CORRESPONDENCE %e City of ~oynton 'Beacli 100~. 'Boynton 'Buu./i 'Boulevara P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadr., :Jforitfa 33425-0310 City 9fa[[: (407) 734-8111 :J5fX: (407) 738-7459 August 20, 1993 ;~; tor'.3 'd e P a I' t n e 1"' sIll L t d . e/S5 N. Military Tr. P. B. Gardens FL 33410 ou 4J 46-04-UU-000-1050 storage Partners 111 Ltd. 8 I 5 5 I,j. ~1 i 1 ita r' y r r . P. 8. Gar' den s F L 3 j 4 i 0 o U "I, 3- II 6 - 04 - 0 0 - 0 0 0- 1 u 5 1 Ou-4~-46-04-00-00U-l040 Dear Property Owner: As part of the city's annexation program, we have been considering methods by which the city can annex all properties within the unincorporated enclaves. In April, the city Commission directed staff to first follow an incremental approach to incorporating these areas, beginning with voluntary annexation, and through activation of the annexation requirement within water service agreements. You will recall that you have an agreement for water service with the City, which also constitutes a petition for voluntary annexation. According to this agreement, the annexation clause is to be activated by the City at any time once the property is eligible for annexation according to state law. Since at least a substantial part of your property is contiguous to the City IS boundary, your property is now eligible for annexation. Therefore, please be informed that the City will activate this clause of your water service agreement in october, when this property (see property identification number on address label) is annexed in connection with the City'S annexation program. Although we have requested that you provide us with a copy of the deed and survey for this property, if necessary, we will generate legal descriptions and verify property ownership in order to complete the required applications. As indicated in previous notices to property owners, the city will waive the application fees and be responsible for adjacent property owner identification and notifications. If you have any questions which regard this process, you may contact Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner at (407) 738-7490. very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~ Christopher cutro planning and Zoning Director cc:mr ::. "i"'.: ,.., 'So ': ~~. . ,~ ~ :..L-o, .~.,rfc.rl"Or,:+, Ps STORAGE EGUITIES. INC. 33 North Garden Ave., Suite 890 Clearwater, Florida 34615 (813) 462-8131 /45fCYl,A /' h 1.-,;.';, 'h'~'-<) bj k~,- pr.f - (, C : }vI ;(.{<2-- C~,- k~. 1 Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning and Zoning Director 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 / ) l. ~ fj..e-r I?><= ,-It.. (..., I ( !L Re: Stow-A-Way Self Storage Center 3000 North Federal Highway Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Ms. Heyen: At the suggestion of Michael Rumpf, I am writing this letter in order to obtain a zoning and development interpretation with regard to the above referenced property. Storage Equities Inc. currently has the Stow-A-Way Self Storage facility under agreement to purchase based on certain terms and conditions. Although the Seller of the property has represented that the property can be expanded based on the site plan as approved by Palm Beach County prior to the annexation by the City of Boynton Beach, there was a concern by your staff with regard to our ability to expand same. This concern is a result of the current zoning of the property within the city. Therefor, as a result of the annexation we are requesting an interpretation of the following issues: 1. Does the site plan approval by Palm Beach County for additional square footage run with the land and allow the owner of the facility to expand even though development of a self service storage facility is not allowed in the current zoning (the majority of the property is zoned C-3 in the City of Boynton Beach). 1/'0 2. It is essential for the operation of Storage Equities, Inc. to build a manager's residence within the boundaries of the property. Will this be a problem under the current zoning? J...of ; It (!./.3 ..- IUd -\1, "( et--oJJ.--/ /.---1.A- ft- 3. Based on the fact the current use is considered a IInon-conforming usell under the current zoning, would the use be IIgrandfatheredll to allow the owner to rebuild as a storage facility should a casualty occur? '( e..'J Oi1JL! l-lA fr We are nearing the end of our due diligence period. Therefor, I would appreciate if you could respond to the above request at your earliest convenience. Richard K Acquisitions Officer EXHIBIT -A- TO AGREEMENT FOR WATER SERVICE ODTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS / ~I!R ~_ OWIN. ill ..OOSE. W. P. A. OYKIN .J. CASEY, P. A. /. CIKLIN, P. A. (.J. CIKLIN .,." W. COLLETTE .OBERT L. CRANE B. .JEANE CRIPPEN FREDRIC E. EPSTIEN MICHAEL M. GFESSER MICHAEL D. GORDON "---"7.;' .. ,. ",. -- l.AW OFFICES e CASEY CIKLIN LUBITZ MARTENS McBANE Be O'CONNELL .r A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROF"ESSIONAl. ASSOCIATIONS MIKEL D. GREENE LYNDA .J. HARRIS DANIEL A. HERSHMAN BRIAN B. .JOSLYN BRUCE G. KALEITA CHARLES A. LUBITZ. Po A. RICHARD L. MARTENS. Po A. l.OUIS R. McBANE, P. A. CLAUDIA M. McKENNA BRIAN M. O'CONNELL PHIL D. O'CONNELL. .JR.. P. A. .JULIEANN RICO PAULETTE TORCIVIA SUSAN WILLIAMS OF COUNSEL PHILLIP D. O'CONNELL. SR. KERRY A. GREENWALD NORTHBRIDGE TOWER I . 