REVIEW COMMENTS -~' .-..;. Received Date :rime JJ,.- ~4., M E M 0 RAN DUM /l7J1 t July 27, 1983 TO: Betty Boroni City Clerk RE: Road Improvement Agreement -The City of Boynton Beach/Riteco Development Corporation and Janet Knox Field For your information and filing I have attached the original copy of a fully executed agreement as identified above. rYJ ~r:~~ Peter L. Cheney City M~nager PLC: jc Attachment cc: City Planner - w/attachments City Engineer - " City Attorney - " I I, '.,\ - (' / ( ( , / >i:i/r> ,.(.:". M E M 0 RAN DUM July 27, 1983 TO: Betty Boroni City Clerk RE: Road Improvement Agreement -The City of Boynton Beach/Riteco Development Corporation and Janet Knox Field For your information and filing I have attached the original copy of a fully executed agreement as identified above. rYJ /(f4~ Peter L. Cheney City M~nager PLC: jc Attachment cc: City Planner - w/attachments City Engineer - " City Attorney - " RECEIVED ,!~ r ?g 1988 PLANf'w..G DEPL -- \ \ . 0/ . :r"'~ IrJ ( , .J ( ~, SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREID1ENT, made this ~day of ~/1"n~ 1983, by and between the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a municipal corporation in the State of Florida, hereafter referred to as the "CITY" and RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, hereafter referred to as "DEVELOPER," and' -JANET KNOX FIELD, as Trustee for Martha Rowe Field a/k/a Marth~ Field (now Martha Field Fite), and as Trustee for Janet Knox Field (now Janet Field Riley a/k/a Janet Knox Field Riley), hereafter referred to as "TRUSTEE." R E C I TAL S WHEREAS, the parties have previously entered into an Agreement for Roadway Improvements (hereafter referred to as the "Agreement"), attached hereto as Exhibit "I"; and WHEREAS, the parties have determined that a modification of the Agreement would be mutually advantageous to all parties; NOW ~.'THEREFORE, in consideration of the. -fiu tual promises made to each other, the parties agree as follows: I. DEVELOPER agrees to assume all obligations and responsi- bilities of the TRUSTEE under the Agreement and the parties agree that TRUSTEE shall be relieved from those duties and obligations set forth in the Agreement. 2. The last sentence of Paragraph 2 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: The County shall place the funds disbursed by the ESCROW AGENT to the County in a specific, separate line item account that will insure that these funds will only be spent for design, right-of-way acquisition, construction, four-Ianing and intersection improvements on State Road 804 at and between Congress Avenue and Military Trail. 3. Paragraph 6 of the Agreement is deleted. The CITY and DEVELOPER agree that should the agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "2" (or an agreement similar in effect) not be accepted by Palm Beach County within 60 days of the execution of this Supplemental Agreement, the Agreement and the Supplemental Agreement will, at the option of either party, be null and void; notice of the exercise of this option shall be provided in writing to the other party within 70 days of the execution of this Supplemental Agreement or ;, ( , ' . , {, the Agreement and Supplemental Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. In the event of the exercise of said option, the ESCROW AGENT shall return all the funds in the escrow account referred to in Paragraph Three of the Agreement to DEVELOPER and DEVELOPER will retain those roadway obligations it had prior to entering into the Agreement and Supplemental Agreement. 4. It is expressly agreed by the parties that this document is supplemental to the Agreement for Roadway Improvements dated February I, 1983, which is by reference made a part hereof, and all the terms, conditions, and provisions thereof, unless specifically modified herein, are to apply. In the event of any conflict, incon- . sistency, or incongruity between the provisions of the Supplemental Agreement and any of the provisions of the Agreement for Roadway Improvements dated February 1, 1983, as heretofore amended, the provisions of the Supplemental Agreement shall in all respects govern and control. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have set their hands and seal~/ on' the date above written. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA /~~ \ '. . , I , >'U:ORPOMTE SEAL) , By:f:a;J,~ lC!..e a...~ e r RITECO DEVELOP~NT ~~TION ATTEST: ~-zfiit r;::(lb Mi-A..:zc Secre tary (CORPORATE SEAL) JANET KNOX FIELD, TRUSTEE for Martha Rowe Field a/k/a Martha Field (now Martha Field Fite) and TRUSTEE for Janet Knox Field (now Janet Field Riley a/k/a Janet Knox Field Riley) By: J " . ) ;1" ., ~, ( AGREEMENT FOR ROADWAY It .{QVEMENTS THIS AGREEMENT, made this /~ day of _~' 1983 BEACH, a municipal corporation by and between the CITY OF BOYNTON in the State of Florida, hereafter referred to as the "CITY" and RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, and JANET KNOX FIELD, as Trustee for Martha Rowe Field a/k/a Martha Field (now Martha Field Fite), and as Trustee for Janet Knox Field (now Janet Field Riley a/k/a Janet Knox Field Riley), hereafter referred to collectively as "DEVELOPER". R E C I TAL S WHEREAS, DEVELOPER, in conjunction wit hits Congress Lakes project, more particularly described in Exhibits A-I and A-2, attached hereto, is obligated to the CITY to four-lane Congress !l Avenue from the north right-of-way line of Lake Worth Drainage I i District Canal No. 20 south to the south right-of-way line of Lake Worth Drainage Canal No. 21 or to pay for the cost of this , - ,- ...r" ~ improvement if the four-laning is done by another party by the time building permits for 600 units at Congress Lakes have been issued: and :, WHEREAS, the CITY AND DEVELOPER have determined that a modification of this obligation would be mutually advantageous to both Parties: I; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises made to each other, the Parties agree as follows: 1. within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement DEVELOPER will pay Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) to be deposited in escrow, pursuant to the terms of Paragraph Three of this Agreement. 2. The CITY agrees that the payment of this Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) will relieve DEVELOPER of all of its 6bligations with respect to Congress Avenue arising from the Congress Lakes project. The CITY also agrees that, with the exception of DEVELOPER'S obligation for improving N.W. 22nd Avenue and with the exception of those turning lanes yet to be EXHIBIT "I" Page 1 t' ,'" \. ~ \, built to serve the project, as set forth in the traffic study prepared by Daniel N. Murray & Associates dated August 27, 1981, payment of these monies will satisfy any and all traffic or other impact development fee(s) with respect to the development of the Congress Lakes project, by DEVELOPER, its successors, assigns, or transferees, as presently proposed or as it may be amended, pro- vided no increase in density results. 3. The monies referred to in Paragraph One of this Agreement will be held in escrow by Moyle, Jones & Flanigan, P.A., hereafter referred to as "ESCROW AGENT". The ESCROW AGENT may invest the escrowed funds in securities of the united States or any agency thereof, in savings or time deposits in institutions insured by an age~cy of the United States. Any interest earned on the escrowed funds shall go to DEVELOPER and may be disbursed as it is earned. So long as the ESCROW AGENT hereunder is not guilty of will- ful malfeasance, the Parties hereto shall indemnify and hold said ESCROW AGENT harmless from all liability arising out of the ESCROW AGENT'S actions and duties hereunder, as ESCROW AGENT. In the event of a dispute as to the ESCROW AGENT'S duties hereunder, the ESCROW AGENT may file an appropriate action for interpleader in the Circuit Court for the 15th Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach Ccunty, Florida, with respect to the escrowed items and, in that event, the ESCROW AGENT shall have no further duties or liabilities hereunder. The party hereto determined not to be entitled to said deposit shall pay all reasonable costs and expenses of the ESCROW AGENT in connection therewith. 4. The Parties hereby direct the ESCROW AGENT to disburse the Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) to Palm Beach County (the "County") within seven days after bein9 furnished evidence of the completion of all the following conditions: Page 2 . '\ .'" " I: I: t ( " " a. Execution of the contract for the four-laning of Congress Avenue northward from the northerly "End of project" station for County Project #80/81 - 4005-301R point to Hypoluxo Road: 'I b. The securing of a payment and performance bond insur- ing said completion of the four-Iariing of that portion of Congress Avenue described in subsection a. above: and c. Commencement of construction under the contract re- ferred to in subsection a. above. The County shall place the funds disbursed by the ESCROW i: AGENT to the County in an escrow account that will insure that these funds will only be spent for design, right-of-way acquisition construction, four-Ianing and intersection improvements on State Road 804 at and between Congress Avenue and Military Trail. 5. In the event the conditions set forth in Paragraph 4 a.- - c. are not met within one (I) year of the date of execution of this I .i Agreement, the ESCROW AGENT is hereby authorized to disburse the $200,000.00 to the DEVELOPER. The Parties agree that disbursement of monies under this Paragraph will reimpose those roadway improve- ment obligations on DEVELOPER that it had prior to entering into this Agreement. 6. This Agreement is contingent on the acceptance by the County of the Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "B". Should that agreement not be accepted by the County within 120 days of the execution of this Agreement, this Agreement will be null and void. In that event, the ESCROW AGENT shall return all the funds in the escrow account referred to in Paragraph Three of this Agreement to DEVELOPER and DEVELOPER will retain those roadway obligations it had prior to entering into this Agreement. 7. The CITY agrees that it has no objection to the Agreement attached as Exhibit "B". 8. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties and may only be modified by subsequent, written in- strument(s) signed by both parties. I.. ( ( :1 9. Wherever herein the context so requires, the use of the singular shall include the plural, the use of masculine shall include the feminine or the neuter and the use of representative shall include trustee, receiver, executor, etc. . 10. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. II. This instrument embodies the whole Agreement of the Partie and there are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations other than those herein contained. This Agreement shall supersede all previous communications, discussions, representations, advertise- ments, brochures, proposals or agreements, either verbal or written ,\ between the Parties hereto and not herein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have set their hands ,j and seals on the date above written. CITY OF BOYNTON ATTEST: f" t 0/ I ';,~ City Clerk -~ M or / ' (corp. Seal) ATTEST: ~~-''''':>~ .. I I T, o .' ~ ' " ,/'~~f:zr 1 Secretary RITECO DEVELOP~~ CORPORATION , i . I By; I\.~\ ,~\\ \ (J " (Corp. Seal) '1 " JANET KNOX FIELD, TRUSTEE for Martha Rowe Field a/k/a Martha Field (now Martha Field Fite) and TRUSTEE for Janet Knox Field (now Janet Field Riley a/k/a Janet Kncx Field Riley) By: ~ ~vL~~u:L:j~~l.t-___ JANET KNOX FIEtC Page 4 . . . " . J : ..... .~.. . ; ... ,~ ..... ~ ...~... - . ~. .-..' ...... "':- ". ........ ,_.._._........_....~-...... ...... '., , "( LEGAL DESCRIPTION The North 660 feet of the land in the Southeast quarter (SE1/4) of Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying East of the East line of property deeded by N.R. Field and wife to Sunny South Estates, Inc., by deed recorded in Official Record Book 3206, Page 100, which line is described as follows: &. jCommencing at the East 1/4 corner of said Section 18, thence South 89005'09~ West along the North line of the Southeast one-quarter (SE1/4) of said Section 18, a distance of 1351.46 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 01044'21" West along a line parallel with and 1350.0 feet (as measured at right angles) Westerly of the East line of said section 18, a distance of 1310.28 feet to the Southerl~ right-of-way of N.W. 22nd Avenue; thence continue South 01044'21" West a distance of 1270.15 fe.et to a point- on the North 1 ine of Section 19, ,Town- ship 45 South, Range 43 East, lying 1351.64 feet Westerly (as m~asured along the North line of said Section 19) from the Northeast corner of said Section 19; thence continue South 01044'21" ~est a distanci of 1253.52 feet more or less to the North line of the Boynton Canal. . Subject to right-of-way of Congress Avenue and also subject to all other rights-of-way an~~asements of record. EXHIBIT "A-I" " . . . ,. -.( . .. ( LEGAL DESCRIPTION " .... Subject to right~of-way of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue. Also subject to all other Rights-of-Way easements of record. " EXHIBIT IIA-2" .... . .... "-.._~"'~-J ,~--.-rt' ~-.'; ..- -.,..".-- ..~. . .....,.. : ~... ._..~..~L:-~~q-~:';';--:-...~ ....~:-.-, .'. _..:...~ . '-' ." -( .. ...:....{ .......#,- - .-- -~'----1'-_."'-~"-:"- ,'>' ',' -~'..., AGREEMENT FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS " day of , 198, THIS AGREEMENT, made this by and between the COUNTY OF PALM BEACH through the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, hereafter referred to as the "COUNTY" and RITECO - DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, hereafter referred to as "DEVELOPER". R E C I TAL S WHEREAS, DEVELOPER, in conjunction with its Sandhill project, more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, is obligated to construct or pay for certain traffic improvements, with the timing o~ said obligations based on certain levels of traffic generated by the Sandhill project (hereafter referred to '- as the "traffic improvement obligations"); and WHEREAS, the traffic improvement obligations are set forth in , Sections I through VI of an agreement between the Parties dated August 1, 1978, as modified by agreement between the Parties dated January 22, 1980, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits B-1 and B-2 and incorporated herein: and WHEREAS, the COUNTY AND DEVELOPER have determined that a modification of these obligations would be mutually advantageous to both Parties: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises made to each other, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement, DEVELOPER will pay Seventy Four Thousand Dollars ($74,000) to be deposited in escrow, pursuant to the terms of Paragraph Three of this Agreement. 