REVIEW COMMENTS PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-602 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THRU: Tambri J. HeYden,~ Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Senior Planner DATE: November 7, 1995 SUBJECT: Poinciana Elementary School (LUAR 95-001) Request for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning INTRODUCTION Jan C. Hansen, agent for The School Board of Palm Beach County, requests to change 1.5 acres of property which are adjacent to, and being added to, the existing approximate 8.6 acre poinciana Elementary School campus located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard, between N.W. 11th Avenue and N.W. 13th Avenue (see attached location map). Specifically, the subject property consists of multiple parcels located at the northeast corner of the project along N.W. 13th Avenue, and at the southeast and southwest corners of the site which front on the pending abandonment of N.W. 12th Avenue. All subject parcels are currently classified Medium Density Residential, and zoned either R-1-A (Single-family residential district) or R-2 (Single and Two-family dwelling district). The applicant requests that the land use of the subject property be reclassified and it be rezoned consistent with the existing school campus, which is Public & Private Governmental/Institutional (PPGI) and Public Usage (PU) , respectively. During the past 12 months, The School Board of Palm Beach County has acquired the subject parcels, removed existing structures on those newly acquired parcels, has submitted abandonment applications for the adjacent rights-of-way of N.W. 12th Avenue and Washington Avenue, and begun construction of a new Poinciana Elementary School. With respect to current school use, the existing school facilities will continue to be utilized during construction of the new building. This school redevelopment project will enable consolidation and better utilization of the campus (in part by abandoning NW 12th Avenue which has always separated the school from their larger recreation area), and the replacement of multiple antiquated facilities with a single and larger modern elementary school. This school expansion project received official support from the City of Boynton Beach in 1992 when the City processed Resolution R92-209, which in part, conveyed the community's desire for the continued operation of this school. Furthermore, to facilitate the coordination of certain joint City-School Board activities such as land acquisition, the two entities entered into an interlocal agreement in 1993 (this agreement will be amended to also allow city-owned property to be used for project drainage in order to meet both SFWMD and city drainage requirements) . PROCEDURE As this amendment to the Comprehensive Plan represents a small-scale amendment pursuant to state law, the proposed amendment will not be reviewed by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) but will become effective 31 days following adoption of the ordinance. While documentation on the small-scale amendment is required to be sent to the DCA, no review for compliance is conducted. ADJACENT LAND USE AND ZONING Since the subject parcels are rather isolated within the existing school campus, few other properties are immediately adjacent to the affected properties. As indicated on the location map, the subject parcels front on NW 13th Avenue, Seacrest Boulevard, and on the abandoned NW 12th Avenue. The only exception to this statement regarding limited adjacent / Memorandum No. 95-602 -2- November 7, 1995 properties is at the southwest corner of the campus where an area to be rezoned directly abuts a single family home within the R-1-A (Single- family Residential) zoning district. Lastly, those properties separated from the subj ect parcels by NW 13 th Avenue are predominantly single family homes zoned R-2 (Single- and Two-family dwelling district) . Pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 8 (Administration and Enforcement), when a rezoning request requires an amendment to the Future Land Use Map, staff shall evaluate such applications with respect to the following criteria: CONSISTENCY WITH APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES The Comprehensive Plan does not contain policies which specifically address expansion of the Poinciana Elementary School campus. However, the Plan does include an objective and general policy that require the City to assist Palm Beach County with "maintaining or improving" school quality. Objective 8.22 and Policy 8.22.2 read as follows: Objective 8.22 - liThe City shall increase the mechanisms for intergovernmental coordination with the Palm Beach County School Board in order to assist the School Board in maintaining or improving the quality of the County's school system and to ensure consistency with the plans and policies of the school board."; and Policy 8.22.2 - "The City shall assist the school board in locating future school sites." CONSISTENCY OF REZONING WITH ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN The subject request represents a small expansion to the PPGI land use classification and PU zoning district currently in place on the Poinciana Elementary School. Therefore, the subject request is consistent with the established land use pattern, the request would not create an isolated district, and lastly, the approval of the subject request would not be a grant of special privilege. CHANGING CONDITIONS AND DESIRABILITY OF THE REZONING Although it is known that most schools in the County are overcrowded, the Palm Beach County Educational Concurrency and Task Force has reported that "the greatest need for student stations is at the elementary and middle school facilities". The combination of the demand for school space and the age of the Poinciana Elementary School represent the principle justifications for school expansion and the subject rezoning request. COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH PUBLIC FACILITIES The lots proposed to be rezoned and incorporated into the existing school campus will allow for the construction of a new school building which will replace the multiple buildings currently being used. With respect to impacts on public facilities, as the project is intended to only replace obsolete facilities, and in general, to unify the school into one building, the projected demand on principle facilities (i.e. roads and utilities) will be comparable to the demand currently being generated. COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH NEARBY PROPERTIES AND IMPACT ON VALUES Schools have typically been recognized as attributes within residential areas, as it is felt important to have children attend school within their own neighborhood. Such facilities provide a local source of recreation and education resources and meeting facilities for both adults and children. The City of Boynton Beach has acknowledged the desire to have maintained at this location the poinciana Elementary School, and documented this objective through the aforementioned resolution. ~ Memorandum No. 95-602 -3- November 7, 1995 PHYSICAL AND ECONOMICAL DEVELOPABILITY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY There are no known unique physical characteristics which would limit further development or redevelopment of the subject parcels. SCALE OF REZONING RELATIVE TO NEEDS OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND CITY The combined area of the subject parcels are only approximately 1.50 acres, and the redevelopment project is merely a replacement of the existing multi-building campus with a single, modern school facility. Given the small size of the project, and that which was stated above regarding compatibility with nearby properties, the proposed zoning and school improvement project are relative to needs of both the immediate neighborhood and the City. AVAILABILITY OF ALTERNATIVE SITES ADEQUATE FOR PROPOSED USE With respect to alternative sites for this project, the existing site is the most logical location for this school given its proximity to residential neighborhoods and its location between the nearest two elementary schools (i. e. Galaxy Elementary School and Rolling Green Elementary School) RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Zoning Department recommends that the application submitted by Jan C. Hansen for the School Board of Palm Beach County be approved, based on the following: 1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with all goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the established land use pattern; 3. The proposed rezoning is compatible with adjacent land uses and will not negatively affect property values; 4. The scale of the proposed rezoning is relative to the needs of the immediate neighborhood as well as to the City as a whole; and 5. The proposed rezoning is consistent with Resolution #92-208 which encourages and supports maintaining the Poinciana Elementary School at its current location, and is related to an interlocal agreement between the City and The School Board of Palm Beach County which facilitates the joint City-School Board effort to redevelop the existing school campus. TJH:mr Attachments xc: Central File MISCX:POINC.REP 3 ~, .'\ r' 0/8 v ~ ~ 11/' J " . .... ,. ,. ,. ,.' ! I.I~ -1/ ' ~' ./ 1 r ~LC/ ! /" ./!:t,. '1 [\1 , ' r l~ IJ " . /.J,':, /~. I.J ;1, '"" 1 L' (." .., ~'(\}l " /", ( "''''. c I;':' ,.- . (I/l { ,{.I j ,.-: II I I ,,- . , f ff'. </.,1' /' THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA PlANNING AND REAL ESTATE AGUSTIN A. HERNANDEZ GOVERNMENT LIAISON COORDINATOR 3320 FOREST HILL BOULEVARD SUITE C-331 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406-5813 (407) 434-8122 FAX (407) 434-8187 / i .1,1" 10\\ t ;-j I, Ot'> II \ ,/'y/' W:; [rpr y :.t'J , '1 \11 f ..,~ r.. f tl" THE SCHOOL BO",r<D OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA DR. C. ...~I-4ICA UHLHORN SUPERlNTENDENT OF SCHOOlS (407) 434-8020 FAX (407) 434-8187 PLANNING, CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE 3320 FOREST HILL BOULEVARD, SUITE C-331 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406-5813 July 11, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: City of Boynton Beach Technical Review Committee Members (TRC) Bill Hukill, Building Division of Development Department Floyd Jordan, Fire Department Thomas Dettman, Police Department John Guidry, Utilities Bob Eichorst, Public Works Charlie Frederick, Parks & Recreation Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Mike Haag, Planning & Zoning ~\ ....- Agustin A. Hernandez ; .-' Planning Specialist (Educational)' ~ Planning and Real Estate FROM: RE: Poinciana Elementary - Response to Comments The Palm Beach County School District Planning and Real Estate Department staff would like to thank the City TRC members for their input and comments on the Poinciana Elementary campus. District staff has met with the City Manager and City staff representatives. Pursuant to our meeting the following understanding on the Poinciana TRC comments is provided: 1) Police Department - OK 2) Recreation & Parks Department - OK 3) Forester/Environmentalist - OK 4) Public Works - OK 5) Building Division - OK 6) Fire Department - OK 7) Utilities: A, Palm Beach Health Department Permits for water main will be acquired by School District Design Build Team. B. Inspection on removal or abandonment of existing water and sewer utilities will be coordinated between the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department and the Design Build Utility Contractor and Job Superintendent. H:\data\wp51 \doc\es.poe , .. ~ ..., Technical Review Committee July 11, 1995 Page 2 C. Utility easements will be shown on the platted site plan. D. Dual (parallel) backflow preventors will be installed on proposed domestic water meter. E. A 6" sanitary sewer clean out approximately one foot inside property per Utility Department Standards will be provided. F. All utilities construction shall be in accordance with City of Boynton Beach approved criteria. 