AGENDA DOCUMENTS 7B2 CONGRESS LAKES PUD MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION On Tuesday, February 6, 1990 the City Commission determined that this request does not constitute a substantial change and is for- warding this request to the Planning and Zoning Board for final consideration. , / ~ PLANNING': DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90- 0 17 TO: ' J. Scott Miller City Manager THRU: Timothy P. Cannon ~L Interim Planning Director DATE: James J. Golden Senior City Planner January 19, 1990 FROM: , 1. '\ SUBJECT: AGENDA - Congress Lakes Planned Unit Development Master Plan Modification - File No. 394 1'1" " Jose Aguila, agent for American Development Corporation, property owner, has requesteq a modification to the previously approved master plan for the Congress Lakes Planned Unit Development (PUD), as outlined in the attached correspondence. The modification requested is to allow for the exclusion of a 13.179 acre parcel (owned by American Development Corporation) from the Congress Lakes Planned Unit Development. The purpose for requesting the remo\7al of this parcel from, the planned unit development is to allow for the rezoning of this parcel to C-3, Community commercial, for the development of a 140,000 square foot shopping center. Prior to adoption of the Comprehensive Plan on November 7, 1989, the property owner petitioned the City Commission to change the land use on the subject parcel from "High Density Residential" to "Local Retail Commercial". The City Commission approved this request and the c~ange was incorporated in the plan. The approved 'change'to the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan has provided the basis for the submittal of this master plan modification and the accompanying rezoning application from PUD to C-3. i. ) r The procedure for approving master plan modifications in planned uni t developments is twofold. First, the City Commission must make a determination as to whether or not the changes requested are. substantial in nature. A determination of substantial change on the part of the City Commission, which has sole discretion in this matter, would. require a new application ,for PUD. On the other hand, a determination of no substantial change allows the forwarding of the request to the Planning and Zoning Board. The Planning and Zoning Board then may approve the request. This proced~re appears in Appendix B, Section 12 of the Code of Ordinances. II i. i I i '! ~ I' With respect to the change requested'by Mr. Aguila, the Technical Review Board met on Thursday, January 18, 1990 to review the plans and documents submitted and they are recommending that the City Commission mq.ke a finding of substantial change for the modification requested. The basis for this recommendation is outlined below: I' . . I 1. Removal o,f the 13.179 acre parcel from' the PUD will result in. an increase of density for the remaining PUD from 11.2 dwelling units per acre to 12.04 dwelling units perl 'acre. The increase in density results from a previous master plan modification which allocated only .~ , 1 ) , i " PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-017 Jan. 19, 1990 59 dwelling units to the American Development Corporation property (see staff report dated July 5, 1988 in Exhibit "A"). The current gross density of only 4.48 dwelling units per acre on the American Development Corporation property, when eliminated from the PUD, results in the overall increase in density for the remaining PUD. The original density for the Congress Lakes PUD, at the time of annexation into the Cicy, was 11.2 dwelling unit~ per acre. The increase to 12 . 04 dwelling units per acre occurred after the rezoning of the Catalina Centre hotel and shopping center to C-3. 2. The removal and commercial rezoning of the 13.179 acre parcel will create a potential land use conflict by allowing the rear of the shopping center to be exposed to the residential units in the PUD with little separation between the two zoning districts (i~e., there will be no lake or road separating the two properties). 