AGENDA DOCUMENTS MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 4, 1997 (Application Denied by Planning & Development Board on August 26, 1997) ................... POSTPONED FROM 9/16/97 CITY COMMISSION MEETING At the applicant's request, this item was tabled until the December 2nd meeting. 2. Major Site Plan Modification (Sign Program) for Boynton Commons PCD 3. Community Design Plan Appeal (Colors) for Boynton Commons PCD 4. Community Design Plan Appeal for Boynton Commons PCD - Roof Illumination for Tony Roma's E. Approval of Bills F. Approve Records Disposition Requests Nos. 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, and 347 submitted by Utility Billing, Department of Development for the Building Division, and the City Clerk's Department G. Approve Refund on Crypt B-2, Chapel Building, Section H, Boynton Beach Mausoleum purchased by Hilma E. Tantzen H. Approve purchase of movable wall partitions for various offices in clean-up and relocation from Wall Innovators, Tampa, Florida, in the amount of $29,828 I. Approve estimate from Certified Insurance Services, Inc. (CIS) of Jensen Beach, Florida, for repairs to Pioneer Park due to fire property loss - Estimated Cost $27,899.78. Item "I" was removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. J. Approve refund on Cemetery Lots 198 & 199, Block B, Boynton Beach Memorial Park Addition #1 purchased by Mary Sue Johnston K. Approve disinterment of remains of James Bell, and provide refund on Crypt C-8, Devotion Building, Section 0, Boynton Beach Mausoleum L. Authorize Ernst & Young to perform the yearly actuarial review of the City's self-insured coverages: Workers' Compensation, general liability, automobile liability, automobile physical damage and property damage. In addition, they will perform a Risk Management Review. Estimated cost to the City will be $10,000 for the Actuarial Study and $12,500 for the Risk Management Study. wi M. Authorize Ernst & Young to perform the annual arbitrage rebate calculations on the Water and Sewer Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 1990 and the Public Service Tax Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1993, for the fiscal year 1996/97. Total cost will be $6,000 for all calculations 7 ~. 2. Proposed Resolution No. R97. Re: Ratification of South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board action of October 16, 1997: a. Authorization to expend $20,000 from Sinking Fund on an Emergency Basis to Repair #5 Effluent Pump; b. Authorization to enter into a lease agreement with Omnipoint Communication Services to construct a monopole on the northeast corner of South Central's property; c. Authorization to increase J. J. Kirlin's contract for the northwest reuse project from $4,539,795 to $4,595,784 to cover $55,989 of Change Orders; and d. Authorization to increase Ric Man's contract for the northwest reuse project from $2,477,738.09 to $2,535,701.75 to cover $57,963.66 of Change Orders. 3. Proposed Resolution No. R97- Re: Approving Grant Agreements between the City of Boynton Beach and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Funding Approvals of Community Development Block Grant Funding for the 1997-98 Fiscal Year 4. Proposed Resolution No. R97- Re: Approving the release of surety for Nautica PUD Plat Two in the amount of $44,874.52 5. Proposed Resolution No. R97- Recycling Truck Operator Re: Approving job description for 6. Proposed Resolution No. R97 - Re: Supporting the Palm Beach County Municipal League in its Recommendation for an amendment to the proposed changes by the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management to Section 9.4 Wetlands Protection of the Unified Land Development Code Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action: 1. New Site Plan for Alhambra North (Application Denied by Planning & Development Board on August 26, 1997) ........ ... ........ POSTPONED FROM 9/16/97 CITY COMMISSION MEETING 2. Major Site Plan Modification (Sign Program) for Boynton Commons PCD 3. Community Design Plan Appeal (Colors) for Boynton Commons PCD /4. l Community Design Plan Appeal for Boynton Commons PCD - Roof Illumination for Tony Roma's E. Approval of Bills 3 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Manager's Office Meeting Dates in to City Manager's Office 0 August 19, 1997 August 8, 1997 (noon) 0 October 21,1997 October 10, 1997 (noon) 0 September 2, 1997 August 22, 1997 (noon) [gJ November 4,1997 October 24, 1997 (noon) 0 September 16, 1997 September 5,1997 (noon) 0 November 18, 1997 November 7, 1997 (noon) 0 October 7,1997 September 26, 1997 (noon) 0 December 2, 1997 November 21, 1997 (noon) RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the November 4, 1997 City Commission meeting agenda under Consent - Ratification of Planning and Development Board Actions. The Planning and Development Board with a 6-0 vote, recommended denial of the request below. For further details pertaining to this request, see attached Planning and Zoning Memorandum No. 97-516. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: Boynton Commons - Tony Roma's AGENT: Joe Lelonek, Land Design South OWNER: Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder LOCATION: Southwest comer of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue DESCRIPTION: Request for approval ofa community design plan appeal to allow roof illumination of Tony Roma's restaurant building. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: NIA ALTERNATIVES: N/A Department Head's Signature City Manager's Signature Development Services Department Name k?~1 S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC DEVELO~MENT DEPARTMENT SERV,_cS PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 97- 516 Staff Report for Planning and Development Board and City Commission TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THROUGH: Tambri J. Heyden. AICP Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jerzy Lewicki Acting Senior Planner DATE: October 28, 1997 SUBJECT: Boynton Commons PCD (Tony Roma's) - CDPA 97-007 (roof illumination) NATURE OF REQUEST Joe Lelonek of Land Design South, agent for Boynton Commons Corporation, contract purchaser of the property located at the southwest corner of Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map), is requesting approval of a community design plan appeal to allow illumination of the roof of the Tony Roma's restaurant building. This appeal was submitted in connection with the building permit application submitted for Tony Roma's restaurant. The permit drawings indicated 14 lighting fixtures mounted on the edge of the roof directing light upward on the surface of the roof (see Exhibit "B" - Building Elevations). BACKGROUND On October 15, 1996, the site plan for the Boynton Commons PCD shopping center was approved by the City Commission. Recently, Boynton Commons Corporation has proposed numerous changes to the previously approved site plan. In general, changes were limited to reconfiguration of structures, parking, driveways, the drainage retention area location and elevations (see Exhibit "C" - Site Plan). Subsequently, a permit application was filed for construction of Tony Roma's restaurant, but was rejected by staff when a new, unapproved feature (roof illumination) appeared on the / - -.-----------------~-_._--- Page 2 Memorandum No. 97- 516 Boynton Commons PCD - roof illumination CDAP 97-007 elevations submitted for permit. This feature which is solely used as a means of advertising, is a violation of the community design plan. The schematic character of the previously submitted building elevations for this building prevented staff from detecting this code violation at the time of review of the administrative appeal presented to the Board on July 22, 1997 (ADAP 97- 002). Since the prototype building for a Tony Roma's building contains lighting fixtures illuminating the roof of the central part of the restaurant as a common feature, the applicant decided to submit an appeal from the community design plan. ANAL YSIS Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, Section 10.F.5 of the Land Development Regulations states as follows: "Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day. Jl Roof illumination, even as an architectural expression, is not proposed on any other building within this PCD. The building is on a prominent, highly visible, leased outparcel. Although, roof illumination is standard for this chain of restaurants, the most recent elevation approval by the Board and Commission permitted this business to retain and incorporate all of its other corporate image features. The fixtures, although directed, produce indiscriminate illumination. Also, this aspect of the corporate image is not exclusive to Tony Roma's. RECOMMENDA liONS Planning and Zoning recommends denial of this community design plan appeal. See Exhibit "0" - Conditions of Approval. xc: Central File J:\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\BOYCOMM\CDPA - Tony Roma's\staff report-boycomillum.doc ./' ~ EXHIBIT 'IA'I ..,....::.,' /- ~ \ L, ~J ..