8. Site and Zoning Development responses and comments: A. The property shall be rezoned to Public Usage (PU) by the City staff with School District cooperation. Height variances if required for the school shall be applied for by the City. B. Right-of-way and easement abandonments will be initiated by the City. C. The school property will be platted by the School District. D. A courtesy site plan review has been provided to the City. E. A sidewalk along Seacrest Avenue will be constructed. No standard cul-de-sac at the west dead-end of N.W. 11th Avenue will be required. No sidewalks along 11th and 13th Streets. A sidewalk access from the west will be on the site plan and constructed, F. Parking as shown on the submitted site plan shall be provided. H:\data\wp51 \doc\es,poe Technical Review Committee July 11, 1995 Page 3 9. City Engineer - A. N.W. 11th Avenue will be one-way west bound. B. A separate access drive to the faculty parking lot will be provided from NE 13th Avenue. The above is an understanding reached through interpretation of the working relationship between the District and the City and the Interlocal Agreement on Poinciana. District staff is ready to assist the City staff on information needs to fulfill City criteria. 1m c: Lawrence G. Zabik Michael J. Murgio/P&RE File Carrie Parker Wilford Hawkins Norm Bleshman Virginia Farace Steve Sills, Principal Phy llis Karp Steve Jones Ken Welsh H:\data\wp51 \doc\es.poe . I ) / / ,/ ~rtk ;2 - ~ -UJ ~ WrJ ~ rfJ 10. ~f-r4~: IIn ' _ cYt Cfe. iJ- 11') '11> -rJr ~ Y..t ~.....t- ('1' 16 AN D pN.... <-'" I 'I -! # .J. ~~a;;::~ ~[.-I-~, j ~ ~;# ~ (V'- ~M>- ~~ tJ><-' ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ !& J-.. ~~~~~2J,.4J 0-~ ~-fv ~ JJ/j~ ~ y Is' O!'I' fJ p f () ~ "" f' r y 'YlwJ .. fYfi;f ../ ~ ~ ~;)J. d k ~.~ A- ~~:!:- i/t :j/4 ~~ ~ --r:" 11/1"8(2) \ .r/oc'" " fJ1ie City of 13oynton 'Beach, 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beam '1Joukvartl P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Bea&., 1Writfa 33425-0310 City:JfaU: (407) 375-60()() :FJU: (407) 375-6090 Fax Number (407) 434-8187 June 30, 1995 Agustin A. Hernandez Government Liaison Coordinator 3320 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-331 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5813 Re: Poinciana Elementary school - major site plan modification (courtesy review) Dear Mr. Hernandez: Please find attached the Technical Review Committee courtesy comments regarding the review of the above-referenced project. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at (407) 375- 6260. Very truly yours, -eQ/?? 4a , Mic ael E. Haag '~l ning and Zoning Administrator MEH:dim Attachments cc: Wilfred Hawkins Central File a:EleIlSchool.ltr J{merica's gateway to tlit (julfstream :'!1c' "0 ,-,~ ~ R I ' d.. - - j" " ,I ...... _I _' l. ! "'7 Pi! . . J, 11. BJYNTON fEACH UT]L1TIE~ FAX NO. 407 375 62i~b P. MEMOKANDUM Utilities #95-215 DATE: Tambri J. Heyden, " Planning & Zo"ect.or / John A. Guidry. \ \ IV Director ofUtllities\, ~ June 30. 1995 ~ 1['- "uili'(f -~-'li'~wT .olli' '(\; n1[ -~~--'-WJI _.__J , _,~,""J&~~.fu~~~~1 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: f'oindaua Elemental')' Scbool- First Review -' Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offers the following comments: 1. Palm Beach Healtb Department permit will be required for water main. (Sec.26.12). 2. Inspection on removal or abandonment or existing water and sewer utilities is to be coordinated through the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department. 3 Proposed 12 foot utility CWIementa shall be shown on the lite plan, (See 26,33[a]). 4. Dual (parallel) backflow preventors are requested on your propo5ed domestic water meter, (Sec. 26.107). 5. Please provide a 6" SarllW'y sevver clea.nout approximately one foot irulide property per Utility Department Standards, (Sec. 26.33[b]). 6. All utilities construction mall be in ac.cordance with City of Boynton Beach approved ~ritcria. (Sec. 26-32). It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding tbis subject, please contact Skip Milor Bt 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. 19b xc: Clyde "Skipll :Milor Peter Mauena ().- File I"f8III ' lar... I M'~/'-' /;;,,~ PO..II- Fax Note 7e11 To.~ . I CO.lDetlt. " ..,)f .\' . ,7t;,""J ~,,',; :?t.J'.:~ f't1one' Dtfj co. ~h<lne , l".~" ..3 7.r.-t.J.~i- o ~ -...1 ~,~ ~~ ~ '"', ~ ("\ ~ ~ ) Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 9 -- m . ~_:) e., ~ 7 , (j1 ~~ S' ~ V\ .~ f". "'I .:S _ ~I.- P' b ( t.~ ~)~ r\ f;J ---.....::- :, - MEMORANDUM TO: l' ~ M a. 1\1 /' I, .1\. , f 'A ..".l. 2 ().v:i1J , hIRe c.rc~'t "'oJ "fey fJtC-(,...J I ~,., ,1.1. ..v c.." FROM: --:r oJ1N ~ \ L, brV~~, fMk,) S \It.pT' JA I DATE: fv/~ f/1.5 f(.,J NJ.-V-> RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - Am8RQ9Q Plans Project: (JOI/Vc-,'A,v" fL~h 4,., 1A"i ..Jc..l,I,,;) After reviewing the referenced project Department recommends the Planning and consideration. amended llans for the aboll.e the 13c. If /LA c-{tJ.oJ 1- 1M Ie. U,e,er that the project be forwarded to Development Board for their This department will not be required to sign-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. C:AHEND1.ALD --------- ---~---~--_.. -~'-'" TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-287 BB Planning Department Fire Department June 29, 1995 Poinciana Elementary School We have no comments at this time. /' ' ) ,1"/ /5//'~\ ,., ')- .t-,'10;(v:_ '~1 .,-' ,,-----:..,..' , --,,(/~J, ,; ,~.... r t;..:. ,'-.... L-L- - L__I _ Bob Borden,/FPO I \ '- BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT TO: FROM: DATE: REF: T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT 26 JUNE 95 POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MEMO #0147 I have reviewed the site plan for the abQ~:jisted:::i;~:~~iid 611.0,);10 immediate problems or concerns. .....::.,:::.::.,.::.:.:.::.:,.:...:..:.:.:..i: l:,'~.::.~.::~.~> U {~l~~. , : ..:l""'<~~;:::> ,:;> <'li..:.:',:.;::~...::".::.':.:':.':~::;:::~:.::::,..':.;~""':..::: Respectfully, r.,it...:....:.,)',!': << /!1>Vhncll::.::............::.:.....'. ,-,' r~~ jf~ . . .. , \\ r....'....::,;::\::. ". Sgt. Marlon Harris \:L............../:>:~ . . .. . :: \ Police Department ; r..w......,.,...::!:;'\: l.\. ~.;::::::~;::::::<:::..>::: .: . ., ..' ~~:.:i::..........................:.....:....:/ .:.:..:.'....~.. l\. .:~~:~:.::::::~:;:~~::::~~;:.j () t] tJ t:] . ~ .~ :(;;:j:;l"n :~ ".;' ::.-/ .:: ------_._-----~-_._---------- -~-~_.- ," TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-317 Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zonin~ ~irector Michael E. Ha~.E,~ Site and Zoning ~lopment Administrator June 30, 1995 Poinciana Elementary School - courtesy site plan review Courtesy review of poinciana Elementary School - Palm Beach County School and a complete review will be performed upon formal submittal for site plan review, It is recommended that the applicant obtain the city's land development regulations. The fOllowing comments are from a cursory review of the plans: 1. The property shall be rezoned to Public Usage (PU) prior to development approval of the school. The school property and new school building are located within the PU, R-1-A and R-2 zoning districts. Note: The maximum structure height allowed in the R-1-A and R-2 residential zoning districts is 25 feet. The height of the school is 28 feet, Schools located in residential zoning districts require conditional use approval. 2. Approval required building. of right-of-way and easement abandonment is prior to construction of the new school 3. I recommend that the school property be platted. Site plan review is required to develop the property when the land has been rezoned to Public Usage. Install sidewalks meeting city's standards adjacent to all city streets, Install a city's standard at the west dead-end of N,W. 11th Avenue. ~ ~r: ~ lM5t-~ ~~ y streets that abut the of the school property~ Add to the required . g computations, one (1) parking for each three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area for the detached (existing) administrative office building. [Chapter 2 Zoning, Section 11. H. 9 . and Section 11.H.16.(20.) of the City's Land Development Regulations. J Show on the plans no less than the required number of parking spaces. It is recommended that one (1) parking space for each teacher's aide be added to the number of required spaces for the school site. 8. The following comments will consist of pages from the city's land development regulations that have a symbol identifying the section of the code wherein the plan is deficient: NOTE: The numbers at the bottom of the page refer- ence chapter and page within the city's land devel- opment regulations. The number at the top of the page either references the section or article within the chapter. MEH:dim xc: Central File .:EleSchool,lIem Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. ~ Section 4. ~Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Section 9. Section 10. Section 11. Section 11.1. Section 11.2. Section 11.3. Section 12. Section 13. Section 14. Section 15. 51 CH1WI"BR 2 ZONING Definitions of terms. Scope and authority of the zoning regulations. - Regulations and map. General pro.isions. Residential district regulations and use provisions. Commercial district regulations and use provisions. Planned industrial development district. M-1 industrial diRtrict regulations and use provisions. Administration and enforcement. Board of adjustment. Supplementa1 regulations. Nonconforming uses and structures. Conditiona1 uses. Environmental review permits. Interpretation and purpose. Existing bulkhead line ratified and confirmed. Bulkhead line; permit required for land filling. Conflict of interest. Section 1. Definitions of terms. GENERAL DEFINITIONS. All words used in the present tense shall include the future tense; All words in the singular number shall include the plural number; and all words in the plural number shall include the singular DUmber unless the natural construction indicates otherwise; the words "used for" shall include the meaning "designed for," the word structure shall include the word "building," the word "lot" shall include the words "plot and tract," and the word "shall- is mandatory. Section 2. Scope and authority of the zoning regul.ations A, SCOPE. This zoning regulation is a comprehensive zoning regulation for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; dividing the city into districts and establishing the boundaries thereof; regulating and restricting the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, or use of buildings, structures or land or water; regulating and restricting the height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures; regulating and restricting the percentage of lots that may be occupied; regulating and restricting the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces; regulating and restricting the density of population; regulating and restricting the location or use of buildings, structures, and land and water for trade, industry, residence, agriculture, and R.vi..d Adopeed April 4. 1995. Ordinance 0'5-02 2-1 54 b. No freestanding base tower with or without an antenna shall be constructed within the building setback lines. c. No freestanding base tower shall be constructed without having first secured a permit from the city development director. Roof-mounted transmitting antennae shall not exceed the roof line height by more than. twenty (2D) feet. 6. An application fee shall be payable to the city as adopted by resolution of the City Commission. G. CUL-DE-SAC. The allowed frontage of a lot when shaped by a cul-de-sac or the frontage of any other irregular shaped lot, shall be measured at the setback or building line, and shall be not less than seventy-five percent (75t) of the required lot frontage in the applicable zoning district. H. TEMPORARY BUILDINGS. Temporary buildings such as models, offices and tool sheds used in conjunction with construction work only, may be permitted in any district after approval of the building inspection department and the removal of which is accomplished within thirty (3D) days after construction ceases or is completed. I. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. All buildings and properties city owned and operated and engaged in the performance of a public function may be permitted in any district as defined herein. ~ J. OTHER STRUCTURES. To further clarify the definition of structure as applied to all districts and boundaries, the following shall apply except that corner lots shall be regulated by other parts of this ordinance. The following structures shall be permitted in front, rear or side setbacks as provided in this ordinance, in any zone, except where so noted; taking into consideration existing easements: ~ 1. Pences, hedges and walls shall not exceed six (6) feet in height, above finished grade, in residential zones, except that from the building line to the front line the maximum height shall be four (4) feet. When walls or fences are constructed as a part of a subdivision or site plan approval adjacent to a public right-of-way, consistent with this section, a setback of a minimum of eighteen (18) inches must be maintained for landscaping purposes. 