CORRESPONDENCE CITY of BOYNTON BEACH / / ~ >@1 . " . ;~ n___. 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (407) 738-7490 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR July 15, 1988 Currie Schneider Attention: Jess 25 Seabreeze Delray Beach, FL Associates AlA, PA Sowards, Project Manager 33483 Re: Congress Lakes Master Plan Modification Our file #: 105 Dear Mr. Sowards: On Tuesday, July 12, 1988, the Planning and Zoning Board approved the referenced master plan modification subject to stipulations set forth in the attached staff report. If you have any questions concerning this matter, pleas~ do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~S~~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, ICP PLANNING DIRECTOR ---. CSA:ro cc City Manager Technical Review Board central File ". .. ,,,I\~ ~ ....'-" , ~ - ':)" . \ -. ' '\\ ," ~\)-"" \ ,. \..... \ ':: ';',,'\ . .,\ ,- , : .-.1 .'~ /-,. I " ,--I, ('.,/ . / , . .',^ '.."./ I ''':'~''- \.<\\'-'~') ~-,.-!-('\' , . AGE N DAM E M 0 ~ AND U M July 5, 1988 TO: PETER L. CHENEY, CITY MANAGER FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: CONGRESS LAKES PUD MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Jess Sowards, agent for C&R Developers, Inc. and American Development corporation, is requesting a modification to the previously approved master plan for the congress Lakes PUD. specifically, the applicant is requesting that the undeveloped parcel south of N.W. 22nd Avenue be divided into two separate parcels consistent with the existing property ownership, and that the 525 residential dwelling units approved for the property south of N.W. 22nd Avenue be reallocated with 466 units being assigned to the parcel owned by C&R Developers, Inc. and the remaining 59 units being assigned to the parcel owned by American Development corporation. The 59 units assigned to the property owned by American Development Corporation are proposed in place of a private recreation area that was shown on the previous master plan. The applicant is also proposing to add a second point of access to N.W. 22nd Avenue near the western boundary of the PUD to serve the parcel owned by C&R Developers, Inc., and to provide separate access to the parcel owned by American Development corporation. Access to the American Development company parcel would occur by way of the existing dead-end collector road on the north side of the shopping center and by connection of a roadway to N.W. 22nd Avenue which would form a liT" ;l,ntersection with the entrance to Mahogany Bay, which is located on the north side of N.W. 22nd Avenue. For a further clarification of this request, attached you will find a copy of the letter of request, legal consent from thn property owners, a copy of a revised traffic report prepared by Kimley-Horn, and a copy of the proposed master plan which outlines the unit allocation and proposed access. The procedure for approving master plan modifications in planned unit developments is twofold. First, the City commission must make a determination as to whether or not the changes requested are substantial in nature. A determination of substantial change on the part of the City commission, which has sole discretion in this matter, would require a new application for PUD. On the other hand, a determination of no substantial change allows the forwarding of the request to the planning and Zoning Board. The Planning and Zoning Board then may approve the request. This procedure appears in Appendix B, section 12 0f the Code of Ordinances. with"respect to the change requested by Mr. Sowards, the Technical Review Board met on Tuesday, July 5, 1988, to review the plans and documents submitted, and they offer for your consideration, a recommendation that the City commissio~ find~n~ of no substantial c~ange for the requested modifiC~~~'/ cond~t~oned upon the follow~ng:'~" ,,' ;~~:',\ 1) That the City Attorney review and approve the d~Umentatibn \ submitted by the property owners which provideslEor their \ consent to enter into this application. ,'\ 2) That the applicant's traffic engineer submit the information necessary to determine if the new traffic distribution pattern'for this development will affect the level of service at the N.W. 22nd Avenue/congress Avenue intersection at buildout of the project and the thoroughfare plan. .. -2- 3) That the County Engineer reviews and approves the proposed design configuration for N.W. 22nd Avenue referenced in Attachment "B" of the Kimley-Horn report dated 6/30/88. 4) That the developer of the Gerulaitis multi-family project (C&R Properties) provide a five (5) item recreation package which meets the approval of the Parks and Recreation Department for a 50% credit to the Parks and Recreation dedication fee, as per the previous master plan approval. 5) That the site plans submj,tted for the remainder of the PUD south of N.W. 22nd reflect conditions #1 through #4 above. If it is the decision of the City commission to make a finding of no substantial change in this matter, then it is recommended that the Planning and zoning Board approve this request subject to conditions #1 through #5 above. Co ~ S {. _ ..::z:;: CARMEN S. ANNUNe1ATO CSA:ro cc Central File \ \' \:' " LAW OF"F"ICES ~ ~;iA" "'p MOYLE, JONES & FLANIGAN, P. A. JON C. MOYLE DANIEL H. JONES JOHN F. FLANIGAN RICHARD W. GRONER MARTI N V. KATZ E. COLE FITZGERALD,III: THOMAS A. SH E EHAN, III: ROBERT M. GROSS JORDAN R. MILLER DAVID S. PRESSLY DONNA H. STINSON 707 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE POST OFFICE BOX 3888 DELRAY BEACH OFFICE 900 EAST ATLANTIC AVENUE P. O. BOX 878 OELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 3344-4 TELEPHONE (305) 276-3294 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA. 33402 TELEPHONE (305) 659-7500 TELECOP,ER (305) 659 -1789 TALLAHASSEE OFFICE SUITE ese, THE BARNETT BANK BUILDING 315 SOUTH CALHOUN STREET TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 January 14, 1983 TELEPHONE (904) 224-5500 Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Mr. Charles Walker, Jr. P.E. Director, Traffic Division Palm Beach County Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Gentlemen: I have one clarifying change in the Agreements that I sent you. On page 3, paragraph 6, in referring to the attached Agreement the reference should be "that agreement" rather than "this agreement." The revised pages are enclosed for you to substitute. Sincerely yours, -j"1k rr"Z~ /J ~j"<t~.~ 7lT Thomas A. Sheehan, III TASllljpp Enclosures cc: Wade Riley Howard Riley /--,--...., /" ' ,rCo' I { 'j ,I I \lj \. i \' A'; '", i ti'l' , , I' /J ."., L A:>t' ..----... \,L::i.t.c/YL/, v~-t' _ _,k=-- ~~;e~~ LAW OFFICES ,; MOYLE, JONES & FLANIGAN, P. A. ..JON C. MOYLE DANIEL H. ..JONES ..JOHN F. FLANIGAN RICHARD W. GRONER MARTI N V. KATZ E. COLE FITZGERALD,= THOMAS A. SH EEHAN, = ROBERT M. GROSS ..JORDAN R. MI LLER DAVID S. PRESSLY DONNA H. STINSON 707 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE POST OFFICE BOX 3BBB WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE (305) 659-7500 TELECOPIER (305) 659-1789 DELRAY BEACH OFFiCe: 900 EAST ATLANTIC AVENUE P. O. BOX B7B OELRAY BEACH, FLORIOA 33444 TELEPHONE (305) 276-3294 January 10, 1983 TALLAHASSEE OFFICE SUITE 858, THE BARNETT BANK BUILDING 315 SOUTH CALHOUN STREET TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 TELEPHONE (904) 224-5500 Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Mr. Charles Walker, Jr. P.E. Director, Traffic Division Palm Beach County Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Gentlemen: Enclosed are the revised versions of the Riteco Agreements concerning the traffic improvement obligations. I believe that these revisions take care of the concerns that you had raised. After you have had an opportunity to review them, please contact me so that we can either discuss any further changes that you may feel are necessary or so that I can have my client execute these. Sincerely yours, ------ / C',l i,. .,' ~fAJ A ,Y/lM:,"IV4r~ Thomas A. Sheehan, III TASllljpp Enclosures cc: Wade Riley Howard Riley 2'. ( :i tiecerdc_. 4'/t;/>;' C:/, Date~//~_ S -_ rime _ //: -=- - LAW OFFICES MOYLE, JONES & FLANIGAN, P. A. .JON C. MOYL.E D...NIEL. H. .JONES .JOHN r. f"LANIGAN RICH...RD W. GRONER M"'RTlN V. K"TZ E. COLE I'ITZGERALD,:ID: THOM"'S .... SHEEHAN,JlJ: ROBERT M. GROSS .JORD"'N R. MILL.ER D...VID S. PRESSLY DONNA H. STINSON 707 NORTH f"L...GLER DRIVE POST Of"I'ICE BOX 3eee WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE (305) 659-7500 TELECOPIER (305) 659 -1789 OELRA.Y BEACH O"'f"ICE SiJOO EAST ATLANTIC "VENUE p. O. BOX 878 DELRAY BEACH, F'LORIDA 33444 TCLCPHONC (305) 276-3294 TALLAHASSEE: OFFICE SUITE ass, THE BARNETT BANK BUILDING 3.5 SOUTH CALHOUN STREET TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 January 5, 1983 TELEPHONC (904) 224- 5500 James W. Vance,. Esq. Caldwell~ Pacetti, Barrow and Salisbury 324 Royal Palm Way 3rd Floor, Royal Park Building Palm Beach, FL 33480 Dear Jim: Since talking with you on Monday, I received copies of the appraisal reports, copies of which are enclosed for your use. As we discussed, Riteco intends to convey to the City of Boynton Beach the commercial property on Seacrest Boulevard as well as a number of lots in the Rolling Green Ridge subdivision. The specific lots Riteco would transfer would be Block 44, Lot 5, less the northerly 35 feet, Lots 6 through 8 and 18 through 21 (all less the 1-95 right-of-way) and Lots 7 through 10 of Block 45. The last page of the appraisal report shows where those lots are located in relation to the existing City-owned property. I have asked my client to proceed with the Deed for the Seacrest Boulevard pareel, as part of the Rolling Ridge tract to be given to the City, as we discussed last week. As soon as I hear back from you with respect to the other lots, I will go ahead and have those Deeds prepared as well. Sincerely yours, -r L~ It 9-.4.L---::rf1 Thomas A. Sheehan, III TASIII/pp cc: Ea e Riley ward Riley armen Annunziato wjencl. ,:~ -'.' ( )1~ f~~~ Date----L . V --~ '3. Jime -- HAND DELIVER ,. ~ .:~- :' .,: " ~:~ ."