2. The COUNTY agrees that the payment of this Seventy Four Thousand Dollars ($74,000) will relieve DEVELOPER of all of its traffic improvement obligations arising from the Sandhill project, with the exceptions of those obligations set forth in Sections I, . II, III, except for the traffic signal at the intersection of Congress EXHIBIT' "B" , .. . OJ.. .. . ..... \, \ ~venue and N.W. 22nd Avenue, and IV, of Exhibit B-1, as modified in Exhibit B-2 (hereafter referred to as the "retained traffic improve- ment obllgations~). The COUNTY also agrees that, with the exception of the r,~ained traffic improvement obligations, which shall remain as obligations of the DEVELOPER, payment of these monies will satisfy any and a~l traffic or other impact development fee(s) with respect to the development of the Sandhill project, by DEVELOPER, its successors, assigns, or transferees, as presently proposed or as it may be amended, provided no increase in density results. 3. The monies referred to in Paragraph One of this Agreement will be held in escrow by Moyle, Jones & Flanigan, P.A., hereafter referred to as "ESCROW AGENT". The ESCROW AGENT may invest the . escrowed funds in securi~ies of the United States or any agency thereof, in savings or time deposits in institutions insured by an ~gency of the United States. Any interest earned on the escrowed funds shall go to DEVELOPER and may be disbursed as it is earned. So long as the ESCROW AGENT hereunder is not guilty of willful malfeasance, the Parties hereto shall indemnify and hold said ESCROW AGENT harmless from all liability arising out of the ESCROW AGENT'S actions and duties hereunder, as ESCROW AGENT. In the event of a dispute as to the ESCROW AGENT'S duties hereunder, the ESCROW AGENT may file an appropriate action for interpleader in the Circuit Court For the 15th Judicial'Circuit In And For Palm Beach County, Florida, with respect to the escrowed items and, in that event, the ESCROW AGENT shall have no further duties or liabilities hereunder. The Party hereto determined not to be entitled to said deposit shall pay all reasonable costs and expenses of the ESCROW AGENT in connection therewith. 4. The parties hereby direct the ESCROW AGENT to disburse the Seventy Four Thousand Dollars ($74,000) to the COUNTY within seven days after being furnished satisfactory evidence' of the completion of all of the following conditions: a. Execution of the contract for the four-laning of Congress Aven:ue northward from the northerly "End of Project" station for County Project #80/81 - 4005-30lR point to Hypoluxo Road: -2--- . - ..-- _--: .-.' -- -:--:-~:-~-- "--"'--:~~~-~':---1:-"""""- .,,~,;~o;;-;..-:t-::".' --..... - - . .- . .. ~'. '. ~ "'- .--.. \ " - .. -- "'!".. ~.'-.""".' .. .' ,. '" b. The securing of a payment and performance bond insuring said completion of the four-lOlling of that portion of Congress Avenue described in subsection a. above; and c. Commencement of construction under the contract referred to in subsection a. above. - The COUNTY shall place the funds disbursed by the ESCROW AGENT to the COUNTY in an escrow account ,that will insure that these funds will only be spent for design', right-of-way acquisition, construction, four-Ianing and intersection improvements on State Road 804 at and between Congress Avenue and Military Trail. 5. In the event the conditions set forth in Paragraph 4 a.-c. are not met within one (1) year of the date of execution of this agreement, the ESCROW AGENT is hereby authorized to disburse the $74,000.00 to the DEVELOPER. The Parties agree that disbursement ... of monies under this Paragraph will reimpose those roadway improve- ment obligations on DEVELOPER that it had prior to entering into thi~ agreement. 6. This Agreement is contingent on the acceptance by the City of Boynton Beach (the "City") of the Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "C", (hereafter the "Boynton Beach agreement"). Should this agreement not be accepted by the City within l20 days of the execution of this Agreement, this Agreement will be null and void. In that event, the ESCROW AGENT shall return all the funds in the escrow account referred to in Paragraph Three of this Agreement to DEVELOPER and DEVELOPER will retain those roadway obligations it had prior to entering into this agreement. 7. The COUNTY agrees that it has no objection to the Boynton Beach agreement. The COUNTY further agrees that any funds it receives pursuant to the provisions of the Boynton Beach agreement will be placed in an escrow account that will insure that these funds will only be spent for design, right-of-way acquisition, construction, four-laning and intersection improvements on State Road 804 at and between Congress Avenue and Militery Trail. 8. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and may only be modified by subsequent, written - instrument(s) signed by both Parti~~. -3- ~' , .. -.. -.. ~"."':"-"':.. -... -. ,'" . .~ ( ~ ( 9. Wherever herein the context so requires, the use of the singular shall include the plural, the use of masculine shall , include the feminine or the neuter and the use of representative shall include trustee, receiver, executor, etc. It 10. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. II. This instrument embodies the whole agreement of the Parties and there are no promises, term~; conditions or obligations other than those herein contained. This Agreement shall supersede all previous communications, discussions, representations, adver- tisements, brochures, proposals or agreements, either verbal or written, between the Parties hereto and not herein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, "the Parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the date above written. '- ATTEST: PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOHN B. DUNKLE, CLERK " By: By: CHAlro-lAN Deputy Clerk (SEAL) ATTEST: RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION By: Secretary PRESIDENT (SEAL) -4- . ..' ( LEGAL D~SCRIPTIOH ( ~ Tract of lnnd lying 1n portions of Sections 17 and 20, Town~h1p ~5 South. Ronge 43 EaRt, Pal~:nench County, Florida, more particularly de6cribed as follows: Commence ilt the Southwest corner of oi11d Section 17; thence N89000'19"E nlong the South line of said Section 17 for 50.06 feet; .thence Nl o~~'39"E along the Easterly right of way line of t.~gress Avenue that is ~O.OO feet East and parallel to the West line of snid Section 17, for 2566.00 feet; thence N89008'~9"E ~along the Southerly right of way line of the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal - t r L-21 as recorded in Official Records Book 1732 at Page 612 of the Public Records ! of Palm Beach County, Florida ilnd its Easterly extension for 1364~21 feet to a point on a .curve concave to the Southeast, bearing N81029'17"W from the radius point of said curve; thence along the center' line of the Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4 'as recorded in Official Records Book 1732 ~t PAge 612 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida for the following four (4) courses; (1) thence Northe~sterly along the arc of the last described curve, having a r.,dills of 750.00 feet and a central "'angle of 4004'17" for 53.29 feet to a point of tangency; (2) thence N12035'00"E for 320.69 to a point of curvature to a curve that is concave to the Northwest; (3) thence along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 6500.00 feet and a central angle of 3028'30" for 394.23 feet to a point of tangency; (4) thence N9006'30"E for 1979.10 feet; thence N89016'39"E along the North line of said S'ection 17 for 1964.51 feet; thence SOo02' 11 "E :llong the East line of the \Jest !s of the N. E. lz; of said Section 17 for 2625.18 feet; thence N89008'49"E along the No~th line of the Southeast ~ of said Section 17 for 368.96 feet to a point on the North right of ~ay line of NW 22nd Avenue as recorded in Official Records Book 1738 at Page 1686 of the Public"Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence S19027'31"E for 59.00 feet to a point on the centerline of said m~ 22nd Avenue, said,point being on a curve concave to the Southeast and bearing N19027'31"W from the radius point of said curve; thence. along said centerline for the following two (2) courses; (1) thence Northeasterly along the arc of the last described curve, having a radius of 1637.02 feet and a central angle of 21013'59" for 606.66 feet to a point of tangency; (2) thence S880l3'32"E for 300.00 feet; thence S0038'00"E along the East_~~ne of said Section 17 for 50.04 feet; thence N88013'32"W for 45.04 feet; thence aloTlg the '~esterly right of 'Way line of High Ridge Rcr<ld for the fl)l1O\dng two (2) ,tourses. said line lying 45.00 feet "'est and parallel to the East lines of said Sections 17 and 20; (1) thence SO"38'00"E for '2595.38 feet; (2) thence SOo49'21"E for 1318.56 feet; thence along the North right of \'1ay line of the Boynton Canal C-16 as shown on a Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District Right of Hay ~l.1p for the fol10\'1ing five (5) courses; (1) thence t188050'04"W for 858.94 feet; (2) thence Sl009rS6"t~ for 25.00 feet; (3) thence N880S'O'04"W for 2358.50 feetj (4) thence N1009'56"E for 20.00 feet; (5) thence N88050'04"H for 276.77 feet; thence S83030'15"\J for '175.04 feet; thence S88055.'53"W along a line that is 110.00 feet North and parallel to th~ South line of the N~ of the N~ of said Sc~tion 20 for 1488.15 f<>etj tr.ence NOo12'55"t~ along the said Easterly right. of ....'ay line of Congress Avenue, th8t is 50.00 feet East and parallel to the "'est line of said Section 20, for 1210.64 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said TrClct contains 584.2 Gross Acrc~ge more or less and is subject to casements and dedications of record. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY: That the above descrihed legnl description is true and correct b:lsed on survey by ?-lock, Roos and Scarcy. lnc.. Consul ting Engineers as shoun 'on th('ir dr:1....ing No. 1~5-,~3-17-'2R. l~st revised date 4-23-73. I '; '. : i ',. , . " ,-11 . . ~ ' , ::isJy-e~ \1.'(;7...~~~~ Herhert S. Skinner Professional l.and Surveyor No. 2101 Sta te of. Florida [f I 1 . Exhibit 'At -- . '_-::.~~"~ _~~.,...~ _ M~. .. ' ", . .,.~ . - . , · - l:" .... . ~hLb . i>r^ - .~-~'...:.~/':. ( _4 ""!. .10'.4 .~ .~_A_'.''''..,' ~.._ ____ ( AGREEf1ENT BET\~EEN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION , I I . , . THIS AGREEMENT, m~de this 1st day of AugUst ,1978, by and between the COUNTY OF PALM BEACH through the BOA7~ OF COUNTY COillHSSIONERS of said County hereinafter referred to as ., COUNTY" and RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporati~~, hereinafte referred to as "RITECOll. RECITALS: HHEREAS, RITECO is presently developing a sins:e and multi- family subdivision known as Sandhill, more particularly ~escribed in Exhibit 'A', attached hereto and made a part hereof; anc WHE-REAS, the proposed development, when occupie~,' will generate additional traffic in the area of the Sandhill ?~oject in trips per day and \~HEREAS, RITECO and the COUNTY wish to provide ::or the additional traffic impact as it occurs. NOi'l', THEREFORE, for good and valuable conside::::-c. "tion, receipt of which is hereby a~knowledged, the parties hereto, in~ending to be legally bound, agree as follows: " SECTION I RIGHTS OF WAY RITECO shall donate to the COUNTY th~ough pla~~ing rights of way as indicated in the Palm Beach County thoroughfa~e plan as follows: Congress Avenue N. W. 22nd Avenue Niner Road 120 feet total 108 feet total 108 feet total (60 feet ::rom centerlin (54 feet ::rom centerlin (54 feet ::~om centerlir. provided, however, that where the development abuts on:y one side of right of way, then only half of right of way is require~ to be donate SECTION II FOUR-LANING N. W. 22ND AVENUE ; . . ! ~ It is understood and agreed that N. \~. 22nd A~enue should be I l r ~ I fcur-laned from the east project l:oundary to Congress _~-.'e!1ue and that RITECO shall be responsible for the construction of the additional two lanes, using Palm Beach County standards and speci::ications. EXHIBIT "B-1" .' '. l f f ! I ! , ' , ( ( . This construction shall not be required before the occupation of 50% of the residential d~velopment or at such time as the combinatio ~ . - i , , . of residential and commercial/professional traffic generation equals the traffic generated by 50% of the residential development. Fifty per c~nt of residential traffic generation shall be assumed to be ll,199 trips per day. The above obligation of RITECO_may be satisfied at RITECO'S option by either the actual construction of the additional two lanes as hereinabove set forth, or in lieu thereof payment to the COUNTY in the sum of $600,000.00 due and payable at the time the four-lanin~ would be warranted. SECTION III TRAFFIC SIGNALS RITECO shall bear the cost of the following traffic signals: Congress Avenue at N. W. 22nd Avenue Seacrest Boulevard at N. W. 22nd Avenue Where warranted, all project roadways and N. W. 22nd Avenue In the case of the development roadways and N. W. 22nd AvenL RITECO shall pay for the traffic signals when warranted by traffic generated from within the Sandhill Development and installed. In the case of Congress Avenue at N. W. 22nd Avenue and Seacrest Eoulevard at N. W. 22nd Avenue, RITECO shall not be requirec to pay for the signals before occupation of 25% of the residential development, or a combination of residential and commercial/professic development which equals the traffic generation of 25% of the resi- dential development. Twenty-five percent of the residential traffic generation is assumed to be 5,600 trips per day. If the traffic signals at Congress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue and at Seacrest-Boulevard and N. W. 22nd Avenue are installed by the COUNTY prior to the project development traffic operation equalling 25% of the residential development, then ~nd in that event. RITECO shall reimburse the COUNTY for these traffic signals upon the . 