2. Fences, hedges and walls in other zones shall not exceed six (6) feet in height, above finished grade .e,ueept -4:ft Pfi) and M-1%'C!leS, cAatil -~ f-enCfiS shall Adopted April 4. 1"5. Ordiaaace 0'5-02 Ilevl.ed 2-8 ~- ----.. .J. :.- 54 applicable in the district where the building is to be located, provided, however: I. All accessory buildings shall be located only in the side or rear yard at least twelve (12) feet from the principal building; and 2. Detached storage structures of any type construction not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet in floor area and seven (7) feet in height'may be erected to a point at least three (3) feet from the side property line and/or at least three (3) feet from the rear property line providing no easement rights are abridged. C. BUILDING FRONTAGE. Every principal building shall be located on a lot or a publicly dedicated, accepted and maintained street or private street which conforms to accepted street standards of this city. D, THROUGH LOTS (DOUBLE FRONTAGE). On through lots, the required front yard shall be provided on each street. --+- E. VISUAL OBSTRUCTIONS. No fence, sign, planting, hedge, shrubbery, wall or other visual obstruction shall be created or maintained with a height greater than three (3) feet above the street level, within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersection of the right-of-way lines of two (2) streets, in any zone, except that open chain-link type fences may be a maximum of four (4) feet and kept visually clear. F. HEIGHT LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS 1. No portion of any structure intended to be utilized for residential, commercial or industrial purposes within the municipal limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, shall exceed the height of forty-five (45) feet above the final grade level of such structure, except as noted below. 2. Water, cooling and fire towers, radio and television towers of commercial nature, church spires, domes, cupolas, flagpoles, electrical and mechanical support systems, and similar structures, and their necessary mechanical appurtenances may be erected within a structure or on top of the structure, above the district height limitations provided herein, after obtaining approval of the City Commission based on their consideration of the standards for evaluating exceptions to district height regulations set forth in paragraph 3 below, Adoptad April 4. 1"5. OrdiD...a 0'5.02 aavi.ad 2-6 Art. I, S27 conviction thereof shall be grounds for the revocation or suspension of any permit granted for the construction or remodeling of any building or structure on the site so involved. C, No building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any improvements upon a property where the provisions of this article have not been complied with. Section 28-30. Reserved. ARTICLB II. LANDSCAPB CODB Section 1. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "BoYnton Beach Landscape Code." Section 2. Declaration of purpose and intent. It is the purpose and intent of this article to improve the appearance of certain setback and yard areas including off-street vehicular parking and open-lot sales and service areas in Boynton Beach; to protect an~ preserve the appearance, character and value of the surrounding neighborhoods and to preserve energy and thereby promote the general welfare by providing for installation and maintenance of landscaping for screening and elimination of visual pollution, and where possible that the landscaping to be provided as a result of this article be constructed in a manner which will reduce the demand for energy currently and in the future, since the City Commission finds that the peculiar characteristics and qualities of Boynton Beach justify regulations to perpetuate the appeal of its natural visual pollution free environment, Section 3. Construction of language and definitions. A, Rules for construction of language. The following rules of construction shall apply to the text of this article, 1, The particular shall control the general. 2. In case of any differences of meaning or implication between the text of this code and any caption, illustration, summary table or illustrative table, the text shall control, 3, The word "shall" is always mandatory and not discretionary. The word "may" is permissive. 4, Words used in the present tense shall include the future; and words used in the singular number shall include the plural, and the plural the singular, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, 5, A "building" or "structure" includes any part thereof. ~doptad April 4. 1"5. Ordlaaae. 0'5-02 Ilavl.ad 7.5-11 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .... .:- .. '. COMPREBENSXVE PLAN ORDINANCE 189-38 ADOPTED NOVEMBER 7, 198 9 The preparation of this Comprehensive Plan is aided through financial assistance received from the State of Fl.orida under". the Local. Government Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program author- ized by Chapter 86-167, Laws of Florida and admin- istered by the Fl.orida Department of Community Affairs. / Subsequent to Plan adoption, the city shall modify the land development re9ulation~ to' require native vegetation species to satisfy. at least 50~ of all site landscaping. requirements as a condition of development or permit approval. Policy 4.4.6 Art. II, !i3 The ~hrase "used for" includes "arranged for," "des1gned for," "maintained for" or "occupied for," The word "person" includes an individual, a corporation, a partnership, an incorporated association, or any other similar entity. Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, where a regulation involves two (2) or more items, conditions, provisions or events connected by the conjunction "and", "or," or "either...or," the conjunction shall be interpreted as follows: a. "And" indicates that all the connected items, conditions, provisions or events shall apply, b. "Or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, provisions or events shall apply. c. "Bither...or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, provisions or events shall apply singularly but not in combination. 9. The word "includes" shall not limit the term to the specified examples, but is intended to extend its meaning to all other instances or circumstances of like kind or character. 6 , 7 . 8. B. Definitions. For purposes of this code, in addition to the following terms or words, the definitions provided for in the zoning code of the City of BOYnton Beach, Florida shall apply. 1, "Board": Board shall mean the planning and development board of the City of BOYnton Beach. 2. IlLandscaping" : Any of the following or combination thereof: Materials such as, but not limited to, grass, ground covers, shrubs, vines, hedges, trees or palms, and other material such as rocks, pebbles, sand, walls or fences, and decorative paving materials approved by the development department and the planning and development board, 3, "Landscape screen or barrier": Such screen shall be planted and maintained to form a continuous screen of plant material within a maximum of three (3) years after time of planting, The screen or barrier may be either sheared or natural, symmetrical or asymmetrical and shall be at least four (4) feet in height but not higher than six (6) feet, Walls or fences used as landscape screens or barriers shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Boynton Beach Building Code and landscaped in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. 4, "Encroachment": Encroachment is any protrusion of a vehicle outside of a parking space, display area or accessway into the landscaped area,- There shall be no encroachment over or into any landscaped area, Adopt.d April 4. 1'95. ordln.nc. 0'5-02 a.vi..d 7.5-12 - --~-~.._-~---,.- ---,._-~----~_._~- Art. II, 53 Wheel stops and/or cuts shall be placed at least two (2) feet from the edge of such landscaped area as well as two (2) feet from any preserved or planted tree. Where a wheel stop or curb is utilized, the paved area between the curb and the end of the parking space may be omitted, providing it is landscaped in addition to the required landscaping as provided herein. 5. "Trees": Any self-supporting woody perennial plant which has a trunk diameter of two' (2) inches or more when measured at a point four and one-half (4 1/2) feet above ground level and which normally attains an overall height of a least ten (10) feet at maturity usually with one main stem or trunk and many branches. It may appear to have several steMs or trunks as in several varieties of oak. All mangrove trees shall be included hereunder, which are four (4) feet or more in height. 6. "Shrub..": Shrub shall mean a bu.hy, vooc:Jy plant, usually with several permanent stems, and usually not over ten (10) feet high at its maturity. 7. "Vines": Plants which normally require support to reach mature form. Section 4. Landscaping requirements for certain yard areas and off-street parking and other vehicular use areas. All areas used for a display or parking of any and all types of vehicles, boats or construction equipment, whether such vehicles, boats or equipment are self-propelled or not, and all land upon which vehicles traverse the property as a function of the primary use, hereinafter referred to an "other vehicular uses," including but not limited to activities of a drive-in nature such as filling stations, grocery and dairy stores, banks, restaurants, new and used car lots, multifamily and cluster housing, and the like, shall conform to the minimum landscaping requirements provided herein, except areas used for parking or other vehicular uses under, on, or within buildings, and parking areas serving single-family dwellings since such residential areas are normally voluntarily landscaped, Section s. Particular requirements. A, Installation, All landscaping shall be installed in a sound workmanlike manner and according to accepted good planting procedures with the quality of plant materials as hereinafter described, (All elements of landscaping shall be installed so as to meet all other applicable ordinances and code requirements), Landscaped areas shall require protection from vehicular encroachment, An inspector from the city development department shall inspect all landscaping and no certificates of occupancy and use or similar authorization will be issued unless the landscaping meets the requirements provided herein, Adoptad April 4. 1'95. Ordiaaaca 095-02 llav1..d 7.5-13 Art. II, 55 B, Maintenance. The owner,. or his agent, shall be responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping which shall be maintained in good condition so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance and shall be kept free from refuse and debris, All landscaped areas shall be provided with an automatic irrigation water supply system. . ~ c. Plant material. Mx 4,R1Ze. 1. Quality, Plant materials used in conformance with provisions of this article shall conform to the Standards for Florida No. 1 or better as given in "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants" Part I, 1963 and Part II, State of Florida, Department o! Agriculture, Tallahassee, or equal thereto, Grass Bod shall be clean and reasonably free of weeds and noxious pests or diseases. Grass seed shall be delivered to the job site in bags with Plorida Department of Agriculture tags attached indicating the seed growers compliance with the agricultural department's quality control program. Trees: general requirements. Trees shall be species having an average mature spread of crown in Boynton Beach of greater than fifteen (15) feet and having trunk(s) which can be maintained in a clean condition over five (5) feet of clear wood, Trees having an average mature spread of crown less than fifteen (15) feet may be substituted by grouping the same so as to create the equivalent of a fifteen-foot crown spread, Palms s..halL-be-...con1!