., >~09 "'SOUTH 'COUNTY "'ROAD -~'PALM ,;BEACH . 'Po ~O: ~": )(''?2-274 '":33480 . :", c.-' ~': RSSOCI-RTfD PPR-AISERS JAMES R. BRANCH SREA MAl JOE R, KERN SRA -:'- '. . - '. REALTORS -',APPRAISERS .--CONSULTANTS '...'..,MORTGAGE :.LOANS:,. .INSURANCE- ,':, "', _.. . ASSOCIATES: KENNETH J. KISSEL DoNNA M. KE~N ANTHONY J. REICH AUOREY J. HORSEFIELD WiLL'..... W. BR"NCH F. L. RODGERS K"Tl<LEEN A. MERCER JOHN H. BEERS JANUARY 3, 1983 MR. WADE RILEY, VICE PRESIDENT RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1375 N. KILLIAN DRIVE, SUITE 207 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 RE~ ApPRAISAL OF 22 VACANT SINGLE FAMILY LOTS, LOCATED IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. LEGALLY DESCRI BED AS: LOT 5. LESS THE N. 35 FEET AND LESS 1-95 R/W, BLOCK 44. ROLLI NG GREEN RIDGE 1ST ADDITION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 24, PAGES 223 THRU 226. PALM BEACH COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. LOTS 6 THRU 8. AND 18 THRU 21. LESS 1-95 R/W, BLOCK 44, LOTS 7 THRU 12, BLOCK 45. AND LOTS 27 THRU 34. BLOCK 42. ROLLING GREEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION. AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 26. PAGE 214. PALM BEACH COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. DEAR MR. RILEY: As PER YOUR REQUEST WE HAVE MADE A CURRENT MARKET VALUE APPRAI SAL OF THE VACANT LOTS LEGALLY DESCRI BED ABOVE. ALL OF THESE LOTS ARE ZONED R-l. SI NGLE FAMILY RESI- DENTIAL DISTRICT. BY THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. THIS ZONING CLASSIFICATION PERMITS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS ONLY. BUILDING AND SITE REGULATIONS REQUIRE A MINIMUM LOT AREA OF 6.000 SQUARE FEET. FRONT AND REAR YARD SETBACKS OF 25 FEET EACH. MINIMUM SIDE YARDS OF 7 1/2 FEET AND MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE OF 60 FEET. SOME OF THE LOTS BORDERING THE 1-95 RIGHT OF WAY. SPECIFICALLY LOTS-S. 6 AND LOTS 19.20 AND 21 DO NOT CONFORM TO BUILDING AREA AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. HOWEVER. THESE FIVE LOTS COULD BE COMBINED TO MAKE A TOTAL OF THREE BUILDING SITES, ASSUMING A VARIANCE IS GRANTED PERMITTING LESS THAN 25 FOOT REAR SETBACKS. DISCUSSION WITH MR. BERT KEEHR, OF THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT. SUGGESTED THAT THIS WOULD BE A LIKELY POSSI BILlTY. THE OTHER SUBJECT LOTS ARE ALL CONFORMING SITES. CONSIDERED EQUAL. THERE HAVE BEEN SEVERAL VACANT LOT SALES WITHIN THE ROLLING GREEN RIDGE SUBDIVISION. INCLUDING MULTIPLE LOT SALES OF UP TO EIGHT SITES, DURING THE PAST YEAR AND A HALF. ~'~"" -- '.' '. '.. . -. " ,: :.,..'.. '::::;TEL1::PHONE~655-7J60 :~655'?.J62 . ._.' :: ",- )-~' ". ;~.' ~.;" -. < ....... .~:<.>:-_ '.,.. '. ... -2- THE SALE PRICES HAVE RANGED FROM A LOW OF $3,000. TO A HIGH OF $7,000. HOWEVER, MOST OF THE SALES HAVE BEEN AT $4,500. PER LOT AND THE MOST RECENT SALES HAVE BEEN AT $5,000. PER LOT. IT IS OUR OPINION THAT THE SUBJECT LOTS ARE OF E'QUAL VALUE' REFLE'CTED BY THE COMPARABLE SALES DATA. THE ESTIMATED VALUE OF THE CONFORMING LOTS ARE EQUAL TO $4,500. PER LOT. THE THREE LOTS COMBINED FROM FIVE NONCONFORMING SITES WOULD STILL REQUIRE SETBACK VARIANCE AP- PROVAL AND ARE LESS DESIRABLE. THEY ARE ESTIMATED TO HAVE A MARKET VALUE OF $3,500. PER LOT. '.., THEREFORE, THE ESTIMATED VALUE OF THE SUBJECT LOTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 5 & 6 COMBINED - MAKING 1 LOT OF 7 ,700+ SO~FT. = LOT 7 CONSISTING OF 10,500+ SO.FT. = LOT 8 CONSISTING OF 11,500+ sO.FT. = LOT 18 CONSISTING OF 9,000+ SO.FT. ::: LOTS 19, 20 & 21 COMBINED TO MAKE 2 LOTS OF 7,700+ SQ.FT. EACH, $3,500.EA $ 3,500. 4,500. 4,500. 4,500. 7,000.- LOTS 7 - 12, BLOCK 45, CONTAINING 7,000+ SQ. FT. EACH 6 LOTS @ $4,500. ::: LOTS 27 - 34, BLOCK 42, CONTAI NING 7 ,OOG-t so. FT. EACH 8 LOTS @ $4,500. .: $27,000. $36,000. TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE OF SUBJECT LOTS ::: $87,000. THE COMPARABLE SALES DATA IS INCLUDED IN MY FILES AND AVAILABLE FOR YOUR INSPECTION. IF THERE IS ANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED REGARDING THIS MATTER, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. JAMES R. BRANCH, MAl, SREA AJR/GK -.. ..... LAW OF'FICES ~IOYLE, ,JONES & FLANIGAN, FA. 707 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE POST OFFICE BOX 3BBB JON C. MOYLE DAN I EL H. JON ES JOHN F. FLANIGAN RICHARD W. GRONER MARTIN V. KATZ E. COLE FITZGERALD, In THOMAS A. SHEEHAN, In ROBERT M. GROSS JORDAN R. M'LLER DAVID S. PRESSLY WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE (305) 659-7500 TELECOPIER (305) 659.1789 DELRAY BEACH OFFICE 900 EAST ATLANTIC AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 TELEPHONE (305) 276-3294 December 8, 1982 Mr. Charles Walker, Jr., P. E.. Director of Traffic Division Palm Beach County Engineering & Public Works P.O. Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 ~ Carmen Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Gentlemen: Enclosed for your review are draft versions of Agreements between Riteco Development Corporation and the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County concerning Congress Avenue funds. I would call, your attention to Paragraph Five in both Agreements which provides for the disbursement of escrowed funds in the event that the County does not begin construction on Congress Avenue within three years of the execution of these Agreements. As pre- sently drafted, it attempts to provide a strong incentive for the prompt commencement of construction on Congress Avenue and takes into account the fact that Riteco is anticipating benefits to its projects from the four-laning of Congress Avenue and would be disadvantaged if those improvements are not made. I do want to emphasize, however, that we are certainly open to alternative suggestions as to how those concerns can be addressed. Please let me have your comments after you have reviewed these drafts. Should you have any questions, please call. Sincerely yours, '11\4 ("-(;;1 A ~ j\H~......--ril' Thomas A. Sheehan, III TASlll/pp cc: Wade Riley w/encl. Nate Adams w/encl. D 1irne ----- Enclosures " --' ' "Board of County Commissioners Norman Gregory, Chairman Peggy B. Evatt, Vice. Chairman Frank Foster Dennis Koehler Bill Bailey November 9, 1982 County Administrator John C. Sansbury Department of Engineering and Public Works H" F" Kahlert County Engineer Mr. Thomas A. Sheehan, III Moyle, Jones & Flanagan, P.A. 707 North Flagler Drive P. O. Box: 3888 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Dear Mr. Sheehan: This is in response to your August 4, 1982, proposal that your client, Riteco Development Corporation, meet certain obligations- concerning construction on Congress Avenue by way of a cash payment. Please refer to the following documents: 1. Boynton Beach City Council Agenda dated September 8, 1982. 2. Letter dated September 27, 1982, from Mr. Peter Cheney, City Manager, City of Boynton Beach 3. Communication to the Board of County Commissioners dated November 2, 1982. As can be seen from these documents, both the City Council of Boynton Beach and the Board of County Commissioners have approved this cash payment in lieu of previous commitments. It is requested that you and I have a meeting at your earliest convenience with Mr. Carmen Annunziato, of the City of Boynton Beach, to implement this proposal. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division >>z .,C./ J I Ii i~ / ()~/ 3 J , CRW:nd cc: Mr. Carmen Annunziato City of Boynton Beach BOX 2429 . WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402 . (305) 684.2460 boarti of County Commissioner!; Norman Gregory, Chairman F'~ggy B. ivatt, Vice. Chairman Frank Foster Dennis Koehler L :.