2~% residential traffic generation figure being reached. ~ - 2 - , f I t l r I I I '., ( ( In no event shall the total contribution from RITECO for the traffic signals at Congress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue and at Seacrest Boulevard and N.'W. 22nd Avenue exceed $50,000.00. , a , , , . SECTION IV LEFT TURN LANES N. W. 22nd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard RITECO shall pay to Palm Beach County, Florida, the sum of $12,000.00 for construction of left -turn lanes on the east and west approaches of N. W. 22nd Avenue to Seacrest Boulevard. This payment shall not be due prior to the occupation of 25% of the residential development, or a combination of residential and commercial/professional development, which equals a traffic genera- tion of 25% of the residential development. Twenty-five percent of the residential traffic generation is assumed to be 5,600 trips per day. SECTION V INTERSECTION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND N.. W;" 22ND AVENUE RITECO shall construct to Palm Beach County standards the 'full intersection of Congress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue for 500 feet riorth, south, and east. This construction shall not be required prior to the occupation of 25% of the residential development or a combination of residential and commercial(professional development, which equals a traffic generation of 25% of the residential develop- mente RITECO may satisfy the obligation of this Section by per- forming the actual construction of the intersection itself or in lieu thereof by making payment to the COUNTY of $60,000.00 due when the construction would be required. : Twenty-five percent of the residential traffic generation is assumed to be 5,600 trips p'er day. SECTION VI FOUR-LANING CONGRESS AVENUE RITECO at its option shall either construct Congress Avenue to a four lane roadway to Palm Beach County standards and specifica- tions for the entire frontage of the RITECO property on Congress . -.. - 3 - f l r I I ~ . . J , . \ Avenue or in lieu thereof RITECO shall make a cash contribution to Palm Beach County of $131,090.00. This construction or cash contrib tion shall not be required prior to the occupation of 25% ot the -, I t I . residential units or 25% of the commercial/professional square footac whichever occurs first. SECTION VII ASSIGNMENT It is agreed by the parties hereto that RITECO may freely assign its obligations under this agreement to any subsequent develof contractor or builder. Each such assignee shall also ma~ntain the sa right to assign its obligations hereunder until such time as the constructio~ and improvements required hereunder have been completed. SECTION VIII NOTICE TO PARTIES All notices given pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or which any par~may desire to give hereunder shall be in writing , an~delivered personally,tel~graphed, or sent registered or certifie< '. mail, and shall be conclusively presumed to have been given by such delivery. All notices shall be given to each of the following: RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 169 East FI~gler Street Miami, Florida 3313l COUNTY ATTORNEY Palm Beach County Court House P. O. Box 1989 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 SECTION IX WORDS OF GENDER Wherever herein the context so requires the use of the singular shall include the plural, the use of the masculine shall include the neuter and the use of representative shall include trustee receiver, executor, etc. SECTION X INTEGRATION This instrument clnbodies the whole Agreement of the parties Q and there ar~ no promises, terms, conditions or obligaticns other than those herein contained. This Agreement shall supersede all , - 4 - .' . ., r I I . .'". ,.. .. ( ( previous communications, representation, advertisements, brochures, proposals or agreements, eitver verbal or written, between the' parties hereto and not herein contained. , i f , . SECTION XI" SEVERABILITY In the event that any part, term or provision of this Agreement is by a court of competent jur:isdiction found to be illegal, the validity of the remaining portions and provisions shall not be "affected ~nd the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed dnd enforced as if this Agreement did not contain the particular part, term or provision held to be so invalid. SECTION XII COUNTERPARTS" This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two (2) or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together, ~hall constitute one and the same instrumen1 SECTION XIII CAPTIONS Captions are included for convenience o~ly and shall be given no legal effect whatsoever. SECTION XIV AMENDMENT This Agreement between the parties shall not be amended or modified in any manner except in writing executed by all parties. SECTION xv APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. SECTION XVI PARTIES f 1 Except as herein and otherwise expressly provided, the ~ convenants, conditions and agreements contained in this Agreement shal~ bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, personal representatives', successors and assigns. ... - 5 - [\ l I I . .' { .:. ..... SECTION-XVII EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS , a - , . , . Nothing in this' A~re~ment is intended t~ confer upon or give any person, firm or corporation other than the parties hereto and their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns any right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this Agreement. All terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. IN t'i'ITNE$S \vHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed in multiple originals on the day and year first above written. hT10ST: 1,.7 . J [,1. _L'-.L..L1.u;! L'. t (.l- /L,.lA~{.~t(............./ Corporate Secretary ~. , ............ r-: I" -~. 'Witness , ...... I. ' ~,'-J PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ,? I ,--&~, RD OF COUNTY COI~M 155 I ON ERS ATTEST: ~_ ) JOHN B. DUNKLE. Cl er.~ -----gy;_. --=::;::,-,-...,_. 4 6)t:?~ <:t-'.. , J..-//J /' " AUG. -'(-'9fa .. ( -' Cha i rman 8y:d~/l. ~ Deputy Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND L'EGAL SUFFICIENCY o . , /) .'/, ..... .'.' '. .' 1/ /t-:l'~ oj :(.' " !,.: ~,{ County Attorney : .. j; . - 6 - : -;. .. -- -----=- --~----:::- .. .",;- '-. .;. -,~. ."...;. . ~~~...:'..L;.. :..;. ,. '.. .' ( ( LEGAL ntscRIPTION }. TrDct of ]nnd lying in portions of ~ections 17 ;and 20, Township 45 South, Range ~3 EaRt, Palm,Cc:lch County, Florida, more particularly described ns follows: Commence ~t the Southwest corner of B:1id Section 17; thence N89000'1911E nlong the ~outh line of said Section n for 50.06 feet; .thence Nl 044' 39"E along the Easterly right of way line of t~ngress Avenue that is ~O.OO feet E:1st and . parallel to the ~est line of said Section 11, for 2566.00 feet; thence N89008'4911E ~along the Southerly right of way line of the Lake Worth Drainage nistrict Canal : L..21 as recorded in Offic ial Records Book 1732 a t Page 612 of the Public Records ! oi Palm Beach County, Florida nnd its Easterly ext~n9ion for 1364:21 feet to a point on a curve concave to the Southeast, bearing N81029'17"W from the radius point of said cu~c; thence along the center line ~f the Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4 'as recorded in Official Records Book 1732 at PAge 612 of the Public Records of Palin Bench County, Florida for the following four (4) courses; (1) thence Northe~sterly along the ar~'of the last described curve, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 4004'17" for 53.29 feet to a point of tangency; (2) thence N12035'00"E for 320.69 to a point of curvature to a curve that is concave to the Northwest; (3) thence along the arc of said curve, having a'radius of 6500.00 feet and a central angle of 3028'3011 for 39'..23 feet to a point of tangency; (4) thence N9006'30"E for 1979.10 feet; thence N89016'39"E along the North line of said S'ection 17 for 1964.51 feet; thence SOo02' 11 liE along the East line of the \~est ~ of the N. E. ~ of said Section 17 for 2625.18 ,feet; thence N89008'49"E along ~he No~th line of the Southeast ~ of said Section 17 for 368.96 feet to a point on the North right of way line of m~ 22nd Avenue as recorded in Official Records Book 1738 at Page 1686 of the Public 'Recor~s C?f Palm Beach County, Florida; thence S19027' 31 "E for 59.00 feet to a point on the centerline of said m~ 22nd Avenue, said point being on a curve concave to the Southeast and bearing N19027'31"W from the radius point of said curve; thence, along said centerline for the following two (2) courses; (1) thence Northeasterly along the arc of the last described curve, having a radius of 1637.02 feet and a central angle of 21013'59" for 606.66 feet to a point of tangency; (2) thence S88013'32"E for 300.00 feet; thence S0038'OO"E along the East_~j.,ne at:, said Section 17 for 50.04 feet; thence N88013'y2"W for 45.04 feet; thence' along the l~ester1y right 'of "..ay line of ,High Ridg~ Ro~d for the following two (2) courses, said line lying 45.00 feet West and pnrallel to the East lines of said Sections 17 and 20; (1) thence S0038'00"E for '2595.38 feet; (2) thence S0049'21"E for 1318.56 feet; thence along the North right of \,:ay line of the Boynton Canal C-16 as shown on a Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District Right of Hay Hap for the follO\ving five (5) courses; (1) thence t188050'04"W for 858.94 feet; (2) thence SI 009'56"\~for 25.00 feet; (3) thence N880S'0'04"W for 2358.50 feet; (4) thence tl1009'56"E for 20.00 feet; (S) thence N880S0'04"\~ for 276.77 feet; thence S83030'IS"\~ for 175.04 feet; thence S88055,' 53"W along a line that is 110.00 feet North and 'parallel to the South line of the N~ qf the N~ of said Se~tion 20 for 1488.15 f/?et; thence NOoI2'55"\~ along the said Easterly right of ....'ay line of Congress Avenue, that is 50.00 feet East and parallel to the West 1tne of s~id Section 20, for 1210.64 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Tract cont.1ins 584.2 Gross Acrcnge more or less and is subject to casements and dedications of record. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY: That the nbove descrihed legnl description is true rind correct b..~C'd on !;lIrvey by 1'lock, Roos :lOd SenTcy, Tnc., Consul ting Engineers as s11o\.7O on thC"ir dr<l",ing No. 45~3-17-2Rt l<'lst revised drlte 4-23-73. ~ 2dLJ-e~ \I'.~~:~;~ Herbert S. Skinner Professional Land SlIt'veyor No. 2101 State of Florida I 'I , . : , #,. r . r~ I l . Exhibit 'A' ..... " - . , -.... .- .- ~- . . . . \ . , ( .. :. . ADUiliDLM TO AGGPJ:J1ENT BEll1EEN' PAlM BEACH COUNT'i. FWRIM. AND RI1ECD DEVELePt.'JENf OJRPORATIrn TIllS AGREf:l1ENT, made this 22nd day or January . 1980. by and. between the CDl1NTY OF PAlM BEAQl through the BOARD OF mlJNIY . (x)}-MISSlo..'lliRS of said Cotmty hereinafter ref~ed to as "mlJNTY'1 and RIJECD DEVELDPMENT CDRPORATION. a Florida Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "RI'IEOJ". RECITAlS t.JHEREAS. RIlECD and OJUNTY previously entered into 'an AgreaI'alt on the 1st day of August. 1978, pursuant to Resolution No. R-78-934 pertaining to traffic impact in the Subdivision knCNJIl as SANDHilL. arid ~ \\'HEREAS, MJIDROIA, n~c., a Delaware, corporation, is desirous of purchasing approximately NINTY (90) Acres of the said , , Sandhill Developnent for construction and use of an industrial plant~ an~ " ~ WHEREAS, the proposed develOl:xnent by t'DIDROLA, INC. when occupied will generate approximately ,t~e identical aimunt of traffic as would have been generated had the same 90 Acres been developed under the Sandhill project, and WHEREAS, the traffic generated by the proPosed develq:xnent of }rnDROLA, INC. represents one-third (1/3) of all traffic generated by the Sandhill project, and \-;HEREAS, RIlECO and CDUNIY wish to amend the August 1, 1978 . Agreement to fairly reflect the obligation of RI~OO for traffic impact after the sale to r,mDROIA, INC: lU-l, TI1EREFDRE, for good and valuable consideration, receipt of whi Lh i~; herC'by <lckno\oJlcJr,cd, the parties hereto intending · t l r I I to be legally bound ngree as follavs: 1. 111tlt any and all arrounts. due under the August 1, 1978 Agrearent payable by RITECD shall be reduced by one-third (1/3), and ~ RITECD shall be obligated to pay only two-thirds (2/3rds). any such arrounts due for any itons under the contract. EXHIB'IT "B- 2" 'i. .' . I l r . I I . . .. ...~ .,.,..... . ! ~-.. 2. The rnrounts payable by RITEOJ shall be paid one-half (1/2) at CUl1oc'nccmcnt of instDll:ltion of the in~)rov(llll'nt and cme-half .(1/2) upon canpletion. 3. The obligation of RITEOO tmder this Agreanent shall be ~ satis~action of and/or in lieu of any and all impact fees required or to be req~ired by amrm including but not limited to COlIDty ir.lpnct fee ordinances. 4. All other terms and conditions' of the agreement dated August 1. 1978. 'vhich have not been amnended hereby shall remain in full force ':md effect. IN \.JllNESS v]HEREOF J this Agreanent has been executed in . nultiple originals on the day and year first above \.;ritten. RITEOJ DEVEWP~"Hrr mRPORt\TION ". AITEST: ... ~/. / or ~h ';/ ~ ~.ls~~retarY . ~\-h~ili'Lr 0- \.-r~.)icdL (J.~ f/h t~f)S~ ' By,. '....,'..,,1 President . \ , .' ~ (0 ~ .,~,( . .... \. " ATTEST: ~l OJUN1Y, n.D~' BY .~ OF C~l~,~Jrf?:. :lit { Pl (j, "--.-.. --4>-- -- '-. .. JOl IN B. DUNKJ J~ . Cl.ERK ,~ . 