~dered tr nd exempt from the 1. teen-foot crown spread-. n, Tree species shall be a minimum of eigh et overall height immediately after planting, s (see list below) with roots known to cause damage to public roadways or other public works shall not be planted closer than twelve (12) feet to such public improvements, unless the tree root system is completely contained within a barrier for which the minimum interior dimensions shall be five (5) feet square or an equivalent and five (5) feet deep, and for which the construction requirements shall be four (4) inch thick concrete reinforced with No, 6 road mesh (6x6x6) or an equivalent approved by the development department, 2, Nuisance trees (Root system problems) : Fichus Altissima - Lofty Fig; Fichus Aurea - Florida Strangler Fig; Fichus Benjamina - Benjamin Fig; Fichus Nitida - Indialaurel Fig; Fichus Elastica - Indiarubber Fig, - R.v1..d Adop~.d April 4. 19'5, Ordlnanc. 0'5-02 7.5-14 ---_.-,--"_._--~---_.-._-~------------_.- -- _~T- 0, Art. II, S5 Further, the following exotic (nonnative) tree species shall not be planted as part of any proposed landscape plan, Deemed as "invader species" in South Florida and the reasons to prohibit them include: Shallow roots which make them susceptible to wind damage (hurricanes); that they grow in dense stands crowding out native vegetation; they create monoculture (single tree species) that exclude most wildlife; they have poor quality wood of no commercial value; can caus. eerione health problema to allergic individuals, and they are prolific propagatore that encroach into native vegetative areas. Those trees declared to be exotic and nonnative are: All of the Casuarina Species: Brazilian Pepper (Florida Holly) : Schenius lerebinthifolius Melaleuca Melaleuca quinquenervia. ...3. U* ,J- JP i v~~J ~v~f:, Shrubs and hedges. Shrubs and hedges shall be a ~tJ minimum of eighteen (18) inches in height and two (2) feet on the center when measured immediately after planting. Hedges, where required, shall be planted and maintained so as to form a continuous, unbroken, solid, visual screen within a maximum of one year after time of planting. . r Vines, Vines shall be a minimum of two (2) feet in (~~ height immediately after planting Bbe used in "t? . 0',1 conjunction with fences, screens 0 walls to meet fS~~" physical barrier requirements as sp , ',d and be a lI(;yJ minimum of five (5) feet on the center, . Ground cover. Ground covers, either vegetative or nonliving, used in whole or part shall present a finished appearance and reasonably complete coverage within three (3) months after planting, However, when slow maturing ground covers are used, they shall be mulched, Lawn grass, Grass areas shall be planted in species normally grown as permanent lawns in BOYnton Beach. Grass areas may be sodded, plugged, sprigged or seeded except that solid sod or other acceptable erosion control measures shall be used in swales or other areas subject to erosion, In areas where other than solid sod or grass seed in used between the months of October and March, nursegrass seed shall be sown for immediate effect and protection until coverage is otherwise achieved, (Punk Tree) ; ~ . 4. 5, 6 , Required landscaping adjacent to public rights-of-way, On the side of a building or open lot use providing an off-street parking area or other vehicular use area, where such area will not be entirely screened visually by an intervening building or structure from any abutting Adoptad April 4, 19'5, Ordiaanca 0'5-02 aavi.ad 7.5-15 ~ 1. NO,; t;/;IJ. 4 1.6" ,5 JJtb~ DP 1 ~E. q., ;'1- '5 ~i: /I; !r6/:$ '" l1,J' / ; ,5 1,5 Art. II, 55 right-of~way, excluding dedicated alleys to the rear of building, there shall be provided landscaping between such area and such right-of-way as follows: A strip of land at least five (5) feet in width located between the abutting right-of-way and the off-street parking area or other vehicular use area whi osed to a ay shall be 1 1 sca ng i. to inclu minimum o e tree r each arty (40) lineal fe& or fr ereof. Sucti hall be ated between the abutting right-of-way and off-street parking area or other vehicular use area and shall be planted i~ a planting area of at least twenty-five (25) square feet with a dimension of at least five (5) fee In addition, a hedge, wall, or other e landscape barrier of at least three (3) 'feet in height shall be placed along only the interior perimeter of such landscaped strip. If such durable barrier is of nonliving material, for each ten (10) feet thereof, one shrub or vine shall be planted abutting such barrier along the street side of such barrier. The remainder of the required landscaped areas shall be landscaped with grass ground cover or other landscape treatment. Perimeter landscaping relating to abutting properties, On the site of a building or structure or open lot use providing an off-street parking area or other vehicular use area, such area shall be provided with a landscaped barrier, preferably a hedge not less than four (4) feet nor greater than six (6) feet in height to form a continuous screen between the off-street parking area or other vehicular use area and such abutting property, Such landscape barrier shall be located between the common lot line and the off-street parking area or other vehicular use area in a planting strip of not less than two and one-half (2 1/2) feet in width, The provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable in the following situations: 1. When a property line abuts a dedicated alley, 2, Where a proposed parking area or other vehicular use area abuts an existing hedge, said existing hedge may be used to satisfy the landscape requirements of this subsection provided that said existing hedge meets all applicable standards of this article. F, Accessways, The maximum width of an accessway (whether one- or two-way traffic) through the required perimeter landscape strip to an off-street parking or other vehicular use area shall be thirty-five (35) feet, The balance of such street frontage not involved with Adoptad April 4, 1"5, OrdlDaaca 0'5-02 Ilavi.ad 7,5-16 Art. II, 55 accessways shall be landscaped in accordance with the provisions of this section, G, Parking area interior landscaping, Off-street parking areas shall have at least twenty (20) square feet of interior landscaping for each parking space excluding those spaces abutting a perimeter for which landscaping is required by other sections hereof and excluding all parking spaces which are directly served by an aisle abutting and running parallel to 8uch'a perimeter. Bach separate landscaped area shall contain a minimum of twenty-five (25) square feet and shall have a minimum dimension of at least five (5) feet and shall include at least one tree having a clear trunk of at least five (5) feet, with the remaining area adequately landscaped with shrubs, ground cover or other authorized landscaping material not to exceed three (3) feet in height. The total number of tre.. shall not be less than one for each five hundred (500) square feet or fraction thereof of required interior landscaped area. Such landscaped areas shall be located in such a manner as to divide and break up the expense of paving. H. Point of access. When an accessway intersects a public right-of-way or when the subject property abuts the intersection of two (2) or more public rights-of-way, all landscaping within the triangular areas described below shall provide unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet, provided, however, trees or palms having limbs and foliage trimmed in such a manner that no limbs or foliage extend into the cross-visibility area shall be allowed, provided they are located so as not to create a traffic hazard, Landscaping, except required grass or ground cover, shall not be located closer that three (3) feet from the edge of any accessway pavement. The triangular areas above referred to are: 1, The areas of property on both sides of an accessway formed by the intersection of each side of the accessway and the public right-Of-way line with two (2) sides of each triangle being ten (10) feet in length, (or more when determined to be necessary by the development director) from the point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the end of the other two (2) sides, 2, The area of property located at a corner formed by the intersection of two (2) or more public rights-of- way with two (2) sides of the triangular area being thirty-five (35) feet in length along the abutting public right-of-way lines, measured from their point of intersection, and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the other twe (2) lines, Adoptad April 4, 1"5, Ordinanca 0'5-02 lIavi.ad 7,5-17 ---------------------~_.._----_.- ~ J. Art. II, 55 I. Existing plant material. In instances where healthy plant material exists on a site prior to its development, in part or in whole, for purposes of off-street parking or other vehicular use areas, the department may adjust the application of the above-mentioned standards to allow credit for such plant material if, in its opinion, such an adjustment is in keeping with and will preserve the intent of this article. Landscaping and dumpsters. All dumpsters should be placed on a concrete pad ten (10) feet wide with an appropriate depth and be screened on three (3) sides described in Chapter 9, Section 10, Paragraph C.3. Provide accent shrubs along the screen wall. as K. General landscaping for cluster and multifamily housing developments. In addition to the landscaping required by other sections of this code, the following number of trees are required for open common areas. 1. A minimum of one tree for each one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet (or fraction thereof) of developed area, Trees that are preserved on site in open common area shall receive credit against the landscape area requirements. It is the intent of this section to create a park-like environment, This section is included in order to create privacy, shaded areas and an aesthetically pleasing environment, and in determining the validity of any site plan in accordance with Section 6, the planning and development board shall take these factors into consideration. L, Foundation landscaping, Foundation landscaping shall be required in the front and side of each multifamily or cluster dwelling in order to enhance the visual appearance of the building and to promote privacy. Section 6. Landscape plan approval. Except for single-family dwellings, prior to the issuance of any building permit or certificate of occupancy, under the provisions of this article and the Boynton Beach Building Code, a landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning and development board, The landscape plan shall be drawn to scale, including dimensions and distances, and delineate the existing and proposed parking spaces or other vehicular use areas, access, aisles, drive-ways, sprinklers or water outlet locations, and the location, size and description of all other landscape materials, the location and size of building if any to be served, and shall designate by name and locating the plant Adoptad Apr11 4, 1"5, Ordlaaaea 0'5-02 aavi.ad 7,5-18 Art, II, S6 material to be installed or, if existing, to be used in accordance with the requirements hereof, There shall be an application fee as adopted by resolution of the City Commission for landscape plan approval. No building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued for such building or paving unless such landsc~pe plot plan complies with the provisions herein. ~l inspections-to determine compliance with the approved site plan shall be conducted by the development department. Section 7. Performance surety. In the event that the landscaping requirements of this article have not been met at the time that certificate of occupancy could otherwise have been granted, an~ said permit or certificate is requested by the developer, the city may enter into an agreement approved by the city attorney with the owner or his ageDt that the provisions and requirements of this article will be complied with. In that case the owner or his agent shall pOlt a pertormance bond or other city-approved surety in an amount equal to one hundred and ten (110) per cent of the costs of materials, labor and other attendant costs incidental to the installation of the required landscaping based upon an estimate provided by a qualified landscaping contractor. The surety shall: A, Run to the City Commission. B, Be in a form satisfactory and acceptable to the city manager, c, Specify the time for the completion of the landscaping requirements of this article as determined by the city manager. Section 8. Applicability of landscape ordinance and other regulations. ~ This article shall apply concurrently and in direct relation to the requirements and regulations of the zoning code of Boynton. Beach, The provisions of this article shall apply to new or redeveloped off-street parking areas, multifamily and cluster housing development, and/or modifications which result in an increase of interior square footage or substantial changes in exterior design except for detached single-family homes or duplexes, Section 9. Admdnistration and interpretation of code regulations and provisions. A, The interpretation and application of the regulations and provisions of this code by the development department shall be reasonable and uniformly applied to all property within the jurisdiction of Boynton Beach, Adoptad April 4, 1"5, Ordinanca 0'5-02 a.vi.ad 7,5-19 ------- ~ ~ -...