~e .. Bill Bailey (>~.eJ County Administrator John C. Sansbury Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert County Engineer November 2, 1982 Honorable Norman R. Gregory Chairman, and Members of the Board of County Commissioners APPR0V,D S~ 0Ck~. NO'J 2 1!2 - - SUBJECT: Communication - Acceptance of $274,000 in lieu of Congress Avenue Construction Commitments from Riteco Corporation. Commissioners: The Riteco Development Corporation, developers of Sandhill, which includes land on which the Motorola Plant is being constructed, and developers of the proposed Congress Lakes project, had certain obligations for construction along Congress Avenue between New Boynton Road and Hypoluxo Road. Palm Beach County, with the help of State Economic Development Funds, has accomplished a portion of these improvements, and will complete the remainder during FY 1982/83. The agreements indicated that if government accomplished these improvements, Riteco would pay an amount e~ual to the construction cost at certain stages of development. Riteco has proposed, in the attached letter dated August 4, 1982, that in lieu of these future payments they make a cash contribution in the amount of $274,000. The Congress Lakes project has just gone through a voluntary annexation into the City of Boynton Beach, and the Sandhill project is also within the City of Boynton Beach. The City of Boynton Beach was re~uested to comment on Riteco's proposal, and in the attached letter dated September 27, 1982, has recommended that this proposal be accepted under the following conditions. 1) The Board of County Commissioners makes a commitment that these funds will be spent for appropriate four-laning and intersection improvementss on State Road 804 between Congress Avenue and Military Trial. Even by setting the fund up in a special account when the are received or by '3 C;( 2 4 2 9 -',If:'= S T PAL \1 B E .Do. C H, F lOR 1 D A 3 3 4 0 2 . (3 0 5) 6 8 4 ' 2 4 6 0 2 using whatever funds are necessary to design the road account for State Road 804. /' 2) That the Developer of Congress Lakes pay the money ($274,000) in cash to the County wi thin three months. --- 3) The County take steps to review the priority of the four-laning State Road 804 and consider steps to reconstruct it within the next years, since this road will play such a vital part in the east/west movement of traffic to and from the DeBartolo Mall. of 1 /~ two ~ I I i ---' If these conditions are acceptable to the Board, it is recommended that the Riteco proposal be accepted and these funds be put in an escrow account earmarked for plans, right-of-way and construction of New Boynton Road from Congress Avenue to Military Trail, and that the County Engineer be instructed to proceed with plans preparation and right-of-way acquisition, using these funds. ::;}jlJ<< H. F. Kahlert, P.E. County Engineer Attachments: Correspondence - 9-27-82 8-9-82 Office of the city Manager ",0. sox 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FI.OAIDA 33~35 13051 734-8111 '- /CITY of BOYNTON BEACH September 27, 1982 Charles Walker, Jr., ~.E. Director, Traffic Division P. O. Box 2429 West ~alm Beach, Florida 33402 Re: Developer Committments for Congress Avenue Widening in the City of Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Walker: As a follow up to earlier discussions concerning the widening of Congress Avenue, development committments and transfer of developer committments to State Road 804, as well as a follow up to Thomas Sheehan's letter of August 4, 1982 to you and your letter of August 9, 1982 to Carmen Annunziato, City Planner (attached), I am writing to report that this matter has been discussed with the City Council and the City concurs with the proposal that the Congress Lakes Development have its road committment as far as Congress Lakes Development reduced to $274,000 under the following conditions: 1. The Board of County commissioners makes a committment that these funds will be spent for appropriate four- laning and intersection improvements on State Road 804 between Congress Avenue and Military Trail. Even by setting the fund up in a special account when they are received or by using whatever funds are necessary to design the road and putting the rest of the funds in a special reserve account for State Road 804. 2. That the Developer of Congress Lakes pay the money ($274,000) in cash to the County within three months. Charles Walker, Jr., P.E. September 27, 1982 Page 2 3. The County take steps to review the priority of the four-laning of State Road 804 and consider steps to reconstruct it within the next two years, since this road will play such a vital part in the east/west movement of traffic to and from the new Motorola Plant and the DeBartola Mall. I hope that you wil~ have an opportunity to discuss both the Congress Lakes road committment transfer and the status of state Road 804 with the City Planner and City Engineer at an early date, so that we can reach an agreement of these matters. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~. ~d;r City Manager PLC : mh Enclosures 2 cc: City Planner City Engineer Central Files .~----_._--_.-- .-. . . "I . (~ (:"\ ,~ fj" ~.~ , - ..,. AGENDA September 8, 1982 DC. OLD BUS :mESS: B. Consider Proposal for Recalculation and Reallocation of Construction Funds for Congress Avenue Currently Palm Beach County has indicated that it will appropriate $1,000,000 to match a State allocation of $800,000+ so that funds from these two sources can cover the costs of four-laning Congress Avenue from,N.W. 22nd Avenue to Hypoluxo Road. The County is proceeding with the design of this section of road, and, to the best of the City's understanding, plans. to. carry out this project 'so that the County will not lose the benefit of the new allocation of state funds. These State funds are allocated under the same " provisions as the earlier $2,000,000 that was provided in connection with the Motorola development. In connection with this new work on Congress Avenue, the attached letter dated August 9, 1982, from Charles Walker has been received and raises the proposal concerning the ~ediate acceptance of $274,000 from Riteco's Obligation to meet contributions for Congress Avenue. The County is asking for the City's thoughts relative to the proposal with particular attention to whether or not the Congress Lakes' Annexation Agreement should be modified concerning construction on Congress Avenue. ~ , ~ In reviewing this matter and in carrying out further stud~es related to traffic in the area of Congress Avenue, Motorola, the Mall, and New Boynton Road, it appears that it is now time to give some specific attention to-the widening of New Boynton Road between Congress Avenue and Military Trail in order to prepare for the opening of the Mall and other commercial development in the area that is a part of both the City and the County's Comprehensive Plan. It is therefore recommended that the City Council agree to adjust the Congress Lakes Annexation Agreement and urge that the County accept the ,proposed $274,000 to be paid now, with the understanding that that $274,000 will be reserved for construction activity on New Boynton Road. It is also recommended that the City Council take a positive position relative to the early planning and, if IUJ . 11;1~/ or- ,- ~- ~ ~. .~~~~~~~~~;~ . '. ". --------- ---_.-----~-----~-- " Bqa'r'd of County Commissioners Norman Gregory, Chairman Pt'!:gy B. Evatt. Vice - C1airman F r<1nk Foster Dennis Koehler Bill a..iley (J' August 9, 1982 County Administrator Ion n. C. S4!nsbury Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kanlert County Engineer Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box ;10 120 Northeast Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida ;3435 SUBJECT: Developer Commitments for Congress Avenue Widening in the City of Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Annunziato: As you know, State economic development funds have been made available to pay for 50~ of the continuation of the widening of Congress Avenue from Northwest 22nd. Avenue to Hypoluxo Road. The Board of County Commissioners has budgeted the remaining 50% in its 1982/83 fiscal budget. (', . The Riteco Development Corporation had construction requirements on Congress Avenue in the area which will be widened using the State and County funds. In the attached letter, Mr. Thomas Sheehan, representing Riteco Corporation, proposes that Riteco's obligation be met by a cash contribution in ~he total amount of $274,000. Please let me have your thoughts on this proposal with particular attention to whether or not Congress Lakes' Annexation Agreement should be modified concerning construction on Congress Avenue, and how these funds should be earmarked, assuming Riteco's proposal is accepted. Your continued cooperation in these matters of mutual in~erest is appreciated. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER tLr,1JL/fL ", Mr. Peter Cheney, City Manager City'of Delray Beach ,C{f~;E::-~.~ (j,.c-o) "'-"~_.__//(!,6 ~ -..., ,., - / //, -- .', . I. t ~. ... .. ~ . I '"', _ "\,....'\2.1314 7$ 7.~ ,,0 I:) ;-, ~C) ~ ':;" I\. it> ~ co - ~ :., ~~ ~tl~:?:"-':'.' ,'" j M ~C;.... rn:~." \:-1 \\-' ~!...(\.... ;' ," ..,'t-' ..~"t\:'\~j~ ~';.'" C..\: \\:.. "<.S:" ~~ "':. ,', ",,:'-;':"(; '7>' Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division () CRW:nd cc: Mr. G. Haney Frakes, Jr., P.E. Assistant County Engineer .". ' , I I I J BOX 2429 . 'N EST PAL ~,~ 8 E A C H. r- LOR I D A 3 3 4 0 2 (305) 684.2460 , ': / ". .