1 1.1 ,/J /' ., By J:/.'t~/.t~ cj:~~ -x ~~ Deputy Clerk APPROVED AS TO rom.1 AND {' I\L SUFF eH.1'Lcj7 .C~~~ COUNTY AT.TORN... y:/ . . .... , 4 .. ( ( AGREEMENT FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , 198 , by and between the COUNTY OF PALM BEACH through the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, hereafter referred to as the "COUNTY" and RITECO DEVELOPM~NT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, hereafter referred to as "DEVELOPER". RECITALS. WHEREAS, DEVELOPER, in conjunction with its Sandhill project, more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, is obligated to construct or pay for certain traffic improvements, with the timing of said obligations based on certain levels of traffic generated by the Sandhill project (hereafter referred to as the "traffic improvement obligations"): and WHEREAS, the traffic improvement obligations are set forth in Sections I through VI of an agreement between the Parties dated August I, 1978, as modified by ~greement between the Parties dated January 22, 1980, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits B-1 and B-2 and incorporated herein; and / WHEREAS, the COUNTY AND DEVELOPER have determined that a modification of these obligations would be mutually advantageous to both Parties: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises made to each other, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement, DEVELOPER will pay Seventy Four Thousand Dollars ($74,000) to be deposited in escrow, pursuant to the terms of Paragraph Three of this Agreement. 2. The COUNTY agrees that the payment of this Seventy Four Thousand Dollars ($74,000) will relieve DEVELOPER of all of its traffic improvement obligations arising from the Sandhill project, with the exceptions of those obligations set forth in Sections I, II, III, except for the traffic signal at the intersection of Congress EXHIBIT "2" _ 4 " ( ( Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue, and IV, of Exhibit B-1, as modified in Exhibit B-2 (hereafter referred to as the "retained traffic improve- ment obligations"). The COUNTY also agrees that, with the exception of the retained traffic improvement obligations, which shall remain as obligations of the DEVELOPER, payment of these monies will satisfy any and all traffic or other impact development fee(s) with respect to the development of the Sandhill project, by DEVELOPER, its' successors, assigns, or transferrees, as presently proposed or as it may be amended, provided no increase in density results. [Appropriate credit to be given if Sandhill project developed for non-residential use. ] 3. The monies referred to in Paragraph One of this Agreement will be held in escrow by Moyle, Jones & Flanigan, P.A., hereafter referred to as "ESCROW AGENT". The ESCROW AGENT may invest the escrowed funds in 'securities of the United States or any agency thereof, in savings or time deposits in institutions insured by an agency of the United States. Any interest earned on the escrowed funds shall go to DEVELOPER an<;1,-may be disbursed as it is earned. So long as the ESCROW AGENT hereunder is not guilty of willful malfeasance, the Parties hereto shall indemnify and hold said ESCROW'AGENT harmless from all liability arising out of the ESCROW AGENT'S actions and duties hereunder, as ESCROW AGENT. In the event of a dispute as to the ESCROW AGENT'S duties hereunder, the ESCROW AGENT may file an appropriate action for interpleader in the Circuit Court For the 15th Judicial Circuit In and For Palm Beach County, Florida, with respect to the escrowed items and, ln that event, the ESCROW AGENT shall have no further duties or liabilities hereunder. The Party hereto determined not to be entitled to said deposit shall pay all reasonable costs and expenses of the ESCROW AGENT in connection therewith. 4. The parties hereby direct the ESCROW AGENT to disburse the Seventy Four Thousand Dollars ($74,000) to the COUNTY within seven days after being furnished satisfactory evidence of the completion of all of the following conditions: a. Execution of the contract for the four-laning of Congress Avenue northward from the northerly "End of Project" station for County Project #80/81 - 4005-30lR point to Hypoluxo Road: -2- ( ( , . b. The securing of a payment and performance bond insuring said completion of the four-laning of that portion of Congress Avenue described in subsection a. above: and c. Commencement of construction under the contract referred to in subsection a. above. The COUNTY shall place the funds disbursed by the ESCROW AGENT to the COUNTY in a specific, separate line item account that will insure that these funds will only be spent for design, right-of- way acquisition, construction, four-Ianing and intersection improvements on State Road 804 at and between Congress Avenue and Military Trail. 5. In the event the conditions set forth in Paragraph 4 a.-c. are not met within one (1) year of the date of execution of this agreement, the ESCROW AGENT is hereby authorized to disburse the $74,000.00 to the DEVELOPER. The Parties agree that disbursement of monies under this Paragraph will reimpose those roadway improve- ment obligations on DEVELOPER that it had prior to entering into this agreement. - 6. This Agreement is contingent on the acceptance by the City of Boynton Beacl?-.~.(the "City") ,of the Agreement attacned hereto as Exhibit "C", (hereafter the "Boynton Beach agreement"). Should that agreement not be accepted by the City within l20 days of the execution of this Agreement, this Agreement will be null and void. In that event, the ESCROW AGENT shall return all the funds in the escrow account referred to in Paragraph Three of this Agreement to DEVELOPER and DEVELOPER will retain those roadway obligations it had prior to entering into this agreement. 7. The COUNTY agrees that it has no objection to the Boynton Beach agreement. The COUNTY further agrees that any funds it receives pursuant to the-provisions of the Boynton Beach agreement will be placed in the account identified in Paragraph 4 that will insure that these funds will only be spent for design, right-of-way acquisition, construction, four-laning and intersection improvements on State Road 804 at and between Congress Avenue and Military Trail. 8. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and may only be modified by subsequent, written instrument(s) signed by both Parties. -3- ..' . ( t 9. Wherever herein the context so requires, the use of the singular shall include the plural, the use of masculine shall include the feminine or the neuter and the use of representative shall include trustee, receiver, executor, etc. ID. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in ~ - accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. II. This instrument embodies the whole agreement of the ' Parties and there are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations other than those herein contained. This Agreement shall supersede all previous communications, discussions, representations, adver- tisements, brochures, proposals or agreements, either verbal or written, between the Parties hereto and not herein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the date above written. ATTEST: PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOHN B. DUNKLE, CLERK By: By: Deputy Clerk CHAIRMAN /- (SEAL) ATTEST: RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION By: Secretary PRESIDENT (SEAL) -4- ; ( ( ( I.F.GAT. DESCR! PTION A Tract of land lying in portions of Sections 17 ~nd 20, Town~11ip 45 South, Range ~3 East, P~lm,ncach County, Florida, more particularly dcscribed as follows: Commence ~t the Southwest corner of BClid Section 17; thence N89000'19"E Along the c::outh line of said Scction 17 for 50.06 fect; .thence N1044'39"E along the Easterly right of way line of C~ngresa Avenue that is 50.00 feet East and parallel to the West line of said Section 17, for 2566.00 feet; thence N89008'49"E ~ along the Southerly right of way line of the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal : L-21 as recorded in Official Records Book 1732 at Page 612 of the Public Records : or Palm Beach County, Florida and its Easterly extension for 1364~21 feet to a point on a cu.rve concave to the Southcast, bearing N81029'17"W from the radius point of said curve; thence along the cente~, line of the Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4as recorded in Official Records Book 1732 at PAge 612 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida for the following four (4) courses; (1) thence Northeasterly along the arc of the last described curve, having a radi.us of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 4004'17" for 53.29 feet to a point of tangency; (2) thence N12035'00"E for 320.69 to a point of curvature to a curve that is concave to the Northwest; (3) thence along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 6500.00 feet and a central angle of 3028'30" for 394.23 feet to a point of tangency; (4) thence N9006'30"E for 1979.10 feet; thence 1~89016'39"E along the North line of said Section 17 for 1964.51 feet; thence SOo02' 11 "E :110ng the East line of the '''est ~ of the N~ E. ~ of said Section 17 for 2625.18 feet; thence N89008'49"E along the North line of the Southeast ~ of said Section 17 for 368.96 feet to a point on the North right of way line of NW 22nd Avenlle as recorded in Official Records Book 1738 at Page 1686 of the Public-Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence SI9027'31"E for 50.00 feet to a point on the centerline of said m~ 22nd Avenue, said point being. on a curve concave to the Southeast and bearing N19027'31"W from the radius point of said curve; thence, along said centerline for the following two (2) courses; (1) thence Northeasterly along the arc of the last described curve, having a radius of 1637.02 feet and a central angle of 21013'59" for 606.66 feet to a point of tangency; (2) thence S88013'3211E for 300.00 feet;_ thence S0038'OO"E along the East_~~,ne of said Section 17 for 50.04 feet; thence N88013'32"W for 45.04 feet; thence along the Westerly right of way line of High Ridge RO<ld for the fryl1O\dng two (2) cQtr"rses, said line lying 45.00 feet West and parallel to the East lines of said Sections 17 and 20; (1) thence S0038'00"E for 2595.38 feet; (2) thence SOo49'21"E for 1318.56 feet; thence along the Nortil right of \_ay line of the Boynton Canal C-16 as shown on a Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District Right of Hay H<lp for the follo\Jing five (5) courses; (1) thence N88050'04"W for 858.94 feet; (2) thence SI009'56"t" for 25.00 feet; (3) thence N8805'O'04"w for 2358.50 feet; (4) thence Nlo09'5611E for 20.00 feet; (5) thence N88050'04"W for 276.77 feet; thence S83030'15"t~ for 175.04 feet; thence S88D55.'53"W along a line that is 110.00 feet North and parallel to the South line of the N~ of the N~ of said Se~tion 20 for 1488.15 fl?et; tnence NOo12'55"W along the said EClsterly right of ....'ay line of Congress Avenue, that ~s 50.00 feet East and parallel to the West line of s~id Section 20, for 1210.64 feet to tl1C Point of Beginning. Said Tract contains 584.2 Gross Acrcnge more or less and is subject to cascments and dedications of record. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CI:RTIFY: ThClt tl1e nbove Clescrihcd lcgnl description is truc and correct b;;r;cd on ~\Irvey by Hock. Roos and Searcy, Tnc.. Consulting Engineers as shmm on th('ir o'-,I....in:; No. /~5-!~3-17-2R, last revised date 4-23-73. ,f ,1Ju-e~~ \I"~#ljA~~~.J Herhert S. Skinner Professional Land Surveyor No. 2101 State of. florida I .: . i , , , . [( 'I r I I l , Exhibit 'A' MEMORANDUM TO Peter Cheney City Ma~ager DATil January 20, 1983 FIL. FlltOM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner SUBJ"CT Appraisals/Congress Lakes PUD Attached to this memo, you will find copies of appraisals submitted by James Branch, MAl, SREA for properties owned by Riteco in the vicinity of NW 17th Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard. These appraisals were prepared in connection with Riteco's obligations for recreation and parks dedication which resulted from the Congress Lakes PUD approval. The properties appraised are a commercial building on Seacrest Boulevard plus 13,080 square feet of land and several residential lots located in close proximity to the City's sewer plant. In total, the value arrived at in both appraisals equals $ 187,000 which when added to the previous proposal (the remaining Riteco holding at Seacrest and ~ 17th Avenue) results in a value dedication of $ 582,000. The value dedication required was $ 517,408. I have mapped for your convenience the locations of the various properties. Please advise if you require any additional information. /' ~~s ~/ '<Or . - - "'-,--.--' --. . ,-- -' Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc Attachs. l1 r"'\ ,.... r ( ) .-> ./ ,-y r Peter Cheney City Manager REPLY MESSAGE - FROM I TO Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner ~ SUBJECT: Agreement for Roac1waY-'!~J?E<?vemen~_sL~on~~e:_~~___nA TE:~~_~~~92-19 83_ - ----LaKes ~OLD . Attached to this memo, you will find copies of modified roadway agreements related to transferring dollars to SR804 from the Congress Lakes and Sandhill projects. These agreements have been reviewed by Charles Walker and I and approval is recommended. In order to approve the agreement between the City and Rjteco, it will be necessary to relate approval to the zoning/annexation action. CSA:mpc CC: Central File w/attach. PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED REPLY DATE: SIGNED FOAM F269 Available from GAAYAAC CO" lNG" New Hartford, Conn, 06057 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED lJ /- REPLY MESSAGE FROM --, I~..~ t ..,,- U &v1/~~.J"~ ~~~ I)J:~J Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner r'~;I~ r TO Peter Ch~ney City Manager SUBJECT: Roadway Agreements/Congress Avenue DATE:Dec.10,1982 FOLD. Attached to this memo you will find copies of draft roadway agreements which, if endorsed, would transfer to Palm Beach County $ 274,000. in lieu of Riteco four-Ianing Congress Avenue. I intend to meet with Charles Walker some time next week to discuss these drafts. Please advise if you have any comments or concerns in this regard. CSA:mpc Attach. CC: Central File w/enc. PLEASE FlEPL Y TO --'"-~ SIGNED c::::::~ Ji.., ~ ,',., ~ ,..._...........w.., ....'~...'..h.'__ _ .... _..._._~'_~__"._~'_~_.__~_'~_._.,_'_~~_,..~_". ,'.____ REPL Y .Afu. {VJ ",'~ i}'V t C/I ../ , .. r l ,.,.. ',)../ .,.r~ DATE: SIGNED FORM F269 Available from GRAY ARC CO INC, New Harllord Conn 06057 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED .,_....._.n_.~__..~~~~L.="O-"'-.!LL!."'-U!.c,n c-"'..,.... U'UITC liNn Pl.NX r.