-------- ------- Art. II, 59 B. The regulations and provisions of this code shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the protection and promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, order, appearance, prosperity or general welfare. c. Whenever the regulations and requirements of this code are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully enacted and adopted rules, regulations, ordinance. or laws, the most restrictive shall apply. Section 10. Enforcement of code regulations and provisions; violations, penalties and other remedies. A. Bntoreement responsibility. No building permit, certificate of occupancy and use or certificate of occupancy shall be granted by the development department, except in compliance with the provisions of this code or court decision. The regulations and provisions of this code shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the protection and promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, order, appearance, prosperity or general welfare. Whenever the regulations and requirements of this code are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully enacted and adopted rules, regulations, ordinances or laws, the most restrictive shall apply, B. Violation and penalties. For any and every violation of the provisions of this code, and for each and every day that such violation continues, said violation(s) shall be punishable as a misdemeanor with a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment for not more than sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Persons charged with such violation(s) may include: 1. The owner, agent, lessee, tenant, contractor or any other person using the land, building or premises where such violation has been committed or shall exist, or 2, Any person who knowingly commits, takes part or assists in such violation, or 3. Any person who maintains any land, building or premises in which such violation shall exist. c. Other legal remedies, In addition to the criminal penalties and enforcement procedures provided, the City Commission may institute any lawful civil action or proceeding to prevent, restrain or abat~: Adoptad April 4. 1"5, Ordinanca 0'5-02 llav1..d 7.5-20 ~--~-----_.__.~~._~--_...__._-_._.- The unlawful construction, erection, reconstruction, alteration, rehabilitation, expansion, maintenance or use of any building, structure or parking area, or The occupancy and/or use of such building, structure or parking area, or The illegal act, conduct, business of use of, in or about such premises. 0, Other administrative remedies: building permits and certificates of occupancy and use. . Issuance. . No building permit or certificate of occupancy and use shall be issued by the development department for any purpose excepe in compliance with the provisions ot this code and other applicable ordinances and laws, a decision of the planning and development board or court decision. Revocation. The development department may revoke a building permit or certificate ot occupancy in those cases where an administrative determination has been duly made that false statements or misrepresentations existed as to material fact(s) in the application or plans upon which the permit or approval was based. Suspension. The development department may suspend a building permit or certificate of occupancy and use where an administrative determination has been duly made that an error or omission on either the part of the permit applicant or government agency existed in the issuance of the permit or certificate approval. A valid permit or certificate shall be issued in place of the incorrect permit or certificate after correction of the error or omission. Notice and appeal, All development department decisions concerning the issuance, revocation or suspension of building permits and certificates of occupancy shall be stated in official written notice to the permit applicant. Any decision of an administrative official may be appealed to planning and development board within thirty (30) days of the action that the aggrieved party wishes to appeal, Section 11. Appeal.s. Art. II, 510 1. 2. 3 . 1. 2. 3. 4. Appeals to the planning and development board may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer or bureau of the governing body of the city affected by a decision of the administrative official within thirty (30) days of such decision, There shall be an application fee as adopted by resolution of the City Commission for appeals. Section 12. Certiorari review to circuit court. Any party aggrieved by a decision of the planning and development board concerning this article may seek review of said Adoptad April 4, 1"5, Ordinanca 0'5-02 aavi.ad 7.5-21. fJ t'~ Art. II, 512 decision by filing a petition for writ of certiorari in the circuit court within thirty (30) days of the board's decision. Sections 13-19. Reserved . Definitions under Article I, Section 3 and Article II, Section 3 shall apply to terms as used in this article and the following definitions shall also apply: Tree protection. Treatment of all existing trees shall comply with Article I, Sections 1 through 30. Section 4. Applicability of the central business district landscape code. This article shall apply concurrently and in direct relation to the requirements of the central business district regulations of the zoning ordinance. Section 5. Central business district landscape plan to be submitted, review and approval required. Any person owning property within the central business district desiring to obtain a building permit for construction of any building shall submit a landscape plan to the planning director. I -- Section 6. Performance surety. In the event that the landscaping requirements of this article have not been met at the time that a certificate of occupancy could otherwise have been granted, and said certificates requested by the developer, the city shall enter into an agreement with the owner that the provisions and requirements of this article will be complied with, In that case, the owner shall post a performance bond or other city- approved surety in an amount equal to one hundred ten (110) per cent of the costs of materials, labor and other attendant costs ~dop~.d April 4, 1"5, Ordinanca 0'5-02 aavi.ad 7,5-22 .-.---~~-_._---_..~_._----_._----------- - - Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Section 9. Section 10. Section 11. ~1 CHAPTER 9 COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN Title Purpose Definitions Applicability Coaammity Design Review and Approval Exemptions Administration and Interpretation of Regulations and provisions Appeals General Intent Site Criteria Exterior Building Design Section 1. Title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Boynton Beach Community Design Plan," Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to promote harmony with nature and a pleasant and comprehensible cohesiveness among development within the City of Boynton Beach, Through enforcement of this Community Design Plan, the local elected officials shall determine the basic aesthetic character to be achieved in the development of the community, Section 3. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meaning ascribed thereto: Addition - An expansion, extension or increase in the usable space within a building or facility, Alteration - Any change or modification in construction, Substantial, Substantial Improvement - Any repair, reconstruction or improvement of a structure or site, the cost of which equals or exceeds fifty (50) per cent of the appraised value of the structure as established by the most recent Palm Beach County ad valorem tax bill shall constitute a substantial improvement, The first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor or other structural part of the building whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure shall constitute prima facia evidence that a substantial improvement has commenced, )\<lopte<l March 21, 1995, Ordinance 095-04 9-1 Revised June 16. 1995 fScrivenerl8 error correctedt ~- ~ ~----------------- ---------- - -- ---- ~4 Section 4. Applicability. A, New Construction, This chapter shall apply concurrently and in direct relation with the requirements of Chapter 4, Site Plan Review of these regulations, B, Existing Construction, This chapter shall be applicable under any of the following conditions: 1. When an existing building is proposed to be enlarged. 2. When exterior alteration or reconstruction of an existing building changes or alters the architectural design of the building. 3, When an existing building and/or site is substantially improved. 4, When the occupancy classification of the building changes as defined by the Standard Building Code. ~Section 5. Comnnmity design review and approval. Community design review and approval shall be regulated by Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Part III, Land Development Regulations. However, in addition to the submittal requirements set forth in Chapter 4, all projecee subjeot to compliance with the community design plan shall submit elevation drawings of all sides of each building proposed to be developed on the site, Colored elevations will only be required for the front elevation of a structure when all sides of a building are consistent in color and materials, Each colored elevation drawing shall identify the type of each exterior finish material and state the color by name, manufacturer and model or style number. A color sample shall be submitted as an example along with the color or product identified on the plans. The sample will be used for the final site inspection to ensure that the product and color represented at time of site plan approval (were used for the project). For projects which require site plan approval, all colored elevation drawings and/or samples shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department by the site plan approval deadline date. Section 6. Exemptions. Single-family and duplex dwelling units on individually platted lots shall be exempt from this chapter, Section 7, Administration and interpretation of regulations and provisions. A. The interpretation and application of this chapter by the Planning and Zoning Department shall be reasonable and uniformly applied to all property, except those exempt in Section 6 above, within the City of Boynton Beach, B. The regulations and provisions of this chapter shall be held to the minimum requirements adopted for the protection and Adopted March 21. 1995. Ordinance 095-04 Revi.ed June 16. 199~ (Scrivener' 8 error corrected) 9-2 ~---- ~ ~------~>-- .--.