School Board in order to assist the School Board in maintaining or improving the quality of the County's school system and to ensure consistency with the plans and policies of the school board. "i and Policy 8.22.2 - liThe City shall assist the school board in locating future school sites'." CONSISTENCY OF REZONING WITH ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN The subject request represents a small expansion to the PPGI land use classification and PU, zoning district currently in place on the poinciana Elementary School, Therefore, the subject request is consistent with the established land use pattern, the request would not create an isolated district, and lastly, the approval of the subject request would not be a grant of special privilege. CHANGING CONDITIONS AND DESIRABILITY OF THE REZONING Although it is known that most schools in the County are overcrowded, the Palm Beach County Educational Concurrency and Task Force has reported that "the greatest need for student stations is at the elementary and middle school facilities". The combination of the demand for school space and the age of the Poinciana Elementary School represent the principle justifications for school expansion and the subject rezoning request. COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH PUBLIC FACILITIES The lots proposed to be rezoned and incorporated into the existing school campus will allow for the construction of a new school building which will replace the multiple buildings currently being used. with respect to impacts on public facilities, as the project is intended to only replace obsolete facilities, and in general, to unify the school into one building, the projected demand on principle facilities (i.e. roads and utilities) will be comparable to the demand currently being generated, COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH NEARBY PROPERTIES AND IMPACT ON VALUES Schools have typically been recognized as attributes within residential areas, as it is felt important to have children attend school within their own neighborhood. Such facilities provide a local source of recreation and education resources and meeting facilities for both adults and children. The City of Boynton Beach has acknowledged the desire to have maintained at this location the Poinciana Elementary School, and documented this objective through the aforementioned resolution. " ~-< W' -- Memorandum No. 95-602 -3 - November 7, 1995 PHYSICAL AND ECONOMICAL DEVELOPABILITY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY There are no known unique physical characteristics which would limit further development or redevelopment of the subject parcels, SCALE OF REZONING RELATIVE TO NEEDS OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND CITY The combined area of the subject parcels are only approximately 1.50 acres, and the redevelopment proj ect is merely a replacement of the existing multi-building campus with a single, modern school facility. Given the small size of the project, and that which was stated above regarding compatibility with nearby properties, the proposed zoning and school improvement project are relative to needs of both the immediate neighborhood and the City. AVAILABILITY OF ALTERNATIVE SITES ADEOUATE FOR PROPOSED USE With respect to alternative sites for this project, the existing site is the most logical location for this school given its proximity to residential neighborhoods and its location between the nearest two elementary schools (i. e. Galaxy Elementary School and Rolling Green Elementary School) , RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Zoning Department recommends that the application submitted by Jan C. Hansen for the School Board of Palm Beach County be approved, based on the following: 1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with all goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the established land use pattern; 3. The proposed rezoning is compatible with adjacent land uses and will not negatively affect property values; 4. The scale of the proposed rezoning is relative to the needs of the immediate neighborhood as well as to the City as a whole; and 5. The proposed rezoning is consistent with Resolution #92-208 which encourages and supports maintaining the poinciana Elementary School at its current location, and is related to an interlocal agreement between the City and The School Board of Palm Beach County which facilitates the joint City-School Board effort to redevelop the existing school campus. TJH:mr Attachments xc: Central File MISCX:POINC.REP - -^, -...../ ATTACHMENT "A" LOCATION MAP ;.L .., -- ATTACHMENT "A" LOCATION MAP c: L0CATION MhP POINCIANA SCHOOL R3 p. U C\:"5""'\ I Ii \, 1\ ., \ 'Ii I' \ "\ ,.