CORRESPONDENCE Comcast Cablevision of West Palm Beach, Inc. 1401 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 ~COMCAsr September 1, 1995 Tambri 1. Heyden City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 REF: ABAN #95-006, #95-007, #95-008 vNw 12th Ave and Washington Ave right-of-way abandonments and Lots 508-517 of Cherry Hills Plat utility easement abandonment Dear Tambri, Comcast Cable has no objections in the right of way abandonment. We have also removed all of our uti lites in th'at area.. If you have any questions, please contact me at (407) 478-5866 ext. 519. Thank you, tJ ~ Dominique Aumais Construction Coordinator DA/lvl Comcast Cablevision of West Palm Beach, Inc. 1401 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 ~CDMCAS~ September 1, 1995 Tambri 1. Heyden City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 REF: ABAN #95-006, #95-007, #95-008 NW 12th Ave and Washington Ave right-of-way abandonments and Lots 508-517 of Cherry Hills Plat utility easement abandonment Dear Tambri, Comcast Cable has no objections in the right of way abandonment. We have also removed all of our utilites in that area. If you have any questions, please contact me at (407) 478-5866 ext. 519. Thank you, 19 ~ Dominique Aumais Construction Coordinator DA/lvl C:~~'... . F L"OR,IDA PUBLIC UTILITIES ADDRESS At"-PLY TO COMPANY"''' P. O. Box 3395 West Palm Beach Florida 33402-3395 September 14, 1995 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Abandonment #95-006, N.W. 12th Avenue Dear Ms. Heyden: Please be advised that Florida Public Utilities Company has existing gas facilities within referenced proposed abandonment area. We must, therefore, object to said abandonment unless the following indicated conditions are met: X A. All related relocation expenses will be paid by the party requesting the abandonment by the date specified by Florida Public Utilities Company. X B. A separate easement must be granted to Florida Public Utilities Company within the referenced area. All related easement expenses will be paid by the party requesting abandonment by the date specified by Florida Public Utilities Company. C. Abandonment of existing facilities within the referenced area is possible provided all related abandonment costs will be paid by the party requesting abandonment by the date specified by Florida Public Utilities Company. If you have any questions or if! can be of any further assistance, please contact me at 838-1752. Since~ ~ David E. Pellico Division Engineer cc: Mr. M. L. Schneidermann %e City of 'Boynton f}3eacli - - __~J '''" 100 'E. 'BtIgnton 'Buzdi. 'Boulevanl P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Baldi, 710ritla 33425-0310 City!HsUl: (407) 37UfJOO ~jU: (407) 375-6090 August 17, 1995 Mr. Pete Rezzonico Southern Bell Telephone Company 326 Fern Street, Room 601 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: ABAN #95-006, #95-007, #95-008 NW 12th Ave and Washingtion Ave right-of-way abandonments and Lots 508-517 of CHERRY HILLS PLAT utility easement abandonment Dear Mr. Rezzonico: Forwarded herewfth are legal descriptions and sketches of the areas for which the abandonment request has been received. Also attached is a narrative explaining why the abandonments are requested. Please advise concerning your interest in the subject right-of-ways and easement. A written response is requested no later than September 1, 1995 as this matter is scheduled for the City Commission meeting of September 19, 1995. Please direct your response to me at the above identified address. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~~~ Tambr1 J. HeY~ planning and Zoning Director TJH:dim Attachment .1~t11.b.n.po1 .9l~rU.a s gateway to tfu (jutfstream %e City of '.Boynton 'Beacli C.,-' . .,-). 100 'E. 'Boynton tJJea&. !8oakvarrl P.O. !Bo~310 !Boynton'Betldl, %nUfa 33425-0310 City ~ (407) 375-6tJOO 1"M: (407) 375-6090 August 17, 1995 Florida Power & Light Company P.O. Box 2409 Delray Beach, Florida 33447-2409 Attention: Mr. Rusty Russillo Account Manager Re: ABAN #95-006, #95-001, #95-008 NW 12th Ave and Washingtion Ave right-of-way abandonments and Lots 508-511 of CHERRY HILLS PLAT utility easement abandonment Dear Mr. Russitlo: Forwarded herewith are legal descriptions and sketches of the areas for which the abandonment request has been received. Also attached is a narrative explaining why the abandonments are requested. Please advise concerning your interest in the subject right-of-ways and easement. A written response is requested no later than September 1, 1995 as this matter is scheduled for the City Commission meeting of September 19, 1995. Please direct your response to me at the above identified address. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA d~' 9- xJ~~~ Tambri J. Heyden Plann1ng and Zoning Director TJH:dim Attachment a, ut.Uaban. po1 )tnurU4S (jatt'UJaY to tn.e (julfstream fJJie City of $oynton $eacli c:- I ....;."L. i -' ! .I 100 ~. ~ tJJeadi 'Boulcuartl ~.O. tJloi(JlO tJluynton'Betldi, 110rUfa JJ42S-DJIO City ~ (407) 375-6()()() ~/,U: (407) 375-6090 August 17, 1995 Florida Public Utilities/Flo-Gas corp. 401 S. Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attention: Mr. David E. pellico Engineer Re: ABAN #95-006, #95-007, #95-008 NW 12th Ave and Washingtion Ave right-of-way abandonments and Lots 508-517 of CHERRY HILLS PLAT utility easement abandonment Dear Mr. pelli90: Forwarded herewith are legal descriptions and sketches of the areas for which the abandonment request has been received. Also attached is a narrative explaining why the abandonment is requested. Please advise concerning your interest in the subject right-of-ways and easements. A written response is requested no later than September I, 1995 as this matter is scheduled for the City Commission meeting of September 19, 1995. Please direct your response to me at the above identified address. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA /""' J~' O~lt~ JJ//~ Tambri J. HeYd~'-7f'V-- Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dim Attachment .:ut.t1.ben.pol ~merials fjauway to tIU fjulfstream fJJie City of '.Boynton '.Beach 100 'E. 'Boynttm 'Buzdi 'Boulevartl P.O. ~310 'Boynton 'Btadi.11oritf4 33425-0310 City Hall: (407) 375-fi()()() 1"J1IX: (407) 375-6090 August 16, 1995 Mr. Charles Walker, Director Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.o. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-21229 Re: Miner Road - ABAN #95-005 Right-of-Way Abandonment Dear Mr. Walker: Forwarded herewith is a legal description and a sketch which a public right-of-way abandonment request has Also attached isl a narrative explaining why the requested along with a 1989 letter from you. of the area for been received. abandonment is The city has received a request to abandon the right-of-way for Miner Road between I-95 and High Ridge Road. The Cedar Ridge Plat dedicated this right-of-way to the city in 1983. To our knowledge the right-of- way has never been changed to county ownership. Consequently, the city has the responsibility for the abandonment process. The attached letter from you, dated December, 15, 1989, raises questions regarding the county's current position with regard to this section of Minor Road abandonment. Please advise concerning your interest in the subject right-of-way. A written response is requested no later than September 1, 1995 as this matter is scheduled for the City Commission meeting of September 19, 1995. Please direct your response to me at the above identified address. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA J~ ~. iJu;~~~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dim Attachment jirruricas gateway to tfu guifstrtam .1l.tl1.b.n....l ?lie City of 'Boynton $eacli '::::..v\_...~ 100 'E. 'Bognum iBea& tJJouUfJtJTtl ~.o. '.B~310 'Boynum 'BetItfJ, 11mitfa 33425.0310 City 1JfiMl: (407) 37UOOO 1"M: (407) 375-6090 August 16, 1995 Comcast cablevision of W.P.B., Inc 1401 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 Attention: Mr. Dominique Aumais Construction Coordinator Re: ABAN #95-006, #95-007, #95-008 NW 12th Ave and Washingtion Ave right-of-way abandonments and Lots 508-517 of CHERRY HILLS PLAT utility easement abandonment . I Dear Mr. Auma~s': Forwarded herewith are legal descriptions and sketches of the areas for which the abandonment request has been received. Also attached is a narrative explaining why the abandonments are requested. Please advise concerning your interest in the subject right-of-ways and easement. A written response is requested no later than September 1, 1995 as this matter is scheduled for the City Commission meeting of September 19, 1995. Please direct your response to me at the above identified address. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in / this matter. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA J~- 9..y,J~~ Tambri J. Heyg-n Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dim Attachment a:utl1.ban.pol Jtmeriaz's (jateway to tlie (julfstream