()PI~S WITH r.lJ.RRONS INTACT MEMORANDUM TO Peter Cheney City Manager DATE November 22, 1982 FILl! I:'RON Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner 5UIIJ~CT Congress Lakes PUD/Road Construction This date I met with representatives of the Riteco Corpora- tion and Charles Walker of the Palm Beach County Engineering Depart- ment to discuss the Riteco transfer of $ 274,000 to Palm Beach County for roadway construction in connection with the approval of the Congress Lakes P.U.D. and the Sandhill development. The thrust of this meeting was to discuss the method of transfer of the funds. After discussion, it was decided that two courses of action were necessary as follows: 1. Mr. Sheehan of Moyle, Jones and Flanigan would prepare a two party agreement (Riteco and Boynton Beach)which would amend the Petition for Voluntary Annexation; and, 2. Mr. Sheehan would prepare an amendment to the Sandhill agreement which must be endorsed by Riteco and Palm Beach Coun ty . With respect to each agreement, the transfer of dollars would be first to an escrow account and thence to Palm Beach County after the posting of a bond and the commencement of construction on North Congress Avenue. It was also decided that each agreement would refer~nGe___J:.lJ.~ _ other in the body of the text. I will provide additional information in this regard as it becomes available. ... ~ Jc~ -.~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc CC: Central File ,.. J 0 J j r TO Peter Cheney City Manager ) ,) ,- ) ) REPLY MESSAGE FROM .~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner SUBJECT: __Ri tecoLCon-9rel?s_Aven\!e C-9!lstruc_t.j._Q!1~ommi tn!~Dt_nATE:~Q_~;I._9J3.2_- "OLD. As requested, you will find'accompanying this memo, a copy of the report submitted by the County Engineer to the Boa~d of County Commissioners concerning payment by Riteco of $ 274,000 in lieu of constructing improvements on Congress Avenue. Please note that the report has been stamped approved. CSA:mpc f.ttach. . PLEASE REPLY TO SIGN REPLY DATE: SIGNED FORM F269 Available from GRAYARC CO., INC" New HarHord, Conn, 06057 1__ THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED /m Inter-Office Communication PALM BEACH COUNTY TO (1. a)tUhu FROM Fran Lackey, R.N. DATE JO'"''''''~ FILE RB Mul ti Media First Aid To comply with OSHA regulations regarding first aid, we are beginning the Mul ti Media First Aid course for our employees. The course takes one day and upon completion and final test, participants will be qualified to administer basic first aid. Certificates will be issued at a later date to all employees passing the course. As all departments cannot be represented in each session, we will notify you of future course dates that will include your department. Sessions will be LJ.Ju..uuv LfUU I f7i from 131/ Arr\ to ~ . It will be held in the trailer located at the clinic. We request that you select two of your employees t9 attend. Have them report to the clinic a few minutes before '7?/C;A. so we may begin on 'time. Please submit their names to me before ' "--fLui, / /rL This course will be very beneficial to all employees and departments. Thank you for your cooperation and participation. SIGNED d~---,~~~~ MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, July 24, 1982 RE: Congress Lakes The f~llowing~e comments on the master plan-water and sewer. On both water and sewer plans, they have recreation areas shown that will re- quire both water and sewer facilities and do not show any method of serving these sites. WATER: I. Water lines have been re-sized and re-routed to eliminate as many dead end lines as possible. 2. Valves have been added. 3. The plans do not show the existing lOti water line serving Sunny South. This water line is on the north side of N.W.22nd Avenue. We have shown two (2) separate set taps onto this line~ in addition, to the change taps on the 16" line on Congress Avenue. 4. Meter locations must be at the right of way line or easement. 5. Fire hydrant loaations may be required to be changed by the Fire Department and if they are located as shown, they will be required to provide protection by posts because of their vulnerability. SEWER: I. Lift station site must be 30t x 30', fenced and deeded to the City with a Warranty ~eed. 2. The 12" force main serving the north section should be re-Ioaated on the south side of N. W. 22nd Avenue where there is an existing 10" line for a lOti force main. This will prevent a conflict with the existing 10" water line on the north side of N. W. 22nd Ave. 3. In both sections, they show some manholes in the dividers. These must be located so they are accessible for sewer cleaning equipment. 4. The drawings indicate that parking areas are drained to the center of the road in the same location as the sewer gravity lines. One or the other must be moved to prevent infiltration through the man- holes during storms. 5. No sewer gravity line shall be longer than 400r. 6. The gravity line connecting the south section to the north, crossing N. W. 22nd Avenue shall be ductile iron pipe, polylined, between manholes. Page I of 2 Pages Memorandum To: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, c. P. Re: Congress Lakes July 26, 1982 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Bedding of the gravity lines shall be such as to prevent any settlement vertically or shifting horizontally. Compaction shall meet City standards, which is 95% of T~180 Proctor. 8. The City will require TV inspection for acceptance and reinspec- tion after I-year at the developer's expense. Q:~es~a~ Dir ector of utilities apt rf! 5. j) R~J.)IAl6.5 ~ ~ TVI? IVI~ J) vi /1rh~ Page 2 of 2 Pages MASTER PLAN A. Seven copies of the Master Plan of the proposed subdivision must be submitted to the City Engineer's Office for place- ment on the ~echnical Review Board-agenda. t B. The developer shall retain the services of an engineer or surveyor registered in Florida, to prepare the master-plan of the subdivision and -sh~ll emp~oy a land planner, landscape architect, architect or other technical or professional services to assist in the physical- lotting patterns and site plan. The Master Plan shall be coordinated with the major utility suppliers involved with providing ~ services. C. The Master Plan, when submitted to the Office of the City Engineer, shall contain the following: I. Name of subdivision or identifying title which shall .~ not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in .incorporated or unincor~orateq areas of Palm Beach County. ~ ~ 2. A vicinity sketch showing the location of the tract in reference to other areas of the city or County. 3. North arrm-l, graphic scale, scale and date. 4. Name, address and telephone number of the developer, . along with the name and address of the engineer and surveyor responsible for the plan, plat and support- ing data. 5. The location and names of adjacent subdivision, if any, and plat book and page reference. 6. - The tract boundary with bearings and distances along I . with a written description. 7. Topographical conditions on the tract including all the existing water courses, drainage ditches and bodies of water, marshes and other significan~ features. >> C). idl eXl~tlng c',l.ree:ts dnd alleys on,or adjacent to the tract inc~...-...in~ name, right of way- -...th. street or., pavement width and established centerline elevation. Existing streets shall be dimensioned to the tract boundary. ~. All existing property lines, easements and rights of way, their purpose, and their effect on the property to be subdivided. 10. The location and right of way width of all proposed streets, alleys, rights of way, easements and their purpose along with the proposed layout of the lots and blocks. 11. The incorporation and compatible development of present and future streets as shown on ,the Official City Map when such present or future streets are affected by the proposed subdivision. 12. Access points to collector and arterial stree~s show- ing their compliance to the access requirements established by this ordinance. ~ ) l 13. Ground elevations by contour line at intervals of not more than one foot based on N.O.S. datum or as other- wise determined by the City Engineer. 14. All existing drainage district facilities and their ultimate right of way requirements as they affect the property to be subdivided. 15. ~ Generalized statement of subsurface conditions on the property, location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil conditions ~nd ground water depth. 16. Zoning classification of the tract. 17. Utilities such as telephone, power, water, sewer, gas, etc. on or adjacent to the tract "including existing or proposed water treatment plants and sewerag~ tre<ltment plants. The 1>1aster Plan shall contain a statement th~~t all utilities arc available ~mc1 h<.l\Te been coordin~ted with 211 required utilJties. 18. Sites proposed for parks, recreational areas, and ... schools. ... 19. The locations of all temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use. In addition, master 'plans or site plans showing permanent structures having a temporary use shall contain a statement outlining the temporary use. Master plans or site plans showing temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use shall be reviewed by the city Building Official at least eighteen (18) months from the last approval date. Following approval of a master plan or site plan, such structures may be erected prior to plat recordation. ~ All such permit. and construction requirements of the Building Department, including but not limited to .Chapters S and SA of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances shall be satisfied. D7 A subdivision that generates 3000 vehicle single directional trips per day or 250 vehicle single directional trips in a one hour period must submit along with the masterplan, a ) traffic impact analysis. The tr~ffic impact analysis shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer competent in Traffic . ,Engineering and snaIl be- used to determine the number of lanes and capacity of the street system.proposed or affected by the development, and the phasing of improvements. E. A master storm water management plan outlining the pr.imary and secondary drainage and storm water treatment facilities needed for the proper development of th~ subdivision, exclud- ing tertiary facilities, which are required on construction - plans, shall be submitted along with the master plan. master storm water management plan shall consist of qn The (/l-U ~~ (lJ3 - 29 - ~-... DISCUSSION OF COMPARABLE SALES THE THREE COMPARABLE SALES OF SMALL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS DETAILED ON THE SALES CHART ARE LOCATED IN THE WEST PALM BEACH AND RIVIERA BEACH AREA, WITHIN SIMILAR NEIGHBORHOODS TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE UNITS OF COMPARISON FOR THESE PROPERTIES ARE THE SALE PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUILDING AREA, THE GROSS INCOME MULTIPLIER AND THE OVERALL RATE. THE BEST INDICATION OF VALUE FOR THE SUBJECT IS CONSIDERED TO BE BY THE GROSS INCOME MULTIPLIER AND OVERALL RATE RATIOS. THESE GIMs RANGE FROM A LOW OF 6.62'TO 9.02, AND THE OARs RANGE FROM 9.9% TO 11.1%. ' BASED ON THE ABOVE DATA, IT IS OUR OPINION THAT THE APPLICABLE GIM IS EQUAL TO 9.0 AND THE APPLICABLE OVERALL RATE IS EQUAL TO 10%. THE SUBJECT PROPE RTY HAS A GROSS LEASE INCOME OF $11.220. , WHICH IS BASICALLY NET, HOWEVER, THE OWNER PAYS EXTERIOR BUILDI NG MAINTENANCE. THE STABILIZED ANNUAL NET INCOME IS ESTIMATED AT $10,000. THEREFORE. THE INDICATED VALUES BY USING THE ABOVE RATIOS ARE: GROSS INCOME = $11,220. X 9.0 GIM =$101,000. NET INCOME = $10,000. ..;. .10 OAR IS EQUAL TO $100,000. IT IS OUR OPINION THAT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY HAS A CURRENT MARKET VALUE OF $100.000. THIS ALSO RESULTS IN A PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT OF APPROXIMATELY $27. PER BUILDING SQUARE FOOT, WHICH FALLS WITHIN THE RANGE OF THE ABOVE COMPARABLE SALES DATA. -.. . ~ ~ t- u~ -+-- -t I -j --+-- i W L i + ~ . VACA,vI /2.-t.5. -t I-t-- ~t It:1 u~ c .oJ oJ! - i t - ----t ~ y~ I c;..o...,"'1. -+ j- I I ~/~ J_ I i __ ou-U'rQJ -.--J -+ - - -+- , ....- . ,--' 1 ~' 14m 1 ,,-~ '" j N,W ) ~ , '. I" ~'H A,[ A\' CANAL . LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF TRACT "A" AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF ROLLING GREEN RIDGE FIRST ADDITION TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 24. PAGES 223 THROUGH 226 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA. MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRI BED AS FOLLOWS: A TRACT OF LAND BEGINNING ON THE WESTERLY LI NE OF SEACREST BOULEVARD. 150 FEET MEASURED ALONG SAID LINE SOUTHERLY OF A POINT WHERE THE SOUTH LINE OF NORTHEAST 19TH AVENUE EXTENDED WOULD INTERSECT THE WESTERLY OF SAID SEACREST BOULEVARD; THENCE SOUTH 8902'27" WEST 145 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2056'16" EAST 90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8504'1" EAST TO THE WEST LINE OF SEACREST BOULEVARD; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE IS INTENDED TO DESCRI BE A TRACT OF LAND MEASURING APPROXIMATELY 90 FEET ALONG SEACREST BOULEVARD WITH A DEPTH OF 145 FEET. -... ,~ . APPRAISAL REPORT nSSOClfiTfD t1PPR-A15fRS 309 South County Road, Pal m Beach, Florida For.. WA.[)E,.R.,!l,-,E,V.,.,................,.., "..,..,..' PHOTOGRAPH Property Address: 1891-1901 SEACREST BOULEVARD BOYNTON BEACH.. FLORIDA GENERAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF LAND SEE ATTACHED Legal: Lot Size 90 Block. 145 Subdivision x Street PavedYE~ ." .? Utilities .........-.. .................. .................................... ............ YES Remarks on site A BOVE ROAD GRADE .............................................................................................. SMALL COMMERCIAL FOOD MARKET/AUTO PARTS/GAME ROOM Highest and Best Use" . .............,....,.. ..... ,.....,..... ...............,.......,..,.,.......................... Zoning C-2. ,NEI C;H B()R~.oO[), C()MM.ERc;IAl.:.,. C;I!~, oF., Boy t-j !(),N BE A~.H....." ........,..... ,.............. .......... ........,........, ........ PROPERTY, R.,I GtrT:!;, Ap~,~AI,SE[),:~,F.EE, S,IMPLETI!,LE... ...................................................... ............. ij'o Developed 80 NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES Average age~~~\l~~~rl<, NEW-Z5.yEA.R5.... AREA Value Range HOMES Trend of Neighborhood: Upward Stable x Downward ' From $..