19TH FLOOR 515 NORTH F"LAGLER DRIVE P. O. DRAWER 024626 WEST PAl.M BEACH. Fl.ORIDA 33402-4e2e (305) 832-5900 May 20, 1987 City of Boynton Beach utilities Department and Ci ty Council P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: "Agreement for Water Service Outside the City Limits" Dear Sirs: Thi s law firm represents Palm Beach Land & Associates, which owns the parcel of real property that is the subject of the "Agreement for Water Service Outside the City Limits" to which this letter is attached. This law firm therefore acts on behalf of Ron P. pertnoy and steven M. Shapiro, the principals in Palm Beach Land & Associates. Our clients have informed us that they would be willing to consent to annexation pursuant to Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the "Agreement for Water Service Outside the City Limits" only if said annexation would permi t the property to be developed for the uses currently permi tted under the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code pertaining to the subject property. Palm Beach County zoning regulations presently permit this property to be developed for self- storage warehouses, and it is for this use that Palm Beach Land & Associates seeks a utilities commitment from the City of Boynton Beach. Therefore, if any annexation is required as a condition precedent to the provision of utilities by the City, then my clients respectfully request that an annexation be made contingent upon the right of Palm Beach Land & Associates to construct self-storage warehouses on the subject property. My clients believe that this use is a reasonable use of the subject property consistent with surrounding land uses, and the location and character of the site. This letter shall constitute an addendum and shall be considered in all respects as though it were a part of the "Agreement for Water Service Outside the City Limits" to which it is attached. . Boynton Beach / ~ties Department nd city Council .. age 2 May 20, 1987 ~.'...,...--..",,--_. '~w1i' Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. ~C4JJ Bruce. ei ta '- BGK/mjm .. TO: ~'_..."".:.; <-."'., , I ---..... I / MEMORANDUM 10 July 1987 / TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager ~ FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Shapiro-Pertno~ iequest for Water Service The purpose of this memo is to comment on the request for water service submitted by Lee Starkey for Shapiro-Pertnoy. Shapiro-Pertnoy is proposing to construct a mini-warehouse project on 3.86 acres of land, sandwiched between the Gulfstream Mall Shopping Center on the south and the Gulfstream Mobil Horne Park on the north, both of which are incorporated (see attached Exhibit A). The land in question is adjacent to the corporate limits of the City along 93% of its perimeter, and it runs from u.S. 1 to Dixie Highway (see attached Exhibit B). The project, as proposed, is not consistent with the policies for future land uses in this area (see attached Exhibit C). As noted in the text for Area 60, properties adjacent to u.S. 1 in this area should be placed in a "Local Retail" land use category and zoned C-3 (Community Commercial), and properties along Old Dixie Highway should be placed in a "General Commercial" land use category and zoned C-4 (General Commercial). The uses proposed require an industrial land use category and M-1 (Industrial) zoning in the City of Boynton Beach. However, the use proposed is consistent with the zoning in Palm Beach County. Based on the adopted policy for land uses in this area, it is recommended that the request for water service not be granted, that any development proposal for this property be consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies, and that any request be accompanied by an application for voluntary annexation. C G...- ~ ___ ..J{ ~ CARMEN S. ANN~ATO PERNOY/bks . cc: John Guidry, Utilities Director Lee Starkey, Adair & Brady, Inc. . \ , III ~ ~. , .' MEMORANDUM To: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager \J . John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities~~ June 29, 1989 From: Date: . Subject: Agenda Item - Water Service Agreement for Palm Beach Land Associates I, Ltd. We herewith transmit the following documents: 1. Original executed water service agreement 2. Copy of Warranty Deed with legal description 3. Survey 4. Site plan The subject parcel abuts the north side of the Gulfstream Mall, which has water and a sewage lift station on-site. Water and sewer service would be provided by extending a gravity sewer main and appropriately sized water line northward, most likely along the east side of the subject parcel. We have no objection to this petition, and recommend it be forwarded to the City Commission at the next available meeting. dmt Enclosures bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Carmen Annunziato (with enclosures) -' .RECE~EB -:(:fE :3 .~~ p~NN'He E3E?f~ ; ----~~::~:~ ,'"-'r .