\ i: t' I' \, ," 'l \ ; !: i I;!) f ::il , ,,;"Il :\;1\' : \ II , I. ) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,.. \ EGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING . ' ..~- AGE N 0 A ./ . )&:)U(( "1' December 19, 1995 6:30 P.M. I. OPENINGS: A. Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Taylor B. Invocation - Rev Hank Ackermann - Boynton Beach Congregational Church C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mayor Pro Tem Lynne Matson D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Appointments to be made: APPOINTMENT LENGTH OF TERM TO BE MADE BOARQ EXPIRA TION DAlE IV Matson Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Alt Term expires 4/96 TABLED II Bradley Cemetery Board Alt Term expires 4/96 TABLED IV Matson Children & Youth Adv Brd Alt Term expires 4/96 TABLED IV Matson Comm Redev Adv Board Reg 1 yr Term to 4/96 TABLED IV Matson Code Enforcement Board Alt 1 yr Term to 9/96 TABLED IV Matson Adv Brd Children & Youth Reg Term expires 4/97 TABLED IV Matson Adv Brd Children & Youth Reg Term expires 4/97 TABLED I Rosen Board of Zoning Appeal Reg 1 yr term to 1/97 TABLED II Bradley Board of Zoning Appeal Reg 1 yr term to 1/97 TABLED III Jaskiewicz Board of Zoning Appeal Reg 2 yr term to 1/98 TABLED IV Matson Board of Zoning Appeal Reg 2 yr term to 1/98 TABLED Mayor Taylor Board of Zoning Appeal Reg 2 yr term to 1/98 TABLED I Rosen Board of Zoning Appeal Alt 1 yr term to 1/97 TABLED II Bradley Board of Zoning Appeal Alt 2 yr term to 1/98 TABLED III Jaskiewicz Education Advisory Board Stu Term expires 4/96 TABLED IV Matson Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Alt Term expires 4/96 III. CONSENT AGENDA Matters In this Section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City M.n.g,' for "Consent Agenda" approval of the aotlon Indicated In each Item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staft comments. A. Minutes 1. Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of December 4, 1995 2. City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop Meeting Minutes of Dec. 4, 1995 3. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of December 5, 1995 B. Bids. Reoommend Approval. All expenditures are approved In the 1995-96 Adopted Budget 1 1. Approve manhole structural repair at NE 8th Avenue and NE 26th Avenue with Underwater Unlimited Diving Services, Inc. 2. Approve piggy-backing City of Pompano Beach's Annual Contract for Water Meters and Parts 3. Approve replacement of Submersible Well Pumps & Equipment with Atlantic Environmental Systems, Inc. for one year 4. Approve East Water Treatment window replacement utilizing existing contractor/MBR Construction, Inc. 5. Approve annual contract for Aquatic Plant Control with Lake & Wetland Management 6. Co-op Anhydrous Ammonia - The Cooperative Purchasing Council of Palm Beach County awarded the bid to Tanner Industries, Inc. C. Resolutions 1. Proposed Resolution No. R95- AE: Water Service Agreement - Thomas G, Kane for property located at 3645 North Federal Highway. Delray Beach 2. Proposed Resolution No. R95- RE: Authorize execution of service contract between the City of Boynton Beach and TFP Inc. for the computerized photo imaging system in the Police Department 3. Proposed Resolution No. R95- RE: Rosemary Scrub Joint City/County Acquisition Project Resolution endorsing grant award agreement and grant award calculation 4. Proposed Resolution No. R95- Rosemary Scrub RE: Addendum III to Conceptual Approval for D. Approval of Bills E. Payment of Bills - November 1995 F. Approve expenditure for returning Communications Center to City Hall IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: A. Announcements B. Presentations 1, Representative Sharon Merchant 2, Presentation of Holiday Parade Awards 3. Proclamations a) Dr, Martin Luther King Jr. Day - January 15, 1996 b) Shrine Hospital Days - February 3rd - February 14th 2 V, BIDS: None VI. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 PM OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS A. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Hills of Lake Eden PUD POSTPONED TO JANUARY 2, 1996 Burlison A. Gentry - Gentry Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc. Newport Properties, Inc. Northwest corner of S.E. 36th Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard REZONING - Request for zoning and master plan approval to construct 62 single-family detached homes on 15.45 acres of land in connection with a rezoning from R-1-AAB (single-family residential) to Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 5 (PUD with LUI=5). B. PROJECT NAME: Miner Road TABLED TO DECEMBER 19, 1995 AGENT: Richard Harris for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County City of Boynton Beach Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95 ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of a 54 foot wide portion of the Miner Road right-of-way east of High Ridge Road OWNER: LOCA TION: DESCRIPTION: C. PROJECT NAME: Miner Road AGENT: Richard Harris of Scott, Royce, Harris, Bryan, Barra & Jorgensen, P.A. OWNER: City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County LOCATION: Miner Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95 DESCRIPTION: ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of three parcels that comprise the Miner Road right-of-way east of High Ridge Road. D. PROJECT NAME: Newport Place PUD (f.k.a. Stanford Park PUD) AGENT: Donald E. Hearing OWNER: Newport Place Associates Ltd. LOCATION: Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court DESCRIPTION: FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING - Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential for a 23 acre, existing planned unit development (PUD) and a 1.59 acre tract and to re;itono the 1.59 acre tract from R-1-AAB (slnglEHamily residential) and the PUD to Planned Unit Development (PUD w/LUI=5) to add a 120 bed assisted living facility. E. PROJECT NAME: Newport Place AGENT: Donald E. Hearing OWNER: Newport Place Associates Ltd. LOCATION: Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court DESCRIPTION: PARKING LOT VARIANCE - Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulation_, Chapter 23 . Parking Lots, Article II, Section H,7 "Number of Driveways" to allow two (2) additional driveways onto Northwest 7th Court, F. PROJECT NAME: Cedar Ridge PUD and High Ridge Commerce Park PIO (buffer easement) Richard Harris of Scott, Royce, Harris, Bryan, Barra & Jorgensen, P.A. Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. South perimeter of Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 within the High Ridge Commerce Park PID DESCRIPTION: ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of a 25 foot wide buffer easement. AGENT: OWNER: LOCA TION: '1 G. PROJECT NAME: Boynton Beach Distribution Center (Miner Road Access Control Easement) Richard Harris of Scott. Royce. Harris, Bryan, Barra & Jorgensen, P.A. Waste Management of Florida North perimeter of Lots 18 and 19 of the Boynton Beach Distribution Center DESCRIPTION: ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of 5 foot wide access control easement. AGENT: OWNER: LOCA TION: H. Conduct a public hearing concerning the issuance of bonds for Clipper Cove VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO 3 MINUTE PRESENTATIONS VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: A. PROJECT NAME: Papa Johns TABLED APPLICANT REQUESTED TO BE TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 19, 1995 AGENT: Interplan Practice, Ltd. OWNER: Papa Johns USA LOCATION: Northeast corner of N.W. 7th Court and Boynton Beach Boulevard DESCRIPTION: LANDSCAPE APPEAL: Request for a landscape code appeal 10 overhang a required landscape strip with bumpers of parked cars. B. PROJECT NAME: Papa Johns TABLED APPLICANT REQUESTED TO BE TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 19, 1995 AGENT: Interplan Practice. Ltd. OWNER: Papa Johns USA LOCATION: Northeast corner of N.W, 7th Court and Boynton Beach Boulevard DESCRIPTION: NEW SITE PLAN: Request for site plan approval to construct a 1.142 square fool take-out pizza slore on .22 acres C. PROJECT NAME: High Ridge Commerce Park PID AGENT: Joseph D. Handley, Craven Tompson & Associates, Inc, OWNER: Waste Management of Palm Beach LOCATION: High Ridge Commerce Park PID Lots 15,16,17 and 18 (South side of Commerce Road. approximately 304 feet east of High Ridge Drive) DESCRIPTION: USE APPROVAL - Request to establish within the High Ridge Commerce Park PIO exterior truck and solid waste container storage as a permitted use. D. PROJECT NAME: Waste Management of Palm Beach - South AGENT: Joseph D. Handley, Craven Tompson & Associates. Inc, OWNER: Waste Management of Palm Beach LOCATION: High Ridge Commerce Park PIO Lots 15.16.17 and 18 (South side of Commerce Road. approximately 304 feet east of High Ridge Drive) DESCRIPTION: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - Aequest to amend the previously approved site plan to add land area to construct additional exterior paved truck storage and an expanded exterior container storage yard, E. PROJECT NAME: Tara Oaks PUD AGENT: Kieran J, Kilday. Kilday & Associates, Ine, for Pulte Home Corp, OWNER: Tara Oaks Development Company LOCATION: Northeast corner of Woolbright Road