- ~ .,... .;1./ -. - l.AW O""'CCS MoYLE. JONES & FLA....~.n:GAN, EA. / I " (; JON Co MOTLE DANIel. H. ..I0NES .lOHN ,. '.....HIO~N FUCHA"'O W. GROHeR .....RTIN v. IeATZ E. C:OU: "TZOERA~ 1:1% THOMAS ~ SHEEHAH.D: III0BCRT .... GROSS ..I0"'ClAH It. MILJ.CR 707 NORTH "-"OI.ER DRive F"OST O"'C:I: IIOX ~a.. W%S'r PAI.."I( BEACJ:[.2"J:.OlUJ)A 00402 TELUHONC (305) 659-7500 TCLCCOP'II:. 130!!51 eS9- 1789 OC'-"AT BCACH O,'U:I: .co EAST AT1.AHTIC: ....VCHI,/C Ocu....y IlCACw. '~"IQA 33-- TI:U~"OHCC30SJ 276-3294 August 4, 1982 Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr. 'P.E. Director Traffic Division Palm Beach County Engineering and Public Works P_O. Box 2429 West Palm B~ach, FL 33402 HAND DELIVER '\O'\'\12131<tl.... ^" <Q '?J ~ \J..~ ""((:S .~ 1.', ~ \\\~ ~- ~~; \ c:t'I~ :.~ I ~~.Ct-. ~ ~1'-.l~s .~,:;. i ,:~ t-;~t'~G.:".- ~.J ! ,., .'. I~' C~\\;I.:a ~ , ..' ~ Dear Mr. Walker: ... I am wr~ting to you on behalf of my c~ient, Riteco Develop~ mentCorp., in connection with the proposed four-laning of Congress ('.'. Avenue. In our discussions, you have indicated that state funds are '..:: available for extending the four-laning of Congress Avenue northward from its present project termination point. As Riteco has certain future obligations to four-lane portions of Congress Avenue in connection with its Sandhill and Congress Lake projects, you have inquir~d whether Riteco, in return for some considerationr might be willing to advance construction funds at this time to help the County match the state funds. This letter responds to your inquiry. As you know, Riteco has obligations with respect to the Sandhill project, relating to (1) the installation of a traff~c s~gnal at the intersection of N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue, (2) the im- provement of the intersection of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue and (3) the four-lanins of Congress Avenue from the present north end project termination point to .the south right-of-way line of canal L-21. These commitments are contained in an Agreement between Riteco and the County dated August 1, 1978, and modified in an Addendum dated January 22r 1980. These obligations are for a specific dollar amount with regard to each of the above' numerated items, if not done by Ri teco . l~ Riteco is also currently in the process of having the property for the Congress Lakes project annexed into the City of Boynton Beach. One o'f the conditions'of this annexation would be an obli- gation to four-lane Congress Avenue from the north right-of-way line ,/ " /iar1es R. Wa ':'l-~r, Jr. ".....,...cst 4, 1982 . ' . /ge Two of canal L-20 to the south right-of-way line of canal L-2l, an . obligation that, along with certain improvements on N.W. 22nd Avenue, " would satisfy its obligation for impact fees. We anticipate.that (,. this annexation petition will be accepted by the City of Boynton Beach so that this obligation would become binding on Riteco. As noted.above, Riteco's obligations with respect to Congress Avenue under these various agreements will occur at same future date, as these projects are developed and meet the triggering , conditions contained in the agreements. These triggering events are, at a minimum, at least several years off for both projects, so that payment of these obligations now would deprive Riteco of the use of funds it would otherwise have. Recognizing, however, that it would be to the advantage of both Riteco and'.the County to satisfy these obligations at the present time under mutually acceptable. conditions, Riteco would propose the following: 1. In'lieu of the obligations described above, Riteco would pay to Palm Beach County the sum of $74,000 with respect to the Sandhill project and the sum of $200,000 with respect to the Congress Lakes project. C.' 2. These payments would satisfy any and all traffic or other impact development fee with respect to the development of these ~rojects as presently proposed or as they may be amended (provided that no increase in density occurs). 3. The offer with respect to the Congress Lakes project would be contingent on the acceptance of its annexation petition by the City of Boynton Beach. The present schedule calls for final approval by the Boynton Beach City Council on October 5, 1982. ~ 4. Upon acceptance .of this agreement by the County and subject to item No.3, Riteco would deposit in escrow with its attorneys the sums mentioned in item No.1. Oisbursements would then be made from that escrow fund with the exact timing of such disbursements to be worked out in further discussions with the County. We trust that this proposal is of interest to the County and we would be happy to meet with you to discuss it further or to work out the final details. Should you have any questions, please call. C. Sincerely yours, ~ '0f? -~. . /. ' <....! ,./" d~~-&r...,7(:", /'. y.:'~/'" ?/~~ Thomas A. Sheehan, III TASIII/pp cc: Wade Riley ::. Howard' W. Riley 1 Jr. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~, Office of the City Manager P,O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2NO AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIOA 33435 13051 734'8111 September 27, 1982 Charles Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division P. O. Box 2429 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Re: Developer Committments for Congress Avenue Widening in the City of Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Walker: As a follow up to earlier discussions concerning the widening of Congress Avenue, development committments and transfer of developer committments to State Road 804, as well as a follow up to Thomas Sheehan's letter of August 4, 1982 to you and your letter'of August 9, 1982 to Carmen Annunziato, City Planner (attached). I am writing to report that this matter has been discussed with the City Council and the City concurs with the proposal that the Congress Lakes Development have its road committment as far as Congress Lakes Development reduced to $274,000 under the following conditions: 1. The Board of county Commissioners makes a committment that these funds will be spent for appropriate four- laning and intersection improvements on State Road 804 between Congress Avenue and Military Trail. Even by se,tting the fund up in a special account when they are received or by using whatever funds are necessary to design the road and putting the rest of the funds in a special reserve account for State Road 804. 2. That the Developer of Congress Lakes pay the money ($274,000) in cash to the County within three months. Charles Walker, Jr., P.E. September 27, 1982 Page 2 3. The County take steps to review the priority of the four-laning of State Road 804 and consider steps to reconstruct it within the next two years, since this road will play such a vital part in the east/west movement of traffic to and from the new Motorola Plant and the DeBartola Mall. I hope that you will have an opportunity to discuss both the Congress Lakes road committment transfer and the status of State Road 804 with the City Planner and City Engineer at an early date, so that we can reach an agreement of these matters. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~.d~ City Manager PLC :mh Enclosures 2 cc: City Planner City Engineer Central Files Board of County Commissioner~ Norman Gregory, Chairman Pcggy B, Evatt. Vice. Chairman FrOlnk Foster Dennis Koehler Bill Bailey (~ ' August 9, 1982 County Administrator lohn,C.S.msbury Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert County Engineer Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner. City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 120 Northeast Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 r - SUBJECT: Developer Commitments for Congress Avenue Widening in t~e City of Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Annunziato: As you know, State economic development funds have been made available to pay for 50$ of the continuation of the widening of Congress Avenue from Northwest 22nd. Avenue to Hypoluxo Road. The Board of County Commissioners has budgeted the remaining 50% in its 1982/83 fiscal budget. (> The Riteco Development Corporation had construction requirements on Congress Avenue in the area which will be widened using the state and County funds. In the attached letter, Mr. Thomas Sheehan, representing Riteco Corporation, proposes that Riteco's obligation be met by a cash contribution in ~he total amount of $274,000. Please let me have your thoughts on this proposal with particular attention to whether or not Congress Lakes' Annexation Agreement should be modified concerning construction on Congress Avenue, and how these funds should be earmarked, assuming Riteco's proposal is accepted. . . . Your continued cooperation in these matters of mutual in~erest is appreciated. ~ Sincerely, ", OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER t4~JlL Mr. Peter Cheney, City Manager City'of Delray Beach ~(1f~'-:~/i~/~/L; (;;p. c?) j,,_...: I( / - / _____ 0 ~ ... -0/." ----. t j". ~.~ ,,_ c.., - .... -" ~'\ '\2.13147$7.'" 1\0 Q ;'_ c? ~ --:..:~, ,,~ " , :.