~_ .1",'-'- MEMORANDUM 12 July 1989 TO: Mr. Peter Cheney City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: Water Service Agreement/Palm Beach Land Associates- Stow-Away Self Storage The Planning Department objects to granting an agreement for water service for this property for the following reasons: 1. This property is immediately annexable. That is, it is conti- guous to the City's corporate limits along its north, south, east and west borders, except for the outparcels. To grant a water service agreement prior to annexation would violate the City's policy for allowing ties to the City's water system without annexation when annexation is possible. 2. The proposed use, mini-warehouses, conflicts with the proposed future land use as reflected on the current and proposed compre- hensive plans. Both comprehensive plans suggest retail commercial land use on US-l and general commercial land use on Dixie Highway. In addition, this entire parcel can be developed for a new car dealership under the new plan. This is an opportunity which should not be wasted. ' 3. Once before, the City objected to the development of this parcel for mini-warehouse purposes. At that time, agreements for water service were denied and the applicant's appeal to the County Environmental Control Board was also denied. It is recommended that the applicant apply for annexation in the October 1 cycle requesting land uses consistent with the proposed comprehensive plan. ~ '^ ~.I Carmen S. Annunz~o .. ~ CSA/csd cc: Central File .1 !:t .;:t' STOW-A-WAY MANAGEMENT COMPANY May 9, 1994 City of Boynton Beach ! t J. ~ 'I ~ RE: Annexation Documentation, Storage Partners Three, LTD. 3000 North Dixie HWY. ( Stow-A-Way Storage Center) Tambri Heyden,Director of Planning & Zoning ''t,.._. Dear Mrs. Heyden, _, ~ . ; ,<,' I ' i" .." ~ -~. '.j" "~.;' ~i" )< - " This letter is in reference to'the4'recent annexation of our property into the city of Boynton." As Ididinot object to the annexation, I do have some concern that is related to some particular language in the documents that were sent to me, in particular, the paragraph heading Other on page 2. In discussing the change of zoning related to our property, I had discussed the matter of a 2nd' phase which was approved and is to be constructed in the future, "and I am sure the City was ~. aware of this. The reason that I went along with 1J?" ~. the annexation in the first place is because I had n,.rfl,,~ a prior agreement with the city to supply water to ~ my site, in return that I would annex..-Ih.e__Q.J.:'~..9.inal .~ V 'v~ ~approv~~~ite .p~a~_w._..hiCh the wat~r/~~we~ag~men~ W~R . OV/f 1 based upon allowed me _ to build in two phases up to fJ,v '. a designated maxI'iiium-square footage. At the time I f~ . wished to begin construction on a second phase, my (~P only obligation was to apply for regular building 0 vV permi ts. If this is still the case then we are seeing I -yl. 4 . eye to eye. If is the case that the City would require I. L. rJ f "- anything beyond standard building permit application, ~~~.&~' then we will have a problem. I do not want and will not '{ do anything more than was originally required of me when our agreements were made. Please let me know of the cities intention in this matter as soon as possible. Sincerely, .~~. Todd C. Marsha President Stow-A-Way Management Company copies to: Mr. Mike Rumph (407) 626-0736/ (407) 626-6269 8755 North Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 STOW-A-WAY MANAGEMENT COMPANY May 9, 1994 City of Boynton Beach RE: Annexation Documentation, Storage Partners Three, LTD. 3000 North Dixie HWY. ( Stow-A-Way Storage Center) Tambri Heyden,Director of Planning & Zoning Dear Mrs. Heyden, This letter is in reference to the recent annexation of our property into the city of Boynton. As I did not object to the annexation, I do have some concern that is related to some particular language in the documents that were sent to me, in particular, the paragraph heading Other on page 2. In discussing the change of zoning related to our property, I had discussed the matter of a 2nd phase which was approved and is to be constructed in the future, and I am sure the City was aware of this. The reason that I went along with the annexation in the first place is because I had a prior agreement with the city to supply water to my site, in return that I would annex. The original approved site plan which the water/Sewer agreement was based upon allowed me to build in two phases up to a designated maximum square footage. At the time I wished to begin construction on a second phase, my only obligation was to apply for regular building permits. If this is still the case then we are seeing eye to eye. If is the case that the City would require anything beyond standard building permit application, then we will have a problem. I do not want and will not do anything more than was originally required of me when our agreements were made. Please let me know of the cities intention in this matter as soon as possible. Sincerely, ~. ~G.:r~ Todd C. Marsha President Stow-A-Way Management Company copies to: Mr. Mike Rumph ill ffi~rnowrn rn MAY I I 1994 L (407) 626-0736/ (407) 626-62 8755 North Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410