and Knuth Road extended DESCRIPTION: MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION ~ Request to amend the previously approved PUD master plan to revise direct access points, alter the location and type of private recreation, change unit type from apartments to townhouses. establish perimeter buffer easements and certain setbacks, enlarge size of residential Pod 1 and church parcel and reduce open space and retention area of Pod 2. IX. NEW BUSINESS: A. Items for discussion requested by Mayor Pro Tern Lynne Matson 1. Purple Heart Way 2. Public Transportation 3. It's Better in Boynton Campaign B. Consider request for a block party on White Hall Way - December 31, 1995 from 9:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. X. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 095-46 RE: Land Use Amendment - School Board of Palm Beach County (Poinciana Elementary School Project) 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 095-47 RE: Rezoning - School Board of Palm Beach County (Poinciana Elementary School Project) Lots 13. 14. 15 and 16 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 095-48 RE: Rezoning - School Board of Palm Beach County (Poinciana Elementary School Project) B. Ordinances - 1 st Reading: None C. Resolutions None D. Other XI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None XII. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: XIII. OTHER: XIV. ADJOURNMENT: NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY . MAnER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOA SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S.288.0105) THE CITY SHAll FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNllY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE. PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTEllO, (407) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY-FOUR ca4) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OA AOTIVITY IN OROER FOA THE OITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. ~(/6teI{CI"-J) {/jJ Lfv /2 ~ -IV P. ...ffiING AND ZONING DEPARTMEN_ '(j 'fPf'- le;Q , PLEASE SIGN BELOW FOR RECEIPT OF f{/YO'!f"'.-J-,.:::::. SUBJECT: J;l1;-~.N ~~--<~-:&"-fyt~~..e. DATE: TIME: SIGNATURE: DATE CONTACTED :0. ~..l1/Y?--<'~ CONTACT PERSON: 407-/f3Cf -YOd-.O J-o..I...; IfQ 7. I.{ 3'1 - Y ('87 /tJ ~ 10 Ii /t3 . C I T Y 0 F PLANNING &: BOY N TON B E A C H DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, November 14, 1995 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Commission Chambers 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 1, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members. 3. Agenda Approval. 4. Approval of Minutes. 5. Communications and Announcements. A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1) Final disposition of last month's agenda items. 6. Old Business: None 7. New Business: A. PUBLIC HEARING Rezoninq 1. PROJECT: Hills of Lake Eden PUD AGENT: Burlison A. Gentry Gentry Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc OWNER: Newport Properties, Inc. LOCATION: Northwest corner of S.E. 36th Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard DESCRIPTION: Request for zoning and master plan approval to construct 62 single-family detached homes on 15.45 acres of land in connection with a rezoning from R-1-AAB (single-family residential) to Planne~ Unit Development with a land use intensity of 5 (PUD with LUI=5) . 2. PROJECT NAME: poinciana Elementary School AGENT: Jon C. Hansen OWNER: The School Board of Palm Beach County LOCATION: Multiple parcels: west of Seacrest Boulevard, between N.W. 11th Avenue and N.W. 13th Avenue. DESCRIPTION: Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Medium Density Residential to Public and Private Governmental/ Institutional and rezone from R-1-A (single- family residential) and R-2 (single and two- family dwelling) to Public Usage. Page 2 Planning & Development Board Meeting Agenda November 14, 1995 8. SITE PLANS A. Master Plan Modification 1. PROJECT NAME: Tara Oaks PUD OWNER: Kilday and Associates Bill Ray Winchester AGENT: LOCATION: Northeast corner of Woolbright Road and Knuth Road extended DESCRIPTION: Request for approval to modify the previously approved master plan to change access points, recreational amenties, unit type from apartments to townhouses and use acreage 9. Comments by members 10. Adjournment NOTICE ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S. 286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (407) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. xc: Central File a: AgPOmtg11 , 14 7.A.2 POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-602 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THRU: Tambri J. HeYden/~)tl Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Senior Planner DATE: November 7/ 1995 SUBJECT: poinciana Elementary School (LUAR 95-001) Request for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning INTRODUCTION Jan C. Hansen, agent for The School Board of Palm Beach County, requests to change 1.5 acres of property which are adjacent to, and being added to, the existing approximate 8.6 acre poinciana Elementary School campus located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard, between N.W. 11th Avenue and N.W. 13th Avenue (see attached location map). Specifically, the subject property consists of multiple parcels located at the northeast corner of the project along N.W. 13th Avenue, and at the southeast and southwest corners of the site which front on the pending abandonment of N.W. 12th Avenue. All subject parcels are currently classified Medium Density Residential, and zoned either R-1-A (Single-family residential district) or R-2 (Single and Two-family dwelling district). The applicant requests that the land use of the subj ect property be reclassified and it be rezoned consistent with the existing school campus, which is Public & Private Governmental/Institutional (PPGI) and Public Usage (PU), respectively. During the past 12 months, The School Board of Palm Beach County has acquired the subject parcels, removed existing structures on those newly acquired parcels, has submitted abandonment applications for the adjacent rights-of-way of N.W. 12th Avenue and Washington Avenue, and begun construction of a new poinciana Elementary School, With respect to current school use, the existing school facilities will continue to be utilized during construction of the new building. This school redevelopment project will enable consolidation and better utilization of the campus (in part by abandoning NW 12th Avenue which has always separated the school from their larger recreation area), and the replacement of multiple antiquated facilities with a single and larger modern element~ry school. This school expansion project received official support from the City of Boynton Beach in 1992 when the City processed Resolution R92-209, which in part, conveyed the community/s desire for the continued operation of this school. Furthermore, to facilitate the coordination of certain joint City-School Board activities such as land acquisition, the two entities entered into an interlocal agreement in 1993 (this agreement will be amended to also allow city-owned property to be used for project drainage in order to meet both SFWMD and city drainage requirements) . PROCEDURE As this amendment to the Comprehensive Plan represents a small-scale amendment pursuant to state law, the proposed amendment will not be reviewed by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) but will become effective 31 days following adoption of the ordinance. While documentation on the small-scale amendment is required to be sent to the DCA, no review for compliance is conducted. ADJACENT LAND USE AND ZONING Since the subject parcels are rather isolated within the existing school campus, few other properties are immediately adjacent to the affected properties. As indicated on the location map, the subject parcels front on NW 13th Avenue, Seacrest Boulevard, and on the abandoned NW 12th Avenue. The only exception to this statement regarding limited adjacent I Memorandum No. 95-602 -2- November 7, 1995 properties is at the southwest corner of the campus where an area to be rezoned directly abuts a single family home within the R-1-A (Single- family Residential) zoning district. Lastly, those properties separated from the subject parcels by NW 13th Avenue are predominantly single family homes zoned R-2 (Single- and Two-family dwelling district) . Pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 8 (Administration and Enforcement), when a rezoning request requires an amendment to the Future Land Use Map, staff shall evaluate such applications with respect to the following criteria: CONSISTENCY WITH APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES The Comprehensive Plan does not contain policies which specifically address expansion of the Poinciana Elementary School campus. However, the Plan does include an objective and general policy that require the City to assist Palm Beach County with "maintaining or improving" school quality. Objective 8.22 and Policy 8.22.2 read as follows: Objective 8.22 - "The City shall increase the mechanisms for intergovernmental coordination with the Palm Beach County School Board in order to assist the School Board in maintaining or improving the quality