----------"". ~7 promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, order, appearance, prosperity or general welfare, C, Whenever the regulations and requirements of this chapter are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully enacted and adopted rules, regulations, ordinances or laws, the most restrictive shall apply. Section 8. Appeals. Appeals may be taken by any person aggrieved by a decision of the Planning and Zoning Department within thirty (30) days of such decision. There shall be an application fee as adopted by resolution of the City Commission for appeals of administrative decision. The process for appeals shall follow the same procedure set forth in Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Part III, Land Development Regulations. Section 9. General Intent. A. Buildings, structures and site elements are not required to match surrounding existing developments, but shall be in visual harmony with surrounding developments, B, Buildings or structures located on separate parcels and buildings or structures part of a present or future multi- building complex, shall achieve visual unity of character and design concepts through the relationship of building style, texture, color, materials, form, scale, proportion and location, Section 10, Site Criteria. A. Building Location, 1. Outbuildings, either located on the same parcel or an adjacent parcel as the principal building, shall not be located so as to totally block from the street, the visibility of any tenant space within the principal building on the site. Blocking shall be considered to occur if at the street frontage, the head-on view of a tenant space within the principal building is not partially visible. 2. Buildings shall be designed and sited to fully utilize the site and avoid unusable or inaccessible open space or parking spaces. 3. Siting and orientation of buildings must respond to the pedestrian and/or vehicular nature of the street on which it is located, B, Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation. 1. Separate vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems on a site are encouraged. 2. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems on adjacent properties shall be linked to encourage cross-access, Adopted March 21, 1995, Ordinance 095-04 Revi..d June 16. 1995 {Scrivener'. error correctedl 9-3 ~10 Parking lots and other vehicular use areas shall be integrated with surrounding structures and with the building, or group of buildings, that they serve, Design emphasis shall be given to the entrances and exits to parking areas through use of landscaping. C, Service Areas. -[2. 3. 3 , 4, 1. Unloading and loading areas shall be screened from streets and public view by a buffer wall or continuous vegetative buffer. Vegetative buffers shall be comprised of shrub and tree species having dense foliage and of a size and spacing to form a continuous screen of plant material as required by the Landscape Code. All dumpsters and recycling receptacles shall be located on site so that they are easily accessible for pickup. No trash receptacles shall be located in a parking space, All dumpsters and recycling receptacles shall be screened erom public view with a .ix (6) foot high, concrete block stuccoed wall, Such enclosure openings shall have gates. Exterior utility boxes, meters, transformers, etc. shall be screened from public view by a buffer wall or continuous vegetative buffer as required by the Landscape Code, 4. E. Walls, fences, enclosures, and similar incidental site structures shall resemble, with respect to color and materials, the design of the principal buildings and shall be integrated with other site elements. F, Exterior Lighting, 1, Lighting fixture height, style, design and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design and height and shall consider safety, function and aesthetic value, 2, Lighting shall not be of an intensity that produces glare on adjacent properties, 3, Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances and exits is encouraged, 4. Lighting may be used to illuminate a building and its grounds for safety purposes and to enhance its beauty. ) However, the visual effect shall be subtle, 5. Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day. 6, Lighting attached to the form of the exterior of the building or part of the building exterior or visible from the exterior of the building shall not be permitted if it is contrary to the architectural style of the building. H. Sculptures, fountains, gardens, pools, trellises and benches shall be encouraged within the site design, Adopted March 21, 1995, Ordinance 095-04 Ravi.ad Juna 16. 19" (Scrivener'e error corrected) 9-4 Signs shall be designed and treated as part of the architecture of a building and shall be reviewed at time of site plan review. A single sign style (such as cabinet, channel, reverse channel) shall be used for wall signage on all buildings on a site. Sign colors shall be complementary to the colors of the structure on which it is located. The number of colors used for tenant signage for multiple tenant buildings and their outbuildings and outparcels shall be limited to two, in addition to white and black. Colors of nationally registered copy of tenants within the building shall be included in this limitation, Non-word depictions on signs shall be limited to 20% of the area of the sign erected, Color limitations shall not apply to non-word depiction. on sign.. Freestanding directory signs, internally located within the site are encouraged rather than multiple tenant listings on freestanding identification signs. Sign lettering shall be easy to read and in scale with the building or tenant space on which it is located, Small lettering on freestanding identification signs located close to entrances shall not be allowed. Lettering size shall take into consideration the traveling speed of the adjacent street, The number of different lettering styles on tenant signage on multiple tenant buildings and their outbuildings and outparcels shall be limited to one in addition to the lettering styles of the nationally registered copy of all tenants located within the building and its outbuildings and outparcels. Section 11. Exterior Building Design. !, Signs, 7 ~10 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, A, Building design approval shall be based on the use of the structure, its relationship to the site, and its compatibility with the surrounding natural and built environment, B, When a distinct development or architectural pattern exists within a surrounding two block area, consistency with that pattern shall be required, unless the pattern of development is in a dilapidated condition, This provision shall not require buildings to be exact copies of each other, c. Buildings or structures which are perceived as part of a present or future group of buildings shall exhibit similar, unifying design elements, D, When the area involved forms an integral part of, or is immediately adjacent to, or otherwise clearly affects the future of any established section of the city, the design, scale and location on the site shall enhance rather than Adopted March 21, 1995. Ordinanca 095-04 Revi..d Jun. 16. 1"5 'Scrivanar'a arror corrected! 9-5 ~11 detract from the character, value and attractiveness of that section of the city, E, Rooftops will be treated as part of the building elevation, All rooftop equipment must be completely screened from view at a minimum distance of six hundred (600) feet. F. All building designs shall achieve a sense of human scale through use of insets, balconies, window projections and other building elements in the design of a structure. G. Buildings, which are of symbolic design for reasons of advertising, unless otherwise consistent with the criteria herein, shall not be allowed. Symbols attached to bui14~ng8 shall not be allowed, unles8 they are ..eondary in appearance to the bui14ing an4 landscape and are an aesthetic asset to the building. H. Drive-up or walk-up windows for commercial uses shall not be located on a building facade that faces a public or private street, I, All building facades of a building that face or are visible from public or private streets shall be designed to be as attractive in appearance as the front of the building, J, Due to the high degree of visibility of buildings located on Hypoluxo Road, Miner Road, Congress Avenue, Lawrence Road, Gateway Boulevard, Quantum Lakes Drive, Old BOYnton Road, Knuth Road, Woolbright Road, BOYnton Beach Boulevard, Winchester Boulevard, High Ridge Road, Seacrest Boulevard, Golf Road, Ocean Avenue, Federal Highway, Old Dixie Highway, N,E. 10th Avenue and S,E, 36th Avenue, most of which are considered entrances to the City, the following additional exterior design requirements apply: 1, Overhead doors shall not be located on a building facade(s) that faces a public or private street, 2, Industrial buildings shall be designed in such a manner so as to disguise their typical warehouse appearance, K, See also "Signs", Section 10,1, above, Adoptad "arcb 21, 1995, Ordinance 095-04 aevl.ad Juna 16. 1'95 (Scrlvener'. error correctadl 9-6 ---~--~---~-~---- Art. I, 51 CHAPTER 23 PARKING LOTS Article I. Article II. In General Required Improvements ARTICLE I. IN GBNBRAL Section 1. Purpose and obj ecti ves . A. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a set of regulations to govern the design and construction of pa~kini lOts within the City of Boynton a..ob. It L. iDt.n~.d that th... ~.lUlatlon8 provide a minimum set of 8tandards to be followed when parking lots are constructed in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, Furthermore, the City of Boynton Beach recognizes the relationship of these regulations to the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan, B. Objectives. The objectives of these regulations include, but are not limited to, the following: 1, To provide a maximum degree of safety and protection for the public through the orderly design of parking lots; 2. To provide for a standard for construction which results in a relatively durable and nuisance free parking lot; 3, To reduce the negative environmental impacts which may result from parking lot construction; 4, To provide for storm water retention on site; 5, To provide for parking lots which are constructed in such a manner that the physically handicapped are not discriminated against; and 6, To permit the land owner to benefit from his ownership by providing for orderly parking lot design and construction consistent with the public health, safety and welfare, Section 2. Scope. ~ These regulations shall be applicable to all permanent parking lots constructed or reconstructed in the city, In order to clarify the applicability of these regulations, compliance is required under any of the following conditions: A, When a parking lot serves an existing building(s) where said building(s) is proposed to be enlarged or when an additional building(s} is proposed to be constructed; Adoptad April 4, 1995, Ordinanca 0'5-02 .avi.ad 23-1 -----_._-~---~-----~-_..- Art. I, ~2 B, When a change in building occupancy occurs as defined in the Standard Building Code; C, When a change in use occurs which results in additional parking being required as noted in Chapter 2, Section 11.H.16 of these Land Development Regulations; D. When compliance with the landscaping code is required; E . Reserved; F. When an existing parking lot is expanded by twenty-five (25) per cent or more in parking stalls beyond what was originally approved; and G. When any new parking stalls, driveways, access aisles or parking lots are proposed, these Dewly constructed areas must comply with the requirements of this chapter. Section 3. Exemptions and variances. A. Exemptions. These regulations shall not be applicable under the following conditions: 1. When temporary office trailers are proposed where the public is not invited: 2. When temporary construction or storage trailers are proposed where the public is not invited; 3, When the parking of equiPment or work vehicles or the storage of materials is proposed; and 4, When the number of parking stalls in an existing parking lot is expanded by less than twenty-five (25) per cent beyond what was originally approved and no building(s) is proposed to be enlarged or constructed, the existing portion of the parking lot need not comply with the requirements of this chapter, However, any newly constructed areas must comply with the requirements of this chapter, 5. When a multi-family residential project is proposed and is designed to include units containing garages served by driveways, then these units shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter, This exemption shall not apply to multi-family units that do not contain garages. 6, When proposed modifications or renovations would not increase the number of dwelling units in an existing residential project, B, Variances, 1, Variances authorized, The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach may grant variances to any Adopted April 4, 1"5, OrdiDaDe. 