~ \.\~ ~~~I'\\ "t ~\J .....tl '<; ';.r:: M ~C'r.' ,-":,, ~....\ C:\;.'","~ <'.~"";' '.: ' ... .. \',o:::t \';"':"t\'~i~ : ;",' " r:-'.'\.ol 0.,.11; ,;1;... \ ":" ." .... z... ". "" _.11 . .......::.f'~-::; "'~".~<::t.'7:" Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division ( -~. \.::.::' CRW:nd " cc: Mr. G. ~aney Frakes, Jr., P.E. Assistant County Engineer . BOX 2429 ' II! EST PAL ~.~ 8 E A C H, F'L 0 RID A 3:3 41 0 2 (305) 684.2460 ROSSI AND MALA V ASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS r61-~ -,R&M+ ''--I"!''~ FORUM III . SUITE 407 1875 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-2179 TELEPHONE: (305) 889-0554 August 4, 1982 ~ ~,e~ t ,<.#'. - ~ - /. Recelv~ ~7lJ~, Date 1 . fj /0 Ir. ~L Time Mr. Carmine Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Congress Lakes P.U.D. - Technical Review Board Comments. Dear Mr. Annunziato, Listed below are the answers to questions raised at the August 3, 1982, meeting with the City.s Technical Review Board attended by Wade,Riley, representing the owner of the proposed project. UTILITIES - Perry Cessna, Memorandum of July 24, 1982 1. The conceptual master water and sewer plans were revised and re- submitted to Mr. Cessna on Monday, August 2, 1982. Mr. Cessna indicated that the revisions met his requirements. PUBLIC WORKS - Rick Walke, Comments 1. Containerized garbage collection shall consider dumpster size & location, minimize backing by packer and allow for 701 turning radius. Dumpster locations to be worked out with Public Works Department. ENGINEERING - Tom Clark, P.E. 1. Permit to allow the existing de-mucking and dredging operation shall meet the stipulation in the Petition for Voluntary Annex- ation. The surety that has been placed with the existing mining permit with the County is to be transferred to the City. CITY PLANNER - Carmine Annunziato, July 27, 1982 Memo 1. The required bike path has been shown in the master paving and drainage plan, 2. Storage space shall be provided for boats on trailers and travel tra il ers. ENERGY COORDINATOR - Craig Grabeel 1. Area and street lighting plan and fixtures shall meet the City standards - Sodium Type. FIRE DEPARTMENT - Roden, Cavanaugh 1. Location and spacing of hydrants and stand pipes to be coor- dinated with City and meet City standards. BUILDING DEPARTMENT - Burt Keehr 1. Building plot plans and "tie-ins" surveys shall be furnished to the City on each building. PARKS AND RECREATION - John Wildner 1. The developer shall provide the City with the required rec- reational area in accordance with the agreement in the Petition for Voluntary Annexation. PALM BEACH COUNTY ENGINEERING - Charles Walker, letter dated June 21, 1982. 1. The developer has agreed to four (4) lane Congress Avenue from the North right-of-way line, L.W.D.D. canal #20, to the South right-of- way line, L.W.D.D. canal #21, in accordance with the stipulations in the Petition for Voluntary Annexation. Turn lanes on Congress Avenue have been approved by the County and constructed at the pro- jects two (2) connections South of N.W. 22nd Avenue, the required turn lanes for the proposed connection to Congress Avenue lying North of N.W. 22nd Avenue will be constructed to County standards as required. I trust that thi s response meets with your approval, Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ROSS!~ASI E GINEERS, INC. ~------- _/ ~- ~ / Enrico Rossi, P.E, c.c. Nate Adams Davi d Pressly Wade Riley . ~'I , . . __ 41'_ .I., - L,4W O,.,.lCl!:5 MoY:I..Z,. JONES & FLA-~G.>\-~. P.A. , I " (; JON Co "'OTL.C cANIEl. H. .J0"'[:5 .JOHN ,. "UNICAN RIC,.....RC W. O"ON[:" ",...ATIN v. !\ATZ E. ceLL "'T2GLRAl.-O. nr THO"'AS ~ SHEEHAH.~ "OBCRT N. CROSS .JOROAN It. ""U.CR 707 NORTH I"1....&CLCJt OFII"'C I'"OST or-nee BOX 388. 'W%ST 'P.A.I....~ BEACR.2"!;.OlUDA. :304.02 n:Lu",oHC (305) 659-7500 TCLXCO~'CJlt OO!5l e!!ig-1789 OCU'lAT I!I""'=H O....,~ JtOO ~T "'~TIC AVeNUe o CI.AA T I!I c;....cw. 'LO", CA :I 3...... Tru:~..O"CC305J Z76-3Z94 August 4, 1982 Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr. 'P.E. Director Traffic Division Palm Beach County Engineering and Public Works P.o. Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 HAND DELIVER O,\'\i2137,-t '?J '\ -10 1^- ^'~ ~ v/~ (a .,> ~ ~\\tQ - ~~\ ~"sE?", ! nCCl-.~..;.oII......:~ .:.:; ,.._: .. ~ !'- !~nt"\G~/.Jl .... o. ~ ! "'~ 'C"":;";' . -:--,,; ,.~ ,I "' !:ear Mr. Walker: ,. C"~ -, I am writing to you on behalf of my client, Riteco Develop- =ent Corp., in connection with the proposed four-laning of Congress ~~enue. In our discussions, you have indicated that state funds are ~vailable for extending the four-laning of Congress Avenue northward ==om its present project termination point. As Riteco has certain :_t~re obligations to four-lane portions of Congress Avenue in c~nnection with its Sandhill and Congress Lake projects, you have ~cuired whether Riteco, in return for some consideration, might =e.wiliing to advance construction funds at this time to help the C=unty match the state funds. This letter responds to your inquiry. As you know, Riteco has obligations wi~~ respect to the Sandhill ?=oject, relating to (1) the installation of a trafric signal at the ~~ersectian of N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue, (2) ~~e im- ==~v~~ent of the intersection of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue ~-c (3) the four-laning of Congress Avenue from the present north end :-=-:)j ect ter:nina tion point to .the sout..i-} right-of-way line of canal L-21. ~ese commi~~ents are contained in an Agre~ment between Ri~eco and ~ County dated August I, 1978, and modified in an Addendum dated :~uary 22, 1980. These obligations are for a specific dollar amount ~~~ regard to each of the above' n~~erated items, if not done by =~-=eco. Ri~eco is also currently in the process of having the property --- ~~e Congress Lakes project annexed into the City of Boynton =':.:.C~. One o'f the conditions'of this annexation would be an obli- =~~cn to four-lane Congress Avenue from the north right-af-way line " ... /' ",' /ia.rles R. Wal r I Jr. ;' './"st 4, 1982 /ge T-wo of canal L-20 to the south right-of-way line of canal L-21, an . obligation that, along with certain improvements on N.W. 22nd Avenue, .. would satisfy its obligation for impact fees. We anticipate ,that (_ this annexation petition will be accepted by the City of Boynton Beach so that this obligation would become binding on Riteco. As noted.above, Riteco's obligations with respect to Congress Avenue under these various agreements will occur at some future date, as these projects are developed and meet the triggering conditions contained in the agreements. These triggering events are, at a minimum, at least several years off for both projects, so that payment of these obligations now would deprive Riteco of the use of funds it would otherwise have. Recognizing, howeverr that it would be to the advantage of both Riteco and'-the County to satisfy these obligations at the present time under mutually acceptable,conditions, Riteco would propose the following: 1. In' lieu of the obligations described above, Riteco would pay to Palm Beach County the sum of $74,000 with respect to the Sandhill project and the sum of $200,000 with respect to the Congress Lakes project. (-.' (Y These payments would satisfy any and all traffic or other impact development fee with respect to the development of ~~ese ~rojects as presently proposed or as they may be amended (provided that no increase in density occurs) . 3. The offer with respect to the Congress Lakes project would be contingent on the acceptance of its annexation petition by ~~e City of Boynton Beach. The present schedule calls for final approval by the Boynton Beach City Council on October 5, 1982. ~ 4. Upon acceptance .of this agreement by ~~e County and subject to it~~ No.3, Riteco would deposit in escrow with its attorneys the sums mentioned in item No. l. Disbursements w~uld then be made from that escrow fund with the exact timing of such disbursa~ents to be worked out in further discussions with the County. We t=ust that this proposal is of interest to the County and we would be happy to meet with you to discuss it further or to work out the final details. Should you have any questions, please call. l'-- , . .. Sincerely yours, ~ J~- -~. /. ' l.! I" ;;{;~~t,:Y-;" /', 7-:~/"~'~~ Thomas A. Sheehan, III TASIII/pp cc: Wade Riley Howard'W. Riley, Jr. --..-...------------.--- ,_..._~----_. .' .e ( ': '-- " '.~ I ,. _:.. .", _ .I.J" . LAW OF'F'lCES - , I j" JYL~ JONES & FLANIGANt r.A. .JON C. MOTI.E DANIEL H. .I0NES JOHN ". "LANIGAN RICHAAD W. GRONER MARTIN V. KATZ E. COLE f'ITZGERAI.D,:a:t THOMAS A. SH EEHAN. m AOBCRT .... GROSS .JORDAN R. MII.I.ER 707 NORTH F'LAGI.ER DRIVE POST O"f'ICE BOX 3B.. WEST PA.LX BEACK,F:I.OlUDA. :3:3402 DELRA'" BEACH Ol"I".CE 800 EAST ATLANTIC AVENUE DELRAT !!lEACH, ,.1.0R10A 33." TELEPHONE (305) 659-7500 TCI.CCOPIER (305) 659- 1769 TCL&:PHOHC (305) 276-329-4 August 4, 1982 Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr. 