~~~.. p, _1.1 I .. pCO - .~ w SC .,-0"-' -j \ ., \ \ ~ \ IX.......:.,.- '\~. . \ . \. .~/ :/ "~ \- ',~~F3~ ) "\18 . \ \ \ \ \\0 8\0 fcc' . _. A A1N{N it EXHIBIT "B" ,,-- /',-\ ,---,' -,_._.._-_.._.~--_._------~-_._--- ~ ~ . I I ; I i ~I I f-- : I, :j'_t I r L ='= ,-,J , li- j : j- . - 1-1 ft i I I '0 'J i' n. '" ce " 'n '- t~ ~. ~ .,j :I: 0 I-- " ~'1) :~ ~cr:~ ~ ti'~ \lJQ;) II:( 00 S~~:z:P: ~g IZ ~z ~m ~~'Z<~~~~~ rnwZOcO::1tt.:)_ a:zoQ.Zt-'.....z.... ~O~~5""~CD~ tu~a;:~~Q.~ul ~~~i~85~G lU:;~~~:;~~~ ~3~(}::~~~~ ,ii~~~~~~~g~ ~j~~c~~;~~ ~~:i:;':~i.n~lU~?; 4'(wzx CDt-~I-.;:f ~~~~~ti~~~>- u~~~~~~~ffi~ ~U::!EO'(CLr...ffi:E~~ :~~~~~O::3~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ UJ W 0 =: UI 0::( ::iE w ~ .M ffiU)t-~~~,..,(Y-;.., '-'~:...; ~ M . . Z 0 . ~ili I- :; ~...., ~ . (j~ W W -J ~ 0 W "'w '7 ..... ..-..l . "-..l in ~ Cf) I- " <l: TO ~ I-'::J 0 Z u.Q ~ .> . 0 a- -.: (110 ..... -..li!: ; . a::: ~tl: ... ~ ., OW . LL ...e:. _n J \ I..... .(-i': ;~h ~ hr in c:= : .-... ~ nl (; ~; -, '^ z j I u 0 . A '"' I- ri ~ I' :; W . .. I- o. 0'" III "'w w ...-..l N-..l -J " <l: I-'::J W u.Q '> a- ce a::: ",0 -..lz 1- m ,- < ~tl: :! , OW it :'" W ...e:. w :i a::: :> u z ~ ~ '" "" ~ '" "" ~ W 0 ~-' '" '" 0 W z a: '. a: rr. '" g '" ~ i , >- " Z ~~ Z Z ,. ;; e 0 0 W U '" V IIIII 1-..- ~~ ~f C~ ~ :::) \ ~ :.:,. N LA !~ -..:l ~ ~ ~ ti ~ .1.' ._L__~ . . . . . r I ! , I L .: .' . I . . . .' I - . I 'L__n__ 0' " t.n '~T) (',' r. " II I) UllJ III In 3:0 nO. ,0 '0:: -( n f f If II o (J (n rn _I _J -1:-1: ,- I- n,) ,- I- :1~::I_ , '" ,- I' -~I I " " .n J W " " ~: " J ,; '" r.~ .n ',0; nn 1_ fJ lilt) ~ ~ ~~ -i ~' ~:~ ':;" i p~~ ~ffi ~ t3~ W.;-o ~l za ;j~ w ~g zO 0 a:o Y'I": ;t 00 ~~a w ~:f ~~.~t~ ~.* ~~~ ~~ s:~g ~~~>z~~~P Q::~ 1 I-- (JUJZC"I') 0 ~ ZI'\.:>l.- ,.. ~~ ~~~~~ ~t!5~ ~~t ~~ ~~,~ ;i~~ l.)fD ~~~ ZlJ,D.ZO+-i=>- Qfcl?2~j ~~~ ~t-'u~~n~:iz ~~~;H~~ EXHIBIT "C" If / l ~--....~. :-';.'" -t~ ~~' ...~ . ..... 'Z !/ ~~g~ l~~ o~~ m!;l2 ~ii\~ "mo ~g~ ~:I;1 ~!l Ii~" ;ill~ ;ll~~ t-C1 ~illo iii: ~i ~~ ~ ~ II ~ ~ i;gl t ~Qis ~;iU 11 - ;;'Q: 3 I . g~!ii i , i. n I ~ i ~ i ~ ~- { . ." {, ;. ,.~ Ii ~ t' e' .~." ~" ' " ...: '" ,;. i! ~ ,.-:"-':.' . ,:', ',"~ ~ l "-. '. .' ~ ~-, <<~."..:'1: ~'..~' ..... _ ! . . -- - : "(~':";~:~~"l-t~~....~~:.;l':/;' ~~~:ii ....:j5 . ~ ~ .~'l: :;:. . :::!t.... r"T":t~ ..~ ~! b'C'C.. lilt ~lloo~ll~ . ...~:;:.. ij ...w~ .... nn tlS ~I tII "~...\It;a'-J.;;i~ -\: ....~ ~~~~~g~ ;;;~St!l 6~tr g ~&....&..O&d~O...~~ ;tI""" - .. .- - ~ __e. ..'~.~ EXH\B\" "0" (;/ ---_.._---~-- ,. .------------------- EXHIBIT "B" Conditions of Approval Project name: Boynton Commons (Illumination) File number: CDPA 97-007 Reference: Letter of request with a October 1. 1997 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 1. Eliminate roof illumination. X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 2. Denied request for roof illumination. X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 3. To be determined. /bme s:\projects\cond of appr\ ~eVELOPMENT ORDER CITY L. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: Boynton Commons - Tony Roma's APPLICANT: Joe Lelonek APPLICANT'S AGENT: Joe Lelonek APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 1280 N. Congress Avenue, Suite 215, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: November 18,1997 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Community Design Plan Appeal (roof illumination) LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant HAS ..2L HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "B" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby _ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. ..2L DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk J:\SHRDA TA\Planning\sHARED\WP\PROJECTS\BoyComm\Tony Romas\DEVELOPMENT ORDER.doc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, October 28, 1997 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Commission Chambers 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members. 