0'5-02 aavl.ad 23-2 -~~--- -- -- ----~--- Art. I, 53 section of this chapter or any design standards referenced hereinafter by conducting a public hearing at which any party may appear in person, or through his duly authorized agent, to give testimony. a, Variances may be granted only when the granting -of same will not be contrary to the public interest, and where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the ~rovisions of this chapter would result in an unnecessary hardship not created by the applicant or his predecessor in title, use or possession. 2. Variance procedure. A variance as herein authorized shall not be considered until a written application, and an application fee, as set by the City Commission by resolution, is submitted to the planning director, demonstrating the following: a, That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the physical or topographical features of the land or structures, which are not applicable to other lands or structures within the city; or b. That literal enforcement of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under the terms of this chapter; or c. That the special conditions and circumstances referred to in subsection a above do not result from the action of the applicant or his predecessors; or d. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands or structures in the city. 3, Granting variances; requirements. Before granting a variance, as authorized by this chapter, the City Commission shall find as follows: a. That the requirements for a public hearing have been met; b. That the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance, and that the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of land or structure; c, That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare; and Adoptad April 4, 1"5, Ordinance 0'5-02 aavi..d 23-3 Art. I, S3 d. That a recommendation has been reviewed by the technical review committee of the City of Boynton Beach, and that the recommendation has been made a part of the public record, 4. Conditions, In granting a variance, the City Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in order to conform with the intent of this chapter. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall cause the variance to become null and void. Section 4. MiniIllUlll stand81"ds. All areas proposed for parking or storage including those instances exempted in Section 3 hereinbefore shall be improved to provide a hard, dust-free surface incompliance with city requirement.. Section 5. Permitting. A, When required. A permit shall be secured from the director of development prior to the construction of any parking lot. The issuance of a permit shall not relieve any party from obtaining the necessary permits which may be required by the various state, federal or local government agencies which have jurisdiction over the proposed construction, including, but not limited to, permits for paving and drainage, lighting and irrigation, Final inspections of the parking lot for compliance with this chapter and other city code requirements and standards are required prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, B. Permit application, In connection with a request for a permit to construct a parking lot, the owner, or his authorized agent, shall submit an application which shall include, but not be limited to, information and materials as follows: 1, Permit fee; 2, A sealed survey, not older than six (6) months which shows existing elevations and/or contours; existing easements or other encumbrances; existing structures and trees; and other topographical features, In addition, the survey must show elevations of adjacent properties and rights-of-way; right-of-way widths of adjacent roadways; paving; sidewalks; elevations; utility lines; and other features; 3. Location of parking and loading facilities including calculations for the number of parking stalls required and the number of parking stalls provided, Adoptad April 4, 1"5, Ordia.nca 095-02 .avi.ad 23-4 -_._.~--- ~---~-- _.......--~---~---_.._-- Art, I, S5 and the location of handicap parking stalls, signs and access ramps; 4, A cross-section of the materials to be used in the construction of the parking lot; 5, A parking lot layout including striping; 6. Proposed site plan; 7. parking lot lighting plan, including the location of lighting standards, pole types, luminaire types, illumination levels, direction of. lighting and type of activating mechanism; 8. Certified statement of conformance with Chapter 22, Streets and Sidewalks, of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations; 9. Location of existing and proposed streets to include ultimate rights-of-way. Dedication or right-of-way is required in conformance with the city and county comprehensive plans; 10. On-site traffic plan including arrows and traffic signs; 11. Landscaping plan and tree preservation plan consistent with current city codes; 12. OUtline of all buildings on site to be served by the parking lot and existing and/or proposed use of same; 13. paving and drainage plans with elevations, including calculations and details of the drainage system; 14. Parking lots serving uses which generate three thousand (3,000) vehicles, single-directional trips per day or two hundred fifty (250) vehicle, single- directional trips in a one-hour period shall submit a traffic impact analysis. 15. Any other engineering or technical data necessary to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the standards referred to herein, The above-mentioned information shall be included in subdivision construction plans when applicable, and with plans submitted for site plan approval or building permit, Section 6. Non-compliance. A. Stoppage of work, Failure to comply with the plans of record or other city ordinances shall result in an order to stop work from the development director, Damage to public property resulting from work performed may result in a stop work , order if a threat exists to the health and safety of the public, B, Fines and penalties, In addition to the remedies afforded in Section 6 above, the city may enforce the provisions of this chapter as follows: Adoptad April 4, 1"5, Ordiuauea 0'5-02 aaviaad 23-5 Art. I, 56 1. Violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable by up to sixty (60) days in jail and/or a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fine, and the city may prosecute violations of this chapter as such. 2. The city may seek a mandatory injunction with the circuit court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County to enjoin violations of this chapter. Any violation of this chapter shall result in the authority to enjoin..aid nui..nce by injunction, an4 may require that the land upon which the violation has been committed be returned to its condition, prior to the violation, or as close thereto .. reasonably po..ible. rurther, any party creating a violation of this chapter or nuisance resulting from a violation of this chapter shall be responsible for all of the city's costs, including attorney's fees, for bringing any injunctive action pursuant to this section. 3. The city may prosecute violations of this chapter through the city's code enforcement board. 4, None of the above-listed remedies shall be considered to be mutually exclusive, and the city may pursue any or all of the above-listed remedies in conjunction with each other. ARTICLB II. REQUIRED IMPROVBMBNTS. Each parking lot constructed or reconstructed shall include improvements as follows: A. Illumination "'-- -- 1 , General a, Lighting design, A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle shall be provided, with no more than ten (10) per cent of the spot readings below one ll) foot candle and none below one-half ll/2) foot candle, Fixtures shall be an energy efficient type automatically controlled by photoelectric switch or other device acceptable to the director of development and are to remain on from dusk to one (1) hour after closing or 2 A,M" whichever is later, Submit documents showing, at a minimum, pole locations and details; fixture types and sizes; light contours depicting anticipated levels of illumination (in foot candles) at roadway surface; certification of compliance with the Standard Building Code and capacity to withstand a 110 m.p.h. wind load; and proposed conduit routing, Adoptad April., 1"5, Ordinanca 0'5-02 Ilavi..d 23-6 -_.~--_.._------,--------_.~-----_.._..- ~E, Art. II b, Pedestrian lighting, lots to buildings or shall be lit in such safe environment. Walkways connecting parking walkways between buildings a manner as to provide a B, Traffic control C, Plan. Bach parking lot traffic plan shall provide for stop signs at exits, directional arrows, internal traffic signs and information sighs where appropriate. It ie intended by these regulations that the applicant retains the responsibility for the proper and efficient movement of traffic onto and/or through the site and that additional signing may be required to accomplish the safe MoveMent of traffic. The location and type of traffic control devices shall comply with city standards. Signing and marking. All traffic signing and pavement marking shall comply with the u.s. Dep~rtment of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Particular attention is directed toward Section 2A, which contains sign design, shape, color, mounting height and other conditions. Fire lane signs shall be maximum fifty (50) feet apart; fire lane curbing shall be painted reflective yellow; the words Fire Lane shall be painted in three (3) foot high letters {four (4) inch brush stroke} every fifty (50) feet using white traffic paint; and No Stopping or Standing signs shall be posted, Landscaping, Each parking lot shall be landscaped consistent with Chapter 7.5, Article II, Landscape Code, or in the instance of the central business district, chapter 7.5, Article III, Landscape Code. 1. 2. D. Irrigation, Each parking lot shall be irrigated consistent with Chapter 7,5, Article II, Landscape Code, or in the instance of the central business district, Chapter 7.5, Article III, Landscape Code. (~~and car stops, No more than two (2) access aisles rnay-be traversed without interruption which shall be accomplished by the placement of wheel st~, or the . installation of a raised, continuous curb, ~Landscaped areas in parking lots shall be protected from the encroachment of vehicles by a continuous, raised curb, or in the instance of a parking stall, by a wheel stop or a raised continuous curb, Areas to be protected include all landscaped islands, landscaping adjacent to parking stalls and landscaping adjacent to curvilinear driveways where encroachment is likely to occur. CUrb shall extend six (6) inches above pavement and shall-comply with city Adoptad April 4, 1"5, OrdiDaDca 0'5-02 aavi.acl. 23-7 Art, II standar~ utilizing twenty-five hundred (2500) psi concreteJ F, Drainage, Storm water shall be contained on site, Containment capacity shall be designated for a minimum of two and one-half (2,5) inches of rainfall in one (1) hour. Drainage structures and french drains shall comply with minimum city standards. Catch basins shall be located in grassy areas unless otherwise approved by the 41r.c~o~ of development. por imperv1bu8 ar... exc..ding twenty-flve thousand (25,000) square reet, the parking lot and racilities shall be desigQed and certified by a Florida registered engineer. Maximum storage capacity of soil shall be co~~idered at the rate of one (1) inch of water for each six (6) inches of soil above the water table. Drainage calculations are required in all instances. The hydraulic conductivity of soil shall be determined with tests made at the site using test procedures recommended by the South Florida Water Management District or other procedures which have been approved by the director of development. G, Reserved. _-.:) H , Driveway. 1, Width, Parking lot driveways shall be a minimum width of twelve (12) feet for one-way drives and twenty (20) feet for two-way drives, at the right-ot- way line. Maximum width of any drive at the right- of-way line shall be thirty-two (32) feet, unless otherwise approved by the director of development, 2. Drive .radii, Each parking lot driveway shall have a radius at the intersection of the vehicular traffic lanes of twenty-five (25) feet or as otherwise (0 approved by the director of development, · 3, Distance from streets, Parking lot driveways shall be constructed at least thirty (30) feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets and one hundred eighty (180) feet along streets ot a higher classification, 4, Clearance at parking stalls, Provide a safe and unobstructed space of eighteen (18) feet in length between the side of a parking stall and each of the following: a, A public or private right-of-way b, An access aisle c. An interior driveway This requirement does not apply at the egress end of an access aisle or at a driveway, access aisle or right-of-way where ninety (90) degree parking is provided, Adoptad April 4, 1"5, Ordin.nca 0'5-02 aavi..d 23-8 ----------------.