$O,Qoq,.....,. To $....4,5.. ()().o,~,..,........ ' Remarks PREDOMINANTLYSINGLEFAMI~" RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHO()I)OF,~,ORTHERN BO'r',N,T,ON. BEACH. THE SUBJECT COMMERCIAL FACILITY IS ONE OF TWO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL USES WITHIN THIS AREA. .. . ....... .............. ............ ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................. Is the property located near a cemetery, railroad, industrial plant or any other objectionable feature? o Yes IX) No If Yes, Give Details ..' ...,. ................ ,...,.......,......,......,....,....,....,......,..,...., DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING Type o Single family o Two family o Condo/PUD Unit IX] If other, state kind COMMERCIAL Apparent Age Effective Age 24 20 yrs. ,yrs. OVery good Condition ~ Good o Fair o Poor Building Description: 1 STORY COMM ERCIAL - FO{)DMA,~K'::T <,FO,R,MER~'f, 7:-:-,1,1) AND ATTACHED COMMERCIAL SPACE USED AS A CHURCH. Details (Room Count, etc.) .........~ FOOD MARKET - ,OPEN, SALES ,DISPL,AY AREA,' ONE BATHROOM WITH TOILET BJ. SIN~ CHURC~ ,- OPE~, ROOM. 1 BATHROOM WITH TOILET AND SINK. Construction': Ext. Walls...,c:B.S.. ...........,.,......,.... "Roof~L,,!,:AR.~ GRAVEL Int. Walls., ,~LAS-r.E~"", ...' ....' "..... ,.." ......' , Floors..~?~CR,~~~(VI~:~/.~~~RAZZO Heat & Air Conditioning ....,~~~,~,~,NI,~..~~.~,~,~,~~~~~..~:.~;,~~,......,......,.., .... Remarks on construction ~'(PI CAL.!5fv1 At,.t,. ,c:(),M..M. ~R<;:,I, "t,. ,~~I.I,-.'?!,~,~..... ,N1 ,I,~!.M. ~,~.. ",~.C::,f:I" !,~,C::.!~,~A.,':-.. ~!:Y.':-:~ ,." ,.',' ............. Assessed Valuation * $, ~,9,() ,.,~!5~,~".".,' """."..""", ,," Real Estate Tax For Year 19 82 City $2..,()~,4~A~, County $ .4,.3.47,~,~?.... Total $,~,~37} .88, *INCLUDES 13 ACRES OF VACANT MULTI-FAMILY LAND. " VALUATION fOST APPROACH r LAND: Pric. Dat. Size Adjustments Indicated V.lu. Subject Sale 1 No COMMERCIAL LOT SALES WITHIN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. COMMERCIAL $ Sale 2 VACANT SALES FROM OTHER SIMILAR NEIGHBORHOODS INDICATES A VALUE $ Sale 3 OF $1.50 PER SQUARE FOOT. Est. Land Value I}. 9,5.0. ,SQ.,~!. ~..~, ~}, ~ ,5.9..., SAY $ $ ~O ,ODD. IMPROVEMENTS: BUILDING Jx~XP{~ Area Garage and UtiI. Squ.r. F.et Cost P.r Square Foot Total Cost 3,645 $ 40. $ 145.800. PORCH WITH CANOPY 818 12. 9,816. Estimated Replacement Cost Building (s) $ 155,616. Other Improvements: Cott Heat & Air Conditioning INCLUDED ABOVE $ Walks, Drives, Patio & PAVI NG 8,000 s. F. 8,000 Landscape "- Estimated Cost of Other Improvements Effective Age 20 years at 2.5 ,... % _ 50 % $ 8,000. $ 163,616. $ 81.808. $ -0- $ 81 ,808. $ 102,000. Total Estimated Cost of Buildings and other Improvements less Depreciation: Physical Depreciation Other Depreciation Total Depreciation ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .............,... INDICATED VALUE BY COST APPROACH Justification: [MARKET APPROACH I S.I. # D.t. S.t. Price Adjus'm.nts Adjust.d S.I.s Pric. $ SEE ATTACHED $ $ . $ $ $ INDICATED VALUE BY MARKET APPROACH $ 100,000. IIN~OME APPROACH J $935. /MO Actual Rent 11 ,220. ANNUAL = $3.08/s.F., CC - 'DERED ECONOMIC RENT Economic Rent Lease Information TWO SEPARATE LEASES BOTH TERMINATING 7/84 2.605 S.F. @ $550. MO. = $2.53.sQ.FT. & 1.040 S.F. (a) $385. MO. = $4.44/sQ.FT $ Per Month X 12 = $ Per Yr. u u X 12 =' $ Per Yr. u u X 12 _ $ Estimated Gross Income .....................,.....,......,......... $ 11,220. Less Allowance For Vacancy..........,........,...,.....,...,.. -0- Per Yr. Effective Gross Income ..... ....................................., $ 11 ,220. less Expenses: R. E. Taxes Insurance > Management $ N/ A. AS ABOVE RENT IS NET, EXCEPT EXTERIOR MAl NTENANCE. Maintenance 1.220. ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ....................................................... TOT AL ESTIMATED EXPENSES ESTIMATED NET INCOME "",. ................ ............................... $ 1,220. $10 .000. ................................................... ANNUAL MORTGAGE REQUIREMENT ...............,....... .......... $ CASH FLOW.........." ..,....,..,...... ,..........,...,...............,...... $ Net Income 10 (GRM)= $ 101 ,000 ( OAR) = $ 100,000. A. $ 11,220. B. $ 10.000. Gross Income X 9 -.. C. (Use If Desired) $ Cash Flow . Equity Investment $ Plus Avail. Mtg. Ind. Value by C. $ COMMENTS SEE DISCUSSION OF COMPARABLE SALES INDICATED VALUE BY INCOME APPROACH JUSTIFICATION OF CAPT. RATE AND RENTS $ NOTE: If Elwood Analysis justified use comments section on back sheet. . . .. ...... ~. ..... CORRELATION & SUMMARY THE INCOME APPROACH IS CONSIDERED THE BEST INDICATION OF VALUE FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS THE PROPERTY IS INCOME PRODUCING. THE MARKET FOR THIS TYPE PROPFRTV IS AN INVESTOR WHICH EQUATES THE INCOME TO VALUE. THE COST APPROACH . ALTHOUGH LEAST RELIABLE AND THE MARKET APPROACH (SALE PRICE PER BUILDING SQUARE FEET) CLOSELY SUPPORT THE FINAL VALUE ESTIMATE. FINAL ESTIMATE OF FAIR MARKET VALUE $ 100.000. DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE: Market Value is defined as the highest price estimated in terms of money which a property wi! bring if exposed for sale in the open market, allGwing a reasonable time to find a purchaser who buy: with knowledge of all uses to which it is adapted and for which it is capable of being used. More simply stated, it is an estimate of the maximum selling price a property would bring, i actively and properly offered for sale in the open market. THE FAIR MARKET VALUE, SET FORTH IN THIS REPORT, IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING LIMITED CONDITIONS: THE APPRAISER ASSUMES: 1. That the legal description furnished is correct. 2. That the title to the. property is good. 3, That there are no encumbrances or defects of title other than those mentioned in this report. 4. That the property is free and clear of all liens. 5, That all sizes, shapes and areas furnished are correct. ~1.~.,.... THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONTINGENT CONDITIONS: 1. No liability is assumed for the above assumptions. 2. No guarantee is made as to the correctness of estimates and opinions furnished by others and used in making thi: appraisal. 3. No liability is assumed on account of inaccuracies or errors in such estimates. 4, No liability is asumed for matters of a legal character affecting the property. 5. The appraiser herein by reason of this report is not required to give testimony in court with reference to the propertJ herein appraised. unless arrangements have been previously made therefore. 6, The physical conditions of the improvements described herein, if any. are based on visual inspection. No liability i! assumed for the soundness of structural members as no engineering tests were made of same. 7. Possession of any copy of this report does not carry with it the right of publication nor may it be used for any pUrpOSE by any but the applicant without the previous written consent of the appraiser or the applicant, and, in any event only in its entirety. -.. CERTIFICATION: This is to certify that I (we) have personally inspected the property and have no present or conten plated future interest in the property and that the appraisal fee is not contingent upon the value repartee Date JANUARY 3. 1983 Signed Appraiser . Appraiser REVERSE .SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION , LOOKING NORTH. LOTS 27 - 34. BLOCK 42 ON RIGHT SIDE OF NW 4TH STREET LOOKING NORTH. LOTS 7 - 12. BLOCK 45 ON LEFT SIDE OF NW 4TH STREET ..- . .- ,""\.-4:.........~' :' '... ;..: : . ' 1~ --:~ ."~ .:..-.'.....;,;'.~ ~.. ;.~ ..~:.:: ~.....:.__-,~ , I '.:~". ~........~...-:_.:..._Ir::..J .-s..... ..:..'.-.:.-..:;.:..:;..,.. .-/,-r.;..--:-"'f)' , - ..<..~..;":;,-,:~~~~--;;-:--~-.,,.~,_., J ~~~~~~~~~~_~~::;;:.:.t:.;..~.~ ~~...~; , LOOKING NORTH FROM NW 5TH STREET LOTS 18 - 21. BLOCK 44 LOOKING SOUTH FROM NW 5TH STREET LOTS 5 - 8 t BLOCK 44 ~ tJ t' "'-T:';; DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES TRAFFIC CONSULTANT ENGINEERS TRAFFIC STUDIES TRAFFIC DEVELOPMENT IMPACT ANALYSIS ACCIDENT EXPERT WITNESS August 27, 1981 936 WEST TROPI(;AL WAY PLANTATION. FLORIDA33317 (305) 584-0073 H.ossi and f"lalavasi Engineers, Inc. Land Development Engineering Forum III - 4th Floor 1675 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard iJest Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Dear f'Ir. Rossi: As a result of our meeting with Mr. Walker & Mr. Annunziato on the Concress Lakes project, I have und.ertaken a detailed revision of the oricinal traffic report \'!hich l'lQS submitted on November 23, -; 980. 'rhe changes reflect the current traffic & expected analysis by the Palm Beach County Engineering. The findings of the report indicates that the project is a CateGory IIA", \';hich mandates tha,t the develoI)er build some road~ay to alleviate traffic congestion. It is my opinion that the 4-lane improvements to Congress Avenue recuired by Mr. Walker, displayc a fair share amount to this one development. Please advise if further information or clarifications are necessary. Sincerely yours, of)~/I/./?;1~ Daniel N. Murray, P.=. DANIEL N, MURRAY & ASSOCIATES THAFEIC I!'-jPACT ANAIJY8IS HEPOWr ON COlTG~m's[) JJAKES A PLANNED URBAN DEVEIJOPr.1ENT Loc~~.rr:2:D on TII2~ 1;IESTSIDE OFCOHGHESS AVENUE IN THE VICIIUTY (oj<' fi.ld. 22ND. AVENUE VJITHIN THE UlnUCORPORATED AREA or P ALII BEitCH COUIT'l'Y Prep3.red by: ~~,v.~7 Pft~.P/ Daniel N. Murray,P.E. D3.te DANIEL N.MURRAY & ASSOCIATES TABLE OF CONTElTir Page II'ITRODUCTIOIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....j SITE LOCATION r,!AP -- FIGURE i/<...............................2 PLA!',Jl~IlTG DATA................................................? TIUF GENEBNrIOlr AnD DISTHIBUTIUIJ............................. 4 T,'XTEi'R-'JAL T-JIP I)Ic'rf[1I)I1JUnIOI'j I"IGUDE'-' -//2 7 1.:., ~ 1, .b.. ,::) "I.. ..:..J 1 -- t j.l. /t. ...................... TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTIOH PEHCEN'TAG:;~S -- FIGURE iY2A... . . . .. . .. . .. .8 mR ~F1?IC AS<-='IGTC'T'E,'ITfT\ 0 -l.. 11. ....: .0 l.'~l.l 1~..l...........................................) DAILY TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTlm~ -- =i'IGUHE ;l3.....................1 0 F.U.D. INTERNAL ROAm'iAY DAILY l'BAFFIC -- FIGURE /1-4-......... .11 DAILY TRAFFIC '.'lITrI DEVELOPI~Er;T AT rIIAXE~m1 CAPACITY -- FIGURE #5..........12 A.n. PEAK HOUR TUmUEG 'T:VUi'FIC EXISrrrNG, r,iQTOROJ-1A, TRAILER PARK, & F.U.D.-:" FIGURE #6...........1L~ P .I'I. PEAK nOUR TUmUIJG THAFJi'IC -- EXISTING, l-lOTOROIJA, TRAILER PARK, & P.U.D.-- FIGURE #7...........15 IJET\'!ORIZ TRAFFIC II.IF AC~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /16 HIGH\'JAY NE~rVJOHK THA VEL LANES -- Il'IGU RE /1-<3................... '17 OVEn-CAPACITY IIIGmJAyg IliPACfFED BY DEVELOPI:IElTT TRAFFIC -- FIGURE ;~9.......18 OVER-CAPACrry IIIGIHJAYS nlPAcrO]~:D BY BOYNTON BEACH FiALL, 110f[10nOLA, AND THE DEVELOPHEHl1 -- FIGURE 1;10.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '19 P:tOJECT ItOADT~'JAY REQUIREI.'lEITTS............................... .20 IlrrrEHSEC111ION VOLmm/CAP ACITY Uf~IITG CRlrrICAL IJANE CAPACI'rY AlTALYSIS -- FIGUm~ i;~'l 'j . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 2~ P~tOJECT ROAD1.'JAY REqUIHEI-;ElTTS -- FIGURE /1'12..................22 TRAE'FIC PEHFOm.IANCE Sfl'ANDAHDS CATEGORY EVALUATIONS.......... 2L~ OTHER INFLUENCING RESIDEITTIAlJ DEVELOH.1EWrS........... .APPEKDIX I! .i" TiVUTFIC GEiTERATION ATTHACTIONS....................... .APPEl'TDIX "B" TRAFFIC PERFOm~AlTCE STAI,;DARDS Cp.rrEGORY EVALUATIONS... .A.PPI;:~DIX IlOIl DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES \r~ INTRODUCTION A parcel of property with approximately 113 acres is being developed as a multi-family rental residential community. The site is located on both Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd. Avenue just west of the City of Boynton Beach, within the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County. The proposed residential site is ideal from a transportation aspect, since two major trip attractions-- Boynton Beach Regional Mall & Motorola--are within easy access resulting in a significant reduction of external trips beyond these generators. Refer to the Site Location Map--Figure #1 for further details. ~ Because of the ~aGnitude of the proposed residential development, it was essential to initiate a full traffic engineering impact assessment study to determine the degree of traffic generation and its subsequent influence on the transportation system. In undertaking this traffic study certain data had to be collected and analyzed so that the traffic flow & safety operational characteristics could be scrutinized. The data published by Palm Beach Area Planning Board as well as traffic counts & record plans received from Palm Beach County and Florida Department of Transportation were utilized. Also, traffic reports on the Boynton Beach Recional r.lall & r"lotorola were used. Findings and conclusions reached were based on the development at full capaci ty, thus reflecting an ul tir1J.ate highway impact. ..., -i- '"" ,- --, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PRojEC.t SITe /1VEAI'ue Alw. ZZ n/ '-' OLP !30YA/?"'o/V Nt: W" l3oY.Nrtut/ 1('clW ~ ~ .J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ tl ~ \) \(\ \t WCdL gJeIGHr ROAD - - '- - - oJ - ~ (;OL..P- 7<oAi? ".,:\"'"'!l'" ~ -2- DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES PIJANNING DATA The land use data for the proposod Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) -- Congress Lakes is based on facts and figures shotm on the site plan prepared by Menendez & Associates, Architects, Planners. The site will consist of 1260 rental units with the primary purpose of serving the Motorola employee population. Access to the residential facilities will be achieved with three direct accesses onto Congress Avenue in compliance with Motorola's access layout and one direct access onto N.VI. 22nd. Avenue. The characteristics of the development are as follows: multi-family rental units...................'1260 units recreational facilities.....................11.1 acres commercial -- 2.27 acres....................