3. Agenda Approval. 4. Approval of Minutes. 5. Communications and Announcements. A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1) Final disposition of last meeting's agenda items. 6. Old Business: None 7. New Business: A. PUBLIC HEARING RezoninQ and Land Use Amendment 1. PROJECT: Cedar Ridge PUD AGENT: Joe Basile, Cedar Ridge Development, Inc. OWNER: Condor Investments of Palm Beach County LOCATION: 6.376 acres of property east of High Ridge Road, west of Interstate 95, approximately one-half (1/2) mile south of HYPoluxo Road. DESCRIPTION: Request to amend the future land use map of the comprehensive plan from Low Density Residential to Public and Private Governmental! Institutional and rezone from Planned Unit Development to R-1AA, Single Family Residential the northeast portion of the Cedar Ridge PUD which was formerly approved for 11 single-family lots. Page 2 Planning and Development Board Meeting Agenda, October 28, 1997 B. APPEALS Community Desiqn Plan Appeal 1. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 2. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: C. USE APPROVAL 1. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: D. SITE PLANS New Site Plan 1. PROJECT: Boynton Commons PCD Joe Lelonek, Land Design South Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder Southwest comer of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue Request for approval of a community design plan appeal to allow four colors in addition to white and black, to be included in a proposed sign program for Boynton Commons PCD. Boynton Commons - Tony Roma's Joe Lelonek, Land Design South Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder Southwest comer of Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road Request for approval of a community design plan appeal to allow roof illumination of Tony Roma's restaurant building. Harrison Import and Export - High Ridge Commerce Park PID Ron Kent, Jack Lupo Realty Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc. Commerce Road (300 feet north of the intersection of Miner Road and High Ridge Road) Request to amend the list of approved uses for the High Ridge Commerce Park PID to include warehousing and wholesale distribution of fabrics. Harrison Import and Export - High Ridge Commerce Park PID Page 3 Planning and Development Board Meeting Agenda, October 28, 1997 AGENT: Mark Snipes, CMSI Real Estate OWNER: Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc. LOCATION: Commerce Road (300 feet north of the intersection of Miner Road and High Ridge Road) DESCRIPTION: Request for site plan approval to construct a 15,968 square foot warehouse on 1.1 acres of land. Maior Site Plan Modification 2. PROJECT: Boynton Commons PCD AGENT: Joe Lelonek, Land Design South OWNER: Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder LOCATION: Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. DESCRIPTION: Request for approval of a major site plan modification to include a sign program for Boynton Commons PCD. 8. Comments by members 9. Adjournment NOTICE ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S. 286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (561) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. xc: Central File J:\SHRDA T A \PLANNING\SHARED\WP\AGENDAS\P&D\ 10-28-97. DOC 7.B.2 BOYNTON COMMONS - TONY ROMA'S COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN APPEAL DEVELOr'MENT DEPARTMENT SERVI",eS PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 97- 516 Staff Report for Planning and Development Board and City Commission TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THROUGH: Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jerzy Lewicki Acting Senior Planner DATE: October 28, 1997 SUBJECT: Boynton Commons PCD (Tony Roma's) - CDPA 97-007 (roof illumination) NATURE OF REQUEST Joe Lelonek of Land Design South, agent for Boynton Commons Corporation, contract purchaser of the property located at the southwest corner of Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map), is requesting approval of a community design plan appeal to allow illumination of the roof of the Tony Roma's restaurant building. This appeal was submitted in connection with the building permit application submitted for Tony Roma's restaurant. The permit drawings indicated 14 lighting fixtures mounted on the edge of the roof directing light upward on the surface of the roof (see Exhibit "B" - Building Elevations). BACKGROUND On October 15, 1996, the site plan for the Boynton Commons PCD shopping center was approved by the City Commission. Recently, Boynton Commons Corporation has proposed numerous changes to the previously approved site plan. In general, changes were limited to reconfiguration of structures, parking, driveways, the drainage retention area location and elevations (see Exhibit "C" - Site Plan). Subsequently, a permit application was filed for construction of Tony Roma's restaurant, but was rejected by staff when a new, unapproved feature (roof illumination) appeared on the / Page 2 Memorandum No. 97- 516 Boynton Commons PCD - roof illumination CDAP 97-007 elevations submitted for permit. This feature which is solely used as a means of advertising, is a violation of the community design plan. The schematic character of the previously submitted building elevations for this building prevented staff from detecting this code violation at the time of review of the administrative appeal presented to the Board on July 22,1997 (ADAP 97- 002). Since the prototype building for a Tony Roma's building contains lighting fixtures illuminating the roof of the central part of the restaurant as a common feature, the applicant decided to submit an appeal from the community design plan. ANALYSIS Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, Section 10.F.5 of the Land Development Regulations states as follows: "Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day." Roof illumination, even as an architectural expression, is not proposed on any other building within this PCD. The building is on a prominent, highly visible, leased outparcel. Although, roof illumination is standard for this chain of restaurants, the most recent elevation approval by the Board and Commission permitted this business to retain and incorporate all of its other corporate image features. The fixtures, although directed, produce indiscriminate illumination. Also, this aspect of the corporate image is not exclusive to Tony Roma's. RECOMMENDATIONS Planning and Zoning recommends denial of this community design plan appeal. See Exhibit "0" - Conditions of Approval. xc: Central File J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\BOYCOMM\CDPA - Tony Roma's\staff report-boycomillum.doc ~ EXHIBIT "A" j ~ /) ---- '. ~- --- -~..-=~--- - ._- -- - - - - j I :, ~ ....,.w ~ ;::.--r-.' '-, \\ ~\ _U \ o ~J8 M\LES \\ \ \\0\8\0 f~Ei ...IIN EXHIBIT "B" 5 .1 K'I ~.~ ~.. g i ~ Z~ I 1 . ~i .,t-,7.1 i II I ! ~i (;> .', 8~' ~l ~i ~~" ~ io :'~; d~ 1 1'::'1 (,~r::' I I.' " ! 1 if I ~! -, ,n ! 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I. f.: II IL ad if) if) ._J _J <1:-1: 1- f.- 00 1- f- I ,-:;:;._:~ I--~- 11~.!J ! ; I I: I' I r'~l on ::> wow :z. >, 0 ~ (L Ui _I :7. ~a:: ~ @ ~~ ~ z ~fi: :i ~ ~g r;~ ~z Pfi1 ., V) ~~ r, Ii o~ lU '1::::t :2:0 3 0::0 .::I:J: a::: DO ~~O~ ,~~ ~j~~~r-:OC ~~~~~ ~~ ~~t~~~ ~P- Oo::9:z..: 11)1- OUIZOQ 0- zn.:)~:....l-lfl ~~~irl~ @?5~ ~~r- ~~ ~~~ ;t~ffi um~ ~Q~ ZILIl..ZO 1-1->- Q@~ 2~~ ~~~ ~~.~UJ ~t.; b~z ~~~ w~ ~~fi1 :)zmQ' o:::nt: ~~~~~ ;~~ ~~~~in ?~m EXHIBIT "C" 7 -,,~..,.,.;."t',~'~ ,.~,t~,;;~':"~;'''I!...-.:;,:.:''.'' .......' , .'. ~" ,,\' ,:", ". . . "I:li,k, .' ii _ ",," i'~ '. -, 'z ~~~~ - . J~f 2.... . !i1i "h.. ",,0 ...... ~~r. :I;I ~~~ ;m~ ~~~ : "!~ ~i ~~ ~ 2 II I; 1: ~tN ln~;B I;,U .1' Qi!~~~ ~ ~ - U~ii I ' a. (\ . ~ ,~w , E . .. .-!IS1 ~~~i ~ tu;~r ~ iiiilii~ ~ ~..~ ... i!q . ~ ~ ~;l!:!oiorilO~ilil~inlli 1:~;ll~:oill~i~222il1i'P:I:I:I:I:I:I~ ... 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DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None 1. Eliminate roof illumination. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 2. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 3. To be determined. /bme s:\projects\cond of appr\ ;0