---------...---..- ~ .-1. Art, II 5. Clearance at major d~iveways, The minimum distance from the street right-of-way line at any major ingress or egress driveway to any parking stall or to any interior access aisle having direct access to such driveway shall be one hundred (100) feet, 6. Intersections with county and state roads, Driveways which intersect streets owned and maintained by a governing body other than BOYnton Beach must be permitted by the proper governing agency, prior to submission of plans for a building permit. 7 . Number of driveways. No more than two (2) dri veways shall be permitted from any property. Where properti.. abut more than one (1) public or private right-ot-way, additional driveways may be permitted depending upon traffic volumes, but in no instance .hall the number of 4rive.ay. exceed two (2) on each .t~..t. Parking lot layout. o Dimensions, Parking lots shall be designed to meet ~ or exceed the dimensional requirements for stalls, driveways anp access aisles as provided for in city standards. ~ S66 A rr4<:tit'..:J) srAIV{)4RD tJI?Ai-.vI;f/i:~ 13 - 'lvt>id. tg1(X>/~ 2. Access, Each parking lot or parking stall shall have sufficient access from a street, alley or other public or private way. Maneuvering and access areas shall be of sufficient size to permit vehicles to enter and exit the parking lot and parking stalls in a safe and efficient manner, In no instance shall parking lots be designed to allow vehicles to back out into any public alley or road rights-of-way, or segments of private streets which function as local or collector streets. J, Parking garages, Public or private parking garages shall comply with this chapter, with the Standard Building Code and with county-wide amendments thereto, Where appropriate, security systems may be required, Handicap requirements. All parking lots shall meet or exceed State Handicap Code requirements, and comply with the Standard Building Code and the county-wide amendments thereto, K. L, Parking lot striping, Parking stalls shall be delineated by double-line, painted stripes where parking stalls abut each other, which shall comply with city standards, M, Fire lanes, All shopping centers, retail office complexes and retail establishments in which the gross floor area of all buildings if fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet or greater shall have fire lanes along the Adoptad April 4. 1"5, Ordinanca 0'5-02 lIa.iaad 23-9 ------ -~-- --------~ ~P. Art, II N. front of a.l buildings which shall allow efficient .access to the fronts of buildings by fire protection vehicles, Fire lanes shall have a minimum pavement width of twenty- two (22) feet. Fire lanes shall not be encumbered by parked vehicles, including commercial vehicles, and shall not be used for the loading or unloading of commercial vehicles, Additionally, fire lanes shall be clearly marked with signs and striping or a combination of both, which shall comply with this chapter. Parcel pickup or customer dropoff lanes. Parcel pickup or customer dropoff lanes are permitted outside of the fire lane, if these lanes comply with city standards. parking lot maintenance. Parking lots in the city shall be maintained so as to not be a nuisance or hazard to the public, including portions of driveways which lie in the right-of-way. Sidewalks. Street sidewalks adjacent to parking lots shall be continuous through all driveways; shall be six (6) inches thick within driveway and shall meet handicap code requirements. o. llVII,bb _ 1/ts, rav. 2/21, 2/21, 3/3, 3/', 3/15, 4/5/95 - C:CIIAnIlU Adoptad April 4, 1"5. OrdiDaDca 0'5-02 aavi.ad 23-10 -~ ._-----~~_.-~-~--~-------------- ------------- ~ is ~ i<~ ~ a H <~ ~ g ~~~ ~ l ~~~ ; ~~ 5~~ ~ e e!~.~ · uEa ~ a~ ~~~ ~ ~ s~e~~'~ ~gi a ~~ 88& a ~ ~Et~iia s!~.i Ii ala ~ i ii~~t~\ l:~!! \i ia; I a~i~~,~~. ,.\\'. i\ i~1 I g~il..;.1Ilg!li ~! Ift~~9 ~fiaftl'aQili!8.ft.19 ~Id~. '!laij~I'asRa'~R;d~~.~i!~~ ~~ i~aft~ll~ ~i\'5iiMii~gi I' 8i!~;i.I!11 1~8!i'ille ~ ri ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 9= d t') \! e~ tOm ~\n s~ ~ ~ '" . \I" ... ~ ~~ ~~ ~ . ~~ i~ ~ \- ~~ ... \t. T ~\2 ~ i\l\ Q.L ~ i15 \-~~-\ e I./l -..J -- ..j I::i~ till) ~~t~\ ~ - ~ m\rl ~ 1 ti ~ \ ' ~.. ~llJ~ ~ ~ \ ...~... ~ \ lUi~ ~ " U) ~ ~..J Vl-.J 'o~ ~\I) ~\.) "t\l ~ .... ~~I c:: 1 , I L~- _J \ "\{)~ , "'Ill 4:'t~ .~ -:::::::::l .... -... , \ \ ... I -' - --------~-,._-_.~~. - V) tJ "\ t1 qiir <.) ~ -..: \ij>- ~~ &1;) ov (t) l&J ~~ -.Iv m<t (\I" ,,;,:Il. ....('1) e III ~ ~ ~ ... .... ;t o. :c"- ~ ').. ~ ':I. ..J ~ ,,~ ~- f..)~ 10' a::"t- ::J't o - ~ a i ~ :::t: 'lI ~ C ~ \J -,~ ~ ..... -....;. ." . :Vl ~ . w, ~ i ij'~ \\I I . \(Jty .... , OR 0 ~ [(10 () 'J~ ~1Ii m i <~. I ~~'l1;l \f}\fI. ui'1 )..::!! ~~l o~ 8 (.J"i" , ~~- Ii "I~ ~ c:\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I.'Q ~ ~ o \Q u.. o ~ \\ \ t\ ~i ~ ~;l: t!)'N6 4. III C Q. l\.g ~'- ~ tQ ~ I.J ~ ~ -.I :s III JJ. to ~ :s: - Q ~ Ul ......, ..<( . ~ '!-' u 'u \I) n: ~ .. \D .... <( -, ~ ~ .~ l 1Q~ ~ lt~~ :; ~~\(J .. \) I ;: ,,!:t!') w' ~~\..: .. t)~;:) H G::;OY ~! . d ., u. m~ ~~~ 11..0$ Cf.~i:: ~~~Iij ~~O~ 'l( ~'-'~ ~~~tJ) "" i I i 1\ , <{ ...---------.--.-----.-------- x . . rrI O. " !: I. o. Or I. ~I ." .. . - I_ . . . - I ~ . . o I I 'ARKING STALL AND AISLE DlKENSIONS POI ALL STALLS A . C D E O. 9.0' 25,0' 25.0' 9.0' 3D' 9.0' 18,0' 18.0' 16.8' 45' 9,0' 18.0' 12.7' 19.1' 60. 9.0' 18.0' 10.4' 20.1' 90' 9.0' 18.0' 9.0' 18.0' '. POI ALL 0TIIEIl DDlENSIORS ITALLI OK IOTlI 8IDU STALLS 011 0111 81DI TRAl'rIC. ORl VAt two VAt ORlllAt 1'1/0 VAt A r -0- . r -0- . r -r- . r -r- . 0' 12,0' 30,0' 30,0' 21.0' )9,0' )9,0' 12,0' 21,0' 21,0' 21,0' 30.0' 30.0' 30' 12.0' 45.6' 37,8' 21,0' 54,6' 46,8' 12.0' 28.8' 24,9' 21.0' 37.8' 33.9' 45' 14,4' 52,6' 46,2' 23,4' 61,6' 55.2' 14.4' 33.5' 30.3' 23,4' 42.5' 39.3' 60. 19.8' 60.0' 55.5' 26,8' 67.0' 62.5' 19.8' 39.9' 37.7' 26.8' 46.9' .44.7' 90' 27.0' 6],0' 63,0' 27,0' 6],0' 6],0' 27,0' 45.0' 45.0' 27,0' 45,0' 45,0' ir -'11 G F -L II I II .. II I D~BY . II I I . ~ ~ . . r i\;:~ ~ 3 J:!g!!!! ); = !\1 ~ A . ANGLE ~ ~ . . STALL WIDtII ~ ~ %1 C . STALL LENGTH D . CUU LENGTH .V\O hi I . stALL Dt.'TH I~' 0 r . AISLE WIDtH ~ C . WALL TO WALL WIDTH [nir;:~ H . INTERLOCK TO INTERLOCI WIDTH I (:j I ! k\ ~ 10 b~ ~ ~ 8' ~~ III c ; Cd 1tJ~ i ~ i . S?~ . . ~ II ~~ . 0 . ~ 0 ~ . I I · ~ . ~ ~ C . ~. . ~ I D (J) ~ I II . BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-218 June 30, 1995 PZLOANNNING AND ING DEPT. To: Tambri J, Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Re: TRC COMMENTS - SITE PLAN REVIEW POINCIANA RLBMBNTARY SCHOOL Per your request, the Building Division has reviewed the plans for the above project and has no comments, Al~~1?P AN:SD cc: William V, Hukill, P,E" Building Official A,TRc.rRM -,. TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning ~iarn Hukill, P.E., City Engineer June 23, 1995 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. FROM: DATE: RE: POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I met several weeks ago with the architect's representative on this project and we both agreed to extend 11th Avenue straight west to NW 1st Street. Please have the School Board provide corrected site plan to reflect that agreement, Please also notice that NW 11th Avenue is depicted as a two-way street to the west end of the building, and then becomes one-way, thus creating an impossible condition. It should be one-way westbound. The traffic where buses exit the property onto Seacrest is also virtually impossible because parents will use that exit to utilize the east drive and thus left turn in front of buses. Additionally, the mix of staff vehicles and buses at the north entrance doesn't work nearly as well as placing a two-way separate entrance into the staff parking lot from NE 13th Avenue. The site appears to be about 8~ acres. Until recently the School Board required 20 acres for new elementary schools, each of which was designed for 700z students. Now they have increased the size of their prototype school about one third (to 950z) and reduced required sites by something like 50%, to 10 acres. The proposed plan shows what happens when you try to accomplish too much with too little, The only open spaces on the plan are a soft ball field with 175 foot foul lines, and a 170' x 104' paved play area, An oblong (70 x 300I) area along seacrest has no use because it is a water retention area, The rest of the site is covered by pavement or building, Total available for kids activities, including both grassy and paved is a little over an acre. The issue of school size does not appear to have been addressed. The proposed capacity of 820 is substantially greater than the number I was given by the City Manager's office. The off-site acreage indicated in the notes on drawing G-1 does not show up on any of the drawings, unless perhaps it is the shaded area along the canal shown on G-1 which has a length to width ratio greater than 30 to 1, thus rendering it unusable for student activities. Development Dept., Engineering Div, Memo No. 95-204 Re: Poinciana Elementary School June 23, 1995 Page #2 The zoning is depicted as PU, which in part is true. Parts of the site are R-I-A, however, as is the neighborhood, which allows a maximum of 40% lot coverage, as compared to a proposed 61% coverage, Everything reported herein is tempered by the fact that the School Board claims immunity from local (municipal) requirements, and probably legitimately so. But the bottom line is the school is too big, the site is too small, and the traffic plan on-site doesn't function as well as it could, All of these things affect all of our citizens, We have addressed only those issues outlined herein, as we feel they should be resolved prior to full review, By copy of this memo I am recommending that City Manager Parker demand that at a minimum, the size of the school be reduced. School Board members should welcome the smaller budget associated with a smaller school, and if so informed likely would reduce the size, WVH/ck C:POINCIAN,COM xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. TO: Tambri J, Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director William Hukill, P.E., City Engineer ~ FROM: DATE: June 29, 1995 RE: POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Some of the comments made by School Board representatives either at or after this week's TRC meeting cause us even greater concern about Poinciana Elementary School than expressed in our memo earlier this week. Mr. Hernandez opined that the existing media center would be retained on the site, but would not be part of the school (because a new media center is inclUded), Further, that consideration was being given to placing an area office in that building, That would create a worse parking situation than is already present because it would add a substantial population not presently accounted for, The other issue of great concern not covered in the June 26th memo is the statement made that the elevation of the softball field might be lowered to retain stormwater, That is outrageous, The ball field is the only moderately sized grassy play area on the entire site, Now what we have is a building virtually surrounded by pavement on a lot smaller even than the School Board reduced standards to serve well over 800 students and containing two complete media centers, all apparently in the name of saving money. Wow! Maybe if they added more classrooms they could save even more money, I suggest an immediate meeting with someone in authority at the School Board, perhaps even a School Board member. WVH/ck C:POINCIAN,629 xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager Ken Hall, Engineering Aide TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director . Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~ ~ Poinciana Elementary School FROM: RE: DATE: June 29, 1995 I have no comments on this particular project. The project should continue on the normal review process. KH:ad - - ~-~ --------~ --- ~- --~- -~._.---"'-"-'------