~1000 ft.2 Other pertinent data that \':as researched and collected includes the inventory of the major highway links, the transportation work program, existing traffic controls, and existing traffic count data. As a result of the closeness of the Motorola & Boynton Beach Regional f1all developments, the impact of traffic ~!ill be significant, thus the traffic data on these two projects were carefully reviewed & analyzed. Also, other residential & commercial developments in the vicinity \lere evaluated. rrhis data is indicated in Appendix lIAll -- Other Influencing Hesidential Developments & Appendi::: liB" -- Traffic Generation Attractions. -3- DANIEL N, MURRAY & ASSOCIATES TRIP GENE.RATION AND DISrrRIBUTION In determining the trip generation rate for the proposed Congress Lakes project, it was necessary to use the traffic generation rate data indicated in the 111981 Update Study Of Vehicular Traffic Generation Characteristics Within Palm Beach Countylf and to reference to the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation publication. The traffic generation rates used are as follows: multi-family rental units................7.5 trips/unit commercial...............................100 trips/1000 ft.2 recreation facilities....................1 trip/unit Based upon the traffic generation rate, the total daily vehicular trips were calculated and summarized as such: multi-family rental units.................9450 trips/day commercial................................2100 trips/day recreation facilities.....................1260 trips/day total generated trips = 12810 trips/day Since the ausiliary traffic generators--commercial & recreation facilities within a P.U.D. are predominantly serving the development, most of these trips will be internal to internal. Therefore, the trip patterns reflecting this characteristic are sho\:n as follows: _1:._ DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES Internal to internal trips recreation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . /1 13L1- trips/day commercinl...........................1050 ~rips/day bicycle & pedestrian to & from Motorola...............400 trips/day to & from Boynton Beach Regional Mall..........440 trips/day total = 302L1- trips/day As a result the external to external trips are summarized as follows: E:cternal to external trips residential..............9450 - 3024 = 6L1-26 triI1s/dc.;y 1050 trips/day commercial...............2100 - 1050 = recreation.............. .'1260 - 11.34 = 126 trips/d..1Y resulting external total = 7602 triDs/day -5- DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES The traffic distribution percentages were calculated by reviewing and evaluating the existing and future development within the sphere of influence. Additionally, the highway network that services the area was scrutinized to determine what route selections could be the driver's desired path. As a result the overall percentages are depicted in the External Trip Distribution -- Ficure ;l!2. Furthermore, the detailed neti.'lork distributions \-,'ere computed and summari zed in the Traffic Distribution Percentages -- Figure i!-2A. External Trip Distribution Table General Direction Percent of '[1rips Vehicles/Day north 2270 south 28~:j \'lest /] 57; east 357j 1672 2129 1'140 266/] total = 7602 -6- ~ ~ ....' ~~..,. ...~ ...J c.: 1\ Ic:-k I V rrL- / 1<' /-'" F/6vRE 'z L/lNr/}N/I J/YPoJ..UXO ~ ll: ~ 1\ ~ ~ ~ ..... - :t ~ "::i ~ ..1 .... ~ t:: ~ ~ ~ ~ OL&> !30Y.A/7'"tM/ N6"w' BOy,v7"4A/ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \l WO"L gXIGHr - -'~-- -.I - ~ G (> L.,e::- 1<oAP. r; -(- U/5- iR/dV / ION RonD ~ ~ Ron 0 /1I/EHQ~ ROAD ~ ~ ~ ~ ::> ~ N SeAL " I = 300' ).. ~ ~ ~ \.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1t ~ ~ \t. I K/IFrIC ~' t ,;, /C I Jj' UI I 0 ,v I'l;~/c:.~ c e AI' 'T';'6' ~ f 4F: N rl6uKG 2F1 1llo zJ LIlNrnNJ? RonD ~-.; ~ A-- ,1,. 4S- ~670 ~3% i- /7. ~ /JIo ~ 17. iI~o f ~ z~ JlYPo/..uxo Ro,q.o ~/h SCAli. zZ 4- " ~ ~3'Z / :: 300c l\ ,1b ~ ~ >... It t\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Cl 'S ~ ~ ~ ~ '.l ~ f ;) ..J ~ t ,% '" - /870 :t ~ MINeR Rol'1P ~ z7., -- --z7o -./1;. ~ 170 tt ::t f zZ 70 /10 5% 1 Atw. Z~ nt/. -- /7 VEH'ucr '-' ~5% ~S2 ~ ~ 3~ J ~ ~ PRoJ€C;r ~30Z t1. ~ ~ 5/T/3 ~ ~ + .38 % OLt:' !3oyA/7"oll/ - /7. 1%+ lo?.. ~Z8Z 1 Nt::,v BOY.Nr4N' !?o!U7 -iII>,3 ~3/, ~ --- ---/370 sf?,. .. -- z% \.. t 170 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ + /70 ~ s7u ~ ~ ,% ~ ~ ^ Q ~ ~ \l \4\ WCdL. gJeIGHr ROI4t:' - - - - - -J - -~~ ~z~ -+ - 1% J I IX ~ ,/,. z7. Gt>L.P- "..~ /~ ..- ~/% ~ -, DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES TRAFFIC ASSIG:NlIENT The traffic assigned to the highway network reflects the proposed residential project traffic at its full capacity of operation. The !lPvelopment traffic and the e~:istinc; highway traffic are both distributed on Congress Avenue and all major east--west connectors between Lantana Road & Golf Road which will be impacted by the P.U.D. traffic. The transportation facility needs for the development's traffic and the existing traffic can be determined by analyzing the traffic ShO\\ITl in the Daily Traffic Distribution--Fic;ure ,:~3 and in the P.U .D. Internal Roadway Daily Traffic--Ficure #4. .' ~ Since the propose~ development 1S located in the vicinity of two major traffic generators--Motorola & Boynton Beach ReGional Mall--it is essential to evaluate the traffic impact created by these developnents. Thus, the traffic computatiors sho','r~1. in the Daily Traffic 1:1ith Developments At f.1aximum Capacity--Figure ifi5 VIere Dade so that a level of service analysis could be undertaken. To compute the avero.c;e A.f.1. 8" P.I"1. peak hour traffic within the developnent ares, the traffic peak hour factors & directional splits indicated in the Institute of Transportation Encineers' Trip Generation publication were utilized. Additionally, count data taken in Januar;y, 197E; at the ConGress Avenue--Boynton v!est Road intersectio" vas used to examine traffic flo':,' trends on Concress Avenue. As a result of this information and personal knowledce of the area, the followinc; criteria ~'!as er:lployed: ....-~ -'.J'- on/LY 830Z. (76) 8378 -rR/Jrr/c P/..5/RIBU//o/V rlGu~c ~.3 L/l/V T /IN /I /Z zzz, (988) -./ - /3 Z I 0 JlYPOLuxo 14 1076'1 \\.) Q: (15Z) ~ Z(J()() tfS'1: ;:. ~ lo9J~ lit (J$z) ~ Q ~J ~ ~ ~ ~ ...j "" ..... ::t ~ /'r7//V/?'R ~ t:t /0000 ::t (/~7z,..) X II ~7 Z- - I Nw. CZ n/ 18'39) ~ (7~ -! '1'1/S' ~ .... , T ~ ~ ~ OLP ':SIB? (7/) '3Ztfo N~ L370b (7~) :137~ --- ^ ~ \:: '1775 (152.) "Z7 - ....j -- 10 100 (7~) 1()17~ Ge>t.F=- ~ Zo 31f (7t) Z 0 '170 N ROI1D I /5~93 -~ ,/ 1/82Z1 (+'56')J ~ L (ZZ8) ~5 1~? ~ /8lf'l1 61lf5o -4 - (Ja'l) 617511 SCAL1 Ro,q 0 I /285,/ j 1836'8 ^' ~ (76') (Z 28) ~ 't ~ 1308'7 ~ /8 II'!'! ::t ',J ~ ::l ~ J '~ 300( Rol'iP PRoYEC.r $/rE !3oy.vro..v 1$"00 (7Ifo) Z'Z~o - BOYN'rtJ/V' 13185'J t'1Z78 P" 1'816 l (IS'Z) ~ l (IZI') L1(3B,6) ~ /3:177, ~ 'Z.!;,,'if ~ zo 19! ~ ~ II 5'6~- I ,'.- ~ ~ (608' 1-1 6ZI'l-0 ~ \) ~ ...- ('1st) WOdL /3JeIGHr RotH) pZ.$"96 ,. 179Z/ L- (76) 1799Z - J.J:6~,vP 10/00 - - /fFXIS'T'/Nt; P/1"lly -r,reltrFle (711) -- 'Pevet..o prnl!..,Y 1'A/(Y 71!?1'1p.,r:"1t:: /0/71. -- 6.x/.1'T~N6 PllJt' 1>l!f'v~~(J?me'Kr .1>'!1/LY ..~-_._--,- ------ .._---~_._--.__.---~-~_.-------_._,---~---_._'-_.- - - R61'1D IZoo() ~ (7t) IZ 076 --- ~S/)D lISt. (I$'Z) 3Yc6 ~ '(3St>) 3786 --- Ra,qp /z o8"Z (16) IZ/5B - -. /?VEH(.I~ 6107D (In.) \ ~'ZZ2- /06$0 , (z 881> '-/3519 >......0,<;2 .D 18/110 (/)z) 18Z9Z - ~ -J ~ ~ ~ ~ II/S.f' (76) 1/27/ H1!'A,eF'/ ('" -10- DAILY TRAHli'IC \oJITH DEVELOPf-1ENT AT f-1AXIMill'1 CAPACITY Figure #5 Lilli/ T /hv /I ROI1D 12859 (228) ~ -1613- *2214-* \ 16914 ~ JlYPOLUXO Rol?O f :)CI:?L II 10000 I =30, C\ ~ (1672 ) Cl. A. Q: t\ -2689- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *5620* ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 19981 'oJ ~ J ~ ..J ~ ""4 ..... :t MINER /2'0190 ~ 10630 ":::i. t:t (2889) :t. -5368- *5560* 24447 Ni4I. 2'Z n/ /1VEH"~ ~ 19278 (1216) ..1 ~ PRo'fEC.r -9719- .... 'it ~ 5/rE *1945* ~ ~ 32158 OLO !3oy.vrtJY Nc:W BOY.lVrtJM Rc4P 13185 11500 ~ \.. ~ (152) ( 380 ) ~ ~ ~ -6392- -2345- ~ ~ ~ * 1184* *2330* ~ ~ ~ ),. 20913 tl \t ~ 16555 \l 'i \:: WO"'L.I3KIGHr - - - -.l - ~ GOL..,e:::- 1<oI'lP. LEGEND 11500 Existing Daily Traffic (380) P.U.D. Daily Traffic -2345- Boynton Beach Regional r>lall Daily Traffic *2330* Motorola Daily Traffic 16555 Total Daily frIo ffic -12- ----."-----.----.. - ---....-.--.. '-'--._'~_. ~ DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES Peak Hour Factor A.t-1. P . I'-l . Con~renG Avenue......................10%..........10% C L k D.,". 1 ani 1 0('1 onc;ress a~es eve.:.opmenv........... jO.......... IV Directional Split Congress Avenue southbound..................... .6096......... .q.096 northbound._. .. ................. .40;6....... .. .6076 Congress LakeD Development . 80"" .,~,.,' e ~::~ t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' ;;).......... :) ?>J entrance........................20%....~.....670 Besides applyinc; the above factors, the traffic data from the Motorola & Boynton Be3ch Regional Mall projects were used. As a result of carefully evaluating these facts, the dispersed peak hour traffic was assigned to the high\.:ay net\'JOrk:. This data is reflected in the A.I'I. g:. p.r'I. Peak Hour Turning Traffic -- Figures #6 & #7. -13- DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES ~ 1 NET',JORK THAJJliIC Ir"cP ACl1 Jince the proposed P. U ..D. 'dill ,_:enerate a certain level of trcffic beyond the surroundinc development roadway, it is essential to evaluate the traffic attractions and the most desired. roadvmy to meet these intents. By utilizinc the traffic distribution J}ercentac;es sho\':n in Figure l~2A, traffic volumes \'Jere calculated 0l.1 all hic;h':iay li:lks Vii thin the thorouGhfare plan. By usinG the recently established level of service ,IID" daily traffic voJ.ULles and applyinc; t'Lem to the HiC;h';,Tc~,=r ITet\Jork Trave:~ LalleS--Fic;ure /~G, the over--capacity hich~ay lil~S could be determined. The "es'1.1[-s of t:~ir oP"J,T('l',-, l'r< "l"O"'-l'l ~'J'; -1--11e O'ler C"OD"'Cl..1-H - '- J .....L U (.. l.U~ -v" U ~ ,;:) 1.).LJ.. H. ..L..J. V. _ - C4...J-'/C..l. vJ Ib ('11"""TC TF...'I~,c-r-ea' ;)-,}- De-vel or"en-I- rT1T'r;"~-"l' C--'i'l' ':'ur"" ,';0 . -u.i ...v.J 1-' ---'11. c:.. v ~ .l:)u _ ..J_ i)"J. ....l; J___ o:.;...l.L 1.: 0 - t:;:,'./. Ii'urthermore, since the ~oynton Beach Mall , aEo. I'lo-torola will directly irlpac~ -the same adjacellt ~li3~lway net\'JOrl;:, an eV2.1uatioll of the traffic impact at Level of Service "DII ",'as made. fLhe results sl1o':Jn in tbe Over-Capacity ~Iic;lnn1.Ys Im:p8.cted 3y 3oynto::L Beach 11a11, l~otoroL: and s:'he Development--Fisure /t'10 depict the hiCh':,rays over caps.city. '[1hcrcforc, in ~1 [,[;er]:Jl " the I;l':! fric ihpO,C l; em Lhc ':iC1Hfi.</ [lei.;\,or~:, it is iUPOi.';,:J.Ylt ~o consider trIG \.~C:r0rce of iLflu8lJ.C8 of this develo:) ,c~;t L'.nd other major :levelo~)JleEts. The final impact fee hus to ~e determined by takins in to accountL~eoc uattero. ,-- -16- f!IG}/W/J Y IV EI' WoRK- 7RflllGL J.FfN'E.5 rIG:uRE d"S N z'- W- L/lNT/J/V/i ROI1,O 2L- ~'- :?L.- 'Ii.- ZL.. Z/... . ZL ~ cSl- 1./1- ~ HYPoJ.uxo RonD SCALE " ' Z'- ZL- Z'-- ZL J :: 3000 ~ ~ C\ ~ Q: ~ Z" ~ l ~ 2L ~ ZL- ,'- ~ ~ '/L ~ 'S: \) ZL- ~ ~ '..l ..J 2'- ;:) ""4 ~ .... ::t MINeR Rol'1&> ZL- ~ Zl..- Z{... ZL- '::::i. ~ Ii 21- Zl- ZL- I./L All4/. z~nL /1 VE.N'ue ~ ZL- 2~ ~ ~ 2'- ~ PROJECt ~ ZL ~ Sire 6''- 'If.. ~ t'-- ~ ~ ZL OLO !30YN'7"tM/ Zt.- ZL. ZL ZL- Z'" N5w' ,BOYN'r4N' Ro4P ilL JlL- Z'- Z'- ZL. '1L- \.. ~ ~ ~ ~ l/L " 'It. ~ ~ ~ Zl- ~ 2'- ~ ~ ).. Q \t \l 'i ~ WOd.L./3JeIGHr Ro~l/ - '- - - ~L ~L -.l Lf.L- - ~ ZL 21.- ill, Gt>i..~ RoAP. ZL ZL- Z'- '~ ilL- 2L- ZL. Lt~~,/t/p ZL - -/WO IAlle v".J,'vIJeJ 1.,;J..W4Y -17- I./L - Eo", ~ lAne.- eI,v/;Jed J.I;~ w~y 6"~ -- ~I~ Ii( It ~ d,'v"~l!'d t!'. >c p"'''HW''Y ----- Mw. ZZ ntl /lVEHue '" ~ ~ ~ PRo:TEC;r ~ SITe 1./1- ~ ~ ~ OLP J3oYUroA/ 'IL N8W' BOY.N'r4;V If'- ~ ~ .j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'IJ_ ~ ~ ~ 0 '{ ^ \) \1\ ~ WCdL, /3KIGHr Rol4P - - - - - ..J - ~ 'II.. GoL.P- RoAP. " 4L- -18- L&'6 c.#P -=J= ~L. - 1?~(b~lfUiV L.A/V&.f .... OVER - CRPFlCrTY t!:.'6Hwny s I/>1PRcrdL/ N py PcV'crLOPP7F,v/' 7T~r/c... F/Gu~c #9 L/lNr/JN/1 RonD ~ Q: ~ ilL '1'- ~ ~ SCAd JlYPoJ..UXO Ro190 " I 'IL I :: ~oo ~ )... t\ ~ ~ ~ 'Ii- ~ ~ 'S: ~ ~ MIN&?'R Rol'1P ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '11- OVE?.e- CRPFJc/7'"Y BY pOY/ll'~OA/ ;Q.N'.o ,;.Iv - - H'/G'#W.I9Ys Ot.-:";e;CH m.l9~L V~Vr:r~(),PP7~, fMP/iCr&p /?7oroRtJi.,4 N / ,~ L/lNT/lN/I RonD .sF- PI G.vU 10 ~ ~ SCALi. JlYPOJ..VXO Ro190 II I :: 3000 'fL- if'- :>... ~ ~ C:l. It t\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ 'oJ ~ ~ ::J -..l tQ ~ ::t IY7/NER Rol'1P ~ '::i ~ Mw. ZZnL /71/&"A/1I~ ,t ~ ~ ~ PRo:T!:c.r ~ ~ Sire ~ ~ OLP J3oYN'~t>A/ tJL Nc:w Boy..vrcN'" }<o.qJ/ 6'i- \.. -J 'Ii. ~ ~ ~ l/'- 'It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I:) \t. ^ \) ~ ~ WO"" pJeIGHr Rol4P - - - - - ~ - ~ GOLP- J<oAP. ." -19- DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES .... PHOJ:SC'J~ ROADUAY nE(UI~Er,mIT'I'S The determination of the re~uired hiGhway G800etrics and "traffic control J:easures lIas file..cle ;)zr evaluating the previously indicated do.'ta. Included in the analysis were capacity exa~inationat the critical intersections. This da"ca is indicated in t:~e Intersection VolUl'JejCapacit;y-- FiGure ,,'/--:1, vihich is based 01 the Project Roadway [?,equirements--Figure IJ12. As 'a result of this traffic investigation report the followinG findines and recommendations were reached: ... 1) The intersection of ConGress Avenue & N.J. 22nd. Avenue Hill 80 major focal point for traffic c;enerated by Motorola, Sand & Sea Village, Sandhill commercial, as well as the proposed P.U.D. Therefore, besides a four lane divided typical section on all approaches, necessary left turn lanes & right turn lanes shall be provided on all approaches as indicated in the Figure #12. -Additionally" to efficiently & safely control the turninc maneuvers, it lS mandatory to install a traffic signal. 