'P.E. Director Traffic Division Palm Beach County Engineering and Public Works P.o. Box 2429 West Palm B~ach, FL 33402 HAND DELIVER ,\0\112137<11'-' t:O ~ fA. v"e f:J)" te: .0 :: \\\\\ - ~1 \ ~\'\ .\:.~ ~, ) I n.,-;C',;...., ...../s ,,:'} i ,,:;'~ -.. ~.'~n~C?t..... :~~, ! ....,~~ C.n\~;.::J ~ . " J~:I . . ., Dear Mr. Walker: '" ("" . .:, ..~. :7 I am writing to you on behalf of my client, Riteco Develop- ment Corp., in connection with the proposed four-laning of Congress Avenue. In our discussions, you have indicated that state funds are available for extending the four-laning of Congress Avenue northward from its presen~ project termination point. As Riteco has certain future obligations to four-lane portions of Congress Avenue in connection with its Sandhill and Congress Lake projects, you have inquir~d whether Riteco, in return for some consideration, might be willing to advance construction funds at this time to help the County match the state funds. This letter responds to your inquiry. As you know, Riteco has obligations with respect to the Sandhill project, relating to (l) the installation of a traff~c s~gnal at the intersection of N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue, (2) the im- provement of the intersection of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue and (3) the four-lanin~ of Congress Avenue from the present north end project termination point to -the south right-of-way line of canal L-2l These commitments are contained in an Agreement between Riteco and the County dated August 1, 1978, and modified in an Addendum dated January 22, 1980. These obligations are for a specific dollar amount with regard to each of the above' numerated items, if not done by Riteco. Riteco is also currently in the process of having the property for the Cong~ess Lakes project annexed into the City of Boynton Beach. One of the conditions'of this annexation would be an obli- gation to four-lane Congress Avenue from the north right-of-way line . ...., /"arles R. Wal" r, Jr. " . :./"st 4, 1982 /age Two ~ o~ canal L-20 to the south right-of-way line of canal L-21, an . obligation that, along with certain improvements on N.W. 22nd Avenue, " would satisfy its obligation for impact fees. We anticipate.that (~ this annexation petition will be accepted by the City of Boynton Beach so that this obligation would become binding on Riteco. As noted.above, Riteco's obligations with respect to Congress Avenue under these various agreements will occur at some future date, as these projects are developed and meet the triggering conditions contained in the agreements. These triggering events are, at a minimum, at least several years off for both projects, so that payment of these obligations now would deprive Riteco of the use of funds it would otherwise have. Recognizing, however, that it would be to the advantage of both Riteco and.-the County to satisfy these obligations at the present t~e under mutually acceptable. conditions, Riteco would propose the fOllowing: 1. In' lieu of the obligations described above, Riteco would pay to Palm Beach County the sum of $74,000 with respect to the Sandhill project and the sum of $200,000 with respect to the Congress Lakes project. C.' 2. These payments would satisfy any and all traffic or other impact development fee with respect to the development of these ~rojects as presently proposed or as they may be amended (provided that no increase in density occurs) . 3. The offer with respect to the Congress Lakes project would be contingent on the acceptance of its annexation petition by the City of Boynton Beach. The present schedule calls for final approval by the Boynton Beach City Council on October 5, 1982. ~ . . 4. Upon acceptance .of this agreement by the County and subject to item No.3, Riteco would deposit in escrow with its attorneys the sums mentioned in item No. l. Disbursements would then be made from that escrow fund with the exact timing of such disbursements to be worked out in further discussions with the County. We trust that this proposal is of interest to the County and we would be happy to meet with you to discuss it further or to work out the final details. Should you have any questions, please call. C"- ~..) S~inCerelY, yours, _ . ~. ./. ' <..! f"- 4c;~~t,r:/'?/.. }/:.:,0--.I"~-CL Thomas A. Sheehan, III TASIII/pp cc: Wade Riley :::' Howard' W. Riley, Jr. LAW O""'CE5 ~"~OYI..~ JONES & FI..A.NIG.A" EA. , I " .(, JON Co MO""'C DANIt:'" H. .JONeS .JOHN ,.. ,.......NIO...N "'ICHARO W. ORONCR M...ATIN Y. !(ATZ C. CaLC f"ITZOEAAl.D. II:t THOMAS .... SHEEHAN. In "'OIla.T 14. GlItOS!! JORDAN ft. ""U.CR 707 NORTH n....O"'CR ORlye POST O,.,..CC BOX 38.. WZS'X' PAL.""" Bl!:.A.CXo2"LOlUDA. 00402 T~HONE(305)e59.7S00 TCLl:COPlCJIt 13051 859-1789 OCUt..." IlIEACH o,.,.,a 800 I:AST AT1.ANTlC AveNuC OEuu." BCACH. "LC"IOA ~~... ....-.,. TCU:~MOHIE'(305) 278.329.. August 4, 1982 Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr. 'P.E. Director Traffic Division PaLm Beach County Engineering and Public Works P.o. Box 2429 West Palm B~ach, FL 33402 HAND DELIVER ,\o,\"\12131<;tl^ <o'?J ~ \J "e ~ ~ ~ ~ ..tdt -f.':. ~ \\\Vl ~ ~n\ ".. et'. ~~~.'_ ~~; ! n,...Cr- ....,. 'a '.. I ,.~ ..,.... !\.1;t\(\C~<~' " ,1/ ""~ .0.' '''\t'''~ ~.~. ,. " .J t."~ '" . " Dear Mr. ~valker: ... I am wr~ting to you on behalf of my client, Riteco Develop~ ment 'Corp., in connection with the proposed four-laning of Congress Avenue. In our discussions, you have indicated that state funds are C":~ available for extending the four-laning of Congress Avenue northward from its presen~ project termination point. As Riteco has certain future obligations to four-lane portions of Congress Avenue in connection with its Sandhill and Congress Lake projects, you have inquir~d whether Riteco, in return for some consideration, might be willing to advance construction funds at this time to help the County match the state funds. This letter responds to your inquiry. \ ' As you know, Riteco has obligations with respect to the Sandhill project, relating to (1) the installation of a trafric s~gnal at the intersection of N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue, (2) the im- provement of the intersection of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue and (3) the four-laninq of Congress Avenue from the present north end project termination point to .the south right-of-way line of canal L-2J These commitments are contained in an Agreement between Riteco and the County dated August 1, 1978, and modified in an Addendum dated January 22, 1980. These obligations are for a specific dollar amount with regard to each of the above' numerated items, if not done by Riteco. ( :: \...' Riteco is also currently in the process of having the property for the Congress Lakes project annexed into the City of Boynton Beach. One df the conditions'of this annexation would be an obli- gation to four-lane Congress Avenue from the north right-of-way line ,-- ----- --- -------, --. ./"st 4, 1982 _ ./ge Two ~ o~ canal L-20 to the south right-of-way line of canal L-2l, an . obligation that, along with certain improvements on N.W. 22nd Avenue, " would satisfy its obligation for impact fees. We anticipate.that (,. this annexation petition will be accepted by the City of Boynton Beach so that this obligation would become binding on Riteco. c:: As noted.above, Riteco's obligations with respect to Congress Avenue under these various agreements will occur at some future date, as these projects are developed and meet the triggering conditions contained in the agreements. These triggering events are, at a minimum, at least severa~ years off for both projects, so that payment of these obligations now would deprive Riteco of the use of funds it would otherwise have. Recognizing, however, that it would be to the advantage of both Riteco and"-the County to satisfy these obligations at the present time under mutually acceptable. conditions, Riteco would propose the following: 1. In' lieu of the obligations described above, Riteco would pay to PaLm Beach County the sum of $74,000 with respect to the Sandhill project and the sum of $200,000 with respect to the Congress Lakes project. 2. These payments would satisfy any and all traffic or other impact development fee with respect to the development of these erojects as presently proposed or as they may be amended (provided that no increase in density occurs) . 3. The offer with respect to the Congress Lakes project would be contingent on the acceptance of its annexation petition by the City of Boynton Beach. The present schedule calls for final approval b~ the Boynton Beach City Council on October 5, 1982. ~ .. . " 4. Upon acceptance .of this agreement by the County and subject to item No.3, Riteco would deposit in escrow with its attorneys the sums mentioned in item No.1. Disbursements would then be made from that escrow fund with the exact 'timing of such disbursements to be worked out in further discussions with the County. We trust that this proposal is of interest to the County and we would be happy to meet with you to discuss it further or to work out the final details. Should you have any questions, please call. C'C- .,' Sincerely yours, f-. '~. -~. .... ' <..f f" d{.;~~f..,-r/. /'. J%.