3. Allowing the removal of the 13.179 acre parcel from the PUD and the subsequent rezoning and development of a 140,000 ~quare foot shopping center will result in an increase in water demand (see attached memorandum from the Utilities Department in Exhibit liB"): ' If the City Commission makes a finding of no substantial change for the modification requested, then this 'request should be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for final consideration. If it is the decision of the Planning and Zoning Board to approve this request, then approval should be contingent upon approval of the accompanying application to rezone from PUD to C-3. t-i AVi dAMES . GOLDEN -, . a;ij JJG:frb Encs .J;~ cc: Jose Aguila Congrlks 01/19/90 2 r:. 'l~:~ ~1;;}Jl?:~)#~ )1"11'Z;::;..Z:,J. ~,:,:,@~,<, .,..Ii..,..j".,U'.'r.... ,1;J~I.'~"II.I.,.'.:: .~~t~~~~.~~(:\~~ ~.;:5;~0:):~::;.:,:'::~:::. .":" :~i'@f :<,: '., :-'\i',~",,,,,....::;:,,,, k!::;r.lj~:": ::;()t?,::5i:::':' '/.{,~,,,,,,'f,')l ' " Q'~ < ., ,.. .... .. :t:,'ll,':;4 \ , 'I,tt,::<~\i ~\:::: "" '1 ""\'\'1 \~: ,.j:', , ',! '. ~ ....... . ..~..'_. .~''''''' ,/ t:} ..... '. ,::i , . .. .... "1.: Currie Schneider Associates AlA, PA Architecti. Planner!> & Interior Deiigners January 4, 1990 25 Seabreeze Delray Beach. FL .33483 4071276.4951. 737-2279 305/429.1566 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Congress Lakes P.U.D. modification Dear Sirs: This will serve as a formal request to modify the Congress Lakes P.U.D.. The purpose of this modification is to allow the exclusion of the 13.179 acres known as American Development.' It is the intent of the Deve lopers to submit to, the City for rezoning to the C-3 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Zoning category and follow up with a site plan which indicates approximately 130,000 S.F. of shopping and out parcels. This modification is consistent with the <current master plan recently adopted by the City. . Should you require any additional information from this office, please do not hesitate to contact us. ASSOCIATES AlA, PA .. ,J~ JA/eb " \ ',:' FAX: 4071243-8184 EXHIBIT "A" , . .ij I.: o ~ T~\ . . "'. ". .. I " A.G E NDA ME M 0 RAN D,~ M July 5, 1988 ) , TO: PETER L. CHENEY, CITY MANAGER I " 1 FROM: CARMEN:S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTO~ RE: CONGRESS LAKESPUD MASTER PLAN MODIFIOATION , ' J Jess Sowards, agent for C&R Developers: Inc. and American Development Corporation, is requesting a modification, to the previously approved master plan for the Congress Lakes PUD. Specifically, the applicant is requesting that the undeveloped parcel south ~f N.W. 22nd Avenue be divided into two separate parcels-consistent with the existing property ,ownership, and that the 525 residential dwelling units appr6ved for the property south of N.W. 22nd Avenue be realloqated with 466 units being assigned to the parcel owned by C&R Dev.elopers, Inc. and the remaining 59 units being assigned to the parcel owned by . American Deve~opment Corporation. The 59 units assigned to the property owned by American Development Corporation are proposed in place of a private' recreation area that was shown on the previous master plan.ij The applicant is also proposi6g to add a second point of acces~ to N.W. 22nd Avenue near the western boundary of the PUD to serve the parcel owned by C&R Developers, Inc., and tO,provide separate access to the parcel. owned by American Development Corporation. Access to the American Development Company parcel would occur by way of the existing dead-end col~ector road on the north side of the shopping center and by connection of a roadway to N.W. 22ndAvenue which would form a liT'. .intersection with the entrance to Mahogany Bay, which is located on the north side of N.W. 22nd Avenue. For a further clarification of this request, attached you will find a copy of the letter.of request, legal consent from tho prc~erty owners, a copy of a revised traffic report prepared by Kimley-Horn, and a copy of the proposed master plan which outlines the unit allocation and proposed access. The'procedute for approving master plan modifications in planned unit developments is twofold. First, the C~ty Commission must make a determination as to whether or not tpe changes requested are substantial in nature. A determination of substantial change on the part 'of the City Commission, which has sole discretion in this matter, would require a new application for pun. On the other hand, 'a determination of no substantial change allows the forwarding of the request to the Planning and Zoning Board. The Planning and Zoning Board then may approve the request. This procedure appears, in! Appendix B, Section 12 ('f th~ Code of Ordinances. < .