of the County's school system and to ensure consistency with the plans and policies of the school board." i and Policy 8.22.2 - "The City shall assist the school board in locating future school sites." CONSISTENCY OF REZONING WITH ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN The subject request represents a small expansion to the PPGI land use classification and PU zoning district currently in place on the poinciana Elementary School. Therefore, the subject request is consistent with the established land use pattern, the request would not create an isolated district, and lastly, the approval of the subject request would not be a grant of special privilege. CHANGING CONDITIONS AND DESIRABILITY OF THE REZONING Although it is known that most schools in the County are overcrowded, the Palm Beach County Educational Concurrency and Task Force has reported that "the greatest need for student stations is at the elementary and middle school facilities". The combination of the demand for school space and the age of the poinciana Elementary School represent the principle justifications for school expansion and the subject rezoning request. COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH PUBLIC FACILITIES The lots proposed to be rezoned and incorporated into the existing school campus will allow for the construction of a new school building which will replace the multiple buildings currently being used. With respect to impacts on public facilities, as the project is intended to only replace obsolete facilities, and in general, to unify the school into one building, the projected demand on principle facilities (i.e. roads and utilities) will be comparable to the demand currently being generated. COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH NEARBY PROPERTIES AND IMPACT ON VALUES Schools have typically been recognized as attributes within residential areas, as it is felt important to have children attend school within their own neighborhood. Such facilities provide a local source of recreation and education resources and meeting facilities for both adults and children. The City of Boynton Beach has acknowledged the desire to have maintained at this location the Poinciana Elementary School, and documented this objective through the aforementioned resolution. d< Memorandum No. 95-602 -3- November 7, 1995 PHYSICAL AND ECONOMICAL DEVELOPABILITY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY There are no known unique physical characteristics which would limit further development or redevelopment of the subject parcels. SCALE OF REZONING RELATIVE TO NEEDS OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND CITY The combined area of the subject parcels are only approximately 1.50 acres, and the redevelopment project is merely a replacement of the existing multi-building campus with a single, modern school facility. Given the small size of the project, and that which was stated above regarding compatibility with nearby properties, the proposed zoning and school improvement project are relative to needs of both the immediate neighborhood and the City. AVAILABILITY OF ALTERNATIVE SITES ADEOUATE FOR PROPOSED USE With respect to alternative sites for this project, the existing site is the most logical location for this school given its proximity to residential neighborhoods and its location between the nearest two elementary schools (i. e. Galaxy Elementary School and Rolling Green Elementary School) RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Zoning Department recommends that the application submitted by Jan C. Hansen for the School Board of Palm Beach County be approved, based on the following: 1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with all goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the established land use pattern; 3. The proposed rezoning is compatible with adjacent land uses and will not negatively affect property values; 4. The scale of the proposed rezoning is relative to the needs of the immediate neighborhood as well as to the City as a whole; and 5. The proposed rezoning is consistent with Resolution #92-208 which encourages and supports maintaining the Poinciana Elementary School at its current location, and is related to an interlocal agreement between the City and The School Board of Palm Beach County which facilitates the joint City-School Board effort to redevelop the existing school campus. TJH:mr Attachments xc: Central File MISCX:POINC,REP 3 ATTACHMENT "A" LOCATION MAP 1- ATTACHMENT "An LOCATION MAP A J LOCATION MAP POINCIANA SCHOOL k-_ o 1/8 MILES T\ \ \ \ I \. . ~O 400. . 800 /IIF~ET . ft)- 9 . _"~111t~H~-+t~ r' I ,~\TIi~ h,~, LL1 " , J ~ ~l r