(~~.I'~~~ Thomas A. Sheehan, III TASIII/pp cc: Wade Riley .:. Howard" W. Riley, Jr. t.. ,'... .,.. .>. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH . . ,~ P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435 .~~- -;-:-}.J- ~'-- Office of the City Planner July 28, 1982 Mr. Wade Riley 1375 N. Killian Dr., Suite 207 Lake Park, Fl. 33403 Dear Mr. Riley: There will be a Pre-Hearing Conference for the Congress Lakes Planned Unit Development at 9:00 A.M. on Tuesday, August 3, 1982. This conference includes those of the City staff who have reviewed the development proposal. Please attend this meeting or send a designated representative. At the Pre-Hearing Conference you should be prepared to state in writing your agreement to the comments, which are enclosed, or state in writing your reasons for disagreeing with any of these comments. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~~ Assistant City Planner TPC:mb Encl. cc: City Manager City Clerk South Florida Water Management District Post Office Box V 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Telephone (305) 686-8800 Florida WATS Line 1-800-432-2045 John R, Maloy, Executive Director IN REPLY REFER TO: 6A-6-BR J u I Y 6, I 982 r"' (7)/J ( 'Yh ~-) ~;--~ j~-- "~-.'2 _" ._---' .. f-~ Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner Boynton Beach Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 , I' I,,, . RE: CONGRESS LAKES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 18, 19/45/43 Dear Mr. Annunziato: The District has reviewed the above-referenced submittal and forwards no adverse comment at this prel iminary stage of review. This review should not be interpreted as District approval, nor is the appl icant rei ieved of the responsibi I ities for permitting requirements outl ined in Chapter 373, Florida Statutes. As always, we appreciate this opportunity to comment. If you have any questions, please contact program manager, Sally Lockhart. s~c~r~ f{;J J. STEVE REEL Director, Special Projects Executive Office JSRlslm Robert L. Clark. Jr, Robert W, Padrick Chairman - Fort Lauderdale Vice Chairman - Fort Pierce Stanley W, Hole Naples J, Neil Gallagher St, Cloud Nathaniel p, Reed Hobe Sound John L. Hundley Pahokee Aubrey L, Burnham Okeechobee Charles L. Crumpton Miami Shores Jeanne Bellamy Coral Gables Board of County Commissioners ~e;~a~. ~~~~~~i~:~~~:i~man~~i1t'!\i;;\1t Frank Foster Dennis Koehler Bill Bailey County Administrator John C. Sansbury .~~?:.:..:. :..::,:,_:.}::~? .:.......:~,t-:.... \)::::::\'::~.::: :.::/'-"'''/''." Department of Engineering and Publ ic Works H. F. Kahlert County Engineer \..:'~-:;:t.~:\ .:':\J::,:;~~ ~,::":,,,:,:"::,. ::'",<:,. :'Xi~~r .' July 6, 1982 Mr. Cannen Annunziato, City Planner CITY OF BOYNI'ON BEACH Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 REFERENCE: CONG;RESS AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS Dear Mr. Annunziato: This is to confirm our meeting scheduled for July 9, 1982 at 10: 30 A.M. at the En}ineering & Public WJrks Department located at 3700 Belvedere Road, Building S-1170, P.B.I.A. The purpose of our meeting will be to discuss the Congress Avenue Improvements. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, 4;d.~7~"J ()?: /, ./ G. Haney'-Frakes, Jr., P. E. Assistant County Engineer GHF:a cc: Tracy Bennett, Satter Canpanies Wade Reily, RI'IECO Char les Walker, Traffic Division ("2. /- \ #4,',~. (" ,J?; vL' ~ / Y~,.r~./. . ~:: 30 . BOX 2429 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 . (305) 684-2460 ~'8D ,(f"~' c.."i'v'-" / <, ./...'........... '-,. ,'. {:... / Board of Supervisors "'''-, George McMurrain f. .' C. Stanley Weaver Kermit Dell Secretary /Manager James H. Ranson LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 13081 SOUTH MILITARY TRAIL MAILING ADDRESS: ROUTE 1 . BOX 711 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33445 Assistant Manager Richard S. Wheelihan Attorney John H. Adams June 22, 1982 City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Attention: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Re: Lateral Canal No. 21 and the Boynton Canal, west of Congress Ave. for Approx. 1/4 mile. Dea r Ca rmen : We wish to inform your office that we have all of our required right-of-way in the above referenced location of the canals according to Easement Deed O.R.B. 3541, pg. 1113. We also have no objections to the city annexing our right-of-way in this area. If you have any further questions on this matter, please ca 11 on us. Very truly yours, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~~~''4 William G. Winters WGW: 1 b Received ...... Date Time Delray Beach & Boca Raton 498.5363 Boynton Beach & West Palm Beach 737.3835 /",. .,.: :f ,/ ",,,to' /? ~'>', i'., }:::-., {~~~, ._, C-(!" 'I ?..\C I ( t~ Board 'of County Commissioners Norman Gregory, Chairman Peggy B. Evatt, Vice, Chairman Frank Foster Dennis Koehler Bill Bailey : :>-:t::;~~!\:.-:~,i:i,/'::":.:: ::r\~,::::,~ :',X>,:':"'::',,}:...:~. ")::'::,::,:;:;,:>:::':"/:'J. '\::-:-:::,)',',:::\:6,:,: ." .:;.:::;::>.:::<\ County Administrator John C. Sansbury Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert County Engineer :':;'::::'. .~:.: ....:..... .. ,.. :":, ..:.....:?::: ':':{:;';~'{::\i:::;C:::::, ~:,' ;.~~\:.'~:,;':::\ "':\{::{/?/(",{':':f:}':~,:}:::'-' ...: , . June 21, 1982 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 SUBJECT: Congress Lakes Planned Unit Development Dear Mr. Annunziato: This is in reply to your letter of June 15, 1982 requesting that I comment on the Congress Lakes Planned Unit Development. It is proposed that this project be annexed into the City of Boynton Beach. As part of the Petition for Voluntary Annexation this development is agreeing to "the four-Ianing of Congress Avenue from the north right-of-way line of Lake Worth Drainage District Canal No. 20 south to the south right-of-way line of Lake Worth Drainage Canal No. 21, and completing the four-Ianing of Northwest 22nd Avenue from Congress Avenue west to the entrance road of the Property". This commit- ment would address Palm Beach County's performance standard relative to traffic, and I do not oppose this annexation. My only reservation is that the commit- ment is not time certain. If this project were to develop in Palm Beach County and not be annexed, we would require the commitment to be time certain so that we could depend on the construction as part of a program to four-lane Congress Avenue. It is requested that all the turn lane construction associated with this project as indicated in the Traffic Impact Analysis be required by this develop- er as part of the development approval. The exact timing of this construction would depend on the phasing of the construction and could be "as required by the County Engineer". Your continued cooperation in these matters of mutual interest is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER .P / / ,A /. ~.v~~ ~~-~~y ~- ~;~ .~/n-:J Y/;,;::.. 7- . /1 :.~ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division cc: Mr. G. Haney Frakes, Jr., P.E. Assistant County Engineer 1" ;.,; BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (305) 684-2460 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ 'f PO, BOX 310 120 NE, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA 33435 130517348111 r-- '--'d..W;.i~~;..~~~~~ ~~- >~~~J~;. ?~~-~ij~~~~ "~l~l _.~~~:. ~-~:, i., 1!!ltt.- ' "-'-~;"""~~ '- ,', ~ ';"-~-- , .;:.,.'~ ~~ '. ,;~ June 2l, 1982 Mr. Stan Reddick Planning Director Palm Beach County 810 Datura St., W. Palm Beach,Fl.33402 Dear Mr. ~c~ Accompanying-this letter, you will find supplemental information submitted in connection with the Congress Lakes Annexation Request. Please add these documents to the previously transmitted master plan and annexation agreement. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc Attach. CC: Central File , CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ f --;:"" :a:.-~ .. ------~ ---'--- --~--~ r.~']I'JJII)1--r---- -I~i .........:;::~---~b o;::......~ ' ~;!-:;: ' ,..............d::.=.::~:U:.~....J::r;::, , ..--- I _ :m,'=-.'l~~1i~EE1"EteE." 'EE, ~,'.~ . ~~~~JJi.1~. t _~~,. , ~-~'1!!1' ~ -j. 1lf .,~" -~, .~.,~. >,,,' .' P,O, BOX 310 120 N,E, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA 33435 13051734.8111 - ';'''''' June 21, 1982 Mr. J. Steve Reel Asst. to the Director So. Florida Water Management District P.O.Box V 3301 Gun Club Rd. W. Palm Beach, Fl. 33402 Dear Mr. Reel: Accompanying this letter, you will find suppleme~tal information submitted in connection with the Congress Lakes Annexation Request. Please add these documents to the previously transmitted master plan and drainage report. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (\. C<:.~ J&~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc Attach. CC: Central File ROSSI AND MALA V ASI ENGINEERS. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ -f. ~&M+ ~I~ FORUM III - SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-2179 TELEPHONE: (305) 689-0554 June 21, 1982 Mr. Carman Annunziato City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Congress Lakes Dear Mr. Annunziato, Enclosed, please find eight (8) prints each of the Master Drainage Plan and Master Water and Sewer Palns for the above referenced project, As per Mr. Rossi, this should complete the submittal for this project. Should you have any questions or need anything further, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, RO,SSI ANttDMA A," VASI, E NGIN,EERS, ' INC. ~ /i ?iZli- . ~/,:'[t'dL,iC7C/ Robert L. Anderson ME!'- =:NDEZ AND ASSOCIATES ARCt'iITECTS. PLANNERS. INC. FORU'M III SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH. FLA. 33401 (305) 689-0714 June 16, 1982 Mr. Bob Redus Group W - Cable T.V. 311 North Dixie Hwy. Lake Worth, Fla. 33460 Re: Congress Lakes. 1260 Apt. Units. Dear Mr. At the request of Carmen Annunziato, City Planner of Boynton Beach we are enclosing copies of the Master Land Use Plan and Conceptual Site Plan of the proposed Congress Lakes project. This project was submitted yesterday to the City of Boynton Beach for annexation and further rezoning to accomodate 1260 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartment units in 4-story mid-rise buildings. The project contingent to market and economic conditions will be de- veloped in 11 phases through 1989. If you have any questions about the characteristics of the project or any comments related to the availability and conditions of the services your company will provide, please, do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, MENENDEZ AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, PLANNERS, INC. Delfin F. Menendez Architect cc: Carmen Anunziato . (j~77/ ill ,CJ , ,_,,~. _-----t./ /11 t! "'-- ---- r pc. 'c-' ._.., _, _._____li-:,----------- . MEr-,ENDEZ AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS. PLANNERS. INC. FORUM 11/ SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH. FLA. 33401 (305) 669-0714 June 16, 1982 Mr. Bill Hamilton Florida Power & Light P.O. Box 2409 Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Re: Congress Lakes. 1260 Apt. Units. Dea r Mr. Hami 1 ton, At the request of Carmen Annunziato, City Planner of Boynton Beach we are enclosing copies of the Master Land Use Plan and Conceptual Site Plan of the proposed Congress Lakes project. This project was submitted yesterday to the City of Boynton Beach for annexation and further rezoning to accomodate 1260 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartment units in 4-story mid-rise buildings. The project contingent to market and economic conditions will be de- veloped in 11 phases through 1989. If you have any questions about the characteristics of the project or any comments related to the availability and conditions of the services your company will provide, please, do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, MENENDEZ AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, PLANNERS, INC. Delfin F. Menendez Architect cc: Carment Anunziato ,. '".,,; ~~~A"""'J-__(h. e) ~:~~=~;;;;i,--~1_~~ Time -----/1 ~ , . -. . -- ., ._- ,._"----- -. .~..- MENENDEZ AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS. PLANNERS. INC. FORUM III SUITE 407 167S PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH. FLA. 33401 (305) 689-0714 June 16, 1982 Mr. E. J. Ka 11 Southern Bell 6451 N. Federal Hwy. Suite 916 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308 Re; Congress Lakes. 1260 Apt. Units. Dear Mr. Ka 11 At the request of Carmen Annunziato, City Planner of Boynton Beach we are enclosing copies of the Master Land Use Plan and Conceptual Site Plan of the proposed Congress Lakes project. This project was submitted yesterday to the City of Boynton Beach for annexation and further rezoning to accomodate 1260 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartment units in 4-story mid-rise buildings. The project contingent to market and economic conditions will be de- veloped in 11 phases through 1989. If you have any questions about the characteristics of the project or any comments related to the availability and conditions of the services your company will provide, please, do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, MENENDEZ AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, PLANNERS, INC. Delfin F. Menendez Architect cc: Carmen Anunziato ,,~,.,G~.~~'~l Jo,...c,/ _ Date_ 4/ /71 ~,1-' ~m Time -----1j~- . CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ , 7' -------- p, 0, BOX 310 120 N,E, 2ND AVENUE. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 ~t~~~~~~~~~ -~~ ~~~t . -~. I .,. ." ifEl,C''',~W;:~':;,';~=Oe' ~'~,: ~'I" ' '. , ," . '--"'--~ '" J~'.;'i.&' . ~..:;,..--. ~l""~~--;. ..... ~,.. .1;1'" ,"', ~ h - ~ :-;=: r___ ~~ ... _, j (:', .' - ~..-'~~~ - ~ ~ ~Jir;~_ --- . ~ ~- ~- -. - -- ':" :::.--- .-. t --=:;' --:~~~~~~~,~~ June 15, 1982 / Mr. J. Steve Reel Asst. to the Director So.Florida Water Management District P.O.Box V 3301 Gun Club Rd., W. Palm Beach, Fl. 33402 Dear Mr. Reel: Accompanying this letter, you will find plans, drainage calculations and soil borings for a proposed Planned Unit Development in-Boynton Beach. The proposed PUD is titled Congress Lakes and is to be located on the west side of Congress Ave. between the LWDD L-21 Canal and the C-16 Canal. Please provide the City with an ahalysis of the project and indicate the extent to which it complies with the District's standards. We would appreciate knowing when we might expect your comments, so that we may schedule our public hearings accordingly. Thank you in advance for the time and cooperation that the district extends to the City in matters such as these. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C~S~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc cc: Central File Attach: Master Plan Drainage Report P,O BOX 310 120 N E, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 13051734-8111 ~ ~- , - ---r- L.-iC------=---.---=-~~-- -~ ;.~.!I.lJIJ'~ I~' .......-=-...~;..~;;;_~I:.::.~ , ,;lo?..::f~j: I~ OJ..- A-__ - i' r---. Th;E'-~~~EEEEtr;iE1 ~~,-j~",,! ~ -~'~~~~jlt'lm!~ -~ ~~ ...... . '.. -~ - ,-' ~..- -.;:;.--..!..-- .,-,;-~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH June 15, 1982 IMr. Charles Walker Director, Traffic Division Palm Beach County Box 2429 W. Palm Beach, Fl. 33402 Dear Charlie, Accompanying this letter, you will find a master plan and an accompanying Traffic Impact Statement for the proposed Congress Lakes Planned Unit Development. Please review the attached materials and provide us with your-analysis of this project's impact on the County highway system. We would appreciate knowing when we might expect your comments, so that we may schedule our public hearings accordingly. Thank you in advance for the time and cooperation that your office extends to the City in matters such as this. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c _______ J~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc Attach: Master Plan Traffic Impact Statement Annexation Agreement CC: Central File . CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ -f PO 80X 310 120 N,E 2ND AVENUE 80YNTON 8EACH, FLORIDA 33435 13051734'8111 L_~_ _.~ __~~~_--=-- -. ...:.::_-~ >':")j"HflJ,; r---- <tfi( .:t.i.;;,f:'~EF -~E.i.::.;:;.:=J::.,::EE : ;;.0::;':;) 'D" . ,'. :fr, f!';"f"EEEE~;;. \-C1rnn,.:: ~',. ,t~ _._~~~~, J.~li;1i_ ~ ~., .-~' - .-'~ -, ~ ----- f~ .::..--~ _,~~~~'C-: .- - "' .,:~-~ .:--- June lSr 1982 / Mr. Stan Reddick Planning Director Palm Beach County 810 Datura St., W. Palm Beach, Fl. 33402 Dear Mr. Reddick: Accompanying this letter you will find a master plan for the Congress Lakes Planned Unit Development proposed to be annexed into "the City of Boynton Beach. Please review the attached materials and indicate the extent to which this project is consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan. We would appreciate knowing when we might expect your comments so that we may schedule our public hearings accordingly. Thank you in advance for the time and cooperation that the district extends to the City in matters such as these. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C~S-~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc Attach: Master Plan Annexation Agreement CC: Central File ,<.' ,.. i ROSSI A~:' 1'Vl.t\. .:.A V ASI ENGINEEJ ~I~ .~tW .:..,.- FORUM III - SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-2179 TELEPHONE: (305) 689.0554 , ' , ~<' i CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 3, 1982 Mr. Carmen Anunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435 Re: Congress lakes Traffic Analysis Report Dear Carmen: I am enclosing for your records a copy of the latest traffic report prepared by Dan Murray dated August 7, 1981. This report supercedes the one that is presently in your hands dated November 23, 1980. You will note from this report that only one turn lane is required on N.W. 22nd Avenue, which means that the construction presently under way would fulfill these requirements. Very truly yours, VASI ENGINEERS, INC. --/ z~~ Enrico Rossi, P.E. ER:ps Encs: ~ - (ill e.) ~:~:~e r(;'J2- _~ -,', ' II. ,,"1:> I ., n,-~ ---~-----_.._._----