2) To facilitate the overall traffic flow on ConGross Avenue, the ric;ht turG deceleration lanes and left turn storc:q:;e lo.nes ShO\'.'Il in FiGure /!12 at tho P. U . D. ' s accesses is nf utmost importance. The intersectional turning nover.lents '.'fill be eJ'fectivelJ defined [;~ controlled and ali::.:;ned ';ii th the I'Iotorola, accesses, ,,.:hich 'dill DiniTilize the tr[~Lfic conflicts clncl ve:licuL::.r cielays. .. -20- .,', " DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES ~ ")) '1:11e intersection of N. ',oJ. 22ncJ.. AvenueK the P.U.D. access will ~e actively utilized by residential traffic 0:::1 both sides of I:~. ',;. 22nd. Avenue, iJ.S \'Jell as residents of Sand [,~ Ben Villut;e cornrnutil'lG to g~ fron the P.U.D. cOlmnerciul site. '-C'~lU3 the sUGc;ested lane confiC}.l.rations S110\:1:,1 in Fi~)_'.:::.'e ;?12 '.'Jill enhance the ove~211 traffic intersectional characteristics. Ii-) l1:he internal roadway accei3S ';Jhich intersects \iith Con3re::'~~3 AvemJ.e 2" N.U. 22nu. Avenue serves as an effective collector & feeder route. To achieve ~aximum safety and 8nhance t~e traffic flow, it is J:ecommen'ded that a four lane road',cay l;;ith a raised center island I)e construc':;e6.. rThe only median openinGS ;,:ill be at the raaj or inte:esectiol'S f3hovm in Figure /!12. r~:1ir.; ;,'lll as~m.re lillited sid e J'rictioYl and expeditous "\iehicle Elovement :)o);\.:een tile re;::;idellCi&I--COLlraercial--8~:ternal hiCln;ay net;'.Jorl::. c:,) mIle ill" ': or- l' 1'1~' e'....n ~ 1 -i "'1+ e Y" s e' c ~-l' on co <, YOe de C' l' ,,":' e L-l ,./.l. CJ..u -v _,-.._ _._ oJ__I.. V -'- U, t_J c...1.. ...::J u~... '.\ to in.clude necessary turn l().~es if the traffic ele:,mnds. 11"lese recomLe:i:ldations 2.re indicated ill FiGure /:12. ~,) The internal residen cial linl::s can s3.fel~r D~ effectively handle the traffic with two l~rre undivided ~liGl:l\"2Y rjOC, :;:i.ons. 'rllese are poi11~ed out in FiGure }12. ';) To :';;e:'''IC tho t;hrul;r::ffic:eecls on Concre~j~) Avenue ~ N.~. 22nd. Avenue it lS necess3ry that these hiGhways '.Je COilfjtructed to fov.r lane cl.ividc(1 sectiow". m'. . L1J.8 In conjunctin' 1,'itl1 the previou:.ily mentioned. turn lanes will establif3h ;~]: c~ccep'::;e.ble level of tr8.ffic flow G: safety. H01.iOVer tl1is iuprovelllent; i'lill be beT:eficial to sever2.1 0-[:;;.18:::' traf lic Genera t;o:~s, thereby req,uirinc a mutual SharinG in the fundinG of the improvements. -27)- DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES TRAFJi'IC PEHFORHAlfCE STANDARDS CATEGORY EVALUATIONS As mandated by Palm Beach County, all highway links within the zone of influence have to be analyzed to determine if there are critical capacity problems. Specifically, existing links over level of service "Dl!; links v.rhen impacted by development traffic over level of service "D"; and links vlhen impacted by other development traffic are over level of service "D"; have to be addressed each if no 'one controls. Thus a detailed examination of 20 affected links was made. The findings indicated that links #3, #5, #6 do not pass the Category "A" requirements. /rherefore, this project is considered a Category "A" project, I'lhich can not be built until some highway construction is committed. For further information on the analysis refer to Appendix "C" Traffic performance Standards Category Evaluations. -24- ~ , ~ DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX trAtr OTHER INFLUENCING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPr,mNTS DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES ... ,......... OTHER INFLUENCING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS Name 1) Meadows 300 2) Boynton Lakes 3) Sandhill 4) Sky Lake 5) Bass Creek II 6) Venitian Terrace Isles 7) Culver House 8) Country Club Trail 9) Cedar Glen 10) Woodside 11) Avondale Pines 12) Ridgewood Grove 13) Prides Crossing 14) Sportmans Club 15) Sand & Sea Village if. units 1394 1050 2600 197 406 160 450 7032 196 147 170 97 81 874 1000 status approved approved approved approved under constructior under constructior proposed under constructior approved under constructior under constructior approved proposed under constructior approved O-rHE/? fNrJ..UtNC/HG 1< E .>/PL61/7/.4t- PEVELo'?P7E#'r N ..... LIlNr/lNR RORD @ ~ ~ JlYPOI..UXO Ro190 SCALE II ' CD 0 I :: 3/)00 c.. ~ ~ ~ It @~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ :s: ~ tl( ~ '\j :l ...j ~ ~ '::t MINeR Rol'1P ~ ~ tt ~ @ Alw. ?Z nL /1 vENue ~ @ PROJEC.t --1 ~ .... ~ ~ @ 51rc t::: ~ Ol.P 13CJy.vroN" 0 @ 0) NEw' BOYA'r4J!/ !<o4P @ @ 0~ \-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q \t'. ^ \) @ \(\ ~ \:: WOd.LgJeIGHr RoAI/ - - - - - -.I - ~ G(>L.~ RoAP. .r ,~-.., r'~'" .~ .".--. I DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX ItBIt TRAFFIC GENERATION ATTRACTIONS I /.:../'I r F- 1'- l.::;7&::IV.....-"- ,; 'i .,/,.. ,/ ' , ,.. /'-/ i... i ,J IV .1 .3 .2 N 1f1 ./ .;? *3 ill 3 I - ~ - LIlNT/fN/I ROI1D ;. CD @gj -3 @) ~z ~ -If 1./ - ~ }iYPO/..uxo Ro/'i-O @ SCAL " J :: ~oo ~ ~ -!f" ~ ).,. It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ '\l ~ :l ....& ~ """ .... :t MIIII~R /<,OI'1P ~ ~ 5 ~ - -6 .5 .If 6 - "...... Mw. ZZ ntl. ~ vENue ~ /z -7 --1 - ~ PRo:TEC,r .... ~ ~ SITe -8 ~ ~ [jJ OLP !3oy,A/,oA/ lID .9 ./0 N6'w 13 0 Y.NrUV ?o4P @l!l1 .11 \.. -i .6 @J ~ ~ 12 ~ ~ _13 ~ .Jl/ ~ ~ ~ .1).... ~ ~ ~ Q \{ \) \4\ ~ 8 WOdL QJeJGHr - - - - ~ 0 -..I -8 .''1 - ~ ...... .., Gt>7~ -1 . /I .'0 ROAP. [i) .,3 q (j) fD ..L LEGEA/O eAN'K$ fHDPPIAlG ct?'/t/r~Rf emPL.o y rnt;:-N'T C~Hn?/Z- .,2 /0 -/ ~J ., SCHC6i5 ty),;ou:,At- FI1CILITI€J llGt:.el?nl1o/V' ;::.qc;/LI r/~J DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES ----..., .......;, '~.':.~. TRAFFIC GENERATION ATTRACTIONS .""-. I) Banks CD Peoples Federal Savings & Loan Association--Branch GD Atlantic Federal Savings & Loan Association--Branch CD First State Bank of Lantana-~Branch o Boynton Beach National Bank CD United Federal Savings & Loan Association--Branch GD Barnett Bank of Palm Beach County--Branch CD First Federal SavinGs & Loan Association--Branch CD .First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Lake Worth--Branch ~ Florida National Bank of Palm Beach County--Branch 10 Sun First National Bank of Palm Beach County--Branch 11 Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan Association of West Palm Beach--Branch ~ Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Palm Beach--Branch II) Shopping Centers [i] Lantana Shopping [ill (2) (!J ~I (E CZl [TII em Atlantis Plaza..............................63000 Center....................120000 ft.2 ft.2 ft.2 ft.2 ft.2 ft.2 2 Gulfstream Mall.............................71400 ft. K-Mart Plaza--Boynton Beach Shopping Center..164475 ft.2 Boynton Beach Regional Mall...............1057000 ft.2 Boynton Plaza..............................100000 Lantana Village Square.....................150000 Causeway Square Shopping Center............119900 Sunshine Square Shopping Center............106000 '~ DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES .-., <"".. III) Employment Center # employees 1 Mecca Farms, Inc............................300 2 Lantana Boatyard............................170 2 Rollyson Aluminum Products....................6 4 National Enquirer...........................334 2 Florida Pneumatic Manufacturing Corp.........80 6 Knollwood Groves.............................73 7 Quail Ridge, Limited........................308 8 Gulfstream Lumber Company...................125 9 Metal Products of Palm Beach.................80 10 ReI Inc. ITP Corp...........................186 11 .Grimes Division of Midland, Ross, Florida Development Center...................56 12 Motorola...................................1606 (1981) 5420 (2000) ,....., IV) Schools enrollment . 1 Northern Private School...................110 . 2 Barton Elementary School..................664 . 3 Lantana Elementary School.................562 · 4 Lantana Community Junior High School......570 . 5 Lake Worth Christian School...............110 . 6 Rolling Green Elementary School...........648 - 7 Storybook Elementary.......................87 .8 Poinciana Elementary School...............813 .9 Galaxy Elementary School..................450 -10 Christian Academy of Boynton Beach.........80 .11 Boynton Beach Elementary School...........329 .12 Forest Park Elementary School.............483 .13 South Technical Training Center...........982 .14 St. Vincent De Paul Seminary...............66 ~\ DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES - ........ "'t:.'I'J v) Medical Facilities beds * 1 John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital..........277 * 2 Atlantis Convalescent Center...............120 * 3 Finnish--American Rest Home................125 * 4 Bethesda Memorial Hospital.................300 * 5 Boulevard Manor............................110 VI) Recreation Facilities . 1 Atlantis Country Club & Inn -2 Atlantis Golf Club .3 Osborne Park ."*"" .4 Cypress Creek Country Club -5 Military Trail Golf & Tennis Club .6 Pine Tree Golf Club, Inc. -7 Indian Spring Country Club .8 Qual Ridge Golf & Tennis Club .9 Semi-Private Recreation Areas .10 Country Club of Florida . 11 Delray Dunes Golf & Country Club .12 Hunter's Run Golf & Racquet Club .13 Leisureville Golf Club .14 Little League Park ,..--, DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX "C" TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS CATEGORY EVALUATIONS DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES DESCRIPTION OF HIGHWAY LINKS Link If Highway 1 Congress Avenue Congress Avenue Congress Avenue Congress Avenue Congress Avenue ConGress Avenue Congress Avenue N.W. 22nd. Avenue Ivliner Road Hypoluxo Road IIypoluxo Road Lantana Road Lantana Hoad Old Boynton Road 1'1e':[ Boynton Road New Boynton Road New Boynton Road New Boynton Road Woolbright Road Lo.v:rence B.oad 2 :5 4 5 6 7 8 o .J '10 11 'i2 '13 '1 LI_ 15 16 17 18 '19 20 Highway Section Limits Project Site to Miner Road Miner Road to Hypoluxo Road IIypoluxo Road to Lantana Road Project Site to Old Boynton Road Old Boynton Road to New Boynton Road New Boynton Road to Woolbright Road Woolbright Road to Golf Road Project Site to 1-95 Military Trail to 1-95 Congress Avenue to 1-95 ConGress Avenue to Military Trail Congress Avenue to 1-95 Congress Avenue to r'1ili tary Tro.il Congress Avenue to Lm':rence Road Congress Avenue to 1-95 1-95 to Federal Highway Congress Avenue to Lawrence Road Lawrence Road to Military Trail Congress Avenue to 1-95 'Old Boynton Road to He\'/ Boynton Road DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOC1A TES PROJECT LOCATION Westside of Congress Avenue at N.W. 22nd. Avenue PROJECT SIZE 1260 units CATEGORY "A" ITfl1 DESCRIPTION Present AADT ................. Petition Traffic ............. Present Laneage ............. 2L Level of Service "D" Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . Level of Service 1) 2-1ane (5%) = 575 2) 4-lane (4%) =1104 3) 6-lane (3%) =1242 . . . . . . . . Percentage of Assigned Traffic Above Level of Service "DII Capacity . . . . . . . Project............. CHECK 1 10000 1672 11500 N/A H/A Approval 2 10000 1368 2L '11500 N/A N/A Category "A" Link # " ~ 12222 988 2L 11500 Yes 9~o Denial l~ 10630 2889 2L 11 500 N/A IT/A DANIEL N, MURRAY & ASSOCIATES PROJECT LOCATION \'Jestside of ConGress Avenue at H.\'!. 22nd. Avenue PROJECT SIZE 1260 units CATEGORY IIA" CHECK Link # ITEl1 DESCRIPTION 2- 6 .2...- 8 Present AADT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11500 11500 12000 3406 Petition Traffic ............. 2'129 608 152 380 Present Laneage ............. 2L 2L 2L 2L Level of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . '11500 11 500 11500 11500 "D" Capacity , Level of Service 1) 2-lane (5%) = 575 . . . . . . . . Yes Yes OK N/A 2) 4-lane (4%) =1104 . . . . . . . . 3) 6-lane (3%) =1242 . . . . . . . . Percentage of Assigned Traffic Above Level of ....... 19% Service IID" Capacity 50/ /v 10f /.J If/A Category "A" Project............. Approval Denial DANIEL N, MURRAY & ASSOCIATES PROJECT LOCATION Viestside of Congress Avenue at N.v/. 22nd. Avenue PROJECT SIZE 1260 units CATEGORY II All CHECK Link # ITEI1 DESCRIPTION ..l 10 /1 1 ~ Present AADT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500 12859 10764 15493 Petition Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 228 '152 456 Present Laneage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2L 2L 2L 2L Level of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . '1"/500 11500 11500 11500 "D" Capacity , Level of Service 1) 2-lane (5%) = 575 ........ N/A OK N/A OK 2) 4-lane (4%) =1104 ........ 3) 6-lane (3%) =1242 ........ Percentage of Assigned N/A 21'/ N/A 496 Traffic Above Level of ....... 70 Service "D" Capacity Category "A" Project............. Approval Denial DANIEL N. MURRAY & ASSOCIATES PROJECT LOCATION Uestside of Congress Avenue at N.W. 22nd. Avenue PROJECT. SIZE 1260 units CATEGORY IIAII ITD1 DESCRIPTION Present AADT ................. Petition Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . Present Laneage . . . . . . . . . . . . . Level of Service IIDII Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . Level of Service 1) 2-lane (5%) = 575 2) 4-lane (4%) =1104 3) 6-lane (3%) =1242 . . . . . . . . ........ ........ Percentage of Assigned Traffic Above Level of Service IIDII Capacity . . . . . . . Project............. CHECK ...n 8302 76 2L 1 '1 500 N/A N/A '1 Lj. 1500 760 2L 11500 N/A N/A Link # ..-12. 19278 1216 4L 27600 N/A N/A Category IIA" Approval Denial ..1.2.. 19816 380 4L 27600 N/A N/A DANIEL N, MURRAY & ASSOCIATES PROJECT LOCATION \'!estcide of Conc;resG Avenue at iT. VI. 22nd. Avenue PROJECT SIZE '1260 units CATEGORY lIA" ITD1 DESCRIPTION Present AADT ................. Petition Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . Present Laneage . . . . . . . . . . . . . Level of Bervice "D" Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . Level of Service 1) 2-lane (5%) = 575 2) 4-lane (4%) =1104 3) 6-lane (3%) =1242 ........ ........ ........ Percentage of Assigned Traffic Above Level of Service lIDlI Capacity ....... Project............. CHECK 17 13185 152 2L '11 500 OK "I )'~ 18 9775 152 2L 11500 N/A N/A Link # 1<) 10218 304 4L 27600 N/A N/A Category "A" Approval Denial 20 3184 76 2L 11500 N/A H/A ~~ ; I....... '" ~ ..#. _.':--~.;."". -,."- .,;. .. -..r. _. .... -....01.. '.. .. . .....,-6-~..;,::~i-l~- 41-.t-_-_" .:::;~~;;...~ :-.: ~~;..,. ......-, ~'~.I~-,,:" ..-..~;.....,~ ";.--.~ - ""'".-." " ~- .. 't,___' .~ -~. . . .... ~ " '- / , - i J ~~;./..;-~:::. ~;--I ..~.;JF' ~/ .......-."'.',...:'-...~.........- .. 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