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LAN D . Land Planning
D E S I G N Landscape Architecture
Environmental Consultation PLANNING AND"
SO UTH 407-478-8501' FAX 407-47&0012. Congress Business Center' 1200 N,CongressAvenue' Suite215'WesI Palm Beach,Rorida33409
June 10, 1996
Mr. Michael Haag
City of Boynton Beach
Planning & Zoning Department
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Re: Boynton Commons peD
Dear Mike,
Please withdraw the current site plan submittal that was made to your office for the Boynton
Commons PCD. Due to major reconfigurations ofthe site plan, it is necessary to resubmit a new set
showing this revised layout. If possible, any refunds of review fees, we would ask be put toward this
new submittal.
I would also request that the master plan modification request be put on hold until the new layout
is completed. We anticipate having a revised layout for your review in two weeks. At that time we
will be able to determine whether we fit within 10% allowable for the master plan modification, or
whether we will have to go for a rezoning for the property. We will provide your office with updates
as this new plan reaches completion.
If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Thank
you for your cooperation on this matter.
D. Lelonek,
Proj ect Manager
cc: D. Stiller
M. Schroeder
T. Hayden
File #247,10