-lll. With "respect to the change requested by Mr. Sowards, the Technical Review Board " met on Tuesday, July 5, 1988; to review the plans and documents submitted, and they offer for y~ur consideration, a recommendation that the City commission make a finding of no substantial change for the requested modification, conditionea ,upon the following: J _ 1) That the City Attorney review and approve the documentation submitted by the property owners which provides for their consent to enteitinto this application. ' 2) That the applicant's, traffic engineer submit the information necessary to determine if the new traffic distribution pattern for this development will affect the level of service at the N.W. 22nd Avenue/Congress Avenue intersection at buildout of the project and the thoroughfare plan.; , " . __---.1.._ " ..' \ .". '\ -2- 3) That the County Engineer reviews and approves the proposed design configuration for N.W. 22nd Avenue referenced in Attachment "B" of the Kimley-Horn report dated 6/30/88. . 4) That the 'deyeloper of the Gerulaitis multi-family project (C&R Properties) provide a five (5) item recreation package which meets the approval of the Parks and Recreation Department for a 50\ credit to the Parks and Recreation dedication fee, as per the previous master plan approval. , 5) That the site plans submitted for the remainder of the pun south of N.W. 22nd reflect conditions #1 through #4 above. , # I If it is the,~ecision of the City Commission to make a finding of no substantial change in this matter, then it is recommended that the planning and Zoning Board approve this request subject to conditions #~ through #5 above. ~ s d- ~ ...::Z;;: CARMEN S. ANNUNfftATO, CSA:ro cc Central File ~ i \. ~, "II . . i , ( t ! , " EXHIBIT "B" ,4 , )~~ ..~J;~l ", <'1~~ "r), ':. .... ~~: ;,.; ,. ';.",' " . .... .;. ,':*,) ;~ >~i~<:::~ : '~, ? ,.,J ':,' ,; j'fl'~ ,,;,.,:::>'" ",;:~,>:~ :'.Ii :. .~':~~:'~l: ';r: . "J" v";.. ~. -})~.::~; MEMORANDUM Utiiities #90-038 TO: Timothy Cannon Acting Planning FROM: John A. Guidry Director of Utilities DATE: January 22, 1990 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Congress Lakes - Amendment of P~U.D. After reviewing the subject request for amending the P.U.D. boundary and the subsequent rezoning to C-3 of the parcel owned by American Development Corporation, we can make the following determinations: 1. Development of the C-3 zoned parcel with 140,000 square feet of rental area would yield an estimated water demand of 17,500 gallons per day (gpd). The same parcel is currently planned for 59 residential units with an expected demand of 14,750 gpd, yielding a net increased demand of 2,750 gpd or 18.6%. We believe this to be a significant intensification of usage. ,..1LU i' .l 2. At this time, we have serious concerns about the avail- ability of reserve potable water capacity to allow service to the undeveloped parcels in this P.U.D. Any intensifi- cation of usage would exacerbate this shortfall in capacity, and should be discouraged. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella cc. :;. lot) 71 /Y1,' II~ ,/':':-r-t"'r'O:-- ., ,: ;' r:~':: "\::!":. ~ ", :'~'.:~??::.. .. ,.."'::., '.'~ .~ .~~}i/:::': .;;tl.......;;. . "~..," hn,,'~ IIIIII!~ hJ:i:'!~i I II IljiU i In. ..:I~ Ii;u=!;;;a;h IH:t~1 II-lid IUIU:S U:U' I" 1= tiillliPli II!:!I'J ~ I ~.' NORTH · ,:'~~f>~';:';t+ , , . ......' ......'.. .............~ ....... . .. ; ;. :.:/_::::::'z/ ,;/f0,/1t:f;f1i ;"" ',' ",:.,:,:<,-.y(~'::'" ,~.f#~ ,f, .;;(~,',;/;ij;?1 : ,.. :... ',~'f:,' I ,:' ,:,;'?4:;1?i:0,,1~:I/-:I/ .:~. :' '):. . ll-';~"Ji.,'lll :~.;.~~ ..::"(t~~/ ~"" ;<.~.r.,7.'.,.I.~"~'~"'" .ll:'r~i,;I~i .:~~ ',"': (,~,:,,:"~:l-' '~" .J', t. .. '~ ). 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